Posts: 336
Hi I am looking for a recipe for fake male cum like what they use in some movies. I have a dildo that squits and need to fill it with something else rather than warm milk. I am sure there are other wives and cucks out there that coud find some use for the fake cum when they cant get to see thier bulls as often as they would like. Any help PLEASE. Love Lynne xxxxx
Posts: 336
Surly someone can help. Would prefer something that looks and tastes like cum.
Posts: 645
Recipe #1
250ml of water plus 2 flat tablespoons of plain flour
Pour about 250ml (or one and a half mugs) of cold water into a saucepan and add two flat tablespoons of flour. Once you get used to it, it's arguably easier to sort out your quantities of flour and water by eye.
Mix the flour into the water until you have no lumps whatsoever - I find it best to use your hands for this. When you've finished, it should look like you have a saucepan full of milk. If it doesn't you've either got too much or too little flour.
Bring to the boil, and then simmer over a high heat, stirring constantly, until it thickens. You'll end up with a slightly opaque solution, with the viscosity of warm KY Jelly.
Leave it to cool for about 15 minutes.
The stuff also makes great setting lotion for hair. Oh, and if you add food coloring, you can use it as semi-permanent hair color.
It lasts about three days without refrigeration. It's edible of course.
Other cum recipes to experiment with:
1) Sweetened condensed milk mixed with water.
2) Condensed milk, egg white and sugar
3) It's called "arrowroot" and you'll find it on the spice rack in the supermarkets. Chinese cooks mix it with water and simmer it in a pan to make a clear thickener for their sauce. When it's simmered enough it gets the perfect consistency of cum
Recipe #2
Recipe For Cum by Hamilton G.
This recipe for theatrical cum looks like real cum, has no sugar (so as to discourage yeast), and has a neutral taste so that you can really get into the fantasy. Because it contains raw egg white you should make it fresh right before use and discard the leftovers. If you are concerned about using raw egg, either don't swallow it (half the fun!), or use pasteurized egg whites, which can be purchased in most supermarkets. However, fresh egg gives a better consistency.
1 cup water
2 tablespoons cornstarch
1 raw egg white
1 tablespoon plain yogurt
pinch of salt
Dissolve cornstarch in 1/4cup of water and set aside. Bring the remaining water and a pinch of salt to a simmer in a small saucepan, then stir the cornstarch to redissolve it and stir it in. Simmer and stir the mixture for about two minutes, it will be very thick. Cool the mixture thoroughly. If you don't let it cool the egg will get cooked. If you are impatient, set the pan in a bowl of ice and stir to speed the cooling. When cool, stir in the egg white and yogurt. Mix thoroughly with a wire whisk until smooth. If you want a little more flavor you can add ¼ teaspoon of vanilla extract and some Equal or Splenda for sweetness when you add the egg.
If you don't have a toy to use with this, you can get a squirt bottle (such as is used for ketchup) in supermarkets or kitchen stores. Fill the bottle and put it in the microwave for about fifteen seconds to make it just warm.
Posts: 336
Many Thanks
Posts: 176
#5 · Edited by: HopeToBeCucked
Another suggestion is to use "Jizz" lube.
What type of (squirting) dildo do you have? Thanks,
I found This: Thought I should pass along this safety tip sent in by a friend: "I recently purchased a dildo with a squeeze bulb to make it squirt during play. The manufacturer included a recipe for "cum" that included sweet condensed milk, egg white and sugar. A friend in the medical profession pointed out that sugar in vaginas can cause instant yeast infections and probably wouldn't be a good idea for anal play either. Additionally, raw egg white can be a source of salmonella which causes Salmonella enterocolitis, an infection in the lining of the small intestine. He suggested using plain yogurt and diluting it with water to the consistency of cum.
Posts: 623
Yoghurt and water works well
Posts: 231
I have a tried and trusted method for cum...first take my cock!!!!
Posts: 231
I have a tried and trusted method for cum...first take my cock!!!!
Posts: 418
#10 · Edited by: coloneldenier
I found a recipe for homemade sex lube, namely water and glycerine mixed with polyethylene oxide (PEO) and methyl cellulose (methocel). PEO is a popular component of sex lubes such as "Wet" and methocel is thicker and used in KY Jelly.
This results in a VERY slippery mixture that eclipses any commercial sex lube you can buy. I added some white hand lotion to this mix and it is closer to cum in texture and appearance than anything else I have ever heard of.
You can see something similar if you google for "japanese lotion play."
I have the recipe if anyone is interested. If you don't want the hassle of making this stuff, I've found that dissolving a cup or so of cornstarch in a quart or so of boiling water will make a very close cum substitute. It is, however, messy (powdery) when it dries and is a "one time use" formula as it will not keep.
Posts: 9
hi no need to make fake cum call round and she can have as much of the real thing as i can give just keep the condom tied up till she gets home
Posts: 176
Although I haven't tried it yet, there's a lube called "Liquid Silk" which is white in color. I suspect if you mix a little regular (i.e. clear) lube with it, you could get a substitute that's at least visually close to the real thing (and presumably safe to use).
Posts: 22
norty2nzMMM you would be a great fuck, love to have hubby lick my balls as I fill you!