Thanks for the positive feedback. It makes my peepee tingle.

2+ Weeks Later
Susan has been everything from sullen to excited as she waited to do a pregnancy test. By now she should have started her period, but she hadn't. Finally neither of us could wait any longer and she peed on the stick. It turned up negative. Both of us were relieved and saddened. While getting pregnant might be a great fantasy, actually getting pregnant by someone other than your husband, and someone that will likely produce beautiful mocha colored babies, is a bit of a buzz ****. Susan said "I guess we dodged a bullet." "I guess so, but we should really do another test in a few days." I replied. "OK, we'll do another test in 3 days."
To say I was on pins and needles during the next 3 days would be an understatement. Susan kept to our normal, although not very frequent, pattern of bringing me to the point of orgasm over and over, and then to only ruin my orgasm by releasing my little dicklet just before I was about to cum. She would relish the slow oozing of my cum while watching me hump the air trying to get release. As was our routine, she scooped up what little cum I had produced and fed it to me. The times I'd get a full orgasm had become very few.
Finally on the third day she again peed on the little stick and we waited. Neither of us sure how we wanted the results to turn out. A few minutes later she looked at the stick and a prominent dash or negative sign showed up. We both sighed a bit of relief and as well a bit of disappointment. Even with all of Dwayne's semen held up to Susan's cervix, she still wasn't pregnant. It shouldn't have been too much of surprise as she was nearing menopause and her periods weren't particularly regular. She still didn't start her period, but we just assumed it was because of her age as the test was negative.
Fortunately or unfortunately her period resumed the following month. It had been a slow month as I think Susan was still trying to process what we'd done. Her hormones were telling her to let Dwayne make her pregnant, but her brain was saying this was absurd. We engaged in a couple of late night interludes while I tried to process this. Susan was more assertive than usual and twice said "I need to get fucked." Both times I slid down to her pussy and licked and sucked her to orgasm. After the second time she said "While that was nice and I love how you lick me to orgasm, I need more!" I was hoping she just meant she wanted the dildo we'd used in the past that was a little over 8 inches. It always brought her to incredible orgasms.
I reached for the bedside table drawer to retrieve the dildo when she placed her hand on mine and said "I need more than that fake piece of plastic can do for me. Please get me a cock that is warm and will fill me up!" I had completely missed her meaning the first time, but now it really sunk in. She was asking me to find a man to fuck her with their big cock. I hoped it was Dwayne she was referring to, but I wasn't sure. So I asked "Are you asking me to find men other than Dwayne to fuck you?" "No silly, why would I need another big cock when I have Dwayne? Please call him and ask him to come over." she almost demanded.
This would be the second time Dwayne came to our house. I told Susan "I don't have his number." "Here, use my phone." she replied. Taking the phone from her hand I turned on the screen and was met with a picture of a huge cock. Dwayne's cock. Apparently Susan had set that has her screen background. I clicked on the phone app and could see Dwayne's number as one of the last dialed numbers. I could also see the icon for the phone number was a picture of his cock entering a pussy. Most likely my wife's pussy. I pressed call and waited for Dwayne to answer.
"Hello baby" he answered. I replied "It's me, Tom." Dwayne started laughing. "What can I do for you cucky boy?" he asked. "Susan told me to call you to ask you to come over." I answered. "And why would I come over?" he asked. I knew what he wanted me to say, but I was afraid to say it. "To fuck my wife." I replied. "Perfect! I'll be over in 30 minutes. Have my slut ready for me." he said and hung up.
Susan was watching me and listening to me the entire time. After hanging up the phone I looked at her and she was beaming. "Oh thank you so much Tom! We'd better get ready!" she exclaimed. "Help me pick out something sexy for me to wear." With that we started to go through her lingerie. She picked up a nearly transparent red babydoll and held it up to her. She said "Wait a minute, let me try these on." So she slipped into the babydoll and asked "What do you think?" Her nipples were clearly visible through the thin fabric and it only came down to her ass. I said "You look incredible. What panties do you want to go with it?" She replied "None!"
She left the babydoll on and proceeded to touch up her makeup. When she was done, she turned to me and said "You know honey, I'm pretty sure Dwayne is going to want you to get him hard and wet for me. As he isn't gay he'd rather you looked more female." This was beginning to feel like a repeat of the first time Dwayne came to our house. "I'd rather not" I said. "You'd rather not? Who says your wishes trump mine?" she spat back at me. Practically cowering I said "No one?". "Exactly right" she said. "Sit over here and let me get you made up.
I sat at her makeup table as she applied eyelashes, eye liner, blush, lipstick, the whole works. When she was done, she said "Stand up!" I stood as she looked me over. "Very presentable face, now let's work on the rest of you." she said. I wasn't sure where she was going with this, but I was pretty sure I wasn't going to like it. "Pick something else for me to wear in case he doesn't like this outfit." she asked. Still not sure where this was going I picked out another babydoll. This one was pink with lots of ruffles and matching crotchless panties. "Perfect!!" she said. "Put them on." she added with a rather demanding tone.
Feeling trapped and as though I had no other choice, I picked up the crotchless panties and slid them up my legs. Next I picked up the babydoll and slid it over my head. I looked ridiculous. Susan came over to inspect and said "Pull those panties up all the way. I want your little peepee on display." With that I reached down and pulled my panties up all the way. "You looked adorable honey." she said. I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there.
A knock at the door interrupted our silence and Susan said "Go answer the door." Answer the door? In what I'm wearing? "But what if it's not Dwayne?" I pleaded. "Deal with it." she replied. As I walked out of our bedroom, I could feel my legs trembling. I was praying that it was Dwayne as I wasn't sure what I'd do if it was someone else. As I reached the front door, I went to open the door and stopped. What was I doing I thought. Seeing no other options, I grabbed the doorknob and opened the door.
"Hi Pussy!" Dwayne practically shouted. "Nice to see you're dressed and ready for the occasion." he continued. As he brushed past me ignoring my outstretched hand, he said "Let's get this party started!". Continuing on into the house an into the bedroom, I heard a loud whistle. "Holy ****! You look amazing!" shouted Dwayne. By the time I got to the bedroom he was already embracing and deeply kissing my wife. While my little dicklet had been soft this whole time, it suddenly started getting hard. I watched as Dwayne pawed Susan and had his hands all over her body.
"Take off my clothes cucky boy" he said. As before I went over and started to unbutton his shirt. After removing it and revealing his chiseled abdomen, I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants. "Good job cucky, keep going." he said. I pulled his pants and boxers down in one move. He stepped out of them and said "Get my pussy ready for me."
I led my wife to our marital bed and had her lay on her back. I stepped between her legs and was getting ready to lick her pussy when she stopped me and asked "Before or after". Even though she wasn't in her fertile period, I still said "Before". "Before? I realized we've pushed things a little far, but I'm not fertile right now." she replied. "I don't want to make it routine that you would use it after regularly. The last time scared me to death." I said. "I know and you're right. We can do before for now." she said as she reached for her diaphragm case.
Dwayne saw this and said "I don't care whether you're putting in your diaphragm or not. I'm still not wearing a glove." Not sure why he thought that was an issue, but decided not to make an issue of it. "You don't need to wear a condom" I said. All the while my wife is inserting her diaphragm. However I notice she didn't use any spermicide. "No spermicide?" I asked. "No, I'm safe and and a little risk makes it more exciting." she answered. She had me there as my little dicklet was hard and sticking through the crotchless panties. "Lick me and get me ready for some big black cock." she said.
As I was already between her legs, I knelt down and started licking. Using broad strokes I licked up and down her entire slit. She was already extremely wet, so my ministrations weren't really needed, but she grabbed my head and guided me to what she wanted. I started sucking on her clit and she neared orgasm when I heard Dwayne say "That's enough pussy boy. Now get me hard and wet."
With that I crawled over to Dwayne on my knees and started to lick his cock. Up and down the length I went a few times before taking him in my mouth. I opened my mouth as wide as I could and it was still a struggle. He was still only partially hard and yet completely filling my mouth. As his cock got harder he started thrusting deeper and deeper into my mouth and starting to enter my throat. Once he entered my throat he held himself there as he got fully hard. When I thought I would pass out, he pulled his cock from my mouth and I bent over gasping for air. "You make a pretty good fluffer there pansy." he remarked.
Dwayne then stepped over to the bed and placed himself between my wife's legs. "Come here pussy boy and place my cock at the entrance of my pussy." His reference again to his pussy had me worried as we'd basically been sharing it. In any case I reached over and guided his enormous cock to the entrance of my wife's pussy. Easing forward he started to penetrate her. "Go sit that chair and don't touch your little peepee" Dwayne stated.
Susan at this point was nearly beside herself with lust. She watched as Dwayne dominated me and did as he pleased. As his cock entered her pussy, she winced with a little bit of pain. But soon that pain turned to pleasure as his cock drilled deeper and deeper into her pussy. A froth started to build up at the entrance to her pussy and I could tell she was incredibly aroused. "Deeper" Susan shouted. As I watched, Dwayne thrust deeper and deeper into Susan's pussy as she tilted her hips up to take him deeper.
Her orgasm started slowly and you could watch it as it took over her body. First her toes started to curl. Then the muscles in her legs started tightening up. Finally her whole body shuddered as she experienced a mind blowing orgasm. As she cumming Dwayne says "Here it comes, baby!" and with that pushes in as far as he can go and unloads in Susan's pussy.
A few minutes later he rolls off of her and says to me "Clean us up". While I should have been repulsed at the request and gotten some towels for them to clean up, I wasn't. Susan had so conditioned me that I really liked the taste of cum, whether mine or someone else's. I leaned over and took Dwayne's cock into my mouth and licked it clean. The taste of his cum and my wife's juices was intoxicating. I then leaned over and started to lick my wife clean. After a couple of minutes, my wife pushed me onto my back and lowered her still messy pussy onto my face. I licked and slurped as best I could but still got their juices all over my face.
When I was done Dwayne said "Such a good pussy you make cucky boy. I could get used to this." I wasn't sure I liked where this was headed, so I said nothing. Dwayne got up and said "Time for me to go. Thank you Susan for the use of your pussy and your pussy boy." With that he left leaving Susan and I lying on the bed, me with my little peepee poking out hard through my panties. She leaned over to me and said "I love you! Thanks for calling Dwayne. I really enjoyed that." As I started to say "I love you too." she reached over and grabbed my little dick and said "We'll take care of this tomorrow."
The following day Susan said to me "Dwayne really liked coming over her and fucking me, but he didn't like that you had a boner, as small as it is. He also doesn't want to share his pussy with you any more. His solution is to put you into a chastity cage." I froze in shock as I hadn't seen this coming. So I asked "How did he come up with these ideas?" "Oh, I've been sharing your cuckolding fantasy from with Dwayne from nearly the beginning. We've read together some of the stories you favorited." she replied. "But what do I get out of this?" I asked. "A happy wife and all the oral sex you want?" she said. I was momentarily stunned yet still managed to ask "OK, how do we do this?" not letting on that this was one of my fantasies. Yet she must have already known that. "Dwayne pointed me to a site called Holy Trainer. They sell chastity cages in a variety of sizes from the Maxi down to the Nub. Let's go pick one out!" she exclaimed.
So off to the office we went to check out the Holy Trainer web site. There we can see 5 different size models. Looking over the options we notice there is no sizing guide as to which model to choose. My wife grabs the keyboard and does some quick searches. Based upon the flaccid size of my peepee she selects the Nub. I start to protest and say "I'm not that small." "Oh yes you are and if they made a smaller one I'd get that!" she retorts. At least she let me order a clear one instead of pink one.
"Well now that that's taken care of, lets get you ready for when it arrives." she says and then continues "First some ground rules. From now on my pussy is off limits to your little peepee. The chastity cage will help remind you of that. Second you will be expected to be dressed and made up whenever Dwayne comes over. He's not gay and there is only room for one man in this house. Third, once that cage is on, I don't want to hear any whining about it or hints that it should come off. That will only earn you more time before releases."
"Speaking of releases" Susan says. "they will be at my discretion and based largely on how well behaved you are. Making me happy can shorten the time between releases and making me unhappy will increase the time. For now releases will mostly be ruined orgasms. If you're extra good it might be a real orgasm! However if you're bad it will likely be no release with milking to empty your little peanuts. has some great articles on milking your chastised cuckold." she finished.
With that she says "All this talk of chastity, cuckolding, and orgasm denial has me nearly dripping. Get over here and lick me to orgasm." She was sitting in the office chair and turned to me before spreading her legs. Susan was wearing a short skirt with white thong panties. As she spread her legs I could see a large wet spot on her panties. Lifting her hips up to allow me to remove her panties, she said "You know what to do." And with that I reached up and pulled her panties down and off her legs. I could smell her arousal and could see that her pussy was glistening with her juices.
I knelt down in front of her between her legs and started licking her pussy. She was extremely wet and moaning as soon as my tongue touched her slit. I licked up and down and then around her clit. She was clinging to my head and pulling me tighter and tigher to her pussy. I started sucking on her clit and she began to buck against my face. I could tell she was close and continued gently sucking and tickling her clit with my tongue. Susan erupted into an incredible orgasm and flooded my mouth with her juices. As she came down from her orgasm she pushed me away and said "Welcome to your new sex life."
Two weeks later the Holy Trainer Nub arrived. My wife had taken it from the delivery person while I was at work. When I came home that evening she said she had a surprise for me. I thought it might be to invite Dwayne over as it had been more than a week since she'd seen him. "Come into the bedroom and get undressed." she asked. I gave her a kiss as I followed her back to the bedroom. Once inside I started taking off my clothes. Susan came over and started unbuttoning my pants and sliding them along with my boxers to the ground. As I shucked off my shirt and stepped out of my pants, she pushed me onto the bed. I thought maybe I was going to get a blow job. Something I couldn't even remember when I last got one.
As I fell back onto the bed, she reached under the bed and pulled out a box. I knew at once this was not going to end in a blow job and that she was likely holding my chastity cage. She sat on the bed next to me and asked "Do you know what this is?" The box was nondescript without any indication of the shipper or a brand. However given her excitment I knew it had to be my cage. "My chastity cage." I whispered. "Exactly! Let's get it on you." she said excitedly.
She removed the cage from the box and started to pull my scrotum through the ring. I started to get hard and she slapped my peepee really hard. That was enough to get it back to totally limp. She then slipped one ball through the ring and then the other. The first went in easily, but the second one was being a challenge. She continued to pull on my scrotum as she pushed on the remaining ball. It was beginning to be painful and I told Susan it was starting to hurt. She replied "Deal with it as I almost have it in." And with that it popped through the ring next to my other ball. She then took my peepee and pushed it through the ring. Given how small I am it went in rather easily.
Susan then took the cage and placed it over the head of my peepee. She pushed the cage back until the cage was inserted into the ring. Reaching back into the box she retrieved the locking mechanism and with not even a single word placed the lock into the cage and locked it. It didn't have the distinct click that a pad lock makes, but seeing her remove the key from the lock I knew it was locked and the only way out was the key. Susan then took the key and strung it on a gold necklace and placed it around her neck. It dangled in her clevedge as she moved. "When do I get release?" I stupidly asked already forgetting her rules.
End of Part II.
Will there be a Part III? Does Susan follow through and deny Tom intercourse and orgasms? How far is Susan going to take the feminization of Tom? What about the diaphragm?