Posts: 13306
Many things go through my so called mind daily as I write the novels I work on and it occurred to me to jot these down and put them out here and there along with some captions I do hope you post your thoughts on the subject matter as there is nothing like alternative views on just about everything. CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 393. From a purely investigative point I often mull over the dilemma as to if us becoming Feminized sissy cuckolds is either nurture or nature? It may never be reasonably solved to any great satisfaction or maybe it's a mixture of the two that causes us to end up like we are! From one point you can say that once sexuality starts to appear and the lad experiments in putting women's underwear on to heighten the sexual learning and masturbation then seeing pornography and linking all these things together then discovering female domination, transvestites, small penis *********** and all other associated kinks seals the deal. But you have to stop there and ask yourself what caused the desire to try on women's things in the first place and the odd thoughts that happen about sex which at the point in time the lad knows nothing about? Of course many would say it's the women around the lad that have a massive influence and this I must agree with as seeing your ******, Aunt and their friends around dressed and made up so beautifully with high heels, nylons lovely dresses etc has an effect on the male mind. More so if there is a distinct lack of a male role model around and what the lad learns about men comes from the chatter of the females around him that he picks up about what these women are doing with the men that are around that seems to be purely physical and very naughty. Mum's will also tease and torment the lad as well if it turns out she observe his penis often decrying it saying how small it is and that it looks like its never going to grow. If the lad is caught out in masturbation her words can also lead to life long shame about it's size and how dirty it is for the lad to be fiddling with himself leading to a need to be given permission to play with himself. Now in the lads mind femininity means power and thus the temptation to feel some of that comes in the form of dressing up to look like a woman and that's the slippery slope to becoming a feminized sissy cuckold later in life.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 394. For many Feminized sissy cuckolds their first encounter with a real life actual cock comes when the good lady wife instructs it to guide it by hand into her pussy. This action is shocking for nearly all feminized sissy cuckold because no matter the years they have been fiddling with their own holding another man's cock that's bigger stronger and harder than their own is like nothing they have done before. The Cuckoldress wife has done this to her sissy cuckold because it's a start to what is to follow! all to soon she will engineer a situation where her lover is fucking her and she will get her sissy cuckold to lick her clit or anus at the same time heightening her pleasure and guaranteeing that sissy cuckolds tongue will come into contact with the man's cock as he fucks her. Of course the Sissy Cuckold will rationalize this as acceptable and not queer because primarily he will be licking his wife with accidental licks on the pounding cock. No wife by then will be content with this and the next step for her is to make her feminized sissy cuckold not only lick her clean after she has had sex but also she makes sissy cuckold suck her lovers cock clean! This is the Rubicon for the feminized sissy cuckold as this if the first major faggot act sucking the slime off of cock and also being made to continue sucking it till it's hard again for the wife to get more pleasure. The upshot of the sissy cuckold doing this is from then on the wife will use her sissy cuckold not only for after sex cock clean ups but also as fluffer to get men ready for her. And it won't be long till the cuckoldress wife wants to watch sissy cuckold suck cock and swallow sperm like some dirty little slut. Once the feminized sissy cuckold has got to this stage the wife will delight in foisting on the pretty little thing just about any indignity such as letting her men urinate in sissy cuckolds mouth, or making sissy cuckold suck on the man's toes or lick and rim his asshole. And she knows she has so broken her feminized sissy cuckold to her will that it will raise no objection to anything she demands of it!
Posts: 13306
SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 395. When after years away I returned to Lincoln and bumped into Pamela Alford again the woman that let me eat my first ever creampie pussy she was thrilled when she found out that from my dressing up as a woman at the fancy dress party was much much more than just a fad. When I went round to her home to have the meal she invited me to as Carla all sissied up and she was ecstatic at how I looked and comported myself. We had long and deep discussions over that evening about what had happened between us twenty years earlier and explored not just mine but also her thoughts and feelings about it all. Sitting there I could hardly believe that so much time had passed and that Pamela was now sixty eight years old and had certainly grown older but for that evening she had really dressed up and looked lovely even though her hands were liver spotted, her black hair was streaked with grey and her skin was loose and sagging. But we all know that an older woman can make up, dress and present themselves to their best and make an allure us submissive feminized sissy cuckolds cannot resist. Pamela of course was a good judge of me after hearing about my life and the depths of being a feminized sissy cuckold I had got to and had no problem in making me go down on her and lick her baggy old pussy and anus once we had settled into her lounge after the meal. She told me after that she had been nervous of me saying no to her because of her age and was thrilled when I just obeyed her without hesitation. Pamela became even more enthused when I told her of what Fran Hewit had done to me around the same time and that I had always wanted Pamela to use me like Fran had as a toilet for both her bladder and bowels. It was a wonderful time of my life seeing Pamela again and mutually enjoying our time together after so many years and it was crushing when Pamela passed away as it had not been expected at all.
Posts: 13306
SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 397 CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 397. The years of growing up are very tricky for the young budding feminized Sissy Cuckold. First off the way you start feeling you know somehow is wrong and you dare not tell anyone about the emotions your have that at your age you have no idea what its all about? Then for some reason??? you transcend into one form of crossdressing or another either flitching your ******* or sisters clothes and underwear or stealing items where you can from female friends of your ******* from their lingerie drawers or laundry baskets. Over time you find the compulsion to put women's clothes on and make up becomes a driving ***** in your life an addiction that can never be broken and as you mature into your budding sexuality nothing seems normal there either as you are struggling with you body growth or lack of. many budding feminized sissy cuckolds will lead a dual life in their teens one minute wallowing in dressing up, having fantasies about sex that are certainly not mainstream and as yet undefined? the next minute the to be sissy cuckold will be doing overtly masculine things to try to prove his manhood something that he will overtime fail in in every respect. Some fortunate budding sissy cuckolds find that a woman a special lady finds them and eased them into what they are or the budding sissy cuckold arrives at himself via pornography either literature or the internet. Then life really begins.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 398 The question has to be asked? why does a person become a Feminized sissy cuckold and crave and desire to lick their wives out after they have had sex with another man or men! It cannot be just that the person is so down beaten submissive and scared of being alone that they accept any indignity from their wife or woman. History tells us that women are a sly crafty breed and have delighted over the centuries in getting their partners to perform oral sex on them when they are fuck filthy as a way of slapping their husband in the face and degrading them leading to power surge in the woman that she can do anything she wants. But this does not explain why so many guys find being a feminized sissy cuckold is the main driver of their sexual urges? maybe there is a tie up of latent bisexuality and also the womanly feelings generated by being a crossdresser? Small penis issues also play into the make up of the budding sissy cuckold generating the feelings of being unmanly, worthless and pathetic and leading to a concrete knowing that no woman would put up or ever be satisfied with a loser! So in countless relationships when all this comes out women being logical and naughty decide to keep their pathetic exposed husband who is still a loving and great earner and maybe ****** but takes the view he is a lousy lover so making him the feminized sissy cuckold he wants to be is to her pleasurable advantage!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 399. When you are married to a Cuckoldress that works as a Mistress and an escort all sorts of things will crop up that totally devastate you and involve you in things that you'd rather not be? On more than a few occasions Tania would sell me to gay men who wanted some sissy action and I would be taken away by them to their homes or hotel rooms to entertain them for the evening. It is a traumatic thing having to appear happy excited and sexy when your doing things that horrify you. Only years of conditioning by female domination and the lash and whip makes you submissive enough to not want to displease your wife and Mistress. After an evening of sucking cock, swallowing cum, getting ass fucked and ****** to what ever extent the punter wants it's with a sense of pride when your dropped off back at home and you can hand your Cuckoldress the money you have earned for her and any tips you might have been given!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 400. I think one thing all of us Feminized sissy cuckolds can agree on is that over time we all find that sex and everything to do with it becomes the only subject on our minds almost constantly. Of course this is brought on by the denial of sex to the sissy cuckold so we become so sexually frustrated that almost anything will take on sexual overtones. From the click of high heels anywhere that make you shivering and weak your sissy ovaries tingling to thinking about how much sperm has the black guy sitting on the tube opposite got in his balls. And it becomes even worse if you are in chastity or have been made to live feminized all the time. Even our ******** hours are no escape as our minds delve into the sewers of our minds to live the fantasy we crave like nothing else and if you have a wicked Cuckoldress wife she might have her soiled panties over your node and mouth to torment you all night or worse she has got one of them penis to mouth gags and tubes so your recycling your own urine all night. Is there any wonder that feminized sissy cuckolds are mostly addled in the head and need a Cuckoldress to think for it!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 401. One of the things high on the feminized sissy cuckolds list of addictions shamefully is sperm! Your avaerage feminized sissy cuckold will eat it's own and any out of any anus and pussy offered to it! it will also humiliate and degrade itself in the end to sucking any cock for the sticky stuff including other sissies for their weak and watery variety. It has been often said for the feminized sissy cuckold that spunk is more addictive than heroin so a sissy cuckold will end up as a spunk junkie out to get its fix anywhere it can. And believe me when I say your slide from being what's termed as a hetro sissy cuckold is soon swept away when the cravings for rich creamy sperm gets hold of you and you go all the way to queer cock sucking for the stuff and even gay anal creampie cleanings.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 402. As a Feminized sissy cuckold on of the main things that send me weak at the knees and shivering like a jelly inside is seeing women in hosiery and of course wearing it myself. From early on when I first tried on my ******* dirty tights I was addicted and had my first dribble in American tan tights and nothing comes close to being a feminized sissy and being allowed to squirt wearing hosiery. As I matured I of course discovered stockings and they took my breath away and early on I discovered fully fashioned Cuban heeled seamed stockings and the rest as they say is history! These days I am a collector of hosiery and when I purchase a new style I always buy extra as one pair goes away in my very large collection that includes all colours and styles. If I am honest my least favourite hosiery is fishnet! although I will state that they look nice I dislike the feeling of them on preferring smooth sleek sheer nylon on my hair free legs and torso. I even these days dip into the world of the body stockings it the right outfit I am wearing warrants having one on!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 403. After my first marriage dissolved and I came out fully as a transvestite I used to go to a cross dressing shop for a coffee and browse with the ladies in the shop and other crossdressers who happened to be in the place. It was there that I met Jo one of the assistants a mature lady in her early sixties to my twenty eight at the time and we were smitten with each other straight away and she gave me her phone number. Jo was a large lady but still good looking with the way she dressed and did her make up and she certainly was as hot as fuck. Our first date was a pub lunch and beach walk in Burnham on Sea then back to her flat in Bristol where she was living at the time during a trial separation with her husband who was in their house in North Devon. Jo took it in her stride that my sissy clit was so small but she did make me have sex with her and then while she was messy the oral that she really wanted started as well as the fucking with the strap on she made me wear or she did as she fucked me. It turned out that her husband was a cuckold as well not a transvestite one just a sad old man who Jo delighted in rubbing his face in the fact that he was so pathetic that on top of the real guys she was seeing she preferred a feminized sissy cuckold over him!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 404. Over the years I have listened to many Feminized sissy cuckolds moaning their lot when it comes to the issue of a woman's period! Listening to their flapping gobs about if they should be orally cleaning a period pussy makes you think they have a divine right to refuse acting as a sanitary towel or tampax to their Cuckoldresses. Put it this way your a Feminized sissy cuckold you have no basic human rights so SHUT THE FUCK UP! It is the height of honour to be put to your Cuckoldresses ******** and slimy pussy to orally clean the flux away ingesting all the ****** stringy bits and meaty clots. And if your wife is one of them gal's that likes her sex during the monthly ***** who the hell are you to refuse her a ****** creampie cleaning! The whole gambit of the pre ********* tension and nastiness then the week of the period is all part of a woman and you as a feminized sissy cuckold have to support your cuckoldress and become part of it enduring the beatings, verbal ***********, cutting bitchy remarks and the licking clean of her pussy once she comes on!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 405. Feminized sissy Cuckolds are if nothing else great actors? Lets face it you've been through the feminization into the sissy cuckold maid at the hands of your wife and Cuckoldress and now that you resemble a woman she is demanding that you do gross homosexual acts to entertain her! Now I know a fair few feminized sissy cuckolds are already bi sexual before they arrive at their station in life but the over whelming majority are not and look upon the wife's orders to suck cock or be fucked by them as abhorrent and totally against their nature! (Pathetic really when they crave to lick their cuckoldresses pussies and arseholes clean of fucked in sperm!) So here is our new feminized sissy cuckold loving the girlie way he now looks having to face some spunk and cunt slick cock that's just fucked it's wife and part of avoiding punishment later sissy cuckold has to show his Cuckoldress that he is cleaning this fuck dirty cock clean with loving adoration as if cock belonged in it's mouth from day of birth. What this does to the hetro sissy cuckolds mind is devastating every morsel of ethos goes out of the window as sissy cuckolds mouth encapsulates that slimy cock head and starts to suck it! Many Cuckoldresses will make sure that when her sissy cuckold sucks its first cock it will go all the way to completion and sissy cuckold will have to swallow all the ejaculate.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 406. As yet I do not think I have ever met another feminized sissy cuckold that does not like urine! Personally myself I started off with being a toilet to a woman called Fran that was a delightful and very erotic experience and ensured that I was addictred for the rest of my days to the hot salty golden water. From there I advanced to ******** my own as part of a fetishtic ritual I decended into when masturbating. It was quite a few years and after ******** the piss of many ladies that one of them finally ****** me to become a urinal for a man and subjecting me to the degradation of that. Now I am a so called old hand at being pissed in or on and as I feminized sissy cuckold I understand that my superiors can use me like this if they so choose.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 407. I suppose after a lifetime of being told that I have a tiny useless penis and becoming a feminized sissy cuckold it was inevitable that the question of castration or penectomy would rise it's ugly head! Like many feminized sissy cuckolds the thought of having bits removed can be highly excitable in a fantasy sort of way as you become convinced that you are worthless. I looked into the whole debate regarding castration and penectomy and of course each to their own, but in the end I came down on the side of Penectomy mainly for one reason. A penectomy does not take away your sexual urges in fact many studies point to the removal of the penis heightening the need for sex and the dire frustration that brings. Tie that into the feminization of the sissy cuckold which alone makes sexuality go wild you have an explosive mix as studies have shown that penectomy can lead to frustrated sexual insanity surely what a fair minded Cuckoldress wife will strive for.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 408. Over the years I have come to learn that there are many women out there that can spot a sissy cuckold a mile off. Of course in these more liberated days the woman is able to more freely approach a budding sissy and manipulate it to any extent she desires. Many go on to marry a sissy male leading to a full blown Cuckoldress led marriage. Saying this it is still imperative that the budding sissy cuckold has to be totally honest about itself when approached by a woman so that she knows the truth about you and can make her mind up if you are worthy of the scraps she will toss your way. The first rule a budding sissy cuckold has to comply with is whatever you do do not refuse any command this woman gives you and even try to anticipate what she would like above all else the Cuckoldress lady likes to be treated at all times like a woman so do not let her down on this score. You also have to accept from the offset that because of who you are and what you are you will be punished and should accept anything the lady does to you without complaint let her find the level of chastisement that you can take never try to inform her!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 409. One thing that nearly all women have got in common is that once they know your a pathetic feminized sissy cuckold they not only want to know all about it for their education and amusement. And oh boy do they just love playing with the feminized sissy cuckold penis, ridiculing it, punishing it and denying it. For the feminized sissy cuckold one thing is for certain absolutely none of these ladies will lower themselves to engage in sexual intercourse with the tiny dicked sissy cuckold. What women do learn is that they can use and ***** a feminized sissy cuckold to their hearts content with both mental and physical torment and ******* if they so please and many do finding great empowerment in chastity and enslavement. In a way if you think about it the majority of women are actually predisposed to being Cuckoldresses if the subject matter comes to their attention in the properly presented way which in no way can be placed at her door as a demand Their is an old saying that is all to true here "Softly, Softly catch a tiger!"
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 310. Of the very few women that have allowed me to have actual sexual intercourse with all of them have gone on to gossip about what a waste of time I was and how small my penis is. These wagging tongues virtually put an end to anymore conquests when I was young trying to be the he man at times. These encounters along with the women who knew about my dressing up and small endowment and knew how to deal with me quickly made me understand that as a guy I was an utter failure and I was going to end up as a feminized sissy cuckold when married. One of the biggest lies that I have ever heard and a source if delusion for so many guys is the supposedly female said quote "It's not what you've got it's how you use it?" what a phrase of utter bullshit as every woman I have ever spoken to much prefers a guy with a large meaty cock that they can feast on. Not that women do not enjoy playing with a small one as they most certainly do but with small penises they play as they would a toy holding it in-between thumb and forefinger wiggling it about as they pour out every humiliating statement that comes to mind and shriek with laughter when just that makes us budding sissy cuckolds squirt. Of course these women will not outright reject the failure they are playing with as they will take advantage of the tongue to get their jollies and as we all know its but a mere jump from that point to where the woman will think that its their right to have the failure guy go down on her when she is sex or hygienically dirty.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 311. When was it that inside you, you understood that there was something not quite right about the growing sexual urges you were having? What made you put on women's things for the first time? what were the triggers? Did you feel after that first time putting on panties or tights or whatever that suddenly you were no longer in control of yourself and events were making you react not the other way round? Personally for me back then as a young unknowing budding transvestite and to be sissy cuckold the feeling of utterly losing any sort of control over my actions was the most terrifying part of blooming into this creature I was becoming. The feel of nylon on my skin and the strange feelings I got were life changing ibn a very deep way that I could not understand and when the first time I ever did a sissygasm dressed as I was sniffing panties and in worn dirty tights it was so earth shattering I had to place a hand on the bathroom wall to stop myself falling down as I my silky legs went all wobbly. And that sissygasm happened without me tugging on my little penis it was just the smell of the dirty panties and the caress on the nylon from the tights that caused my shameful explosion and sealed the addiction to what I am for a lifetime.
Posts: 3133
Black Cock Fucking my sissy cuckold boypussy making my clit flop,LOVE IT!!!
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 312. We are now living in a world where more and more white guys have absolutely no chance of getting any woman interested in them for sex. Thus we are seeing the rise of desperation and these porn addicted pussy free individuals are turning to the feminized sissy cuckold for sex! When I was married to my ex wife Tania the Dominatrix and escort she early on saw this trend and took advantage of this and started to pimp my sissy cuckold ass out to men and this resulted in her earning a pretty penny off my dip in to prostitution. Now as a dumped and divorced sissy cuckold I always seem to have guys hitting on me for sordid sex either via the sites I go to on the internet or in public when I am out. Lets face it your average guy wants to be sucked off or fuck ass hard and as feminized sissy cuckolds tend to dress like feminine women in sheer hosiery and tarty lingerie and clothes we fit the porn addicted guys ideal of a woman! (no jeans and ugg boots for us lot) This state of affairs has led me into quite a few inescapable moments where I have had to submit to the sexual demands of these perverts, sometimes to escape a beating or worse? All feminized sissy cuckolds must understand that the words "Can we meet for a coffee?" actually mean's I will fuck your throat and sissy pussy! Many of these interactions with guys are unavoidable for the feminized sissy cuckold so if your savvy and do your best to please the guy you can obtain for yourself little gifts from them such as hosiery or lingerie a sort of fair swap for them being allowed to fuck you!"
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 413 First it was Rose and now added is Doreen two elderly ladies that have taken up my offer of service to be a feminized sissy cuckold French maid for them. Both are widows in their late seventies and became intrigued meeting Sissy Cuckold Carla and after finding out a little about me called me via the business card I slipped them to have me attend their homes to do domestic work. This I did not pushing for anything else but both ladies had already got in mind the extra things they wanted and soon had me slavering at their smelly old pussies and bottoms licking them to shattering climaxes such as they had missed out on for a long time. Over time with both of them wanting to know all about the world of the feminized sissy cuckold they ventured into doing some of the most shameful and degrading things a sissy cuckold can experience from a woman and believe me the elderly lady knows no shame when it comes to getting her rocks off with a submissive push over that sissy cuckolds are.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 414. I think all of us feminized sissy cuckolds look back with fondness to the times we were caught out and exposed! Yes as time passes we forget the sheer terror we felt, the *********** and shame that our deepest secrets were laid bare to another person. For myself my first outting to coin a phrase was the night in my pyjama's while I was massaging my ******* nylon coated feet and I had an erection that slapped up against the hot sole of her foot and then her sneering comment about it being of little consequence and her knowledge that I was raiding the laundry basket for her tights and panties. All things I could not deny and the *********** when she told me to go put a pair on so she could see? Then there was Pam and Fran two of ******* girlfriends Pam feeding me my first pussy creampie while I was dressed and made up and Fran for exposing to all and sundry that I had a tiny penis one that she would never entertain! but god love her after Pam had availed herself of my sissy cuckold tongue Fran did the same and went further as she was the goddess that first started to use me as a toilet to get her jollies! Then of course the harrowing time of having to own up to my first wife Anne which thankfully after a rocky start turned out ok. When I told Tania my second wife all the gritty details she already knew about my crossdressing and fetishes so it was no surprise to her and she cuckolded the fuck out of me with with breath taking gusto and harshness. All delicious times for the feminized sissy cuckold.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 415. The delectable Fran the second woman that made use of me dressed and made up as a woman was a sexy middle aged brunette very curvy, permed hair and very feminine in her sense of dress. Fran was the one who kissed me in the kitchen at Pam's fancy dressed party where I was en femme and she was decked out as a French Whore and had felt my little penis with her caressing hand through the dress I had on and whispered in my ear that she could never go with anyone so small then promptly gossiped with all the woman at the party about my lack of manhood. Of course being Pam's best friend she got to hear how later that night after the party was over I licked clean Pam's dirty creampie pussy and soon there after a message got to me that Fran had some jobs for me to do to earn some pin money. Once in her clutches Fran was brazen in wanting me dressed up again and had her own cast off's ready and did my make up for me and believe me I was not going to complain about this at all as I was already an addicted crossdresser by then and now I was discovering the sexual side of things with experienced mature women. I now learned that the needs of women are totally different in each case and Fran took me on a path similar but so unlike what Pam had me do for her? It began on her stairs after she ordered me to follow her up and after three treads with me still at the bottom Fran wiggled her large bottom and her hands eased up her tight black short skirt revealing her stocking tops and suspender belt straps, she then eased her silky black panties down with me watching utterly transfixed my little penis so hard in the tights she had put me in making a little tent in the dress she had selected. With buttocks exposed Fran now used her hands and pulled them apart to reveal her ass vale and sphincter and to my shock the place and hole was filthy dirty with her faecal matter the smell hitting me like a sledge hammer. I remember swooning at the sight and smell and groaning when Fran clipped that she wanted me to lick her bottom clean! Fran knew she had me under her power and that I was a born submissive and as I struggled to over come the shock and revulsion I was experiencing but in no way rejecting her command she must have sensed this and squeezed her guts making her brown coated sphincter wink at me drawing me in and suddenly I could not stop myself and my tongue licked all the way up her ass vale from the ending of her pussy over her dirty hole and up her ass crack taking my first taste of her womanly filth. Urging me on as I cleaned her bottom I lapped deeply at her anal opening swallowing down the dirt from within her and even felt Fran bare down and fill my mouth with a squiggle of her **** as she told me that as a sissy Cuckold I needed to feel very honoured when a woman got me to serve her this way! Over the following months Fran in her wisdom taught me to act as a total sissy cuckold toilet getting me past the gag reflex stage and bodily rejection of faecal matter to a state when I accepted everything that came from her.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 416 As a feminized sissy cuckold I would be lying if I said that I had not been involved in sexual intercourse over the years with women. Trouble is that when I have been between a woman's stocking clad thighs I have been wearing some form or another of strap on cock. for us sissy cuckolds having something so big sticking from our groins is mind blowing and abnormal and as we obey and fuck the lucky lady we are punished as our little sissy clits locked in chastity suffer untold pain as we give the woman the length and thickness she wants. For me one of the worst strap on's I ever had to use was one that Tania my second ex wife and cuckoldress brought me which went over my little penis in its erect state and was made of a clear material so I could actually see my penis in her sex but feel nothing. The torment of this strap on was devastating and as I belaboured on my task of giving my cuckoldress sex her acid tongue poured out a non stop diatribe against my woeful lack of manhood and pathetic status in our marriage. And after she had got herself off on the strap on Tania would not allow any relief for me all she did was crop my turgid little penis to a flaccid state and pop me back into my chastity device utterly frustrated and denied.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 417. Some of the most embarrassing times in my life as a feminized sissy cuckold have been when I have been out and about and for some reason or another I have had a sissy squirt. Luckily my penis is that small that under a skirt as long as I am not thrusting my hips out it's hardly noticeable when I am erect and I have had acute shame of soiling my panties and a stain has appeared on the front of my skirt which has been noticed causing me untold shame. Then I have also lost it when I have been in a chastity device with no panties on and people have seen my sissy milk dripping on the floor! this sort of thing makes you want to open a deep dark pit in front of you and jump in and vanish! alas in a situation like this you have to make your exit under the full glare of people amused and disgusted by you. Once at a fetish night with Tania it happened and she made me get down on my stocking clad knees and lick my mess up much to the hilarity of those watching. It really is shameful to get to a state that your sissy squirt can happen without any manual stimulation and goes to prove that us feminized sissy cuckolds are truly pathetic in every respect,.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 418. Janet was the first lady I met after my first Cuckoldress wife dumped me for a man. Janet was much older than me and originally hailed from Germany and was a divorcee. We met in one of them divorcee nights that used to be all the rage and I was there trying to be the he man as you do? Janet was a blond and was at the club with another woman a Brunette called Christine and you could tell they were lushes and of course that attracted me watching them dance with just about every guy in the place on the pull. At the end of the bar I watched Janet as she seemed to be the dirtier of the two kissing and grabbing what she was dancing with making a shameful show of herself really and that turned me on. Towards the end of the evening both Janet and Christine were at the bar rather near me and Janet started to look my way and soon introductions happened and before I knew it we were in a taxi back to her place with Christine who before being taken on to her house laughed and told Janet not to eat me alive? Now the age difference between Janet and myself was quite large I was twenty eight at the time and Janet was sixty a sexy mature blond in a nice short grey dress, black hosiery and high heels. We had both had a fair amount of ***** so I thought to myself it would be easy enough to pop to the toilet when we got into her place and get out of the tights I had on under my trousers. Silly me thinking I could get away with that as when we got into Janet's flat she sexually assaulted me leaving me no way to get to her bathroom and she had her hands inside my fly in a blink of an eye! Suddenly she was stock still and I was rigid with terror as her hand caressed my nylon coated little penis! later she laughed saying that she could not make her mind up if it was the feel of sheer nylon tights on me or the shockingly small penis I had that caused her to be astonished? God love though as Janet did not throw me out for being some sort of pervert and proceeded to strip me down to the black tights I had on in her hallway before gripping my tights covered little penis and dragging me through to her bedroom where she sexually used me. Janet out of her dress was in black stockings and suspenders and had me suckle her pert titties then worship her feet and legs before sitting on my face getting me to lick her to orgasm after orgasm before easing forward and having me eat her ass and at no point did she touch my turgid little penis that was leaking in frustrated agony in the tights. Later we sat in her lounge chatting while having coffee and she got me to tell her that I was a feminized sissy cuckold with all sorts of shameful fetishes something that she knew a little about and next I knew she was squatting on my face again and this time pissing into my mouth and she knew I was deeply perverted when she saw that me *****ing her piss caused me to ejaculate into the tights.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 419. From personal experience I know what a bunch of hypocrites us feminized sissy cuckolds can be as we mature into our final being! Remember the days when we were totally against homosexuality in any form? but still we were secretly stuffing our sissy pussies with any phallic item we could get our hands on when we were dressed up and sucking the things ******* as much down our throats as possible? Yeah you all know what I am talking about! through all that early denial we deep down knew that at some point as feminized sissy cuckolds we would have to take cock because we are worthless at doing sex to women and men alike and would submit to any gross indecency that was foisted on us. And then of course when we eat our first creampie pussy or anus and slurp that sperm down we are drawn that much closer to sucking cock via the wife wanting her boyfriend sucking clean and then being entertained by us sucking off a man and letting them fuck us! Only then comes the acceptance that as a feminized sissy cuckold you have no say in who uses you as you were born just to obey and serve! Of course then something terrible arises as for us Sissy Cuckolds spunk seems to be addictive and many of us will gladly then become cum dumps for thousands of perverts.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 420. As a Feminized sissy cuckold I am a great believer that in sympathy and solidarity we should also go through the rituals of having a period once a month. So every month I shop for sanitary towels and tampaxes, it was my second wife Tania who got me into this regime every month when she had her flux, but it was my first wife Anne that was really into and demanded I orally clean her during her periods making me lick up all the *****, slime and livery chunky bits coming out of her. Being your Cuckoldresses sanitary towel is one of the vital tasks for a feminized sissy cuckold and one should feel honoured that your wife opts for you to lick her ****** ******** pussy clean and to try to keep it that way all during her menstruation. And not to forget as a Feminized sissy cuckold you also have to dispose of her used period products making sure you suck the ***** and slime from used tampaxes and licking the mess off sanitary towels prior to them going into the little bag and bin. As for your sympathy period it is not difficult to get used to wearing a sanitary towel in your panties at night , let face it they are good for not only ***** waste but also the dirty little leaks us feminized sissy cuckolds have. Of course the tampax is a different kettle of fish and has to be applied and inserted with a dab of lubrication and has to be changed periodically during the day for hygiene sakes. Tania my second ex wife and Cuckoldress loved having me go shopping for my period products and the incidents of *********** that being a feminized in public sissy cuckold that brought down on my head from female public seeing me getting my thing to the sneer of derision from sales assistance specially if the product I was looking for could not be found and I had to ask! Lastly Tania liked some realism in my periods and often she would use a razor blade on the skin between my anal opening and teste sac or even cutting the skin of the sack so I actually ****. Lucky for me Tania has now gone through the change in life so like a good feminized sissy cuckold I have ceased as well and these days only act as a sanitary product licking clean ******** pussy. Now panty pads are sometimes needed for little dribbles to protect
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 421. From an early age as a budding feminized sissy cuckold I was fascinated with inserting things down my urethra getting as deep as possible. This addiction only heightened over the years till it reached its culmination when I was married to my second wife the Dominatrix and escort Tania who knew a thing or two about torturing the tiny little feminized sissy cuckold penis. I remember Tania purchasing herself some little stainless steel cocks and a set of sounders and she delighted in having me strapped down and going to work on me with them after coating them with tiger balm. The pain was like I have never felt before irritating and burning as the balm got to work and I would end up thrashing around against the heavy leather bindings in utter agony for what seemed like hours. Tania also liked to experiment with catheters making me wear them for long periods of time the tube all the way into my bladder lubricated with Tiger balm. And then as Tania was concerned was the only sex I as a feminized sissy cuckold could have with a woman where with certain pairs of her high heeled shoes she would insert the stilettoed heel down my urethra and fuck me whilst the shoe was on her foot screwing my tormented ******** little sissy clit till it ****.
Posts: 13306
CARLA DELACOURT NEW RELEASE AT YOUR SERVICE. AT AMAZON/KINDLE WITH ALL HER OTHER SORDID NOVELS. MORE DEPRAVED CONTENT AT The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!and Evilwife at https://www.cuckoldplace.com/SISSY CUCKOLD HISTORY 422. One of the mysteries of the universe for me is that when women find out you are a feminized sissy cuckold and that they have total power over you they soon go from normal cuckolding to the perverse! And one aspect of that perverse is that almost all the ladies I have served over the years have viewed what I am and determined to themselves that as a feminized sissy cuckold I must love fists up my bottom! Now I am not saying I am adverse to it but to begin with it was a pain in the ass! to coin a phrase. To go from inserting vibrators and dildo's into yourself of having someone do it to you to having a whole hand and half an arm jammed up your rear ends takes a lot of tears, fear and stretching and I thank my lucky stars Fran of Lincoln and then a little later Rose from delightful Catford gently eased me into the recipient of their fists with lots of lubrication and soft soothing words. Later I met ladies that were joyful in the knowledge that I had already experienced this type of ********* and ******** inserted their hands and arms into me and fist fucked me like there was no tomorrow and I am sure Tania, Lucy, Helen and Jo were the main causes of me becoming a prolapsing sissy cuckold bitch. And let me tell you when it comes to men they all want to do the dirty on the feminized sissy cuckold! the main reason seems to be that they believe that because your a feminized sissy cuckold you must be gagging for any type of insertion and as a sissy cuckold you'll do anything to get cock! Which really is wrong as what the truth is that as feminized sissy cuckolds our Cuckoldresses have so plunged us into the world of the submissive and the absolute to obey that we dare not refuse anything when we are being used. One glaring time was when I was married to Tania and via her work as a escort she met this guy called Arthur who was an out and out pervert and he told her he liked going with sissies so in short order he paid my cuckoldress wife for the use of me. Arthur was horrible and that session with him turned my guts and I literally suffered the hour gritting my teeth so as not to throw up he smelt so bad and looked like a beached whale, even his face looked like that of a slavering pig. When after I told Tania all about it she was ecstatic at my revulsion and tears and promptly called Arthur and told him that I have loved the session so much so that she was offering him free use of me for an evening! By then in my life as a feminized sissy cuckold I was so under the heel of Tania that I dare not refuse anything she wanted me to do so feeling destroyed and sickened a week later she drove me round to Arthur's home and dumped me off for the evening and I had to go through sickening perversions with the ogre of a man and still to this day shudder with disgusted shame when he comes to mind and yes Arthur with his shovel like hands got one up my sissy bottom fist fucking me till I almost passed out.