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Reading wife's email...

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It certainly sounds like the most promising scenario to have emerged since her last bull faded off the scene, many months back. Given that you know your wife is attracted to Peter, and that she's also interested in him....and particularly now that you've disarmed Peter's reservations and given him essentially a green light to make a move on your wife, you have very good reamister to be optimistic that something may occur between them.

If I were you, I'd even consider having an additional conversation with him before things commence. I'd seriously consider letting him know that although you definitely don't want your wife to be aware of what she's up to, it does excite you to know that she's being fucked by another guy. You could even explain how things worked between you and the previous Bull, and perhaps ask that in return for setting him up with your wife, and giving him conscent to have an ongoing discrete sexual arrangement with her, he simply seek to make it worth your while in a similar way, but getting some pics, video or sound recordings of their romps. Be sure to explain that his need for confidentiality and yours and your wife's is one and the same. It would give him a way to repay your generosity, in setting him up with your wife, and giving him the ongoing pleasure of sexually enjoying your wife....and like the former bull, I think he'd be happy to do it, as a gesture of thanks and goodwill.

You could even tell him to push the envelope a bit with her, to reinpower the notion that he is NOT her husband...and that he is a demanding, sexually dominant Alpha male. Japanese women tend to respond far better, when led...and the majority ARE true submissives, sexually. I'm pretty sure she'd be excited and would respond very favorably, if he took that posture.

Here's hoping that the coming weeks see your sexy Japanese wife, for the first time in months, taking a solid, aggressive fucking from her new Bull, Peter. Fingers crossed that happens soon...


Posts: 165
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Thanks for all the suggestions and encouragement. Looking to set something up in the next two weeks. Peter does not need much of a push to do this but still there is some coaxing involved. My wife, as readers of my posting probably can gather by now, does not jump into bed with just anyone. Whereas the last bull was an ex-boyfriend so there is familiarity, this time it is a relative stranger. So seduction is needed to get her to cross the line. On the other hand, the fact that it is with a relative stranger she has never slept with before should unleash even more of her sexuality. I was thinking of sending to Peter a couple pictures of my wife to further stoke the flame but decided not to. He should earn them Also, it would be that much more exciting if later on, she sends them to him herself!
orban victoria


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Did I understand right, your wife reads this forum????????


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If you read this thread in its entirity, you'll understand that she could not possibly read this forum, or the game would be she would understand that her husband knows what she's been up to. Her husband has deliberately not let on that he knows, because he feels that it would ruin it for her, if she was aware that he knew. He enjoys the fact that she has fooled around in the past with a former boyfriend, and has been striving to sew the seeds of opportunity, to see that she starts a similar sexual relationship with another, new Bull.


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YouHerUs >

Clearly the dynamics of the current situation are different to the former, with her having previously had an intimate relationship with that Bull. In regards to Peter though, based on how she dirty-danced with that stranger on New Year's Eve while she thought you were out of sight, I'd bet money that she'll react positively to a seduction attempt by Peter. He's not a complete stranger afterall, as you've already met socially, and he's had a chance to build some rapport with her already. He's not a completely unknown quantity to her. I'd bet that if Peter plays his cards right, she'll be putting out in no time.


Posts: 165
#186 · Edited by: YouHerUs
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looks like we are narrowing down on a date for july 8 or 9
orban victoria


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Here's hoping that your wife agrees to his date proposal, and that either than night or in the week or so that follows, Peter subsequently gets the opportunity to slide his cock into her pretty mouth for the first time...and then, to fuck her. With any luck Peter will be forthcoming with either sound recordings or pics and videos of their liamisters, as time goes by. I hope he gets himself an ongoing position for himself, between her thighs, where he can pleasure her, then unload copious amounts of his cum...and simultaneously enjoy the tits that he's been missing so much, since he split up with his Japanese ex-wife. He's hoping he soon becomes, her new Bull....and that his lust for her drives him to mount and fuck her regularly.


Posts: 165
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David...well said as always!

The next week will be a long one as I wait for their potential date to arrive. I realize patience is required though. Seduction flames the fire. My wife will be that much more responsive and in a way, Peter needs this seduction as well. While he is already excited, I can imagine his hunger to be that much more intense after some chase and more willing to play the game. I suspect this will happen pretty quickly though. My wife has not had another lover since the last bull and I am sure she longs to dive back into her sexuality again in a way she can never do with me.

I have also greatly missed being the bystander to her erotic escapades. Thinking that she may soon again be regularly spreading her legs and guiding another man inside her is very exciting. Hoping that Peter can show her some new things in bed and bring her to yet another level of her sexuality.


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Here's hoping the days ahead until their first date pass swiftly, and that you soon are back to enjoying being cuckolded, once again enjoying the eroticism and voyeurist pleasure of the activities, via her new bull.


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SO how have you arranged things? Are you going away for a trip?


Posts: 165
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I have a business trip July 8-10. I leave early morning on 8th and back very late at night on 10th. He will call her late morning of 8th to ask her out hopefully for that same night. I don't think she has anything special planned for those days but still you cannot expect any particular night to be free. But they will have more than one night to choose from given my schedule. I am not going to tell her about my trip until the day before so she does not have much chance to make plans to go out with one of her girlfriends.
orban victoria


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Great plan! I hope he will manage to fuck her!


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It's almost that time...when you'll have the chance to see whether your wife will open her arms, and spread her legs, to a new Bull. I for one will be hoping that she does.


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how is the plan progressing You Her Us?


Posts: 165
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Sorry for the long silence. I really did have to work out of town so did not have time to post what has been going on. They did not have sex so if all you care about is that then move along. Many things did happen though and moving in right direction and I will try to capture them.

So Peter called my wife on Wednesday. He made, in hindsight, a mistake the turned out to be not a mistake. Read on and you will find out why I say that. Anyway, he called and said he was looking for me but when told I was out of town asked if my wife would meet him for dinner because he had some documents he wanted to give me. She agreed and later even told me about it. They had dinner. She enjoyed his company. Took the package. Peck on the cheeks. And the date was over. Peter set it up like a business dinner and he got essentially a business dinner. My wife must have thought I would know about their meeting anyway since the package would be there. So there was nothing illicit about the night. Not a very good start for someone who wants to be a bull.

Peter told me what happened and I told him he should try again. This time it be a social evening. Nothing to do with business or with me. As I was to be out of town until Friday and Peter in town for two nights as well, he had a second chance. I also told him he should figure out a way to get my wife into his hotel room so there is privacy. She will never behave any way but very proper in public. Have dinner in the hotel's restaurant. Or at least within short walking distance so there is no need to figure out where to park and how to meet.

So he called again Thursday late morning. Obviously she knows that he realizes I was still out of town. He basically just asked her for a date. Saying he really enjoyed her company last night and wondering if she would like to have dinner again. He said she hesitated a little bit before saying yes. As his work meetings will run right into dinner hour (which is actually true), he suggested that they just meet at his hotel's lobby to avoid having to time the meeting perfectly. Not sure what she is thinking about all this at this point but when I called her later that day to see how she is doing, unlike the night before, she did not mention this new dinner date with him.

So they had dinner that night in a restaurant just a few doors away from the hotel. According to Peter, my wife was more relaxed. Still not flirtatious though. Still dressed conservatively. Conversation wandered around and touched on everyday things. After dinner he finally started to try something. He said that he has something to give her to thank her for taking the package last night. He forgot it in his room though so would she mind coming up to get it. She said sure and went up with him. He had bought her a box of chocolates and gave it to her. Thanking her again for meeting him and also how much he enjoyed her company. Peter said it was a little bit awkward then. Not really sure what comes next. No clear signal from her as she just made a lot of polite talk about how much she enjoyed the company as well and thanking him for dinner.

He then said something that I think nudged the situation. He asked her if I knew she was having dinner with him again. She was caught off guard a little bit but said no. He then said, "that's good.". She said,"oh really?" Then more awkward silence. But then she broke the ice and asked him if he would like to try some of the chocolates. He finally took that as some sort of signal and relaxed himself. He proceeded to make some coffee from the machine in the room but not before taking off his jacket and tie, unbuttoned a couple buttons on his shirt, and rolled up his sleeves. They settled down to spend some more time together. The big difference is that they are now alone and out of public's eyes.

His room had a separate seating area with sofa. They sat there. It was a big sofa and Peter said she did not sit right next to him but she also did not perch on the far end. She became the perfect Japanese hostess though and served the chocolates and poured the coffee. As she was fiddling with the cups, she casually asked him "So what was so important about the documents you gave me yesterday. Couldn't you have mailed them? My husband will not have time to see them until the weekend anyhway." Peter sort of stammered out an answer that he figured he would be in town anyway and did not realize I would be out of town. (I made a big show after I came home of saying how I needed those documents for Monday but you do wonder if she suspects a set up but
turning a blind eye on purpose.) She clearly though was trying to tease him because she then asked, "And tonight? Just a social call?" He said yes. She asked, "Your wife does not mind?" He said, "My wife does not know." She then said something like, "So you wife does not know and my husband does not know." He said, "Yeah...funny how it works that way."

Peter said she was looking down at the coffee, but then tilted her head a little bit towards him somewhat coyly, patted and sort of rubbed his bare arm where he had rolled up his sleeves and said, "Don't worry, I won't tell." At this point, Peter finally took that as a clear signal and placed his hand on her knee. She did not move towards him or away from him. But he then took her hand and pulled her to face him and towards him. They then kissed. Tentatively at first but then passionately. She pressed herself against him and he could feel her full breasts pushed against him. They basically made out like teenagers for maybe 15-20 minutes. He has his hands cupped around her breasts, had unbuttoned several buttons of her blouse and was able to lean down and kiss the top of her breasts and between her cleavage. Her hands in the meantime stayed around his neck, shoulders, and back. As he went to go behind her to unhook her bra, she pushed him away and hastily said sorry but she needs to get back. Peter said she was flushed. Her hair was messed up. But she looked so sexy with her blouse half buttoned and breasts practically spilling out.

Peter was a gentleman though and immediately backed off and apologized. She said don't be sorry. That she wanted it too but just not tonight and not so fast. She said she was sorry for getting him all worked up. They stood up and hugged and kissed again. This time, Peter held her close against him. He said she must have felt his enormous hard-on against her. He held her for several seconds...enough so she probably could even feel his cock throbbing against her. Peter said he certainly could feel it throbbing. She hastily buttoned her blouse and fixed her hair. Gathered up her things and before she slipped out the door turned to him and said, "call me ok?" and then left.

Nothing else happened over the weekend but Peter do plan to contact her this week. I recommended that he email her because she tends to express herself with less reservation that way. It is often more embarrassing to say some things out loud than to write it and simply click send. Besides, that way I get to read the emails.


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Well, well, well... Although things started off a bit tentatively, Peter succeeded in getting her alone, and was able to break the ice and make out with her. A little surprising that she was able to put the breaks on when they were making out....and pull back. Still, the genie is out of the bottle now....and now she's left to contemplate what her next move will be. She was probably a bit overwhelmed with getting caught up in the passion of the moment, and felt she needed the time to think, before setting that rollercoaster ride in motion. It's understandable that she's cautious...and I think she was sensible to adopt that approach. It was very wise of Peter not to press her then...and to instead, allow her to make that withdrawal gracefully. He will have won trust and bonus points in her books, for reacting in that way. least now she knows that he's keen to get it on with her, and that, like her, he's up for a discrete, no-strings-attached, arrangement....on the side. She hasn't had this opportunity for a Peter will have her attention now, you can count on that. I agree with you that email is a more likely way that she'll feel comfortable expressing herself to him, safely at arm's length. My guess is that there will be some toing and froing, setting up ground rules, and developing "an understanding"....prior to any subsequent meeting. My guess is, if she meets him again in private, she will have gone there with the intention of having him fuck her. It looks to me that she was good to go sexually, but that psychologically, the alarm bells were ringing...warning her to look before she leaped. Anyway, now that they've already made out....discussions from now on between them, are bound to be with a view to commencement of a sexual arrangement.

Great result for there first encounter !!!


Posts: 165
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I think my wife went to that date expecting something yet not committed to anything. Even though she wanted something to happen I don't think she really thought through it either. She is also not a "slut wife" and does not hop into bed with someone casually. Maybe still has a sense of "never relax with anyone on a first date" type of mentality. Even her affair with the ex-boyfriend took several months of teasing and flirting before something happened. I am amazed so much happened already with Peter. She is clearly getting a bit bolder. But I still enjoy her tentativeness. I think it is part of her attraction to slowly open herself up (no pun intended) to new sexual experiences.


#199 · Edited by: dcg1963
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Quoting: dave11

In reading your posts here I find them very erotic.

Once thing that I wish for you is that your wife could be honest with herself and open up her thoughts and feelings directly to you and you both could share and enjoy them together directly.

For the record, it's not MY wife we are discussing is the Japanese wife of YouHerUs.

I, myself, am not, nor have I ever been married, or even engaged for that matter. The truth is, of the few hundred couples I know, there are only two or three I'd willingly change places with. Most of them don't have the type of relationship I'd even want. For the most-part though, I'm simply content to be a free wheel...doing as I choose, when I choose, with whomever I choose. You can't teach an old dog new tricks they say...and at 45 years of age, it's way too late for me to be trained to be a house dog. I'm too used to doing my own thing, going my own way, being my own way, and pleasing myself. Compromise and constantly integrating somebody else into my existence appears mainly as, a pain in the ass. It's just not me. Not interested in having kids, or a nagging in all likelihood, I'll be remaining single. It's a hard life, but somebody's got to do it. ... I'm happy I took, the road less travelled.


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Quoting: YouHerUs
I think my wife went to that date expecting something yet not committed to anything. Even though she wanted something to happen I don't think she really thought through it either. She is also not a "slut wife" and does not hop into bed with someone casually. Maybe still has a sense of "never relax with anyone on a first date" type of mentality. Even her affair with the ex-boyfriend took several months of teasing and flirting before something happened. I am amazed so much happened already with Peter. She is clearly getting a bit bolder. But I still enjoy her tentativeness. I think it is part of her attraction to slowly open herself up (no pun intended) to new sexual experiences.

I love that, about Japanese women. They are generally a little "coy" and apprehensive about such things. Their natural reservation, tentativeness and cautiousness, make them even more attractice attractive. They are authentically-feminine, simply by being themselves. Rarely do you find 'typical' Japanese women being brash, loud, obnoxious, insensitive or just plain rude. No surprises why so many of find them so appealing, and end up with an incurable case of Asian Fever.

Anyway...steady as she goes. Here's hoping your wife will navigate these waters, and find it within herself, to permit the indulgence of an on-going sexual relationship with Peter, in coming weeks or months.


Posts: 165
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Peter backing away that night was really a good move on his part. He and my wife have been chatting regularly all week and they are on good terms. He really put her at ease by giving her space and not they are flirting a bit again.


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Attempting to railroad her into such an arrangement quickly, would have spooked her and thereby illiminated any chance of her ever even considering such an affair. She'll open the door and give him another opportunity, when she's good and ready...and once she gets too hot and horny to resist the temptation to. At least now, she has a go to guy...if she decides she wants to play.


Posts: 165
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Oh I know she is hot and horny. I found in the bed yesterday jammed in the sheets one of her panties. Wonderfully musky. Not sure if she took it off while masturbating in bed and forgot it or somehow stripped it off herself during the night while relaxing.


Posts: 165
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The conversations between Peter and my wife have gotten more heated over the past week. They started as teasing but have gotten more explicit lately. In the last exchange, my wife asked him out of the blue when he plans to be back in town.
orban victoria


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I like this thread. Any chance them to meet?
Restart cuckold life could be wonderful for you.
My wife broke up with her lover and I'm not a cuckold since april.
I can't wait to turn back our life to cuckolding again.


Posts: 85
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Really like this thread. I hope he will be back soon in town for the both of you. I wait patiently to the outcome of this new start in your cuckoldlife to read further updates.


Posts: 65
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I really enjoy this thread too. Thanks for sharing!


Posts: 9
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Amazing thread. Thanks so much for all your hard work of organizing and posting. I can't wait to read your next post. I am with an American woman who would never do this lifestyle, so reading about your adventures is the closest I will ever get to having my dreams come true. I have an old tiawainese girlfriend that I speak to in another state, just as friends, so I am pretty much always in a state of wishfulness and unfulfilment. So, again, thanks for posting because you can't know how much this means t whoever may be reading.


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Hi realmanohio,

My wife is asian and while she is willing to indulge some of my fantasies, she will not do everything. What I am trying to say is that there is nothing inherently different about asian women to western women, some are ultra conservative, some are not. There is nothing particularly promiscuous about asian women.

Perhaps those who are born in the east and come to the west are more open minded, just as anyone who has lived in more than one different culture becomes.

What I am trying to say is that I am genuinely sorry you feel unfulfilled, but its not because your wife is american instead of asian. It's just because she isn't kinky.

YouHerUs, we are all interested to learn what happens.


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Yes, I agree with what you are saying. In fact, if I were with my old asian girlfriend she would be very shy and there is a good chance she would never do anything like this. BUT...there is also a chance that she could be opened up and led into a greater world of experience as she is very suggestible to me for some reamister...and that is what I daydream about. Oh well. Thanks for talking with me about it, as I never get to say this out loud anytime.
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