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Wife Goes Tribal: The Story

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~This story was inspired by the Wife Goes Tribal thread ( If you haven't see it, check it out; it is fantastic. I posted the first couple parts of the story on that thread, but I think it's best for the story to be moved to it's own thread. The OP never complained, just makes sense to do it. It's a story about a white American anthropologist who studied the members of an African tribal village. It may take a little time to finish it. I hope you enjoy it.~

There was a tribe in Africa who was very welcoming to visitors and a renowned anthropologist had lived in the village and studied the tribe for 20 years. Most everything that was known about these African people was due to work of Dr. Greene. However, the time came when he was ready to retire and move back home to Britain. The question became, who would continue his work with the tribe? There were many anthropologist who hoped to become Dr. Greene's successor and they were asked to write him a letter that laid out their qualifications and aspirations. Dr. Greene selected Todd, an American anthropologist who was quite excited for this opportunity. Todd and his wife, Karen, would be moving into the village only days after the departure of Dr. Greene.

Living amongst the tribe without many of the luxuries to which they were accustomed was not a concern for neither Todd nor Karen. They both romanticized the primitive society and were eager to learn the ways of the tribe. A native tribesman who had mastered English and translated for Dr. Greene would help make for a smooth transition for the couple into tribal life.

There was only one thing that concerned Todd. He knew that the females in the tribe were always topless and that Karen would be expected to be topless as well. He wasn't sure how his wife would feel about having her tits on display for a village full of black men. She did have very nice tits with puffy areolas and large pointy nipples that would undoubtedly be appreciated by the male members of the tribe.

Todd felt that bringing up the subject with his wife was a delicate matter, but it actually turned out to be no big deal. Karen had been aware that she would be expected to be topless and though the idea of it was a slightly intimidating, she knew that she had the mental fortitude to endure a little staring from the tribesmen. She told her husband that if all the village females were comfortable displaying their titties, she would assimilate and quickly become comfortable with it as well. The truth was that Karen was very confident and proud of her body and that the idea of perpetually having her tits on display held a certain thrill for her.

As the day neared for the couple to fly from the States to Africa, Todd immersed himself in research about the tribe, wanting to make sure he was as informed as possible. When he began reading about some of the sacred ceremonies of the tribe, he came across something that made him pause. Out of respect for the native religion, the research was mostly void of details about any of the ceremonies, but it was clear that the females were completely nude in most of them. Todd was afraid that showing her cunt would be a deal breaker for his wife and when he informed her of what he had learned, she was visibly upset. However, she was determined not let her modesty stand in the way of a unique experience with the undeveloped pristine culture that no Americans had ever had. In the end, Todd had assured her that he would make every effort to receive an exemption that would allow her to keep her panties on and the couple regained their initial excitement.

When they arrived, they were greeted warmly by the entire tribe of almost 200 people, but the graciousness of the chief of the tribe was the highlight of the welcoming experience. He had declared that a celebration was in order and everyone was in the best spirits. Though she fully expected it, Karen was never asked to remove her blouse and her wonderful tits stayed concealed throughout the celebration. At the end of the night, the couple was led to their hut that they would consider to be their home for the next two years (the job Todd had won was just for two years and afterwards another anthropologist that Dr. Greene had selected would take over the research duties).

The following morning, the chief paid a visit to couple's hut with his assistant, the translator, and his two youngest d-a-u-g-h-t-e-r-s. The translator explained to Todd that the chief had come to get a look at Karen's tits. Though it was far from ceremonial, quite a production was made out of taking Karen's top from her. Her tits remained covered as one of the girls unbuttoned her blouse. Then each of the girls took her by her wrists and extended her arms out to her side. The chief approached her, took each side of her unbuttoned blouse in his hands and after giving Todd a long look, slowly pulled open the blouse.

Everyone gazed at Karen's magnificent tits for a few moments before the girls pulled her blouse off and the chief said something in his native language. The translator then looked at Todd and said, "The chief is impressed with your wife's white breasts. He says that the men in the village will take great pleasure in seeing them. From this point forward, her chest is to remain uncovered so that the men and boys of the tribe can look freely."

Just as predicted, Karen's tits were a big hit with the males in the village. The unexpected thing was just how much she enjoyed the attention. Of course Todd noticed how everyone's head turned when his wife made an appearance and how delighted she was to be looked at. As time went by, it wasn't uncommon for small groups of males to stop by the hut and visit the couple. Men would bring their sons for a chance to gaze upon the pretty white woman and her magnificent titties. She wasn't bothered in the least and was actually quite happy to let everyone see her.



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Complete nudity was also fairly common among the tribe. Todd and Karen had noticed it on the first day that they arrived, but as time went by, they noticed it more and more often. At any time, any male could remove his loin cloth, but for the most part, it was just the better endowed tribesmen. It almost seemed like a way of bragging.

Also, when males would stop by the hut to get a look at Karen's tits, some of them would lift their loin cloth to show her their erections. For the tribesmen, it was simply a show of respect to the pretty white woman, but it never failed to put a little tingle between her legs. Karen couldn't help but contrast the cocks she was seeing with her husband's. Todd's little dick measured slightly less than four inches in it's most excited state and many of the tribesmen were at least twice as long and thick as him.

Of course there was a good deal of female nudity as well. There were some females in the village who stayed naked at all times and many more who were occasionally nude. The 'always nude' females tended to be younger members of the tribe, but it seemed liked almost all females were occasionally nude. They were all shaved and seemed totally comfortable with showing their pussies. Though none of the females ever seemed to be bothered by it, Todd tried not to gawk, but he was not always successful. His biggest concern was that his wife may at some point be expected to show her pussy, however it was never suggested that Karen should get naked. At least, not at first.

On the afternoon of the first sacred ceremony that couple was to attend, the translator came by the hut to explain to Todd and Karen what would be expected. He told them that Karen would need to arrive at the ceremonial grounds not only naked, but also shaved. The only hair allowed would be the hair on her head. Todd was not happy with the news and immediately told his wife that he was going to go see the chief to discuss the matter and work out some kind of exemption even if it meant she couldn't attend the ceremony. Karen, on the other hand, was much less upset than her husband. She insisted that he stay put and not go see the chief. She told him that she wanted to fully blend in and that meant being treated like all the other females.

They did end up attending the ceremony with Karen arriving, like all the other females, completely nude and shaved. However, even amongst the other females, Karen was quite noticeable. Not only did her white skin set her apart, but what was displayed between her legs was the biggest difference. Most of the black girls had tiny little cunts, but Karen's cunt was oversized. Her large protruding labia made for some spectacular viewing for all the males and no one seemed shy about looking.

Karen was uncomfortable for only a very short period of time before she again began to enjoy the eyes on her. As the ceremony went on, she began to lean into the experience; bending over to allow total visual access from behind and even opening her legs occasionally. Some of the villagers couldn't look away and Karen felt like the princess of the ball.



Posts: 312
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Oh I'll be checking back with this thread often I can promise!


Posts: 1019
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Excellent erotica!


Posts: 59
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Please continue as I love where this is going!


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Hope to read more!


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Scientific interesting


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Where's the rest of it?


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In the months that followed, the couple continued to assimilate into the customs of the tribe and Todd was encouraged by the progress he was making. Being immersed in the tribal culture allowed him to begin to come to a deeper understanding of how the tribe functioned on a societal level. In many ways, it was turning into a dream job for him that seemed almost too good to be true.

It was still common for tribesmen to drop by the hut in order to see the topless white woman, but after the ceremony, many began to ask Karen to pull down her panties. She wasn't sure if she should feel embarrassed or honored, but she always did as requested, pulling her panties down around her knees and displaying her meaty oversized cunt to the men and boys. She could sense Todd's distress with the circumstances, but she didn't want to let her admirers down, many of whom had come from all the way across the other side of the village.

Over time, Karen's visitors became more frequent and she was flattered by being in the spotlight. She even developed a group of regular visitors, males of all ages, that she thought of as her fan-club. Being able to captivate such a wide range of males instilled more confidence in her than she had ever felt before. She was incredibly charming, especially to the younger fan-club members, but everyone always had fun laughing and interacting with her. No one had to ask to see her pussy anymore; soon after any member of her fan-club arrived, she would take off her panties.

Of course, Todd wasn't exactly comfortable with his wife's behavior, but he had to admit that she was doing a remarkable job fitting in with the tribe. Her presence never failed to put everyone in a good mood and that made his job easier. It got to a point where he accepted without a second thought that his wife's pussy was on display on a daily basis. When Karen decided to join the ranks of the 'always nude' females, he was hardly surprised. However, he couldn't help but be shocked when she gave away all her panties to the youngest members of her fan-club.

Karen loved the freedom that she felt by being naked at all times and it helped her bond with the other females who chose to go nude. As she became completely comfortable with her nudity, she relaxed and became less careful about keeping her legs together. Her large cunt was clearly visible when she was in a standing position, but now the tribesmen were getting better and better looks as her legs seem to spread wider and wider when she was sitting.

A little while later, a European photographer arrived at the village. He'd had a few brief stints in village before, taking pictures of the tribe for Dr. Greene. Dr. Greene had gotten word of how enamored the tribesmen were with the new anthropologist's wife and he wanted to see her for himself. In the past, the photographer made sure, out of respect, to avoid taking pictures with full frontal nudity, but this time he had been instructed by Dr. Greene to capture the white women in her full splendor interacting with male members of the tribe.

The camera made Karen uneasy for a short time, but like always, she got accustomed to the attention and actually began to enjoy it. It didn't take long for her inhibitions about being photographed in the nude to evaporate and for her to learn to ignore the camera all together. It was if her protruding inner pussy lips were designed especially for nude photography, making for fantastic images to send back to Dr. Greene.

There were lots of special occasions and even another ceremony at which the photographer was able to get great shots of the naked white woman interacting with different males from the tribe who were sometimes nude themselves. One particular image would be seen around the world several later when it finally made its way to the internet. The picture featured Karen in the center with the chief of the tribe on one side of her and Todd on the other, both men putting an arm around her waist. Karen was totally naked with her pink photogenic cunt visible, the chief was proudly displaying his long thick dangling dick, and Todd was dressed as you would expect an anthropologist to be dressed.


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#13 · Edited by: pickuppickup
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To Todd, it seemed that Karen continuously pushed boundaries. As soon as he got comfortable with her being topless around the tribesmen, she was showing her pussy. As soon as he was comfortable with her pussy occasionally be shown to every male in the village, she was 'always nude.' However, as time went by, his 'always nude' wife started to seem somewhat normal. After all, there were tribesmen who had 'always nude' wives. Therefore, he learned to accept the fact that Karen had exposed herself to everyone as just being a part of fitting in and gaining acceptance.

After several months, Todd was mostly absorbed in his work and worried much less about Karen. He thoroughly enjoyed documenting the practices of the tribe and he was having breakthrough insights that expanded greatly on the work of Dr. Greene. If he continued on this trajectory, he could possibly become one of the most renowned anthropologist of his generation. Being selected to continue the work of Dr. Greene was like a golden ticket and he was definitely making the most of the opportunity. There was nowhere else in the world that he would've rather been.

Just after Todd and Karen had been in the village for eleven months, they were paid a visit by the translator. He had a sensitive matter that needed to be discussed with couple. Though he wasn't thrilled to be the one to tell Todd the news that he had been misled, he was happy to get to stop in and get a good luck at Karen. She had, by this time, accepted her love of attention and routinely leaned into her exhibitionist tendencies. She seemed to like him and she never failed to make sure that he left with plenty of visual memories that would fuel many masturbatory sessions for him.

The translator informed Todd that his first year of the two year assignment was actually a probationary period. He would only be granted a second year if he and Karen were accepted into the tribe. Dr. Greene had felt that it was necessary to keep this information from them so that they would not feel overly pressured to fit in. The translator presented Todd with a letter from Dr. Greene that confirmed what he was saying.

The good news was that the chief had indeed accepted Todd and Karen. All that was necessary was for them to be initiated into the tribe. A simple initiation ceremony would make them official members of the tribe. The chief had already set the date for the ceremony for the one year anniversary of the day that they arrived. The translator told them very little about the initiation ceremony, but promised that more details would be given as the initiation day neared. He ended his visit by telling Todd that they had the option to decline initiation, but that would mean leaving the village.

Todd was frazzled about being misled, but he was glad to hear that the chief thought highly of him and Karen. Karen was also happy and immediately began looking forward to the ceremony. The ceremonies of the tribe were always an amazing celebration with lots of dancing and festivities. For a fun-loving girl like Karen, they were the best part of living in the village.

In the couple of weeks that followed the initial visit of the translator, all of the details of the initiation were relayed to the couple; with one big exception. Exactly what would take place in the finale of the ceremony seemed to be a carefully guarded secret, but two days before the big night, the chief and the translator stopped by the hut in order to inform Todd and Karen of exactly what they should expect for the end of the ceremony.

Before any details were given, the translator repeated his earlier remark that the ceremony was voluntary, but skipping it would mean the end of Todd's work with the tribe. He went on to say that the chief was aware that what would be required for initiation would be unacceptable for most Americans, but it was necessary for them to put their Western inhibitions aside if they truly wished to join the tribe. Todd assured the chief that he and Karen wanted nothing more then to become official members of the tribe.

The details of the ceremony's finale were then spelled out for Todd and Karen. The initiation would end with Todd holding Karen's hand while the chief planted his seed in her. Everyone in the village would participate in a sacred chant as they gathered round and watched the chief convert the white woman by reaming her photogenic cunt with his big black cock.



Posts: 1019
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very naughty and erotic story!


Posts: 15
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Would be nice to read how things will develop further


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Posts: 324 Pictures: 3 
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I can't wait to hear of how they react to this news!!


Posts: 267
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Very exciting story!!


Posts: 339
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They react that accept her being fucked by the tribe chief and Karen will enjoy it. 😀😀
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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The perfect initiation ceremony will be for Karen to be fucked by the tribe's chief and for her to carry his chi1d.
Peter C


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Chief breeds her while you are on your knees,continually bowing and and chanting worship praises to him.


Posts: 165
#22 · Edited by: pickuppickup
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It took a few minutes for Todd to process what he had heard, but after the shock wore off, he was infuriated. He loved the work he was doing with the tribe and leaving the village would be the biggest disappointment of his life, but he felt like he had no choice. The chief was asking for way too much this time, so leaving the village was the only option.

Todd didn't even want to discuss it. He just told Karen to start packing their stuff and he would start making the arrangements to get back to civilization. Karen, on the other hand, wasn't convinced that leaving was the best thing to do.

"Honey, I don't think it's worth leaving your work behind over this," Karen told her husband, "'s been a dream-come-true for both of us to get to know these people and learn their ways."

"I know," Todd replied, his frustration evident, "...we'll never find another opportunity like this, but what can we do? It's not like we can go through with the initiation."

"Why not?" Karen asked, "'s the last step, we'll finally truly be part of tribe. Why is it such a big deal?"

"What are you talking about? You heard what the chief said," Todd answered in a bewildered voice, "...the only way for us to be initiated is by letting him fuck you. You don't think that's a big deal?"

"No, not really," Karen replied with mild frustration of her own, "'s the way of the tribe. If we really want to be part of this society, we have to play by their rules. Plus, I couldn't bear being the reason you left your dream job. I'm a big girl... I can handle it."

"Are you serious?" Todd asked, " want him to fuck you?"

"Yes, I do" Karen answered, "...if being part of the tribe means letting him fuck me, then yes. If it means we can stay here and continue working with these wonderful people, then yes... I do want him to fuck me."

The words of the chief had shocked Todd, but his wife's response was downright distressing. He didn't want to fight about it with Karen, but he wasn't sure if he could go through with what the chief had described. Though he knew Karen was taking birth-control pills and that pregnancy wasn't an issue, his western conditioning was strong and it would be very difficult to accept someone else using his wife as their own. And there was also the issue of the size of the chief's cock; Todd worried that his own 4 inches would seem inadequate to Karen after having her pussy penetrated by the chief's overly thick member.

The couple ended their conversation by agreeing to take some time to give the matter more thought. In the 48 hours that followed, Todd could think of little else other his wife spreading her legs for the chief and allowing him to slide his impressive 9 inches up her cunt. It was a disturbing thought at first, but the more he thought about it, the more an element of eroticism crept in. The idea of a married woman having sex with another man for the benefit of her husband had always fascinated him, but now that he was considering it actually happening to him, he was beginning to find the forbidden aspect of it quite seductive. By the time he and Karen discussed the initiation ceremony again, their was a part of him that secretly wanted it to happen.

"I don't want you to feel pressured, sweetie," Todd told his wife, "...but if you wanna go through with the initiation, I won't try to stop you."

"Oh, baby, it's gonna be wonderful, I promise," Karen replied as she rushed into his arms and the couple embraced, "...I'm gonna make you so proud of me. We'll really be part of the tribe."

In the days leading up to the date of the ceremony, Karen's eagerness grew and she had many conversations with women in the village about what to expect. They could sense her excitement and assured her that being initiated by the chief would be an immensely enjoyable experience. Of course, everyone in the tribe also knew about the initiation and what was going to happen. The white man giving his beautiful white wife's pussy to the chief to use was the talk of the village.


Posts: 15
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Gorgeous! So curious about the ceremony. Please does not wait us too long


Posts: 165
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Thank you, glad you like it. Sorry bout the wait for this latest part. After losing the sticky to the top posts, I kinda lost some motivation. But that says more about me than this site. I have the story all planned out in my head, just sometimes hard to get it to flow out. There will be at least 3 more parts and probably closer to 6 more parts.


Posts: 3133
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Would be wonderful.


Posts: 15
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Just great 👍🏼 I will wait!


Posts: 1510
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"There will be at least 3 more parts and probably closer to 6 more parts."

Thank you for this story I hope there will be 6 additional parts as erotic as what I have read so far!
Thanks for this story!


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I hope they made you sissy tribal slave


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On the morning of the day of the ceremony, Karen awoke like a c-h-i-l-d on Christmas morning. She didn't want Todd to see how excited she was, but she was absolutely craving the experience that awaited her later that night and it was difficult for her to contain her emotions. After a breakfast consisting mostly of seeds, nuts, and berries, she took a long bath and shaved her pussy. She had just shaved the day before, but she wanted to make sure that was as smooth as possible for the chief.

"Are you sure you really wanna go through with this?" Todd asked his wife as they left the hut and made their way toward the ceremonial grounds.

"Of course I am," Karen answered with a nervous laugh, "...besides, I think we're committed at this point."

"Yes, I know the whole village is looking forward to the celebration, but that doesn't mean you can't change your mind," Todd responded, trying not to seem like he was looking forward to the festivities as well.

Karen assured her husband that she had not changed her mind and the couple soon arrived at the scared grounds. The ceremony was preceded with a feast and everyone in the village took part in lively conversation while they stuffed their stomachs. The main topic of conversation was about what would be getting stuffed in just a matter of a couple hours. The photographer made a show of taking pictures of all the many people, but his main focus was Karen and her obvious excitement. He had always been forbidden to take photographs of any kind at any of the sacred ceremonies, but Dr. Greene had arranged for special permission for this particular initiation ceremony.

The beginning of the ceremony was fairly similar to the other ceremonies that the couple had it engaged in, with lots of drumming and dancing. Karen was having more fun than ever, losing herself in the euphoria of the mind-altering dancing. Though Todd was somewhat apprehensive when the festivities began, as the night wore on, he was able to let go as well and fully enjoy the revelry. If the ceremony had ended before the finale, it would have been an absolutely perfect night, but instead, it turned out to be so much more.

As the initiation wound into it's final phase, both Karen and Todd were completely absorbed in the frenzy of the tribal scene. Neither realized what was happening as Karen was led away to a sacred mattress and Todd was intentionally separated from her. It took him a few minutes to realize that she was gone and by then, it was too late for him to find her. The drumming became louder and the whole environment became more chaotic. Though he tried to push through the wall of people, his progress was minimal.

Not being able to get to his wife, Todd began to panic, but at just the right time, he was taken by the arm by an elder tribesman and led through the crowd. Once he had been guided to the sacred mattress, he saw Karen all spread out with her wonderful lady parts on full display for the crowd and the camera. The photographer was having a field day, snapping pictures at a furious pace from different angles and the male members of the tribe were moving through in an orderly fashion, allowing all to get an up close view of the naked white woman who would soon be initiated into the tribe.

When Karen saw her husband approaching, she gave him a big smile that left no doubt that she was enjoying being the center of attention. The spectacle was the absolute craziest thing that Todd had ever seen, but seeing the way his wife smiled at him settled him down and even made him feel good. The elder tribesman ushered Todd to a small stool that sat next to the head of the sacred mattress. As soon as Todd was seated and the couple joined hands, the drumming stopped and sea of people parted, revealing the chief standing at the other end of the ceremonial grounds. Even from such a distance, it was impossible for neither Todd nor Karen not to notice how large the chief's soft dangling dick was.

There were a few seconds of silence while everyone stood still before the chief began to slowly make his way across the grounds and drumming began at a much lower volume. As the chief got closer the drums got louder and rhythm tempo got faster. When he arrived at the sacred mattress, he knelt astride Karen and slapped the head of his massive cock against her cunt. She was sufficiently wet, but he was not yet fully hard. He scooted up the mattress and held out his now semi-erect appendage toward Karen's mouth. The drumming stopped and the females in outer circle began to chant as Karen opened wide and the chief fed her his dick. The photographer had staked out a great spot and got many great shots of the white woman using her mouth to help the large black man attain a state of full arousal.

The sucking of the chief's cock didn't last long before he had a full-blown erection and he returned to his previous position. He ran his long thick tool down the length of Karen's cunt lips which had opened slightly and then held it out to show the crowd that the head glistened with her pussy juice. As he began to slowly insert his shaft, Karen turned toward her husband and the two of them locked eyes. Her twat was so tight that the chief had to be extra gentle to be able to work his entire length into her. She let out a gasp and squeezed Todd's hand as the chief finished pushing into her and bottomed out.

As the chief began thrusting into Karen, the drumming picked back up and seemed to sync with the chanting, combining into one rhythmic sound that set the pace. At first, it was a slow pace and Karen maintained eye contact with Todd, but as the chief increased the speed and roughness of his thrusting, she started to whimper and her head began to turn until her eyes were locked with those of the chief. He stared into her eyes as the first ripples of orgasm overtook her.

Karen came hard with loud violent shrieks. Todd had never seen her react in that fashion and it was almost too much for him to watch, but the stiffening of his own little dickie soothed any emotional trauma that he was suffering. When Karen's orgasmic tremors subsided, the chief pulled his cock out of her and there was an audible plopping sound. He held up his erection to show the crowd how it was coated in Karen cream. When he reinserted himself, he slammed his entire length into her pussy and she was instantly on the verge of another climax.

It seemed to go on and on. Many of the men surrounding the scared mattress had began to stroke their own cocks as they watched their chief have his way with Karen. Todd couldn't believe what was taking place; it was the most intense and erotic experience of his life. His wife was like a sexual goddess commanding the attention of every male in attendance and he felt proud to be married to her. When the chief began to pound her harder than ever and it was evident that the initiation would soon be complete, Todd could hold out no longer. He removed his loin cloth and joined in with the tribesmen who were jacking-off.

Karen was squealing like a schoolgirl and the chief seemed like he was about to lose control. The drumming and chanting built to a fevered pitch and one by one, the men who were jacking-off shot their loads. When the chief let out a long loud groan, it was clear that he was releasing his seed into Karen's cunt and Todd finished himself off as well.

Karen's final orgasm of the ceremony was her most intense and when the whole thing was over, she was completely drained of energy. Her first experience with a big black cock was everything that a white girl could hope for and she could keep her eyes open no longer; she had been fucked into un-consciousness. Her legs were wide open, her pussy was gaping, and chief's spunk was slowly leaking out of her. The men approached for one last look and the photographer took his final photos before everyone began to file out of the ceremonial grounds. Todd collapsed onto the sacred mattress next to his wife and held her in his arms. The initiation was a complete success, the couple were now officially members of the tribe... and Todd was officially a cuckold.


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What will happen after?
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Wife Goes Tribal: The Story
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