Posts: 65
My favorite thread : )
Posts: 165
#392 · Edited by: YouHerUs
Not much to report. Her parents are in town for extended visit during the holidays. Puts a damper on things.
Thought I would just upload pictures of the lingerie I had bought for her. She cut off the tags and presumably tried it on. Not "used" though as far as I know. Her wearing it would drive any man crazy no? In the meantime, I am trying my best to keep her libido percolating.
Posts: 128
very sexy lingerie... would be awesome if next time you are out of town, she sent you a pic of her dressed up in the sexy gift you have given her with some text like "about to see how crazy this drives him" .... good luck with everything and looking forward to hearing about the next encounter she has, after the parents have left... keep us updated!
Posts: 165
I think I now know where she picked up her most recent lover. We were out to dinner recently at a nice restaurant located in a very luxurious hotel in town. In the middle of the meal we were talking about how good the food was and how nice the setting. I said something like, we really should come here more often. The food is great. It is easy to get to, etc. She said, inadvertently(?), that when I am out of town and she does not feel like cooking, she goes to the more casual restaurant across the lobby and eat at the bar. She said the food is good there too.
After our meal, while we were waiting for the valet to bring the car around, I strolled over to that restaurant/bar to take a look. I have been there during the day for lunch meetings but never been there at night. During the day it is a power lunch place. But at night, it was a buzzing pickup place. Yes, lots of people were eating at the bar. But many more were just standing around with takes in their hands. An attractive woman dining alone would have been hit on like mosquitoes on bare skin.
Fantastic that your wife has inadvertently stubred across the perfect place to allow herself to be picked up ! Here's hoping her strike rate there continues to be good ... and that she gets the additional extra-marital sex she craves. 
Posts: 165
Planning to go to a New Year's Eve party. Hopefully she does some dirty dancing like she did last time at similar party. Going to make sure she dresses super sexy!
Posts: 430
Post a few pictures for us!
Doug Sakic
Posts: 90
Any news?
Posts: 244
It certainly is an interesting chain of events. You and she both appear to be moving forward at a gradual but steady pace, and I can see that, in the medium- to long-term, a more mutual acknowledgement of the situation might develop. When that moment arrives, so too might the pics, videos, and sound clips people here are hoping for. You might even be able to take an active role in suggesting new trysts for her. But until then, it will be hints and clues, dribs and drabs.
Posts: 750
Any updates. This is one of my favorite threads.
Posts: 14
Show here these asian black streaming vids, it will get her hot.
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Posts: 244
I think it's best to keep this material in the 'Asian & black' thread. Perhaps youherus' wife will try a black man, perhaps not. Let's just listen to learn how events unfold.
Posts: 128
hey there youherus.... any updates for us here? would love to know what is happening recently... hope all is well!
Posts: 165
Hello everyone. It has been a while since I posted. Sorry for being quiet for so long. Been busy and frankly enjoying myself too much to write. But many things have happened over the past few months. After some progress on her part to find a lover, things slowed down quite a bit after the new year. I moved it ahead again when I introduced my wife to a "friend" and they have been meeting a few times a month. I will write more when I have a chance.
Posts: 3376
C0rengrat0: awesome links 
Doug Sakic
Posts: 90
I hope you have a chance to write soon!
Posts: 65
Posts: 165
So let me tell you in more detail what has been happening.
My wife was starting to be more open about her desires and interest in being with other men. She teases me with some hints of what's going on and went so far as to call me to let me listen in a couple of time. But she would never tell me about it afterwards when we are in our own bed. She would also not take any pictures for me. I think at some point, she still want to keep a line between slut and wife. Well, not knowing the details was quite a *** for me. I thought back to the beginning when I had found out she was seeing her old boyfriend. Being able to get the boyfriend to slip me something now and then was great so I started to think about how I can get that situation back again.
I could not figure out what to do about this for a long time. Holidays came. Work got busy again. So I just did not give it much more thought for a while. But a couple of month back something just fell into my lap. In the building where I work there is a health club. I work out there regularly usually in the mornings before work. But after the new year, I switched to going after work because of some schedule changes. Because it is now after work, sometimes my wife would stop by to pick me up and then we would go out to dinner and an evening out. Well one day at the gym, the guy on the bike next to me said..."Hey, who was that waiting for you last Friday?" I said that was my wife. He then joked that OK...he was just checking because he thought she was really attractive and if she was not taken he was going to hit on her.
So you can imagine that my mental gears were clicking away. The guy is easily 10 years younger than me. Clean cut. Decent build. Not super muscular but very trim. A runner and biker kind of body. Very much my wife's type. So I am he joking? half serious? who the hell is he? The people who work out in the mornings are completely different from the evenings so other than the club staff, I don't yet really know anybody in the evenings. So I made some small talk first. Asked him if he worked in the building, what he does, etc. So turns out he does work in the building and relatively new to his company. Just relocated from another city. He is single. When we parted ways that evening I said to him that I would invite him to go out for a take with me and my wife sometimes. He said...yes, would like that.
So that Friday, I asked my wife to pick me up at the gym again so that we can go out. I did not tell her about David yet. But I did make sure to find David at the gym and asked if he wanted to get that take I mentioned earlier in the week. He was up for it and so we were able to walk out of the gym door together. My wife was waiting in the lobby. I said..."Hey..this is David, he works in the building and we work out together. I thought he can join us for a that OK?" She said sure and so we walked together a few blocks to a bar we like. David and my wife started to chat as we walked and I purposely hung back a little bit to observe them. You know how you can tell by body language if people are comfortable with each other? Well, my wife was like that. Arms swinging loosely. Very smooth steps. No hesitation at all. She talked to David very easily and was not shy as she sometimes can be. So it was a very good first meeting.
Sorry all...I will write more another time. Now you know why I don't get a chance to update too often. It takes so long to go through what happened. Next posting I will describe what happened at the bar.
Posts: 298
Excellent work and I appreciate the details.
Posts: 61
YouHerUs: ...I purposely hung back a little bit to observe them. You know how you can tell by body language if people are comfortable with each other? Well, my wife was like that...
Isn't it amazing and beautiful to witness? Few things are as captivating as watching interhuman chemistry unfold. The slightest hints and intonations and movements and expressions carry megaloads of ... wow! Thanks for the updates. Be the different drummer.
Posts: 165
Don't want to keep you all to speak. Obviously David and my wife are now seeing each other regularly and he is telling me about it and taking pictures to send me. Here is one to start. They have been meeting in his apartment so it has been necessary to block out the background as needed. Notice that she is wearing the lingerie I had bought her a few months back.
I will continue the narrative on how it all happened though. The journey is as exciting as the destination.
Posts: 128
delighted to see you are back and filling us all in on the developments!!  it is thrilling to read your story and i am so happy for you both that things seem to be working out for you so well... it seems you are both getting what you desire now... cant wait to hear all the details of how everything has developed from that first night you three went to the bar together.... and do you know if she is still seeing the other guy or guys or were those just casual hook ups or you don't know any details about them still? anyway, good to see you back, cant wait for the next update!!!
Posts: 165
So to pick up on the story. When I first met David at the gym I was not really sure what to think. I mean a guy who compliments someone's wife and says they would have hit on her is either really brave or really stupid. Or maybe just really horny. But beyond that weird opening conversation, he seems pretty nice and otherwise "normal". When I invited him to have a take with my wife and me, I did not hint at all about any possible sexual relationships. It was purely us introducing a new guy in town to a favorite watering hole. I also just wanted to see how they got along. If my wife thought he was a jerk, then that's it.
So we got to the bar and sat in the lounge area. Kind of an L-shaped sofa around a low table. My wife sat between us. She was sort of right at the L part. David was a gentleman. Despite his opening comment to me, he did not hit on my wife. He just made pleasant conversation and asked a lot of questions about my wife and her interests. Also asked about where to do this or that in the city. My wife on her part was very relaxed. Offered more information than was really asked. So not just kept up the conversation but also extended it. So they were hitting it off. I thought at some point she was going to touch his arm or his leg but she never did. Seemed close to it a few times as she waved her hands while speaking. But no, it was all pretty platonic. When we got up to leave, David gave her a hug. She hugged him back. For those of you who know Japanese women (or most Asian women for that matter) that's pretty unusual. But anyway, things ended that day looking very promising but I kept my mouth shut for several more days.
Posts: 16
Excellent! We can't wait to hear more, about the bar, how it went......
Posts: 165
So I will try to wrap up the story in just this one post. After that first meeting at the bar, I just waited to see if anything develops. Some people are very huggy...I have been hugged by plenty of colleagues' wives even after meeting them only once. So you can't really read too much into that. To make a long story short, I just let things happen naturally. Not always but fairly often, my wife will bump into David when she stops by the gym to meet up with me. We had takes a couple more times but nothing planned or for very long. But every time they joked with each other and were very comfortable with each other. One day though, my wife on her own asked me...why don't we invite David out to dinner with us? I asked David and he readily agreed. I chose a restaurant that is particularly intimate. Somewhat dark place. Dark wood. Low lights. Not romantic per se but just very dim. I basically just wanted a quiet place where they can talk. We went to a place where I knew they had tables where one side has chairs but the other side is a banquette and I requested the corner one furthest away from the front door. With just the 3 of us dining, I knew there is really no obvious way to sit. So there is really no wrong way either. I sit with my wife on the banquette and David in a chair but opposite her? host I sat on the outside on a chair opposite my wife and I had David sit next to her on the banquette. She did not object nor did he.  We had a very good time. We spent enough time together for them to really talk in more detail. A lot of playfulness. No obvious flirting unless you know my wife. For her, that level of playfulness is about as flirty as she gets. A lot of touching of his arm when she is talking to him. So I know the chemistry was there. A very enjoyable evening. That night, I dropped pretty heavy hints that David is a nice guy huh? You like him and enjoy his company? We can spend more time with him if you want? I did not though come right out and you want to relax with him? I just knew that would spoil it. The following week though when I had some time alone with David, I told him how much we enjoyed his company and how much my wife liked him. He likewise agreed. I then said to him, "Remember when you joked when we first met that you would have hit on her if she was not taken?.....well, I would not mind and I don't think she would mind either. I think she would actually be rather receptive and welcome it." Well, David was a little bit surprised but not as surprised as you think someone would be. I think he also sensed that something was going on. So he asked me, "What do you have in mind?" I told him he is free to seduce my wife and meet with her. But be respectful. If she ends up saying no...then it is no. I would not need to be involved but I do want to hear all about it from him. If possible, I would also want pictures. I told him my wife and I have a "we know what's going on but we don't have to acknowledge it" approach to this. For her this is a more freeing way to explore her sexuality. For me, I find it even more exciting. I don't want to bore you with all the details but we went through a whole list of topics about discretion, health, expectations. No one is looking to mess up a marriage here. It is all about adult fun. It could end anytime. It does not have to be exclusive. On and on. But in the end, we proceeded. The only thing I did to start this off was to send an email to David and cc'd my wife. David was looking to buy some new furniture for his apartment (he really was) and so I sent him an email and said he should ask my wife about it because I am pretty clueless about that kind of thing (I really am). So it did not happen immediately but over the course of 2-3 weeks, David emailed my wife. They literally went furniture shopping together. They had lunch. They had dinner. And finally...only fairly recently, things became really interesting. David kept up his side of things and kept me updated. What I was surprised about though was that he was able to start getting me pictures pretty fast. I thought it would be weeks if not months before that would happen but he was pretty good at it. Maybe he is just a very persuasive guy...or my guess is, my wife knows that he is feeding me information and happy to provide it to keep up with her side of the bargain. Anyway, they are meeting regularly now. I will keep you posted!
Doug Sakic
Posts: 90
Yay! I was getting worried I wouldn't hear from you guys again. You are my favorite thread on here.
This new venture is hot! Can't wait to see pics.
Posts: 750
I love following your thread.
I cant wait to hear more details from David.
And the pictures too!
I love how your wife is exploring her sexuality and how supportive you are.
Great stuff!
Posts: 165
Thanks for the positive comments. I am glad readers are enjoying this. I hope the relationship with David lasts a long time and leads to many others. I will go through the pictures when I have time this weekend. I am not sure how many I will post here though. I may set up an online archive instead.
Some of you have private messaged me with questions. I will answer a couple of them here.
1. Do I feel jealous? No...not at all. She is not doing this to hurt me. I know this is about maximizing her enjoyment. I enjoy this as well. I don't think this arrangement is for everyone. But if you are secure in your marriage, I have found it to be a great way to enhance it.
2. How does it feel to find out she is seeing someone? It is an incredibly exciting feeling. Whether she is seeing the same permister or especially if a new permister for the first time, the anticipation is very arousing. I know that they are arranging to meet. Then I know they are meeting. Then I know that they are getting together and undressing each other, touching each other, kissing. She is tasting a new cock. Feeling new hands on her breasts. Opening her legs to receive a new man. Feeling a new cock pushing apart her pussy lips and sliding deep inside her. Feeling a different man's weight on top of her. A different set of hips pushing against her. I wonder if she is lifting her legs up high. Or are her legs wrapped around his waist. Are her hands around his neck? Squeezing her own breasts? Or grabbing his buttocks and urging him to thrust harder? Does he cum deep inside her or pull out and shower her body with semen? Does she beg for more?
Now that your wife understands that you really are happy and excited for her to have fun with other guys sexually, and that there is no downside risk to her doing it, I have a feeling that she will probably embrace her newfound sexual freedom. The Japanese can be quite liberated when it comes to sexuality, especially in a situation where they feel for certain that there will be no collateral damage caused by such activities. With both her and you being perfectly clear on the fact that her extramarital sexual trists are simply good clean sexual fun with no emotional strings attached...and therefore no threat to your really does appear to be a win / win for all of you.
Like you, I hope the sexual arrangement with David lasts a long time, and additionally, that he carefully screens and selects other great guys, and gets them in the saddle with her as well. I'll certainly be hoping that she realises her latent potential as a true hotwife. I hope she soon has a small stable of lusty studs putting it to her regularly, and that you get pics and video from them too, via David. It's only right that you should get to enjoy the fun and see exactly what's going on that way.
It's fantastic that David has been able to pursuade her to allow him to take pics of their sexual liamisters, so soon! I'm really looking forward to seeing whatever you are generous enough and comfortable enough to share with us here, however you choose to do so.
Congrats on finally succeeding in getting her to play again.
- David
Posts: 165
#420 · Edited by: YouHerUs