Posts: 437
The Pussy-Free Cuckold
"Do you know what it means to be 'pussy-free'?"
He nodded his head with those puppy-dog eyes. He could be so cute when he was this submissive. "I'm not sure you do," Sara insisted. "It means your little dick won't touch any part of my body. No pussy, no anal, no oral, nothing. The only time you'll be getting off will be with your own hand." He nodded again in agreement.
She watched him kneeling in front of her as she sat on the couch. The wrapping paper and empty boxes were on the coffee table behind him. The empty envelopes and the greeting cards with their sentiments of love and devotion were lying on the table too. It was their anniversary and she was wearing the diamond tennis bracelet he had just put on her wrist. He bought it at one of those discount jewelry stores in the mall, so it wasn't too expensive but it sparkled and he was so excited when she opened it. That's why she was so surprised when he said, "There's one more thing I'd like to give you," and he dropped to his knees.
They had been living in a femdom relationship for the past couple of years, so she had assumed it would be another paddle or other disciplinary implement. The last two anniversaries he had given her a leather paddle with 'Happy Anniversary, Love Your Boy', and then last year he gave her a short-handled riding crop that was perfect for slapping his penis and balls. She was waiting for him to reach under the couch and pull out a new play toy for their growing collection, but instead, he had said, "I want to be your pussy-free cuckold."
He had been her cuckold for as long as they'd been a couple. When they first started dating, he hadn't been aware she was still having sex with her ex-husband. He knew her ex was very well-hung and according to her, "Other than our two girls, our sex life was the best thing he ever gave me." She knew it turned him on to hear about how good her sex life had been, and he was especially excited when she would tell him "there's no way you could ever fuck me like he did, but I love that you're trying so hard to please me." So, it shouldn't have surprised her when he asked if she ever thought about having sex with her ex when the two of them traveled to watch their oldest girl play soccer. She asked him, "That wouldn't bother you if I did?" He assured her it was not only okay with him, but he found the whole idea really hot. She didn't bother telling him she was already doing it, but after the next soccer road trip they had awesome sex while she told him how her ex ravished her in the hotel room the night before. From then on, their bedroom talk frequently revolved around sex with her ex and the next soccer road trip.
After they were married, her husband, Mike, confessed that one of his biggest fantasies was to be spanked and dominated by his wife. He was a federal agent and explained, "I have chaos all around me every day. I have to make decisions and manage situations that have huge consequences. I know I'm a good leader, but sometimes it would be nice to be a follower for a change. When I get home it would be a relief to have order and discipline and nothing more important than making my wife happy." That night he got his first spanking across her lap, and she discovered how horny it made her when she spanked and dominated her very masculine husband.
Over time, their relationship evolved to a point where her dominance was a given and she was always finding ways to keep things fresh and exciting for both of them. She decided, whenever the girls weren't home, he should find erotic stories that turned him on and read them to her while she was cooking dinner. This was a bit of foreplay to get them both in the mood for later that night, and it also gave her a chance to see what kinks he had in his head. More than once, the stories were about chastity and the concept of sexual denial.
"As much as you enjoy jerking off and having sex with me, how in the world could you handle being cut off?" she scoffed. "You'd be begging me for mercy within a week." Even after almost ten years of marriage, they still had sex several times a week. He laughed and agreed wholeheartedly, but the bulge in his pants hinted at his real feelings.
So, she started using tease and denial more often in their sex play. She would tell him to take her to the bedroom, but there was no need to remove his clothes since he wouldn't be getting any relief. "I only need your tongue today," she would tease as she squeezed his cock through his pants. Other times, they would masturbate together and she would tell him to "Play with your little toy while you tell me how you wish I had a big cock in my pussy. A cock that obviously isn't yours." He would describe how she would be ravished by her big-cocked lover while he waited to be summoned to do her bidding when they were done. When she was on the verge of bringing herself to orgasm, she would tell him to stop playing with himself and pinch her nipples like her lover would be doing it. After she came, she might tell him to hold her, ignoring his own need for relief.
That was about the same time she started having sex with his best friend, Nick. Mike and Nick had been friends since high school. Mike told her how Nick had a reputation as a well-endowed lover and was constantly being pursued by women. However, Nick fell head over heels in love with Tina, a busty, rough-around-the-edges woman that Sara never really liked much. The couples spent a lot of time together despite the women never having much in common. One night, when Tina had dru_nk too much wine, she called Sara a "stuck-up Catholic school girl" before laughing it off as a joke, but everyone knew she meant it. That's why Sara wasn't sorry a few weeks later when Nick came to their house to announce his marriage was over. Apparently, Tina had been slee_ping with a co-worker for the past year and Nick found out when he came home unexpectedly to find them in bed.
"I should have known. We haven't had sex in almost six months," he had said on the verge of tears. "We used to have sex almost every day. The woman was insatiable. Then, she was tired or not feeling well or would start a fight with me for no apparent reason. I figured we were just going through a rough patch. Now, I know why she was never in the mood. She had her black lover and was getting all she wanted."
Later, when Nick went to the bathroom, Sara said sadly to Mike, "The poor guy. He really needs a blowjob."
Mike responded, "I think he needs a lot more than that." Sara looked at her husband with questioning eyes. Mike asked in a hushed, surprised voice, "Would you?" Sara shrugged as she considered the question. It was another hour and a few more glasses of wine before Sara found herself hand-in-hand with her husband's best friend on the way to the bedroom. Mike slept on the couch that night and listened to his wife's cries of ecstasy throughout the night. At the breakfast table the next morning, Nick was nervous and apologetic, but Mike assured him everything was fine and Mike told his best friend he hoped it wouldn't be the last time. It wasn't.
Now, six months later, Sara was being offered a new evolution in their marriage. Her husband wanted to be her pussy-free cuckold. She remembered a story Mike had read to her one night where a wife decided she wasn't going to allow her husband to penetrate her anymore. The story had intrigued her and left a big impression. She had wondered, was this just a big fantasy or something that really could happen?
In the story, the wife was avoiding kissing and cuddling because that might lead to her husband expecting sex and she was tired of having unfulfilling intercourse. So, she declared her body off-limits to his penis. "If you're not giving me any pleasure with it, then you're just using me to get yourself off. You can use your own hand for that!" After she took control and cut him off from any penetration, the husband and wife had grown much closer. They would hold each other naked for hours and she never had to feel guilty for not allowing him to "get off". He was free to masturbate to his heart's content and her pussy was always available and eager for his tongue. As a result, their sex life took off and the couple found themselves closer than ever before.
Sara could imagine herself in that story. Intercourse with Mike rarely brought her to orgasm, but she loved her husband and would feel guilty if she wasn't giving him the intimacy and sexual gratification he desired. She also felt an intimate connection with him after they fucked, knowing she had satisfied her man. On the other hand, he was the one asking for this and she knew how excited he got whenever she teased and denied him. Perhaps, like the couple in the story, their intimacy would be greater, not less. Now that she was able to have sex with Nick or her ex-husband when she wanted, she was getting a good fucking on a regular basis. She could still have a fulfilling sex life with her husband without allowing his penis in her. For the most part, she had already quit giving him blowjobs. After she started dominating him in the bedroom, she told him oral sex felt like a submissive act that was better suited for the submissive partner. He wanted to protest, but he found her declaration terribly exciting and agreed with her.
"So, tell me why you want to be my pussy-free cuckold. You don't want to feel your little toy in my pussy anymore? Are all the big boys making you feel inadequate?" she asked in a mocking tone.
Mike's eyes didn't have the usual confident, commanding gaze that made people nervous when they were in his presence. His entire demeanor was different than he usually appeared to the rest of the world. His typical squared shoulders and upright posture had given way to an appearance of being humble and meek. He was before his queen and he was her subject. Her devoted, loyal, passionately-committed and subordinate lover.
"When I started high school, my favorite sport was basketball. I always made the little league all-star teams and was always a starter. Then, I barely made the freshman team and realized the playing field had changed. I had to accept that I was too short in the eyes of the coaches and everybody else was getting as fast as me and as good of a player as me. They were getting taller and I would never get as tall as them. So, I switched sports and joined the wrestling team. I became an all-state wrestler by the time I graduated and even got offers to wrestle for some smaller colleges. I never would have found that athlete and experienced the joy of success if I had kept playing basketball. Even if I had found a way to keep making the team, nobody would have viewed me as one of the stars. Instead, I wrestled and they cheered for me at pep rallies and my name was in the paper when I kept winning. I found my place."
Mike reached for his wife's hands as he knelt before her. He tried not to squeeze them too hard as he rubbed the backs of her hands with his thumbs affectionately and continued with conviction in his voice, "Over these last couple of years, I've never been so excited or felt more devoted to you. And, I know that you love me just as much. Even when you have two great lovers, you still make sure I never feel neglected and that I'm being taken care of sexually as much as anyone. I love that you care for me that much. But, you've also been honest with me when I ask you if my 'toy' can satisfy you and you admit it is too small and I cum too fast to make that happen. So, it's obviously selfish of me to expect you to desire that from me. I can pleasure you in so many other ways without doing that. I'm honestly feeling guilty whenever we do have sex now." He looked at his wife with devoted eyes and said, "I've found my place."
Sara thought tears might well-up in her eyes and she wanted to grab her husband and kiss him, but she maintained her composure as she held his hands. "I can tell you've thought a lot about this, and I won't lie. Denying you sex turns me on. Making you pussy-free won't be hard for me. I already don't give you blowjobs anymore and I only let you have my ass when I'm a little tipsy and you've been a very good boy. Like you said ... I only do it for you. Not having you in my pussy won't be as easy, but I'm willing to give it a try. I may not orgasm from your toy, but I know how much you love it. So, we're going to give it a try for one year. You will fuck me one more time ... tonight ... just so you know what you're going to be missing." Then, Sara added with conviction in her voice, "But after tonight, no matter how much you regret your decision, you will be completely pussy-free for the entire next year."
She watched her husband and let the message sink in for a moment. He swallowed hard but his steady gaze never left her eyes. He was a strong, determined man and she knew he wouldn't go back on his commitment no matter how much he regretted it. And she intended to make sure he regretted it. She released his hands and put a hand on his cheek. She let her fingers trace his cheekbone and rubbed his earlobe tenderly between her thumb and fingers. "You know I'm going to make you suffer, don't you?" He nodded with a slight smile on his face. He knew how much she liked to tease him. "I'm going to make you beg me for mercy." She knew it was unlikely he would ever show his suffering, but she would make sure he was as frustrated and horny as a man could be.
Sara stood up in front of him. His face was right in front of her hips. She put a hand on either side of his head and pulled his face into her groin as she ground herself against him. The dress she wore to dinner was the only thing separating his face from her pussy. She had removed her panties in the car on the way home from the restaurant and encouraged Mike to feel how wet she was for him. He had reached across while driving home and put his hand between her spread knees, resting his palm on her hairy bush. When his finger found her moist slit, he was pleased to find his finger slid easily into her very wet pussy. He fingered her for a moment before withdrawing his hand and put his wet finger into his mouth. He sighed and moaned, "Mmmmmm" to his wife's delight. At the time, she had no idea they were going home to have PIV (penis-in-vagina) sex for the last time in at least a year.
Sara released his head and told him, "Get up and take me to bed for your last fuck." Mike rose to his feet and grabbed her hand excitedly. He hadn't been so excited to have sex with his wife in years. Sara stopped him and said, "And Mike," he looked and saw the twinkle in her eyes. "With that tongue of yours, you will always be on the all-star team!"
Mike grinned and pulled her eagerly toward their bedroom knowing he was getting ready to feel the joy and ecstasy of her pussy squeezing his cock for the last time for a very long time. So, why was he so excited?
Posts: 437
"So, are you going to tell him today?" Sara asked her husband conspiratorially. It was a beautiful summer day and the smell of smoke from the grill wafted through the screen of the patio door. Sara was making a salad and Mike was seasoning three steaks on the butcher block countertop in their kitchen. There was an open bottle of red wine left to breathe before dinner and the smell of garlic bread was coming from the oven. Mike had a bottle of craft beer sitting within arm's reach as he finished rubbing olive oil and steak seasoning on the bright red, well-marbled ribeyes he had bought from the butcher shop that morning.
He shrugged in response to his wife's question and said, "Yeah, probably," in a slightly uncomfortable voice.
"You know I'm happy to tell him, but you asked me to let you do it," she pressed.
"I know," Mike said in resignation.
Mike's best friend Nick was sitting in a lounge chair on the deck with a beer in his hand and called out so they could hear through the screen door, "Are you guys sure I can't do anything?"
"No, we're fine," they both yelled back in unison.
Mike picked up the plate of seasoned steaks as Sara looked at him with raised eyebrows. "I will, I will," he insisted as he carried the steaks in one hand and his beer in the other toward the screen door. Sara just shook her head and checked on the garlic bread in the oven.
Nick joined Mike at the grill and commented on how good the steaks looked. Mike agreed and explained that you had to go to the butcher shop if you wanted to find the best quality meat. Nick laughed and said, "You never do anything halfway buddy. It's always got to be just right and you don't mind going the extra mile. Isn't that butcher shop all the way across the county line?"
Mike nodded his head and replied, "Yeah, but it's worth it." The steaks sizzled as they hit the very hot, perfectly clean grate of the grill. Mike prided himself on his grilling expertise and always made sure everything was clean and well-maintained. He used expensive lump charcoal that would burn hotter so the steaks had a nice crust, and he knew just when to pull them so each steak would be a perfect medium rare. He did go all out for things that were worth it.
Mike took a swig of his beer and said in a nonchalant voice as he closed the grill lid, "Did Sara tell you about our latest experiment?" Nick looked at his friend quizzically and shook his head. "You know how Sara likes to tease me and won't let me have sex with her during the week if she knows you're coming over?"
Nick grinned and said cheerfully, "Yeah, I think that's hot! She's hotter than a firecracker by the time I get her."
"Well, a couple of months ago we decided to try something new and to take that idea a little further." Mike took another swig of his beer while trying to remain conversational. "Well, we're gonna try to ... you know ... me, not having sex with her for a year ... maybe more."
Nick's eyes shot up in surprise and he almost dropped his beer. "What?! Are you crazy?" He lowered his voice, afraid Sara might hear him. "Dude ... why is she cutting you off? It's not because of me, is it?"
"No, no, no," Mike assured his friend. "It was my idea, not hers."
Nick asked incomprehensibly, "But, as much as you like to have sex. Hell, as much as SHE likes to have sex ..."
Mike shrugged saying, "We're having sex more than ever. I mean ... I'm horny ALL the time. We just don't ... you know ... fuck." What Mike didn't tell his friend was Sara's growing interest in orgasm denial. She hadn't let Mike cum since the last time Nick visited three weeks ago.
Nick took a big swallow of his beer with a look of disbelief. He shook his head and asked, "How do you have sex without fucking?"
"There's plenty of ways to get off without banging," Mike said with a shrug.
"Yeah, but no better ways," Nick retorted.
Mike didn't disagree and said, "Surprisingly, Sara's the one that is missing the fucking, but she likes our experiment and doesn't want to quit." Mike flipped the steaks as he added, "And that's where you come in." He turned back toward his best friend and said, "She wants to start hooking up with you more often." Nick had a look on his face like he wasn't sure what Mike was suggesting, so Mike said bluntly, "She needs you to fuck her more often."
Before Nick could respond, Sara walked out the screen door onto the patio with a glass of wine in her hand and said, "Are you boys talking about me?"
Mike laughed and Nick turned toward his lover with a boyish smile on his face. "Mike was just telling me he needed help with a little problem."
Sara flashed a sexy smile and said teasingly, "Well, I hope it isn't something too big for the two of you to handle."
"Oh no," Nick assured her. "It's definitely something we can handle."
Sara grinned and uncon_sciously licked her lip. Nick noticed the gesture and interpreted it like a poker player reading the tell of their opponent. She knew her husband had told him what she wanted and ... she was horny. Sara was wearing her daisy duke cut-offs that showed off the curves of her ass so well, and a tight white tank top with a pink bra that was visible through the thin cotton material. She may act like a soccer mom and look like a soccer mom most of the time, but Nick knew she was anything but prim and proper when the bedroom door closed. She loved sex and gave as good as she got in bed. He had never been with a woman so lustful and passionate. It was hard to believe his best friend could even think about not having sex with her. It was hard enough to believe he would share her, but he had thought that about Lucy too.
Lucy was Mike's girlfriend in high school and was also good friends with Nick. The three of them hung out together a lot and Nick was envious when Mike started having sex with the redhead. Being teenagers, he and Mike would talk about sex all the time and Nick would want to know if he was getting blowjobs and would tell all the things he imagined them doing together. Mike would just smile in response and Nick would punch him in the arm saying "you lucky dog". Then, one night when they went camping together, Mike drank too much and passed out. He woke up when Nick was shaking him and said, "Hey man, you got a condom?" Mike thought for a moment and then smiled saying, "You two finally going to hook-up?" Nick shook his head eagerly and Mike reached for his wallet and retrieved the condom. The next morning, they all had breakfast over the campfire together and tried to act like nothing happened. When Mike and Lucy broke up a short time later, Nick was the first person she pursued, but he shut it down quickly by letting her know he would never betray his friend by dating his ex-girlfriend. However, he did let her know he was open to a friends-with-benefits relationship. She took him up on his offer and they hooked up together for several years afterward.
Nick had always viewed his sexual relationship with Sara in a similar way. She was Mike's woman and he would never do anything to interfere with them. Ever since the first time he had sex with Sara, he never assumed anything and left it up to the couple to make the first move when he visited them. To his surprise, neither of them had ever suggested having a threesome together. Like Lucy, Mike left them alone to enjoy themselves and Nick liked it that way. He liked having the woman totally focused on him and with his large cock it wasn't hard to keep their attention. As Sara walked back into the house, he watched the wiggle of her ass while imagining her naked. He couldn't wait to get her in bed again.
Mike raised his bottle toward his friend and they clinked bottles together in a toast. Nothing more needed to be said. Nick would be happy to help the couple by taking care of her hungry pussy.
Later that night, Nick was lying next to Sara in bed while Mike slept on the couch downstairs. They had just finished having sex for the second time that night and were exhausted from the exertion. Sara ran her hand over his hairy chest and played with his nipple. "You were especially frisky tonight," she cooed quietly.
Nick's eyes were closed and he had a smile on his face. "You bring out the best in me."
Sara put her head on his shoulder and ran her hand down his stomach until her hand found his cock. She wrapped her hand around the girth of his manhood and said sexily, "I'd say the best of you was in me over and over again."
Nick opened his eyes and said softly, "So, explain this not having sex with Mike thing you guys are trying out."
Sara kept squeezing his cock and said, "It's pretty simple actually. We still do everything else we always did. He just doesn't put his penis in me anymore."
They were both quiet for a minute as Sara continued to slowly play with his semi-hard cock. Then, Nick said, "I hate to admit it, but it really turns me on that I'm the only man that's getting in you now."
Sara had never told Nick about her ex-husband and didn't think this was the time to mention it. "Me too," she sighed as she moved down his stomach and took his hardening cock into her mouth.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Fantastic.. do continue!!
Posts: 1289
Loving this! Thanks for the great read so far 😈❤️ x
Posts: 437
Sara knew Mike was usually stressed and tired after being out of town for work. The life of a federal agent wasn't easy and required people that could maintain their cool and stay calm in the face of chaos and conflict. However, that just meant they buried their feelings and stayed focused on the job until they could blow off steam later. Some went to the gym, others to a bar and many would take solace in their families. Sara knew exactly how to relieve her husband's stress after one of these stressful trips. Tonight, she would prepare a great home-cooked meal, maybe a movie and then they'd enjoy each other's naked body in bed. Normally, she would let him cum tonight. Even though tease and denial was becoming a bigger part of their play, she felt a good orgasm was more important at these times. However, the real stress relief he needed would come the next day with a "strict mommy" day. And on those days, the more pent-up tension she could help him release, the better.
Since he always got a day off after his work trips, she would take the day off as well and stay home with him. Over the past couple of years, she had discovered his penchant for being harshly disciplined and then sucking on her breasts as she soothed him in her arms. If she could get him deep enough into the scene, the blissful effects of subspace would stay with him for a couple of days. But first, they would have a pleasant, quiet evening together as a signal for what was coming.
Mike walked into the house and smelled the garlic and herbs as soon as he opened the door. He dropped his suitcase in the laundry room and hung his suit jacket on a hanger in the hallway closet. He followed the smell of dinner into the kitchen and found his wife standing over the stove wearing a sexy satin nightie. Apparently, he noted eagerly, the girls were spending the night with their dad.
Sara turned and smiled at her husband. Mike could see she had put on make-up and styled her hair to increase the sexy image before him. Even better, she handed him a Bombay Sapphire gin martini with three blue-cheese olives on a cute paper umbrella toothpick. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the satiny material of the nightie on his hands, and hugged her tightly as they kissed each other in a long, soulful embrace.
"Welcome home," Sara said in a silky voice as he broke the kiss. Mike reluctantly released her from his embrace and accepted the glass of heavenly relief she offered.
"It's good to be home," he sighed before taking a sip of the martini. Then, he looked his wife over and added, "Especially when I get to come home and see this angelic vision."
Sara laughed as she turned back toward the stove and said, "We'll see how much of an angel I am tomorrow." Then, she looked back over her shoulder and said teasingly, "But tonight ... I just might be an angel."
Mike chuckled and felt his cock stir as he watched her ass, thinking about her naked in bed and about ... tomorrow. He took another sip from the glass as they discussed his flights and how much travelling through airports sucked. He watched her season the large sea scallops drying on the paper towel before she dropped them in the hot oil in the skillet. The sizzle and aroma of the cooking mollusks was making Mike's mouth water. His wife was a great cook and he couldn't wait until dinner was ready. He knew what he wanted for dessert ....
Later, after making Mike suffer through the first half of '50 First Dates', and noticing him yawn a few times, Sara finally said, "Do you want to keep watching him woo the girl or would you rather give it a try yourself?"
Mike grinned and said, "I thought you'd never ask!"
They turned off the TV and hurried to their bedroom. Mike quickly undressed while Sara lit some candles and turned off the lights. As the scent of cinnamon and musk filled the bedroom, Mike watched his wife in the flickering light of the candles as she came to him and embraced him like they had done earlier in the kitchen. They kissed each other as he ran his hands over the satiny material of the nightie. Mike eased the nightie up Sara's back with one hand and ran his hand over her bare butt with the other. He should have guessed she wasn't wearing panties. She wiggled appreciatively in his arms as he massaged her ass. She loved to feel his strong hands caressing the curves of her ass.
Sara ran her hands down his chest and found his nipple with her fingers. She rolled it with enough pressure to make him moan but not enough to make him gasp. "Have you been a good boy this week and played with your toy every night while thinking of me?"
Mike had moved his lips to her neck and earlobes and replied, "Mmm hmm."
"You didn't have any accidents, did you?" she asked as her hand moved down his stomach and found his hardening cock. She knew the answer, but she always asked anyway.
"No, I was a good boy," he mumbled as his hands continued to roam all over her silk-covered body.
"Well then, you get a treat tonight. I want you to make momma's pussy happy and then you can rub your little toy on my clitty. If you can make momma cum again before you have your little cummy, then maybe you won't get spanked too hard tomorrow. Would you like that?" she cooed in his ear.
Mike was fully erect now and his breathing was getting heavy. If his wife kept stroking his cock, he knew he wouldn't be able to last much longer. After two weeks of orgasm denial with nightly edging before going to sl_eep, he was desperate for an orgasm. When he was on the road, his wife required him to bring himself right to the edge of orgasm and then to stop and wait until it was safe to touch himself again. He had to do it five times before he was allowed to stop. Then, he could go to sl_eep when his heartrate finally slowed down enough to allow it. He was getting to be an expert at it and could edge five times and be asl_eep within a half hour.
Sara pulled Mike with her onto the bed and she got comfortable while Mike moved between her spread knees. He started to remove her nightie but she stopped him and said he could do his job without her being naked. She knew he loved to see and play with her tits but decided she would deny him that tonight. A bit more denial was good for him.
Mike frowned with disappointment. He had imagined his naked wife for the past week. However, her refusal to let him remove her nightie also excited him. He knew she had been to Nick's apartment since he was out of town and he knew she didn't stop Nick from seeing her fully naked. Quite the contrary, she had probably stripped and then undressed him as soon as she got to his apartment. She was infatuated with his large, fat cock and his ability to last as long as she needed. As much as she loved having sex with her ex, she said Nick was even better.
Mike looked at her beautiful pussy between her spread knees, exposed under the flipped up nightie. 'Nick's Pussy' he thought. That was what they called it now. Ever since Nick told her how excited it made him to be the only man having PIV sex with her, she thought it only appropriate to call it Nick's Pussy. She knew it would add to the excitement for all of them. When Mike pointed out the fact she was still hooking up with her ex on occasion, she told him that would be their little secret and to keep it to himself if he knew what was good for him. Nick still didn't know the full extent of their Female-Led Relationship, but Mike's cuckold status was no longer perceived as a taboo topic. It was becoming an open teasing game to discuss how Nick would be the only man fucking her from now on. Nick still didn't understand how they got off on this kink, but he was more than happy to be the man she wanted between her thighs.
Mike inhaled the scent of her perfume as it drifted from wherever she had dabbed it on her thighs or ass. The scent was mingled with another familiar scent that always made his head swoon with passion. It was a Pavlovian response learned over the years of tasting her heavenly nectar. He nibbled on her inner thighs and slowly worked his way to the folds of her outer lips. He took his time and explored her entire outer lips and fucked her with his tongue before teasing her clitoris with the tip of his tongue. She moaned in response and began to move her hips. Neither of them had lost interest in this most intimate form of lovemaking. He could feel the little tremors and the contractions from the muscles in her pussy as she responded to his tongue and fingers. He did his best to drag out the orgasm as he imagined Nick's cock plunging in and out of this very same pussy.
Sara began to moan as Mike's tongue danced over her clit with greater urgency. He alternated from using the flat of his tongue to a more concentrated attack with the tip of his tongue. His finger rubbed on her G-spot and she felt the familiar tremors of an imminent orgasm building in her body. She grabbed the back of his head with both hands and squeezed the sides of his head between her knees. His face was trapped tightly against her pussy but he never stopped doing what was causing her to peak. She cried out loudly in orgasmic bliss and rode the wave of tremors until she became too sensitive and begged him to stop.
Mike looked up at her with excitement in his eyes. He loved to make his wife cum. Sara said urgently, "Do it! Rub your toy on my clit and make me cum again!"
Mike got between his wife's legs like he was going to fuck her, but he was careful to place his cock on her outer lips with the head well above her clitoris and began to rub his cock slowly up and down. The contact wasn't as good as his lips and tongue had just been, but Sara's very sensitive clit responded immediately. Sara moaned in pleasure and cried out, "Yes, that's it. Rub my clit. Make me cum again!"
Mike picked up the pace and could feel the pressure of her pubic mound and pussy pressing on the bottom of his very sensitive cock. He had to be careful to avoid getting too excited and accidentally penetrating her with his cock. He knew that would result in consequences he didn't want to consider. Without a doubt, he wouldn't be allowed to do this anymore and the' strict mommy' session tomorrow would be particularly painful. He pressed his cock firmer against her sex as he felt himself reaching the point of no return and hoped she would cum quickly. Sara was thrusting her hips to match his thrusts and moaning loudly as her clitoris sent waves of pleasure through her body. She hoped they would reach orgasm together but she could tell he was barely holding on. She yelled out, "I'm almost there. Don't you dare cum!" But, it was too late and she could see his face grimace as he started spurting cum onto her pubic mound and belly. He kept thrusting to try and make her cum but she stopped him, pushing him off her, his cock still dribbling spurts of cum.
"I really thought you were going to do it," she said in a pouting voice. "I was so close."
Mike rolled over next to her and put his arm around her saying, "I'm sorry babe. I tried so hard but you felt so good."
"Well, at least clean me up," she said in the same pouty voice.
Mike scrambled between her legs and licked his cum from her stomach and pussy. When he tried to lick her clit, she smacked his head and said, "You had your chance."
After he was done, Sara said, "I guess we'll be starting tomorrow with some corner time, won't we?" Mike nodded his head forlornly and laid down next to her. Sara rolled over and put her head on his chest and after a moment said in a loving voice, "I'm glad you're home sweetheart."
"Me too," Mike said with a smile on his face. He loved how quickly his wife could switch from dominant to loving. His heart rate was still racing as he felt his wife's hand running softly over his chest. She squeezed his nipple between her fingers for a few seconds before drifting into a gentle sl_eep with her strong, loving husband.
Posts: 437
Mike was standing with his nose toward the corner of the family room next to the wood-burning fireplace. He could smell the ashes from the last fire and reminded himself that it needed to be cleaned out. He remembered the fire. Nick had come over for dinner a couple of nights before he left on the latest business trip. It had been a fun evening that ended like all Nick's visits lately. Eventually, Nick and Sara were horny and she would kiss Mike on the lips and with excited eyes she would tell him how much she loved him. Then, she would take her lover's hand and they would go to the master bedroom together. Mike had sat alone watching the fire with a scotch in his hand. He strained his ears to hear the sounds coming from the bedroom but mostly he just heard the crack of the fire. Sara usually left the door open for his benefit but sometimes she closed the door to give the lovers more privacy. However, he eventually heard her shouts of pleasure leading up to her first orgasm. It would be the first of many. As usual. He had sighed contentedly and took another sip.
Mike pulled a knee up to his stomach and held it as he stretched while standing, facing the wall. He thought about the night before and his wife asking if he had been a "good boy". He loved being her good boy and making her happy. When she had told him how excited it made her to see him suffer and yearn for her, he desperately wanted to give her more. He was obsessed with trying to satisfy his wife, while knowing he couldn't satisfy her in the one way she needed it most. Like a self-flagellating Capuchin monk, he eagerly suffered for the object of his devotion and, if she wanted him to torment himself with edging and orgasm denial, then he would gladly do it for her. He didn't tell her he had come back to the hotel completely exhausted one night and fell asleep lying on top of the covers before he had a chance to edge for her. He knew she would understand but he didn't want to disappoint her, so he had kept it to himself. Now, he was feeling guilty and hoped she would be a bit more severe this morning to cleanse him for his sin.
Mike's mind often wandered when he was standing in the corner. He had already been to the gym this morning and made himself some coffee and breakfast. He knew the smell of coffee would wake his lovely bride, so he always waited until he was ready before starting the coffee maker. Being ready meant stripping naked and putting the toy bag on the floor in the middle of the family room. The toy bag held the paddles and floggers and nipple clamps and other implements of discipline. These were toys that would deliver the pain and eventual pleasure that sent him into subspace. Sara was getting really good at both the mental and physical arts of domination and discipline. She would be his strict mommy, demanding his complete sub_mission as she punished her boy until he was totally chastised and suckling at her breasts. He would feel the tingling sensations from the session for the rest of the day and night. The marks would last for days.
He heard her footsteps and knew it was time.
Sara had been awake for a while, but she was enjoying the pleasure of just lying in bed without having to get up and hurry out the door. Today would be a fun but tiring day. Being a good Domme took a lot of effort if you were going to do it right! She intended to give her husband everything he wanted, everything he needed, to satisfy his kinky desires. But, who was she kidding? She enjoyed this as much as he did. Before meeting Mike, she never would have imagined how satisfying and enjoyable it could be to sexually dominate your man. The rush of power and the thrill she got from disciplining him was unlike anything she had ever done.
She smelled the coffee. That was the signal. Mike was back from the gym. He rarely missed his early morning workout unless he was in the field. Even then, he would at least go for a quick jog if time and conditions permitted. The commitment to maintaining his body in top condition was evident. His broad shoulders, muscular torso and strong legs would be on full display when she saw his naked body this morning. She especially liked his tight, well-rounded ass. She only wished her own ass was as nice as his.
She knew he would make himself a quick bite to eat before waiting in the corner for her. "Let the fun begin," she thought as she stretched and got out of bed. She brushed her teeth but decided to wait until later to shower. She would let her boy bathe and pamper her. Besides, she intended to work up a sweat this morning. As she got dressed in a pair of tight black yoga pants and matching Lycra top, she looked like she was going for a workout at the gym, except the lack of panties and bra clearly showed the outline of her pussy lips and nipples. She realized she was getting horny when she looked in the mirror and saw her nipples poking through the material like a pop-up timer on a plump turkey breast. She tied her hair back in a tight ponytail and didn't put on any makeup to give herself an even more severe look.
Sara walked through the family room on her way to the kitchen and saw her husband and his tight, round ass standing obediently in the corner. She didn't say a word as she stopped to make sure everything was in the proper place and then continued on her way to the kitchen. She didn't hurry as she poured a cup of coffee and inhaled the fragrant aroma. She walked to the refrigerator and grabbed the yogurt and fruit smoothie Mike had prepared for her. By the color, she guessed he had used strawberries and blueberries and possibly some pineapple. This would be enough to hold her over until he made her lunch later.
She walked back into the family room and sat in one of the big brown overstuffed leather chairs, putting her coffee on the small antique table next to it. She sipped her smoothie and coffee without saying anything. She wanted to build the tension and anticipation of what was coming. They both had a general idea of how this would go but she liked to play it by ear with only a vague outline of a plan of attack.
Finally, she said without warning, "Get the nipple clamps, small butt plug, lube and cane out of the bag. Then, I want you to pick three more toys for our play this morning. After lunch, we can choose the toys that will finish our day of fun together."
Mike left the corner and glanced at his wife. She was sitting in the chair with one leg over the other and nonchalantly sipping coffee. It was like they were getting ready to play a game of checkers and she had asked him to get the box of checkers out of the cupboard. Except this would be a game where she was the only one allowed to make any moves and the playing pieces were all instruments of pain – or pleasure depending on your disposition.
Mike dug through the bag and pulled out the short-handled crop that would be used on his cock and balls, a wood-handled flogger with long strands of soft leather that Sara loved to use all over his body – especially his back, and then he paused as he tried to decide on the last item. Knowing Sara already intended to use the cane and nipple clamps, he didn't want to pick something that would be as intense as those 'toys', so he chose the quirt. It was all-leather with a braided handle and a wicked looking leather braid that extended about eighteen inches beyond the handle with a leather cracker at the end. It looked like a miniature bullwhip but was light enough that it didn't leave the skin-damaging marks of a whip unless the person wielding it didn't know what they were doing or intended for it to be used severely.
Mike laid all of the chosen items on a table against the wall and then approached his wife, kneeling before her. He noticed her hard nipples poking through the tight material of her half-shirt. It excited him to know how much she was looking forward to this.
"Let me tell you how this is going to go today, boy," his wife said with authority. "I need to get a workout, so I'm going to whip your ass good and I don't want to hear you say anything but Yes ma'am and Thank You. Understood?"
"Yes ma'am," Mike replied obediently from his kneeling position.
"When I've had a good enough workout and I'm done whipping and having fun with you, you're going to go lie face-up in our bed and I'm going to ride your face until you give me enough orgasms to make up for the one you should have given me last night." This was a command so Mike didn't think a response was necessary.
Sara kept looking at him with a stern look and said, "The only time you will see or touch my tits today will be in the shower when you bathe me." Sara knew how much Mike liked seeing and feeling her breasts. His favorite Strict Mommy outfit was when she went topless. He would lick the sweat off her boobs and nipples before she made him beg to be spanked some more. But, she had decided to use his obsession with her tits as the newest tease to feed his denial fetish. He had become too comfortable with simply being denied having his penis in her. It was time to make him hunger for her even more.
Mike looked glum and replied, "Yes, ma'am."
Sara uncrossed her legs and sat with her knees spread in front of her husband. He looked between her legs and saw the puffy outline of her pussy in the tightly stretched material of the yoga pants. He licked his dry lips and imagined the smell and taste of her wet pussy. He could already imagine her kneeling over his face with his tongue buried in her smoth_ering grasp. He was still looking at her pussy when she said in a teasing voice, "That's it boy. Look at the pussy you don't get anymore. That's somebody else's pussy now, isn't it?"
"Yes, ma'am," he said gruffly as his mouth kept getting dryer in anticipation.
She reached forward and took him by the chin, raising his eyes to look at hers. "Do you want to know what he did to me while you were gone this week?"
"Yes ma'am," he answered eagerly.
Sara smiled tauntingly and leaned forward so her tits were in his face and she whispered in his ear, "He fucked my ass with that big cock of his."
Sara heard him gasp and she smiled as she leaned back to look him in the eyes. She said in a mischievous voice, "I kept begging him to be gentle and then begging him to own my ass. I told him it was his ass now." Sara's eyes were blazing now. She could feel the adrenaline beginning to course through her veins. The feeling of power and dominance were making her head buzz with excitement. "So, now it's not just Nick's pussy. Now, it's Nick's pussy AND Nick's ass." Sara reached for Mike's nipples and squeezed them tightly between her fingers. "Does that excite you boy? To know another man owns your wife's ass and pussy now? To know you're not allowed in there anymore? To know you may never get another blowjob?" She twisted his nipples and seethed, "My body is off limits to you and your little toy. Only real men are allowed access to what was once yours."
Mike's breathing was becoming shallow and faster. The sensation from his nipples was making his cock harder and he gasped through parched lips, "Yes ma'am."
Sara released his nipples and stood up, putting her hands on her hips, with her legs spread slightly in front of him. She grabbed the back of his head with one hand and smashed his face roughly into her crotch saying harshly, "Get a good whiff boy. Smell my excitement. That's what thinking about beating your ass does to me." She rubbed her pussy for_cefully against his mouth and nose, riding his face like she was masturbating herself. The material of the yoga pants didn't feel so soft as his face began to turn red from the rough treatment. Then, she stopped suddenly and demanded in a stern tone, "It's time, boy. Assume the position."
Mike quickly stood up and scampered the few steps to the fireplace, placing his hands on the wooden mantle and spread his feet shoulder width apart. He hung his head as he waited. The teasing and humil_iation had already got the endorphins buzzing inside him but he knew the real endorphin rush was still to come. When he felt the leather braid of the quirt trail down his back and nestle in the crack of his ass, he knew there would be no warm-up today. Apparently, his wife intended to get right to it.
The first crack of leather across his ass made him jump up to his toes but he didn't release his hands from the mantle or make any sound other than a sharp intake of breath. Sara held the handle of the leather quirt in one hand and the braided lash in her other. The fall of the whip hung limply over her hand as she lined up the next stroke. She was glad he had chose this implement. It was one of her favorites. The sounds and the marks it made were perfect. She was feeling powerful ... and horny ... and alive! Two more rapid cracks of the lash had her boy up on his toes again and she grabbed him by the balls to warn him not to move his hands from the mantle. Then, she remembered what was missing. She smiled as she thought to herself, "It won't be my ass getting filled today." When he settled back down onto the soles of his feet, she grabbed the lube from the table and dribbled some of the liquid onto his asshole while using the butt plug to push the slippery goo into his opening. He gasped again. She loved the sound of his awareness. He knew what was coming next. "Imagine his cock sliding into my ass boy," she demanded as she pushed the plug harder against his protesting sphincter muscle. More gasping but no pleas to go slower ... not yet. She knew how to push him to the edge. How to make him whimper, how to bring tears to his eyes. That's when she would make him beg for more. This was going to be a really fun day!
Posts: 437
Mike was sitting in a comfy rocking chair on the balcony of the country club looking at the 18th green with a cold beer in a frosty mug sitting on the table next to him. He was wearing a bright red golf shirt, black shorts and a PGA golf hat Nick had bought at some tournament. As a lobbyist, Nick attended many sporting and cultural events where he could entertain the never-ending political class who were always looking for freebies in exchange for acting like they cared about whatever he wanted to discuss.
Mike rocked slowly and brushed away some drops that had dripped from the cold mug onto his shorts. When he put on the shorts this morning, he had checked twice to make sure the cane marks Sara had applied across his upper thighs wouldn't show if he bent over or swung a club. As he rocked in the chair, he realized he was still blissfully content an entire day later. Sara had been especially aggressive with him and the endorphins and subspace hadn't fully wore off. Any feelings of stress, guilt or frustration had been washed away – at least temporarily.
As a result of his dazed contentment, he had played especially bad today and lost more money to his best friend than usual. He knew Nick would tease him all week. It had already started on the course when Nick joked, "Dude, I think you need to get laid so you can get some focus!" Mike laughed and agreed it must be Sara's fault. He didn't mention how it was Sara's fault. That she had spent the morning and some of the afternoon whipping, flogging, plugging and using him for her pleasure while his own cock and orgasms were totally ignored. How she had taunted him with her shirt-covered tits and asked if she should take those away from him as well. Since he was only allowed to say 'Yes Ma'am' and 'Thank You', his response was a sad-eyed "Yes Ma'am?" She told him he looked adorable with his puppy-dog eyes and then told him to spread his legs so she could slap his cock and balls with the crop some more.
Nick came back from the bar with some snacks and sat in the rocking chair next to him with their beers sitting on a little table between them. He handed Mike a bag of cashews and Mike laughed saying, "After all the money you just took from me and all you could afford was a bag of nuts?"
Nick grinned and agreed, "You definitely were off today. I wasn't playing well but I don't need to when you play like that."
The friends rocked quietly for a few minutes watching people playing the last hole on the golf course. After a cold spring, the weather was finally turning warm and the golfers had flocked to the course, happy to be rid of the jackets and sweaters and to start wearing shorts and polo shirts. In Northern Virginia, it seemed like the weather went straight from winter to summer with barely any late spring weather like this.
Mike was rocking slowly with his eyes closed when Nick said, "I'm thinking about slowing things down with Sara and maybe taking a little break from us hooking up."
Mike's eyes shot open as he stopped rocking and turned sharply toward his friend, "What!? Why?"
Nick was still looking straight ahead as he shrugged his shoulders and said, "I dunno. I just think we should." He could feel Mike's eyes boring into him, so he finally turned to look at his best friend. He sighed and said, "Dude, you know what we always said ... 'Bros before Hos'. And I don't want anything to ever come between us."
Mike quickly responded, "And there isn't any problem. We're all completely okay with things like they are."
Nick looked down at the beer on the table and stammered, "Dude, it's just ... well, I don't think you understand how much ..." Then, he looked up at his friend and said, "I'm falling for her ... I mean, I'm falling really hard ... I don't date anymore ... I'm not even returning calls from my friends with benefits."
Mike was a little surprised. When Nick's marriage fell apart, he had started dating voraciously and was known as quite the ladies' man. He and Sara teased Nick all the time about his crazy dating life and Sara was always trying to hook him up with her single friends. To hear he was forgoing other women due to his feelings for Sara was completely unexpected. "Wow! I had no idea," Mike exclaimed. He looked back toward the fairway as he considered Nick's admission of falling in love with his wife. Mike turned back to Nick and said, "You'll break her heart if you just quit seeing her." He paused and added, "Because she has the same feelings for you."
Nick looked skeptical and said, "Really?"
Mike thought about it and knew he was telling the truth. He could see it in her eyes and the way she talked about Nick. She'd never said anything specific, but her body language said it all. "Yeah, she's crazy about you."
"But, she's always trying to set me up with her friends ... and she loves you to death, bro."
"She wants you to be happy because she loves you, man. And, I know she loves me. She just loves you too. Most people can only love one person at a time, but she's different. You don't have to worry about us. If she ever quit loving me as much, it would be my fault. Not yours or anybody else," Mike insisted. Nick nodded his head and wanted to believe his friend, but he couldn't see how it could work. Mike implored his friend, "Just give it a little more time. Don't start pulling away. Just go with it for now. Okay?"
Nick nodded his head and then grabbed his beer, holding it up for a toast. "Here's to the craziest couple a guy could ever want to know." Mike laughed and clinked his mug against Nick's and they both took a big swig before Nick started teasing him about his golf game again.
Mike and Sara were washing the dinner dishes while the girls were getting ready for a high school dance. The California Honeydrops were singing 'When It Was Wrong" through the Sonos speaker on the counter and the couple were smiling and singing it together when Sara asked, "So, how was golf today?"
Mike sighed and said, "I played terrible. For some reason I just couldn't seem to focus today." He looked at his wife with an accusatory glance and she returned a smug look on her face like 'it wasn't my fault' when she knew it was absolutely her fault and she was happy about it. Mike washed another plate and handed it to her to rinse and dry when he said in a nonchalant voice, "Nick is falling in love with you and is freaking out about it."
Sara stopped drying the plate and looked at her husband with a stunned face. "What? Freaking out how?"
"He quit dating and having hookups. He's only seeing you. Now, he's worried his feelings will come between us." Mike paused before adding, "He thinks he should stop having sex with you." Mike kept washing the dishes as he waited for her response.
Sara thought about it for a few moments as she started drying the dishes again. "I always assumed he would meet someone and get serious and that's when it would end," she said in a distant voice.
"I told him it wasn't an issue for me, and you felt the same way so he should give it more time."
Sara looked at her husband and their eyes met. She saw he was serious and his expression only showed concern for her. Hearing his friend was in love with his wife didn't seem to faze him. And ... he was right. She did love Nick too. It was more than just sex. Even though she wanted him to find a new woman in his life ... she knew it would break her heart. Maybe Nick was right. Maybe they should stop before it got even harder.
Sara started to dry a fork when Mike said, "Why don't you let me finish the rest of the dishes?" She nodded and went to the family room and sat curled up in one of the big leather chairs.
Mike finished in the kitchen and took out the trash. He sat in a chair on the back deck to give his wife some time alone. She was a thinker and would need time to work it out in her head before they could discuss it together. He hoped she came up with a solution. He didn't want it to end. Her affair with Nick was one of the most exciting things in his life. To his surprise, Sara came out and joined him at the deck table a few minutes later. She sat down and put one leg over the other and asked him, "What would you think about him living here for a little while?"
Mike's face showed his surprise and he asked, "What about the girls?"
Sara shrugged saying, "My mom invited them to stay with her at The Cape this summer so we could go somewhere for my 40th birthday. Anne leaves for college mid-summer to start working out with the soccer team and Janet is going through that stage where she wants nothing to do with us so we can work around it. Besides, he may decide living with us sucks and be out of here before the girls get back from my mom's."
The idea of having a live-in lover for his wife sounded like a dream come true! He and Nick had been roommates in a small apartment one summer and they both loved it, so he wasn't worried about that. "What about his apartment?" Mike queried.
"What about it?" Sara responded. "He always says how he could rent it on Airbnb for twice his mortgage. If he wants to stay after the summer, we'll tell the girls he's got a long-term renter and is staying with us while his apartment is occupied. It will also give him a chance to get away and have a break from us." Sara grabbed Mike's hand and said in a teasing voice, "Maybe I'll go and stay with him at his apartment for a week this summer. Happy birthday to me."
Mike felt a tingle in his stomach. His wife had stayed overnight with Nick in the past and it always got him incredibly turned on. He was getting more excited as the thought of this becoming a reality grew. "So, how would slee_ping arrangements be?" Mike asked uncertainly.
Sara smiled cockily, "Obviously, when Janet's home, you and I would still sl_eep together and Nick would take the spare bedroom. But, while we have the house to ourselves this summer ... I don't know. I guess we'll have to work that out." Mike just nodded his head as he imagined the possibilities. Then, Sara said, "You know this means he'll find out about the other things we do, right?"
Mike hadn't thought about that and shrugged saying, "He already knows that he owns your pussy and ass. I don't think he'll be too surprised when he finds out we play a little rough sometimes."
Sara scoffed, "So you think it's just play when you serve me and when I spank your ass?"
Mike quickly corrected himself, "No, no, he already tells me that he knows who wears the pants in this family."
Sara raised her eyebrows in a threatening way, "Don't think I'm going to stop treating you exactly the same way just because your best friend is living with us."
Just then, the girls opened the patio door and said they were getting ready to leave. Sara checked their outfits to make sure they weren't too risqué, but that wasn't usually a problem with either of them. They were level-headed, bright kids but a mom's work was never done. She begged them to be careful and not to hesitate to call for a ride if the person driving decided to dr_ink. "No questions asked," she promised. They each gave their mom and Mike a kiss on the cheek and were on their way.
Sara resumed her conversation with Mike. "If he hears that we want him to move in with us this summer, then he'll know what we have going is perfectly fine with you and that I'm ready for it to be something more for me too." Sara's enthusiasm was building as she spoke, "He'll be like a co-husband. He won't be a guest in our house. This will be his house too and he can treat me like his wife. The two of you can share me," she said with a twinkle in her eyes. "Well, I don't mean sexually of course," but then quickly added, "but, who knows what could happen!"
Her excitement at the prospect was amazing for Mike to watch. He just sat there dumbfounded as he listened to her describing a fantasy-come-true for him. Then, she stopped herself and grabbed Mike's arm, "Ohmigod, honey, I'm carrying on without making sure you're really okay with this. You know it's okay to say 'No', right? Nick is your best friend and I would never want to do anything that might mess that up."
Mike laughed and said, "You're starting to sound like Nick. Does everybody think I'm too fragile to handle my wife and my best friend loving each other?"
Sara started laughing heartily with her husband and got up from the chair to sit on his lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and said, "Are we really going to do this?"
Mike shrugged and said, "You have a way of being pretty persuasive, so I'd say the odds are good if you are the one to make the pitch to Nick."
Sara kissed her husband on the lips and put her nose against his when she said, "Somebody is going to get a really nice handjob tonight." Mike grinned lustily and Sara added, "I'll even let you play with my boobs." Then, she got up from his lap and pranced excitedly back into the house.
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Your story inspired me to do some research for more like yours
Posts: 437
That's awesome Vol92! I think you'll find this story similar. A loving couple that understands what they both need.
Posts: 437
Mike heard the car in the driveway and knew his weekend of solitude had come to an end. He helped his wife unpack the car and carried her suitcase, the cooler and snack bag into the house. The girls carried their own bags and disappeared into their rooms by the time Mike cleaned out the cooler and put everything away in the garage for the next roadtrip. After a welcome home kiss and a quick rundown on the soccer tourney results, Mike and Sara were sipping iced tea and he asked, "Soooo, how did the ex handle the news? Or, did you change your mind?"
Sara shook her head and looked slightly annoyed, "No, I told him. And, as expected, he was disappointed and surprised. Especially when I told him it wasn't because of you ... that it was Nick." Mike cringed. He knew she was going to tell her ex they couldn't have sex anymore, but he didn't expect her to tell him about Nick. Did he have to know she was also cucking him with his best friend? Sara seemed unmoved by her husband's reaction and continued, "To his credit, his first concern was the girls. He didn't want them living in some weird polyamorous household. That's when he told me the girls are a lot more perceptive than I know. When I asked him what that meant, he said they knew all about him having sex with me on the road trips and, apparently, some of the other parents knew too. So, now the girls and soccer moms must think I'm some kind of slut." She rolled her eyes in exasperation. "Anne told him they knew what we were doing after they went to bed and she was worried how you would react if you found out. She told him how much we loved each other and how mad she would be at him if he messed things up between us."
"Awww, that was awfully sweet of Anne to be worried about me," Mike exclaimed.
Sara shot him an irritated look, "I can't believe she would tell him and not say anything to me."
Mike shrugged, "He's always had a really close relationship with the girls. And, well ... sometimes ..."
"Sometimes, what?!" Sara demanded.
Mike sighed, "Sometimes, you can be pretty strict with them." The same strictness that got Mike excited had the opposite effect on a teenager. She had fun with the girls and they had a close relationship but she didn't take kindly to any backtalk or disobedience – two things teenage girls were known for.
"As usual, he gets to be their buddy and I'm the bitch," she said bitterly.
Mike reached for her hand to provide support and offered, "You're a great mom, and I've never known you to care or get this upset over what other people thought."
Sara didn't take his hand, keeping her arms crossed in front of her, "No, that was just annoying. What pissed me off was how easily he accepted me turning him down and immediately started flirting with the divorced moms that have been after him all these years. The big-titted bimbo was giving him eyes all weekend. I have no doubt he was banging her the whole time."
Mike was amused by his wife's display of jealousy over her ex-husband. She was a competitive woman and didn't take rejection well. "Forget about him honey," Mike said in his most supportive voice. "We'll have this house to ourselves in another month and you'll have Nick here taking care of your every need." Then, Mike made a mistake. He tried to be humorous and said in a teasing voice, "I think you're just frustrated from not getting sex this weekend. Now you know how I feel."
Sara glared at her husband and said in a menacing tone, "Well, funny boy, my frustration is only temporary but yours can get much worse. You're lucky the girls are home, or you'd find out how I really feel. You may like frustration, but it just makes me mean. Now march your ass upstairs, put in the buttplug and don't you dare take it out until I say so." Mike started to say something, but Sara just pointed toward the stairs. He sighed and got up wondering why he was the one getting in trouble.
Unknown to Mike, this would be the beginning of his orgasm denial for more than a month. Sara would delight in bringing him right to the edge of orgasm and then telling him to pull up his pants or to roll over and go to sl_eep with an "Awww, is poor Mikey feeling frustrated?" On the other hand, Sara was getting more and more excited about Nick moving in with them and seemed to always be horny. Her dildos and Mike's mouth were being put to good use while her husband was being denied the same pleasure.
With Anne's pending graduation and preparing for the girls to spend the summer with their grandma, Sara was glad to have the distractions. Nick wanted to build up the anticipation of their upcoming adventure, so he was limiting his visits and only spent one night with Sara in the weeks leading up to move-in day. Like a bride-to-be, she was getting anxious for the day to finally arrive when she would have her lover all to herself. She couldn't wait to have two men at her beck and call, to take care of her every desire. She intended to enjoy every minute of it!
Posts: 437
There was an uncomfortable quiet in the car as Mike drove with Sara sitting next to him and Nick in the back seat. It was the first sign of any friction since Nick moved in more than a week before. Up to this point, the trio had enjoyed evenings playing board games, going out to dinner and generally having fun together. Of course, there was also the sex. Lots of sex. Sara and Nick were like newlyweds and couldn't keep their hands off each other. Mike was sure they were having even more sex than he had enjoyed with his wife on their honeymoon. Not only were they having sex each night, Mike had heard the unmistakable sounds of pleasure coming from the shower some mornings.
Mike had chosen to sl_eep in the spare bedroom to allow them more time together, but Sara would alternate whose bed she slept in each night. Some nights, after having sex with Nick, she would snuggle into bed with her husband. She knew he had been listening and would reach under the covers to verify he had an erection before telling him, "put your fingers in me." Mike could feel the warm, sticky semen of his best friend. He would push his fingers in and out of her pussy until she would smile and kiss him on the lips. Then, she would squeeze his erection and tell him, "I love you. Goodnight." She still hadn't allowed him an orgasm since his comment about being frustrated.
Mike wondered if that might be the problem. Maybe his sexual frustration was starting to show. Listening to them have passionate sex every night for the past week was incredibly frustrating. He didn't even have to touch himself to be on the edge of orgasm. He knew he wasn't sl_eeping well. It seemed Sara was finding minor things to nag him about all night. Yet, she also seemed to be having fun being "out on a date with my two handsome men". Then, she kissed Nick on the lips. It was the first time Mike had ever seen her do anything overtly affectionate with Nick when they were all out in public. He had tried to hide his surprise, but he suspected Sara noticed him tense up. He didn't know why he reacted that way. They didn't know anybody at the restaurant, and he watched them kiss each other all the time at their house. When he glanced around the restaurant, nobody was paying any attention. Even if they had, everyone would assume Nick and Sara were the couple and Mike was their tag-along friend.
When the waiter asked if they wanted dessert, Mike had said, "Just bring the check."
Apparently, his wife didn't like the way he said it, because she gave him an admonishing scowl before telling the waiter, "A dessert menu would be lovely." After the waiter walked away, she asked her husband, "Are you in a hurry to get home?" Mike just shrugged and rolled his eyes. Then, Sara got a threatening smile on her face as she put her elbows on the table and leaned toward her husband. "If I were you, I wouldn't be in too big of a hurry to get home." She let the sentence dangle for a moment, before adding, "Because you're going to be in big trouble when we get home."
Then, her demeanor changed back to cheerful as quickly as it had turned threatening. She started talking to Nick about her pickleball match the next day, but Nick was clearly taken aback when he heard Sara threaten Mike. It sounded like a parent warning a misbehaving ch_ild. He still had never seen any overt dominance and sub_mission, but there was no doubt who was in charge in this marriage. Before he moved in, Sara warned Nick they had a few more kinks than just pussy-free sex. Since he was going to be an intimate part of their relationship this summer, and the girls were going to be gone, he would probably see some things that surprised him. She told him she could be very dominant with Mike and he assumed he was about to see what she meant.
Sara looked at her husband as he drove and knew he was getting more nervous the closer they got to their house. He would never show his true feelings. His training and experience let him hide any outward appearance of concern, but she knew him. She wondered if he was getting an erection wondering what she was going to do to him. She decided it was time for Nick to witness how she sexually dominated her husband. So far, he had only seen her tease her husband, but the discipline, humil_iation and D/S sex play had been kept private from him. She also knew she hadn't been spending enough time in the bedroom with her husband due to the excitement of having Nick in her bed every night. But most of all, she wanted her husband to see her having sex with her lover. She knew he liked to listen, and she made sure she didn't hold anything back so he could hear how much she enjoyed it, but she was ready to spice up this evolving relationship. She wanted her husband involved sometimes. It was time for Mike to see how she had sex with a lover that wasn't pussy-free. How she eagerly sucked his cock. How she fucked his big, thick cock and had multiple orgasms until she was thoroughly sated. Mike wanted to be her pussy-free cuckold, so it was time to show him what that meant.
As they pulled into the driveway, the quiet tension in the car was rising. The men waited to see what Sara would do next. She didn't say anything as she got out of the car and walked to the front door. The men followed and Mike unlocked the door, holding it open for his wife. She entered the house and threw her purse on the table by the door. As the men followed her in, she pointed up the stairs and said to her husband in a stern voice, "Get your ass upstairs to my bedroom right now. We've got an attitude that needs adjusting and we both know how that gets done in this house, don't we?"
Mike started to object, but the look on Sara's face changed his mind. She had a fierce determination and had already made up her mind how this was going to go. So, without looking at Nick, he just climbed the stairs with his wife following close behind. As he walked past the spare bedroom, his bedroom, he realized she made sure he knew it was 'their' bedroom, and not his, where this would take place. The realization that his friend would be listening made the anticipation of what was going to happen even more disconcerting.
Sara followed her husband into the master bedroom and didn't bother closing the door. "Get me the hairbrush and pull down your pants," she demanded.
Mike felt the dread building within him. He hadn't been spanked in weeks and the hairbrush meant she was going to take him over her lap. These were usually loud, painful sessions where he couldn't help shouting out as she rained rapid, for_ceful swats onto his exposed asscheeks. There was no way Nick wouldn't hear the whole thing.
Mike was surprised when he saw Sara stripping off her clothes as he retrieved the hairbrush and pulled his pants to his ankles. Usually, when she was spanking him as a punishment, she remained clothed. The only time she got naked was when she used spanking as foreplay.
Sara snatched the hairbrush from him and sat naked on the end of the bed. She gave Mike an admonishing glare and then noticed his growing erection. Her face took on a taunting look as she used the wooden back of the hairbrush to smack the underside of his hardening penis and said, "Well, this little fella seems to think it's playtime." Sara looked at her husband with the same taunting gaze, "And it will be ... for me." As she bounced his penis like a rubber ball on a paddle, she said, "When you said you wanted to be my pussy-free cuckold, you knew there would be a lot of teasing and denial, and I've done my best to give you both." She watched as his penis became fully erect as it continued to be smacked with the back of the brush. "You've never asked to watch and I appreciate you giving me the privacy." She stopped hitting the bottom of his penis and looked him in the eye. "But, tonight I want you to really understand what it's like to be a pussy-free cuckold. I want you to stand there with your red ass and watch your wife being ravaged by a man that knows how to please a woman. I want you to watch his cock in my mouth and in my pussy and remember how it used to feel when you were there. And, the whole time you're watching, you'll feel the whipping on your ass that pussy-free cuckolds deserve."
She sat up straighter and pushed her breasts out proudly as she prepared to spank him. "Do you know why I'm going to spank you?"
Mike shrugged and said, "Because I have a bad attitude?"
She smiled and said, "Nope. Because it turns me on. I'm going to whip you to get me worked up for my lover. And, I hope he gets as excited hearing you get your ass whipped as you get listening to him fuck me." Then, she tapped her leg to indicate he should bend over her lap for the spanking.
Nick was halfway up the stairs and listening intently for any sounds coming from the bedroom. He could hear Sara's voice but couldn't really hear exactly what she was saying. It sounded like she might be scolding her husband. He ventured up a few more stairs to see if he could hear better when suddenly he heard the unmistakable sound of the spanking starting. There was a steady staccato beat as the no-nonsense spanking was delivered firmly and without breaks. Nick was shocked to think his best friend was lying over his wife's lap and getting his ass beat. Nick was also getting an erection as he listened – especially when he heard Mike start to yelp in desperation as the evil hairbrush continued to rain down on his already red ass. It reminded Nick of the times his ex-wife had allowed him to spank her. He never did it very hard and they always had great sex afterward, but it wasn't something they did often. He had never imagined being spanked himself, but listening to them was making him incredibly horny.
Sara stopped spanking long enough to remove one of her legs from under her husband and placed it across the back of his thighs to hold him in place. He always tried to support most of his weight on his arms and legs, but he was wiggling so much that she needed to readjust. Then, she resumed with ten more especially hard swats on each asscheek.
After removing her leg, she ordered him, "Now get up and stand in the corner." Mike quickly did what his wife ordered, shuffling across the room to stand facing the corner next to the bed.
Sara got up from the end of the bed and put the hairbrush on her dresser. Then, she walked to the open bedroom door and yelled out in a sing-song voice, "Oh, Loverboy! I'm very horny and need someone to come fuck me!"
She was pleased when she could tell Nick was almost at the top of the stairs listening. He immediately came around the corner and the bulge in his pants was evident. She smiled as she met him at the bedroom door and reached between his legs and grabbed his cock through his pants. "Is this for me?" she asked excitedly before they embraced for a passionate kiss.
When they broke the kiss and he followed her into the bedroom, he saw Mike standing in the corner with his bright red ass. Sara grinned as she watched him stare open-mouthed at his friend and started pulling his pants down. "I'm glad you're already hard," she cooed. She sat on the end of the bed where she had just finished spanking her husband and took Nick's cock between her lips. Then, she stopped and said to her husband, "You can watch now." Then, she went back to work on the hard, thick cock she held in both hands.
Mike turned and made eye contact with Nick before diverting his attention to watching his wife. She clearly was enjoying herself as she greedily stroked and sucked and licked Nick's cock like it was the last popsicle in an arid desert. Nick was stroking her hair and closed his eyes to totally enjoy the pleasure of her lips. Mike alternated between watching her suck Nick's cock and the bounce of her boobs as she enthusiastically went about her task. Even though he knew already, he couldn't believe how big Nick's cock was and how it filled his wife's mouth. She could barely get more than a couple of inches into her mouth. Back when Mike used to get blowjobs, she could easily take all of it into her mouth.
Sara quit sucking Nick's cock and scrambled onto her hands and knees on the bed. Now, she was facing her husband as he stood in the corner. She smiled at him as she felt Nick's hands on her hips. Then, she lowered her forehead to the mattress in anticipation of the penetration she'd been thinking about all night. She was finally going to get fucked with her husband watching!
Nick rubbed the tip of his cock on her very wet slit and felt her pussy lips give way like a throng of worshippers parting to make way for their beloved king. He pushed so only the head entered her vagina and was rewarded with a gasp of pleasure from his lover. He gyrated his hips and Sara responded by pushing her hips back toward him to get more. He relented in his teasing and slowly slid his cock halfway into her before pulling almost all the way out. Then, he pushed slowly forward again until he could feel his pubic hair pressing against her ass.
Sara moaned ani_mal-like in pleasure as she felt his cock stretch every part of her cunt. She squeezed the muscles in her pussy around the invader and heard Nick gasp in reply. That made her smile as she pushed and wiggled her ass against him. Then, her lover began a slow rhythmic fuck as she pushed herself back up onto her hands and knees to give him easier access. She always loved doggy-style sex. The orgasms were always the most powerful.
Mike was totally erect as he leaned against the wall and watched them have sex. He couldn't believe what incredible lovers they were together. It wasn't just Nick, his wife gave as good as she got and was every bit as aggressive and passionate as the man fucking her. They had sex in different positions and Sara had at least one orgasm in every position. When she finally looked at her husband, Sara was covered in beads of sweat, her hair wet from the exertion as she straddled Nick's hips and rode his cock. She saw the cum dripping from the tip of Mike's hard dick as she licked her lips before blowing him a kiss. She put her hands on Nick's hairy chest and began thrusting more urgently as her orgasm was approaching. Nick grabbed her hips as he felt his own orgasm building. Sara turned to her husband with glazed eyes and breathlessly gasped, "Cum on me! Cum on my ass!"
Mike was transfixed and didn't immediately respond as he was mesmerized watching them build to a crescendo, but suddenly he snapped out of it and scrambled onto the bed. He did his best to avoid their legs as he got behind her and could see his wife had already started to tremble in orgasm. Nick was also groaning as his own orgasm started to unleash. Mike had avoided touching himself the entire time because he knew it would only take a few strokes and he wouldn't be able to hold back. As Sara collapsed on Nick screaming in orgasmic pleasure and Nick made a final plunge deep inside her pussy, Mike wrapped his hand firmly around his shaft and tried to aim the head of his cock toward his wife's ass. However, after the first few strokes, his erection jumped with each spurt and ropes of cum sprayed on her back until he finally got the last few dribbles to land on her ass.
Everyone laid still for a moment, before Sara raised up enough to turn her head toward her husband. She had a sexy smile on her face and said teasingly, "You know what to do ... lick up your mess."
Mike didn't hesitate. He leaned forward and began licking the strands and drops of sticky white cum from her back and ass. It was different doing it while she still had another man's cock buried in her pussy, but he was so high in post-orgasmic haze that he would have done almost anything she wanted. While he was licking, Sara and Nick were kissing. "Thank you," she whispered to her lover.
"For what?" Nick whispered back.
"For being so wonderful and allowing us to have this adventure," she said with loving eyes. "I always wanted to give him his fantasy of having a threesome." Nick pulled her back to him and resumed exploring her mouth with his tongue.
When Sara realized Mike had stopped licking her back and ass, she sat back up with Nick's cock still buried in her pussy. She squeezed her pussy a few times and Nick sighed in appreciation. Then, she asked him, "Do you mind freshening up to give us just a moment?"
Nick quickly agreed and Sara rolled off him as his cock popped out of her like a cork leaving a bottle. She rolled onto her back and pulled her husband to her. They embraced and she kissed him passionately as Nick closed the bathroom door behind him.
Sara broke the kiss and directed her husband, "Suck my nipples. I know you've been missing them." Mike eagerly made his way to her nipples and alternated from one to the other. Sara ran her fingers through his hair and when he had enjoyed her second nipple enough, without saying a word, she pushed his head down. Mike knew what she wanted and didn't hesitate. He quickly got between her spread legs and put his lips to her very wet, messy pussy.
Nick came out of the bathroom just as Mike had buried his tongue deeply into Sara's cunt. He was surprised at first but was struck by how intimate and loving they looked together. Sara's eyes were closed and her fingers were stroking her husband's head in encouragement. Her hips were responding in appreciation to his efforts as she slowly opened her eyes and smiled at Nick. She blew him a kiss and closed her eyes again, so Nick decided to leave them alone while he got a beer from the kitchen.
Posts: 1289
Great story! Thank you HerBoy 😈❤️
Posts: 437
Merry Christmas BumNote!
Posts: 437
There was a subtle change in the house after that night. In general, everything seemed the same. The guys still joked and hung out together like old friends do, but there was a lingering awareness in the air that a secret had been exposed. Of course, guys being guys, it meant Nick could now tease his friend with "you better watch out or I'll tell your wife on you." The most obvious difference was how Sara began to be more overtly dominant with Mike when they were home. Since she no longer had to be discreet, she could openly tease Mike and make sure he knew she was his loving dominant. When she was ready for Nick to take her to bed, she might tell her husband "You can listen if you want but no playing with yourself tonight." If she didn't like something Mike did when they were all together, she would warn him, "I can extend the number of days until your next orgasm," or "Do I need to spank you before bed tonight?" However, she was careful not to put down her husband in front of his best friend. She waited until they were alone to make her comments about Mike's sexual shortcomings and to give him the cuckold humil_iation she knew he loved.
Sara still preferred to have sex with Nick privately, but, occasionally, she found having her husband in the room was a different kind of thrill. Although she didn't talk about his cock size or quick trigger, she had no problem making sure he understood his role in the bedroom with them. He wasn't allowed to touch her or do anything without her specifically telling him what to do. If she allowed him to cum, he would be expected to lick it up afterward. She knew it was embarrassing for him to lick cum in front of Nick, but it quickly became part of their sexual play together. Nick had become accustomed to their dom/sub kink and just accepted all of it as part of their thing. Outside of the bedroom, Nick admired their loving relationship and found their bedroom games to be even more intriguing.
One morning, Nick was running a little late for a meeting in DC and his car was acting up, so he was hoping Sara could give him a ride to the METRO station since she was working from home. Sara had slept with her husband in the spare bedroom the previous night and Nick assumed Mike had already left for work. When Nick opened the door to the spare bedroom, Mike was on his knees on the bed eating Sara's pussy. Sara was lying leisurely on the bed with her legs spread wide to allow her husband easy access. She was totally nude, eyes closed languidly as she pinched her nipples with a pleasurable smile on her face.
Nick apologized profusely for interrupting, but Sara opened her eyes and said cheerfully, "No, no, don't worry about it," in a nonchalant manner. She reached for him, as Mike continued his task unabated, while the lovers kissed each other. Then, she put her hands under each of her boobs, squeezing them and said in a teasing voice, "He's not allowed to play with these today, but you can if you want to."
Nick laughed and leaned down to suck her nipples, giving each of them a playful bite. Then, he kissed her lips, exploring her mouth with his tongue. When Sara started to pull him on the bed next to her, he said, "No, I'm in a hurry and really just wanted to ask you a question. Can I get a ride to the METRO or borrow one of your cars? I think my battery might be going dead. I need to get to a meeting downtown."
Sara gave him a pouty, disappointed look while telling him, "Just take my car. My keys are in my purse." She moved her hands to the back of Mike's head and ground her pussy against his face. With a devilish smile she told Nick, "The two of us have plans this morning so we won't be going anywhere."
Nick chuckled, "Well, have fun lovebirds," as he hurried out of the room on his way to work.
Mike never looked up during the entire exchange between his wife and her lover. His tongue and lips stayed busy through it all. He felt Sara's hips start to gyrate as she continued to press his face tighter into her sex. Her pussy was very wet and he knew she was near orgasm.
"Did that excite you, boy?" Sara asked in a breathless voice. "Did you like pleasing your strict mommy while she talked to daddy?" Mike answered with a "mmm, hmm" while never stopping his assault on her clit with his tongue. Her hips were moving more urgently as her orgasm began to build. "Oh god, I wish daddy could have stayed and fucked me. I need a cock in me so bad right now." Her breathing was ragged and moans escaped between the words. "Sometimes, I wish you would just fuck me, but that isn't going to ever happen again, is it, boy?" Mike was almost as excited as his wife as the rhythm of his tongue on her clitoris was rapid and firm and he grunted, "mmm mmm". Sara arched her back and groaned loudly, "Ahhhhhhhhh, ohmigooood, ohhhh yessssssss, oh god, AHHHHHHH!"
When Sara finally calmed down from her orgasm, she patted her husband on the head and sighed, "Such a good boy." She stretched her arms and legs as she let out a long, slow exhale and then said in a casual tone, "I'm not in the mood to spank you yet. Go do your chores and make us breakfast first. And don't forget to change the sheets on mommy and daddy's bed. They're very messy from all the fun mommy has been having with daddy." Sara watched her husband as he climbed off the bed with a very firm erection. There was a long strand of cum dangling from the tip of his cock. Sara sat up on the bed and said, "Come here first." Mike walked over to her and she caught the cum on her fingers right before it dropped on the floor. To Mike's surprise, she put her fingers in her own mouth and not in his. Her eyes were locked on his as she moaned playfully, "Mmmmm, I almost forgot how good you taste." She reached for his cock, giving it a few slow strokes and then squeezed the head to make another dollop of cum form at the tip. She pinched it between her thumb and index finger as she squeezed her hand tightly and pulled his cock as her hand slowly moved up his shaft until it popped off the end. This time she did offer her husband the large drop of cum between her thumb and finger, which he dutifully licked and swallowed. She smiled wickedly and said, "My little cum eater. I'll bet you eat more cum than any woman I know. Who do you think eats more cum, me or you? You know, daddy likes to cum in my mouth and I like to do it for him. I love having his big cock in my mouth. When he's ready to cum, he holds my head the way I hold yours and he doesn't let go until I've swallowed every drop." Her dirty talk was making Mike even more excited. She cradled his balls in her hand and bounced his erection less than a foot from her face. "Do you miss having your little peepee in my mouth?" she asked in a babyish voice.
Mike nodded his head. He could feel the rush of adrenaline that her teasing and humil_iation created within him. His breathing was increasing with his desperation. He knew she wouldn't let him cum this easily. Especially not today. When they were cuddling in bed the night before, she asked him if he would stay home from work so they could "play". He immediately agreed. It had been at least a month since their last strict mommy session, and he hungered to feel the sting of the lash and the bite of her humiliating words.
"Poor little pussy-free cuckold," she cooed while bouncing his cock while holding his balls in her hand. "It's so cute. Too .. bad .. it's .. so .. useless," she said as she pulled his balls to bounce his cock between each word. She used a finger from her other hand to smear the pre-cum dribbling out of the tip onto the purple head of his penis. She laughed and said, "You're on the verge of cumming already, aren't you?"
Mike had a slight grimace on his face and reluctantly shook his head, "Yes."
Sara released his balls and laid back down on the bed. She closed her eyes and sighed, saying, "Go do your chores and get breakfast started. I'll be down in a little while." As Mike started to leave the room, she added, "And boy ..." Mike stopped and turned back toward her. "Get the wooden spoon out of the kitchen drawer. I'll paddle your ass before breakfast. That will be a nice warm-up."
Mike frowned. He hated that wooden spoon. If that was the warm-up, then this was going to be a long morning. As he walked into the master bedroom, he was struck by the knowledge this wasn't his bedroom anymore. When Nick moved in for the summer, he had protested when Sara offered him the master bedroom. He insisted on taking the spare bedroom and refused to displace Mike from his bed, but Mike knew how excited his wife was to have Nick in her bed. "I insist," Mike had demanded. "Maybe I'll finally get a good night of sl_eep." Sara had smiled because she knew her husband always slept well. So, Nick relented and within a few days of near constant sex with Sara, he grew quite comfortable in his new bedroom.
Mike's chores this morning were to change the sheets on the bed, straighten up the bedroom and to clean the en-suite bathroom. He looked in the full-length mirror hanging on the closet door next to the bathroom. His cock was still semi-erect and he held it in his hand wondering, "Is it small and useless?" He tugged on it a few times and immediately felt it begin to firm up again. He raised the fingers of his other hand and pinched his nipple. The chill of sexual excitement trembled through his body. He watched himself in the mirror as he played with himself, looking intently at the penis in his hand. He wrapped his fist around the shaft and only the head stuck out. He remembered watching his wife holding Nick's cock with both hands as she sucked it. Even though his hands were bigger, there was little doubt in the substantial difference. He pinched his nipple harder as he stroked his cock with his fingertips again. He thought of the bed reflected in the mirror behind him and all the loud, passionate sex that had occurred in that bed during the past month. He doubted Nick had masturbated since he moved in. He didn't need to! His cock had been too busy in Sara's eager pussy. Mike couldn't remember his wife ever being as horny as she'd been since Nick moved in. She was insatiable. She was glad he was pussy-free so she didn't have to worry about pleasing him. She could save her pussy for her lover. A lover that could give her multiple orgasms with his big thick cock.
Mike caught himself just in time. He was on the verge of cumming and almost reached the point of no return. His head pounded with the bl_ood and adrenaline coursing through his body. His heart rate and breathing were elevated as he gasped in frustration ... and fear. "Holy sh_it," he thought to himself. Sara would spank him mercilessly if she found out he had jacked off before their strict mommy session. He wondered if he could even endure their 'playtime' after having an orgasm. He remembered one time in the past when she was mad at him and made him jerk off before she spanked him with a hairbrush. It was a hard lesson he still hadn't forgotten and hoped to never experience again.
He quickly got busy stripping the sheets off the bed, noticing the remnants of the wet spots in the middle of the bed. He couldn't help but sniff the sheets to smell their passion, imagining their combined juices oozing from his wife's pussy onto the bed. He did the same thing with her panties when he collected the dirty clothes in the corner before wrapping them in the sheets. He loved his wife's scent. He inhaled the scent drying on his face. She had been horny when she woke up. She was always horny on strict mommy days. Then, his mind drifted to the morning ahead. She would spank him until his ass was bright red. Apparently, the wooden spoon would be the first implement to mark his ass. He knew it wouldn't be the only implement she used. She loved to see the marks that would be on his ass for days. She would probably plug his ass with the pink silicone buttplug before she spanked him. She loved to hear him cry out when the thickest part of the plug stretched his sphincter muscle before pushing through and becoming snugly embedded in his ass. She would tease him about how his ass had a big cock in it. Maybe she would make him lick her ass before she started.
Mike heard his wife coming down the hallway from the spare bedroom and quickly lifted the pile of sheets and clothes into a bundle in front of him to cover his raging erection. When Sara entered the master bedroom, she scolded him, "Have you even started on the bathroom yet?"
"No ma'am," Mike replied meekly. He noticed Sara was still naked and her nipples were hard. He wondered if she was excited or cold.
"You better get moving boy. Mommy's ready for some breakfast before she punishes her bad boy." She didn't bother to close the bathroom door when she sat on the toilet. Mike could hear her peeing and stood in the bedroom waiting for her to finish when she shouted, "Why aren't you in here doing what I told you to do?"
Mike scrambled to the bathroom door and mumbled, "Sorry mommy." His wife had a piece of toilet paper in her hand as she spread her knees to wipe but stopped and smiled at Mike. "Here, you can do it. Wipe me clean." Mike had never done anything like that before. They talked to each other with the bathroom door open all the time, but they had never done anything like this. So, Mike was tentative as he knelt down on one knee and reached between her legs. He gently wiped the toilet paper back and forth between her gaping pussy lips. Before he could drop it in the toilet bowl, she demanded, "I want you to lick it before you flush it." He reluctantly raised the wad of paper to his lips, seeing the yellow moisture soaked into the paper. He licked it as Sara smiled in delight. "Okay, you can flush it now," she said cheerfully with a pat on his head. When he stood up, she grabbed his erection and said, "It looks like someone is excited for playtime." Then, she stood from the toilet so their bodies were pressed against each other. She ground her pussy against his erection as she looked cruelly into his eyes, "Now hurry up in here and get downstairs so I can spank you with the spoon before you make me some breakfast."
Mike sighed as he quickly wiped the sink, the toilet and the floor. He would take care of the shower after she was done with him and they took a shower together later. If she was going to let him cum today, it would probably be at that time. After she teased him by letting him wash her body as thanks for 'playing with him' all morning, she might let him rub his cock against her until he finally got some relief. Then, he would lick his cum while also bringing her to another orgasm if he was lucky. God, he loved their 'play dates' together!
Posts: 437
After having sex one night, Sara started to get up to go sl_eep with her husband in the other bedroom and Nick asked, "Does he always eat your pussy after we have sex?"
"Not always," Sara replied. "Only when I'm in the mood." She was curious about Nick's sudden interest in what she did with her husband. He rarely asked any questions about what they did together. "Why do you ask?"
Nick rolled toward her and put his hand gently on her shoulder as she lie next to him. "I dunno. I guess there is one side of me that really wants my buddy to get all the sex he can get, but there's another side of me that really doesn't want to share you with anybody, and I know how unfair that is because you are his wife ... not mine."
Sara put her hand tenderly on his cheek and smiled at his pained expression. "This relationship can be really hard, can't it?" Nick didn't say anything as he nodded. Sara let her fingers drift through his hair and lightly caressed the edge of his ear. "You know I want to give my body sexually to you, don't you?" Nick's eyes lit up a bit and he moved his hand from her shoulder to her hip. Sara's fingers never stopped lightly brushing over his body. They had moved from his face to his shoulders and onto his chest. "And I don't just mean have sex with you ... I mean GIVE myself to you. I want you to OWN my pussy and ass and mouth. If you want to make them off-limits then you can do that ... but you'll have to be the one to make the decision. You'll have to be the one to declare my body is yours and yours alone. You can decide what I'm allowed to share and what I'm not ... when I'm allowed to share ... how I'm allowed to share." Her fingers moved down his belly and she found his cock. It was beginning to get hard again. "Is that something you think you'd like?" She wrapped her hand around his shaft and began to stroke him. "Would you like to own me sexually?"
Nick scoffed, "I thought you and Mike already referred to it as 'Nick's pussy' and 'Nick's ass'."
Sara kept stroking him and said coyly, "We do ... but that just means you're the only one allowed in there. What I'm talking about is truly making them your property." Her eyes were submissive and demure when she said softly, "Don't you want this body to belong only to you?"
Nick moved his hand from her hip to her cunt. He slid his middle finger up and down her moist pussy lips and could feel the wetness from their previous copulation. He plunged his long finger firmly into her and wiggled it around. She immediately responded by moving her hips and spreading her legs to accommodate him. He looked into her smoky eyes and could see the earnest expression of commitment she wanted to express for him. She pushed her pussy up to meet his thrusting finger as he continued to gaze into her eyes. "This will be mine and only mine?" he asked in a husky voice.
"Yes," she gasped as he continued his for_ceful finger-fuck.
"Turn over," he demanded as he withdrew his finger.
Sara quickly complied and laid facedown on the bed. She felt his big hand grab her ass and he squeezed the cheek before giving it a slap. He waited to see her reaction but she only laid there, as if waiting for another. Instead, he moved his hands to the valley between her beautifully round asscheeks and put his wet finger against the opening of her ass. "And you want this to be mine too?" he asked in a more confident tone.
"Yes," she said in a gasping whisper.
Nick pushed his finger into her and she moaned as the knuckle of his finger pushed past the sphincter muscle. He fingered her ass for a minute as she pushed her ass back to meet his thrusts. She had always enjoyed anal sex and welcomed the pleasure of his thrusts. Then, he stopped and rolled onto his back next to her. She turned to her side to look at him and he said, "So, show me how you want me to own your mouth."
Sara smiled lewdly and made her way down his body, kissing his chest, sucking his nipples, kissing his stomach and then climbing between his spread legs to take his now-erect cock into her mouth. She proceeded to give him an enthusiastic blowjob until he exploded into her mouth in a loud, gasping orgasm.
When Sara laid back down next to him, she rolled up next to him, hugging him tightly against her as he did the same with his arm around her shoulders. Sara said in a quiet voice, "Now, we need to break it to Mike. I think we need to have playtime together and you can officially take possession of what is yours."
Nick kissed her cheek and said, "Have I ever told you what an incredible woman, you are?"
Sara's only response was to hug him even tighter. She'd have to apologize to her husband in the morning for missing his night slee_ping with her. She knew he wouldn't mind when she told him he was being invited to the bedroom to join them.
It turned out to be a couple of nights later before they could all get together. Mike had been called into work unexpectedly and had to go out of town for a couple of days. While he was gone, Nick had time to experiment with his newfound role as his lover's sexual dominant. He felt silly at first. It wasn't natural for him to be dominant with his lover. When his ex-wife asked to be spanked, it was always used as foreplay before sex. It was never more than something he did to get her even more turned on before he fucked her.
However, Sara was encouraging him to be more assertive with her in the bedroom. She wanted him to be sexually possessive and demanding. She was naked sitting Indian-style on the bed next to him. She had just shaved her pubic mound, leaving a landing strip of hair, after asking Nick how he liked it. She had assumed he would want her shaved bare and was surprised when he said he found a landing strip kind of sexy. She had never asked Mike because she knew he would say he wanted it however she wanted it. As a result, she rarely did more than an occasional trim of her pubic hair. But, things were different now. "I want you to tell me what you want me to do, or what you are going to do to me. You know how much I like it when you hold my head and make me swallow when you are going to cum."
Nick laughed, "I didn't realize I was 'making' you do it. I'm usually so excited that I just naturally want to hold you when I'm ready to get off and your head is the only thing I can reach." He gave her a lewd look and said, "Not many women will swallow, so it was like a dream come true when I found out you did." Sara smiled demurely ran her tongue over her upper lip enticingly. Nick was sitting with his back against the headboard watching his sexy lover. She had surprised him when she offered him her body and now by asking how he wanted her to shave for him. She was usually so confident and assertive that it was strange to see her giving up control like this. He reached toward her, resting his hand on her inner thigh. "So, you really want to do this, don't you? You want to be submissive to me in the bedroom the way Mike is submissive to you."
Sara considered his question for a moment and said, "Not exactly. Mike wants me to dominate him, punish him, control his sex life, and to make him suffer for me. He wants us to have a female-led relationship where I run the household and he is my devoted submissive, even outside of the bedroom. I intend on giving him all of that and more. By surrendering myself to you sexually, I'm taking it even further. I'm not just denying him. I don't have any choice. I offered that control to someone else. I couldn't give it to him if I wanted to. Not without permission. Does that make sense?"
Nick nodded and said, "So, mostly it's a way for you to tease and dominate Mike even more."
Although Nick's face didn't change, Sara sensed his irritation and scooted closer so her leg was touching his and put her hand on his knee. "I'm sorry baby. I thought you were asking if I want it to be the same way as what I do with Mike." She ran her hand back and forth on his thigh and with loving eyes said tenderly, "What you and I do together won't have anything to do with Mike. I want this to be all about you and me. I want us to experiment together. I want to give myself to you completely." Sara averted his eyes as she said shyly, "I've never felt this way before ... I've always been in charge. But, with you ... I just feel different."
Nick ran his hand further up her thigh and smiled as she looked at him. "I guess that's what surprises me. You've always been this strong, independent woman. Even when we're having sex, you try to be in control sometimes. Don't get me wrong – it's still great sex, but it can be like dancing with a great dancer that is used to having to lead. Sometimes, it can take a while until you start to follow and trust that I will lead." Nick let his fingers trail the edges of her cunt and into the newly shaved landing strip of hair. His thumb rubbed lightly over the hood hiding her clit as he said, "But, in the end, we always seem to finish the dance marvelously."
Sara spread her knees even further apart from her cross-legged position to allow his fingers more access. She could feel the heat building between her legs as his thumb slowly circled and pushed against her growing clit. Her nipples started to respond to the electric being generated between her legs. She said with a twinkle in her eye, "You know what Ginger Rogers always said, 'I did everything Fred did, but backwards and in high heels.'"
Nick laughed, "Now there's a lady that knew how to follow her partner." He pushed his thumb lower, caressing the hidden gem under the hood. "So, what's made you feel you want to give up control in bed? What different feelings are you having?"
Sara averted her eyes from his as she replied shyly, "I don't know exactly. I've just never had anyone that made me feel horny all the time. Someone that made me want to do anything for them so I could have more sex with them. My first husband was a great lover but he was an overgrown boy that would never grow up and I wanted a real man. Then, I found Mike and he was the real man I was looking for, but the sex wasn't great. And then ... I met you. When we have sex, I always know I can get whatever I need. You are passionate while being patient, and lately you have been more for_ceful and ... well, I can't stop thinking about it and how much more I want you to be like that. I'm not saying I want to give up being the strong, independent woman that I am, but I do want to just let go and give up control in one small part of my life." She looked back into his eyes and said passionately, "That's why I want to give my body to you. You've triggered something in me. It excites me to imagine you taking me however you want and telling me how you want to be pleased. I know it will excite Mike as much as me to have you control both of our sex lives."
Nick nodded as a thought occurred to him, "So, do you ... you know ... play with yourself?"
Sara laughed and blushed a bit, saying, "Of course. I can't stop thinking about sex lately. It seems like I'm horny all the time."
Nick sat up straighter and said, "So, if I told you to stop doing that, you would?"
Sara was surprised at the unexpected question and frowned, "Well, I ... I guess so." Then, her eyes softened submissively, and with a shy shrug she said in a soft voice, "It's your pussy now, so I guess I'd have to if you told me to."
Nick's expression began to change as he considered what she was telling him. The thrill of the situation was becoming clearer. Like most men, he enjoyed good aggressive sex, but this was something different. This wasn't just sex. This was a mindfuck where he would control all of their sex lives. He was no longer being invited to just play along in their little sexual game. He was now being offered the lead role. She wanted him to be their leader, and he couldn't wait to show her how badly he wanted to do it for her.
"Okay, from now on, nobody gets to play with my treasures unless I say so. Not even you. And, I won't wait to see if you want to give me a blowjob. I'll just tell you to do it. The same goes for anal, okay?" he said in his most cautiously assertive voice.
Sara replied sexily, "I'd like that daddy." Nick laughed at being called 'daddy'. Sara had told him she referred to him as 'daddy' and Mike was 'boy' when she and Mike played their power exchange sex games. No longer would his role be limited to having sex with Sara while Mike watched and followed Sara's orders. Now, he would control the bedroom and this magnificent, beautiful woman's body would be all his.
"So, you think Mike's going to be okay with me deciding when and if he gets to do anything with you?" Nick asked.
Sara nodded, replying, "I think he'll love it."
Nick looked skeptical as he said, "I dunno. We've been best friends for most of our lives and I just can't see him being okay with me treating his woman like this."
Sara sat up straighter and said defiantly, "It's not up to him. He doesn't get to tell me how I have sex or with who. I'll make sure he understands that I want you cutting him off and, if he's lucky, you'll convince me to let him have a little relief every once in a while." Her arms were crossed across her breasts as she added, "Believe me, he'll love every minute of it and I'll make sure he's okay with it."
Nick wanted to feel sorry for his friend, but at the moment he only had one thought on his mind. He was lying on his side leaning on one elbow as he watched his feisty lover. He gazed at her hard nipples and at the landing strip that directed the way to her honeypot. He got an amused look on his face and said, "Show me how you play with yourself."
Sara opened her mouth in surprise, "I ... usually only do that when I need a quick orgasm."
"Good," he replied. "Then it won't take too long, because you're really making me horny."
Sara felt self-conscious as she started to fondle her own breasts and it dawned on her that this must be how Mike feels whenever she makes him masturbate for her.
By the time Mike got home, the sexual tension in the house was high. When he called to check-in the night before, Sara told him she couldn't wait for him to get home so they could all play together. "When you edge yourself tonight, I want you to imagine me sitting on your face with lots of daddy's cum for you. Do you miss having your tongue in mommy's pussy?" He assured her there was nothing he wanted to do more.
Now that he was home, Mike watched the two of them and saw the sparks of romance flying between them. It was obvious they had thoroughly enjoyed themselves while he was gone. Nick had a cocky air that Mike hadn't seen in years. It reminded him of their college days when the college girls would swoon over Nick as he decided who he was taking home that night. Mike had always marveled at the scene and wondered what it must feel like to be sought after for sex.
Mike was loading the dishwasher with the dinner dishes when his wife joined him in the kitchen. She grabbed a dish rag and started wiping the counters as they quietly straightened up together. It was Mike who spoke up first, "The two of you looked like newlyweds who just got back from a great honeymoon tonight."
Sara turned to her husband and was relieved to see him smiling. Her demeanor changed to giddy excitement as she gushed, "It's felt like a honeymoon around here lately. We've been having so much fun." Then, her tone changed, and she said, "I'm sorry I haven't paid more attention to you since you've been home. I really did miss you. Did your trip go well?"
Mike pushed the button to start the dishwasher and closed the door. The humming sound of the dishwasher purred from under the counter as Mike turned toward his wife with open arms. Sara melted into his embrace and he hugged her against his strong chest. They held each other for a long moment and Mike said tenderly, "I've missed you too. The trip went fine, but I have to admit, I was distracted thinking about you the whole time. I'm so happy this is going so well."
Sara looked up at her husband and their lips met in a gentle kiss. She pushed her tongue between his lips and they tongue-danced for a moment before the kiss was over. She closed her eyes as she put her head back on his chest and held him a bit longer. When she opened her eyes, Nick was standing in the doorway watching them with a loving smile on his face. It was evident he was gratified to see the two people he loved the most sharing this tender moment. He turned and left the kitchen as Sara closed her eyes again to enjoy this moment with her husband a bit longer.
Sara was stroking Mike's cock very slowly, using only the tips of her thumb and index finger, with a sympathetic look on her face as she said in a patronizing voice, "I know you really want to lick mommy's cunny but that's daddy's pussy now, and he doesn't want you playing with it. Maybe, if you're a very good boy, he'll let you again someday, but for now no touching, no licking, no looking. Understand?"
Mike was standing with his pants around his ankles while his wife sat on the king-size bed in front of him. She was wearing sexy lingerie that he had never seen before under a long white satin robe that also looked new. Mike glanced toward Nick who was wearing a black satin robe as he sat in a chair next to the bed with one leg draped over the other watching them intently. Nick had just ordered Sara to pull Mike's pants down and tell him the new rules. Mike looked down at his wife's upturned face and then at her cleavage as he nodded his head. Sara smiled and tightened her grip as she began to stroke him faster.
Mike couldn't help but remember the day he realized his high school girlfriend, Lucy, was no longer interested in having sex with him. Sometimes, when the two of them got dr_unk together, she might want to make-out with him and she even allowed him to feel her boobs and give her oral sex, but she never wanted to have sex with him again. He knew she was only interested in having sex with his friend, Nick. Like today, even back then, this realization was strangely, erotically exciting.
Mike gasped and Sara could feel the first spasm of his orgasm begin to erupt from his balls. She quickly released his cock and watched as it twitched before the spurt of cum escaped from the tip. The spurt landed on the lapel of her robe and the color of his sperm almost blended in with the creamy white satin of her robe. With no further stimulation from her hand, Mike's orgasm reverted to small bursts of bubbling sperm that oozed from his spasming penis as he gasped in sexual frustration. The contrast in how each of the men would orgasm that night couldn't be lost on anyone in the room. Sara would beg for her lover to fill her with his cum, while she left her husband with a ruined, unfulfilled finish.
When the convulsions of Mike's embarrassing, unfulfilled orgasm were complete, Sara wiped her finger in the small dribble on her robe and lifted her finger to Mike's lips. He dutifully licked his sperm from her fingertip while looking in her eyes. Sara pushed her finger between his lips and pushed her finger in and out of his mouth as he sucked on it.
"Poor boy," she cooed. "It's looks like you're all done already. Now it's time for you to go to bed so mommy and daddy can show how much we love each other. You want us to love each other, don't you?" Mike nodded his head in agreement, causing Sara to smile at him. "Do you want mommy to spank you over her lap in front of daddy to show him how happy you are with the new rules?"
Posts: 437
Mike shook his head. His head was swimming in confused emotions and adding this additional humil_iation was too much right now. When Sara invited him to join them in the bedroom earlier, he had expected to watch them have sex and hoped he would get to taste his wife's freshly-fucked pussy. Instead, here he was with his pants around his ankles after a ruined orgasm feeling like a chastised little boy being dismissed from a scolding by his parents.
Sara stood up from the end of the bed and kissed her husband on the cheek. "Okay, go to bed boy," she ordered. As Mike pulled his pants up from his ankles, Sara sat on the floor at Nick's feet and laid her head in his lap. Nick stroked her hair lovingly as he watched Mike glance their way one more time before he scampered from the room, closing the door behind him. The sight of his wife lying sub_missively at her lover's feet while Nick sat there with a triumphant, satisfied look would play over and over in his head for the rest of the night.
Posts: 437
It wasn't long after that night when Nick decided to test the new agreement. He could tell Sara was faltering in how much she wanted to deny her husband. With only a few weeks remaining until the girls' summer with their grandma would end, he decided it was time to increase the sexual tension with the couple. He was really getting into his new role as the alpha sexual 'man of the house', and the effects of the new dynamic was starting to filter outside of the bedroom. Just like when they were teenagers, Mike had abdicated his sexual 'rights' to his woman and there was an unspoken agreement that he wouldn't interfere in Nick's total conquest. Even though they were best friends, once Nick fell for a woman, he had to have her to himself. He never could understand how Mike could just let a woman he loved fall for another man - Mike even encouraged her and wanted her to enjoy it!
Nick didn't share those feelings of compersion and joyfulness when it came to his woman. When he found his first wife with her lover, he was hurt and angry, but mostly he felt a tremendous sense of loss because he would never be able to love her again. He simply didn't share his woman sexually. That was the reason he originally told Mike he wanted to end the relationship with Sara. Once he started feeling like their relationship was moving beyond friends with benefits, he knew he couldn't handle sharing her sexually. He tried to compartmentalize it and tell himself that it was his best friend's wife and there was no way he could have her to himself. And, as long as he and Sara were just friends, that would work just fine. But, he knew Mike was right. He knew she was falling for him too. There was no way they could 'just be friends' for much longer.
However, just when he thought there was no way to make this relationship work, he found out that Sara denied Mike sex ... and Mike liked it! As he watched the dynamics unfold between the three of them, he started to see the path forward. He could see there really was a way for this to work and not destroy any of their relationships. He might even be able to make it more exciting and fun for everyone!
His ex-wife was a flamboyant flirt and loved to flash her tits and would encourage his friends to squeeze her ass or she would rub her tits against them in a playful manner. That never bothered Nick since he knew she was getting herself worked up for a night of great sex with him later. He loved when she would wear skimpy bikinis and every guy she walked by couldn't help but stare at her hot body. Instead of getting jealous, he always felt like the superior man that would actually get to do what the rest of them could only dream about. He enjoyed swooping in and taking her away from their yearning eyes. The victor in the never-ending competition among men for the ultimate hunting trophy – sexual conquest.
The fact that it was his best friend did make a difference to him. He and Mike had always been there for each other and he wouldn't do anything to hurt his best friend. But Mike seemed to enjoy giving up his prize catches to Nick. It was like lions that made way for the king of the pride. Everyone knew it was best for the whole pride to allow the strongest and most virile to have first choice and trust he would make sure the rest got what they needed. Nick intended to make sure everyone would get what they needed, but how much and what they got was up to him to decide. He sensed the couple was waiting and hoping he would finally step in and take charge of their sex lives and he wasn't going to let them down. He would become the king of this pride!
Nick was sitting up in bed when Sara entered the room. She was wearing a long t-shirt that barely covered her ass with nothing on underneath. Her nipples were hard, poking out prominently through the thin material. She had taken her hair out of the ponytail she was wearing at dinner and it flowed down across her shoulders. When Mike had said he was going to bed, Sara told him she would "tuck him in" and scampered up the stairs with him. When she glanced at Nick from the stairs, he was sure she saw the disapproving look on his face before she quickly looked away. His irritation wasn't so much that she was "tucking Mike in" – she slept in the same bed with him several nights a week after all – it was the way she had fawned over Mike all night. Apparently, he had another bad day at work and she was doing her best to make him feel better. From Nick's perspective, she was acting like the mom who cooked the family dinner and then made something else for the kid who complained he didn't like what she made. Nick never cared much for spoiled kids, unless he was the one being spoiled, of course.
"Well, somebody looks like they were having fun," Nick said in an accusing tone. Sara raised her eyebrows quizzically, so Nick pointed at the hard nipples poking toward him like headlights on a sports car.
She giggled as she crawled onto the bed next to him on her hands and knees and said in a sexy voice, "How do you know I'm not excited because I was thinking about you?" She put one hand on his inner thigh and wiggled her ass enticingly.
"Is that what it is, or did you let Mike play with your tits?"
Sara got a pouty look on her face and said in a sympathetic voice, "The poor thing had a terrible day at work. I knew just what he needed and let him jerk off so he could release all of his frustrations after his long day." She ran her hand up Nick's thigh as she moved closer to him and cuddled up against him.
Nick remained sitting in the same position and continued to press, "You didn't answer my question. Did you let him play with your tits?"
"I never took off my nightshirt," she replied evasively.
"So, you did let him play with your tits," he stated firmly.
Sara kept rubbing his thigh right next to his cock so that the back of her hand brushed against it. She hesitated before replying in a small voice, "Well, he really wanted to jerk off onto my tits, but I told him he would just have to settle for touching them through my shirt while he played with himself." She put her lips on Nick's neck and nibbled her way to his earlobe. In a husky voice she whispered into his ear, "Why don't you take this thing off of me and put your big, strong hands all over me?"
"Oh, I've got another idea for what to do with my big strong hands," he said in a threatening voice.
Sara pulled away from nibbling on his neck and cooed in a sexy voice, "Mmmmm, I like the sound of that, daddy."
Nick looked at her sexy eyes with an amused look of his own. Nick stretched his legs out in front of him while still sitting with his back against the headboard of the bed. He told Sara to take off her nightshirt so she got on her knees next to him and shimmied out of the nightshirt in a suggestive manner, throwing the garment onto the floor behind her. She knelt naked next to her lover, her nipples stood out like firm pebbles on her large round breasts as she waited for him to tell her what to do. Then, Nick said, "Kneel on my lap, facing that way," pointing toward the foot of the bed. Sara scrambled onto his lap, straddling his legs while facing away from him and wiggled her exposed pussy against his semi-hard cock. She felt his hands press against her back and push her gently until she was lying facedown on top of his legs with her head between the calves of his outstretched legs. He pulled her by the waist toward him so her legs were bent slightly at the knees and her feet rested on either side of him against the headboard. Her pussy was exposed lewdly toward him between her spread legs. He noticed she was already wet and wondered if her excitement was from what they were doing now or from Mike playing with her tits before.
"Who's tits was Mike playing with tonight?" Nick asked.
"Yours," Sara answered meekly from her very exposed position.
"That's right, and did I say he could play with my tits?" he demanded.
"No," Sara replied contritely.
"No, I didn't. So, I think it's time for a reminder to make sure everyone remembers next time what the rules are around here. What do you think about that?" he asked in a cheerful voice. Sara didn't say anything, so Nick continued, "Tomorrow, I want you to use that hairbrush you said Mike doesn't like and I want you to turn his bottom a nice bright red for me. Okay?"
Sara was still facedown on his legs and said in soft, uncertain voice, "Okay."
Nick began running both of his hands over the round mounds of the gorgeous ass presented in front of him. He let his thumb rub the lips of her pussy and he pushed his thumb gently into the warm, wet opening. "We both know he's only going to do whatever you let him do, so this is going to be your reminder. Okay?"
Sara moved her hips in response to his thumb and moaned before saying pleasurably, "Okay."
Then, Nick withdrew his thumb and rubbed both hands on her ass again before he raised his hands and started slapping each of her upturned asscheeks like he was playing the bongo drums. It was a rapid, steady drumming rhythm with no pause in the tempo. Sara's surprised reaction was immediate as she gasped and pushed her torso upward with her forearms, but the position she was in prevented her from doing much to prevent the slapping of his hands. The impact wasn't very hard, but the rapid rhythm of the spanks added up quickly and the sting started to feel like she sat on a red ant pile.
Sara buried her face into the bed mattress and squeezed bunches of the covers in each of her fists as she cried out, "Oh god, oh god, ahhhhhhh!" and then it suddenly stopped after only 30 seconds or so.
Nick rubbed his hands on her asscheeks again and said in a pleasant tone, "Oh boy, that's a really nice shade of red. Do you want me to make it brighter?"
"No, no," she pleaded. "I learned my lesson and won't let anybody play with your titties without your permission."
"Promise?" he asked teasingly.
"I promise," she said in her most reassuring voice.
Nick gave her a few more quick drumbeats on her jiggling asscheeks and said, "Now get up here and fuck me you bad girl. Playing with your ass has got me all turned on."
Sara pushed herself back onto her hands and knees so she could turn around and saw that Nick's cock was almost totally hard. Apparently, he enjoyed spanking her. Nick slid down onto the bed until he was comfortably lying on his back and stroked his lover's face lovingly. She smiled contritely at him and then lowered her lips toward his cock.
With closed eyes, Nick ran his fingers through her hair as she took as much of his thickening member in her mouth as possible. He sighed as he wondered if Mike had been able to hear the sound of his wife being spanked. He hoped so. Maybe, in the future, the spankings would all be done together and Nick would watch her punish her husband. He was the king of this pride after all. And now, it was time to prove to the queen why he was her king.
Posts: 4340
#18 · Edited by: eltipo4u
thank you for sharing this damn hot story (13) . Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
Posts: 968
Hot story! I hope he goes in chastity cage!!?? Droopy and Miss
Posts: 437
Thanks eltipo4u and shankly! It was fun writing it. I hope you like where it goes.
Posts: 437
Mike was sitting at his desk and looking out the window absentmindedly. He should have been working on some overdue reports but he was lost in thought once again. He found himself distracted a lot lately and it was beginning to effect his work. However, he had never been so sexually excited as he was recently. Having Nick live with them was turning out to be everything he had dreamed about and more. He was a jumble of emotions stemming from the frustration he felt at being constantly teased and denied, Sara's frequent teasing and taunting about him being replaced by a much better lover, hearing and seeing the sex his wife was having with her lover, and the unnerving anxiety he felt when he realized he might never have sex with his wife again, or possibly even see her naked. He couldn't fathom how his yearning for her could be so totally consuming at times.
As he laid in bed the night before, he had listened for the inevitable sounds of sex that would be coming from down the hallway. He knew Sara was horny when she left his room, but she had refused to let him eat her pussy despite his pleading. She did allow him to masturbate while they kissed and even let him fondle her boobs. When he asked if he could at least put a finger in her to taste her, she had relented saying, "Okay, but be quick about it." She had spread her legs and let him finger her for about ten seconds before stopping him. She told him he better hurry up if he wanted to cum, because 'the man of the house' was waiting for her in bed. "Mama needs daddy's big fat cock in her, so my little boy needs to finish his little playtime and go to bed." He had wrapped his hand around his penis and could feel her wetness on his finger as he stroked himself to a quick orgasm, spilling his seed on his hand and stomach. Then, she kissed him and left for the other bedroom. It was only about ten minutes later when he heard rapid smacking sounds. His natural instinct was to jump up and run into the bedroom to make sure his wife was okay, but he restrained himself and waited. Sure enough, the sounds of her cries of passion followed a little while later and he clearly heard her scream out, "Fuck me daddy, fuck me! Oh god, I love you so much daddy!"
It had taken him a long time to fall asl_eep. Hearing them have sex was always exciting, but this night had been more. He had never heard what sounded like spanking and he had never heard his wife tell another man she loved him. The strangest thing of all was how he felt – he wasn't upset. He was excited for her. He knew how he felt after being spanked and wondered if she had felt the same. The feelings of letting go and allowing someone else to take control. The endorphin rush and the cathartic experience of sharing something so intimate, so trusting, so submissive. He couldn't wait to talk to her and see her. He wanted to share in the experience if she would allow it.
That's why the discussion this morning had been such a surprise. He was waiting in the kitchen when Sara breezed in wearing nothing but panties and a t-shirt. "It must be nice to work from home," Mike chuckled. He was wearing the standard federal uniform, a gray suit, dark-colored tie and comfortable loafers.
Sara smiled and kissed him on the cheek as he handed her a cup of coffee. She leaned against the kitchen counter and blew on the coffee causing the steam vapor to blow away and disappear. She had a blissful, dreamy look on her face as she sipped the creamy coffee with two sugars. Mike couldn't help staring at her nipples as he watched her. The dark circle of the areolas could easily be seen through the thin material with the pert nipples poking prominently against the fabric. He wished he could lift the shirt and suck on them. As he watched her dreamy, content look, he knew it wasn't the coffee causing her contentment. "Did you sl_eep well?" Mike asked.
"Mmmmm hmmm," she purred with a teasing smile. "How about you?"
Mike shrugged and said, "Once I finally fell asl_eep, I slept great, but it wasn't easy with all the noise you guys were making."
Sara moved closer to her husband and put an arm around his waist. "Aww, did we keep you awake again? I'm sorry honey." Mike knew she wasn't sorry. She told him previously that she liked for him to hear them having sex. "Did you hear anything that you liked?"
Mike could feel his cock getting hard as his wife's breasts brushed against him. "Actually, it sounded like he was spanking you."
Sara's eyes twinkled as she sighed excitedly, "He did. And I liked it. Well, at least I did after it was over." She turned sideways and stuck her ass out. "Last night I could still see his handprints. I'd let you check and see if they are still there but then we would both be in trouble again." The mischievous look on her face made Mike tremble with lust. He wanted desperately to see her ass. She turned back to her husband and pressed her breasts against him playfully. "He spanked me for letting you feel my tits."
She ran her hand over his face as she looked into his eyes, saying nothing for a moment. She could see his excitement. He was transfixed and enchanted by her voice. She loved seeing him so excited. She loved her husband and wanted him to lust for her like this. "You're such a horny, bad boy. You got me spanked, but I don't mind. You were so happy when you touched them. I like when you're happy." Sara pulled his face toward her and kissed him on the lips. It was a tender, loving kiss. When she broke the kiss she said softly, "So, do you want me to spank you before you go to work or after you get home?"
Mike had a surprised look on his face. He didn't understand the question. Sara got an accusatory look on her face and said, "You're in trouble too. He told me to turn your butt bright red. He wants me to use the hairbrush and he said it needed to be a lesson you won't forget." Sara watched her husband's eyes as he processed the information. He looked like he wanted to protest that it wasn't fair, but he knew when he pleaded to eat her pussy and when he felt her tits that it was against the new rules. They both knew it and they did it anyway. Now it was time to pay the price.
Sara asked, "Did you talk to him this morning?"
Mike shook his head, "No, he was leaving when I got back from the gym. We just waved to each other in the driveway."
"Well, he talked to me. He said for the next week you're not allowed to see me in anything sexy and definitely not naked. He said you should be punished even if you see me naked accidentally. If I sl_eep in your bed, he wants us to wear those flannel pajamas we wore in the family Christmas card photo. He said we can kiss and hug all we want, but no touching that you wouldn't do with your own sister." Sara watched Mike's face and saw his dismay. She frowned supportively and added, "But, if we behave this week, then I'm allowed to start wearing something sexy for you when you play with yourself. If we keep behaving, then I can even touch your little willy and touch myself when we play together." Sara hugged her husband so that her tits were pressed firmly against him and said softly in his ear, "I was hoping you'd still be here this morning so you could see me one more time like this. Put your hand on my ass."
Mike quickly complied and slid his hand down her back and onto her round asscheek. Sara's head was on his shoulder as she urged him, "Feel it, squeeze it, it might be the last time for a while." Mike dutifully responded by exploring her ass with the palm of his hand and fingers. Sara seemed to shiver against him, "Oh my, it still tingles from the spanking last night."
Mike swallowed and took a breath before asking, "So, when can I start eating your pussy again?"
Sara replied in the same soft voice in his ear, "God, I do miss your tongue. I promise to ask for permission but we need to give it some time. Okay?"
Mike hugged her tighter against him. "Okay."
Sara released her arms and stepped back from her husband. "You're going to be late for work. Do you want to wait until you get home for that spanking?" Mike nodded his head in agreement. Sara paused and seemed to be trying to decide what she wanted to say. Then, she stood up straighter and looked Mike in the eyes. Her loving demeanor was replaced by a stricter, more commanding posture when she said, "I'm really loving this arrangement and want Nick to go even farther with what he's doing. The sex is the best I've ever had in my life and this new dominant/submissive thing is really exciting. If he wants me to cut you off completely for a while, then that is what I'm going to do. You wanted to be my pussy-free cuckold and now I want it as much as you do. If he doesn't want you touching his woman in a sexual way, then that is something we both are going to do for him. Even if that means you don't get to lick me. Understood?"
Mike just stood there dumbfounded for a moment. Thirty seconds ago she wanted him to feel her ass and now she was telling him she wanted her lover to cut him off from all sexual touching. He always knew this could be what he was signing up for, but it had never been put quite that bluntly to him. He just nodded his head and replied emphatically, "Honey, I'm as excited as you about this new arrangement and will do whatever you say. I want to do whatever I can to make this better for you. Don't worry about me."
Sara reached out and tussled his hair, saying, "Such a good boy." As she started to walk away with her cup of coffee, she stopped and turned back toward him, "If it's any consolation, I'm not even allowed to play with myself, and you know how much I enjoy doing that." She gave him one more teasing look before going back upstairs to get showered and dressed.
Now, here he was daydreaming about his wife and wondering how long it would be before he got to see her naked again. One part of him wanted to tell Nick and his wife they could have all the sex they wanted together, but at the very least he should be allowed to give her oral sex. However, another part of him couldn't wait to see how this new submissive side of his wife's sexuality would play out. He would never have imagined she would enjoy being submissive to a man. He also couldn't help getting excited – and terrified - that his best friend might decide to totally take his wife away from him sexually. He knew he would still stay in love with his wife if they didn't have sex, but he was afraid her desire for him as a husband and man would diminish. He knew this was the cuckold anxiety everyone warned about, so he kept telling himself to just go with it and trust his wife. He repeated to himself, "Don't worry about me, don't worry about me ..."
Posts: 437
Chapter 12
Sara was feeling beautiful and alive! She and Nick were eating at one of DC's trendiest restaurants and the energy in the room matched her own mood. When Nick had suggested they go out to dinner and spend the weekend in his condo, she jumped at the idea and bought a dress for the big date night. The emerald green, twist front, mini dress highlighted her ample bust and showed off the flat stomach she worked so hard to maintain. The dress was definitely not appropriate for the suburban bistros they usually ate at, or for a mot_her of two almost adult girls, but it was perfect for this place. She was showing more cleavage and skin than any dress she had ever owned, but she had never felt as sexy as she was feeling lately. She laughed out loud when Mike saw her before they left the house. He was absolutely stunned as he handed her the overnight bag with her clothes and toiletries for the weekend. She knew he'd be thinking about her all weekend.
"Have I told you how gorgeous you look tonight?" Nick exclaimed with admiration.
"Only five times already," she giggled appreciatively.
"I don't think I've ever seen you look more ravishing," he gushed.
"Well, I hope that means I'm going to get ravished," she replied sexily.
"Oh, that is a guarantee, my love," Nick said as he leaned forward on the table, leaning closer to her across the table. "Obviously, you aren't wearing a bra with that dress, so what panties did you choose for me?"
"Who said I'm wearing panties?" she parried teasingly.
"Touché" he said with a laugh. "So, by his reaction, I'm assuming our boy didn't sneak a look at you when you were getting dressed."
Sara shook her head, "No, I think the little lesson with the hairbrush was enough to convince him to avoid sneaking any peeks."
Two nights before, Sara had given Mike the spanking Nick had ordered for their unauthorized playtime. She had left the spare bedroom door open so Nick could hear the whole thing from the master bedroom. Knowing Nick was listening, she continued the spanking beyond her normal routine and knew the marks from the hairbrush would last for many days. She had given her husband a firm disciplinary spanking and Mike was howling before she was done. Mike had tried to be stoic, but her unrelenting thrashing was too much. When she was finished, she ordered him to the corner and said he could go to bed after he quit his chil_dish whimpering. When she joined Nick in bed, she was happy to see he was already erect. Apparently, listening to her harshly spank Mike had the same effect on him as it did on her. They made slow, passionate love and finally finished with her on top, riding his cock until they had a very loud simultaneous orgasm. It was while they were laying in bed together afterward that Nick suggested this weekend getaway.
Nick was admiring Sara and thinking about the 'little lesson' she had given her husband. "Do you think he's still okay with how things are developing?" Nick asked.
Sara nodded, "I think he's living out his fantasy in real life. He said he really wanted to give this lifestyle a try and now I want it for us as much as he wants it. He may regret his decision at times, but I'll remind him how much we both need it."
Nick considered her words and asked, "You want him to be limited in having access to you? Even if that means no more sexual touching at all?"
"Yes," she answered quickly.
Nick shook his head and chuckled, "I have to admit that I still don't understand why you guys like it, but I think I'm starting to understand what makes it work." He watched her quietly as they both looked at each other lovingly. Then, he said sincerely, "You know I love you, don't you?"
Sara leaned closer toward him and took his hands, "Yes, and I love you too."
Nick rubbed her hands delicately, "That's why I want to have you all to myself. I don't want any other man to touch you, to see you naked, to make you feel sexually the way I do for you." He sighed and then said, "But I also love Mike. He's my best friend and I want him to have everything in life that makes him happy. If I thought he was unhappy or hurt because of me, I couldn't forgive myself." Sara started to say something reassuring, but Nick stopped her by holding up a finger to indicate he wanted to finish. "It's only because you guys are into this thing that I felt I could allow myself to fall for you. Friends with benefits are one thing, but falling in love is something else. And now that I'm falling in love, I want you desperately. I know that doesn't sound very dominant, but I wanted you to know it. If I get too possessive or start to get too far out of line, you've got to feel free to tell me. I know how I am. It's probably why Tina left me. I can't screw up things with my two best friends." He took another breath and then a smile crept over his face. He leaned a bit closer and held her hands a bit tighter, saying, "But I gotta tell you ... This dominant sex thing is addictive! I can't stop thinking about all the things I want to do with you. Listening to you spank Mike got me almost as horny as when I spanked you. Telling you that you're no longer allowed to have sex with your husband is a huge turn-on. Knowing you'll do things I tell you to do is .... Exciting as hell!"
Sara's eyes sparkled and she said sexily, "So ... tell me to do something."
Nick got an amused expression as he leaned back in his chair. He considered her for a moment and then leaned forward again and said, "I'm assuming this conversation has turned you on." Sara nodded her head enticingly. Nick looked at her with piercing eyes and said, "Show me. Put your finger in your pussy and let me taste you."
Sara's eyes registered her shock for just a moment before she looked around the room quickly and then smiled conspiratorially as she lowered her hand under the table and found her pussy with her finger. She slowly withdrew it from under the tablecloth and leaned very close to Nick, offering him her finger. Nick never took his eyes off her as he smelled and then sucked on her finger. He could feel the surge of adrenaline course through him as he felt the excitement of the situation building. He hoped someone was watching and knew this incredibly hot woman was being seduced by him. He had never felt so masculine and connected with a woman in his life.
"Delicious," he gushed. "So, tell me, what made you excited about what I said? That I love you? That I don't want to share you sexually, even if it's your husband? Or, that I love this new submissive side of you and want to explore it more with you?"
Sara smiled demurely and said in a soft voice, "All of it, I guess. I've gone from middle-aged mom and wife, to feeling like a young virgin being swept off her feet by a charming, worldly prince that is teaching me about sex for the very first time. I love feeling in love again and I love experiencing the incredible sex we are having together." Suddenly, Sara stopped and implored, "But don't think I'm not still madly in love with Mike. I really am!"
Nick shook his head to dismiss her concern as he squeezed her hand, "I know sweetheart. I couldn't do this with you if I thought it would change anything between the two of you." He thought for a moment and asked, "So, if he's not allowed to touch you or see you naked, what should he be allowed to do?"
Sara's head was buzzing with excitement as she looked into Nick's steely gray eyes. Those eyes melted her and drew her to him like a pied piper playing a seductive melody that she couldn't get out of her head. She didn't want to talk about her husband right now. She had just fingered her pussy in public for him and wanted to do more. She felt alive and sexy! This night was the start of a fantasy weekend, and she hoped it wouldn't end too quickly. "He can play with his little thing all he wants if he behaves. If he's lucky, he can hear us fucking while he's playing with himself. But, he willingly gave up his rights to this body and knows a better man has taken his place in my bed. He can have whatever gifts you want to grant him. He loves humil_iation and he loves to eat me, so after we have sex let him lick your cum from your pussy and then he can be dismissed. For a special treat, maybe let me masturbate with him. I won't even take any of my clothes off. It will drive him crazy." Then, Sara leaned closer to Nick and said sexily, "But why are we talking about him when it's just the two of us for this entire weekend?"
Nick smiled at his sexy lover with obvious admiration and amazement. "You have to be one of the sexiest women I've ever met."
"Only one of them?" she responded in mock offense.
"I don't know how he could ever consider giving up sex with you. And I swear that is the last time I'll mention him tonight," he grinned.
"He did it because he loves me. And, unless you want me to spank you the way I spanked him, I'll hold you to that promise," she replied with a twinkle in her eye. "Now, tell me how you're going to take me in every possible way after we get done dancing tonight."
The rest of dinner and the two hours of dancing served as foreplay for the lovers. It was the beginning of the most erotic, passionate weekend either of them had ever experienced in their lives.
tef fulton
Posts: 2099
Just fantastic!
Posts: 943
This is the best! Bravo.
It just gets better and better. Please continue.
Posts: 968
Keep checking my phone for new chapter!! Droopy and Miss
Posts: 1289
I'm loving this! HerBoy, it's definitely amongst your best work, thank you ❤️😈 x
Posts: 437
tef fulton, cuckold_2, shankly and BumNote you are all too kind! This was a fun story to write and I hope you enjoy the rest of it!
Posts: 437
Mike was sitting on his bed in the spare bedroom wearing the Old Navy flannel pajamas he was required to wear whenever Sara slept in his bed. He wondered what was taking Sara so long as he fidgeted impatiently for her to join him. When Nick and Sara returned from their weekend getaway the previous evening, she had asked if he minded waiting another night before she spent the night with him. "I know you're going to want to talk and I'm so exhausted that it won't be fair to you if I can't tell you everything you want to hear," she had said with loving eyes. Of course, he told her that was fine with him, but, truth be told, he couldn't wait to spend some time alone with her.
Sara had spent many weekends at soccer tournaments and Mike knew she would be spending at least some of that time in her ex-husband's bed, but things were different lately. Mike always knew it was just sex with her ex. However, Sara and Nick were obviously infatuated with each other and falling in love. Sometimes, it was like watching two horny teenagers that thought nobody could tell they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Mike was truly happy for both of them, but there were times he felt excluded from their happy little throuple.
While they were out of town, Mike had taken full advantage of his wife's permission to play with himself while thinking about all the things they might be doing with each other. She was getting much more lenient about the frequency he was given permission to masturbate, and he wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed. While he enjoyed the relief of an orgasm, he also felt that part of the reason for her leniency was due to her preoccupation with Nick. On the other hand, with the sex sounds coming from their bedroom most nights, he was becoming addicted to slowly masturbating and trying to time his own orgasm to coincide with theirs. While he was home alone, he took the opportunity to get out the toy bag and plug himself and paddle himself while trying to delay his orgasm as long as possible as he imagined the two of them humiliating and treating him like their sex slave.
He was just about to go look for her when he heard the door of the master bedroom open at the far end of the hallway and heard Sara say, "I love you too. Goodnight." Then, the sounds of her footsteps padding down the carpeted hallway toward his door made him sit up straighter on the bed. He couldn't believe how nervous he seemed as he waited for the door to open.
"Hi baby," Sara said in a sexy voice as she entered his bedroom wearing her own flannel pajamas. Mike noticed she had unbuttoned the top button of her pajamas so a bit more of her cleavage was exposed. She had also put something on her lips that made them look moist, and her hair was flowing sexily over her shoulders. Other than the pajamas, this was the way she would dress for him before bed in the old days when she wanted to have sex.
"Hi sweetheart," Mike said with a suddenly dry mouth.
Sara noticed him staring at her cleavage and self-consciously buttoned the top button of her pajamas. Sara walked to her husband and straddled his lap, putting her knees on the bed on either side of his hips. She let her weight settle into his lap and felt his erection under the pajamas pressing against her. "Mmmm, somebody is happy to see me," she teased sexily. Then, to Mike's disappointment, she slid her hips further down his lap so their pubic areas were no longer in direct contact. "Awww, don't look sad, boy. It's just that ... after the weekend I just had with him, I kinda feel like ... well, like you shouldn't be staring at my tits or rubbing your thing against my pussy. Like I'm his woman now." She gazed at Mike with apologetic eyes and added, "I know it'll wear off in a couple of days, but that's where my head is at right now. Make sense?"
Mike swallowed hard and nodded his head with big, puppy dog eyes. Sara rubbed his arm lovingly, thankful for his understanding and said in a sexy voice, "But, I still want you to kiss me."
Mike wrapped his arms around her and their lips locked in a passionate kiss. Sara's tongue snaked into his mouth and twirled around like she was trying to find something hidden on his tongue. Mike tried to press himself against her to feel the fullness of her breasts, but she resisted his urgent embrace and broke the kiss. "Is everything okay," Mike asked with concern. Sara didn't answer, she just smiled at her husband.
Sara put her hands on his shoulders and guided him to the bed next to her. As they lie on their sides gazing at each other, Sara stroked his face while he ran his hand up and down her side and hip. With a devilish smile, Sara asked, "Could you taste him?" Mike's face registered his confusion. "When you kissed me ... could you taste him?" Mike's face changed as the realization of her question became clearer. She giggled again and said, "He told me to give him a blowjob so he could fall asl_eep faster." Mike rolled his eyes and shook his head. Now, he knew what took her so long.
Sara ran a finger on the outline of his lips and said, "Don't you wish you could just tell me to give you a blowjob whenever you wanted?" Mike shrugged without saying anything and Sara tapped him on the tip of his nose and said, "Oh, that's right. You would rather be told what to do, wouldn't you? You want to be my good boy and to do whatever makes momma happy." She moved closer to her husband and asked coyly, "Do you want to hear about our weekend? We even talked about you when we weren't fucking our brains out."
Mike chuckled while saying, "When I saw the dress you were wearing when you left, I had a feeling you weren't planning to discuss the books you were reading." Mike ran his fingers through his wife's hair and asked, "So, it sounds like you are really enjoying the summer so far. I'm glad you got away this weekend and spent some time partying together."
Sara looked at her husband with admiration and said, "You are amazing. Your wife has been totally preoccupied with another man for the past couple of months and your only comment is that you're glad I'm having fun with him." She put her hand on his hip and said remorsefully, "I feel like I've been a terrible wife to you by neglecting your needs too. Now that you're not allowed to touch me sexually or see me naked, we need to make sure you're getting what you need. I know you miss pleasing me with your tongue and I miss that too." Mike could see the sincerity in her eyes as she moved her hand from his hip and slid it under his pajama shirt and across his stomach. "I even told daddy how much you enjoy being teased and humiliated when we play together."
Mike cringed just a bit as he imagined his best friend being told how much he enjoyed Sara humiliating him. He wondered how much she had shared about their intimate secrets. Sara found his nipple with her fingers and started to play with it by softly twisting and pinching it. "He got really hot listening to me spank you and told me he'd like to see me do that in front of him." Sara looked at her husband and tried to read his reaction to her revelation. Then, as she pinched his nipple a bit harder, she added, "And I told him how much you like tasting his cum in me. He really liked that too." She rolled his nipple between her fingers and said, "I think he's willing to let you lick me as long as you just clean up after we have sex, but you would need to stop before you make me cum." She smiled sexily and asked, "Would you like to do that for me?"
Mike was fully erect by now and said earnestly, "Yes, I'd do anything to taste you again."
Sara smiled happily and gave his nipple one more pinch before she pulled her hand out from under his pajama shirt. She sat up on the bed with her legs crossed Indian-style. She looked at Mike and he could tell she was thinking about something. He leaned on an elbow as he laid on his side next to her, wondering what she was thinking. Finally, she said, "He's really worried about you. He's afraid you aren't getting what you deserve from your wife."
Mike sighed and said, "I hope you told him I'm just fine."
She nodded, "I did. I told him you were living your fantasies." She looked at her hands and then back to Mike. "He wants to do more, but I think he's holding back because he's worried about interfering with us."
Mike sat up on the bed and asked Sara pensively, "Do more ... like what?"
Sara paused and said, "He wants to do more, because I told him I wanted him to do more. I want him to take control of my sex life with him." Sara's voice became more determined as she said, "And since I'm in control of your sex life, that means he will be in control of yours too."
Mike didn't say anything at first as he considered what she said. Then, in a slow, careful tone he said, "O..kay. I'm not sure exactly what that means, but I guess I'm game."
Sara put a hand on Mike's knee, "That's what I told him you would say." She rubbed his inner thigh for a moment, then added, "So, he decided that I will only ***** with him from now on except for one night a week that you get to pick, but he can overrule of course. He also told me you could have one more cum tonight but no more until next Sunday. You'll get no more than one a week for a while and it can only be however he decides. He says if humil_iation gets you excited, then your cummies should be exciting ... a little humiliating."
Mike could feel his face flush in embarrassment. He couldn't believe his wife and best friend had decided to ... do this. He liked being able to live vicariously through their sex life. He didn't want to be such a direct participant in their sex games, did he? The sudden twitch in his hardening cock gave him an immediate answer. Of course, he did!
With a red face, Mike asked, "A little humiliating, how?"
Sara grinned at his discomfort and moved her hand to rub further up his thigh. "I'm not allowed to touch it, at least not directly, but I could rub it through your pajamas with my hand or my foot to get you started while I tell you about all the things he did with me this weekend. Daddy thought it might be funny if you humped the bed or a pillow to get yourself off. Oh, did I mention you can't take off your PJs or rub it yourself? And, you have to wear them all sticky and wet tonight. He said it will be like you're slee_ping in your own wet spot. Isn't that funny?"
Mike didn't think it was funny, but he was getting harder as his wife's hand brushed along the lump growing in his pajamas. Sara readjusted how she was sitting so she was facing her husband and extended her leg until her foot was resting on Mike's pajama-covered bulge. She put a little up-and-down pressure with her foot on his erection as she said, "So, where should I begin about this weekend? Let's start with what he told me to do at dinner and the dirty dancing we did at the club before we went back to his condo. Can you believe I exposed myself in public?"
Mike shifted and tried to get comfortable as Sara's foot continued to arouse his fully erect penis and he listened to her account of the weekend with her lover. He knew it wouldn't be long before he had an orgasm and hoped it would happen before she removed her foot and told him to do it some other way.
Posts: 437
Sara had enjoyed a great morning of pickleball and coffee with her girlfriends. They all commented on how she seemed to be glowing like a newlywed. "I can tell when a girl is getting some, and girl, you look like a mare after a visit to the stallion's stable," her friend Eileen exclaimed. "That handsome husband of yours must be traveling again. We know how you guys like your homecoming sex."
Sara laughed. She had missed more than a couple pickleball dates to stay home with Mike and play "Strict Mommy" after his business trips. Of course, she didn't tell them she was whipping his ass, denying him sex and treating him like her "bad little boy". As far as they knew, she had spent the entire morning in bed with her husband and reconnected with lots of sensuous sex. Her friends weren't prudes - Eileen had divorced over her infidelities and another had secretly enjoyed workplace flings over the years – but they all loved Mike and she didn't want them to think any less of him because of his sexual inadequacies.
The workplace fling friend, Annette, asked conspiratorially, "Or, is it something else? Are you holding out on us? Are you hooking up with your ex again?"
Sara rolled her eyes and shook her head, "No, it's not my ex. You all need to get laid. You have an unhealthy interest in my sex life," she declared dismissively. When they had all been drin_king wine together during a girl's night out, she had confessed to hooking up with her ex during a recent soccer road trip and they were ecstatic at the news. When they asked if she was going to do it again and how was she going to hide it from Mike, she told them, "I don't have to hide it from him. He knows about it and he doesn't care as long as I'm happy. But, it was a one time thing and I'm never going to do it again." They were shocked and in awe that Mike accepted her infidelity and wanted to debate on why she wouldn't just plan to have another lover. "That sounds like a dream come true" one of them had said, and "do you think they'd have a threesome with you?" another had suggested. But, she shut their speculation down and said, "Mike and I are doing just fine without complicating it. My ex was a great lay but he's my ex for a reason." They didn't want to let the new gossip end so early but Sara assured them there was nothing more to discuss.
On this particular morning, they seemed to accept her dismissive attitude about her newlywed glow and turned their attention to their divorced friend's sex life instead. Apparently, Eileen had found another younger lover and couldn't decide if she should dump her older boyfriend. She was always trying to decide if she should dump her loyal, stable, loving older boyfriend, and they always told her she was crazy for not valuing him more. Sara assumed Eileen's boyfriend knew about her cheating and, like Mike, he loved Eileen and didn't mind her affairs. She even told Eileen that she should just talk to her boyfriend and she might find out she didn't need to hide it from him, but Eileen liked keeping her relationships separate and didn't want her boyfriend to know anything about them.
The group of women ended their coffee and gossip therapy session and parted ways. As Sara was driving home, she thought about her morning. When Mike had gotten out of bed hours before sunrise to go to the gym, she had scampered down the hallway and snuggled into bed with Nick. She knew his alarm wouldn't go off for another hour, but she was still horny from the night before. Giving Nick a blowjob and watching Mike cum in his pajamas hadn't done a thing for her own needs. She tried not to wake him ... well, that's what she would claim – but he felt her hand lightly caressing his abdomen and torso and rolled toward her with his eyes still closed. After she apologized for waking him up, she sucked on his nipples as she wrapped her hand around his cock. It wasn't long after that when he told her to ride him cowgirl style so he could watch her orgasm. She happily complied and reached the first of several orgasms before collapsing satisfied on top of him. He grumbled about missing an hour of sl_eep to "satisfy my insatiable woman" and warned her that "you owe me one." She assured him she would make it up to him.
A little while later, she had a nice breakfast waiting for both of her men and thought she would finally have some time to herself, but Mike waited until after Nick left so he could chat with her before work. "I just wanted you to know I thought about everything you said last night, honey," Mike had offered earnestly. "I was already going to suggest you should sl_eep in his bed each night. I'll miss having you in bed with me, but he's the man-of-the-house now and the master bedroom is his and yours. And, after the girls are back, if you want me to keep slee_ping in the spare bedroom and saving your bed for him, I'm fine with that too. We can tell the girls my snoring is causing you to have trouble slee_ping and we decided it was better for me to sl_eep in the other room. And, just like I've always done with you, I'm totally onboard with no masturbating without his permission. If you want me in a chastity device, I'll even do that and you can give him the keys as a symbol of my commitment to this new arrangement. I just want you to know that this summer has been one of the most exciting things we've ever done together, and I don't want it to end. I know we can't have Nick living here and slee_ping in the bedroom with you when the girls are here, but maybe you could stay at his place once a week or so. And, you know how much Janet likes to sl_eepover at her friend's house, so Nick could stay on those nights too."
Sara finally asked, "So, are you done?" Mike nodded with a serious look on his face as he sat uncomfortably at the kitchen table. Sara wanted to laugh at her husband's outpouring of feelings and to hug him for his show of devotion. It reminded her of the way she felt on their anniversary when he declared his desire to be her pussy-free cuckold. Just like that night, she knew her reaction to his little speech would be important to how their evolving relationship would continue to take shape. So, she leaned back in her chair and stared at him with a severe, 'strict mommy' glare.
"I'm glad to hear you've accepted "this new arrangement", but it's not up to you to decide where I sl_eep, how or when Nick and I get together after the girls are back, or what I should do with your little, useless winkie. You gave all that up when you said you wanted to be my pussy-free cuckold," Sara stated in a menacing tone. She put her hands on the table and pushed herself up so she was standing and leaning over the kitchen table with a taunting look on her face as she leaned toward him. "He told me all about Lucy." Mike's eyes widened. He couldn't believe his best friend would share stories about his old girlfriend with his wife. "Apparently, this isn't the first time he's replaced you sexually with your woman. He said you seemed to like it back then too." Sara walked around the table and straddled her husband's lap. Mike couldn't help but glance at her hard nipples poking against the fabric of the long nightshirt she was wearing. "He said she loved you and didn't want you to be hurt, but she didn't want to have sex with you anymore. He said she still let you fool around every once in a while. Did she give poor, little Mikey pity fucks?"
Mike shook his head in embarrassment, "No, after we quit having sex she would only let me feel her up and give her oral when she was horny." Mike looked down at the table and added, "She only had sex with Nick after that."
Sara lifted his chin with her finger so he had to look at her. "Apparently, it drove him crazy that she was still letting you do those things with her, but you were his best friend. He's very possessive. That's why he doesn't want to share me." Sara stared at Mike with an amused, taunting look. He couldn't help glancing at her nipples again. "I convinced him that allowing you to see me naked sometimes would be a great way to tease you. It would remind you of what was his now. What you can see but not touch. Unlike Lucy, he will be the only man touching this body now. I think he liked that idea." Sara leaned forward slightly and wiggled her hips, "And I think you like that idea too."
Sara leaned forward and kissed her husband on the cheek. "So, be a good boy and maybe you'll get to see what you keep trying to act like you're not looking at, but I think it's time for you to be getting to work, don't you?" She got up from his lap and smiled at the bulge in his pants. "It makes me happy that I still excite you."
When Mike got up and started to leave the kitchen, Sara said, "By the way boy, if you want to get a chastity device, I think that would be a lovely anniversary gift. Can you believe it's almost been a full year since you decided to be my pussy-free cuckold? I think it's been wonderful. What about you?"
Mike smiled shyly, saying, "It's been the most crazy, wonderful year of my life."
Sara gave him a pleased look and said, "Then, I guess that means you want to keep it going for another year?"
"Absolutely," Mike replied enthusiastically.
Sara was so deep in thought, she almost drove right past her own driveway. She sat in the car for a few minutes as she contemplated the events of the morning. It was clear that Mike was not only happy with the way things were going, he seemed ready to take things to another level. And then there was Nick. Like her, he was falling madly in love and the thought of not seeing each other everyday was already weighing heavily on both of them.
She sighed as she leaned back in the car seat. Ever since the weekend getaway with Nick, a lurking feeling had been gnawing at her and she had kept trying to bury it. However, the harder she tried to bury it, the more it gnawed at her. She was going to need to come to terms with it, or it would drive her crazy. Perhaps the chat with Mike had been exactly what she needed. Maybe there was a way forward that wouldn't cause her to feel like a terrible wife.
As she had laid in bed with Nick in the hotel, for just a moment she forgot she was already married and the only thing in the world that mattered was the two of them, in that bed, holding each other, lying blissfully in love with each other. She didn't want the feeling to ever end. She had eagerly offered her ass to her lover that morning and she always felt submissive after he took her that way. Her head was lying on his chest and he was stroking her hair lovingly. The feelings of devotion were washing over her as she felt herself lifted by the rise and fall of his broad, strong chest. She could hear and feel his reverberating heartbeat and knew she had been the one to cause it to beat so fast. She loved exciting him, pleasing him, giving him pleasure. She loved how he did the same for her.
It was during this blissful moment when the first inkling of doubt drifted through her mind. It was a momentary realization that she didn't feel this same way with her own husband. Mike was her rock and she loved him with all her heart, but ... she didn't feel like this. A brief moment of panic set in and she was only saved from the sudden terror building in her mind by Nick wrapping his arms around her and pulling her lips to his own. He kissed her passionately as he held her in his strong embrace and moved a hand to firmly hold the cheek of her ass. She responded to his embrace and let her tongue slip into his mouth. Within seconds, the dismaying thoughts had disappeared as quickly as they had been formed.
However, the thoughts hadn't totally disappeared. They were only pushed into a box and locked away in her mind to be dealt with at another time. A time when she wasn't so busy falling in love. She told herself to enjoy this moment and allow herself to give her lover all she had, body and mind.
When they returned home and she saw Mike, he was so happy to see both of them and she could see the excitement in his eyes. She felt relief and tried to tell herself the feelings she had in the hotel were silly emotional reactions to the incredible weekend she had spent with Nick. She made a mental note to be sure and spend the night in Mike's bed and to make sure he got the teasing and relief he needed and deserved ... but, then she changed her mind. She wanted another night in Nick's bed. She wasn't ready to take care of her husband. Besides, she did sl_eep with Mike the next night and he was fine with that. So, maybe it was just a matter of not wanting the magical weekend with her lover to be over yet, but ... she knew it was something else.
Was it the realization that she just didn't feel the same way about Mike as she did about Nick? She still loved him, but her desire for him as a sexual partner was certainly not the same. She used to love having his face between her legs, but even that was something she was more than willing to give up as long as her lover wanted her body all to himself. She realized it was the guilt she felt at no longer desiring her husband sexually. It still turned her on to dominate him, to tease him and to see his lust for her. But, that was different than wanting him sexually.
She never could understand how so many women had little interest in having sex with their partners after being together for many years. Sex was always very important to her, and even after all these years she and Mike had maintained a very active sex life – well, at least until this past year. Now, sex was a bigger part of their relationship than it ever had been – they just weren't having it together! And wasn't it Mike himself that just this morning said he was having the "most crazy, wonderful year" of his life? He was the one that said he wanted to continue doing this for another year and even wanted to add chastity to the mix.
Sara took a deep breath to calm herself as she sat up straighter in the car seat. She reminded herself that her husband was happy. He's admitted many times that he knows he can't satisfy her sexually and is more than willing to let his friend do it for him. It actually excites him, and it isn't the first time he and Nick have done this together. They didn't have a 'normal' sex life and relationship. They were closer to each other than any couple she knew. It's only because she loves him that she should give him what he really wants, what she really likes as well. She'll become the 'strict mommy' of his dreams. Like all little boys, there comes a time when you no longer get to suckle at mommy's tit, and it can be hard to accept – for mommy and her boy, but it needs to happen when you grow up. Now, it's time for you to be kept in line with the stern hand of your loving mommy. Strict mommy will make sure her boy stays chaste and teased mercilessly. She'll make sure to keep that lustful fire burning unquenched in your loins. And, at the same time, she will explore all the new kinky fantasies with her new lover that have been brewing in her own mind.
She also decided it was useless to try and hide her love for Nick from the girls. If they could sense the trysts she was having with her ex, then she would never be able to hide her obvious love for Nick. She would have to sit them down for an adult conversation and explain that she and Mike had decided to become a throuple with Nick. She would promise to be very discreet and never embarrass them with the decision she and Mike were making, but Nick would be living with them and become part of the family. They knew Nick and liked him so she hoped it wouldn't cause too much of a disruption, but the thought of only seeing him on occasion was simply too painful to bear. Besides, they would both be off to college within a year.
Sara got out of the car and went into the house with a new sense of commitment. She would embrace the truth and quit trying to for_ce society's viewpoint on her reality. She didn't need to feel guilty. She did feel different about her lover than she did about her husband. It was a fact that all of them already knew anyway. Her intimate relationship with her husband might not be conventional, but it would be more exciting than most couples enjoyed. She would happily use domination, teasing and humil_iation to titillate and excite him. She would keep him in chastity with the promise of an occasional release or a chance to see her naked as rewards for his suffering. Strict mommy would no longer be reserved for special occasions after a tough business trip. Maybe she could even get Nick to be a strict daddy. Watching her lover spank her husband to tears was a fantasy she would love to come true. The possibilities seemed endless as she started a bubble bath in giddy anticipation. She would make a wonderful dinner for her two men tonight and see if they shared her enthusiasm.
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