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The Knowing Cuck

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#1 · Edited by: lilmikey
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I was reading a thread about a cuckold's rights, and started writing a response. I have realized that it's more of an embellished true story than anything else. So here goes with a short installment.

The last 2 years of my marriage, I was a knowing cuckold. My wife was 15 years younger than me, and hot. We didn't refer to her as a Hotwife, didn't even know the term. Didn't know about chastity devices for men. Didn't know about female led relationships. There was a lot we didn't know, except that she grew tired of fucking me.

She had a well paying job, so I ended up at home doing all of the chores. I catered to all of her needs except sex. To say that she was spoiled was an understatement.

My rights began to diminish slowly over time. I can pin it down to the moment that I admitted to being her bitch. That conversation set the tone for our marriage. I've described it before here on this site, but here's a bit more detail. She asked point blank, "You're my bitch, aren't you?" I was sitting at the side of the bed, and she was standing over me with her hands on her hips. I knew she was right, but I tried to stand up for myself, "That's a hell of a question to ask. Why would you ask that?"

She replied, "Well, for the past few months you've fallen into the role of a housewife. Our roles have switched. I bring home the bacon, and you cook it. I go to work and you stay home with your honey do list. You haven't initiated sex in a long time." All you want is for me to go down on you," I interrupted.
"And that's another thing. You don't fuck me like you used to, or maybe I just like your tongue better, now. You still haven't answered my question. Are you my bitch, or not?"
I looked up at her and said, "Yes, I'm your bitch."
She smiled and said, "Of course you are."
"It's time I laid down some rules. Things are going to be different now that you're my bitch."
"How different?" I asked hesitantly, knowing that I would possibly love and hate what she was going to say.

"Mike, I will be calling you bitch from now on. It's what you are, after all." Let's try it out, "Bitch, go fetch me an ice tea while I think about this." When I brought her a sweet tea with a straw, she waved me away and told me to hold it for her. "Technically, you're still my husband, but now in name only. I love you, but differently. No more fucking, and you will only go down on me when I tell you to. Hah, it's been that way for a while anyways. And just because you don't get to fuck me anymore, doesn't mean you can jerk off whenever. I'll tell you when you can cum. Do you understand?" "Yes, dear," I lied.

"Hold the d rink over here so I can reach it." She took a sip, and her lipstick left red marks on the straw. "This is going to be hard for you to hear, but it makes sense. Just because you're not fucking me anymore, doesn't mean that I'm giving up fucking." I stood up, "What?" "Sit down, bitch!" I abruptly sat down. "Good boy. It's not going to be all that different for you. We haven't fucked in a couple of months, and now I need it bad."
"I'll fuck you right now." "Nope! No you won't, I have someone else better suited in mind," she smiled. Why don't you go down on me right now while I tell you about him, and all of the changes that I have in mind?"

"That's nice. No hands, please. Make me cum..."


Posts: 50
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Nice start. Please keep going


Posts: 1289
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Please continue, this is going really well 😈


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Posts: 195
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Ohhhh.. Need to know more about where this is going.
c benson


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Thanks, I'm glad that you all like it. Here's the next installment.

She held my head in both hands as I licked her pussy. Michelle was a brunette, and had her hair cut in a Pixie style. She had a small breasts that fit her slight frame very well. At this point, she still had pussy hair, although it was well manicured. She tasted very good, like seawater. She was moaning while she talked, "You know, I could have fucked around on you so many times, but I haven't. I've thought about it. I've talked with my girlfriends about it. In fact,....Oh my God. That's good. Right there. Don't stop."

She was still gripping the top of my head with one hand. The other was pinching her left nipple. I continued flicking my tongue directly on her clit. "In fact, Kimmy is the one that thought you were my little bitch. That's why I asked you." "You remember that management seminar that I went to last month?" I mumbled thru a mouthful of clit, "Mmm mmm."

"He's another manager and he's married just like me. His name is Gil, and he makes me wet. Just thinking about him is going to make me cum." I intensified my efforts. "Oh Goddamn it. Yes! Keep going, you bitch. Don't you dare stop."

I looked up from between her legs. Michelle's big brown eyes were glazed over as she ground herself against my mouth. "Oh Gil......Yes, yes, yes." This tailed off as her orgasm abated. She pushed me away with her feet. "You see. That's why I want to fuck him. He just made me cum so hard. All I had to do was think about him."

I got up to leave. "Oh, don't be mad. Would you rather I lied to you?" She motioned for me to stay, "Here, lay down at my feet like you like to do. I'll have some more of that ice tea if you don't mind." I held the glass while she took a sip. I pleaded, "You say that you still love me. How can you think about another man?" "I do love you, absolutely, but differently. I'm used to you. We've been together for a long time, and that is important. It's just that the sexual spark is gone. I don't know why, but you know it too."

"I mean, look at you. You're massaging my feet like you do every night. You're comforting me while I talk about this. Kimmy told me that you would be a perfect cuckold. I asked her what a cuckold was, and after she told me, I asked her if she knew any women that had cuckolded their husbands." I was now kissing her feet, "Well, did she?" "She knew 2 women. One felt so guilty afterwards, she begged for her husband to forgive her, but he couldn't. They ended up getting divorced. Her new boyfriend has a really big dick, and she's quite happy. The other is still with her hubby, but he's ok with it. He knows that he's too small to satisfy her."

I had my eyes closed while she caressed my face with her foot. "If we go through with this, I'd like to meet him. I have so many questions. Like, do I get to fuck around too. Or do I just sit on the sidelines, warming the bench? How does he deal with the jealousy, cause this is stirring up that feeling in my gut."

She held my face with her feet, one on each side, and locked eyes with me. "I can answer the first question. No, you don't get to fuck around. You will remain faithful to me, while I get to fuck around as much as I want. If fact, I think that you should become my enabler."

"Enabler? What, I'm supposed to help you get fucked? That is messed up." I stood up and walked back and forth, eventually sitting on the bench to her makeup table.

Michelle took on a consoling tone, "Oh honey. Look at our situation. We both love each other. Ok, maybe you love me a bit more or differently. Baby, I don't mean to hurt your feelings, but you were never really that good in bed. You have to know that, after all the times you came before I did. It's only natural that you became so decent at going down on me." I smiled, "Well, I am pretty good with my tongue."

"Yes, you are, but it's not enough. I need big dick, and a good Rogering. Weren't you like 6 inches when we got married? Cause it seems like its gotten smaller. We need to measure. No! not now you silly boy. We'll do that later when it's time for your orgasm."

"Time for my orgasm? What the hell does that mean?" She told me to sit down again. "My list of new rules for you. Since you're just my bitch, Kimmy and I started making a list. When you get used to this new relationship, I'm sure that you'll want to add to it. First things first, you can cum only once a week." She saw my grimace, and continued before I could utter a word, "It'll be worth it, I promise. If you truly love me, you'll do this for me. I can't keep an eye on you 24/7, but I'll figure it out if you've been jerking off." When I do give you permission, I'll even help. Maybe a little hand job, perhaps a little oral. The orgasm will be so good, that it'll be worth all your downtime."

"And you get to cum as much as you want?" I asked sullenly. "Oh, there's no question there. I will cum wherever and whenever I want." She explained that in this arrangement, my needs were secondary. "Your needs have become rights, or privileges that have to be earned. Mikey, whether you know it or not, I am now your Queen. Kimmy has helped me realize that I am more important, or even better than you. I'm sure that you already know this, but the sooner you accept it, the smoother your path will be. The smoother our path will be."


Posts: 1289
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That's a wonderful new chapter, Michelle is becoming such a great dominant lady. I hope she continues to break her sub down even more 😈


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
#8 · Edited by: lilmikey
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Thanks. Michelle did break me. It took a while until I gave in completely.

The story continues:

The next day while Michelle was at work, I did think about it... a lot. Today was bathroom day, so I spent the morning cleaning all 3 bathrooms. I didn't have to start dinner til 5, so I had the afternoon off. She really was better than me. I still wonder how at 35, I snagged a chick who was 15 years younger. A hot chick, at that.

Michelle was around 5' 5" tall, and 100 pounds. She got a lot of, "You look like Winona Ryder," comments.
I won't go into how we met, but she was a f orce of nature, and I lucked out. All of a sudden, I had this girlfriend. She was outgoing and fun, and looked great in a miniskirt. Those early days were a dream. We fucked a lot. Not saying that I was any good, but she was a virgin when I met her. She had only been with girls, and one of them popped her cherry with an over aggressive fingering. She had nothing to compare me to, so she didn't know any better. We married after a year and half of dating.

While I was considering all that Michelle had laid out the day before, I was thinking that this Kimmy was a bad influence on my wife.

Looking back, it happened gradually. Her natural tendencies began to take over, and I gave in. Happy wife, happy life. She almost always got her way, and when she didn't...look out. Her dominance and my easy-going nature went hand-in-hand. Things progressed to a female led relationship. So many times, I heard from my friends, "You're so whipped."

So, I admitted it to myself. She is better than me. Do I worship her? Well, kinda. Could I put up with her fucking other guys? That's the big question. Did I want to risk losing her if I didn't acquiesce? If I didn't give this a chance, odds were good that it would be the end for us. At least she wouldn't be doing this behind my back.

The reality was, that our sex life consisted of Michelle lying on the bed or chair, while I knelt on the floor and went down on her. She rarely reciprocated, so after she came, I usually jerked off onto a towel while I licked and sucked on her asshole. I hadn't fucked her for months. The chance that she would actually touch me again, even if it was only once a week, was very appealing. It was h umiliating and exciting to know that I wasn't good enough, and that some other dude had to please my wife in ways that I couldn't.

It was a new thing for Michelle to verbally put me down. When she called me her bitch, it made my dick twinge. I liked it, and I decided right then that I wanted more. I called her at work and told her that I was in. I would be her willing cuckold.

I had dinner waiting for her when she walked through the front door. She stood there with a knowing grin on her face, "Kneel before your Queen!" I dropped to my knees, and kissed her feet, "May I make a request?" Michelle sat at the dining room table. I remained on my knees, "I think that you're too young to be a Queen, and would make a much better Princess. What do you think?" She considered for a moment and nodded, "Yes, I like that. My Mom is the Queen, so that would make me a Princess. That is a very good idea. From now on, I am Princess Michelle, and you are my bitch." "We'll take it slow, but now that you have agreed, there will be a few immediate changes." I looked up at my Princess, "Of course."

"You will call me Princess, or Princess Michelle, at all times. I will call you, "bitch." Do you understand?"
"Yes, Princess." She continued, "This is how we will address each other, no matter where or who we're with." I thought about that, and asked, "Even in front of my family? Please don't call me bitch in front of my Mom." Her eyes lost a little hardness, and she gave in, "Ok, not in front of your family, yet.... But, everyone else, even your friends will know the truth. Mikey, oops, I mean bitch, your life is about to change."

"Also, we need to discuss my status. As your Princess, I will make all the decisions. I've been doing this for a while now, so it's not that big of a deal. We just never talked about it. You can have your opinions, and I will listen to them, but in the end, I will decide. You may not like this at first, but eventually you'll realize that it's better that I make the important decisions. This will make it easier for you to focus all of your attention on me."
"Keep your Princess happy, and life will be good for you. If you don't, there will be consequences." This caught my interest, "What kind of consequences? Are you going to punish me?"

"Well, yes. Of course, you'll need to be punished. I'm not going to spank you, if that's what you're thinking. I haven't given it a lot of thought, but I did have a discussion with Kimmy. I'll start with taking away privileges."
"Like what?", I demanded.
"First off, I don't like your tone. Don't you speak to me like that!"
I responded, in a low voice, "I'm sorry." She stood up, "I'm sorry, what?"
"I'm sorry, Princess."
"Good boy, that's more like it. Kimmy thinks that I should deny you the things that you're used to. Like changing our s leeping arrangement. It might be a good idea for you to s leep at the foot of the bed, or maybe even on the floor. I don't know, honey. It's going to be hard not letting this new power go to my head. I have to keep in mind that you are not my equal anymore. I think that it's better that you don't piss me off."


Posts: 437
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Great start lilmikey! Can't wait to read the rest.


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Posts: 4340
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Please continue

yes, please continue
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


Posts: 1289
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I love this and can't wait for her to start driving home her d0minance 😈


Posts: 155
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More please!


Posts: 15
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Great Story. THX a lot


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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Thanks guys! Next installment will be later today or tomorrow.


Posts: 3142
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Thank You.
I LOVE being a Known Cuck


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
#17 · Edited by: lilmikey
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As promised, maybe more tomorrow.

"I had lunch with Kimmy today and we talked a lot about you." "Me?," I had a sick feeling in my stomach. "We talked about our relationship, the way it's been and how it will change." Michelle went on about how I was a beta male, and that that was a good thing. Kimmy pointed out that our roles had already been swapped for quite a while, "Honey, Kimmy's been in female led relationships for years now, and thinks that you and I will be perfect for this."

"Ever since I got that promotion, and convinced you to quit your job, things have been going very well. Except for the sex, of course, but that will soon be addressed." "What do you mean?" I asked. "Oh, my little bitch. You already agreed to being my cuckold. Did you think that I was kidding?" "Mikey, you know how you would come to me for help and guidance when you had problems at work?" "Yeah, you're pretty good at that kind of stuff." "Of course, I am. You can't help it if you're sensitive, and easily hurt." She took me in her arms and held me tight, as she whispered in my ear, "I know that it won't be easy for you to see me with another man, but think how happy it will make me."

"Yes, you will be giving up your manly rights, but that's the point. In fact, in light of how we've been living for the last 6 months, that's the only major change I'll be demanding of you." "Demanding?" I burst out. "Shush, baby. I am your Princess, and I get to make demands now," she smiled.

"Let's put everything in perspective: You're my stay-at-home bitch. I am your breadwinner. We talked about my status. We discussed your status, such as it is. My sex life will change for the better, and yours will improve when I allow it." Michelle's big, brown eyes were piercing a hole in my submissiveness, "I told you that I would take away your rights as I saw fit, and that stands true. You haven't done anything that warrants punishment, yet."

We were on the couch, and I had my head in her lap. "You agreed to this, and very soon the reality will sink in. I'm going to allow you to have a bit of say in the matter." She stroked my hair out of my eyes, "I have a date this weekend with Gil." My stomach clenched, but I tried to let it go. "I said I'd never go behind your back, and I meant it. I can spend the evening at his place, and tell you all about it when I get home. Or, I can invite him over to our house. You could cook and serve us dinner. Then afterwards, if it's ok with Gil, you could sit in the corner and watch how a real man fucks me."

The thought of staying home and waiting while she was on a date didn't really appeal to me at all. The thought of serving my wife and her date dinner, didn't appeal to me either. But, watching my beautiful Michelle getting royally fucked in our bed made my dick twinge, a lot. "Ask him over," I squeaked. "What was that?" "I said, ask him over, please. I'd rather watch, than wait."

Michelle jumped up, leaving my head to fall back onto the cushion, "Excellent!" She ran to her purse and retrieved a business card with his name engraved on it. "Call him, and ask if he'd like to come over to our house and spend Saturday night with me. I know that it will be awkward for you, but it would make me very happy. Plus, it would set the tone by letting Gil know that you're ok with the arrangement. I don't want him being uncomfortable."

"What about me? Doesn't it matter if I'm uncomfortable?" Michelle looked like the cat that ate the canary, "Of course it matters, baby. Just not as much. You're not going to be an active participant, but Gil is, so he matters more. You'll need to get used to being at the low end of the pecking order."

"If you're a good boy and serve us like the little bitch that I know you can be, I might even reward you by letting you clean me up afterwards. Remember when we were trying to make babies, and while we fucked you were talking dirty? You said you were going to cum inside me, and then lick it all out. Hearing you say that made me cum so hard. When you came back out of the bathroom, I had my legs spread and the cum was oozing out of my pussy. You almost went for it, but then I saw you retch a little, and reach for a cigarette."

"I was so disappointed in you. Well, this weekend you might get another chance, and this time I won't give you a choice. You're going to be my cum sucking cunt bubble, sooner or later."


Posts: 1289
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A great new chapter, well worth the wait, and of course, More please! More! ❤️🙏🏼
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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great story


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Posts: 1975
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Really really good!


Posts: 405 Pictures: 1 
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More please!!!!!!!!!!!


Posts: 1975
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More please
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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yes...more please


Posts: 242 Pictures: 4 
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Awesome start, I know many would enjoy a continuation of this story
Thank you for sharing


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
#26 · Edited by: lilmikey
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I had forgotten about this story. Apologies for the long wait. Here's a bit more, and I promise more updates.

"Cum sucking cunt bubble? That's a new one," I asked. Michelle was sitting at the table watching as I did the dishes. "A few years back after I finished high school, Kimmy and I took a road trip to Nashville. I was driving and we were listening to a mix tape she had made. "What's Going On" by Concrete Blonde was playing, and we were singing along. All of a sudden, this guy in a truck cut me off. I barely got my car back on the road. I pulled over and stopped the car."

"I was shaking so bad that Kimmy lit a cigarette, and handed it to me." I asked her if she saw what happened, and she said no, but she saw the truck as it sped off. We decided to get a room and take it easy for the night. After a few beers and some chips, we planned our revenge if we ever saw that asshole again. "I'd spray that Cum Sucking Cuntbubble right in the face with pepper spray and then kick him in the balls," shouted Kimmy. I asked her about the phrase too, and she said that she just made it up on the spot. "I don't know, it just came to mind at the thought of you licking Gil's cum out of my pussy tomorrow night." I had finished in the kitchen and was sitting next to her at the table. Michelle gave me a sweet smile and batted her big, brown eyes, "Would you be my little Cum Sucking Cuntbubble?" She ruffled my hair and giggled in a cutesy pie fashion, "Of course you would."

I heard my Princess calling from downstairs, "Hurry and put your shoes on, bitch. We're going shopping." I put my shoes on and trotted down the stairs. I still wasn't quite used to being called a bitch. "What do you want to get?" She was wearing short shorts and a tight, yellow tee. "You need some new clothes. When was the last time you went shopping?" I thought about it, "Dunno. I don't like going shopping." She looked me over as we got out of the car, "Yea, I know just what you need. You're my bitch now, and you need clothes to reflect that. You are what you wear."

At the department store, I began to make my way to the Men's section. Princess grabbed me by my crotch and corrected my course, leading me on. My dick stiffened a little and I followed. Of course we ended up in the Woman's department underwear section.

Back then, I was in much better shape. Not a big fatty like I am now. Michelle looked me up and down, and then grabbed a pair of panties. She held them against my waist, estimating how they would fit. I must have turned 3 shades of red, because she laughed, "This is going to be so much fun!" She picked out several pairs, and then some socks. All of which went into the cart. "You'll need some shorts for around the house, oh and some pajamas, as well."

"Why are we going to the Men's dept.?" I asked after she had made her picks. "You'll need to try this stuff on, silly. You can't go into the women's dressing room." I was very embarrassed as we made our way to the Men's dressing room with a cart full of women's clothing. Michelle delighted in my discomfort as she indicated to one of the salesmen, "My hubby will need to try these on. You don't mind if I go in the stall with him, do you?" He looked at me, and then at my extremely hot wife. He smirked, "You can go in, but he can't try on any of the panties." He and my wife were now laughing, and she said, "Thanks. He'll buy any of the panties he tries on, Ok?"

In the stall I was upset, "Why did you do that?" She looked me square in the eyes, "Because I could. You're mine to do with as I please, and this is your new world." I had on a pair of pink, nylon high tops, and my dick was at half-mast. It had been that way since she had grabbed me and started leading me like a dog. "Judging by that little package you're sporting in your new panties; I think that you protest too much. Now, what do you like better, cotton or nylon?" I lowered my eyes, "Nylon, please."

"These orange shorts will be perfect for mowing the lawn, but the tops of these pj sets don't fit you properly. I think that you'll need to grow some breasts. Yea, I'd like that," she said. I shot back, "But I don't want to have breasts." "You watch your tone, bitch. If I want you to have tits, I'll make you buy them." Little did I know back then that I would actually end up growing a pair. Funny, how things work out. 😊

The shopping trip was fairly h-umiliating for me, but very satisfying for my Princess. When we got home, she insisted on going through my drawers and replacing all my boxers and most of my socks. She threw them into a trash bag and motioned for me to follow, "Let's throw them away together, and say goodbye to your old life."
Mr Fire


Posts: 144
#27 · Edited by: Mr Fire
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This is very good indeed. I only just found it today. May there be more soon.
tef fulton


Posts: 2099
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love it....please go on


Posts: 72
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Keep going please


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Awesome story so far very nice job!!
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The Knowing Cuck
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