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Cindy Takes a Breeding

Rating: 3


Posts: 1019
As the two women strolled the secluded rear portion of the estate, seeking Juan, Estelle said, "Cindy, you are about to witness domestic impudence at its worst. Watch carefully. As you can see, I am not dressed provocatively. I will make no sexual overtures. I will even react as a lady should. See what happens. You will be amazed at this man's bold and lurid behavior. When I resist, he will ***** his way on me."

"Suppose he goes after me. I am dressed provocatively."

"Yes, and that's one reason I want you along. I'm curious as to weather he'll even assault me with you nearby. If he turns his attentions on you, that will be interesting as well."

"Should I go along, or resist."

"Resist, of course, but not too rigorously. Just make it look good. Employing a ****** is rather exciting, don't you think?"

"Yes, very. Is he any good?"

"He's very good. As much as you enjoy a good ****, I'm sure you'll be pleased. There he is, over by the gazebo."

Juan noticed them at the same time they noticed him. He set aside his tools and watched them make their way over. Estelle could see the curious expression he had on seeing Cindy with her. His beady little eyes drank in her not-so-well-hidden charms. His mind was working, she could see that. When he reached for his crotch and crudely fondled himself in plain view, she knew something would happen. She tried not to smile as Cindy quietly exclaimed, "Jesus, look at him rubbing his dick. You were right. Somebody is about to get fucked, that's for sure. By the way he keeps looking at me, I think it's me."

"Let me do the talking. He won't understand a word, but perhaps I can get him focused on me. You've had plenty of cock; it's my turn, now."

"God, ******, he has a nice bulge. Save some for me."

"You just try to keep a straight face, no matter what I say. Remember, you should be outraged by what you are about to witness."

Estelle strode up to stand before him with Cindy at her side but holding back a few feet. Juan's eyes darted from one to the other. His massaging hand increasing its motion. Estelle folded her arms looking stern and said, "Juan, I've come to speak to you about your impudent behavior. I want you to know that ..." Juan unzipped and pulled out his thick member, stroking it, staring dumbly with his fat tongue pushing out his lower lip.

Estelle let her eyes fall on his cock, recoiling with mock disapproval, half shouting, "Why you disgusting wretch. How dare you expose yourself before my ********?"

Trying to keep her straight face, Cindy quietly said, "Gee, I didn't know I got to go first."

Without taking her eyes off of Juan, Estelle said, "Shut up, Cindy. Look serious, damnit. Can't you see I'm about to get ****d by this Mexican moron?" As she spoke these words, Juan closed the distance between them. Estelle backed up for appearances sake, but was caught in his lunging grasp. She squealed as he drew her close with both grubby hands digging into her soft buttocks. Cindy brought her hands to her mouth, jumped back, and cried, "Oh, no, Mommy! You let my Mommy go, you nasty pervert."

Estelle fired back mock anger, "Unhand me this instant, you brute! Stop grinding that magnificent penis against my clit like that."

Speaking in a voice of panic, Cindy said, "******, how can I keep a straight face if you say things like that." To add a touch of realism, Cindy slapped at Juan's arm. Juan brushed her away, and took the opportunity to rip Estelle's dress down the front.

Estelle uselessly tried to hold the halves together as he continued tearing down through the skirt. She said, "Holy ****! He's never been like this. He's not listening to a word I say. Slap at him some more. That was good."

Cindy slapped at Juan's hands as he tore shreds of cloth from her ******* resisting body. Juan ignored her and soon had Estelle down to bra and panties. He ripped the panties off and tore open her bra at the center, exposing her tits. Estelle cupped her tits protectively shouting, "Damn, but he's excited!"

He drew her back into the lewd embrace and wedged his cock between her thighs. His rock hard cock sawed between her thighs, running through her aroused sex lips.

Estelle was powerless to either resist or assist. She took the obscene buffeting as Cindy got behind him and pounded her tiny fists on his back. She locked eyes with her ****** while shouting, "Don't you dare stick that big brown dick in my Mommy's horny pussy, you dirty, illegal alien ******, you."

Estelle moaned, "Oh, fuck! He's getting it in. Oh, Yes! Oh! He's in. He's fucking me, Cindy. He's ****** me so good. Oh, I simply must get this man a green card. If he gets deported, I'll die."

Juan carried her to the ground and sprawled over her, pumping like a wild man. Estelle laid, sprawled, delightfully resigned to her fate. Cindy stood over the pair and said in a normal voice, "Wow, this is great! What should I do now? I feel a bit silly giving him a back massage."

"Just watch. Oh, Cindy, this is so good. I just adore a good ****. Fuck me you bastard!"

Cindy watched them fuck, growing hornier by the second. Suddenly, Juan stopped. He carried wooden stakes in his big pockets. He drew one out and tried to ***** it into the earth above Estelle's head and to her right. Estelle looked back to try to see what he was up to. Juan looked all around until his eyes fell on his mallet ten feet behind him where he'd dropped it. Cindy realized that he wanted the mallet. She walked over, picked it up, then returned to hand it to him. Juan pounded the stake in the ground, then wound string around Estelle's wrist.

After tying her wrist to the stake, he set another three feet out from it. Estelle looked to Cindy as he bound her other hand and said, "Do you think that was proper behavior to hand a ****** a fucking hammer while he's ****** your ******?"

Cindy giggled nervously and said, "I wasn't thinking about that, but it does sound crazy, huh?"

As Juan pulled out and moved to stake Estelle's feet out wide, Cindy said, "I guess he wants you staked out."

"No ****, detective. Don't you want to hold the stake for him."

"I do, but he's doing fine by himself. This is so exciting. This is just like a real ****."

"Yes, and I don't mind telling you, I'm a bit concerned."

"Relax, he won't hurt you. This will be much better, more fun to watch, anyway."

As soon as Juan had Estelle staked out, spread-eagled on the lawn, he stood and grabbed Cindy. She squealed as her clothes were ripped off. Hers came away easily, leaving her nude in seconds. She was then roughly ****** to lie over her ******, tit to tit, crotch to crotch. As he wrapped her left hand and secured it to the same stake that held her ******* right hand, she said, "Oh, ****, ******!"

"Oh **** is right. I must say, I admire his style."

Juan staked Cindy over her ****** in little time, then stood up between their legs, admiring his work. He took off his pants and knelt between both sets of legs. Estelle said, "Now, the question is, who gets ****d first?"

Her question was answered as Juan entered Estelle's pussy. She moaned, but the moan was short lived. He drew out and entered Cindy.

Cindy moaned, saying, "Oh, Jesus, he has a great cock. Ummm ... yes ... you're right, ******, **** does suit me. We must get this ***** ********* ****** a green card. We simply must." Juan went back and forth between the two cunts, then drew out of both.

Cindy's eyes got big, and she exclaimed, "******, he's trying to stick that thing up my ass!"

"Oh, that impudent bastard, sodomizing my little girl right on top of me! He must be trying to get a raise."

"Oh, ****! Oh, that hurts! Fuck! Ouch! Ouch! Owwwcchh!"

"Relax, make like you are taking a ****. Push out!"

Cindy stained as Juan's cock pushed on in. The technique did help. Juan was soon in to the balls. "Ugggh! He's in all the way. Damn, I feel like a Christmas goose." Juan began fucking her ass. "Ugggh! Ughh! Ohhh ... ummm ... that's not so bad, now!"

"What a slut!"

"Yes, talk dirty to me, ******!"

"Kiss me, you ass fucking whore!"

Cindy eagerly entered into a passionate kiss as Estelle humped her cunt against Cindy's with what limited play there was. Each was in a frenzy of lust as Juan reached his climax, pouring a copious load up Cindy's entrails.

When he pulled out and stood, both women slumped in their bindings. Seconds later, warm water splashed against the back of Cindy's head. When she raised her head, the stream hit Estelle full in the face. The acrid smell of urine answered their silent question. They tried to shield their faces as Juan maneuvered about dousing them liberally, soaking their hair, trailing the stream down Cindy's back, even squirting into their crotches. When he finished, he pulled on his pants and simply walked off.

They were too stunned for words for several long seconds, then Estelle began to laugh. Cindy felt as well as heard the laughter. Her ******* laughter became contagious. Soon, they were both laughing. Cindy licked at the wetness on her ******* face, made a pleasing expression, and said, "Not bad."

"Didn't I tell you he was impudent."

"Yeah, that was pretty impudent, all right--****** your employer and her ******** while staked out on the lawn, pissing on them, then leaving them for someone to find. You don't get more impudent than that. Oh, Jesus, I was so wrong. ******, he's leading one of those sentry dogs over here."

Estelle strained to see behind her. Sure enough, Juan had one Doberman on a leash, heading right for them. The two dogs were leased from a security company. The family never interacted with them. The dogs were kept in a pen during the day and let free to roam the grounds at night. "Oh, my God! It's a male, isn't it?"

"They're both males."

"He wouldn't dare ... would he?"

Her question was answered when Juan guided the dog between their legs. The dog began lapping their crotches, sending delicious chills up both women. Cindy cried out, "Stop this, Juan! I mean it. Stop this now, or I'll scream. Alto, por favor, god damnit!"

"Shut up, Cindy. It's not like you've never been screwed by a dog before."

"Yeah, but not one like this. ******, they're huge, and they're mean."

"Then don't piss him off. Relax, there's nothing we can do about it anyway. We're being ****d. Remember what I taught you. When **** is unavoidable, lie back and enjoy it."

"You never taught me that."

"I meant to. I'm teaching you, now."

"Yeah, but this wasn't part of the deal. ******, I don't want to get ****d by a fucking Doberman."

The dog was already humping Cindy's leg and maneuvering higher. He soon stood over their upper torsos and tried entering her, but he was too high. Cindy felt herself being lifted by her ****** as Estelle strained to push up from below. Cindy cried, "******, what are you doing, helping him?"

"Yes, I'm helping. Don't act so surprised."

The pointed cock hit Cindy between the cheeks and poked around. Estelle raised higher and the cock hit close to the mark, prompting Cindy to cry, "******, please! Stop doing that! I don't want this."

"Tell that to the dog. Stop fighting me, Cindy! Damn you, hold still!"

"Oh, Mom ... Ahh ... oh my god."


He hit the mark and hit it good, gliding effortlessly into Cindy's pussy. Cindy howled, "Oh, fuck, he's in me. He's fucking me. The dog is fucking me, ******! I hope you're happy."

"Deliriously. Oh, this is marvelous. I can feel his cock moving in you. He's so powerful."

"Uggh! He's so big. His cock is swelling up inside me. Ughhh! This is too much, ******. I ... Umph ... I feel like I'm being screwed by a horse. It's you he should be screwing. Next time, you get on top."

Estelle settled her ass back to the ground now that the dog was deeply ensconced in her ********, still humping away. Cindy held herself up to facilitate her screwing. Estelle said, "You can bet there will be lots of next times. Damn, I wish your ****** were here to see his precious little darling serving as a dog's bitch, a black dog at that. This just isn't a good day for white bigots."

Cindy, being buffeted rapidly, came when her ****** mentioned her ****** being a witness. The dog came right afterward but remained inside, panting. Estelle teased, "You make a beautiful bitch, Cindy."

"It's hard to feel beautiful staked out on the lawn with a dog's dick in you."

"Trust me, you're beautiful, and your ****** would think so as well. ********** is one of his favorite perversions. Combined with ******, you have an unbeatable combination. Throw sodomy in and he'll be in pervert heaven."

"Are you serious. He'd love this?"

"Absolutely. Ummm ... I can feel that knot in you."

"You should, it must be the size of a small apple. I'll bet he's as long as Jason. I'm not kidding. I can feel that cock way up inside me."

"It's too bad a dog can't get you pregnant. You'd look good with a litter of Doberman pups suckling your breasts."

"With those needle sharp teeth, no thank you."

"That's the best part, watching you squirm while they nurse."

"You have a sadistic streak in you, don't you, ******?"

"A little one, yes. I think we all do. I like this, being staked out. No one ever tied me up before. No one ever had the balls to try. I'm giving that gardener a raise. Juan, you have a raise, but if you ever piss on me again, I'll nail your spic balls to the tool shed."

Jason's familiar voice brought their heads twisting up or back. He said, "Madam, if you'd like, I'll talk with him. It appears he needs some guidelines."

"Oh, Jason! I'm glad you're here. He is a strange one. I don't trust him. Yes, do have a talk with him. Tell him that I am not to be pissed on ever again, and he'd better never leave a mark on me or Cindy. I mean that. Make sure he understands. I can have him deported, even jailed. I will, too."

"******, you forgot to mention the dogs and you just said he can't piss on you. What about me?"

"I know what I said, Cindy. Jason, those are the only limits I want set."

"As you wish, Madam."

When the dog pulled out, Juan took up the leash and led him away. Jason walked with Juan to the pen, speaking to him in Spanish. When they passed out of hearing, Cindy said, "******, that's not fair. I don't want to be used like that. I don't want to be pissed on and mated to dogs like a bitch."

"Yes, but I want you to be a pissed-on bitch. It amuses me. Don't worry, we'll keep this in the family. You'll adjust. This will spice up our lives. Everyone will enjoy this situation, especially your ******."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so. Trust me on this. Oh, look, they're bringing the other one. Okay, now this time, you do the work. Show them how much you want that doggie cock. Try to get him in your ass."

"Oh, God, ******, you are so perverted."

"Do it for your Daddy."

"Okay, I guess I have no choice, huh? I'll try. I'll try to be a good bitch."

"You'll try to get him in your ass?"

"Yes, I'll do my best."

Juan led the dog between their legs. The dog licked at the women. Cindy lifted and wiggled her butt wantonly. The dog mounted her and Cindy used her limited freedom of movement to lift and lower her ass, feeling for the distinctive rubbery point of his cock, being careful to keep her pussy hole low. The tip of the dog's cock prodded the upper reaches of her ass crack as she gradually moved up. The first good poke at the center of her stretched anus sent it three inches inside.

She squealed, "I did it, ******! He's in my asshole. Ohhh, he's in it deep already. Ughhh ... he's ... he ... he's in all the way. Oh, man, what a feeling. This feels great. The knot is swelling up. He couldn't pull out if he wanted to."

Estelle said, "Jason, did you hear that? My ******** is hung up with a dog."

"I can see that, Madam. I'm happy for you."

"Be happy for me, too, Jason. This feels wonderful."

"I'm glad to hear that. The dog looks pleased as well. By the way, Madam, I spoke with Juan and set him straight. It's a good thing I did. You don't want to know what he had in store for you two."

"What? What did he plan to do?"

"Very well. He was going to take a bunch of rose stems and whip you both, mostly between the legs. After that, he was going to dump a wheel barrow full of wet manure on you."

"Oh, that bastard! That sadistic bastard! Doesn't he realize we'd get terrible infections if he did that?"

"Madam, Juan is a borderline retard. He doesn't realize much of anything. He's dangerous because he's that stupid. In my opinion, you should rethink playing these games with him."

"We'll talk later. Right now, let's enjoy this doggie **** of my ********'s ass. Look at her. She's enthralled. You love this, don't you, sweetheart?"

"Oh, yes. He is so good! He's so big. He's bigger than the other one. I'm going to love being a bitch, but don't ever leave me alone with Juan. He scares me."

"He scares me too. Don't worry, dear. Don't ever step out back unless you have Jason or your ****** with you. Jason, you tell him that if he ever puts one foot inside the house, he's fired. He'll be fired, then put in jail, then deported, but not before I have him castrated. Make certain he understands, Jason."

"I'll see to it, Madam."

"Oh, he's cumming in my ass, ******. Oh, God, I love it. Fuck my ass, doggie! Oh, Jason, you must take me out often. I need to keep my doggie lovers happy."

Estelle added, "Yes, Jason, see to it. I want my ******** to be a well bred young lady. Try to put a smile of the muzzles of those mutts."

"As you wish, Madam."

The dog stopped moving but was locked in Cindy's ass. Estelle said, "Jason, cut me free, but leave Cindy."

Jason took pruning shears and cut the strings holding Estelle. She wiggled out from beneath her ********, but paused when her crotch was under Cindy's head. She drew her legs out and fanned them open, saying, "Suck me off, Cindy. I need a good cum after watching you service these dogs."

Cindy went right to work, laving her ******* cunt while the dog remained deeply embedded in her colon. She sucked hard on Estelle's clit and brought on a powerful orgasm. Estelle slithered out and stood beside Jason, looking down on her ********. She smiled and said, "Doesn't she look sexy that way?"


"Her ****** should see this."

Copyright © 1997, Phil Phantom, ALL Rights Reserved
This story may be freely distributed with this notice attached.
Rating: 3, 1 vote.
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Cindy Takes a Breeding
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