Who is married with a slut vietnamese? Have you pics?
Charles Webb
Posts: 141
You must be referring to me. I have posted on here quite frequently on here describing my wife as a slut. There are many pictures of her, both from the past, and in the present. You only have to refer to my post to see them.
I am married to a Viet...not a slut however.
Posts: 9
i have dated some viet girls tho i am now married to lao girl. thus far every viet girl i have ever taken out sucked & fucked on first date tho i didn't consider them sluts. the thai girls tho were a diff story - almost every thai girl i went out with was a genuinte slut. most lao girls are sluts, too. plus, lao girls dig black guys. my wife's aunt is living with a black man and both her cousins in calif are going with black guys. her sister is married to a black guy. caseyjones
Yes, there is a difference w/ Lao and thai.....
what do you think of my 50 old years vietnamese wife?
a other pic:
Posts: 827
#8 · Edited by: Brutus2
U all talking of thai, viet and lao girls in the US ? Outside of there, I supppose there is a huge difference between "normal" thai girls (very conservative) and the more or less venal ones. I went out with only one viet girl (in Moscow !) and yes, it happened very naturally the first day (I had invited her to the restaurant of my hotel, and of course had first offered her to leave her mantle in my room, so I would have a pretext to get there afterwards...). Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
Brutus2 for me, both, in and outside usa.
soumis8 looks good to me, care to share?
Posts: 827
#10 · Edited by: Brutus2
OK that's which of those country do women the most naturally lay down ? I mean, which of those women (if any) would find culturally easy to enjoy sex with total strangers, just for fun ? I'm talking of cultural environment, of course this also varies with individuals...and again, I exclude the venal or semi-venal kind from the question. Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
Candy store, how can you pick just one? I sort of agree w/countryWa Thai seem to have the best standard of natural beauty, but then, some of the northern girls are very dark skinned...
Vietnamese are also pretty, but as a rule, skinnier, but they really do take care of themselves.
Thai or viet culture would not be supportive of "easy to enjoy sex with total strangers, just for fun" Lao, Cambo somewhat easier, but it is a money thing I suspect.
Posts: 827
Suppose so...although a friend of mine told me, in Cambodia, if ever you have sex with a girl, she's viet...says Cambodia the most conservative of all...dunno...anyway, as an avarage, less beautiful...
Korea might be the crazy place then ?
As for Inuits, it's NOT a legend...amazing... Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
You have to understand that the Viets are much more sophisticated than the Cambodians. Cambodia is pretty much a lawless, wide open country. There is money to be made there, and the Viets are simply there to make it. Every single Viet female there is in the trade at some level. And don't forget, Vietnam was a French colony from 1887 thru 1954. They learned the ideal of female elegance from them. Cambodian girls? There is likely a hugely bigger number of girls in the trade, but they are almost completely uneducated, and appeal to mostly Cambodian men. They don't know how or want to be appealing to westerners. They clearly are good looking Khmer females, but hard to hook up with one, unless you live there, and have family introductions. Koreans have a completely different look, more chiseled, more athletic like. They get to eat real food, works wonders. Korea is a very educated country, and the American Army has been there for many years. Easy to hook up there with a non pro. (Assuming you have something to offer. Most educated girls you find come from families that may make you seem like the very poor cousin) The Inuits? Not good lookers in my book, but extremely permisterable, warm, and friendly in the way you'd want.
Posts: 827
I've met some nice, interesting, open-minded and sexy people in Iqaluit, Nunavut Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
For me it started when a couple of young girls north of the Artic circle invited me to come down to the beach to watch seals. (no, never saw any... )
kotzebue, AK
Posts: 827
#17 · Edited by: Brutus2
So you had sex with :
- both girls - one of them - none of them - a seal (even though you didn't see them LOL)
??? Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
both..lasted 2 days.
Posts: 827
Exquisite...they badly need fresh in my experience, any guest would show up, they would fuck him also... Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
well, they do have diferent standards, did one of the girls in her ladys house, lady ok'd it
Posts: 827
LOL nooo...mine would live alone...but once home she would phone dad and mum (where ? dunno) to tell them there was a sranger in "town" and that she was the one who would fuck him !!! Imagine the standards up there ? Real thing !!! Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
looking for a ticket out perhaps?
What do you think about my vietname wife? She is 50 old year?
Posts: 3277
Superbe!! Elle n'a pas du tout l'air de 50 ans.
Posts: 827
Indeed! Not more than 60 though...50, non en effet...pas plus de 60, pourtant... Fanatique de l'infidelite feminine
Posts: 91
Interesting thread!
I am turning a lot of Asian girls into sluts. It is my hobby. But, I still feel uncomfortable about spilling details in here. I always imagine the intelligence agencies are scanning these boards. Nothing I do is illegal, but I can just imagine it being used against me at some future time.
You guys are into the SE Asians - who are great. I am mostly running into Chinese and Japanese. Its a fucking ball.
I wouldn't generalize about what race/nationality is easier - I think girls is girls, and a lot of them can be turned into sluts.
subwm, tu es francais? En tout cas tu l'ecris mieux que moi j'ecris l'anglais!
Posts: 3277
Lol...merci suis anglais mais j'ai passe 15 ans avec une belle francaise donc ca aidait beaucoup ma connaisance de la langue francaise, comme tu peux imaginer!!
En plus, ta femme est superbe !
soumis8Umm. Je conviens que votre ?pouse est en appeler très sexuel.
experimenter on others... Look, I’ve lived in various Asian countries for years; still own a home in Saigon. My comments relate to the mass of uneducated/ basic educated girls for poor or average families. Frankly, that’s the kind we come in contact with. The educated/miss world caliber or from well placed families…you won’t likely get near to one of them. Hate to generalize, but, seems to me that Asian females are smarter than the average lady, they are focused on looking for the complete package, and they perceive that western white males in general fit the bill. Sure, think about it, the one's they are likely to meet at educated, have a job, and are world traveled/experienced. Even hookers understand this end game. Compare the average westerner to the masses of local uneducated prob underemployed or jobless males…the girls have figured this out. They otherwise have little clue about other races and their respective physical attributes (or lack thereof.) Black, white, other Asians? It’ s all about the ability to provide baby. Do they all idolize white/light skin? Sure do. But simply put, being perceived as a likely good provider trumps any skin color. To a near equal extent, business men from Taipei, Korea, Japan and China enjoy the same attractiveness. Other local Asians with an education/family connections or some other source of ability to provide have no problem attracting quality females as well. Another example is age. Where else will an 18 year old not only say yes, but hell yes to a 50 or 60 year old? Same idea. As to the preference for lighter skin…easy. Women who work in the field get tanned darker…those who don’t are lighter. Lighter skin then demonstrates a perception of a higher status in life. You will often see women toiling in the fields with long sleeve shirts, hats, gloves and wraps around their faces….in 100degree plus heat. Anywhere you look in Asia, get to the smaller towns and you’ll hear and see stories about the little lass who married the foreigner and is now sending $$ home to the family. Oh you say, casual sex is not about providing a meal ticket? Perhaps not to you, but to them, it is always “the” consideration. They are quite willing to have some false starts, perhaps even work in the trade for a year or two. They’ll do most anything to grab and hold your interest. Asian and worried about the size of your dick? Check out your pocket book instead..... I’m talking about over there, not here. In the west they turn into a typical bitch soon enough. ]