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Unlikely Model

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#31 · Edited by: fender412002
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After our shower, we got dressed and went to the pub downstairs where we met up with Tim. We ordered some appetizers and d r I n k s. I asked Dave what he does for a living. He works as a structural engineer. Most of his clients are wealthy people who are doing major renovations on older homes. That was how he met Phil and Rosemarie. Phil is the 'client' paying Will for the photos and videos. Dave said he went to meet with them at their home and he immediately recognized Rosemarie as the friend of an old girlfriend's older sister. When Dave was still an undergrad around 19 years old he dated a classmate named Kelly. Kelly was the youngest of 4 girls. There was 6 years difference between Kelly and her next oldest sister. Kelly's oldest sister was Brenda. Brenda was friends with Rosemarie. Brenda and Rosemarie were 15 years older than Kelly and Dave. Dave admits to being young and selfish at that time. Like most boys that age he wanted to s l e e p with as many women as possible. Well, Kelly bragged to her older sister and Rosemarie about Dave's incredible endowment and Brenda found a way to get Dave alone. Brenda, despite being married at the time, decided to ride the Dave train. Unfortunately Mr. Brenda walked in on them. Brenda's husband ended up leaving her and Kelly stopped talking to Brenda for a few years. At the time, Rosemarie chewed out Dave saying he was a selfish punk and basically told him he'd caused that family enough pain and that he should leave and not bother them anymore. Dave agreed. He felt horrible for contributing to the destruction of a marriage. While Brenda caught most of the blame, Dave knew he played a major role. Despite not being happy with Brenda's decision to hook up with Dave, Rosemarie apparently remained a loyal friend to Brenda helping her navigate the divorce and ultimately reconciling with Kelly. Dave said when he walked into that big old house, Phil was the only one there. As they were discussing the renovation and getting to know each other, Rosemarie came downstairs. Upon seeing her Dave said he froze momentarily and just instinctively uttered "I'm sorry." To his surprise, Rosemarie told him it was water under the bridge and not to worry about it. Clearly Phil had no idea what was going on. Rosemarie jumped in and said that Dave was an old friend of Brenda's younger sister Kelly and that years ago she yelled at Dave over some now forgotten argument. Later when Phil stepped away Rosemarie told Dave that she'd lightened up as she'd gotten older. As she now saw it, an unmarried teenage boy who was only a man in a legal sense did not have as much responsibility as a fully grown 35 year old married woman. She told Dave she loved Brenda but that Brenda was the cause of her own problems. Dave told Rosemarie that he still broke Kelly's trust. He admitted he knew enough, even back then, not to mess around with sisters and that he was just being selfish. Rosemarie told Dave that he was just a teenage boy and that teenage boy's only think with their dicks. Giggling and blushing she added "and from what Brenda and Kelly said, you were doing a lot of...thinking." That fairy obvious comment opened the door to flirting and playful banter between Dave and Rosemarie. As the plans for their home were drawn up and the work started, Dave and Rosemarie grew comfortable with each other. Rosemarie eventually confided that like Tim, Phil had a micro penis. But, worse than Tim, Phil was never really horny at all. Worst of all, Phil hated going down on Rosemarie. Unlike me, Rosemarie was falling out of love with her husband when she met Dave. She tried multiple times to come on to Dave. But, not wanting to repeat his past mistakes, Dave declined her advances. He changed his mind one afternoon when he arrived for a meeting at their home early and he overheard Phil yelling at Rosemarie and degrading her simply for opening the wrong bottle of wine. Dave thought she needed something good in her life. When Rosemarie saw Dave she could somehow tell he had a change of heart. Their first time together came when Phil was out of town on business. This is when Rosemarie c h o k e d on Dave's dick and blew cum out of her nose like I did lol. That poor girl, I know all too well the feeling of blowing your nose only to have semen come out. Yuck . The next time is when Phil caught them. He had left in an Uber to go to the airport. On his way the uber driver was involved in an accident. He was trying to change his flight and get another uber when he got a call canceling the meeting he was heading to. So, he decided to take an Uber to get something to eat. After dinner he headed home. As Phil entered his bedroom he observed Dave entwined with Rosemarie in the missionary position. Phil got angry and kicked Dave and Rosemarie out. Rosemarie wasn't going to go down without a fight. She began screaming at Phil that he was a horrible husband, was bad in bed and that his dick was a joke. She told him she was just going to go to Dave's and keep fucking him. Just as she was about to leave with Dave, Phil asked her not to go. He had calmed down and wanted to talk to her. She stayed and they both were able to clear the air. He admitted that he had insecurities about not being able to please her and that caused him to avoid sex. She admitted that he didn't seem to try in the bedroom and that his dick was too small to please her. She had known for a long time about Dave's skill in the bedroom and the size he was packing. When she saw him after all those years she was stunned at the man he had become and wanted him from the moment they were reunited. Phil said he did like Dave's work. He also agreed he had become an asshole over the years because of the stress caused by his own inability to please his wife. He wondered if opening his mind to Dave continuing to see Rosemarie might take some pressure off. Rosemarie asked Dave if he'd agreed to sit down with Phil and her to hammer out some sort of agreement. Dave agreed and came over the next night for dinner. Phil wanted to see them have sex so he wouldn't be left wondering and worrying about what they were doing. And, that's just what happened after dinner. Rosemarie kissed Phil on the cheek and told him that in the bedroom, she and Dave are in charge. Phil could only be a spectator. As their clothes came off and Rosemarie took Dave into her mouth, Phil got visibly aroused and took out his little dick. Dave stopped him telling Phil that he can only cum after they were done. Phil was made to put his dick away. After Phil had watched his wife fuck Dave and cum multiple times he told them he wanted to watch them when they got together. Rosemarie responded that it would be selfish of him to expect to watch every time. She noted that there were three people in this little relationship so he should be entitled to 1/3 of the pleasure. So, it was agreed that every third time, Phil would be able to watch his wife get fucked by Dave. The other two times they would be alone to enjoy each other. Sadly, they only went through one cycle of this before Rosemarie's accident. In the immediate aftermath, Phil thanked Dave for helping him discover himself. They were able to finish up the engineering project, but then they drifted apart until a couple years later when they saw each other at the same restaurant. This is when Phil asked Dave that strange request that would ultimately change mine and Tim's lives. I asked Dave if he ever fucked Rosemarie in the ass. He said they did in one of their private sessions away from Phil. "Oh, like us". Tim looked at me and then Dave with a puzzled and surprised look. "That's right Tim, I gave my ass to Dave. He showed me how to PROPERLY, enjoy anal sex. In case you're wondering, yes, Dave blew his load deep inside my virgin ass."

"But how?" Tim replied.

"He went slow, he increased sizes incrementally, and he used lots of lube. Lastly, when it came time to penetrate me, he let me move onto his dick. You just licked your finger and jammed it in. Maybe one of these days I show you if you're good."


Posts: 885
#32 · Edited by: fender412002
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The three of us discussed our relationship. Dave and I expressed interest in keeping it going. Tim seemed ok with us continuing to see each other. We weren't going to define it but we did come up with some common sense rules. I insisted that Dave see whoever he wanted when we weren't physically together. I enjoyed what he gave me but thought it would be selfish to try to keep him for myself. Plus, it would be cruel to deny any woman the chance to be with Dave lol! Dave then insisted that I be able to see whoever I wanted when he wasn't around. Tim interrupted here.

"Hey don't I have a say?"

I let Tim know that my sex life was no longer his.

"Tim, I love you but let's face it, you're now a cuckold. My sex life is my and Dave's business. When it comes to satisfying my sexual needs you've fallen short. When we have sex I'm reminded that I'm a wife and that I have wifely duties to fulfill. But, when I'm with Dave I'm reminded that I'm a woman. Dave fills my womanly needs in a way you just can't. I tolerate your body Tim, but I crave Dave's body to be next to mine, constantly touching me. I desire to smell him, taste him, and to submit my body to him in a way I've never felt before. Tim, I love us and everything we've built together over the years. I'll always be your wife and best friend. But as of now I'm ready to trust my instincts and turn my body over to Dave. If he tells me I can be with other men when he's not around, then I shall be open to it. If he insists I s l e e p with another man, then I will do it. And, Tim, if he doesn't want me to be with you, then I'll follow his direction."

Dave added, "Tim you need to know that I will never put my own needs in front of your marriage to Marcela. Yes, Marcela may have turned control of her body over to me. But you and Marcela need to know that if at ANY time either of you tell me that it's over, then I shall walk away. I do not want to contribute to the destruction of another marriage and I don't want to hurt either of you. So, starting now, and forever into the future, if you tell me it's over, I'll gladly walk away. But, as long as you both keep me around, I do intend to use Marcela for my own sexual pleasure. I intend to push Marcela's limits much the same way I did when I properly introduced her to anal sex. And, I intend to help push your limits too Tim. I try to imagine myself in your shoes, with a tiny dick that's incapable of pleasing any woman. After a while I think I'd have to submit and accept what nature gave me. I imagine I'd have to derive my sexual pleasure vicariously through others. With any luck I plan to help you discover yourself. And Tim, despite what Marcela said, I will never insist that she not be with you. Indeed I want her to be with you on a regular basis. Otherwise she may lose appreciation for what I bring to the table. I believe that being with you will make her crave me more. In this way we all stay happy and get our needs met. Tomorrow morning I have to catch a flight to go see my younger sister. She and her husband just got some bad news and I want to be there for them. I'll be gone for the week. I insist that you and Marcela have sex while I'm gone, at least one time, more if you want. When I get back I would love it if Marcela would come stay with me for a week. You guys can talk it over while I'm gone."

Tim added "Marcela's happiness is my number one priority. It hurts to know that I can't completely please her sexually the way only a man can. But, seeing her pleasure when she's with you makes me happy to the core. Marcela, to be honest, I've never seen you have that kind of reaction, or make those kind of noises when you're with me. Knowing Dave brings that out in you, I could never take that away from you. I fully intend to commit to our new relationship."

It made me feel so happy that Tim could understand because I'd have had a hard time giving up Dave .

"Tim, I'd like to be with Dave tonight but you've been so great I really want you to join us. What do you think Dave?"

Dave was open to Tim joining us and added that Tim could participate if by he wanted. On our way back to the room, we saw the resort manager and one of the employees that was present at the filming by the pool. The manager motioned us over. He said that news the after-hours fun that we had at the pool had spread amongst the staff and guests. Apparently numerous requests were made to the manager to continue holding adults only, clothing-optional after hours. Enough requests were made that he wanted to start having them more often on a trial basis. Charging each guest a $20 nightly access fee would create an additional revenue stream for the hotel and should make it profitable. He invited us to attend tonight free of charge as a thank you. For liability purposes no d r I n k I n g was allowed but according to the manager it didn't seem to dissuade the guests. He said he's had 45 people sign up and pay already. Before Dave or Tim could respond I agreed that we'd be there. On the way back to the room I told Tim then if he wanted to be with Dave and me later, then he had to go to the pool. I let him know that I wanted to walk out of the locker room nude with Dave nude on one arm and Tim nude on the other arm. Tim had a major look of trepidation lol. As I saw it, I did Tim a favor by pantsing him. He managed to hang out nude with those ball players and their girlfriends. This would just be several more people. Despite his look, Tim did not complain. Dave and Tim were to meet me where the women's and men's locker room exits converge. In the locker room there was a young, I'll call her girl but she was obviously old enough to be there. She was just sitting there on the bench by the lockers, naked but with her arms folded over her chest and leaning forward to cover as much of herself as she could. She seemed scared or nervous. I said hi to her and asked her if she was ok. She said she'd never been nude in front of others, especially guys, like this before. I really felt for her. I offered to walk out with her to make her feel more comfortable. As I said this I began undressing. I know I was going to anyway but it seemed the natural thing to do to help her feel better. I mean if I'm naked too maybe she won't feel so exposed. She wasn't sure if she could actually walk out. I pointed out that my husband felt uncomfortable at first but got over it when he realized no one was really paying attention. I wasn't going to scare her by telling her what actually happened! I let her know I was going out and that I'd love it if she came with me but that if she couldn't, that was ok too. Without thinking about it I said my husband and boyfriend were out there waiting for me. I asked her name.


" Hi Melissa, I'm Marcela".

"Did you say your husband and your boyfriend?"

Laughing "oh yeah I guess I did"

Melissa cracking a smile "oh I thought you were being serious."

Me: "well, I actually am serious. I laughed because I said it so naturally that I didn't even think about it."

Melissa: "so wait you actually have a husband AND a boyfriend and you're about to walk out there naked to meet both of them?!"

So, I took a minute to briefly explain my situation. Melissa was absolutely transfixed as I gave her my elevator pitch.

She then shared her story. She just turned 18 today! She just barely an adult legally. What was she doing here? Here's what she said: Her parents were coming here for her Dad's business. He had a convention. Her parents thought it would be nice to take her since it was her birthday. She said she'd rather have stayed home and had the house to herself. She's an only c h I l d. Her dad owns a business that makes parts for buses and trucks. I was fairly obvious that Melissa was very shy and not the type of girl you'd expect to see naked at a pool in mixed company. Melissa was tall, perhaps 5'8" or 5'9". She was not fat or thin. She had a body that reminded me of one of my sisters. I feel bad thinking about it now but my older sister had nearly no womanly curves. She's shaped like a board... and regrettably, that is what I used to call my sister...board. She'd call me fat and I'd tell her "at least I've got curves and am shaped like a woman. You're shaped like a board!" Thinking about how I'd been mean to my sister made me want to go out of my way to make Melissa feel comfortable in her skin. I complemented her on her skin. It was beautiful porcelain white and she had jet black hair with bright blue eyes. And at such a young age, her face was flawless. She said her mom and dad took her to a birthday lunch but had plans for this evening. She just wanted to do something, anything exciting on her birthday. She was resigned to watching tv and texting her friend in her room until she heard about this. She had psyched herself up to do this. She didn't want to go home having done nothing so she decided to walk out with me.

"How will I know which one is your husband and which one is your boyfriend?"

"I'm pretty sure you'll figure it out when you see them."

Tim and Dave were waiting for me and were both visibly surprised upon the sight of my new friend. I introduced Melissa to Tim and Dave. Melissa did her best to hide her embarrassed smile upon seeing two nude men introduce themselves to her. Dave asked us if we wanted to go in the pool or the hot tub. Trying to sense what Melissa would want I told them to do whatever they wanted and that Melissa and I would be laying in deck chairs near the hot tub. Melissa ended up asking lots of questions about me Dave and Tim. Melissa admitted she was still a virgin and told me about a boy in her class that she liked. She had hoped he would ask her out but said "unfortunately he's even more nerdy than me." I congratulated her for having a sense of adventure to try something like this. I don't think she was as nerdy as she thought she was. Melissa is just introverted. I ended up telling her the crazy story about how I met Dave. She remained amazed that Tim went along with all of this. I let her know Tim is the perfect husband with one exception. This caused Melissa to burst out laughing. Until today Melissa had not seen a live penis. She admitted to watching quite a bit of porn and hadn't given much thought to the fact that not every guy is hung like a porn star.

She went on to say "just like us I guess. Not every woman had double D porn star boobs. I mean look at mine, they barely fill about B cup I've got these little flapjacks." Throughout our conversation I felt like a m o m giving advice to her D a u g h t e r. The big topic was minimizing other people's opinions about us and just learning to enjoy and love our bodies. I explained it had taken me 50 years and let Melissa know she was on a great course. In the end she thanked me for the advice and asked if I would put my number in her phone. I agreed and she said she wanted to get back before her parents got back. This whole last week had been wonderful but most of the attention was on me finding out about myself. It was nice to focus on helping someone else for a little while.

There were perhaps 40 people in the pool/ hot tub area. Many of the people sans clothes were older. Tim and Dave were talking to an older couple. When Melissa left they waved me over. Pam and Dale were in their late 60's. Dale, a retired plumber, said Pam noticed Dave the minute he walked out of the locker room. Pam was a stunning beauty at any age and she was nearly 70. She was very voluptuous with big tits, big hips, a big ass, that seemed to somehow avoid gravity for 70 years, all combined with a tiny waist. The only part of Pam that showed any signs of gravity was her big tits which hung low. Both Dale and Pam were nude. Dale looks like a lot of men his age. He had silver hair on his head and all over his body. Like Tim, Dale was hung like a shrimp. It was obvious that Pam enjoyed a freedom similar to mine. Pam still worked as a body shop manager and could clearly hold her own in that male dominated business. She did not mince words. Dave reminded her of her boyfriend of 10 years. He recently had to move out of state to care for his elderly parents. He'd been gone for a couple of months and she wanted to have her itch scratched. When she saw me walking out with Dave and Tim she correctly surmised that Dave was my boyfriend and that Tim was my teenie weenie husband. She asked if we'd like to go up to their room so she and I could enjoy Dave. I let her know that Tim Dave and I had planned to be together tonight anyway. I ask Dave and Tim and both seemed keen to do whatever. And so, we all headed up. Pam was so beautiful I was envious of her body. She's about my height (5'3") and I guess she weighs perhaps 145 lbs. I'm close to 170. I was looking forward to seeing her with Dave! And, she dressed impeccably. She wore a form fitting knee length black pencil skirt with a sexy white blouse. She told me she likes to dress up on vacation because she wears jeans and a tshirt to work. Once we were all in Dale and Pam's room, Pam was quick to lay out the rules. It was obvious they'd done this numerous times before. Dale and Tim were to remain clothed, quiet, and refrain from any sexual activity. They could observe but not participate. Depending on how it went, they might be invited to participate toward the end, but until that point, Pam made it clear the active participants would be Dave, me, and Pam. She then asked Dave how he'd like to get started. Dave told her he wanted to see me undress Pam. I'd never done anything with a woman before but the prospect of being with Pam had me excited to say the least. Standing face to face with Pam, I began to unbutton her blouse. She wore a lace bra without padding. Her large dark pink areolas were easily visible through the lace. I unzipped her skirt and worked to bring it down over her womanly hips. Dave directed me to put my hand gently between Pam's legs over her lace panties. He asked me what it felt like. I told him se was warm. My next instruction was to kiss Pam on the lips. I did as told and was asked again to describe it. "Soft, her lips are so soft." I was then told to help Pam out of her bra and panties. Dave then explained that I was going to warm up Pam's pussy for him. He invited Pam to lay back on the bed . I noticed Pam had pretty feet too. Dave sure must be enjoying this lol. I was told to rub Pam's pussy. It was so warm, and wet. I thought post menopausal women had trouble getting wet but Pam was already very wet. As I rubbed someone else's pussy for the first time, I noticed I was now getting wet too. Nature seemingly taking over, I slid one then two fingers into Pam. She moaned as her hips gyrated in sync with the movement of my hand. I was getting very excited. Without instructions I leaned forward to get my first taste of pussy. Dave had kneeled on the bed next to Pam. She unbuttoned and lowered his pants exposing the bulge in his briefs. She ran her hand over his bulge and ran her other hand under his balls gently rubbing them. Dave let out a low deep moan. Wow, Pam really knew her way around a man! As she lowered his briefs, his cock sprang out pointing right at her. She looked up at him and asked "Master Dave, may I please lick your cock?" It was so hot hearing her defer to Dave like that. He told her to go ahead. Twisting her head she reached as far under his balls as she could and licked slowly from the bottom of his testicles up the shaft and to the head of his cock. She took the head into her mouth and began giving Dave a hands-free blowjob. Again proving her expertise, Pam was able to take most of Dave into her mouth and throat. Moaning again it was obvious that Dave was in heaven. Dave then asked me how wet Pam was. "She's soaking wet."

Dave:"Pam, what do you want?"

Pam:"Sir, I want to feel your cock inside me."

Dave:"Your husband is here. Why doesn't he fuck you?"

Pam:"His dick is too small and he cums too fast. I don't want to be with him. I want to be with you sir. Please may I feel your cock?"

Dave:"What if I told you that you could only have me if you gave up fucking your husband forever?"

Pam:"I'd tell Dale that he's never going to touch me again sir"

Dave:"If you mean it, stand up and kiss me."

Without hesitation Pam stood up and locked lips with Dave. They remained in an embrace, tongues swirling together, for over a minute. Dave's long stiff cock poking Pam in the stomach. Then , laying her down he began to rub his cock head up and down over her soaked slit. Her hips returned rhythm.

Dave:"Dale, if I put my dick in your wife, she's my whore forever. You'll never be able to touch her again. I'll stop now if you tell me to stop. What's it going to be Dale?"

Dale and Pam locked eyes. Dale's lustful angst could be seen on his face. But, Dale didn't say a word.

Dave:"say goodbye to your wife Dale"

And with that Dave plunged into Pam. Somehow Dave seemed to know that Pam would be able to accommodate his size. Within a second he was balls deep; all 9.5" buried in that beautiful 60-something year old vagina.

Pam:"Oh god Dave , you're huge! Use my pussy however you want!"
Dave continued to thrust his cock into Pam in hard, powerful, thrusts. It wasn't long before Pam let us, and probably everyone on the floor, know that she was going to cum.

Looking at her husband:

"Dale, I've only known Dave for a couple of hours and he's already made me cum with his dick more than you've been able to do in 46 years. You drive your big pickup truck, you're proud of your mancave, you waste your Sundays watching football and smoking cigars and you call yourself a man? Yet you sit there watching a real man fuck your wife. Dale are you even listening? I've got a big black dick deep inside me as I'm talking to you and you're just sitting there. Why don't you come over here and claim your wife?"

Dave added "I'll give you another chance Dale. Come over here and claim your wife"

Dale remained quiet and seated.

"He can't even get hard at the prospect of fucking me anymore. Dale come over here and take off your clothes. We'll show everyone the only thing that stiffens your tiny dicklet."

Dale did as instructed and stood before his wife. She had him lie on the floor.

"Dale we're going to show these good people how much of a man you really are. Now tell everyone what 'my big man wants'"

Dale:"please pee on me"


Dale:"in my mouth please"

Pam:"Aren't you disgusting. You're a plumber who can't even lay the pipe yet you want to be my toilet."

Holding Dave's and my hand for balance, Pam squatted over Dale's face and began to urinate. Dale managed to swallow most of her offering. When she finished he leaned up and licked her clean. As Dale was about to get up, Dave surprised everyone and told Dale he wasn't done.

Dale:"What do you mean?"

Dave:"Well I have to go too."

Pam:"We've never done that before"

Dave:"from what I can tell, you've been doing this ritual with Dale for some time I'm guessing"

Pam:"a long time. Years...decades actually."

Dave:"and during this time has Dale ever made you cum by fucking you or even made a decent attempt to claim you back from your boyfriends?"


Dave:"so Pam, you've spent decades letting Dale enjoy his fantasy and fetish but you've never had a husband that even tried to do the manly thing and claim you as his own? It doesn't seem fair to me. Seems to me that Dale is too comfortable getting everything he wants while his wife has to look outside the marriage for satisfaction. Dale you need to be pushed out of your comfort zone. You've got a choice Dale. Either you or pretty Pam here are going to be my toilet. I need to piss real bad. It's your decision Dale. Who's it going to be?"

Pam:"Dale you know I don't have


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Pam:"Dale you know I don't have the same kink as you. If you make me do this, you'll never get what you want from me again. Ever!"

Dale looked at Pam, then Dave, at Tim and I as if he was apparently looking for some way out of his predicament. Eventually his face seemed resigned to his fate. He laid down and opened his mouth.

Dave:"Now don't spill a drop"

Dave stood over his toilet and unleashed a strong stream of piss quickly filling Dale's mouth. Pausing only to allow him to swallow Dave and Dale continued for two to three minutes until Dave's bladder was empty. Then Pam spoke up:

"Well look at that. Who's got a little cum stain on his pants?"

Without touching himself, Dale had cum while swallowing Dave's urine.

While it was kind of gross seeing Dale act out his fetish, it was also hot to see how Dave knew that Dale needed to be pushed. He didn't do that to Dale because he's some kind of sadist, he recognized where Dale and Pam were in their relationship and he saw they needed a little push.

Dave asked Dale "Dale what are you?"

Dale:"I'm a cuckold"

Dave:"We all know that. What did you become today? Pam, what did Dale become today?"

Pam:"A black man's toilet."

Dave:"You got it Dale? What are you?"

Dale:"I'm a black man's toilet."


Posts: 885
#34 · Edited by: fender412002
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Dave shook the rest of the pee from his dick onto Dale. Then he looked at Tim and told him he'd been so good this weekend that he could have his choice, he could watch Dave take me or he could take me himself. Internally I felt torn. My body wanted to feel Dave deep in me, stretching me, giving me that full feeling. My heart belonged to Tim and I felt bad that I didn't want him physically. When I heard Tim say he wanted to be with me I can't say I was surprised. Tim can be very competitive. In fact, other than his little penis, he's quite manly in most departments. I have to admit I was disappointed that I'd have to endure Tim's little effort when all I wanted was to be fucked hard and deep. Dale and Pam sat on the sofa watching. Dave sat in a chair next to them. Tim went down on me. Now he was doing a good job because I was having trouble being annoyed with him. But as I laid there with him doing is best to work me over with his oral magic, I couldn't help but think that I could get the same thing from Pam or any woman. What I wanted was to feel a warm, hard, cock in me. So while Tim's efforts certainly got me wet, I was mentally anxious and sexually frustrated. I needed a good release soon.

"Tim , I need you to fuck me. Now!" He climbed on me like he had so many times. At least he was hard...all 3 3/4 inches. I've got to say this was a decent effort from my little Timmy. He was pounding me hard. And while his dick wasn't doing anything for me, the intensity of his pounding was enough to vibrate my clit. Wow this was actually starting to feel ok. Unfortunately "ok" was not what I was looking for. Then I made the mistake of looking at Dave sitting there. His big soft dick just sitting there on the chair with him. What a waste! Sports cars are meant to be driven hard. They serve no purpose just parked on the side of the road. Despite a really good effort by Tim, knowing Dave was just sitting there caused every movement and every sound made by Tim to become highly irritating. Unfortunately I could tell Tim was proud of his strong performance.

"Tim..." I said

Tim:"you like this baby? Didn't think I could fuck you like this did you?"

"This is the best you've been in a long time."

Tim:"I knew you were loving it!"

"But, I don't want you. I want Dave. I'm sorry Tim but I'm just not physically attracted to you anymore. Knowing Dave and his manly penis are just a few feet away makes it worse. Dave you need to come over here and fuck me now."

I actually felt Tim's third pinky lose its stiffness, shrinking back down to a small mushroom. Tim was clearly dejected. He had done his best and it wasn't enough. Yes I was being selfish and I'd probably regret it later. But right now I needed Dave to tear up my pussy and make me his bitch.

Dave, ever the gentleman, deferred to Tim.

"Tim I try to be a man of my word. I said you could be with Marcela tonight. I'm not going jump the line without your approval."

Psychologically beaten, Tim offered:

"Dave, I'm not able to satisfy my wife. Would you please do it for me?"

Dave:"I'll let this one slide, but remember, in the bedroom Marcela is MY wife. And, I'm going to show you why. Tim get over here!"

Dave guided me to lay back on the bed. He stood with his semi erection pointing at my pussy.

"Tim we need to make sure Marcela is wet enough. But clearly she doesn't want you going down on her anymore. Plus my dick isn't fully hard. Take my cock and rub it up and down on my wife's pussy."

Without hesitation Tim's hand wrapped around my lover's cock and he began rubbing the head up and down over my opening.

Without thinking I blurted:

"Finally you're doing something useful Timmy!"

My pussy was sopping wet. The head of Dave's dick glistened with my juices. Looking directly into Tim's eyes I told him to put Dave's cock in me. Dave took control. He told Tim to sit back and watch telling him to listen for noises he's never heard before.

Dave began gently fucking me with maybe the first third of his dick. He was teasing me. He could tell my pussy was getting greedy. Picking up his tempo he went just a little deeper. This was driving me nuts.

"God Dave, will you just fuck me already? Please!?"

He leaned down and kissed me. With our tongues entwined, he plunged into me, filling me instantly. Staying close he kept thrusting. His cock felt so good. We continued kissing and fucking for some time. I had completely forgotten that there were others in the room with us. In my mind it was just me and Dave. I could feel a big orgasm building. Dave was rock solid and so deep. I started to cum and was overcome by emotion.


My vagina was throbbing around my lover. His thrusts slowed but continued. He gentle-fucked me as we continued kissing while I enjoyed my post orgasmic bliss. A few minutes later he had me on all fours and was taking me doggy style. His motion was now clearly geared towards his pleasure. He had transformed me from his lover to his bitch. He was using my cunt as a cock sleeve. Right now I was a piece of meat for him to use. First spit hit my asshole, then his thumb rubbing my anus. Soon his thumb was up my ass as he continued to pound me.

"You're my whore ain't you? You take it up the ass don't you?"

"Only for you. You can use me however you want. Please use me. I'm your bitch."

That's when I felt it, that first crack. Dave's big hand was spanking me. Tim had never done it and I never thought about it let alone entertained the idea that I might actually enjoy it. From that first crack I had found a new hobby lol. I wanted to be a naughty girl that deserves a spanking. Dave picked up on my enjoyment and gave me an extra hard smack on the ass. It stung but it made my pussy gush. I'm sure he felt it on his cock. Getting spanked lit a fire in me.

"That's as hard as you can hit?! You fucking pussy!" I (still can't believe I) screamed.

I felt his right hand slide quickly up my back until his fingers rode up the back of my neck into my hair. His hand closed capturing a large amount of my hair near the base. With a solid grip on my hair, he yanked my head back. His left hand fired off 5 or 6 rapid fire full f o r c e slaps to my left ass cheek leaving hand print welts on my ass. His cock was slamming me. My whole body, especially my legs began to convulse in an enormous orgasm.

"I'm going to fucking impregnate you bitch!" He screamed as he filled me with cum. I could feel his dick spasming as each contraction released more of his seed into me. I was spent. He rolled me over, laying next to me with his arms around me. We cuddled together for who knows how long. I think I fell asleep for a few minutes. The next thing recalled was hearing Tim talking to Dale and Pam. It was only then that I remembered there were others in the room. And, we were in Dale and Pam's room. I got up and dressed. I gave Pam a big kiss and thanked her and Dale for a good time. In the hallway Tim asked if I'd be coming back to our room. I told him Dave leaves tomorrow for a week so I'd like to spend the night with him. I gave Tim a kiss and headed off with Dave to our room.


Posts: 885
#35 · Edited by: fender412002 
Up to the first message 
Dave and I spent the rest of the evening just lounging like any couple. We talked a little, watched TV. I really enjoyed cuddling up next to him. I was getting to enjoy the giddiness of infatuation or puppy love again. And, at my age I was able to appreciate it. We all know there are different kinds of love. Nothing can replace the love Tim and I share from decades of a shared life together. But this thing with Dave had me constantly thinking about him. I want him to enjoy me. I want to look good for him. I honestly want the world to see that we're together and that I'm his. This is what I was thinking about when I fell asleep cuddled up next to him. Again I slept all through the night. I woke up before Dave and took a shower. In the mirror I could see the evidence of my spanking. Just thinking about feeling the sting of Dave's hand on me made me get aroused. Although I had only known him about a week I could see that his real gift was recognizing when people are stuck and in need of a push. He was able to tell immediately that Dale had become unappreciative or at least expectant that Pam would satisfy the needs of his fetish. He was able to remind Dale that he needs to appreciate the amazing woman Pam really is. In the end Dale chose the discomfort of consuming another man's urine to ensure the happiness of his wife and very likely gained newfound appreciation for her. As for me, Dave recognized a hidden desire in me to be marked by the man that possessed me. Somehow he knew that I'd associate the sting of a slap with my carnal desire to be possessed by him. It's funny, if I think about Tim spanking me, I think I'd probably slap him in the face. But the thought of Dave slapping me makes me wet. This is the thought I carried with me into the shower. With the hot water running my hand reached down as I began rubbing myself. I'm fantasizing about dressing like a school girl with my short little plaid skirt and my white cotton panties. Dave is my principal and I'm in trouble. He makes me assume the position over his knee and begins to paddle me. After a few hard cracks from the paddle, Principal Dave sees that my body is physically enjoying my punishment as my excitement drips through my panties and onto his leg. "Oh, miss Marcela, I see you're enjoying this. Only little sluts want this kind of punishment. And, there's only one way to shut up a slut. I imagine him unzipping his trousers and f o r c I n g his cock in my mouth. My hand is furiously working my clit as I moan loudly. Then Dave says "how you doing?" Wait, huh? Opening my eyes, Dave is standing there in the bathroom. He's caught me masturbating! Although we've been together multiple times, it's still embarrassing to get caught playing with yourself lol. We're both chuckling at the situation. "You don't have to stop on my account. Go ahead and finish what you started."

I tell him I can't just continue where I left off. He asked me what I was thinking about and I told him my schoolgirl spanking fantasy. On the other side of the glass, Dave pulled out his dick and began stroking his perfect member. I asked him what his fantasy was. He said that despite what he has shown so far, he considers himself to be a bit of a hybrid. He feels he also has a strong submissive side. He believes that by having submissive tendencies it allows him to be a good dominant master because he knows what the submissive wants and needs. He acknowledges that most of his private fantasies are based on his being submissive. I told him to keep stroking his cock and to tell me one of his fantasies. Apparently since he's met me, he's been fantasizing about me dominating him. Being a bit of a foot fetishist, he would want me to start by f o r c I n g him to lick my shoes. He'd want me to work out and then f o r c e him to clean my sweaty feet and armpits with his tongue. His hand was working his dick at a good pace. After he'd cleaned me, he says he'd want me to sit on his face, f o r c I n g him to lick my sweaty ass. Lastly he would want what Dale wanted. He'd want me to squat over him and f o r c e him to d r I n k my urine as I let loose in his mouth. With that Dave let out a moan and came on the shower door. I was listening to him so intently that I didn't realize that I'd been rubbing myself furiously. Seeing him cum put me over the edge and I came too. Feeling a little naughty, I wanted to tease my lover. Leaning back and pulling my lips apart I peed on the glass shower door. A huge grin washed across Dave's face. This as going to be fun!
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