Posts: 462
Dropping this story here because of a conversation in the Cuckold Castration captions thread.
An Interesting Class by Russiandelite
Kelly and I met early on in our first year at an exclusive private college. She was an adorable, petite brunette. We met in the class and soon fell very much in love. What I liked most about her, apart from her lovely body – sweet but ample young boobies, soft pubic hair, and tight little pussy – was her kindness and tenderness. I knew I was not much of a catch sexually, having something of a small penis – but she never once mentioned this. Our love life seemed fine, and it never once crossed my mind that she was not completely satisfied. All that changed one day during a General Studies class.
At our college, General Studies was one of those subjects that was mandatory, and all the teachers and lecturers did their best to avoid teaching. It was regarded as a complete waste of time, being more of a "general knowledge" kind of subject rather than a proper discipline. But someone at some point had decided that we students lacked "a bedrock of useful knowledge" and thus General Studies was born.
Kelly and my General Studies class was held in the Biology Department in one of the laboratories, and was taught by Miss Mills, a thirty-two year old Senior Research Assistant who, luckily for the guys in the class, was a stunning, statuesque blonde. She was an enthusiastic instructor, wont to give demonstrations for any topic we covered, and the topics we covered ranged far and wide.
One day, during a lesson on Ancient Persia, the subject of eunuchs cropped up. This was much more interesting than Persepolis and dead kings called Darius, and the discussion went on for some time. The topic had almost run its course when Kelly raised her hand. "Miss?"
"Yes Kelly?"
"How did they actually do the castrations?"
Miss Mills smiled. "Well, if one of the guys here would like to volunteer, I will be more than happy demonstrate a particular castration technique for real. Come on, guys! Surely one of you boys will be happy to be turned into a eunuch for the benefit of the class? It will be highly educative for us all."
Some of the girls giggled, but we guys exchanged worried glances. We all knew Miss Mills stopped at nothing in a demonstration if she thought it was in the best interests of her students. But surely castration was going a bit far? Yet, when I looked at her and saw the determination in her face, I realized she was in earnest. By the time the lesson was over, one of us males would have no balls.
"No one willing to volunteer?" Miss Mills asked, sounding genuinely surprised. "In that case, I will have to select the guy for the demonstration myself."
"We could always use an ani mal," Kelly suggested.
"It's not the same, honey, believe me. Every year I get to do one castration in a class demonstration. It's always a human male. We did try a sheep, once, but, as I said, it just wasn't the same. Nothing compares with the sight of a young, healthy human male, completely naked, having his balls cut off without any pain-relief. After all, Kelly, if you want to know how a human castration was sometimes done, then the victim has to be a human."
"You're right, Miss," said Kelly, much to my astonishment.
"Well, if none of you cowards will volunteer, then I suggest a competition. Each male student gets his cock out and masturbates it to erection. The boy with the smallest penis is the one we castrate."
Kelly put her hand up again. "Miss?" she called.
"Oh what is it now?"
"A competition won't be necessary. My boyfriend, Micky, has a small penis. It's a mere four inches when erect. I doubt any of the other guys here are as small as him."
"That sounds perfect," Miss Mills said.
I almost fell off my chair in shock. I couldn't believe it. My sweet, adorable little girlfriend was volunteering me for castration. Worse, she was telling the whole class of my inadequacies as a male.
Kelly gazed across at me. "Come on, Micky," she said. "You know it's for the best and it's a noble sacrifice since it will spare the other guys and save them their balls. I know you secretly want to be a eunuch, or why were you so willing to let me shave your pubes off the other night, and why did your dinky little cock get so hard when I did it?"
The rest of the class roared with laughter, but I was red with embarrassment, shame and humi liation.
"Please, Micky," Kelly continued. "If you won't do it for the class and for our education, then do it for me. I'd prefer it if you were my eunuch rather than my boyfriend and I'd love to watch your balls being cut off. It would be wonderful to see you lose your manhood as you were turned into a eunuch. To be honest, I've considered having you castrated many times when I've sucked your dear little penis when it is erect and throbbing. I've often thought how sweet it would look without its testicles attached. But I've always been too shy to ask you to give up your balls for me. Please, honey. You'll look so gorgeous as a eunuch."
I was stunned by what Kelly, my lovely girlfriend, had just said. I'd never known she'd felt this way and she had never let on – though perhaps I should have guessed when she'd insisted on shaving away my pubes. Nor could I believe that she had previously thought about having me castrated. Clearly, our love life had been something of a lie. No wonder she had been so eager to volunteer me for Miss Mills' demonstration.
"Please, Micky," Kelly said again. "Show me you love me by giving up your balls in class."
I sighed. After what she had just said – in front of my classmates to make matters worse – I might as well be a eunuch. I'd be a laughing-stock from now on. Perhaps if I showed my courage by agreeing to be castrated, I'd regain some respect. After what Kelly had said about my small penis, I'd never be a man again in my classmates' eyes, anyway, so I might as well be a eunuch; and perhaps I would also be admired for sparing another guy the horror of castration. But I was eighteen, I thought. I'd be giving up my sex-life at the height of its powers. I'd become a eunuch, a boy with no balls, useless to girls. But then, with my four-inch erection, I was already useless, and now, thanks to Kelly, all the girls in class knew and would doubtless tell their friends. Better to be known as the boy who was castrated in class, rather than the guy with the four-inch hard-on.
"How about it, Micky?" Miss Mills asked.
"Very well Miss," I said quietly. "I agree to be part of the demonstration."
The class applauded as one, some of the guys getting up to slap me on the back, all of them saying things like "Thanks, mate", "We owe you one" and so forth.
Miss Mills motioned me to come out front. "Take off all your clothes," she said. "Everything, including your watch. Remember, in Ancient times, you would have been totally naked when they castrated you. Of course, the slaves of the harem lost their cocks as well as their balls. But a fair-haired, pale boy like you would be destined for the Royal Court, and they usually kept their cocks." She turned to some of my classmates: "Sandy, Martin, Jessica, get the camcorders and make sure you record everything. This'll make a great teaching aid for my other classes."
I couldn't believe my castration was going to be filmed, and shown to other classes at a later date, but I had no choice. I was soon naked, red-faced with shame and trembling in fear. The students with the camcorders already had their lenses trained on me.
"I must first examine you to make sure you are suitable for castration," Miss Mills told me.
To my horror, she turned me to face the class so that everyone could see my tiny, limp penis and shaved groin. I stood, completely naked, before some ten guys and twenty girls, all of them gazing at me with rapt attention.
Miss Mills took my cock between her forefinger and thumb, drawing the class's attention to it (as if this were required – most of the girls were giggling).
"Look at this penis," she said. "I would guess it's about three inches when limp. Just like a boy's, as are the balls, tight in the scrotal sack. Perfect for castration! They'll pop out of the scrotum with ease, as if eager to be clipped off. We'll also take off the scrotum. He'll end up being nice and smooth between his legs, just like the eunuchs of long ago, with his little cock jutting out above the void where his balls used to be. And the fact that he is already shaved is a bonus – it shows he is destined to be a eunuch."
She turned to Kelly. "Sweetheart, would you oblige us?"
"Yes Miss?"
"I'd like to see the eunuch-to-be erect. Also, they cut better when erect because the balls pop out more easily. So, could you do a quick little sexy strip? Micky's so nervous and scared I think it's the only way we'll get him hard."
Kelly leapt up, giggling in obvious delight. Slowly and teasingly, she raised her top, flashing her cute, flat stomach. Then she tugged the top off. She wasn't wearing a bra, so her firm young breasts popped out, much to the delight of the guys in the class and, I suspected, the envy of several girls. She paused for a second, pinching the nipples until they were swollen, and rubbing her palms over the wide pink areolas. Every pair of male eyes in the room was glued to her tits. Then she slid off her short, pleated denim skirt and lowered her thong just enough to offer a glimpse of her soft brown pubes.
"That's enough," Miss Mills said. "Micky's rock hard."
This was true. My little penis, swollen to its full four inches, was pointing straight up in the air, harder than it had ever been. Although Kelly had stripped for me many times, the fact that I was about to be castrated made it the most erotic strip ever – and she hadn't even removed her thong!
"May as well go the whole way," Kelly said, pulling off the thong to stand in glorious nakedness before the entire class. All the guys cheered. "Take a good look, boys," Kelly said, hands on her hips as she proudly displayed her bare body. "Once my boyfriend's my eunuch, I'm gonna need some help in the bedroom!"
My heart sank at this, but I saw her point. Once I'd been castrated, she'd have to get guys with balls to do the job I would no longer be man enough to do.
"Don't worry, Micky," Kelly said, turning to me and smiling. "I'm not going to dump you. I'm really turned-on by the thought of having a eunuch as my boyfriend."
I was tied to a wooden chair, one that had no arm-rests, in such a way that my legs were spread wide, my genitals clear of the edge of the seat, exposed and vulnerable, my arms at the sides. I couldn't move an inch and, naked as I was, felt totally defenceless and was unable to meet the eyes of my classmates. They all gazed at me in a mixture of amusement, sympathy, excitement and fascination. My splayed legs not only meant that my genitals were revealed but also afforded full and easy access for my castrator.
"Actually, we will use a mild anaesthetic," Miss Mills said. "It won't be enough to stop the pain, but it will numb it a little."
"No," Kelly said – she was still naked. "I want him to feel everything. Besides, what's the point of doing a castration demonstration if it's not authentic?"
"You have a point," Miss Mills said. "Sorry, Micky. We'll have to gag you or your screams will disrupt the other classes. So, one ball gag," she said as she put it into my mouth, "and one of cloth. Also, the ball gag will stop you biting your tongue."
If I could have sighed in despair, I would have, but the gag prevented that. I couldn't believe Kelly. She was showing a side of her that I had never imagined existed. Not only had she happily stripped naked before the class and flaunted her sexy body before the guys, but also now she was sadistically insisting I feel the full agony of my balls being cut off.
Miss Mills carefully tipped the chair back until it was resting against her heavy oak desk. At this new angle, my genitals were clearly revealed in totality to the class, the penis erect, and the balls tight in their sack. This would make it much easier for the students to see my castration as it was performed.
"I think we are ready," Miss Mills said cheerfully.
I still couldn't quite accept what was happening. Half an hour ago, I had entered class, a happy, healthy young man in love with a sweet and caring girl. Now I was naked before the entire class, tied to a chair, my legs spread wide, my manhood exposed for all to see, and about to be castrated, with all the other students watching me lose my testicles. The fact that it was to be videoed simply made it seem all the more unreal. But it was real.
Miss Mills went into the side-office and returned with a tray of instruments. She pulled up a trolley and set them down. I gazed, petrified, at the tray, taking in scalpels, syringes and instruments the purpose of which I was glad I could not guess. And a strange pair of long clippers, bent in an "L" at their tips. Miss Mills picked these up and snapped them shut a few times before the class. "You can use any sharp knife to open the scrotum," she said. "But there are no substitutes for these: real, authentic castrating clippers, designed, centuries ago, specifically for use on a human male. Since I have worked at this college, they have clipped off five pairs of testicles. That's ten individual balls. Micky's balls will be numbers eleven and twelve. But I must say, out of all the guy's I've deballed in a class demonstration, Micky, with his adorably small penis, is the most suited to becoming a eunuch. Look at that cock, all erect and throbbing even though it is about to lose the things that are essential to its sexual pleasure. He's the first guy who's ever stayed erect when about to be castrated. All the other guy's penises were going limp by now and we had a devil of a job keeping them hard. Usually, I had to inject them with something that did the job. But Micky's still happily rock-hard. It's almost as if he's aroused by the thought of his castration."
She was wrong. I was terrified, terrified to be castrated, and humiliated that the entire class would witness my balls being cut out. It was the sight of Kelly's sexy nude body and the knowledge that she would soon be screwing other men that was keeping me hard.
"I'll do this as quickly as I can, Micky," Miss Mills said. "That way, you won't suffer for too long. Once it's over, I'll give you a shot of powerful painkiller and a strong antibiotic."
Once she'd thoroughly cleansed my groin with antiseptic, Miss Mills made two deep cuts at the top of my scrotum on either side. The students with the camcorders filmed closely. She pinched the middle of the sack, and squeezed. Both testicles popped out audibly and easily, as if eager to be removed as Miss Mills had predicted. She pulled on them until they hung down between my legs, attached to my body by surprisingly thick chords. Most of the class let out a groan of disgust, one girl fainted and two guys were sick.
"This is the part that really hurts," Miss Mills explained. "I clamp off the chords and bl ood vessels at the top of his crotch. Then I stitch them closed. Otherwise, he bl eeds to death. Remember, unlike a vasectomy, castration is permanent and irreversible. It is the best form of contraception a girl could hope for in her man."
I almost shot through the roof when the clamps were applied, and would have done had I not been tied to the chair. Even though I was submitting, voluntarily, to castration, I now understood the wisdom of being tied to the chair and the purpose of the gags.
"Stitching," Miss Mills said. "Dissolvable stitches which will, obviously, dissolve once the chords are healed and permanently closed. Now. This is the best bit. Removal of the testicles: the actual act of castration, the moment when guy stops being guy and becomes eunuch. Kelly, since you're his girlfriend, why don't you do the honours? I can't think of anything more appropriate than a guy being castrated by his girlfriend."
"I'd love to, Miss," Kelly cried, excited.
Miss Mills handed her the castration clippers then placed a surgical bowl beneath me to catch each ball as it was severed.
"Will there be a lot of bl ood, Miss?"
"Not much. The veins are tied off. Now, let's remove the first testicle." She showed Kelly exactly where to position the clippers – right up against the base of my penis. "Be very careful," she said. "They are razor sharp. Don't slip and cut his cock off. Now, simply slowly close the blades. Everyone, pay attention."
But my agony continued as she called a halt to the proceedings so that the girl who had fainted could be revived.
"Just get them off," I was shrieking mentally. "Just get them off and stop this terrible pain." With the clamps on my chords causing me an agony beyond anything I could have imagined possible, I was now desperate to have my balls cut off.
"Can't we take the clamps off now that his tubes are stitched, Miss?" Kelly asked.
"No. These ones aren't designed to be removed. One normally never has to pause and revive a student in the class who's fainted."
Soon, they were ready again, Miss Mills guiding Kelly as to where to cut.
Kelly gazed into my eyes. "This is it, Micky," she said. "You are about to be slowly castrated by a girl, and not just any girl, but by your sweet little girlfriend, before the entire class. They all see you as a man now, but in a few minutes they'll all see you, for the first time, as a eunuch. Here goes the first one."
I looked down and watched as she closed the clippers slowly; and then the testicle fell free and landed in the bowl, trailing its long chords and veins. This was proof, more than anything, that I was not dreaming and that I really was being castrated. I couldn't believe it. I'd just lost a testicle, and in a few more minutes I wouldn't have any balls at all!
"That's the first one off," Kelly told me, smiling. "You're still a man, but you're now half way to being a eunuch. Once the second one is off, you'll have been castrated by a girl and will be a eunuch for the rest of your life! God, I knew this would be exciting, but I didn't realize it would be so arousing. I had a small orgasm when I snipped the first ball off."
She was right, for her breasts were swollen, the nipples sticking out, hard and erect, a flush of sexual arousal suffusing her chest, breasts and upper arms. Also, I could see and smell the juices that were flowing out of her sweet pussy and down her soft, slim thighs. Although I still couldn't quite believe I was being castrated, especially by my girlfriend and before the class, I was astonished that Kelly was enjoying it so much. I would have expected her to be sympathetic to my plight, not revel in it.
"Let's cut the second ball off," Miss Mills said, chuckling. "Let's make a eunuch!"
Again, she told Kelly where to position the clippers. Kelly gazed at me once more.
"Are you ready, Micky?" she asked, smiling and excited. "As soon as I close these blades, your last surviving testicle will fall from your body and you'll be a boy who has no balls. No balls! I'm turning you into a eunuch, Micky," she said as she slowly began to sever the chords. "I'm your girlfriend, and I am castrating you while all your friends and classmates look on. And, despite this, you're still erect which shows you're loving it. Just think, this morning you were fucking me and ejaculating the sperm which your balls make within my sweet pussy. Now I'm castrating you and cutting those balls off and fixing you so that you'll never make sperm again! God, I want this moment to last forever, but it's time this testicle was off."
The blades snapped shut; the ball came free and joined its companion in the surgical bowl. I was now a eunuch. I gazed down at my groin. The once bulging scrotum of which I had been so proud was now a pathetic empty bag of floppy skin, its life-giving contents gone forever.
Posts: 462
Kelly let out an explosive cry of orgasm, juice almost shooting out of her.
"I've done it!" she cried triumphantly. "I've made a eunuch out of a man. And it's so sweet, so fabulous and so fantastic that it's my boyfriend I've just castrated. God, when I woke up this morning in his arms, and we had wild, passionate sex, I never guessed that by mid-afternoon I'd have cut his balls off in class! And I'd never have imagined that castrating could be so sexually arousing. And, to cap it all, I now have my very own eunuch! But I'm going to need a darn good fucking in a moment, because I am so turned-on that my pussy's itching, my clit is twitching and my nipples are so hard they hurt! God, I'm so aroused!"
"Why don't you get one of your classmates to fuck you while I shave off the eunuch's scrotum and patch him up?" Miss Mills suggested. "It would be a nice twist if we were to conclude this castration demonstration by having you fucked before the whole class while the boyfriend you've just deballed looked on. Also, it will help Micky fully understand just what it means to have lost his testicles and to be a eunuch."
"Good idea, Miss," Kelly laughed. "I'll choose Johnny."
"Why Johnny?" Miss Mills asked.
"Because he's single and I don't want any of the other girls getting jealous if I fuck one of their boyfriends."
"Very considerate of you," Miss Mills said, approvingly. "But you don't mind making Micky jealous?"
"Why should I care? He's a eunuch!"
"Good girl. Get fucking while I excise Micky's scrotum."
"Oh, can't I do that Miss?" Kelly whined. "I'd like to complete his castration. Because I was the one who cut off his balls, it's only right I cut off his empty scrotal sack."
"I understand your feelings, honey," Miss Mills said. "But this is quite a delicate procedure. We want him to be totally smooth when he has healed. This takes practice and you don't have the skill. Also, we want the scrotum in one piece. It will make a better souvenir if it is in one piece."
"Oh," Kelly sighed.
"Tell you what, I was going to keep Micky's severed manhood as exhibits for the Biology Lab. You have them instead."
"Oo Miss! Thank you!"
"Now get fucking while I cut this useless scrotum off."
Johnny already had his clothes off. His penis was far longer than mine – an impressive eight inches. I gazed enviously at his scrotum, which contained his life-making balls. He could still manufacture sperm and satisfy my girlfriend, whereas I was now useless, condemned to watch without testicles while he fucked her. My heart sank further. Not only had I just been castrated in front of my classmates, but now I had to watch the girl who had cut my balls off being fucked in front of those classmates while the last symbol of my fertility, my scrotum, was cut away, leaving a void beneath my penis.
There was a sofa on one side of the lab. Johnny moved it until it was near the centre of the front of the room, next to me. Obviously, he wanted both me and the other students to have a good view of him fucking Kelly. They settled down on it and began to kiss and pet. He ran his hands over her boobs, squeezing them.
"Gorgeous tits, Kelly," he said.
She returned the favour and compliment by rubbing his long, thick penis and playing with his big balls. "It'll be good to have a decent-sized cock in me for a change," she replied.
Miss Mills distracted me from my contemplation of Kelly. She removed the cloth gag, then the ball gag. "I think I can rely on you not to scream when I slice your scrotum off," she smiled. "After all, it will be nothing compared with the pain of having your chords and tubes clamped." She also untied me, which was a relief since my limbs had become almost as stiff as my penis.
She knelt between my legs and I gazed down as she slowly and carefully commenced excising my empty ball-sack. I did feel pain, but, as Miss Mills said, it was nothing special. I watched her remove the last remnant of my manhood. Eventually, it was off and she dangled it before my eyes, a flat, useless pouch, its contents lost forever. She placed it in the bowl beside my dead and severed testicles. Then she patched me up with even greater care. She had to trim a bit of flesh to get a perfect closing of the wound. To my surprise, she didn't use stitches, but glue!
"This is surgical super-glue," she explained. "It leaves a far finer scar. Also, you won't have any stitches to be removed because the glue simply falls off as the tissue heals and the scabbing comes away. Don't worry, you won't wake in the middle of the night with your groin splitting open!" She gave me my injections of painkiller and antibiotics. "You'll feel better in a few minutes," she told me. She stood. "That's it," she said. "All done. You're now a eunuch, with a beautifully flat space between your legs. No balls, no scrotum – nothing except a scar to show you were once a man. I must admit I am impressed that you are still erect. I've never before seen a guy stay stiff all the way through his castration without some kind of dr ug-support. I think, secretly, perhaps subconsciously, you actually enjoyed your castration. Did you enjoy it, even a little? I mean, look at your penis. There's pre-cum seeping out of it!"
She was right. I sighed. "If it hadn't been for the pain, perhaps I would have slightly enjoyed it," I admitted. "It was strangely emotionally powerful to watch Kelly snipping off each of my balls in turn. I couldn't believe it was my girlfriend castrating me, the girl I had fucked only this morning. I suppose I'll never fuck her again now."
"Well, you might still get erections. Many eunuchs, castrated after puberty, do. And there is always hormone treatment." She smiled again. "I am glad you volunteered so willingly to strip naked and have your balls cut off before your classmates. If none of you had volunteered, I wouldn't really have for ced any of you. My competition idea was a joke. Think about that while you watch that stud fuck your girlfriend, the girl who cut your balls off. You could still have those balls if you'd called my bluff." She smirked. "Too late now. It's funny, every year someone always submits to my castration demonstration."
I sat there in despair as I watched Johnny piston his huge penis in and out of Kelly's welcoming gash. He was doing her from behind, his hands cradling her breasts. She was emitting little gasps and groans, and occasional yelps, of pleasure. Every now and then, she turned her head and gazed at me, only a few feet away, and smiled. "Oh, Eunuch," she said at one point (she was now on her back, his penis still thrusting backwards and forwards, the rich scent of her deeply-penetrated pussy wafting to my nose). "Oh Eunuch, he's so good and so big. He really fills me! I can feel every inch of his long fat manhood in me, splitting my petal-lips apart. And he's got balls, Eunuch, balls: Big, juicy, hairy balls. And he's going to pump me full of his lovely, sticky, slimy fertile spunk!"
By now, the rest of the class had gathered round, many of the girls using their cellular camera-phones to send snaps of me to their friends. No doubt, by the end of the day the whole college would know I was now a eunuch. The students with the camcorders were still filming, but now turned their attentions away from me and to the fucking.
Kelly and Johnny changed position again. This time, he sat back on the sofa, holding his penis pointing upwards. Kelly got astride him, her back towards him. She grabbed his penis and rubbed the knob against her cunt for a little while, juices gushing out of her to soak his pubes. Then she slid down on it, impaling herself on his full length. I gazed in a mixture of jealousy and despair, taking in the big balls nestled against her vaginal lips. He was all the way in her. I also gazed at her red cheeks and the sexual flush that was now all over her upper torso. Her breasts were swollen, the nipples huge, the areolas rising up like pyramids. Then I looked at her thighs. They were slick and shiny with her sex juice, her pussy lips stretched like never before round the thick shaft, yet also puffed up and bright red, her sweet little clit poking out for everyone to see. This was the body I had taken less than eight hours before. It had been my penis inside her, my hands on her breasts, my cock pumping the product of my balls into her wet and willing cunt. But now I had no balls, no scrotum, and it was another man's cock thrust up her, a real man's penis upon which she moved up and down, her gorgeous breasts bouncing in rhythm, her eyes closed, head back, her mouth open and emitting gasps of wild sexual abandonment and orgasmic delight. I had to admit that, even when I had had balls, I had never quite got her into such a state of complete and utter arousal.
After a while she slowed a bit and opened her eyes. She gazed directly at my bare and ball-less groin.
"My lovely eunuch," she said. "I can't believe what I've done to you, but the sight of you in the eunuch state is so arousing. You had balls this morning when you fucked me for, as it turned out, the last time. Now someone else is fucking me, and he has balls. And this sex-session is the best ever. Not because Johnny is all that good, not because his penis is big, but simply because I've just castrated you. Sex, obviously, is best when you've just castrated your boyfriend."
Despite the fact that she'd just cut my balls off, and in spite of the fact that I was consumed by jealousy, I was fascinated by the sight of Kelly fucking. I had always known she was sexy, after all I had benefited from her body often enough, but now she seemed twice as sexy. She moved and writhed so sensually, sometimes tossing her lovely long hair, sometimes grasping at her breasts. The breasts themselves bounced enticingly, two irresistible, velvet-skinned pods of flesh. At one point, he was lying on his back, she was on top again, but leaning over him, knees planted on either side, her perfect, pert bottom revealed in all its glory. Her buttocks were parted and we could all see her adorable, tight little anus – a part of her she had loved me to lick.
They moved to a table. Miss Mills went and got blankets and covered it so that it would be comfortable. Johnny made Kelly lie down, her legs hanging over the edge. He pulled her forwards a little, and then slid his penis in, standing up.
"This is the last lap," Johnny told her. "I can't hold out much longer. You're such a great fuck."
He spread her slim thighs wide, her legs bent at the knee, and settled into slow, deeply-penetrating thrusts. My eyes were glued to her sodden pubic thatch, the little clit, and her vaginal lips clamped around his thick penis. I also took in the legs spread either side of him, wide apart to make herself as open to him as possible. I still couldn't believe it was really happening, still couldn't believe that this guy had his penis thrust to the hilt in the pussy of my girlfriend. Nor could I believe that she had castrated me, and that I was now a eunuch. But all I had to do was look down to see my erect cock and its complete lack of testicles. I gazed at Kelly, lying there in a semi-conscious state as he slowly fucked her. She had never looked more beautiful, feminine or sensual. Her arms were resting on either side of her head as if in surrender, her hair fanned out above her. Although on her back, her breasts were still sizable mounds topped with the swollen, conical areolas and the thick, erect nipples. Her ribs stuck out, her chest rising and falling. Then there was the flat stomach, the cute little navel, and the pelvic bones, which stuck out sharply. Her eyes were closed, her head on one side, but her mouth was open and she made little squeaking noises or purring sighs.
She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Lick and suck my nipples while Johnny finishes himself off in me, Eunuch," she ordered. "And don't look so pained and sad. Regard this fuck as a celebration of your castration, the perfect way to welcome you into your new life as my castrated boyfriend."
I did as asked. The nipples were as hard as rocks and I nibbled licked and sucked them as she gasped through orgasm after orgasm. Suddenly Johnny picked up the pace and stated thrusting at a fast rate.
"I'm almost there!" he cried in a strangled voice.
Kelly pushed my head down her body. "Suck my clit, Eunuch," she cried. "Suck my clit while he pumps me full of his sticky hot spunk!"
I did so, taking the little pebble between my lips and tonguing it. Johnny let out a long, strangled cry then a huge sigh as his penis began to jerk, shooting his semen into her soaking, receptive and welcoming cunt. Kelly screamed piercingly as she had a massive orgasm. I was almost in tears as Johnny flooded her with the product of his balls, something I could never do now.
Johnny withdrew his penis. It made a squelching sound as it came out. He sat heavily on the nearest chair, exhausted.
"Bloody hell," he gasped. "That was the best fuck I've ever had."
Kelly remained where she was, flat on her back, her legs still wide apart and bent at the knees.
"Why don't you take a look at what Johnny has done to Kelly's cunt, Eunuch?" Miss Mills suggested.
I knelt between her legs, almost as if this were a gesture of worship for my beautiful castrating mistress. My face was almost level with her vagina and I gasped at what I saw. It was a disaster area, the bright red, puffy pussy lips hanging open to reveal a gaping maw that was dripping with spunk. I breathed in deeply and my nostrils were filled with the stench of pussy juice and fresh semen. The clit poked out, slimy with jizz.
"Johnny's sperm will begin to flow out of her in a minute or two," Miss Mills said, helping me to stand. "When that happens, Eunuch, you can entertain us all by licking Kelly clean. It'll be great to watch a eunuch licking a real man's cum out of the cunt of the girl who's just castrated him! Meanwhile, while we wait for Kelly to be ready for your attentions, why don't you lick Johnny's lovely cock clean?"
"No, Miss, I couldn't possibly – "
But two of the stronger male students for ced me to my knees and held me. Johnny stood, grinning. His penis was at half-mast, still quite tumescent, and he for ced the knob into my mouth. I was nauseated by the taste and the smell – a mixture of male and female sex juice, but I licked and sucked the knob.
The students who had been holding me let me go. I stayed on my knees, a eunuch cleaning the cock he had just watched screw his castrator. The people with the camcorders filmed every second.
"Isn't this rather cruel?" one of the girls asked. "I mean, Micky's just been castrated by his girlfriend in front of us all. It seems a bit mean to make him clean the cock of the guy he's just watched ejaculate in Kelly."
"He'll be licking Johnny's sperm out of Kelly's cunt in a minute," Miss Mills said. "And remember, class I'm making Micky do this not just to humiliate him for being a eunuch, but also to make an educational point. The eunuchs of Ancient times were the keepers of the bedchambers. They would have been expected to perform such tasks for their masters. Besides, I think it's erotic. Look at him, kneeling there, naked before us all, with no balls and no scrotum, sucking on the cock of the guy who's just fucked his castrator-girlfriend!"
Perhaps aroused by her words, Johnny's cock soon began to inflate again. Before long, he was driving it backwards and forwards in my mouth.
"I think I can manage a second load," he said. "And it will be great to shoot my spunk down the throat of a newly-castrated eunuch, especially when I've just fucked his girlfriend minutes after she'd deballed him!"
"O, do it, Johnny!" Kelly cried from the table upon which she still lay, exhausted. "The eunuch can no longer produce sperm of his own, so it would be very good of you if you could spare him some of yours."
The camcorders continued to film. The rest of the students were crowded around us, the guys shouting encouragement to Johnny, the girls giggling. Johnny was driving into my mouth so for cefully that I had to grab his cock with one hand and his balls with the other to steady myself. I cupped his huge, swollen ball-sack in the palm of my hand. A healthy scrotum, I thought to myself, containing fertile, life-giving testicles – a complete contrast to me who had neither sack nor balls any more, having given them up to Kelly and her castrating clippers.
To make it more fun, Johnny suggested the class give him a countdown from thirty. They did so with enthusiasm, shouting the numbers out one after the other. When the countdown reached five, Johnny increased the for ce of his thrusts. At "lift-off", he came bang on cue. He let out a mighty groan, then his penis twitched, rivers of sperm exploding out of it to flow down my throat. There was so much of it that it overflowed, trickling from between my lips to run down my chin and drip on the floor. My fellow students cheered and applauded, many, especially the girls, laughing at my debasement. Several splashes of spunk landed on my cock, much to everyone's amusement.
"Oh look!" one of the girls cried. "A eunuch with sperm on his penis. How exotic." I could sense the semen on my organ, all hot, wet and sticky. It coated the shaft from the eye of the knob all the way down to the base where it ran around my penis and went underneath to coat my castration scar with a real man's sperm. I was struck by the irony of a guy's spunk covering the place where my balls had been less than an hour before.
Miss Mills tied my hands behind my back.
"This is so you can't wipe Johnny's stuff off your cock and groin," she told me. "Instead, let it dry on your skin as a reminder of what you once could produce but have now lost forever! A real man's semen, Eunuch, coating your penis and castration scar."
Johnny withdrew, wiped his knob over my cheeks, then got dressed. While he did so, Miss Mills made me lick up all the spunk that had splashed on the floor. This was even more humiliating than cleaning Johnny's cock and swallowing his sperm. I was completely naked in the presence of my clothed peers. They'd all watched my balls being popped out of my scrotal sack, and then cut off by my girlfriend. Next, they had witnessed my scrotum being excised while my girlfriend was being fucked. Now they were watching me licking sperm off the floor as if I were less than a dog.
Without warning, a group of the male students seized me. "Hold him tightly," Miss Mills shouted. "Don't let him move a muscle!"
Indeed, I was grasped with such for ce and strength I was immobilized. A hint of heat was the only warning, then I was screaming my head off as searing agony leapt alive in my buttocks, the smell of burning flesh filling the air. I heard someone count slowly up to five, then a bucket of water was emptied over my backside. I was released and fell on my side.
"Wh..What have you done to me?" I asked.
Miss Mills was holding what looked like fire irons. She smiled. "I've just branded your buttocks with Kelly's initials," she told me. "One on either side of your crack. As a eunuch, it is only right you are marked in such a way. They will also show anyone who sees you naked that you were castrated in the Ancient way in order to be a eunuch and for that reason alone, and not because there was something medically wrong with your testicles. And the buttocks are the best place for branding. The letters are four inches high, Eunuch. Anyway, it's only right you bear Kelly's initials on your body. After all, she is the one who castrated you and, since she is your girlfriend, she is now, effectively, your owner and mistress."
"And your mistress wants her spunky cunt cleaned out," Kelly said from the table.
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Miss Mills gave me some more injections, this time into each buttock. "This will numb the pain, but that's your lot for four hours. Any more painkillers could be dangerous. I'll give you something you can take later – but not for four hours, okay?"
"Yes Miss."
She untied my hands. "Now, service your Mistress's pussy."
I knelt between Kelly's legs, which were still spread wide. Her cunt had closed somewhat, but sperm had already begun to leak out of her. She raised herself up, supporting herself with her arms, and the thick white spunk began to flow out of her.
"Quick, Eunuch," she said. "Don't let any of the precious fluid drip on the floor!"
"Bet he won't go through with it," one of the girls said. "I mean, swallowing Johnny's cum as it shot from his penis was one thing. But licking it out of the cunt of his castrator is the ultimate hu miliation. I mean, first she cuts his balls off, then she gets fucked while he watches without testicles. Now she expects him, as a eunuch, to lick a real guy's spunk out of her well-screwed pussy."
"He's a eunuch," Miss Mills said. "It's his job."
"Come on, Eunuch," Kelly said. "You know you're ace at licking pussy, so show everyone what you're best at. Lick my puffy, flooded slit without testicles for the first time in your life!"
She raised her legs until her feet were planted on the edge of the table, wide apart. This not only revealed her cunt in all its glory, the sticky, smelly liquid oozing out from between her lips, but also gave me better access to it.
"Do it," Kelly said. "Clean me out of Johnny's spunk."
I didn't have the balls to disobey, so I swallowed my pride and set to work licking up all the semen as it flowed out of her. It was extremely thick and sticky, and had a very strong, soapy taste. Kelly soon began to have quiet, deep orgasms that seemed to ripple through her body as I lapped at her lips. Her own juices soon began to trickle out of her and this helped the sperm flow more freely. Despite the fact that I had so recently been castrated, I reached down and rubbed my penis.
"I can't believe the eunuch's eating her out," a girl said. "He's actually licking a real guy's cum from her cunt."
"And he's enjoying it," Miss Mills chuckled. "Look how enthusiastically he's masturbating."
"Will anything come out of his penis, Miss?"
"Well, there's probably still some seminal fluid in him and some sperm."
The girl sighed. "Maybe I should let him fuck me. I'm not on the pill and the time of the month says I am most likely to conceive today. If he's still got some sperm, this could be his last chance to make a baby."
"That's a sweet thought, Jenny, but do you really want the fat her of your chi ld to be a eunuch?"
"I suppose not."
I licked on, almost savouring the degradation of being a eunuch, licking spunk from my castrator's cunt while my fellow students watched.
Eventually, Kelly had had enough. Miss Mills called a halt to the proceedings. "I think you're as clean as the eunuch can get you," she told Kelly. "Get dressed now."
The bell for the end of the class had gone ages ago. Fortunately, ours had been the last one of the afternoon, so we had been able to run well over without being disturbed. Kelly put her clothes back on but she put my clothes in my shoulder bag, along with my study books.
"Aren't I allowed to dress?" I asked, my heart sinking.
Kelly smiled. "No. I'm going to walk you through the college naked. I want to show you off and I want everyone to see what has been done to you. This is partly because I want you to endure the hum iliation of baring your shame to everyone we meet, but also because it will reassure all the male students that the yearly castration has been done and that their balls are now safe."
"I can't possibly go naked in public!" I gasped.
"It's a college traditional for the eunuch to be displayed after a class castration," Miss Mills said. Lots of people will have guessed we've done a castration today because the class has overrun so much. They'll all be eager to see the results and who the eunuch is. Don't worry; you won't get into trouble. Remember, nudity is permitted at this establishment."
This was true. Nudity was positively encouraged, it being the college's philosophy that nakedness in a non-sexual context was healthy and liberated the mind. Students were often to be seen in the warmer months, wandering around the college grounds in the nude, the guys with their proud penises and balls, the girls with their budding breasts and tender young vaginas bared for all to see. But this was different. The year was growing colder as winter approached, so nudity had been all but abandoned. Not only would I be the only naked male on campus, I would be the only naked, castrated male. I was not sure I could handle everyone seeing that my balls had been removed and my buttocks branded.
Miss Mills tied my hands behind my back again. "This is so that you can't cover yourself and hide your eunuch state," she said. "It will also stop you masturbating. I am amazed you are still erect after all this time and all that's been done to you. Maybe licking spunk out of Kelly's pussy has caused this."
"It's something I'm going to make my boyfriend do from now on," one of the girls said. "I'll make him watch another guy screw me, then make him lick up his rivals sperm as it seeps out of my pussy."
You should cut his balls off first," Kelly said. "It's fantastic to be licked by the guy you've castrated. It's so much more profound, exciting, arousing and empowering. I've never before had such deep orgasms."
"As it really that good?"
"It was heaven on earth."
It was time to go. "Miss?" Kelly asked. "What about Micky's bits?"
"You can pick them up next week after I've done what is necessary to preserve them."
"Oh. Okay. Thanks."
"Oh, and before you go ... " She went into a walk-in cupboard and returned with a wide dog collar and leash. The collar was fitted around my neck. Kelly seized the leash, but Miss Mills wasn't quite finished even now.
"Just to make displaying himself in public all the more humiliating and degrading, why don't the guys get their cocks out and masturbate? I'm sure they're desperate for relief after what they've witnessed this afternoon. Micky will kneel on the floor and when the guys come, they can shoot all over him. That way, Kelly, not only will you have the boyfriend you castrated to lead, naked, through the college, but he'll be drenched in real males' sperm."
"That's a fantastic idea!"
* * *
Later, the new eunuch was led out, covered in sperm, and presented before the entirety of the college at assembly. He winced as he looked at his ex girlfriends, all of whom were applauding his eunuch state.
This was forever.
For a moment, he felt some hope and Kelly strode over to his side. But his hope was dashed moments later as she hitched up her skirt, parted her legs, and let Johnnie's big cock inside her yet again. The eunuch looked on, watching his girlfriend being fucked, knowing that soon he would be lapping at the thick sperm that spouted out of Kelly's tight vagina.