Posts: 40
From the first time I saw her, her physical beauty combined with the radiant spiritual energy that seemed to surround her had me falling head over heels for Ginger. I was thrilled when she said I could buy her a container of coffee, and then thanked my lucky stars when she agreed to let me buy her dinner after the festival we were attending was over.
As we ate, I learned in our conversation that Ginger was a skilled gymnast studying for her degree and professional credentials as a ********* and spiritual advisor, and it all made sense.
I felt a strong sense of trust and compassion with this young goddess as we talked and Ginger confided in me her strong desire to help others in her work, so I threw caution to the winds as I confided in her my long-held secret desires to be dominated and degraded and the shame I felt for having these feelings.
"Oh no Wilbur, don't be ashamed about your secret desires!" Ginger said to me when I confided my secret shame to her. When she went on to tell me she had hidden feelings of her own, as many people do, I was thrilled that she would trust me enough to confide this to me.
I was more than twice her age, but that didn't seem to matter as we continued to date and our relationship deepened. When I learned that Ginger had what she described as a narcissistic complex that expressed itself in thoughts and desires of superiority over others, I felt like I had won the lottery!
Although at first thrilled at our seeming compatibility, I experienced a sobering dose of reality a few months later when we attended an outdoor music concert together in a nearby town.
The crowd was large, and when I said I regretted our inability to see the musical performers better Ginger commented that she would enjoy the show better if she could have a higher seat for a better view. Without considering the ramifications, I was quick to invite her to sit on my shoulders and was happy when she agreed.
At barely 100 pounds, I was easily able to handle Ginger's weight and thrilled at my subservient status, but quickly realized it was now harder for us to talk. As I was digesting this new reality a guy about her age standing beside us started talking to Ginger during a break in the music.
She got into a conversation with him, but when I tried to make a comment Ginger took the food wrapper in her hand and crumpled it up before stuffing it in my mouth, saying "Hush, wilbur!"
Posts: 40
wilbur 2
My face flushed red with shame as Ginger's palms pushed my head forward so that I was looking down at the ground beneath our feet, and I heard the young man standing next to her chuckle as he commented "heh heh heh, what's with this old fuck whose shoulders you're sittin' on, babe?" as he gestured towards me.
I cringed as I heard Ginger giggle as she replied "oh, he's just some old wimpy loser I met that I've been usin' who actually admitted to me he gets off on bein' taken advantage of and degraded!" and I sunk to new levels of my menial mentality as Ginger and her new friend continued to talk casually, ignoring me completely as I stood silently still supporting her full weight on my by now beginning to ache shoulders.
My mind raced with conflicting emotions as a part of me wanted to rip the food wrapper from my mouth and lash out loudly in protest of my mistreatment, but at the same time I felt my growing erection push out the front of my pants as my arousal grew.
I couldn't deny that the disrespect and mocking arrogance Ginger was displaying was an incredible turn-on for me (and my previously confiding this to her I'm sure confirmed it), and as she ridiculed me in front of her new friend it became even more erotically arousing to me. I saw them as the dominant alpha couple I'd always dreamed of serving, exerting their natural superiority over me as their servile slave, and I was too turned on to resist acknowledging their rightful place above me despite my being twice their age.
By the time the concert ended Ginger and her new friend Maxwell had become physically intimate, kissing and hugging after she ordered me to crouch down so she could hop off my shoulders. I became their aging errand boy, fetching their ****** and cigarettes at their casual commands as they otherwise ignored me as if I wasn't even there. When I heard them make plans to spend the next weekend together my heart sank, but I still held out hope Ginger would ultimately be more attracted to my maturity and the kinky compatibility we shared.
Since neither Ginger nor Maxwell had cars, I agreed to serve as Ginger's driver and she declared "awesome, dude!" I think she sensed that I wouldn't put up for long with taking orders from young Maxwell (like her, barely in his twenties), so at first their commands and dominating demands were all communicated by Ginger. I sensed a sadistic streak in his arrogant attitude towards me, though, and sadly I think he and I both recognized who Ginger would sympathize with if I protested his cruel comments towards me.
As if to confirm my fears, Maxwell began speaking about me in the third person, like I wasn't even there. "C'mon Ginnie, if gramps will drive us let's cruise around downtown, there's something I wanna show you in the back seat!" he said with a smirk, and I couldn't believe the arrogance of this young punk!
Driving around aimlessly by the newly renovated pier and downtown area while Ginger and Maxwell kissed and made out in my back seat, I couldn't resist glancing in my rear view mirror repeatedly as they lost their remaining inhibitions along with their clothes and were soon fucking frantically!
I was ordered to take the back streets to a secluded spot used as a "make-out area", and when we got there Ginger instructed me to get out (of my own car!) and take a "long walk" and do some window-shopping or something else but not to return until she calls to tell me I can. "Yes Ginger, whatever you say" I replied submissively, and heard Maxwell's cruel chuckle as he added "yeah gramps, I'd tell yah to take a long walk off a short pier, except we need yah to drive us home, yah fuckin' wuss, ha ha ha!"
What a pair of friggin' balls this arrogant young punk had, I thought ruefully as I eventually obediently drove them home as instructed. When I had caught a glimpse of Maxwell's massive meat and bulging balls in the rear view mirror as he pounded his prick powerfully into Ginger, though, I shamefully knew his package put my puny prick to shame.
I almost got into an accident as I couldn't take my eyes off the rear view mirror, and when I parked by their residencial area Ginger grabbed a fist full of my hair and wrenched my head back ******* my mouth to open wide. "Here ya go gramps, I know how turned on you must be from your front row seat of our fucking, you can suck on that for your horny ride home, hah hah hah!" as she dropped their used condom in my mouth!
Posts: 40
wilbur 3
By the time I had driven home my erection, along with my lustful fantasies of serving Ginger and Maxwell, had diminished. My sober and sensible senses reminded me of Agnes, my age-appropriate partner and the beautiful (even if often boring) relationship and intimacy I had with her for many years.
As I parked in my driveway I remembered the slimy saliva-soaked condom still in my mouth, and I was about to spit it out when my cell phone rang.
"Hey Wilbur, it's Ginger. So like WOW! dude, was that awesome or what!" she exclaimed, and as she spoke I could hear the excitement in her voice. I instantly felt the arousing rush of my lust visualizing Ginger's sweet & sexy body in my mind, and the degradation from the used condom she had deposited in my mouth from her sex with Maxwell went from distasteful to delightful as I mumbled my agreement.
"Ha ha, don't try to talk with your mouth full, hee hee hee, but I could tell you were as turned on as I was, dude!" Ginger exclaimed to me, adding that she had just hung up from texting Maxwell and making plans to hook up with him later that evening.
I knew the fact that I was around the age of their parents made my fantasies of dating her far-fetched, and my desires to be dominated and degraded were probably a set-up situation for my being taken advantage of, but I clung to Ginger's common cuckolding desires as a dream potential come true and I refused to face the probable let-down down the road.
When she said Maxwell had tried to convince her to "lose the old lecher" (referring to me), I was gratified to hear Ginger explain that she defended my involvement in their dominant/submissive play. She even admitted she got aroused by my **********, and complimented me on my ability to sublimate my obvious desire for her.
I felt like I was glowing with pride hearing Ginger's support and defense of me, and I even went somewhat overboard pledging to consider myself the passive property of Ginger and Maxwell as the cuckold slave of my alpha owners. When Ginger repeated this to Maxwell, I heard his cruel chuckle and felt my fear rise as he said that if Ginger got turned on seeing submissive slaves, she's "gonna love watching" him beat the fuck outta me as their cuck!"
Posts: 943
Bravo, what a fantastic start. We hope there is more to this story.
Posts: 40
thanks4 the response, I was starting to think no one was interested!
Posts: 55
A masterful blend of emotion and suspense - brilliantly crafted. In love to cuckold fiction stories
Posts: 40
I was becoming more and more aroused and devoted to Ginger as the young. dominant goddess of my dreams while she bossed me around and began to take for granted her power and control over me. Although I am straight, I had to admit (to myself, at least) and admire young Maxwell's confident assertion of his superiority over me as well.
While I was incredibly attracted to Ginger's sexy young body showcasing her physical fitness and featuring her beautiful butt (I've always had an ass fetish), I knew I would have to set a firm boundary if the arrogant young Maxwell tried to assert any control over me.
Meanwhile, I was masturbating to repeated orgasms every chance I got as I mentally felt more and more mesmerized by Ginger's treating me as her menial servant! A part of me knew that I was letting Maxwell mess up the meaningful intimacy that was developing and deepening in my relationship with Ginger, but a large level of lust was overruling my rational reasoning and savoring my subservience in the situation.
My slice of heaven was sabotaged, however, by Maxwell's cruel comment to Ginger one day when I knelt in front of them as they sat on beach chairs I had rented for their comfort and convenience one sunny day on the boardwalk:
"Hey babe, check out the tiny tent gramps is growing in his crotch, haw haw haw!" mean Maxwell mentioned as he pointed down at my crotch, and my cheeks flushed red with my shame. "Eheewww Wilbur stop that, that is so gross!" Ginger said with a gasp as she pointed down at my meager meat between my thighs.
I was horrified as Maxwell ridiculed me with his crude comments, having been so turned on massaging Ginger's bare feet and so lost in my lust I hadn't even realized the lewd display I was presenting.
Posts: 29
Fabuous story.. thank you for your talent.. more please
Posts: 78
#9 · Edited by: CuckoldCalifornia
A wonderful story that resonated deeply please more
Mr Fire
Posts: 144
Nice to see you here and very well done. I echo the request for more.
Posts: 462
Loving this story! 
Posts: 40
I apologized profusely to Ginger, as Maxwell's crude commentary compounded my decadent display:
" yeah Ginger, I bet poor old pops here has been beatin' his meat every chance he gets to thoughts of your sweet feet and beautiful butt! " mean Maxwell said with a sadistic smirk.
I sunk even lower below them as I groveled on the ground and begged Ginger's forgiveness. All of my fears of my degrading desires were exposed, and Maxwell sadistically added fuel to my sad shameful desires as he told Ginger I only saw her as a piece of porn for me to use to get off on.
Protesting loudly, I swore to Ginger that I respected and adored her deeply, but my heart sunk as I saw her head shake sadly.
"Just something ol' gramps here uses to get his rocks off with," Maxwell mused with a mean glance down at me as I groveled at their feet, and despite my repeated regrets Ginger pointed down at me as she continued to shake her head sadly.
Eager to make amends in any way I could, when she said Maxwell had invited her as his date to that evening's street fair I eagerly offered to provide transportation. Maxwell was quick to reject my offer, but Ginger said using me as their driver would be a minor measure of apology for my disgusting display, and I quickly agreed.
Hoping for some way to get back in her good graces, I continued to look at Ginger with pleading eyes, when suddenly she glanced down at me and winked - YES! Remembering our past conversation when we had first met, it suddenly dawned on me that Ginger was indulging her fantasies of FLR in our female-led relationship and acting out her dominant dreams in her relationship with me to indulge in our mutual desires!
Wanting to please and amuse Ginger in any way I could, I dressed in the black pants with white shirt and black bow tie that I had from my days working as a bartender in the catering halls for extra money off the books.
"Ha! How appropriate, Wilbur, I applaud your awareness and acceptance of your status as my menial minion" Ginger declared with glee when she saw how I was dressed. "Now see to it that you accord Maxwell the same status as your superior" she added, and my misgivings about submitting to the arrogant young twerp dissolved in decadent dreams of my subservience to them both. Besides, I was convinced that Ginger and I were sharing our femdom fantasy, fulfilling our secret desires in the special, secret bond we had!
Posts: 40
By the time I had driven home my erection, along with my lustful fantasies of serving Ginger and Maxwell, had diminished. My sober and sensible senses reminded me of Agnes, my age-appropriate partner and the beautiful (even if often boring) relationship and intimacy I had with her for many years.
As I parked in my driveway I remembered the slimy saliva-soaked condom still in my mouth, and I was about to spit it out when my cell phone rang.
"Hey Wilbur, it's Ginger. So like WOW! dude, was that awesome or what!" she exclaimed, and as she spoke I could hear the excitement in her voice. I instantly felt the arousing rush of my lust visualizing Ginger's sweet & sexy body in my mind, and the degradation from the used condom she had deposited in my mouth from her sex with Maxwell went from distasteful to delightful as I mumbled my agreement.
"Ha ha, don't try to talk with your mouth full, hee hee hee, but I could tell you were as turned on as I was, dude!" Ginger exclaimed to me, adding that she had just hung up from texting Maxwell and making plans to hook up with him later at an event later that evening.
I knew the fact that I was around the age of their parents made my fantasies of dating her far-fetched, and my desires to be dominated and degraded were probably a set-up situation for my being taken advantage of, but I clung to Ginger's common cuckolding desires as a dream potential come true and I refused to face the probable let-down down the road.
When she said Maxwell had tried to convince her to "lose the old lecher" (referring to me), I was gratified to hear Ginger explain that she defended my involvement in their dominant/submissive play. She even admitted she got aroused by my **********, and complimented me on my ability to sublimate my obvious desire for her.
I felt like I was glowing with pride hearing Ginger's support and defense of me, and I even went somewhat overboard pledging to consider myself the passive property of Ginger and Maxwell as the cuckold slave of my alpha owners. When Ginger repeated this to Maxwell, I heard his cruel chuckle and felt my fear rise as he said that if Ginger got turned on seeing submissive slaves, she's "gonna love watching" him beat the fuck outta me as their cuck!"
Scary sirens warning of danger were going off in my head as I heard Maxwell's menacing muse, but my sexual dreams of finally fulfilling my lifelong submissive fantasies drowned out my fears.
I was ordered by Ginger to buy ****** and munchies for her and Maxwell (using my money, of course) as she and he enjoyed the event holding hands, while I stood silently behind them holding their things and admired her ass in her form-fitting faded jeans.
"Hey wimpy, stop staring at my girl's butt you perv!"Maxwell said suddenly, as I had lost all sense of time while visually devouring Ginger's bodacious bottom. My shame surfaced again and I cringed as Maxwell told her he didn't want to be accused of ********** the elderly" so he'd wait until they had some privacy "...to not make a scene as I slap some sense into this decrepit old fucker!"
Posts: 5854