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New Life

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again my cock is rock hard by reading, thank you so much for this exciting story
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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When I regained consciousness Kevin had left and I heard my wife Susan in a playful mood as she spoke to her friend over her cell-phone. "Yes Sally, my bull just left, and to say that I've been fantastically fucked would be an understatement...hee hee hee!" She went on to praise Kevin's performance, laughing as she mentioned what a magnificent measure of difference it was compared to the feeble fucking she'd had to settle for from me in the past.

"Sure Sally, we're still on for brunch this coming Saturday, and I've already told timid little Timmy we're going shopping on his dime for new bikinis and sexy lingerie at Victoria's Secret after, so he better expect his credit card to be maxed out!" I heard Sue say happily. "That's right," she went on sarcastically, "he's my wimpy wallet and servile little slave, why else do you think I keep the loser around for, ha ha ha!"

I felt my puny penis poking out the front of my pants and cursed my sad situation, recognizing the reality of my arousal from my surrendered subservient status. Looking up from my place on the floor, I was thrilled to witness my wife's wonderful words showcasing her superiority and assertive attitude towards me.

Susan's denigration of me to her friend was fueled in large part, I knew, from the secret submissive sharing of my sexual fantasies in our past candid conversations. Despite the shame, my pulsing pecker persistently pointed out (quite literally) the sense of sexual satisfaction I felt.

My feelings about my ********* bully Kevin were becoming transformed as well, with the jealousy and resentment I had felt evolving into a sense of gratitude and genuine admiration toward him. As my wife's bull, he satisfied a sexual need in her I could never supply. I also knew he could hurt me much worse than he did in his beat-downs, and resolved to redouble my efforts to serve him in any way I could in grateful thanks for his mercy and generosity.

I don't know whether they discussed it, but both Susan and Kevin seemed to sense my surrender to the servile status of my deepening denigration, as each seemed to delight in developing new and even deeper degradations and nastier demonstrations of their superiority over me. Now I was at times being included in their erotic escapades, but always in the most degrading and dehumanizing ways possible.

"Assume your position, mattress-man, chop-chop!" Susan called out one recent evening when Kevin was over, and I leaped onto the bed and stretched out face-up, taking a deep breath in anticipation of what I knew was coming. Sure enough, Susan stepped up to stand over me for a moment before throwing her legs out in front of her and smashing her butt down onto my face - whomp!

Her posterior is pure perfection, and Susan had spread her ass apart moments before falling onto my face so that my features were buried between her beautiful buttocks as my tongue dug deep to adore her anus. With my eyes just able to see over her bodacious butt cheeks, I tried to squirm my nose free to obtain some oxygen even as Kevin climbed up to straddle Susan.

"Oh yes, do me deep lover-man!" she shouted as I watched Kevin fully fill his role as Susan's bull, burying his massive meat in my wife's muff just inches above my face. Their fucking seemed to last forever, and when he finally rolled off my face was drenched with the combined love-juices of my wife and her bull.

As they luxuriated in the sweet sensation of satiated sexual satisfaction, Susan snapped her fingers at me as she demanded coffee and her cigarettes "for me and my REAL man". I had been trying to get her to quit, but I knew now was not a good time to bring it up as I scurried to obey her orders.

When I returned holding a silver serving tray that contained their coffee and smokes, I dropped to my knees and cravenly crawled to the side of the bed. "There's a good little go-fer," Susan said with a smile as she took a sip from the steaming cup, and Kevin took his cup of coffee as well as they started to leisurely lay back against the headboard. I rushed to prop up the pillows behind them for their comfort as they embraced lovingly, and humbly knelt beside them while they reclined regally. Suddenly Susan's snapped fingers signaled her desire for a smoke.

Despite my disapproval, I dashed to her side and presented her pack of ciggies, lighting one as she put it to her lips. I had hidden the ashtrays in an effort to erase the thought of smoking and ease her smoke-free struggles, but now realized I'd have to go find one for Susan to use. She seemed to sense my situation and snickered as she stopped my attempt to rise up.

"Stay right there, timid little Timmy," Sue said with a sadistic smile, as she went on to say she knew my motives and why there were no ashtrays to be found. Ordering me to open my mouth and stick my tongue way out, she went on to scold me for having the audacity to try and trick her into not smoking. "You should know better, bozo. I can quit anytime I want to, fool...I've done it hundreds of times!"

Unable to even apologize as I maintained my mouth open as ordered, I heard Kevin's cruel chuckle watching my wife flick her ashes onto my tongue. While her cigarette got smaller, I silently shivered in fear as I repeatedly sent the small amount of saliva in my mouth onto my tongue. Suddenly sliding over to stare down at me, Susan giggled sadistically as she sent a big ball of her spit down into my mouth, and in the next moment stubbed her cigarette butt out on my mercifully moistened tongue. "Next time you try to do my thinking for me I may not be as merciful, moron!" she snapped at me before turning to her bull Kevin, and I lowered my eyes respectfully as they embraced.

I silently saw my wife and her bull once again feed their flames of lust as they fucked furiously, and my admiration for his potent passion clearly confirmed to me my inadequacy when it came to satisfying her sexually. I said a silent prayer of gratitude for having a friend like Kevin, and felt a sublime sense of ********** as I not only accepted but embraced my status of inferior servant for my wife and her bull - both clearly my superiors.


I never would have dreamed that having a beauty like Susan as my wife, but at the same time being reduced to the role of servant for her and another man, would be something I could not only accept but enjoy.

Society would see my subservience as sick, and for me to not only forfeit my feelings of deep desire but truly feel fortunate to accept emasculation as my everyday existence in relation to my wife and her bull would be surely seen as ridiculous.

Yet here I was, more filled with lust for my beloved than I ever remember feeling, and at the same time genuinely grateful for the opportunity to offer my servitude to her and her man. A real man, my superior in every way, able and willing to generously give my wife the sexual satisfaction she desires and deserves.

Susan said she didn't like how it looked to others when she ordered me around, and blamed me for not anticipating her desires and offering to serve her and Kevin without needing to be told.

"Listen up, lackey. You make me look like some kind of cruel bitch, ******* me to always assert myself and tell you what I want you to do for me and my bull Kev" she stated, and she went on to say that she expected me to become better at predicting what she wants me to do without her having to ask. I apologized abjectly and assured Susan I would do better.

"I realize your puny penis runs your mini-mind, and when it comes to awareness you're not the first sandwich out of the picnic basket, so I'm gonna give you a subtle sign as a prompt for when to offer to do things for me and my stud - got it, geek?" she said. I nodded vigorously.

Out with Sally for the planned brunch, I sat silently beside my wife Susan munching on my side salad, and overheard their casual conversation as Susan commented on the macho man sitting at the bar across the patio. "What a hunk!"

When the waitress came by, Sue told her to put the guy's ***** tab on our bill, and tell him it's a gift "from an admirer".

I saw the waitress snicker as she looked over at me, and I sunk lower in my seat as my servile status was showcased. When the gift and message were conveyed, I saw the guys' grin grow as he looked over at our table and raised his ***** in acknowledgment.

Before long he was walking over to our table, and when my wife cleared her throat and stared at me I remembered the conversation we'd had and I jumped up to offer him my seat.

The guy seemed puzzled at first, looking at me, but then simply shrugged his broad shoulders and sat in my chair. Standing there stupidly for a moment, I heard my wife Susan again clear her throat and quickly regained my senses. I said I'd be sitting nearby over at the bar "in case anyone needs anything" and was gratified to see my wife smile as her friend Sally giggled. At first he wasn't sure what to make of the situation, but then the stud said his name was Max and seemed to settle into his superior status with the situation as he smugly stated he was about ready for another beer.

Understanding my cue, I hustled off to get his beer, and when I returned with his ***** offered it to him humbly with my eyes respectfully lowered: "your beer, Sir." I don't know what was discussed while I was gone, but Max seemed more relaxed as he continued to converse with my wife Susan and her friend Sally.

As he took the beer from me, Max commented to the women that he was surprised their husbands wouldn't be worried, two beauties like them out without any "real" male companions. Susan gestured toward me as she said I was her husband, and I saw his expression go from shock to a sneer when she added, "in name only!"

Before long I silently saw Susan's hand holding Max's under the table, first fondling his strong fingers before gradually working her way towards his bulging boner covered by his pants crotch. "Omigod, it's fuckin' huge!" she whispered to her friend Sally as Sue caressed the contours of Max's massive meat, and I saw him sit back smugly with his legs spread.

When the check came Max muscled me out of the way as he insisted on covering the tab, ignoring me like I was a piece of the furniture and smiling at my wife and her friend as he said he was happy to offer the treat "because I know I'll be getting my treat later, heh heh heh..."

Sure enough, Max followed us back to our place, and after Sally was driven home Max strutted into our home like he owned the place.

"So, you really live with this loser?" he commented as he started seducing Susan and acted as if I wasn't even present. "Yeah, the douch-bag does have some redeeming qualities, like mucho money and a menial mentality that makes him manageable as my minion, hee hee hee" Sue said with a giggle.

Wasting no time, Sue showed the way to our bedroom, and Max lifted her up effortlessly. Looking over his shoulder, she snarled at me to go clean the bathroom before snuggling happily in his arms.



Posts: 4337
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omg omg omg, I love that
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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It was hard (no pun intended) for me to concentrate on my cleaning as I saw our bed shake and felt the floor quake from the fierce fucking going on in our bedroom. The door was left open, intentionally I'm sure, and when their fucking was finally finished and I glanced over there I saw Max climb off the bed and walk towards me.

Hearing my wife sighing softly as she lay sprawled across the mattress, evidently exhausted from the powerfully passionate sexual performance Max performed, I quickly turned back to scrubbing the bathroom floor tiles surrounding the toilet as I heard his approaching steps.

I was about to move aside when Max straddled my crouched form with his long legs on either side of me, and let loose with a torrent of piss that poured powerfully past my ear and into the toilet bowl. I froze in my position beneath him and said a soft "sorry, Sir" for being in his way as the strong stream seemed to go on forever.

Although I continued to face the floor, I heard my wife walk over and sensed her starting to caress the contours of Max's manly body, causing the still steady stream of his piss to begin to scatter beyond the boundaries of the bowl.

"What a man, even your piss is powerful, hee hee hee!" Sue said with admiration as her caressing strokes continued to cause him to squirm, and Max mockingly mentioned he'd just ruined my cleaning job with a cruel chuckle.

"No problem, babe" Susan said to her bull with a smile which quickly turned into a snarl as she spoke down at me. "Perk up, peon, more menial mop-up work for you to do, and be quick about it or you'll be using your tongue!" she ordered, even as Max shook his head still surprised at my servility while he watched me mop up his piss from the floor.

"You really have the poor sucker wrapped around your little finger, huh..." Max muttered as he watched me clean his piss from the bathroom floor. I saw my wife wrap her arms lovingly around his hairy chest as she replied "actually, you're not even half right. The sucker's not poor, at least not financially, and as far as being a sucker that's a privilege I only permit the douche-bag after a real man has 'done the deed' hee hee hee!"

I could hear the disbelief in Max's mocking mention to my wife that he couldn't believe any guy would put up with that kind of treatment, but Sue simply took his hand and led Max back into the bedroom.

As I humbly followed back into the bedroom behind them, I cringed at the thought of my subservience being showcased once again to a relative stranger, but I knew that in my servile status I truly had no say in the situation.

Paradoxically, as I crawled behind my wife and her lover the sight of Susan's sexy buttocks bouncing beside Max's manly butt had my confined cock fully aroused at the thought of serving them as my superiors.

As my wife laid down she patted the sheet beside her, inviting her bull Max to join her, which he did. They started talking as if I wasn't even there while I remained respectfully crouched at the foot of the bed. When my wife spread her legs, snapped her fingers and pointed down at her sex I obediently obeyed her casual command and began performing the cleaning french I knew she wordlessly wanted. Max marveled at the depth of my degradation, but my wife said I considered my douche-bag duties a privilege as she took a hard hold of my hair in her hands and ****** my face further between her legs.

Oh, what an eruption of emotions I felt as I diligently drank their combined collection of sex-slime covering my wife's creamy cunt. Deepening my degradation, my wife chuckled as she said I was strictly straight sexually even as she ****** me to continue consuming the large load of cum her stud Max had deposited deep down in my wife's cunt.

It was truly an honor for me to perform oral sex on my wife, and even though confined in it's cock-cage my partially erect penis pulsed with passion. Putting his arm around my wife's shoulders and pulling her closer to him even as I continued to diligently devour their combined juices, Max settled back as he mockingly mused "keep at it, douche-bag, I left a pretty large load of my come in your wife's cunt!"

It was true, I timidly thought as I lovingly lapped at my wife's sex and drank down the copious come contained in and covering it, even as Susan's cruel comments only deepened my degradation: "oh yeah lover-man, you really drenched me down there, hee hee hee," she said as she squirmed against her stud while they snuggled above me.

Lost in my lustful desire for my wife, I was silently shocked when I heard her stud Max muse that I seemed pretty passionate as I was swallowing all his semen from my wife's sex. "You sure this humble hubby of yours ain't gay? I mean, he seems eager to eat all my load of come from your cunt, and he's gotta know that came right out of my cock, y'know?"

I heard my wife Susan snicker as she snuggled closer to her stud, saying "nah, he's not gay. The fool is submissive to the bone, though, so much so that he sees me as his only owner and absolute goddess.

Watching her bull Max shake his head in disbelief, Sue went on to say that no matter how debasing or degenerate a service seemed, if she ordered me to do it I not only would do so eagerly but would thank her for the privilege.

I was just finishing my oral servitude between my wife's thighs when Max made a comment that shocked my wife Susan: "so, you think this little lickin' loser of yours could clean my crotch as good as he did yours?" he said sarcastically, and I froze in my position beneath them on the bed.

Sue was at first surprised and delighted as she realized what Max meant, and she slowly sported a sadistic smile as she snapped her fingers and pointed to his come-covered cock and balls as she stared at me and commanded "clean and worship, cuckold!"

Looking up at my wife Susan as she stared down as if daring me to disobey, I could see her and her stud both glance down at me as my tongue tentatively touched the tip of his come-covered cock. "What a loser..." I heard Max mutter as my tongue traveled the long length of his cock, but I felt gratified to see my wife Susan's growing passion as she witnessed my sexual subjugation.

Even as my wife Susan became increasingly aroused watching my sexual servitude to a superior man, I hesitated when Max's monster of a cock started to become erect. "Open wide, ass-wipe!" my wife ordered excitedly as she once again grabbed a fist-full of my hair and ****** my face down on his massive cock until it was flush against his balls.

My throat was fully filled with his huge hard-on as my wife Susan swung one luscious leg over me and started humping the back of my head, driving our bull Max's meat even deeper down my gullet. My throat seemed stretched to the limit as my face was ****** against his belly and I smelled the stink of his sweat, but my disgust was diminished when I saw my wife Susan's pleasure from the erotic escalation.

Suddenly Sue swung her leg back off my neck and, once again using my hair as her handy hand grip, threw me off the bed. "Get lost, loser" she exclaimed as she mounted Max and drove his monster meat deep within her, and I watched from the floor her wild and wanton lust.

I was impressed with Max's size and sexual stamina, and grateful for the pleasure he was providing my wife, but cautiously concerned with his lack of inhibitions. He seemed to have endless energy with a limitless libido, and when their fierce fucking was finally finished my wife and her bull Max again laid back on our bed.

Eager to once again perform cleaning french on my sweet goddess Susan, I crouched at the foot of the bed and awaited the signal I hoped for to once again begin my sexual servitude. Instead, I heard my wife compliment Max on being such an incredible stud, as she once again remarked on what a damn good difference it was from the feeble fucking she had settled for with me in the past.

When my wife Susan ordered me to beg for the privilege of serving my superiors I quickly dropped to my knees and clasped my hands in front of me as I sincerely prayed for the honor of being used by them for their benefit and pleasure.

Candidly concerned at my wife's use of the plural word "superiors" in ordering my begging, I hoped my sexual servitude would be limited to my wife, but my desires were dashed when I heard sweet Susan suggest to her stud Max that they both use my mouth for some preliminary cunt and cock cleaning to impress on me my true status in relation to them, before she laid back down in the bed.


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Another great chapter!


Posts: 4337
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Please keep posting the story, I am impatiently waiting for the next chapter
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


Posts: 303
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Any more exploits of the cruel Susan, her lover and her little bitch of a husband? I hope so!


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sorry, my membership was expired incorrectly


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I felt my eyes well up with timid tears as my wife wickedly whacked me on the side of my head to halt the hungry licking and lapping of her precious pussy that I had been devotedly doing douche-bag duties on, nervously knowing what was next.

Superior Susan didn't even offer me a word of thanks for the thorough job of cunt-cleaning I had completed as she reclined resting in our marriage bed next to her stallion Max, instead turning towards the big bull with a giant grin as she invited him to use me as well.

Knowing there was no way out, I moved over and tried to disguise my disgust as I faced Max's massive meat, still slick with their combined sex-slime.

My wife knew me well enough to recognize my repressed revulsion for what it was, and her response came quick to question my hesitancy.

"What's the matter wimp," Susan said as she sneered down at me, "sad because you're only getting sloppy seconds on my stud's sex-stick?"

Cheer up, cuck" my wife said while smiling wickedly, then went on to say "I'm sure if you snivel sincerely my big bull here will let you blow him before he leaves, hee hee hee!"

Oh no, I thought as I slowly began to service this big behemoth, hoping my wife was only kidding even as I cravenly continued tongue-cleaning his massive member.

I have humbled myself in many ways as my wife's cuckold, but performing oral sex to completion on a man, even our bull, was "a road less traveled" for me and one that I had no desire to traverse.

It was one thing to taste this stud's semen fresh from my beloved's beautiful bush after their sex, but to perform an actual blow job on him, even in my role as the cuck slave in our poly-marriage and at her command, would leave no doubt in anyone's eyes as to what my shameful status and supposed sexual desires are actually all about.

"How'd he do?" my wife questioned her bull when I backed off as I finally felt finished cleaning his cock with my tongue and lips, and I moaned mentally when Max mentioned his balls were still sweaty.

Whack! I saw stars as my wife smacked me upside my head once again with her open palm, and a suddenly sadistic Susan swore I would get the beating of my life if I didn't devotedly demonstrate my sincere servitude to Max as my superior.

Mentioning to Max that a whipping from her was waiting for me anyway at the end of the day, my wicked wife told her stud he could have his choice of whips to blister my butt with as well if my service to him was disappointing in any way.

Full of fear as I dreaded the damage this strong stud could do me, I fell to my knees beside the bed and begged him to be merciful, babbling I only wanted to serve this massive he-man in any way that would bring him pleasure and comfort... in desperation even saying I would welcome anything that came from him as a generous gift.

When the big stud stepped off the bed and said he had to go take a piss I saw my wife's face light up as she started to speak, and I knew I wasn't going to like her "suggestion" even before she said it.

"Hold on honey," my wife whispered seductively to her stud, motioning over at me as she said she knew of "a certain servile sap" who would savor swallowing all his superior's potent piss and would even thank him for being allowed the privilege.

Resigned to my fate, I looked up at Max as he stood smiling over my kneeling body and pointed his powerful prick at my face.

I couldn't hide my feelings of fear and revulsion as this big bull laughed and beat his meat against my cowardly cheeks while my wife watched, and when he grabbed my head by my hair and wrenched it back ******* my mouth to open wide I heard my wife squeal with pure pleasure at his arrogant attitude.

I felt helpless with my head held hard in his strong hands, my wife watching with a wicked smile, as Max crammed his cock deep down my throat with a powerful push.

"Well, this is convenient... my own timid little toilet, ha ha ha!" Max chuckled as his prick began pouring piss down my throat.

We only drank premium bottled water, and Max had taken advantage of our refrigerator's generous supply to easily guzzle a gallon or two since he'd arrived, so I knew he had a lot of piss stored up.

With his huge cock driven deep down my throat, I felt my neck muscles moving up and down as I swallowed repeatedly, while my wife watched with wonder. Meanwhile, Max maintained his mastery of me as my adam's apple silently showed I was continuing to swallow all of his piss.

Suddenly I heard Max moan and felt him tighten his hold on my head as he humped his hips, and I realized with horror that the motion and movement of my neck muscles caused by my spasmodic swallowing was massaging his massive meat. Sure enough, I tasted a change in the flavor of the fluid going down my gulping gullet and now knew this big bull was not only using me as his own personal piss-pot, but had just gotten a blowjob in the bargain as well!

"Keep licking, loser" Max said as he looked down at me with a sneer, and in my shame I kept my eyes lowered as I obediently kept licking as ordered. I glanced over at my wife and felt some satisfaction seeing her smiling serenity as she witnessed my willing servility to her stud.

Despite my degraded status, I felt in a perfectly passive place of surrender in relation to my wife and her bull as I looked up at them subserviently. When Susan said she'd hoped Max could have held off his orgasm so she could enjoy "another round" with him, he smiled and suggested to her he'd be ready to go again right away if he could get some stimulation from her slave as he looked down at me.

"Say no more," my wife Susan said with a sweet smile as she snuggled up to her stud. Looking down at me, my wife's smile quickly turned into a sneer as she suggested Max turn over onto his stomach, and I heard him chuckle as he complied.

"Here's your chance to show some appreciation for Max's mastery as the real man in this poly-amorous relationship, unlike your submissive self, and for him giving me the pleasure I deserve that you're incapable of delivering, dimwit!" my wife declared as she spread her bull's ass cheeks and dared me to deny her unspoken demand.

Feeling all boundaries abandoned as my only thought became my wife's delight displayed in her decadent desire, I dug my face into the ass-crack of our bull and bathed his butt-hole with my timid tongue.

Are there no limits to my devoted decadence, I thought, as the lapping of my superior's asshole suddenly provided an unspoken answer: brappp! Omigod, I realized with a combined sense of shock and awesome admiration, this masterful man had just had the audacity to fart right in my face!

Reacting reflexively, I started to pull my face out of Max's ass crack, only to hear my wife's wicked laugh as she held my hair hard and ****** my face back between his butt cheeks, saying "ha ha ha, stay right there slave, and be sure to sniff up all of your superior's smell, sucker!"

My status in relation to my wife was never more clear, I shamefully saw, as I imagined how my spouse must savor her superiority in our respective roles. I couldn't conceive of the sensations she must feel, serviced sexually to her sensational satisfaction by her bull while as her husband I licked my lips and tasted the anal aroma of her stud's ass-sweat on my face.

As I obediently did my duty I happily heard my wife suddenly say with wonder that our bull had amazingly become physically aroused once again, and I was degradingly discarded down off the bed like a useless eunuch as our virile stud once again served my wife sexually.


Posts: 303
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Glad to see you back with another great chapter!!


Posts: 4337
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Glad to see you back with another great chapter!!

the same here
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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thx, good2b back!


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The reality that my wife Susan was and is my superior became blatantly obvious as she rejoiced in her regal superiority, savoring her sweet sexual satisfaction with bulls who cuckolded me mercilessly.

While I accepted and even enthusiastically embraced my subservient status in relation to my wife Susan as my superior, I felt my acceptance of her concurrent command that I become an all-purpose servant and slave for her studs as well harder to achieve peace with - even as my physically showcased sexual arousal blatantly betrayed my own beliefs!

Yes, I have always known of and accepted my servile sexual stimulation and slavery to my wife Susan as arousing, a status I find very fulfilling. I have never had homosexual desires, though, and the thought of being intimate with another man disgusts me.

Susan seems to find my slavery to her studs especially stimulating, though, whether as pay back penance for the first year of unsatisfying sex she suffered through in our marriage, or simply as a sadistic showcasing of her power over me. I have been able to accept this and am willing to serve the bulls that bed my wife as their slave as well, but it is much harder to accept my required ********** to Kevin and Max ( her main sexual mates ) in the ways they require - and this seems to be an added turn-on for my wife Susan who demands my acceptance of slavery to them in any and every way they require.

And yet paradoxically, acceptance became the answer to all of my concerns.

Although I was my wife's partner in our marriage, as she experienced the sexual satisfaction from her two main studs, the ****** bull Kevin and massive macho Max, my spousal status shrunk from passive partner to insignificant servile slave. Alone with Susan we never spoke of specifics, and I was actually grateful that we didn't since it fueled my fantasies so. I was both excited and ashamed to admit that my beloved Susan's arrogant ownership of her superior status was incredibly arousing to me.

When I felt disturbed, it was because I found some facet of our relationship, usually some servitude "suggested" by Susan that I perform for her bull, unacceptable to me. And I could feel no serenity in my servile ********** until I accepted my unconditional status as a sincere slave to not only my wonderful wife, but to her chosen bull as well.

Before long, one of two situations would inevitably develop when my sweet Susan invited one of her two steady studs over, and as her humble hubby I knew what was expected of me in each case.

When my wife and superior goddess Susan invited Kevin over the other evening, I knew I was in for a ****** beating as she inevitably incensed him by manipulating the situation to provoke the pounding.

Without even a miniscule mention of appreciation for the fine dinner I had prepared for them, as I scurried to refill my wife's wine glass, I cringed as she caustically commented "what about my man Kevin's beer, you don't even ask if he wants another?"

I stammered an apology and started to address Kevin in the most servile way I could, only to be cut off as Sue said she thought my not offering him another beer was clearly disrespectful. As I refilled my wife's wine glass Kevin stood up and faced me as I put the wine bottle down.

"Wha'samatta wimp, you're too good to get me another beer?" Kevin said with a snarl, and before I could answer his hand grabbed the front of my shirt and pulled my face down to his.

"Beat his ass, babe, teach him to respect you!" my wife said with a sexy smirk, and in the next moment WHAM! Kevin buried his fist in my belly as I doubled over in agony. I heard his cruel chuckle as he placed his hands on my bowed back before he leapt up to straddle me as I struggled to catch my breath, coming down to sit with his full weight smashing onto my shoulders as he flattened me on the floor beneath him.

"heh heh heh, fuckin' up this faggot is always fun" Kevin said to my wife as he got up off my back, and she walked over to hug her hero as I raised my head.

My wonderful wife was wearing her sexy gladiator sandals, and her sexy foot-scent from her sweet soles mere inches from my face had me transfixed. Unable to resist the temptation, I pursed my lips and reverently kissed my sweet Susan's fantastic feet, only to see one of them disappear momentarily before it slammed down on my neck - Gaack!

As I struggled in vain for air that was not available under my sweet Susan's sandal sole, Kevin walked over and embraced my wife as he rested his shoe heavily on my back to stop my squirming.

"What a man you are, and what a wimpy weakling he is..." I heard my wife whisper as she transfered all of her weight onto her sole pinning my neck to the floor beneath them, and Kevin began to grope and grind against Susan as she swooned in his eager embrace.

Before long they were in the bedroom going at it hot and heavy, and I was ****** to disregard my bruised neck and battered body as I hustled to honor their slightest whim following their ******** fucking.

When it was time for Kevin to leave, he suddenly faced me and, in a quick maneuver, had me in a hard headlock that had me helpless at his hip as he spoke down at me: "listen up, loser. If I hear you've been anything but a total slave to your wife's slightest desire, the pounding I give your pansy ass the next time I come over to fuck your wife will make tonight's beat down look like kid stuff - got it?" As I watched my wife Susan squirm sexily as she swooned in our bull Kevin's easy embrace, I gave the only answer I could: "yes sir, thank you sir."


Posts: 303
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Thanks for another great chapter. One of my biggest fantasies is a woman telling lies just to watch her lover kick hubby's ass, and you clearly enjoy that scenario, too!!


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Kevin can be cruel to me, but the beautiful smile on my beloved wife as she witnesses my whomping by our bully bull reminds me of my passive place and servile status in our marriage.

glad you understand...


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Kevin can be cruel to me, but the beautiful smile on my beloved wife as she witnesses my whomping by our bully bull reminds me of my passive place and servile status in our marriage.

I understand what you mean and I agree
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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Max was all man, and straight as an arrow, but unlike Kevin he had no hesitation when my wife wound her wicked web of ********** around me into deeper and more deviant depths of decadent depravity, as she had me do things like use my mouth to fluff him (front and rear) to get him aroused in preparation for their fucking.

"Hey hubby," Susan said to me recently in a mocking manner, with Max watching as she smiled seductively, "since you're not man enough to satisfy me sexually, I want you to convince our bull Max here that you will be his bitch and serve him devotedly in any way he desires in grateful appreciation of his powerfully pleasuring me sexually - something you are completely incapable of."

Watching the smile on Max's face widen in anticipation as he reclined in our marital bedroom beside my wife, I dropped to my knees beside the bed and looked up at their elegant ease as they fully filled their roles as my superiors.

In awe of their arrogant attitudes, I silently speculated what it must feel like to own another person and have the authority to allow or deny pleasure or pain at their whim, but quickly recognized my foolishness in fantasizing feelings so foreign to me.

With my hands clasped in front of me in prayerful position, I basically begged Max to continue pleasuring my wife in ways that I am not man enough to, pledging to provide complete cuckold slave servitude to him and my wife in return.

While they spoke to each other as if I wasn't even there, I heard my wife encourage Max to use my servitude as a way to make his life easier, and I shuddered silently scared and shamed as their conversation continued.

"Hmmm, I could use your humble little hubby here to run some errands for me like picking up my dry cleaning and doing other stuff, saving me time and money so I can make it over here more often" Max mused, and I saw my wife's face light up. "Say no more sweetie," Sue said as she gazed at Max in adoration.

And so I became the go-fer and all-purpose servant for Max in addition to my role as slave for my wife Susan, free time now a thing of the past as my days were devoted to serving them both.

The next time she invited Kevin over, Sue casually mentioned examples to him of how I had become so subservient and eager to serve Max when he visited, and I could see the anger in his eyes as he looked at me.

"You have never offered to do any of MY errands, douche bag!" Kevin declared as he stared me down. My wife commented she thought she remembered me complaining I didn't have enough time to slave for Kevin with all the servile stuff I was already doing for Max and my wife, and I watched his face redden with rage.

It was a complete lie, of course, but I knew if I argued that in my own defense it would not be believed and would only make matters worse for me.

Stuttering out an apology, my words were abruptly aborted as Kevin reached up to my face and trapped my nose between his knuckles. Pulling my head down with his hard hold on my nostrils so that I was bent forward with my arms waving helplessly at my sides, I heard my wife snicker at my sad situation and I knew she was getting turned on as Kevin bullied me.

"Hop up on his back, Suzie, and let's let the loser serve some useful function - as our horse, haw haw haw!" Kevin declared. I heard my wife cackle with glee at Kevin's arrogant domination of me, and in the next moment she hopped up to straddle my torso as his cruel capture of my nose between the knuckles of his fist kept me bent over.

"That's right, ya think you're too good to run my errands, douche bag? How about being my beast of burden then?"Kevin queried as he released his hold on my nose and walked around to stand behind me.

I was grateful for the sudden freedom of my nose, but in the next moment I felt Kevin leapfrog onto my bent-over back to land heavily behind Susan - ooof! She had grabbed one of her riding crops and now handed it to her stud, inviting him to beat my butt all the way to the bedroom to teach me some respect for my superiors, a labor he said he would truly love!


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Great continuation. Just when I think I can guess where it's going, you throw a few curves into the mix.


Posts: 40
#49 · Edited by: faceseat4jeans
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Giddy-up, go-fer!" I heard my wife exclaim as she grabbed a fist-full of my hair to raise my head and point me in the direction of our bedroom. Struggling under not just her weight as Susan straddled my bent-over back but Kevin's as well as he sat on me behind her, I was barely able to stagger forward towards our bedroom under their combined weight.

"Hurry up, horsey, your wife needs to be fucked by a REAL man!" Kevin cried out, adding emphasis to his command by crashing the riding crop my wife had supplied him with down hard on my bruised bottom - ungh!

I heard Susan squeal with excitement at Kevin's comment and silently surrendered to the reality that my wonderful wife wanted sexual satisfaction not from me but from him, with my meager contribution limited to serving as their beaten beast of burden and wimpy wallet to pay for their dates.

Finally reaching our bedroom, Susan jumped off my back and bounced onto our bed, eager to satisfy the lusty sexual sensations Kevin's cruel treatment of me had aroused in her.

"Down, boy" Kevin declared as I obediently lowered my legs so he could dismount, with his only reward for my deferential descent another parting slash from the cruel crop - argh!

"Stay down there, sucker" Susan said as I started to get up, and I obediently remained on my hands and knees at the foot of our bed and watched. This was really rubbing my nose in it, I thought, as I watched the man who bullied and beat me bed my wife.

While I knew Susan got no satisfaction from sex with me as her husband, my cuckold condition was usually not so blatant. This was a new and deeper level of my cuckold slave status, I thought, and I wondered how my wife could have any respect left for me at all.

Kevin wore a condom, and when he and my wife had finally finished fucking (I don't know how he lasts so long, I always blew my load in seconds when I was allowed to have sex with her) I saw Susan slowly slide the extra-large condom off Kevin's massive manhood.

I was in awe of his sexual stamina and technique, and as I watched my wife lovingly lift the condom off Kevin's cock the copious amount of come that filled it also amazed me. When my wife tied a knot in the condom and motioned me over to where she and Kevin were reclining back on the pillows I propped up against the headboard behind them for their comfort, I obeyed with a confused look at her.

"Here ya go cucky, some slave chewing gum from your superiors, hee hee hee!" Sue said as she shoved the cum-filled condom between my lips!

Oh no, I was trapped in the worst of all worlds! effectively sentenced to silence, I kept racing to resolve their slightest whim with the taste of Kevin's slimy cum constantly sliding down my throat as a raunchy reminder of my cuckold slave status in relation to my wife and her bull.


Posts: 40
#50 · Edited by: faceseat4jeans
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"Giddy-up, go-fer!" I heard my wife exclaim as she grabbed a fist-full of my hair to raise my head and point me in the direction of our bedroom. Struggling under not just her weight as Susan straddled my bent-over back but Kevin's as well as he sat on me behind her, I was barely able to stagger forward towards our bedroom under their combined weight.

"Hurry up, horsey, your wife needs to be fucked by a REAL man!" Kevin cried out, adding emphasis to his command by crashing the riding crop my wife had supplied him with down hard on my bruised bottom - ungh!

I heard Susan squeal with excitement at Kevin's comment and silently surrendered to the reality that my wonderful wife wanted sexual satisfaction not from me but from him, with my meager contribution limited to serving as their beaten beast of burden and wimpy wallet to pay for their dates.

Finally reaching our bedroom, Susan jumped off my back and bounced onto our bed, eager to satisfy the lusty sexual arousal Kevin's cruel treatment of me had aroused in her.

"Down, boy" Kevin declared as I obediently lowered my legs so he could dismount, with his only reward for my deferential descent another parting slash from the cruel crop - argh!

"Stay down there, sucker" Susan said as I started to get up, and I obediently remained on my hands and knees at the foot of our bed and watched. This was really rubbing my nose in it, I thought, as I watched the man who bullied and beat me bed my wife.

While I knew Susan got no satisfaction from sex with me as her husband, my cuckold condition was usually not so blatant. This was a new and deeper level of my cuckold slave status, I thought, and I wondered how my wife could have any respect left for me at all.

Kevin wore a condom, and when he and my wife had finally finished fucking (I don't know how he lasts so long, I always blew my load in seconds when I was allowed to have sex with her) I saw Susan slowly slide the extra-large condom off Kevin's massive manhood.

I was in awe of his sexual stamina and technique, and as I watched my wife lovingly lift the condom off Kevin's cock the copious amount of come that filled it also amazed me. When my wife tied a knot in the condom and motioned me over to where she and Kevin were reclining back on the pillows I propped up against the headboard behind them for their comfort, I obeyed with a confused look at her.

"Here ya go cucky, some slave chewing gum from your superiors, hee hee hee!" Sue said with a smile as she shoved the cum-filled condom between my lips!

Oh no, I was trapped in the worst of all worlds! effectively sentenced to silence, I raced to resolve their slightest whim with the taste of Kevin's slimy cum constantly sliding down my throat as a raunchy reminder of my cuckold slave status in relation to my wife and her bull.

My lifelong fantasies of being dominated and degraded were finally coming true in my servitude to my wife, and my acceptance of being a slave to her and any of the bulls she has chosen to satisfy her sexually turns me on tremendously.

The problem, as incongruous as it may seem, is my pride. Members of the small social circle me and my wife Susan are part of have always known of and accepted my submissive nature, but as the concept of female supremacy has become more and more something Susan has embraced my status in the group has correspondingly cascaded down into the depths of dehumanization and objectification.

In our get-togethers Susan speaks candidly to the others of how she cuckolds me and has me serve not only her but the bulls that bed her as well, the more degrading the better, and our friends are fascinated by my willingness to sacrifice my self-respect and dignity.

Susan's close friend Sarah in particular was pleased to hear of my acceptance to being treated terribly, and she asked my wife Sue if I would accept being treated like an inferior lackey by others in our small circle of friends.

"Sure thing Sarah," Sue said with a smile, "in fact, I'm working on wiping out every bit of self-respect left in this humble hubby of mine." I felt awkward as they spoke of me as if I wasn't even present, and I could sense my life would never be the same even as my wife wrapped me around her little finger effortlessly.

Although happily married to Susan, I have always lusted for Sarah in the form-fitting faded blue jeans she wears, and have in the past secretly used fantasies of having sex with her to get and keep me aroused when I was intimate with my wife.

Sarah's husband Myron is a meek mouse of a man, and I had decadent dreams of cuckolding him as their bull when I saw Sarah look at me with lust. Instead, my heart fell as I heard her promise my marriage partner Sue the new depths of degradation I would suffer if she and Myron could cuckold me.

My wife agreed and welcomed the opportunity to deepen my degradation, and I of course had no say in the matter.

As I sat in the back seat of their car while Sarah drove back to their place, I heard Myron mention to his wife Sarah that he had doubts this would work. He commented that I was much taller than him, and that he would feel awkward ordering me around. Sarah suggested that as her husband Myron was a loving and caring partner, made a good income that gave them comfort and security, and needed to own his superior status in relation to me.

Sarah said she was reading about the power of positive affirmations, self-endorsing statements stated as if already true, and together she and her husband Myron came up with a number of them for him to use.

"Every day and in every way, my superiority shows - especially over scum bags!" Myron said as he turned and stared menacingly at me in the seat behind him, and I was amazed to see the transformation occurung in him.

I have always wondered why a living goddess like Sarah would want to be with a meek moron like Myron, but as Sarah drove us to their home I was amazed to see the effect affirmations were having on him.

As we pulled into their garage, Myron turned to face me in the back seat and grabbed the front of my shirt as he pulled me towards him. "Your new purpose in life is serving me and my wife Sarah, scum bag, and you are proud to have that opportunity...aren't you?" With a feeling of real respect and fear, I replied "yes sir, thank you , sir!"

I could see Sarah was more than satisfied with the positive change in her husband, and I felt gratified for my part in Myron's new macho manner. It was a powerful example to me of the three A's that have served me so well in other areas of my life.

First, my awareness allows me to see the situations in my life as they truly are, free of my pride and other character defects.

Second and perhaps most importantly, acceptance permits me to find the answer to all of my problems today.

When I am disturbed, it is because I find my role in relation to some person, place, thing or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens serendipitously by mistake.

Until I could accept my subservient nature, and my spiritual path in life, I cannot be happy.

I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.

...which leads me, counter-intuitively and paradoxically, to surrender - and to win!

"Giddy-up, go-fer!" I heard my wife exclaim as she grabbed a fist-full of my hair to raise my head and point me in the direction of our bedroom. Struggling under not just her weight as Susan straddled my bent-over back but Kevin's as well as he sat on me behind her, I was barely able to stagger forward towards our bedroom under their combined weight.

"Hurry up, horsey, your wife needs to be fucked by a REAL man!" Kevin cried out, adding emphasis to his command by crashing the riding crop my wife had supplied him with down hard on my bruised bottom - ungh!

I heard Susan squeal with excitement at Kevin's comment and silently surrendered to the reality that my wonderful wife wanted sexual satisfaction not from me but from him, with my meager contribution limited to serving as their beaten beast of burden and wimpy wallet to pay for their dates.

Finally reaching our bedroom, Susan jumped off my back and bounced onto our bed, eager to satisfy the lusty sexual arousal Kevin's cruel treatment of me had aroused in her.

"Down, boy" Kevin declared as I obediently lowered my legs so he could dismount, with his only reward for my deferential descent another parting slash from the cruel crop - argh!

"Stay down there, sucker" Susan said as I started to get up, and I obediently remained on my hands and knees at the foot of our bed and watched. This was really rubbing my nose in it, I thought, as I watched the man who bullied and beat me bed my wife.

While I knew Susan got no satisfaction from sex with me as her husband, my cuckold condition was usually not so blatant. This was a new and deeper level of my cuckold slave status, I thought, and I wondered how my wife could have any respect left for me at all.

Kevin wore a condom, and when he and my wife had finally finished fucking (I don't know how he lasts so long, I always blew my load in seconds when I was allowed to have sex with her) I saw Susan slowly slide the extra-large condom off Kevin's massive manhood.

I was in awe of his sexual stamina and technique, and as I watched my wife lovingly lift the condom off Kevin's cock the copious amount of come that filled it also amazed me. When my wife tied a knot in the condom and motioned me over to where she and Kevin were reclining back on the pillows I propped up against the headboard behind them for their comfort, I obeyed with a confused look at her.

"Here ya go cucky, some slave chewing gum from your superiors, hee hee hee!" Sue said with a smile as she shoved the cum-filled condom between my lips!

Oh no, I was trapped in the worst of all worlds! effectively sentenced to silence, I raced to resolve their slightest whim with the taste of Kevin's slimy cum constantly sliding down my throat as a raunchy reminder of my cuckold slave status in relation to my wife and her bull.

My lifelong fantasies of being dominated and degraded were finally coming true in my servitude to my wife, and my acceptance of being a slave to her any of the bulls she has chosen to satisfy her sexually turns me on tremendously.

The problem, as incongruous as it may seem, is my pride. Members of the small social circle me and my wife Susan are part of have always known of and accepted my submissive nature, but as the concept of female supremacy has become more and more something Susan has embraced my status in the group has correspondingly cascaded down into the depths of dehumanization and objectification.

In our get-togethers Susan speaks candidly to the others of how she cuckolds me and has me serve not only her but the bulls that bed her as well, the more degrading the better, and our friends are fascinated by my willingness to sacrifice my self-respect and dignity.

Susan's close friend Sarah in particular was pleased to hear of my acceptance to being treated terribly, and she asked my wife Sue if I would accept being treated like an inferior lackey by others in our small circle of friends.

"Sure thing Sarah," Sue said with a smile, "in fact, I'm working on wiping out every bit of self-respect left in this humble hubby of mine." I felt awkward as they spoke of me as if I wasn't even present, and I could sense my life would never be the same even as my wife wrapped me around her little finger effortlessly.

Although happily married to Susan, I have always lusted for Sarah in the form-fitting faded blue jeans she wears, and have in the past secretly used fantasies of having sex with her to get and keep me aroused when I was intimate with my wife.

Sarah's husband Myron is a meek mouse of a man, and I had decadent dreams of cuckolding him as their bull when I saw Sarah look at me with lust. Instead, my heart fell as I heard her promise my marriage partner Sue the new depths of degradation I would suffer if she and Myron could cuckold me.

My wife agreed and welcomed the opportunity to deepen my degradation, and I of course had no say in the matter.

As I sat in the back seat of their car while Sarah drove back to their place, I heard Myron mention to his wife Sarah that he had doubts this would work. He commented that I was much taller than him, and that he would feel awkward ordering me around. Sarah suggested that as her husband Myron was a loving and caring partner, made a good income that gave them comfort and security, and needed to own his superior status in relation to me.

Sarah said she was reading about the power of positive affirmations, self-endorsing statements stated as if already true, and together she and her husband Myron came up with a number of them for him to use.

"Every day and in every way, my superiority shows - especially over scum bags!" Myron said as he turned and stared menacingly at me in the seat behind him, and I was amazed to see the transformation occurung in him.

I have always wondered why a living goddess like Sarah would want to be with a meek moron like Myron, but as Sarah drove us to their home I was amazed to see the effect affirmations were having on him.

As we pulled into their garage, Myron turned to face me in the back seat and grabbed the front of my shirt as he pulled me towards him. "Your new purpose in life is serving me and my wife Sarah, scum bag, and you are proud to have that opportunity...aren't you?" With a feeling of real respect and fear, I replied "yes sir, thank you , sir!"

I could see Sarah was more than satisfied with the positive change in her husband, and I felt gratified for my part in Myron's new macho manner. It was a powerful example to me of the three A's that have served me so well in other areas of my life.

First, my awareness allows me to see the situations in my life as they truly are, free of my pride and other character defects.

Second and perhaps most importantly, acceptance permits me to find the answer to all of my problems today.

When I am disturbed, it is because I find my role in relation to some person, place, thing or situation - some fact of my life - unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing or situation as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment.

Nothing, absolutely nothing happens serendipitously by mistake.

Until I could accept my subservient nature, and my spiritual path in life, I cannot be happy.

I need to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world as on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes.

...which leads me, counter-intuitively and paradoxically, to surrender - and to win!


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I posted one section twice by mistake - sorry...

I can't figure out how to delete it, if moderator can, please do!


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Sorry I haven't been able to write in a while. My wife Susan has cuckolded me beyond my wildest dreams, and subjected me to a status of severe subservience towards not just her but others in our life as well.

As previously mentioned, when Sue saw how easy and enjoyable it was to cuckold and emasculate me with our old friend Kevin and a big bloke named Max she flirted with and picked up right in my face, it was like there was no stopping her from beginning to blossom into the cruel cuckoldress she has become.


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I posted one section twice by mistake - sorry...

no problem. please let us know more about
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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when Susan and I got married I insisted that we each keep our finances separate so that money would not become a potentially divisive issue. After our one year anniversary when she began to cuckold me for real and not just in our fantasy role-plays, however, Susan started showcasing her superiority over me by casually commanding me to cover more and more of our expenses.

It did turn me on to submit to Susan, but when one of her bulls was with her I was silently speechless as she encouraged him to save his money and use me for any expenses.

When it came to Max, Sue simply had me make sure I had a supply of his favorite beer and pretzels whenever she had him over. He soon also used me to pick up his dry cleaning and laundry, however, and even had me buy a shoe shine set up.

"Don't miss a spot, douche bag," Susan said with a sneer as she looked down at me. She was wrapped in Max's masterful embrace as they stood over my kneeling position at their feet, with one of his shoes resting on my shoe shine stand.

"Yes, goddess," I said sincerely as I brushed the applied polish bringing a satisfying shine to his shoe. Glancing up, I hoped for some sign of approval from my wife, only to see her turn to Max and wrap her arms around his toned torso.

This was so unfair, I thought as I continued to work on shining the shoes of this masterful man. He had come over at my wife's invitation for the fantastic sexual satisfaction that he provided her and that I was utterly unable to provide, as she was quick to remind me.

I had picked up his laundry and dry cleaning, and with a snap of her fingers my wife had me carry them to his car. Max mused aloud he needed to stop at the bank ATM for some cash and my wife was quick to order me to whip out my wallet.

"How much do you need?" Sue said with a big grin as she looked up adoringly at her stud. I cringed as I heard his superior snicker, and my wife proceeded to snatch the wallet from my hands and remove all the cash.

"If that's not enough I'll send timid Timmy here to get you more," Susan commented as she counted out the cash, and although I could feel my erection twitching from the blatant domination she was subjecting me to I couldn't help resenting the arrogance of this big bull.


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It did turn me on to submit to Susan, but when one of her bulls was with her I was silently speechless as she encouraged him to save his money and use me for any expenses.

it's the same here, please keep posting
Submissive Cuckold - lives for many years in a female-led marriage with a cuckold lifestyle.


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I wondered why Sue allowed me to keep getting my pension and social security disability payments directly deposited into my bank account, but I never had the courage to question her.

Showcasing her increasing denigration and demoralization of me, it was one day in my menial status as her servile slave was more deeply demonstrated that my goddess and superior wife explained why she allows me to keep getting my money directly deposited.

She was snuggling with her bull Max on our couch while I scurried about, submissively preparing snack sandwiches for their light lunch. When he commented on the high cost of the prepared food, Sue snickered and said "that's right, my humble hubby here purchases only the best, top quality vegan organic food for me and my lovers. Isn't that right, you limp loser?"

My face turned scarlet with shame as I heard Max laugh loudly, and Sue sneered at me as I served them the food. "Yes, of course, only the best for my Goddess and her lover" I whispered in worship of my superiors.

My wife went on to explain that my money was used for her fine food as well as any other expense she chose to have me cover, so that even though the money was deposited into my account its disbursement was at her complete discretion.

"Haw haw haw, at least the loser eats well" Max muttered, as he and my wife ate the prepared food. I had prepared generous portions for each of them, knowing that my meal would be their leftovers. "Only if he shows proper respect to me," Sue declared as she scraped their leftovers onto the paper plate I held out.

As per my required ritual, I placed my paper plate at their feet and prayed for the privilege of eating their scraps.

Ignoring me, Max complimented my wife on her complete control of me. She giggled gleefully as she lit an after-meal cigarette, commenting that I so know my servile status that even her garbage is my delicacy. As if to prove her point, she discarded her match into my mashed potatoes before clearing her throat and spitting a mouth-full of her phlegm onto their leftover food I held out as "dressing".

I knew I would be expected to "clean my plate" and so hurried to finish, but Sue finished her cigarette first and stubbed it out in the leftover food on my paper plate. When I let out an involuntary gasp my wife was quick to question my reaction. "You have a comment, cuckold?" she queried, before inviting her bull Max to do the same.

I sat back on my heels as I watched my food being defiled, and to complete its degradation Sue sat the paper plate with my leftovers on the floor at their feet. Encouraging her bull Max by her example, my wife stepped her shoe down onto my food and twisted her sole in circles "to make sure it's out!" His laughter joined hers as he stepped down onto my now foul food and she declared I do worship the ground she walks on, " it's time you accepted you need to worship the ground my bulls walk on too, hee hee hee!"


Posts: 943
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This is fantastic, please continue.


Posts: 40
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thanks, I'll try to write more soon. Grateful for your support!


Posts: 242 Pictures: 4 
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Excellent story, a little out of my taste, I usually like loving cuckold stories, but a well written, operative words here "Well Written" story of cuckold *********** can sure make my little PeePee stiff.
Your story has provided me with many opportunities to be
"Rubbing my Nubbin"


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I am so grateful to have this place to post my shameful story, I somehow sense you all can accept and appreciate my love and devotion for my wife Susan.

My battered body was just healing from the bruising that Kevin bestowed on my bruised body when Sue said she was feeling bored. I offered up a few suggestions about things we could do that she might enjoy, but cringed as Sue snuggled into my loving embrace when she dismissed the options I offered.

"I feel like I could use some passionate pounding from a macho man, which essentially excludes you, wimpy!" Susan said with a sneer as she looked at me disdainfully. Despite my protests, before I knew it Sue was on the phone with Kevin inviting him over to our place.

When I continued to try and reason with my wife, begging her not to incite Kevins' anger against me for my made up mistreatment of her, Sue suddenly slapped my face as she snarled " suck it up, snotnose, you know how much I enjoy watching Kevin kick the crap out'a you!" With a sad sigh I resolved to do my best to give Kevin no excuse for my *****, and I concentrated on the pleasures he would provide my partner with his powerful pounding of her pussy.

Facing reality, I knew Kevin could provide my wife with the sexy sensations his massive meat and skillful sexual abilities enabled. So when the doorbell rang, I raced to answer it and sincerely welcomed Kevin to our home, submissively admitting his sexual skills far surpassed mine and were what my wife needed.

"Nice to hear you're accepting reality, asswipe" Kevin said as he sauntered into our home, and I resolved to try to give no excuse to my ********* bully to punish me. My humble hopes were dashed, however, as my wife Sue said "that's not what you said to me before, hubby, when I told you Kevin was coming over!"

Susan went on to say that when I heard Kevin was coming over I tried to convince her to call him back to cancel his visit. It was a blatant lie, but just the rationale for this ****** bully to beat me up.

"No sir, I nev-ah...WHAP!" my head snapped back as Kevin bitch-slapped me ******ly. Falling to the floor at his feet, I heard my wife squeal with delight as she raced over to Kevin's side and hugged his toned torso.

As I looked up at the passionate pair, my wife stepped down hard on my throat with her sole and smiled sadistically as she transferred all her weight to that foot - ungh! Breathing became a distant memory for me as my consciousness finally faded, with my last thoughts being of the sexual satisfaction and bliss my beloved wife must be experiencing.
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