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My Journey into Becoming Susan

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"Suzy....SUZY...", I heard my wife calling from the foot of the stairs.
"Coming Dear", I called, raising from my knees on the bathroom floor.
"What is it Dear" I asked, a little breathless from quickly descending the stairs.
"Have you finished cleaning the bathroom?" she asked.
"Yes, just", I smiled, "It sparkles!"
"Good girl", she replied. Her smile back was only the hint of one, but it made me happy. My life was devoted to making Sandra happy.

Lightly taking my elbow, she guided me into the lounge, where we both sat. I no longer needed to watch and learn how she sat anymore, it was now instinctive : back straight, legs diagonal, knees and feet together, hands on lap.

"I'm meeting up with Jen later", Sandra told me, "We're going into town clothes shopping"
"After anything special?" I asked.
"Well, definitely a couple of new blouses for work and....well,if I spot a nice,sexy party dress,a girl's...."
"A girl's got have what a girl's got to have" I finished her words with a smile, knowing them well.
"So," she said,"Be a good girl and fetch me your bank card".

When I returned and passed her my card, Sandra looked me up and down as I remained standing.
"How's YOUR wardrobe at the moment" she asked, "You've had that dress for ages".
I was wearing a flowery summer dress, one I did housework in during hot weather. I looked down and stroked the front of the slightly flared skirt.
"Well..." I said," I do love wearing this, but yes I've had it some time now underwear has been in the wash rather a lot..."
"In that case you're going to need some new then" she said, "A couple of bra's, a set of panties, do you want me to choose?"
"Oh yes please Dear!" I breathed, "That would be lovely and if you see a nice nightie and matching negligee that you think would suit me....."
"Well I'm not likely to see you in them in YOUR bedroom, but yes, I'll look."

Once Sandra had gone to meet her friend Jen, I spent the afternoon in the kitchen doing a little baking. The kitchen was my little domain with Sandra rarely entering it. The place where I could prepare and cook meals for her while letting my thoughts wander...

Sandra and I had been married, after a brief courtship, for almost 8 years now and I had begun evolving into Susan for seven of those.
All those who have gone down the same path will be familiar with my situation: A bitterly disappointed bride at her husband's sexual inadequacy, her turning to other men for satisfaction, a tearful, pleading husband not to divorce him, then....a compromise, because she knew I adored her.
In return for her remaining, she would date other men and I would take on ALL household chores.

I was so overjoyed at this, that I became emotional...VERY emotional. Sandra soon noticed this. She saw that her slightest rebuke would make me tearful and assume a submissive demeanour. I began to lose what few manly traits I had, a process I hardly noticed and had no desire to fight.

Then, one fateful night, I thought my world had come to an end. Sandra had been out on a date and I was in my bed still awake when she returned home in the early hours.
After about 10 minutes she burst into my bedroom in a rage.
"You dirty dog!" she shouted, "I suspected it and set a trap!" When I saw what she was waving above her head, a pair of her silk panties,I almost fainted with fright.
"You've been using these, haven't you? Using my panties for your filthy wanking? You DIRTY BITCH!"

All I could do was burst into tears and plead guilty. She stood over my bed, glowering at me for a short while."You're PATHETIC!" she shouted, then threw the soiled panties at my face.
"Keep them!" she said, "I don't want your filthy mess anywhere near my body!"
For the whole of the next day, not a word passed between us.

The afternoon following, when I served her meal, I plucked up the courage to apologise. I told her that I just wanted something of hers to love, to express my love for her.
"Well you certainly "expressed" didn't you?" she said without looking at me. I continued with profuse apologies, then, when she did look up at me, she saw tears on my face.
"Alright", she said, dropping her cutlery on the plate. "Knowing you, I'm not entirely surprised by your behaviour so I'm going to overlook it" I was beside myself with gratitude and thanked her.
"BUT!" she said,"There'll be a price to pay, a punishment before I forgive." I was so happy, I agreed to anything.
"You will WEAR those panties for one whole week, just to remind you of what a dirty bitch you are".
"Yes Sandra, yes Dear, thankyou" I whispered.

To be cont.


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Nice start! Look forward to reading more.


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Part 2.

"How's Suzy?" Jen asked, as the two friends sat over coffee. On the floor by their feet were several bags of shopping from various boutiques.
"Fine" Sandra nodded, "Baking this afternoon I think".
"Best decision ever, you not kicking him out", Jen grinned.
"Oh God yes!" Sandra agreed, "What woman can say she never has to lift a finger at home?"
"More and more actually", Jen said, "There's an interesting article in this months Cosmo, saying how divorce figures are down".
"Oh", Sandra said, "How come? Tell me more".
"Well, with female empowerment complete now, instead of kicking useless husbands out, more wives are keeping them to run the household, just as you've done with Suzy."You're a trailblazer Sandra!"
Both women laughed out loudly, drawing attention from other customers.

"The article gives the addresses of several new clubs springing up" Jen continued.
What kind of clubs?" Sandra asked.
"Where the rejected husbands can meet and socialize" Jen explained,"One's called "Sweeties!"
Another burst of laughter from the two beautiful women.
"So they're all feminised?" Sandra asked.
"Oh God yes!" Jen exclaimed,"What wife in her right mind would keep a useless dog?"
After a moment of silent thought, Sandra asked Jen to let her have that Cosmo when she'd finished with it.

After finishing their coffee and chat, the two women stood and kissed their goodbye's.
"Tell Susan that I chose her new nightie" Jen grinned.
"I will",Sandra laughed, "She'll blush but secretly love that!"

After a seven year long learning curve of the eight year old marriage, Susan's feminisation was as complete as she and Sandra could make it. Although he could still achieve an orgasm as a man, which he occasionally did in the confines of his own bedroom, it was with a small, semi flaccid penis and the climax produced what can best be described as a couple of teardrops, rather than the spurt of a real man's semen.

Clothing aside, Susan was female in most respects now, though not as mentally strong as most real females. Most of her day was spent keeping the home in pristine condition for her, still, wife Sandra. A little praise for her efforts here and there made her heart sing with pleasure.
Ever the wise woman, Sandra knew she had the best of both worlds. Sexually, she was fulfilled and satisfied by an endless supply of handsome beau's. Domestically her every whim was pandered to by her ever adoring maid. Being a strong woman was great!

Day to day, Sandra was now firm but kind to Susan. The two chatted often, mostly about clothes, hair and make-up, subjects close to both their hearts.
Evenings, whenever Sandra wasn't out on a date, were spent watching TV together. With both in their nighties and negligee's, weepy, romantic movies were a firm favourite.

On one such evening, Sandra asked Susan if she'd heard about clubs call Sweeties. Susan blushed and nodded.
"There's a new branch just opened in town" she said, "I read about it online, why?"
"Tell me what you read", Sandra smiled, "And there's no need to blush".
Unable to control her blushes, Susan explained that they were for.....husbands like her, who wanted to meet up socially.
"That's what I'd heard", Sandra said, "Jen told me about it. Do you fancy joining, meeting other girls like you? It could be fun".
Susans blush now turned crimson, telling the wise Sandra all she wanted to know
"I.....I'd be too shy Dear" Susan whispered.
"Well so will all the others" ,Sandra explained, "All shy and blushing together, all with so much in common, I bet you'd love it".
Susan went quiet,her eyes downcast. She was harbouring a secret which she couldn't even tell the woman she adored.
When she'd read about the club, the thought of meeting likeminded husbands excited her.....then aroused her little pantied penis...
"I'm going to enrol you" Sandra said firmly. "They meet Tuesday evenings. It'll get you out and it will be fun,ok?"
Still crimson, Susan nodded, secretly excited.

To be cont.


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Part 3.

It was just past 11 o'clock when Susan arrived home from her first visit to "Sweeties" and as soon as Sandra saw her beaming face, she knew she'd enjoyed herself.
"Go and change into your nightie and negligee Suzy, then come back down to the lounge. I want to hear ALL about it!" In truth, Sandra was as excited as her husband.

"Well", Susan began, her hands neatly on her lap. "It was lovely!"
"Tell me what was lovely about it" Sandra urged, "How many sissy hubbies were there?"
"Errr...about 15 or 16",Susan smiled, "All so beautifully dressed. We all had name badges. I felt so shy at first, but we soon all got chatting".
"About?" Sandra asked.
"Oh, anything girlie, but a lot about our wives too".
"What about your wives?" Sandra wanted to know.
"Well, about how much our wives....adore them...look up to them..."
"Oh, that's so sweet!" Sandra beamed, "Sweeties at Sweeties! Did you like any of particular?"
Susan blushed and looked down.
"You did! What's her name?"
"Pamela...Pam", Susan whispered, the familiar crimson returning to her smooth cheeks.

Sandra took her husbands hand in hers and after getting eye contact, asked what she liked about Pamela.
"She's....pretty....very soft spoken, very....feminine..." Suzy whispered.
"And does she serve like you do? At home?" Suzy nodded.
"We're so our situation. She told me she should never have married ,never even dated girls".
"How so?" Sandra asked.
"Because deep down she knew....knew from her early teens that she....She started with secretly dressing her sisters clothes and well...felt jealous.."
"Jealous of his sister?" Sandra probed, "Because she was a real girl and he wasn't?" Susan nodded.
"I understand", Sandra said, squeezing Suzy's hand. "Thankfully, boys like him can be more open about their feelings nowadays and be the girls they want to be. It's just a shame that some try to hide their feeling with marriage, it can never work out."
"Are you....sorry I married you, Sandra?" Susan asked in a whisper.
"I think I made that clear at the time", she said, "But.....well, it's all worked out ok in the end, hasn't it? I've got my lovely men to date and my lovely maid at home, just like Pamela's wife has".

The next morning, during breakfast with Sandra, Susan's phone rang.
"Hello?" she answered. "Oh hi....hi Pam". Sandra noted how Suzy's voice suddenly softened and smiled to herself.
"Having breakfast with my wife", Suzy replied, "You?" Sandra listened intently, though hearing on Suzy's voice.
"Me too, it was lovely.......I loved your dress, no, the hem wasn't too high.....Lovely legs.....eyeliner makes all the difference, doesn't it?....err, yes that would ne so nice, hold the line and I'll ask Sandra".
"It's Pamela, Dear, she'd like us to meet up".
"Why don't you ask her to come here? I'm out on a date all Thursday evening?"
Susan conveyed her message to her new friend and arrangements were made.
"Bye" Susan whispered ultra softly,"Me too, bye Pamela..bye".
Both Susan AND Sandra felt very excited.

Late Thursday afternoon, Sandra emerged from the bathroom after enjoying a bubble bath. Susan waited patiently outside on the landing to bathe in the still hot and clean water.
"Double dating" Sandra grinned as they passed each other. Then, giving Susan's pantied bottom a little smack, added "How exciting!"

As Susan wallowed in the sudsy water, her mind was in a whirl. Was this a date, a real date, as Sandra had described it? She tried to dismiss the meaning of that word.No ,it was just two new friends meeting for a chat.....wasn't it?
Her answer was revealed by her own body.Under the water, down between her smooth, always shaved legs, something, a part of him mostly dormant nowadays, stirred.
Oh God!.....oh God!

Just before Sandra left for her date, the two of them inspected each others clothes.
"You look devine Dear" Susan said of his wife's new cocktail dress,"Utterly devine, as always." Sandra smiled happily.
"Is everything in place?" Sandra asked her husband,"New bra and panties? You look gorgeous in that skirt and blouse. Now you two girls have fun, do you hear? Don't hide your feeling, do you understand? I think you do.Now, if I'm coming home tonight, it'll be about midnight, I don't know what Mark's got planned. Otherwise I'll see you tomorrow sometime, ok?"
"Ok Dear, you have a lovely time too, Mark sounds hunky".
"Oh he is" Sandra grinned, "Very hunky!"

To be cont.


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Part 4.

Pamela arrived at Susan's house at the appointed 8pm. Without a seconds thought, they greeted each other with a light kiss on the cheek: it was pure instinct, it's what females did. Going into the lounge and sitting together on the sofa, this instinct continued with mutual compliments about clothes, hair and make-up etc.
Pam had also chosen to wear a skirt and blouse, but being petite and with gorgeous legs, her skirt was slightly flared and above the knee.
Any early nerves soon disappeared and the two chatted animatedly, with lots of hands and smiles. When the subject of their wives came up, Pam told of how his wife Tina had a long term lover in Ben, rather than dating different men. The two had met in the early months of the marriage and had embarked of a secret affair.
When Pam finally found out, there was relief rather than hurt. Man-woman sex was a charade right from the honeymoon.

After a couple of glasses of wine, the two found themselves edging closer together on the sofa.
"Before you arrived", Susan confided in her soft voice, "Sandra told me not to hide my feelings". She reached for Pam's hand then and gently held it.
Pam leant forward, her lipstick lips inviting the inevitable.

Their kiss was soft and unhurried and lingered for the best part of a minute. Kissing other men was new to both, but it seemed so natural and normal to engage that way.
Hands ventured under skirt hems and stroked along smooth thighs. Once fingertips found the front of panties, feminine sighs bathed the lounge.

Susan, never more than semi flaccid for over 3 years, stiffened to his full four inches under Pams stroking. For her part, Pam had retained a little more of her maleness down there and sported and extra inch of erection.
"Are we safe to take our skirts and panties off, Susan?" Pam whispered excitedly.
Susan glanced at the clock, seeing it was only 9.15.
"Very safe",she whispered"Lets go to my bedroom".

Sandra arrived home at just after ten the next morning. Susan greeted her, noticing how his wife's eyes sparkled, as they always did after a night of lovemaking.
"Well, anything to tell me, young lady?" Sandra grinned as she drank some tea. Susan blushed, but spoke.
"We had a lovely evening", he said dreamily, "A wonderful, beautiful evening...."
Sandra reached for his hand, recognising exactly what had happened by his words.
"Did you stay in the lounge?" she asked. Susan shook her head.
"So you confirmed your love in bed together? That is beautiful, I'm so happy for you."

With her natural female curiosity, Sandra wanted to know how the two had expressed their love for each other.
Throughout the day and evening, she gently prised the intimate secrets from her husband. There had been lots and lots of kissing, firstly on lips, then on bodies and finally down where it mattered most.
"Did he taste a little salty?" Sandra asked, "My men all do". At first Susan blushed her usual crimson,but then gave a happy laugh and nodded.
"Good girl for sharing that Susan", Sandra praised, squeezing her husbands hand,"It's good that we can share little secrets isn't it? Girls together".

Later, Sandra phoned Jen to update her and Jen squealed in delight down the phone.
"I'm so proud of her Jen, so proud that my husband is finally all girl".

The End?


Posts: 72
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Very nice. Well told. I'd love to hear more because this would be a dream come true for me.
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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My Journey into Becoming Susan
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