Great thread!!
A little while ago, we had a former neighbopur's mister to stay for a couple of nights, as they had moved away and he was back on a visit to some of his old friends and we were able to put him up in the spare room. He is 20 and very horny - my wife'e exact words.
Well, on the second and final night, after I had noticed that they had been flirting all evening, I went to bed, leaving them up. By about 3am, still no sign of the wife, but I could hear muffled noises from his room and I knew straight away that they were having sex - my cock almost exploded on the spot, as I have fantasised about this for ages and pestered her to relax with other men, but no luck so far.
A little after 5, I heard the front door shut, so I went to the window and saw that he had sneaked off and got into his car and drove off. I went into thte spare room, horny as hell, to find my wife lying there, with his spunk over her arse and drops of it on the matress (they had put a a mattress on the floor to make less noise).
i got the camera and tokk a few pics before diving in with my tongue and licked up all of his cum, then licked and sucked at her wet panties, licking more cum out of her. She told me they had sex three times and asked me if I liked it - I could hardly contain myself!!
I then entered her wet, sloppy fanny and got her to tell me all about it once more, in ebven graeter detail. I couldn't last too long and shot up her in only a couple of minutes and she knew that I had been srious all those times I had asked her to relax with other guys. In the morning, we talked about it more and she asked me if I wanted her to do it again and of course I said yes! That was, provided I got the creampie and ideally her spunky panties, as by now she was guessing that I also loved the tatse of cum.
Hope to repeat this again in a couple of weeks, will keep you posted - a pic or two now to keep you going!