Posts: 58
I noticed her right away while I was waiting to board my plane. She was arguing with her husband. I had actually noticed her while walking to the gate--and was pleased that we were boarding the same plane. She was a classic milf--fairly petite--maybe 5'1" or 5'2"--but with the body of a venus--big full firm breasts, nice round but firm ass, and while she was not tall--her legs were shapely. She had a pretty face--but not overly pretty if you know what I mean--but sexy--kind of a "resting bitch face". She looked mildly annoyed (right now--annoyed with her husband in partcular). She had dark curley hair that was done up with a loose pony tail--she had a kind of sexy "just got out of bed" or maybe "just got out of the gym"--she was essentailly wearing a gym outfit--a tight sweat shirt with a zipper that showed off her ample busom--and yoga pants that showed off her very fuckable ass. Too bad she was with her husband--otherwise I might have tried to hit on her right then (I have done that before with other women at airports--sometimes leading to a wild adventure). I started wondering if she had ever cheated on her husband--looking at him--out of shape, paunchy, sort of confused looking--I didn't find it hard to believe that she had.
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Posts: 58
After a few minutes--they walked up to the attendants at the gate--the woman was asking if they could change seats.
Posts: 58
I couldn't stop glancing at her ass and tits--she was kind of short--so she had to sort of stand on tiptoes to talk to the attendants behind the counter--this cause her calves to swell and her ass to tighten and sort point upward more--I couldn't help but think about fucking her.
Posts: 1972
Go on pls
Posts: 58
She was talking loudly enough I could make out the jist of what she was saying--she was asking if she and her hsuband could get seat upgrades--evidently they were both in middle seats right behind first class (where I was going to be seated)--they didn't like the fact that they weren't seated together and they both hated middle seats. I could tell by the way she was talking that she was kind of a bitch--and used to getting her way--she went on and on about what loyal customers they had been, how they normally get better seats--and that she would even be willing to pay a little extra for an upgrade. Meanwhile she turned to her husband and said "Frank--come up here"--she was very comfortable bossing him around in public--I could quickly tell by his body language--that she wore the pants in the relationship--reluctanctly and with slumped shoulders--he shambled up to the counter--sort of looking forlorn and apologetic toward the airline reps. We all knew it was an extremely full flight (they had announced that twice)--but this bitch wasn't going to give up easy. She seemed pretty worked up (I remember thinking "I'll bet a good dick-pounding would calm her down"--and smiled to myself.
Posts: 58
"I'm sorry Mrs. Jenson" the patient young attendant said looking at her computer "but we are extremely full--we don't have any seats available together". "Well--could we at least get better seats? Aisle or window seats? Or extra legroom" the buxom brunette asked. "There really isn't anything available--there is actually only one seat available which would be an improvement". "OK" said Mrs. Jenson "what is it?". It's actually an aisle seat in first class--normally this would be a $500 upcharge but--let me see if I can get authorization to make an exception--in light of your long history of loyalty with us" she started typing furiously into the computer--presumably to get permission from "her boss".
Posts: 58
"Ok" said the attendant "I can upgrade you to first class--but I only have one seat available". "Is there anyway we can get two together?" asked Mrs. Jenson. "I'm sorry said the attendant--I only have one available--3B--it's an aisle seat in first class". I realized this was the seat next to mine in first class--I was in 3A!
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Posts: 58
"What did he say dear?" her husband asked as he approached the desk--putting his hand on her shoulder. He was a tall and lanky fellow--but noticeably out of shape (unlike her) and with a pot belly. Whereas she looked sexy as fuck--he looked kind of dishelveled--his sparse hair spread ertically across a balding scalp, big dorky looking glasses, shirt wrinkled and partially untucked, and cargo pants displaying his pale, unattractive, somewhat hairy (but not in a sexy way) legs, and odd looking wool socks and hiking boots--obviously someone who didn't care much about his appearance.
Posts: 58
"He said he has a seat in first class--but not two together" she said to her husband. "Actually" said the attendant "i do have one in business class--in the next row over sort of kitty-corner--I could give that to your husband so he could keep an eye on you" the attendant said with a little grin--he was sort of flirtimg with her--and she seemed to like it.