Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
BumNote: Can't wait Don! But please don't rush it and drop your amazing quality level Time between chapters depends on how long it 'needs to be'. I rarely know beforehand. And, sometimes they practically write themselves, and sometimes it's grueling work. I hate to keep readers waiting, but it has to feel right to me. Many thanks for everyone's patience! Don
Posts: 5854
Posts: 4337
Don Jetman: Time between chapters depends on how long it 'needs to be'. I rarely know beforehand. And, sometimes they practically write themselves, and sometimes it's grueling work. I hate to keep readers waiting, but it has to feel right to me. Many thanks for everyone's patience! Thank you for writing these wonderful stories, we will be patient . Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
Posts: 242
Just re-read this story, while not entirely my cup of tea, this is a very well written and articulated story. One that the reader can immerse himself into Billy and actually fill the cuckold angst.
It's been a while since Jetman left us here, hoping he might pick it back up.
Posts: 462
Don, I'm happy to offer editing assistance. It's been my career. Anything to help - you're truly a gifted writer. PM me if interested.
Posts: 60
Another great read.
Are planning on continuing with this story, or...... Are we denied a "Happy" ending.. I love eating my wife after her bull has nutted deep in her..
Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
#67 · Edited by: Don Jetman
The Game - Chapter 8
"Do you think they're safe?" I ask Kate. "There aren't any labels or information - just these figurines filled with these red and pink capsules."
"They're different colors? I guess I never noticed. Well, we've been taking them for two days now," Kate answers as she buttons her blouse in front of the bedroom mirror. She studies her reflection as though she's trying to discern any changes. Does she think her looks might have changed? "We seem fine; I don't feel any different, sweetie - do you?"
"Not a bit," I tell her. I wonder if Gabriel's pills are just a prop, a placebo he hopes will have the effects he promised. Kate turns toward me and slides her hand inside my boxers. Her fingertips dance lightly over the head of my dick as she flashes a sexy smile. I love it when she does this - it warms me, assures me my wife is glad I'm not a prisoner of the cage. But I'm not getting hard; in fact, my dick isn't responding at all. Her smile widens. Those wide eyes are so fucking beautiful, so full of promise.
"Don't you want to fuck?" she asks me. "I'm still horny from our time with Gabriel. It's your husbandly duty," she teases.
But none of her usual proven tricks to get me erect succeed. I want her, but my body disappoints me. Not just a little. I'm completely limp with no sign of responding.
"Maybe they are working," Kate says as she withdraws her hand. "He said you would have trouble getting hard."
"He said 'gradually' Kate. Fuck, if it's working this soon, I can't imagine what it will continue to do 'gradually'. I had hoped we'd have some time..."
"To fuck? Before he gets his turn? That's so sweet - one or two final times with me before we play his game? But sweetie, I think he made it clear that the game is on - that my body will belong to him. You even agreed to it. I thought giving me to other men excited you. Do you want to stop? Gabriel said we can, any time we want."
There's something about the way she says his name - something in her voice that's soft and enticing, even reverent, but just for a second.
"It's just that this has happened so fast," I complain. "He said 'gradually'. Maybe I'm just tired this morning. We were up late, and I didn't s l e e p very well. Let's do what he wants, at least for now."
Kate looks relieved. I imagine how much she must want his cock. Depriving her of it would disappoint her, maybe even frustrate her. At least I don't have to wear the cage. And, I'm sure I'd be fine if I stopped taking the pills.
"You know, he did say there were other ways we could have sex, Billy."
She raises the hem of the short, pleated skirt she had chosen to wear to work and places her hand on my shoulder. I stare between her legs as she pushes me to my knees. She's naked beneath the skirt, freshly shaved and lotioned from belly to toes. It leaves a glistening sheen over her bare skin, and smells of coconut. She's so wet. Swollen. Oozing. Dripping.
"You're, um, going to work like this?"
"I know, it's pretty daring," she tells me as I stare. "But today I felt like showing off a little, taking a chance that someone might get a quick look. So many of my customers are men, so it could be good for business. It's sexy, don't you think?"
"It's sexy to me, but you're really going to let strange men see you like this? I mean, showing some skin to make a sale is one thing, but you're naked under there, and this skirt is so short. And, it looks like you just shaved this morning, and used that body lotion I like so much - the stuff that smells great and makes your skin glisten. Are you trying to get laid today? Are these pills affecting you more than you realize?"
Or, is it that she's not willing to admit the changes? For some reason I'm unusually nervous today, and full of questions. There's a sense of possessiveness I can't seem to shake.
"Are you seeing Aidan today? Is he stopping by the shop for one of his 'visits' after you close?" I ask.
"Oh sweetie, this isn't for him! If he stops by, I'm sure he'd love to see me like this, but it's for no one in particular. I just feel extra sexy today and wanted to tease a few of my customers. You like it when other men look at me, don't you? When they stare at my body? And, I can look too, can't I? Maybe when a hot young guy comes in and he's wearing something that shows how hard I make him? But don't worry - even if he's hung like Aidan, I'll tease him a little and send him on his way, hopefully after selling him some very expensive outfits. Maybe he'll even think of me when he's fucking his wife or girlfriend."
"I guess I'm thinking back to the first time Aidan saw you, then fucked you there in the shop. Would you do that again, with a total stranger?"
Kate pulls the skirt higher. Her bare belly flattens, then pouts a bit when each breath deepens. God, she's naked from her belly to the black, strappy heels. So much silky, firm skin made ready for a parade of strange men who would be unexpectedly excited by a lingering look.
"Is that exciting for you, Billy? Believing I'll fuck a customer for a sale? Or maybe one who offers to pay to fuck your wife? It's okay - I wouldn't do it, but I love knowing you think they'd want me that much. Maybe it would be a young, hung guy on the football team at the college, or a rich, handsome CEO? What would they do to me, Billy? You know I love hearing your dirty fantasies about me."
My hands close around her thighs and pull her close. There are too many fantasies swimming in my head to resist - too many fantasies my wife wants to hear me confess. Then my mouth is on her, kissing her inner thighs, slithering upward to the hot, wet opening. I penetrate her with a frantic tongue, trace lingering trails along her hardened clit, then lap urgently into a pool of her juices that coat my mouth and face. She convulses and thrusts her hips against me as a long, guttural moan escapes from deep within her. "Oh fuck, Billy - you want it - don't you - those men - all those men - fucking me - filling your wife's pussy - making me cum - cumming in me - "
Kate goes on and on, making it last, bathed in sensations that assure her I'd let them have her body, and then welcome my used wife back to me. When she cums, we shiver together, her body rocking and quaking against me, her gasps turning into unearthly sounds that take her to unknown places.
I'm still flaccid when it's over. The craving for her body remains - in fact, it's more intense as I cling to her bare, still-quivering belly. I feel her fingers weaving gently through my hair, the loving gratitude of a wife whose husband's sacrifice of his orgasm gives her a shattering one in its place. But my frustration lingers; my need for relief stays at its height. I feel I might burst as the captive pool of semen inside me begs for release.
"You're so much better, Billy," she whispers finally. "I mean, at this. Better than all of them. Charles, Victor, Aidan, and all the rest. I never told you, and I should have. I know that you love me when you make me cum like this; none of the others loved me. Not one of them showed me with his mouth - ever. I should have told you that back then. Maybe it would have made things easier for you. Maybe you'd never have doubted that I loved you, that I'll stay with you forever. God, Billy, your tongue is such sweet magic."
Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
#68 · Edited by: Don Jetman
We both feel the effects of the pills escalate as the week continues. Kate picks the tiniest outfits from the racks in her shop to wear every day now. It's obvious to anyone there that she's completely abandoned any hint of modesty. I leave her there in the city on Tuesdays, my mouth watering as the pristine, white blouse yawns open, displaying the inner curves of her breasts, her nipples hard little buttons that poke at the silky fabric as though they might burst through it. I wonder if she dresses for certain special customers, or the stranger she'd fuck if given the chance. Sometimes it's the plaid, pleated 'school-girl' skirt and white, fitted blouse, while other days the black, leather pencil skirt and black lace c h o k e r suggest she expects a different clientele altogether.
Kate's appetites are now relentless and unquenchable - she masturbates in our bed every night when she thinks I'm asleep, even after I try my best to satisfy her with my face buried in her pussy. My dick has never recovered - it's now useless for anything except taking a piss, but my constant craving for sex increases day after day. Kate doesn't seem to mind much. She tells me it's just a game and our sex life is fine, that I shouldn't worry. From the sounds she makes, I'm sure she thinks hers is.
"It's a shame you have to drive all that way to the city and back, just to take me to work," she says one day. "We could get a second car - we can afford it from the shop's income alone. Yours isn't exactly new; what if it breaks down and needs repair? How would we get into the city? And, I could come home to you every night - you'd like that, wouldn't you?"
She was right. It was time.
The shop is closed on Mondays, so we go car shopping. "I want something small, easy to park, and, I've been thinking, sporty too. And red. I love red." I can see she's excited. She's beaming, with her unforgettable wide, all-consuming smile. I can't take my eyes off her while she drives; the hot pink halter top and tiny white shorts would normally have me hard for her. Instead, my dick fails to respond, but my pulse ratchets to double its rate and my gut churns in frustration. She turns to peer at me now and then through the large, oval dark glasses that hide what surely must be a mix of adoration, lust, and expectation. She's a glamour queen. Below the glasses, she's a scorching, in-the-flesh, reincarnation of Li'l Abner's Daisy Mae. Any salesman we encounter doesn't have a chance.
We pass a row of dealerships along the busy corridor of upscale businesses. Kate slows and pulls in along rows of gleaming Maserati sedans and sexy convertibles. I cringe when I consider the prices, but I can tell Kate is in her private little fantasy world. Who am I to shatter that, at least for the moment?
"Do you know anything about Italian cars?" I ask, as we enter the showroom.
"I know they're sexy, Billy. You want me to look sexy, don't you? So guys will notice me?"
"I'm sure you don't need a car for that." A silver-haired salesman appears behind us, grinning at Kate as he dishes out the compliment. "Let me show you our newest arrival." He never glances at me, and offers to lead Kate to the red convertible across the towering glass lobby. She pushes her glasses up into her hair, winks at me, then turns and walks with him, rolling her hips just enough to promise him, what?
I stare. And, I remind myself how insanely lucky I am to have her. She's a mouthwatering vision as she walks away with him, the white shorts stretched over her perfect ass, her legs flexing as she strides like a proud feline beside him. She has him laughing immediately, chatting with him like he's an old friend. When they stop at the blazing red convertible, she gushes, places her hand lightly on his arm, and smiles up at him as though he's just given her the car as a present.
"It's - so, me," she tells him.
"Well, I think so too," he tells her, grinning. "Would you like to go for a ride?"
"I'd love that," she coos, batting her eyes at him.
He retrieves the keys, opens the driver's side door for her, and she slides in like the leather seat's an impatient hand waiting to palm her firm, round ass. She flashes me a lascivious smile and the tires chirp as she pulls into traffic.
I help myself to a second cup of coffee at the far end of the showroom. Two salesmen turn from the towering window where they watch Kate's 'enthusiastic' departure. They whisper back and forth, grinning and glancing over at me now and then. Yes, my wife is the kind of woman you'd give anything to fuck. And I know just watching her prance and preen gives them a bit of a chub. And yes, I do know what a lucky man I am.
I wait thirty minutes, then close to an hour. More grins and whispers from the salesmen. Jesus, Kate - they think you're fucking him. Are you?
He helps her out of the car when they get back. She lets the skirt ride up to her hips as she slides out and spreads her legs just long enough to show him her freshly shaved pussy. He's starry-eyed, almost disoriented as he stares. She's holding his hand as they return to where I wait, in full view of every employee. He's red-faced and concerned as he looks for any spectators. Kate's beaming, still chatting and joking with him, her hair teased by a sudden breeze. Her breasts and legs are a feast for everyone's eyes.
As they enter, I hear Kate tell him, "I love it, but let's see what my brother thinks. He's so protective - he worries what men must think of me when I lose myself in the moment and appear to be, well, you know. A little too impetuous? Do you think I am?"
He looks at me with a kind of newfound relief, as though thankfully I'm not Kate's boyfriend or husband. He's confused now though, and not sure how to answer Kate. Maybe I'm not Kate's husband, but just how protective is her 'brother'? Will I k i l l the deal after he's already calculated his commission, turning his fantasies of Kate into cock-wilting disappointment? I smile as though I see through him. I know, buddy. You want to fuck her - it's the 'icing' on top of your commission.
They're here in front of me before he has a chance to answer. "I think you're smart enough to decide on your own, Kate," he tells her. "I tell all my customers they shouldn't settle for anything less than what's perfect for them. And, I think you know this one's perfect. You look great in it, and you'll love driving it."
"Let me talk it over with my brother first, but I think you're right - I loved our little drive." She answers him with a smile that promises more than just a sale, then takes me aside to talk.
"So, I'm your brother now?" I whisper. "You should sell cars yourself - maybe dressed in some of your outfits. I'd buy one without a test drive."
"Oh, you're such a sweet brother." She gushes and grins. I notice an extra button undone on the front of the halter top; it's more than daring. Her breasts are luscious, and mostly exposed. Ordinarily, I'd be hard, but that's been impossible lately thanks to Gabriel.
"So, do you like it? Enough to spend that kind of money?" I ask. God, she's so adorable.
"We, um, have that kind of money now, don't we? He promised me a good price, almost wholesale," she says. Her eyes are pleading for my approval. Jesus, everyone is taking in her body as we talk. That alone should get me hard. It should, but doesn't.
"We can get the money, Kate, if you want it this badly. You do look amazing in it - even better without him in the passenger seat. You were gone a long time - did anything 'happen' during your test drive that won you such a good deal?"
She grins at me, leans closer, and whispers in my ear - careful not to let our bodies touch. Careful not to show too much affection for her 'brother'.
"We stopped near the park in a nice shady spot - and I might have put my hand in his pants - and I might have taken his cock out - and he might have cum in my hand. He wanted a real date, but I said I have a boyfriend."
God - I can feel her breath on my ear, her lips grazing me as she "confesses". Is it true, or is she teasing me, testing me, torturing me, knowing how much I want her?
"He's cute, in a nerdy kind of way..." she goes on. "The date? I told him I'd have to think about it, and that we'd have to keep it a secret so my boyfriend doesn't find out. And it would be very risky - he's a big guy, and he gets furious when other men hit on me. I'm not going to fuck him, Billy, but I might suck his cock if it gets me the car. Yes, I want it that much. So?"
"So, do you plan on seeing this guy, I mean, after the deal is done?"
"Oh, come on, Billy. He has a wife and two kids. I saw their picture on his desk. He's kinda cute, but he's not someone who would play our games. He has a nice, average cock. He's so nerdy, and seems so desperate. I've seen his wife's picture; she's pretty, but far from sexy - the 'wholesome' type. She'd never give him a hand job in public like I did; I could tell by how shaken he was when I took his cock out. He grinned and grinned after he came, like he never imagined a woman would do that, not even his wife. She'd be devastated if she found out. A date? No way I'd do that to her."
"Okay, but just remember, we were told not to do anything that makes us conspicuous," I remind her. "Charles and his associates won't be in prison forever. We have a lot to lose, maybe our lives if he finds us. You do look amazing in the car, but men will be after you all the time. You'll have to be cautious about how you deal with that."
"Oh Billy, I think you might be jealous! You shouldn't be, you know. You're so special to me - no other man could be the husband you are."
"You mean, no other man would get off watching guys fuck you and still want you as his wife. I get that, but I hope there's more to it than that."
"Billy, after everything we've been through? How could I not love you more than I'd ever love any man? I'm not going anywhere."
"In that case, I'll transfer some cash, and it'll be yours."
She hugs me, in an intentionally 'sisterly' way, then strolls back across the showroom floor to let him know.
Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
#69 · Edited by: Don Jetman
The next day Kate calls me from her shop just before noon. "I've been thinking about what you said, you know, about staying inconspicuous. And the more I picture myself in that red car, the more I worry I might seem, um, too easy - like I'm trolling for, well, you know. I don't need to do that now - I have Aidan, and Gabriel, and you, of course. I can't imagine that wouldn't be enough for me."
"I can't imagine you keeping up with both of them at the same time," I tell her. "I can imagine them competing for time with you. You have no idea what Gabriel will want from you yet, but I can imagine that too. He's a big, powerful guy, who no doubt has some very kinky ideas about what he'd do with my wife's body. And, he knows I'd probably be fine with it."
There's silence from Kate for a while; I can hear her breathing into the phone - deep, heavy breathing. It's teasing in a way, but also more than that. It excites me to know my description of Gabriel's intentions does this to her.
"Aidan dropped by today - he's - here - with me - now."
She's breathing heavier, in ragged little gasps that she doesn't try to hide from me.
"I told him about the car - and how I have - some reservations - about - how it would make me - look. He - took me out to another - dealership, one where he - knows the owner."
She's giggling now, and I know he's doing things to her that remain a mystery to me.
"There was this silver Mercedes in the showroom, a sexy convertible, an SL Roadster I think it was called. Billy, it's both sexy and classy - and Aidan - got me an amazing deal. It was funny - the owner looked me over more than once, like he knew Aidan was fucking me. Aidan noticed, and told him I'm a 'special' friend of Breigha's and his - and, oh God Aidan, please stop for a minute - anyway, the salesman just smiled. It's the car I want, Billy. Are you upset that Aidan helped me find it instead of you?"
"I know the car," I tell her, "and I'm glad you found one you like. I think it's perfect for you - classy and sexy. Men will look at you differently, but they'll still look. Did Aidan take you to lunch after?"
"Um, sweety, I was so grateful and excited. We spent some time together upstairs here at the shop. I can't believe he's still so horny for me after we...."
"You mean you fucked, right? And you might again after we've talked?"
"Well, it's the best way I can think of to thank him - don't you agree?"
"I know - you're very, very grateful, right?" I'm grinning, teasing her.
"Maybe even more than that. God, Billy, he's so wonderful in bed - he makes me cum so hard, with so little effort. He's like this well-oiled sex-machine. But this time was special. We both came together, and it was like nothing else existed. It was wonderful. But you know I love you, Billy, much more than I could ever love him, right? Even in your present 'state'?"
"I believe you, Kate. It's fine. I'll be there in an hour. We can go back, do the paperwork, and you can drive it home. Wear something sexy so all the guys at the dealership can get another look at you. You know how I love showing you off."
"Um, but Billy, they're all pretty sure I'm fucking Aidan. Are you sure you want to go there and have me introduce you as my husband?"
"I know it's strange, Kate, but it kind of excites me having them think he's fucking you. I'm looking forward to how they react to my delicious little wife fucking around with her 'boyfriend', then showing up with her husband to pay for the car. Wear something sexy."
"I see - so, you want me to play the slutty wife for them? Your very grateful, cheating wife? I can do that, if you want. You know I can. But I'll do it for you, not them. I love that look you get when you see other men want me. How it gets you all shakey and trembly, like you can't tell whether I'll let them fuck me or not. Maybe you wonder if they're really, really hung and I want theirs more than yours? Is that what you want, Billy? To worry a little? That your wife might find a new, bigger, better stud?"
Now I can feel that she's grinning, teasing me back.
"You're the only woman who can do all that to me, Kate. You know you are. And I love you for it. So, make me wonder. Make me tremble and shake. Make me want you more than ever when strange men try to pick you up. Because you're MY sexy little slut, and you make me happier than I've ever been."
"I'll call the salesman now, sweetie - right now. If you pick me up later today before they close, I'll show you what I know you want to see. I have just the thing to wear. Bye!"
There has always been this thing when Kate calls herself a slut and then assures me that she loves me. She knows how the contradiction gets my attention and always gets me hard for her. She's taken my s u b m i s s i o n to her needs beyond what I thought my limits would ever be, and knows just how far to push my fantasies now that we have a safer life. And now, for the first time, she's safely within arm's length but unavailable to me. There's no artificial barrier like the cage, but a natural one - my inability to get hard, even with her most extreme provocation. I've willingly sacrificed what other men can give her to play The Game. Gabriel's pills work all too well. I'm completely impotent, but Kate's libido, and mine as well, is running wild. If this wasn't a game, I'd be terrified. But I play willingly. It excites me. Kate now needs constant sex more than ever, and I have no choice but to watch her brazen trolling for it. But my God, the helplessness is both painful and excruciatingly delicious. Kate will find what she needs, and for the time being, I'll be powerless to compete with men who satisfy her. Still, it's only a game, right?
It's not as if I'm castrated - my urge to fuck Kate never ends, and my fantasies about her with a hung Bull occupy me constantly. The helplessness that it brings is like a fever when she does what she does to me. Everything about The Game is working for us. Although it resurrects the angst that was a constant companion when I watched Kate's body used by so many of Charles's clients. Now, voluntarily sacrificing her body to Aidan and Gabriel renews the restless eroticism from the past without the obsessive fears of violence and loss I juggled in the past.
There was a duty to it all back then, and a fear that refusing to cooperate with Charles would bring punishment and ultimately disaster for us. Now, in the absence of his threats, my s u b m i s s i o n to Kate's increasingly daring whims is surprisingly rewarding. Our past has changed me, in ways I never could have imagined. Somewhere along the way, pain became pleasure, h u m i l i a t i o n became a willing passenger, and Kate's body became other men's freely available luscious trophy.
Kate seems to become more beautiful, more seductive, every minute of every day. She's so much her own woman now, not the adorable woman-c h i l d I married. Sometimes in my head, I hear her tell me, "If I want sex, I'll just choose a man and get fucked," knowing I'll not only allow it, I can't wait for her to parse out the details.
The Game, the pills, Adain, Breigha, all of it has us swimming in a sea of heart-racing turmoil. Where will it take us? How far should we dare to go for them? Is Kate imagining Gabriel's cock prying her open while she stares quietly and smiles at me across our breakfast table? It's frightening to see how much Kate wants more of it. At least, for the first time, we're not prisoners; we've volunteered, given ourselves to The Game. The expectations consume us; we're each following a selfish internal path forward, unique and self-fulfilling, but still driven by an unshakable future as husband and wife. Our love has been tested repeatedly until it's become a safety net that will hopefully prevent our fall. I'm certain that eventually, Kate and I will fuck. For the time being, our journey to that day keeps us afloat and paddling deep waters between twenty-foot swells, promising us a new, rewarding destination that has always been just out of reach.
Posts: 1288
As always, I love your work Don! The way you understand the angst we willingly suffer for our better halves is incredible. Every cap and verse you write always makes me grateful to be a cuck, thank you ❤️🙏🏼 x
Don Jetman
Posts: 3220
BumNote: The way you understand the angst we willingly suffer for our better halves is incredible. I can't imagine a nicer compliment, BumNote. Although I've never 'suffered' like some of my characters, I do take a lot of the excitement and angst from my real life as a hotwife husband. I'm very glad you're enjoying it. My next chapter is almost complete - it's longer and has more sex. 'Gabriel' is based on someone L and I know very well - physically not the same, but very much 'Gabriel' in his behavior. Kate IS L, her submissiveness to him, and her care and concern for me. It's all a mix of our past and our imaginations. L chooses not to do any of the actual writing, but she does offer some guidance now and then over my shoulder. "Oh - I'd do (or say) this, but not that!" Even then, sometimes I choose to go where she'd fear to tread. That's just fantasy. Don
Posts: 4337
BumNote: As always, I love your work Don! The way you understand the angst we willingly suffer for our better halves is incredible. Every cap and verse you write always makes me grateful to be a cuck, thank you yes, I agree absolutely . Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.
Posts: 2240
Posts: 5854