Posts: 202
I've been compiling memories of the past 40 years. So far, around 12 chapters. 3 of which I've posted here.
Before I post another, I have a request.
I've been the 'other man' in about a dozen marriages. Always as the guy who pushes the limits on the wife and willingly submissive husband.
I've gotten almost no response. I don't blame anyone else for not providing that. And I don't put myself on par with some of the excellent writers in this group. But what I'm asking for isn't praise. It's constructive criticism.
I know my memoirs aren't as descriptive as some would like. They tend to be truncated, brief and to the point. That's pretty much the way I viewed the experiences and the recollections. I'm thinking of publishing them here and on a familiar site. Mostly because, at my age, it's a good thing to clear the air.
Questions are, are my stories too brief? Do they need more details? Are they too extreme (I have those ready to too)? Not extreme enough? Are you willing to offer critique on them?
If you aren't familiar with all the tales, feel free to check my posts under 'You KnowKnowWho
Thanks in advance.
Posts: 64
I think good writing demands that fine balance between brevity and detail. Remember Fleming (007) spent so much time on detail of the ordinary that when he inserted the fantastic it seemed reasonable. Edit, always edit. Then edit again.
Posts: 279
Surely its a case of ...why are you writing? Is it for you to recall and have a place to recount and store your memories? Or is it to provide fellow board members with some insight and vicarious excitement? Either way, they are your memories and so I would simply say write exactly as you feel. Whatever feels natural to you, whatever best gets across the eroticism of your encounters. As secondjag says, there is a fine balance between brevity and detail...I know when I tried writing I went down the detail rabbit hole...but nothing is wrong and nothing ever 100% right. Its just a case of fellow board members being thankful for you spending the time and effort to provide some content for them.
Posts: 202
#4 · Edited by: YouKnowWho
Thanks to you both.
Writing on the topic is only a recent thing. Recalling my years in the llifestyle and offering them here was a way of giving back to this community for some of the ideas they gave me.
I was never one for fantasy, viewing porn or even masturbation. The extent that I did read stories or view films was for use later on. Especially if I had some creative block.
I'd discuss those ideas with the couples (or plan them out with the wives to spring on the husbands) to up the game and avoid repetition. Both to keep the dialog open and to push limits.
Sometimes we'd view movies with specific themes together to set the mood and act them out where we could.
So, I'm hoping that my posts here will inspire other hot wives, cuckolds and bulls with ideas to act on.
One example happened in the late 80s. One wife and I talked about getting her husband more involved (instead of just watching and j*rking off). She told me about a nearby video store that had movies that catered to every taste and kink. I suggested they both go there. She would lead him to tapes (this was still the VCR age) that fit the theme we discussed. To add to the excitement, she would openly discuss trying this or that out with the three of us later on well within earshot of the clerk.
It had its effect.
They rented about half a dozen (mild to extreme). Meeting later on, as he served us both dinner, I could see how high the sexual tension was for things to start. That was my cue to move things along.
We had to sift through a few films that were just plain crap until we found one where a husband comes home finding his wife in bed with a stranger. Rather than there being an altercation, the wife and boyfriend encouraged him to get involved after she flat out told him he wasn't good enough in bed.
As we watched, I told the husband to get up and undress me and his wife, then lead her over to me. Thinking he would watch again, we told him to keep his clothes on and not to touch himself at all.
As I sat back down, I turned her around to face him and slowly lower herself down onto my very ready cock. After a few slow strokes and moans, I called him over.
"OK. Here's your challenge. You can wait and and watch to lick her out after, or you can use your tongue on us both while we screw. If you can get her off before I cum, you can finish me off yourself". He was hesitant at first, but turned on by the subm1ssive role we were offering him. It didn't take long for him to dive in. Tentatively at first, but his efforts picked up intensity in less than a minute. She was going wild, encouraging him to keep going, occasionally pulling me out of her and feeding it to him. It all pushed her over the top in record time.
Still sitting on my lap in afterglow, she pulled my cock out for the last time and told him to get ready or go to bed in the guest room. But that wasn't needed. He opened his mouth and we both watched him give his very first blow job.
It took no time for her to start rubbing her pussy as she watched and encouraged him on what to do 'for a real man'.
We couldn't slow him down by that point. He wanted it. I came first followed shortly after her second of the night. He was about to get up and find a sink. But we weren't finished with him yet. She told him not to move, open his mouth and show us what was inside. There was a lot of cum. She then said we both needed to see him swallow it all and thank us both for the privilege.
Not just a simple "thanks", by the way. But a very descriptive expression of appreciation for the opportunity and a willingness to repeat it whenever either of us demanded.
It was the start of about a year of 'training' for him in every aspect of kink you could imagine. Of course, the sex between her and I took on new kinks as well.
But that's the beginning of this one chapter.
She eventually got pregnant (not by me) and they moved to a bigger house in another state. She would occasionally drive back to visit and update me on her new affairs and to relive our own. We still keep in touch.
Like I wrote above. Everything was geared toward communication and action. Fantasy wasn't necessary. I actually found it dull compared to the real thing. Acting it out wasn't always easy. It sometimes got messy and frustrating, but, for me and those lovely hot wives, it was irreplaceable.
Posts: 1975
I'm really enjoying this please keep going!
Posts: 202
Thanks, randyadrian. Feedback is always appreciated.
I'll post another chapter soon called "Take Out Night". A twisted food-themed experience with one couple.
Posts: 1748
Writing is like painting a picture with words in place of paint. If you miss out words (detail) then the picture is missing some detail and people pass it by.
Good writing is about getting the fine balance between the detail and the mundane. Also remember that 99% of readers here are lurkers and cannot be bothered to write something to reply. This is the main reason I stopped writing my stories for this site.
I spent hours/days/weeks writing it all down only to get many thousands of views and only a handful of comments, most of which were a few words long!
If you decide to keep on writing, then add as much detail as you can, it gives the reader a visual in their mind, which in erotic writing is so vital to titivating them and making it a must read experience. Do not expect much at all from this audience. If you do I promise you will be very disappointed! Good luck.
Posts: 202
#8 · Edited by: YouKnowWho
Thanks. Especially for the specifics. It may inspire me to embellish things a bit more.
I write like I paint. Detail usually secondary to capturing the mood, shape and light. The few details I put in are suggestions. It allows the viewer to participate by 'filling in their own blanks'
Either way, your advice is worth some serious consideration.