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Sally cast her gaze around the room. The party was in full swing. A number of couples were pairing off and were either dancing or finding a quiet corner to get a little more intimate. Though none had yet left the room Sally knew it would not be long before one couple or another would seek some privacy.
In her thirtieth year Sally was the oldest person in the room by about five years. Though a couple of young men had tried engaging her in conversation she had gently steered them away. She just wasn't in the mood for them, she found them to be brash and shallow.
Someone across the room caught Sally's eye. Sally guessed he was in his early twenties. She also guessed that he was very interested in girls judging by the way his eyes followed the gyrations of those dancing. She watched how his eyes averted and his cheeks reddened if one of them happened to catching him watching them. As she watched him she saw how socially awkward he seemed and the thought went through her head, "I wonder..."
Sally sidled over to him and said "Hello."
"Er, hi" was his mumbled response.
"What do your friends call you?" asked Sally, moving her glass up to her chest, resting on her left nipple. She was fully aware that the movement of her hand would draw his attention to her chest. The chill of the glass had stiffened her nipple and the condensation on the glass had made the opaque silky material of her blouse transparent.
"Er, Joe" he replied talking to Sally's breasts. Then he realised what he was doing and apologised rather too profusely.
"Don't worry about it, when you have had these as long as I have" Sally said while jiggling her braless right breast with her free hand, "you get used to men looking in the direction of the twins." Sally wasn't intentionally braless but she hadn't been able to find the match to her panties. As she dropped her hand to put her glass down she also turned to look over her shoulder and then back to Joe. He looked agog as her nipples traced a path under her blouse, and his jaw dropped when her breast came to rest under the wet patch. Her nipple would not have been more visible if she had naked.
Gallantly Joe pick up a napkin and offered it to Sally so she could cover up. She thought that so sweet that she used it, and whispered into Joe's ear, "I live in the apartment below, I'd best go put a bra on."
Feigning rather more tipsiness than she felt, Sally stumbled into Joe.
"Sorry Joe. Look, you wouldn't do me a favour would you? I may have imbibed a little too much, you wouldn't be a gentleman and go down the stairs before me in case I trip would you?"
Sally smiled to herself as she spied Joe trying to rearrange himself without being noticed.
"Can we link?" asked Sally as she slipped her arm through his, making sure that she held his arm close by her breast. At her apartment door Sally dropped her keys and knelt down to retrieve them. Sally paused for the merest fraction of a second on the way to standing up with her face very close to Joe's groin, just long enough for her to see his manhood twitch.
Once inside her apartment Sally suggested to Joe that he sit on the couch. She fixed some refreshment for the both of them then sat down opposite him.
"Do I make you nervous Joe?" asked Sally.
"It's not you, it's just that I am not comfortable around other people." replied Joe.
"If you aren't too bothered about going back to the party we can just sit and talk and I won't have to bother getting changed"
Joe asked Sally if there was anyone special in her life. She told him, cryptically, that there wasn't anyone within a thousand miles. He told her that he had no-one in his life. She wasn't surprised by this, it was hardly a revelation.
Sally sat back into the generous armchair, consciously becoming less and less careful crossing and uncrossing her legs, and watching the effect it was having on Joe. She knew that by now the sheer panties she was wearing would have quite a damp patch and that her scent would be working on Joe's non-conscious mind. Sally also let the odd drop from her glass drip onto her blouse, once again giving Joe the chance to see her nipples.
Sally asked Joe if he liked her. Joe told her she was gorgeous. She asked what he liked best and told him to use any words he wanted. Sally had to reassure him it was ok to say anything he wanted to.
"Well obviously you are very sexy. I like the way your tits move under your blouse and I love it when you show me your panties like that."
Sally stood up and shrugged off her blouse and asked Joe if liked her twins just as much uncovered. Before he could answer she dropped her skirt to the floor. Joe could not resist the urge any longer and rubbed his cock over the outside of his trousers. Then he stopped, looked embarrassed and apologised.
"Don't apologise Joe, I would be upset if you weren't excited" panted Sally, at which she dropped onto her knees and shuffled over to be between his legs. Sally ran her fingers up and down his disappointingly short and quite thin member. She thought to herself that she wished she had checked this out upstairs. Sally changed her mind about how her relationship was going to be with Joe. She had guessed he was a virgin but had wanted to school him and turn him into a good lover.
"You have never fucked a woman have you Joe? Do they change their minds when they realise you don't have anything that can be called a manhood?"
Joe was utterly deflated, as was his penis. Sally however unzipped him and teased him out of his underwear with expert fingers. Joe was instantly erect again. She cupped his small balls and opened her mouth as if to fellate him. One last stroke of her finger to the tip of his cock brought on his orgasm. Joe's ejaculate was all over her hair, her lips and her tits.
Sally leant forward and took Joe into her mouth. He was instantly hard again.
"You're a virgin aren't you?"
Joe nodded.
"Take me to my bed and I will teach you how to please a woman. There is more to it than emptying your sac over her face and tits. Let's pretend I am your wife. Let's pretend you have just come home and found me like this" said Sally as a droplet of semen dripped from her chin onto her breasts.
"Er, I would divorce you because you have been unfaithful wouldn't I?"
"No you wouldn't darling, look how hard your cock is. It excites you to see me looking so slutty doesn't it? Kiss me."
"But nothing darling. You know you want my pussy, kiss me and rub my lover's cum into my tits. Lick his cum from my face."
Joe became caught up in the role-play, he called Sally a slut for opening her legs for a stranger again, he grabbed her hand and dragged her to the bedroom. He threw her onto the bed. He had never felt more manly. He told her to expose her cunt and spread her legs. He stripped off and with his dick feeling stiffer than it ever had been in his hand Joe thrust it into Sally's very willing love tube then felt it twitch and shoot before he could manage the reverse stroke.
"Is that it? Is that how you think you can please a woman? I didn't even feel it go in."
All the masculinity ebbed from Joe. He was a small dicked, hair trigger, useless lover and he knew it.
"I don't think you are cut out for being a real man are you Joe?" asked Sally as she pushed him off herself, "your dick is so short and thin and you come too quickly. The only way you are going to be able to please a woman is to worship her and let other men look after her bedroom needs. Now put your head between my legs and clean up the mess you made."
Joe did as he was told. An hour later Sally sent him home with a peck on the cheek and a date at 9pm a week hence.
"Hello darling, your ever-loving slut wife has been at it again" typed Sally as she composed an email to her husband who is serving overseas, "I know you prefer my pussy pounded by black cock but I couldn't resist having a virgin tonight. I had the cameras in the lounge and the bedroom running so you can watch it after it all after it has finished uploading to the cloud. He is coming over next week. I told him to be here at nine. I will time sex with your pater so my pussy is full about half an hour before that. I think Joe will be a bigger cuckold than you dearest."