Posts: 274
Wow....I like this thread
Posts: 165
Told my wife last night that I will be on a business trip next week. Guess how much time passed before she passed along that information to Peter? 27 minutes. Think she is getting aroused already?! 
Posts: 750
Thats awesome! How do you plan on monitoring the situation? Do you want to see or hear them meet, flirt, and then fuck? Or would you rather not know the details and hope she comes out and tells you afterwards?
I would have a tough time leaving and not knowing.
Posts: 495
referincing the previous message, I wouldn't have a hard time leaving and not knowing. I would know. I'd know that his cock would be inside my adulterous wife, maybe before I boarded my plane. I'd love knowing he was pinning her to the mattress and I'd hope they were playing in our marriage bed. I'd have a continual half-hardon knowing my wife was getting royally and happily fucked by another man's dick.
I'd love it that she was keeping it secret, that she was cheating and making me a cuckold. I'd probably jerk off a lot and anticipate coming home and licking her unfaithful pussy and hoping he fucked her and came in her right before she left to pick me up from the airpport.
Posts: 750
Oh yes, I can imagine that would be exciting. But dont you want to know how she looks when she greets him at the door, knowing that he is there to fuck her? What clothes did she pick out to wear for him? What expression does she have when he takes her into his arms? What kind of underwear does he discover when her dress hits the floor? Is she smiling as she drops to her knees and puts his cock in her mouth? Is he bigger than you? And when he finally gets her into bed, how do they fuck? Is it hard and savage, or slow and gentle? So many details I would be dieing to know.
Posts: 128
exciting development YouHerUs... have you considered bringing up the "other lovers" topic before you leave... you could mention in a joking matter to her that you will be excited to hear all about the other men she was with while you were gone... seeing her reaction to this could be interesting, especially to see if she admits to having contacted peter again or not... if she reacts badly to your mention of it then you could just play it down and say you were only teasing her. this is just an idea of how i would probably approach the matter... i understand however that you dont want to push the matter too much and that you are accepting if she has a secret affair without informing you of it... anyway... am looking forward to your next update and hope you will enjoy your time away while your wife is enjoying her time with peter!! 
Posts: 165
I do have to work while out of town so not much I can do to monitor. In any case, I want to give their first time plenty of space so it will continue. Things can always progress from there.
Posts: 495
Thanks for taking us along on your wild ride. I love following your unfolding story, especially because you DON'T confront her, you let her enjoy the naughtiness of secret infidelity (as do you, as would I).
Posts: 165
It looks like my wife has planned for tomorrow her day of debauchery...or if you prefer, fuck fest. She called me today to say that some "friends" are visiting from out of town tomorrow and she will be spending the day entertaining them. She will be staying out late having dinner with them so I may not be able to reach her.
I told her no problem since I have a long work day tomorrow that probably will end up in a long business dinner. So go ahead and enjoy yourself.
I think she will!
Posts: 19
Any way to document/record the evening out? Sukebe
Posts: 495
Documenting/recording is about YOU, not about HER. Let her have her secret fun. Hubby's already following the action via email.
Posts: 750
YouHerUs, Did your wife email Peter about tomorrow night? Have you confirmed they will be together?
orban victoria
Are you still in contact with Peter?
Posts: 19
Arkansan, gee so sorry................
What's this forum called and why is Youherus posting?
Have you read and understood his posts? Sukebe
Posts: 165
#285 · Edited by: YouHerUs
Hi all...let me try to address various questions quickly. First of all, I really do travel frequently for work and sometimes just too busy to keep track of everything going on. I have not heard from wife since her call to tell me she would be out with "friends" and I have not tried to contact her either. The last email exchange between them was about setting up a time for sometime this week. But since I left, I think they just started calling each other to speed things up. It is possible "friends" is really friends but I am pretty sure "friends" is Peter though. Peter is someone I occasionally bump into at various industry events and we have done some work together in the past. Usually we see each other only 2-3 times a year. For a while we saw more of each other as we became more friendly. It sort of stopped when he backed out of our arrangement last time. I did not care that much about it but I think he was embarrassed or maybe even afraid. I have also been giving him some space too. Maybe it was too much pressure for him last time knowing that I know. Clearly he desires my wife though so I figure just let him take his time. And if my wife makes the first move, how could he resist?! Anyway, I won't be back for another couple of days so I won't know much for a while. I know everyone is impatient for details but remember that I am reporting pretty much in real time. So things do move slowly with only occasional spurts (pun somewhat intended  )
Hopefully, since getting the unmistakeable green light from you to enjoy a lover or two on the side, she has been busy trying to identify a few suitable candidates to meet and get a feel for. I'm sure she is fussy...and she has every right to not doubt there will be those who don't even get to first base. Here's hoping she screens a small, select number of potentials, and settles for say two lovers that she can enjoy an interlude with on a semi regular basis. Anyway....time will tell. She's cute, so I'm sure there are bound to be more than a few guys interested and trying to seduce her. I hope it works out great for both of you, and for them....with a discrete, no-strings, fun for all concerned arrangement.
Posts: 165
So I will be back home later this evening. I wonder what others think about my next step. I could pretend total ignorance or confront her directly. Of course, there is a whole range of in-betweens. I have a fair idea what I will do and usually just see how it goes but would be interested to hear what others think.
Posts: 125
Love this thread. Started with the first couple frames then jumped ahead.
Don't confront her - the avice of a guy with a cheating girlfriend that (I can only assume now), a cheating wife. She's Indian.
Having an "in" with the other guy is too good to possibly lose. Don't rock the boat.
Slow play this one, play dumb, and don't jump in too soon. Get an update from the dude, and learn the signs that you get from her (without her knowing).
Posts: 750
I think you are right to keep things low key for now. You gave her permission, now let her have her fun. I think as time goes on that it will become obvious that she is spending time away from home with him. Maybe at that point you can tell her how much you love her and how you love her having a lover on the side.
At that point the two of you can explore more options. Use the time to think about what you want from the relationship. Maybe just knowing she is enjoying herself is enough for you. Maybe you would like to be part of it as well. She should be receptive to that. After all, you are giving her a great gift. Why shouldnt you get something in return? Maybe you can help her prepare for her dates. Maybe you would to try a creampie. Maybe you would like to experience the exquisite frustration of chastity while she enjoys herself. Maybe you can drive her to his house. Maybe you could be a third wheel during one of their dates.
I am enjoying your posts and am a bit envious, I have to admit.
Posts: 128
hi again... great to see how things have developed... i agree with iwmwtcm... i think you should keep things low key and not pressure her at this point... but i also feel that perhaps you could just give her some indication that you are aware and accepting of her probable weekend activities... in this way, if she feels like opening up and telling you then you will have provided her with an opportunity and if she is not willing to talk you have still let her know that you are aware and accepting of her affair... that is my opinion. i am one of those guys who would want to know about and be somewhat involved in my girls activities.. by watching, her offense and comments, preparing her for her dates etc... do you hope to have a such a level of involvement in the future or not? either way i wish you the best of luck...
Based on what you have said to date, if I were you I'd leave the ball in your wife's court for the moment. Now that you've given her permission to have a lover on the side, don't be at all surprised if she rewards you for allowing her that freedom....but making it worth your while somehow. I'm sure she's keen to ensure that you are rewarded in some I'd first give her the time and opportunity to decide how she is going to do it. She's please don't underestimate her capacity for doing exactly that. I'm sure it won't sit right with her, for her to be the only one to gain, with you not also benefiting somehow. You may well be in for a very pleasant surprise. patient and see what transpires before making any move. You can always alter your approach later, if things don't work out in your favor.
Posts: 165
Hello...thanks for the various comments. So I came home last evening and pretty much did as I usually do...which is to give her plenty of room. This is in keeping with all of your suggestions. But I have to say, it was not an easy thing to do knowing that she had so recently let another man inside her. But anyway, this is what happened.
So I came home and she was waiting for me. Customary husband and wife kisses after time away. I did not notice anything out of the least not at first. It was already evening and she was busy in the kitchen. I went and unpacked. I saw her mobile phone lying on a hallway table and quickly flipped through the log. Quite a few phone calls with Peter earlier in the week. Also a couple of text messages. One was from 3 days ago from her to him saying "I am in the lobby." The other was just yesterday morning from him to her "You were incredible!" So my guess is that they had spent two days together. Just reading those two text messages gave me an erection!
Later that night I discovered more things that got me even more excited. After her bath and she was in her robe and had her hair up, I could see a huge love bite on the back of her neck...slightly to the right. Normally it would be covered by her hair but I don't think she realized it was there anyway because it was off towards the back and cannot be seen if she stood in front of a mirror. You can just imagine Peter giving that to her while standing behind her and nibbling at her neck and ears.
After that, I couldn't help but start looking for other marks. I thought I could see just a hint of another mark on the top slope of her left breast. But what really stunned me was when she dropped the robe to put on her clothes how red her back looked. It looked like she was out in the sun too long. My guess it is friction burns from the bed.
So as we were getting ready for bed, it was really hard to stop thinking about her being with Peter. I was exhausted from the trip but still could not help but paw at her. In her sweet way, she said "Aren't you tired?" I said,"Yes, but I missed you and I can't help it." So she said, "I can use my mouth." and proceeded to stroke me through my pajama bottoms. I was already pretty hard which surprised her a bit. When she began to take me in her mouth, my hand moved to her crotch. But she slipped sideways out of reach. I was in no position to argue as she was working on me pretty good by then.
I was getting ready to explode but really wanted to be inside her pussy so I kept trying to get her clothes off and pulling her up to me. All this time her lips are locked around my shaft and her head is bobbing up and down on me at a furious pace so it was not the easiest maneuver. After my numerous attempts, she finally paused in between sucks and said "I can't do it today because I am a little sore." I don't think she even realized what she was saying. She just stated a fact in the heat of the moment. But yes, with two days of pounding by Peter, I am sure she is sore! Anyway, I could not hold back anymore and came in a torrent in her mouth.
Posts: 750
#293 · Edited by: iwmwtcm
Im speechless!
Wow! I am so excited for you. What happened after you came? Did you talk about what she said about being too sore? Certaintly she must have realized what she said afterwards.
So how do you feel? Is the reality as good as the fantasy was? You say that she was pounded by Peter for two days. How do you feel knowing that another man did that to her? Dont you want to know more details? Like what they did, or how many times they did it, if he used a condom or not, if he was better than you are, if she liked him better than you, etc, etc, etc. I would be going nuts! I can truely understand how hard it must have been for you to act like nothing happened.
Please let us know if anything else happens or if she says anything as clues to her infidelity.
Posts: 125
If she "lets it slip" that she's a little sore, she is inviting you to ask more and is basically offering to give details. That's the thought if disbelief is suspended.
however, the story with her leaving the texts around and not clearing her phone log - and being sore, and "accidentally" blurting it out - you just have too many cliche' things in here (and in update after update) for me to continue to suspend disbelief. The "in the lobby" text followed a couple days by the "you were great?"
I dunno. You had a good run here, but you keep hitting too many of the fantasy trigger points on here for me to believe it.
I really hope this is all true, but . . .
Posts: 165
#295 · Edited by: YouHerUs
Well obviously readers can take my posts however they want. Does not change what is actually going on for my wife or me. Realize though that I am not posting a transcript of what's going on. It would be both too long and too boring.
For instance..her mobile phone? It was really in her purse on the hallway table and not just sitting out there exposed. That hallway is by the front door and splits the house between the "living" area and the "relaxing" area so we all dump our stuff there upon coming home. I had to dig through her purse to check out that phone. There were lots of other texts from lots of other people but I only pointed out the two that relates to this thread. Her soreness? I do think it was purely unplanned she told me. The next day when I grabbed her by her waist, she winced. So I asked her "why are you so sore?" She said she had increased a step in her step aerobics class at the gym that week. You know, maybe that is why she is sore. But knowing that she was with Peter that same week, isn't it more interesting to speculate that it was from the sex?
If I had posted all that stuff above, would it have been more "realistic"? I post the highlights of what is going on but try to make it as much of a smooth narrative as I can. If that makes it sound like a fantasy then I guess I am an even luckier guy than I already realize.
Posts: 165
#296 · Edited by: YouHerUs
 | answer your question. I did what every man does when he comes, I fell arelax!  Of course I wish I know more about what happened between them but just knowing she finally opened herself to another man after so much time passed since the affair with her ex-boyfriend is enough for now. I want her to be comfortable with the situation on her own first. And my guess is that they used condoms this first time. She knew her ex well but Peter is still basically a stranger. Over time though I expect they will not use it. She does not like condoms. She says it leaves a taste behind. She also loves it when I ejaculate inside her. She says the feeling of hot semen gushing inside is a great feeling. She also likes the feeling of slipperiness inside her afterwards. I know this is all sounding like a "fantasy" post again but that's what she tells me so it is what it is.
orban victoria
Congrats. You have wonderfull wife! Welcome back to the world of cuckolding.
Posts: 125
OK you-her, I'm not the truth/fantasy police. I kinda regret my prior post. Whatever it is you are doing here, I did it anyway. I would love to know as much about my secretly cheating wife as you know about yours. Maybe I'm just jealous.
Posts: 19
fastfive, I actually posted a similar doubt a while back, but I really think he's on the up and up. I guess I was just jealous as hell, too. Sukebe
Posts: 165
My wife asked me today if I have another business trip coming up? Sheesh, I have been back less than a week!