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Nur ein Versuch Storie "How I lost my wife"

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Hello people,
this is just an attempt to introduce you to one of my stories. Since I write only in German, I have edited this story with a translation program.
Don't tear me apart if it's not good. But also tell me if you liked my little story.
So have mercy.
Greetings Joogie103

How I lost my wife
@ Joogie103

There was a dream, a dream that had taken root in my inner being, it bored and took possession of me more and more. At the beginning of my marriage it had been a vague feeling. Today this version increasingly determined my thinking.
For hours I was surfing the internet to find a solution, or rather, redemption. I loved my wife adoringly. We were married for four years and he knew her for just as long before we were married. I was insanely proud to own this woman. And at the same time, I was afraid. I was afraid of no longer being enough for my wife.

Yes, my Rosi was already a feast for the eyes, with her172cm height, her slim figure was really shown to advantage. Her breasts were not too big, but still firm and pointed, they were an eye-catcher with their crunchy bottom, which the men's world was looking for. In addition, a pretty face framed by a red-blonde curl. Next year she would turn thirty. Professionally, Rosi headed a department in the city administration.

I am quite successful in my profession, but that should not play a role here. I was now 34, did some sports, played a little tennis when I had time, in order to put something against my little tummy. My hair had also receded a little at the temples.

Together we managed to arrange our free time on a high level, Rosi loves to go to the theatre, she painted something, while I, also sometimes a pub evening as culture.
What hurt us was that their marriage had remained *********, but we still wanted ********. But I had avoided going to a doctor's office.
As much as he was proud of my wife, I was also plagued by feelings of inferiority and fear of failure. This image of my inner conflict had been with me for a long time. I was proud of societies when other men took care of my wife. They asked me, for example, whether they could dance with my wife or looked at her with admiration. That did my ego a great deal of good. On the other hand, I was really afraid of not being enough for my wife. This sting had been in me since my youth, from the time when we compared our penises as pubescent girls and held long distance competitions. I had measured once and had come to 13cm. This fear drove me. Several times I asked my wife through the flower, she assured each time, also through the flower, that she did not mind my penis size.

That fear drove me. I just wanted confirmation. >> Look what I have for a beautiful woman, look. And she's completely satisfied with me. << For days I searched the internet for confirmation and afterwards I was as torn as before.
The only thing I discovered was a chat in which the men presented their girlfriends and wives. Mostly naked and in sexy and obscene poses. It was fascinating for me to see how the men informed each other about the advantages of their wives. Leaving each other out about how they would use their virility to make women ecstatic. According to the talk, none of the men had a penis smaller than 6 inches. For days on end, I attended the chat in every spare minute. Slowly, I decided to show my wife as well. I was sure that the men's world here in the chat would be filled with enthusiasm and praise. Several times I took a run but did not dare. Finally at the fourth attempt I pressed the Enter key. My heart was beating up to my neck, but nothing, no reactions. I tried it a second time, a third time. No one was in a frenzy of applause. I had enough. I left the chat room disappointed.

Three days later Rosi was on duty in the city administration, it was like a compulsion. I had picked out some pictures that showed more skin. When I posted them, my fingers trembled. Although the chat was full, there was no reaction. Again, no. Anger and disappointment, my really pretty wife and here no reaction. Angry, I typed. "You can only get off on naked women, what do you think of mine?" So I posted a picture of my wife from her last birthday party. The reactions came promptly, but not as I had thought, my wife was called a pig and a slut, I myself as a wanker and a small dick. As a consequence I was asked to admit that I can't satisfy a woman, I should finally show her bare tits or even more of my sow.

I was affected, my self-doubt had new nourishment. Again and again I looked at Chat, but the events there had already moved on. Except new self-doubts nothing had remained. I was about to close the chat when I saw a private message coming in. Someone had whispered to me. "Don't worry about the reactions, it's not their fault Half of them think with their dicks anyway, and the other half don't look behind them. It felt good to finally get some approval. I typed in "thank you" and then I quickly went to his side. Toni49 stood there, Bull with big hearts and the same utensils. That fit, at least in terms of age. "I figured you needed some approval, so I got it from Toni." What I only knew later on, Toni was a hunter, he visited here regularly, he had noticed me, I fit into his prey scheme. He found my wife interesting, blonde, hot and pretty. And she lived close by. A worthy goal, then. If I had known everything I know today, I would have been more careful. But naive as I was, I simply trusted Toni.

In the following conversations I became more and more reckless. I was happy about the recognition of Toni, finally a man who admired her as much as I did. In rows I sent Toni pictures from her album. Also pictures from our last beach holiday in Turkey were included. With my mobile phone I had taken nude photos of my Rosi unnoticed and sent them directly into Toni's dropbox. Also sound recordings, Toni was full of praise. Our chat friendship became more and more familiar. I talked about my fears, my inner conflict. Toni was a good listener, now and then he asked clever questions, as if they had already thought about a house friend. No for God's sake, she would tear me apart if I came with such a suggestion. Someone must seduce her, someone with a real penis, I didn't want to lose her. But then maybe she won't say no to a house friend.

"Oh oh this can backfire", Toni showed a smiling smiley face. Yes, I was really naive," It must be someone I trust completely. " " like me," Toni asked. " Yes, that would fit. " I could still fight for it today. As the chat progressed we developed a scenario of how a first meeting might be staged. "We should discuss it over a beer. " " Discuss it over a beer? Actually I don't live far away, you know the South Town. "I was flabbergasted, "But you said something completely different in your info, 400 km away. "Yeah, who writes the truth in here. "Toni showed another grinning devil. "So what about beer? Südstadt house no. 34 and then flat 49." I had a feeling about flat 49, Toni 49. I always thought Toni is 49. "And you are not 49 either?" "Why should I, what did you think "I had enough. I just turned off the computer, away from this lying place.

It did not take 15 minutes when the phone rang. It was Toni. "How did you get this number?" "In this internet age, you do all your offers over the net? So you'll be back on chat." "No", I was seriously pissed. " Well", toni took a break "then i'm not bound by my commitment anymore, look i just got this picture of her coming out of the water topless. And enter. "No," I panicked. "Which picture should I take next? "No, don't, please don't do that." Toni was serious. "We always got along so well." Toni was the master of conversation. "What about ******** beer, is it the day after tomorrow? "I had to say yes. "Yes, I'm coming." "How old are you really?" "23" I was tempted to hang up again, but then... he tried not to finish. "Well what am I too young for you?" Toni had the bull by the horns. "I would have appreciated you a little older" I said carefully. "Don't worry, I know how to handle women." it came from Toni. "So far they've all been very happy, don't you believe it? I will show you some pictures when you are here. Especially the married women who are not properly served by their husbands. Oh it rings" I had also heard it through the phone. "So think about how I can best get to know yours the day after tomorrow"

For me, my acquaintance with Toni had taken an unforeseeable turn. Of course it was my dreams, but dreams and reality, there is a huge difference. And now there was someone who wanted to make my dreams come true. Whether it would work out. What if my Rosi got involved I didn't want to think any further. But my Rosi was a confessed woman, she wouldn't let herself be wrapped around the finger of such a young man. From the waiting room I could approach the meeting with Toni calmly.


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I had to drive several times through the prefabricated housing estate until I found the address given. The numbering did not seem to follow any logic here. But then I had found my way through. As a precaution I had taken a six-pack of beer with me. Somehow this place looked low class. Finally I was at the front door, rang the bell. When they opened the door I saw two men sitting on the sofa. I was greeted with a handshake at the door, I am Toni. Well, he was not my case, my first look and impression told me that. Toni must have been about one ninety years old, had a stocky figure, short rasped hair, and a big ring in his left earlobe. The other two also greeted me with a handshake, but left after they had finished their beer. There was a photo album on the table, when I turned it a bit I saw pictures lying underneath. Pictures of my wife, which I had taken with my mobile phone, but I did not dare to ask if he had just shown them.

Toni first opened some beer, "Those were two of my buddies, we like to share everything. "I looked at Toni and asked, "Yeah, sure, I know what you wanted to ask, sometimes we share women. Believe me, from the moment a woman has seen my beauty, she already thinks about how to get it. " " Look at this" and he patronizingly put a hand on my shoulder, "Look at them all women of small dick men who are now happy to have met something else as well. Yours will be happy too, sorry, it's not your fault. That's the nature of one has it, the other doesn't, one can't, the other can't. Just look at the pictures, do you still think I'm too young? "I don't know", I didn't know what to do. "Nonsense, now we're going through with it. "Toni's tone was decisive. "Besides, it's all about getting to know each other, isn't it? Have you thought about how you're going to get to know each other? Don't make excuses now or I'll call her and set something up with her. You can't do that. I was completely insecure. "Why not? What could happen?"

"And it's all about getting to know each other?" I asked cautiously. "Yes of course, then you'll see if it sparks. " "I don't know" At that moment I felt I had made a big mistake. Toni gave the commands. "So here's how we'll do it. On Thursday you'll work late no matter what, but don't come home before 5:30. I'll bring home a book that you'd like to have. "Toni had spoken so emphatically that I had no further objections. "Let's ***** our beer, it's so difficult with you. First you want someone to fuck your wife, but then when it gets serious. But they were all like that. "

When I came home Rosi was already there. "I met a friend, had a beer," then I ducked into his study. I went into the chat, Toni wasn't there, there was only a message that he wasn't available the next days. My thoughts circled around Thursday, had I done it right, I should confess everything to Rosi, but what happened then. How would Toni react then, only now I realized that I did not know him at all.

On Thursday it was very bad, already when I woke up certain Tonis my thoughts came. I was so nervous that even Rosi asked what was wrong with me today. I had excuses, important work and so on. At lunchtime I was almost ready to call my Rosi, but I was afraid of that too. And so I said to myself again and again, my Rosi is a woman of good standing, how could such a young man stand up to her. The agreed time was getting closer and closer, he quickly wrote a SMS that it would be later. I did not dare to call. Time passed agonizingly slowly, my hands were sweaty.

My hands trembled as I unlocked our front door, ******* myself to shout a joyful "I am here" from the hallway. "Yeah, us too, we're in the kitchen," mine shouted to me. And there they both sat around our family album looking at pictures. Next to it was the book that Toni had brought, "I am photographing my wife". A stupid title
I found. Rosi, like Toni, had a beer in front of him. She never usually *****s beer. Both seemed to understand each other perfectly. Rosi explained the pictures from the album and leaned far over the table. You can look up to anywhere else I thought, but Rosi didn't seem to mind. "You darling" she said shortly afterwards, I invited Toni to dinner, he usually just sits alone at home.
During the evening meal the conversation then turned to the weekend. I didn't believe to recognize my Rosi. When Toni told me that he is so grateful to me because I take care of him, Rosi was in my opinion totally fixated on Toni. Several times during the conversation she even laid a hand on Toni to underline something. I tried to push her under the table to slow her down, nothing helped. What should I do when Rosi suggested in the kitchen to take Toni with me to our bathing trip on the weekend. Rosi wiped away my doubts with a simple "one time it'll go away".
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What could I say to Rosi, because I am sure that Toni had praised my care in the highest tones. All in all I was satisfied with the afternoon, Toni hadn't noticed anything that he wanted to flirt with Rosi. No, he wouldn't land with my Rosi, not even with this pity trick. Saturday started with bright sunshine so there was no reason to cancel the trip. We promised Toni to pick him up from home. Toni was already waiting. "This isn't a nice area." Rosi was a bit shocked. "Yes, Toni said it's true, but for my wallet there are better ones." "Sure I understand", Rosi admitted.
"I brought my camera" Toni said quite incidentally during the conversation, "so we can try what we can get. " " But I am not photogenic at all" Rosi interjected. "Oh every woman is photogenic and for the rest there are the photo tips in the book. Toni was quite a charmer.

They found a fine spot, close to the water, protected from prying eyes by bushes. Rosi had already put on her bikini. Now she had enough time to watch the men change, while I had tied a bath towel around me, Toni just turned around and suddenly stood there bent over and stark naked. My breath stopped and I looked first at Toni then at Rosi. She did not care if she had seen anything, I could not see anything in her face. But the bump in Toni's swimming trunks was impressive, I had to notice that too. "Off into the water, whoever's in first," Toni simply pulled Rosi up, had taken her by the hand with a natural ease and pulled her along. She screamed as Toni sprinted into the water with her. I didn't even bother to come after her, I just trotted after her.

People like that frolicking in the water. I preferred to pull a few laps in calm water. Out of the corner of his eye he still saw my wife climbing on Toni's shoulder to jump into the water from there. Eventually they all had enough. I held a bath towel in front of Rosi so that she could put on her change bikini. "Would you go and get something to *****, some beer and seltzer?" What was going on in Rosi's car, it is not even noon yet. But still I trotted off, didn't want to incur the displeasure of Rosi. When I came back I couldn't believe my eyes. Toni knelt over Rosi Po and put sunscreen on her back. But what I was even more surprised, her bikini top was open and Toni massaged her whole back and also the sides. And Rosi seemed to enjoy it, put her head on her arms and stretched herself comfortably. Even when Toni's hands moved under her bikini panties while applying the cream, Rosi did not object. I was stunned and Toni grinned at me and with his hands far under her bikini panties and kneaded her bare bottom.

The afternoon passed quickly, while Rosi and Toni were fooling around, I became more and more monosyllabic. When Toni got his camera ready and Rosi asked "Let's try some poses, I have some templates with me," I felt like I was out of order. They didn't even ask me, let me sit here on the ceiling while they went to take pictures. I felt jealousy gnawing at me, they could at least have asked me to come. Angry I went to the kiosk to wash down my grudge with a beer. At least they were there again, sitting peacefully on the blanket and studying the book. "He's a pain in the ass." Toni had got me good. No, no, not a louse, just my stomach grumbling. "Shall we go home then?" Rosi was worried. "But first you'll take some pictures of us. "Toni handed me the camera. Then he sat down next to Rosi and put his arm around her. I took a picture of her and this familiarity gave me a stab at my innermost being. "I have to get rid of the guy. "At that moment I regretted having gotten involved with Toni.

On the drive home then I was also very silent. When Rosi said goodbye to Toni with a kiss my mood was finally in the cellar. Then at home I made myself air. "Say, you couldn't have thrown yourself closer to him. "What did Rosi do, she laughed "If you have no other worries, first of all you brought him along, secondly he is really sweet, and thirdly he is a big *****. "I felt reassured because here was a clear signal from Rosi that she didn't take Toni seriously, that she was her equal.

But another signal also came from Rosi. At dinner, she asked. "Say, was that real, that bulge there? " " What was it?" I asked. "The bulge in his swimming trunks, that can't be normal. I didn't know what to say. Carefully I replied " It will be all right, some men are equipped differently. "How different? "Rosi followed up, so far they had avoided this topic, but now they had it right in front of their eyes. "How do you mean differently equipped," well I was embarrassed, "He probably has a bigger penis than mine. "What do you mean "probably"? What does "probably" mean? You're a man. How much bigger is it? "Now I was standing with my back against the wall. "I think so much" and he showed Rosi six to eight centimeters between thumb and forefinger. "Wow," Rosi said, "I always thought that these are exaggerations, but when you see this in nature. "She didn't say anything else, avoided talking about Toni.

I have to end this, as much as I would have liked to give my wife a big one, I was just as afraid of losing her. I have to end this before it slips away from me completely. I no longer believed that Toni would play by the rules. Toni would want to have fun and then discard them like all the others.
And on the other hand, Rosi, she was capable of only flirting. She was a woman with both feet in life. And she was my wife, I had always trusted her, why not now.
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It was the middle of the week again and I hadn't reached Toni yet, he wasn't in the chat, he hadn't called me again, so I thought everything was fine, then we'll let everything go. But it did not come to that. Still on Friday evening the phone rang. "Hello Toni" I heard my wife calling happily. "We thought something had happened. " " No, no, but why I'm calling, I wanted to thank you for the nice day the other day and invite you for coffee on Sunday. "Rosi thought, "No, we don't have any plans. "I'm glad it's working out. And can you ask Marko if he's free? I've got something important and I could use his help.

Actually, I went against the grain about my time being determined. But my gut instinct was that it didn't bode well. I needed to know what Toni was up to, so I got in the car and went. Again his beer buddies were sitting with him. Grinning, they looked at the pictures again, so that I could see it too. I tried to play it cool, but the comments about my wife, about men with small tails, had an effect. When his cronies had left, I carefully tried to find out what Toni wanted. "What I want." Toni summed it up in one sentence "She's ripe" "What are you saying? "I felt sick to my stomach. "It's time she got my cock, in short, really fucked. "What makes you think so? "Toni grinned, then he grabbed his crotch. "This one tells me. "Listen, I think you've called it all off, if we don't drop everything, I could give you 500 euros right now. "

Toni hit the table with his flat hand, so that even the beer bottles started to sway. "So let's be clear again, I'm going to do this with or without your help, only then you'll have to face the consequences yourself. "Toni, I don't know. "You're scared, aren't you? "Yes, I'm terribly scared," I admitted. "Name me one occasion where I could spend a night alone with her. " " I don't know," I was desperate. " Well, think about what you have planned for the weekend, a short break or something, what else can be arranged. I'll jog your memory. How do you think she'll take it when I tell your Holden you sent me after her to get her pregnant? "I didn't," it shot out of me. " But she doesn't know that. " Toni smiled. "I'm going to take a shower and I hope you think of something in the meantime, otherwise... " he didn't finish.

When Toni came out of the shower after 20 minutes, I was still sitting there with my head between my hands. When I looked up, I saw Toni naked, rubbing himself off. My God, he is already limp as big as mine when he stands. "Well, did you think of something? "Toni looked at me and scratched his testicles. "You want to touch him, I can see it in your face. "And as a matter of fact, I took one hand and grabbed it gently. "Take it properly, it's not made of sugar. "Now let me see yours first. " Toni smiled. "No, I can't do that. "Come on, get up. "Before I knew it, Toni had pulled down my pants and underwear. "Oh, oh, that looks bad. "He jerked off on my dick for a second. "Yeah, I understand women." "Rosi is happy with me, I tried to stop him. "That's what she tells you. Well," Toni grinned. "That'll soon change. "My self-esteem had been shot before and now it was at rock bottom.

"So out with your proposal, let's see if it's any good. "And so I developed my suggestion that we have a coupon for a theater weekend in a faraway city, we just have to redeem the coupon and add a third place. "That's too expensive for me," Toni just said. "I could ask Rosi if we want to invite you, if it becomes her own idea, there shouldn't be any problems with the financing. "No, it doesn't work that way yet. " Toni wasn't satisfied yet. "I know," I, missed my last powder. "I would have to get sick at the last minute. "Yes, that's possible, supposing that's the way we do it." Toni tapped me on the shoulder. "That's the way it could be done, and I'll come by car, and then I could drive." Toni mused. Let's have a beer. Although I knew that Rosi didn't like the smell of beer, I drank one with her. Toni was still sitting there in his bathing stole, scratching himself. I kept looking at Toni's privates. "You must be a little jealous. Come here. Give him a good hug. "Toni pulled me closer. "Jerk him off. "I no longer had the strength to stand up to Toni when he put my hand around his penis and moved it up and down. "You can kiss him too, he likes it too. "No, I can't, it's late, I have to go. "I left the apartment in a hurry, more or less. Remember our agreement, Toni called me. I sat in the car for ten minutes to come down, only then I could get a clear thought, I needed another ten minutes to decide my strategy.
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It was not easy for me to come home seemingly carefree, and was something important, yes some papers, were in a hurry and then we talked a bit and had a beer. Men she only said and went to *****. Meanwhile I prepared his proposal on the computer.
So the next morning I prepared the ground for my proposal. "Yesterday, I got a great idea. " " What? " asked Rosi, chewing her roll. "You always want to do something good for Toni. "I had to be very tight," he said, "to sound unconcerned. "Tell us what you've been up to. "And so I suggested a cultural trip that we would invite Tony to go on. Rosi agreed immediately and was enthusiastic. It gave me a twinge, I would have expected more distance, but she is immediately enthusiastic about everything concerning Toni. My proposal had to be ready by Sunday, who knows how Toni will react otherwise. So I put together a program starting on Saturday afternoon with a visit to a museum, then after an opulent dinner a visit to the theatre and back on Sunday morning. All I had to do was book a room and change the number of tickets I had ordered.


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I didn't think Toni could do it, but he had decorated his apartment imaginatively and set a real coffee table. Rosi was also very fond of it. I would have expected his two ******** buddies, but no, there was only one visitor present, but what a brown or black one, in any case very dark. And Toni could rasp wonderful *********, was a pleasant conversational partner. After an hour Rosi started to toast me, "come on, now". I looked at Rosi and said, "You can do it too." And so Rosi had the ball again, explaining her plans.
Toni was speechless. "No, I can't accept this." You could tell he was happy. He pulled Rosi, pulled the trigger, what a surprise. Then he laughed, "I hope I'm no substitute for Rosi, I'm too big for that. "

With horror I thought now about the coming Saturday, I had organized everything, I only had to initiate my breakdown, but what then. How far Toni could take advantage of the situation, I didn't think so, there were separate rooms and to conquer Rosi in one evening was not realistic. So I could be reassured. On the other hand, when I thought about how easy it was for Toni to put some cream on Rosi and how she enjoyed his touch.
Actually I wanted my wife to experience new worlds of sexual satisfaction, but what comes after that. I was supposed to reveal everything, and now I can't. The damage would certainly be immeasurable, which would certainly drive her into the arms of Toni. What had I manoeuvred myself into. What remained for me then, nothing, I had to trust my wife now.

Saturday came with power, today I had told Toni that I had done everything organizational. I was shocked when Toni asked me if my wife was taking the pill or other forms of contraception. I was afraid of Saturday, afraid of my own actions, but I had a choice. I had prepared some laxatives and I had bought myself an emetic. Before breakfast I took everything. Even during breakfast I became nauseous, I ran to the toilet, I felt sick and I was really out of it. "Gee, me, what about you?" Rosi was worried. "The stomach, I don't know. "When after another hour I got diarrhea, I told Rosi that I couldn't drive like that. "Then I have to cancel everything." Rosi was disappointed, but if it's not possible. I really had to use all my powers of persuasion to convince Rosi to drive anyway. I felt really bad, so I rescued myself into bed. When Toni arrived shortly before ten, Rosi had to tell him about the dilemma. I struggled myself out of bed. "But you'll go anyway, otherwise everything will fall apart, that would be a pity and I'll survive it too. "A stomach cramp drove me back to bed. Toni looked at Rosi questioningly. "Yes, it would be a pity if everything goes to ruin." Rosi said that too. "I just want to put Markos things out. "Then we'll take my car. "Toni already took the luggage out. When they said goodbye, Toni came back to me with a smile and grabbed his crotch as if to say that it will be a hot night.

I felt even worse than I already did at that gesture. Three to four hours, I calculated, they wouldn't be there sooner, they wouldn't get back to me either. Slowly my condition improved too. So now everything was in Rosis' hands. I waited, three hours, four hours, still no call, had something happened? Five hours, now I could not stand it any longer. I dialled Rosis' mobile phone, nothing but the succinct message, the participant cannot be reached at the moment. Why was her phone off, I tried nothing twice more. Then finally at about 6:00 pm the phone rang, a strange number in the display. Rosi answered, finally. "We arrived well, she warbled, apparently in a good mood, we about to eat and then we take a taxi to the theatre. "Tell me, your mobile was off, something happened. "No, no, we turned it off at the museum and then I guess we forgot to turn it on again. "Is everything else okay?" "I couldn't help but wonder. "It's all Roger here," but then she spoke softly, like no one was supposed to hear. "Honey, we only got one room left, what am I gonna do? "Why only one room? "I had my ears on. "Where is Toni? "He's in the bathroom." What do you want me to do? "I was about to answer when I heard Toni in the background. "How far along are you? "I suddenly heard, "Bye, darling, have a nice evening", and she hung up. I tried to call her cell phone, but it was turned off.
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I felt sick, not from the emetic this time, but from the news. What do I do, do I follow it, but then what? One night, if that's enough for him, it took me a long time to get my Rosi around. But if what I had seen in Toni's album is true, my Rosi would be in it the next time I visited him. No matter how I turned it around, I couldn't find a solution, the best thing is to trust Rosi and do nothing.
But if he does, if he manages to get her, what would happen afterwards, if she still wanted me, would I do justice to her new experiences. And another bad idea ripened in me. What if Toni would not reach his goal and he would tell Rosi everything in revenge. Oh no, I am lost either way. Then at 11 p.m. I couldn't stand it any longer, I called the reception, yes, they just arrived, I had myself connected. It took longer to answer the phone, it was Toni's turn "Well, buddy", then also his greeting. "Where is Rosi? "Where is Rosi?" That's all I could think of. "She's in the shower, so you can't have her now and it's bedtime. I'm going to tell her a good night story, a hot one, so don't bother me anymore. "With that, Toni hung up.

I was down, didn't want to hear anything more about the world, I took a big sip from the house bar, but I didn't feel any better afterwards. What scared me most was my wife coming home. I took another big gulp, with that I finally got tired and fell into a restless ***** torn apart by dreams.

Restlessly I crept from one room to another, what would be, what would be with me. The time did not pass at all, finally shortly before 11:00 the phone rang. I had never sprinted to the phone that fast before. "What is it, where are you? " " You darling, something's happened. " Rosi sounded weepy, now I was ready for the worst. "We can't come home yet. Toni's car broke down. "How broken!" I had forgotten my nightmares for a while. "It won't start and the company says it won't start until tomorrow. "And now you want to stay until tomorrow. "Yes, we can even keep the room until tomorrow. "Shall I come get you?" I knew the moment I asked she'd refuse. "You know, I already took the day off from work. It's fun with Toni too. And, honey, please don't call all the time, we're all grown up. I love you, bye. "That was the end of the conversation. No, he's still at his destination, or has he already reached it? I had to sit down, I was feeling queasy. What did Toni once say, if a woman has seen his cock, she wants it too. Back then I dismissed it as a wild exaggeration, today I wasn't sure anymore.

Time didn't pass at all, the wildest fantasies were bubbling inside me, my Rosi tied to the bed, naked, Toni next to me, jerking off his thick cock. I didn't dare to call after the announcement of my wife. The time passed agonizingly slowly. Everything was reduced to the question, did they ***** together or could Rosi prevent it, but what if she wanted it herself. In addition, I got excited when I imagined that Toni was lying on top of my wife. This urge was so strong that I had to go to the bathroom to jerk off. Now she was at Toni's mercy for the second night already, I took a *****ing pill.
I was still waking up and already thinking about my Rosi at the morning fuck with Toni. How much it helped I had to relieve myself. I had to go, go to work and still no news. It was a *******, I ****** myself to stay calm. By now I was sure it must have happened. My Rosi would run away crying into my arms.

Your call didn't come in until about 4:00. "We'll be home to announce it." Why wait till now? "" Well, if they take that long, "" it sounded a little snippy. I said nothing. "All right, I'll hurry up and get to work here and then come home. " " Why do you want to do that, darling, do your work in peace, I will have a cup of coffee with Toni, then I will clean up, and then there is a lot of washing to do, so I can do Toni's laundry as well. "Again the word Toni in her mouth and the familiarity. He ****** himself to be quiet, but he didn't let on. It didn't sound like he was running away crying into my arms. How do I act when she confesses that she slept with Toni. Should I freak out, should I take her in my arms And what if she wants to leave me. Everything for me is reduced to the question "Did you or didn't you? The only result was that I had a hard-on, but I couldn't relieve myself here.

I was afraid to come home. But now I had to go through that. When I came home Rosi was still in the basement with the washing machine. "I'll be right there, darling," it sounded the same. She kissed the same and she tasted the same. Only that she didn't wear a bra, where was it, Rosi who noticed his look, said only "everything in the laundry, darling. "Tell me what it was like." "Oh honey, I'm tired, my legs hurt, I'm exhausted. "She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, I've got things to do. I'll tell you all about it tonight. You can make supper for us in the meantime. "

At 9 pm Rosi noticed that she was tired. "I'm exhausted, I'll just take a quick shower. "I was really curious to know why she stayed in a room with Toni. And I was horny. When Rosi came, she wore her old pyjamas, high closed. "Oh honey, I'm tired," was her first sentence. I wasn't only horny, I was curious. "So tell me. " " Actually, there's not much to tell, we went to a museum and theater, took a walk, had a good meal. "And Toni?" "Why do you always ask about Toni? Ask him yourself, he's your friend. "She was snippy, I thought, "And the room?" She shrugged her shoulders, "It turned out that way, I couldn't help it. "Didn't she want to talk about the weekend or was she really tired. I wasn't sure. And I was horny. I tried to get a hand between Rosis' thighs, but Rosi refused me. "I'm tired, honey, don't you understand? You want me to jerk you off fast?" That's not what I wanted. And so the first evening ended a bit out of tune. Rosi fell a***** almost immediately, but I lay still awake and thought.
Rosi was the old lady again, she had even given me a blowjob, she wore her nightgowns again, but it seemed to me that her sexual needs had diminished. What I noticed was that Rosi didn't seem to rave about Toni anymore. She simply banned him from her vocabulary. Also her trip with Toni didn't play a word in her speeches anymore. But otherwise my Rosi was the old one. Every now and then I tried to hear something that had happened with Toni, but she covered everything in silence. So there was nothing new in our lives, everything went in its regular course, only that Rosi had some stomach problems lately.

Also Toni could not be reached, it had been almost four weeks now, I tried the chat, nothing. This restlessness in me, I wanted to have certainty, so I took an afternoon off and fact was Toni at home. "Hello Marko, what a surprise. "Toni seemed to be playing cards with his mates. " Have you got a moment?" I asked, " Of course" Toni was patronising. " Come and have a beer first. " " I don't know, Rosi doesn't like the smell so much. Besides, she has stomach problems these days. " " Oh my" Toni laughed, "Oh, Rosi likes something else too, don't you think? " It gave me a pain to hear such words about Rosi. "Do you have some time now, I'd like to be alone." "Nonsense, they don't do anything, besides they know everything. So ask. I don't have that much time. "

I printed, "Don't you know Rosi doesn't really tell anything about how it was. " " And now you want to hear it from me," Toni smiled at me. "What do you want to know. " " "I don't know either." My face was all red. "You did, didn't you? "Marko, you're complicating things too." Toni was still smiling, "You want to know if I fucked her, yes. " I could only nod. "Of course I fucked her. Do you think I'd miss such pigeons. Fucked her three times the first night. She didn't fancy herself for long. What can I tell you, Marko? I've never had such a tight squeeze. She whimpered and whimpered, but when he was in there she had her first orgasm.
"By the way, can't her stomach problems have other causes, you know when she had her last period? "No, you're going to be a daddy! "

"And what are you going to do now? Move in together? "I saw the way Toni's buddies grinned. "What makes you think that? "Am I crazy, giving up my freedom for a woman? "Leave it alone. It's okay the way it is now. Marko, let's go and say hello to Rosi. "With that he pushed me out the door. Now I knew what had happened, what I had suspected but repressed and hoped it wouldn't happen. My dream, what price was now appropriate, also the price that everything lay in ruins. My life and that of Rosi. No it couldn't be, it wasn't worth it.

When I unlocked the front door, my mind was made up. Rosi was sitting in the kitchen with teary eyes, I noticed she was crying. "I was with Toni" was my first sentence. "I know" Rosi looked up from the table, I thought I saw a glimmer of hope in her eyes. "Want a beer?" "Yes", I just said. She'd never asked me that before, I just thought while she was getting the beer.
"We have to talk, " I said, "I love you." "I love you too" Rosi looked at me hopefully and I did the only right thing I could do in this situation. I took my wife in my arms. We stood like this for a long time and with us both tears flowed.

"I'm pregnant," sobbed Rosie "I know and it's all right" I held my Rosi very tight. "Will you be the ******, is that what you want?" "Yes" I still held Rosie tight "You know how much I always wanted a *****, I'm so happy" Rosi had to sit down while I stood beside her and stroked her hands. "We must talk, tell each other everything, there must be openness between us again. And we must promise to tell each other everything, also in the future. Rosi said. "Yes, we must. I think it will be a long evening, I will open a bottle of wine for us" I needed this little break, there were some things I would not like to talk about, but there will be no other way, I knew that.

"Who should start then" Rosi asked, "I don't know either" I seemed quite insecure. "Dare to start, but really only the truth, we must promise each other here." And so I started to tell, starting with his dream, getting to know Toni, preparing the trip, until his meeting today.
It became a long story. "Now I know a lot of things" Rosi looked me in the eyes "If I had known everything, it surely wouldn't have come this far." "And I wouldn't be a ******." It came from me. I don't know where to begin. Rosi looked at her husband. It's probably best to start where you left off. Hold me tight now, please."
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The ride was really pleasant, Toni is also a good narrator, sometimes his hand came over and stroked my back and also my hair, I found it pleasant. About halfway we drove to a parking lot. Toni still had to put the navigation system. It was the first time that I was alone with him, really alone. He had something determining in his tone, something I didn't know before. Even the fact that he put his hand on my knee while I was telling the story did not bother me. He didn't do more. In the meantime we had arrived, yes, Toni radiated a security and strength that I had not noticed before. He hadn't said a word about you the whole trip while I was worried. Toni was a gentleman and held the door open for me and stepped forward at the reception.

While I was filling out the applications, the receptionist took two key cards from the box. We don't need them, it came from Toni, there are only two of us. And he slipped her the second card back. "You can use them for other things. "He didn't argue with me either. Before I could even say anything he had already hooked me by the arm and walked me towards the elevator. Toni moved around as if he did this every day. As there were still people in the elevator and in the corridor, I could hardly confront Toni because of his arbitrariness. But that's how it is when you are hesitant. It was me, and the mere fact that I had gone to the room with Toni was already toleration or even approval of his actions. I wanted to start and confront him, but Toni was already standing outside on the big balcony. At my second attempt to say something, the liftboy came in between and brought the bags. When I could finally say something, the air was out of my protest. With his answer and his action the rest of my resistance was wiped away. His answer: "This saves a lot of money, so we can do something else. Well, do you have a wish where you want to *****? Not, well I take the right side. "With that he put my bag on the bed to unpack.
Toni immediately took the lead for both of us, only his attitude and his tone didn't allow any resistance and so I gave in.

He already made the first changes, the museum visit did not seem to suit him, he suggested a stroll through the city instead. I was freshening up, had put on my new top, and I could already see on Toni's face that he was not satisfied with me. "It doesn't look bad, but I'd like to go out with an attractive woman. Why has nature given you two beautiful breasts, you don't have to mess it up with a bra. "At first I was shocked. And he determined, all the time you're here, I want you to leave the bra off.
"And did you do it?" I asked breathlessly. "Yes, you saw that I came in without a bra." I was just under his spell, I went into the bathroom and took it off. The feeling was great, I was a young girl again. We went window-shopping, we had ice cream, we just drifted. And shall I tell you, I enjoyed the looks of the men who assessed me and my chest. I also forgot you weren't there. I was fooling around with Toni, it was a nice afternoon. I didn't even get a chance to think about you. "

It wasn't until we were getting ready for dinner that I got to talk to you on the phone. I wanted to ask your advice, want you to say no, I can't. But toni was probably hungry, he was impatient.
The theatre tickets were deposited at the reception. I was amazed at how worldly Toni appeared, where he had got the suit with the bow tie and all the jumble. He was perfect, I think most people took me for his wife. The performance was just as perfect. In the middle of the performance he suddenly took my hand and stroked it. "And" I asked breathlessly. "Nothing, I let him. "

It was all in all an all-round successful evening. We then had a nightcap at the hotel bar. When we got back to the room, you called me. Toni turned you away skillfully, I wouldn't have known what to tell you. It was all right with me. Toni opened us a beer from the house bar. I'm going to take a shower, he said. I didn't think so when Toni started to undress here, but he did it, talking to me he fell one piece after the other, suddenly he was standing there only in his panties, I didn't know where to look, the bump there must have been twice as big as yours. And then he really took off his panties. I was afraid to look out of the corner of my eye. What I saw, Marko, I don't know how to describe it to you, she showed me what she meant. What was I going to do, get into bed like that, I was sweating. By then Toni came back from the shower.

Rubbing himself with the bath towel, he stood there in front of me, you rub my back, what could I do, I did. I left the light and heat on in the shower, if you still want it. He had crawled into bed naked. He *****s naked and that next to me, I needed time to deal with the situation, the sparkling water finally relaxed me. But again and ag


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But again and again I had his picture in my mind, that was not normal. It was good that there were bathrobes here, in underwear and with a bathrobe I crept to the light switch. Only the light of the TV illuminated the room. Quickly I slipped out of my bathrobe and hurried into bed. Tz, tz, tz I heard Toni. He had turned to me and looked me straight in the eyes. Madame doesn't dare ***** naked. Toni really laughed at me. I don't know what came over me, but turn off the TV first, I said. And he turned it off. I'm not a coward, I told myself. It was a bit difficult to undress under the covers. It was a crazy feeling, naked in bed next to a strange man. I got wet between my legs.
====================================================================== ==================================================================
"It was a surreal situation, I don't know if you really want to hear all this, Marko. "Yes, it came from Marko, "I need to know and I need to know what I did to you. No, "I did it" isn't the right word. "Understand" is more like it.
Toni had turned to me. He looked me straight in the eyes, with the light of the neon sign, I could see his eyes flashing. And how does it feel to be naked next to a strange man. You're no stranger. But it is a strange feeling, I honestly said. Does it feel different than lying naked next to your husband? Yes, I admit it's very different. I should check if you're really naked, or if you're telling lies. No, I could tell, then I felt Toni's hand coming into my bed. He reached right between my thighs. I began to shiver. That's when I knew it would happen. Like a rabbit in front of a snake, no, not like that, I was paralyzed, but inside I wanted to feel him at least once. You are trembling are you cold? I did not answer

His hand between my legs he pulled me over to him. The jerk suddenly made me lie on my back. My blanket was lifted and then he lay on top of me. His knees opened my thighs wide. In fact, naked he shouted. Toni was heavy, I was fixed under him, his hand was on the way to my holiest. She palpated me, he was not very sensitive, not very rough, but that is what turned me on. Now he had to notice that I was wet, very wet now. There was no turning back, two or three times he pulled his penis through my little bird, then I felt his glans at my entrance. I closed my eyes and bit my lower lip, waiting for him to enter. And he came, pressing, demanding entry, it hurt, he didn't let up, I cramped my hands into the bedding. Slowly my hole opened for his penis. He penetrated me, widened me. I felt him coming deeper inside me. Whenever I thought he was in there, something else came. Then he pulled back a little, took a run-up and pushed deep inside me. I cried out in shock and surely also in pain. I would never have believed that this really existed, but he really pushed against my womb. Its size alone triggered new impulses in me. And then it came, after three or four blows I was over it. I've never had an orgasm like that. And it wasn't over yet, he was still deep inside me, waiting.

It took me a long time to come down from that orgasm. So that was it, the supernova, the orgasms and I had experienced them. But Toni wasn't finished yet. With his blows he reached points that I had never believed existed. With a firm grip he set me up for himself. He was not tender, he took me with a strength I had never thought possible. His strokes became faster and faster, he was about to come, I felt it, it drove me up again, I still felt the first splashes, then I was over it.
If you ask me now Marko, I felt it, from the point where you got sick, I knew I would come back as another, I had nothing to oppose him, I didn't want to.

No Marko, he was not finished yet, I still felt his part in me, a bit smaller but still bigger than yours. He wanted more. He wanted me whole. If I had been safe in the darkness, he changed that. With a swing the blanket flew to the side and the bedside lamp was switched on.
Toni inspected me, checked my breasts, bent down to me "You are definitely the best mare I've had in the stable so far." I was a bit shocked, felt hurt to say that, but he kept coming. I'd have liked the tits a bit bigger, but the ass makes up for that. I was angry, I wanted to push him off me. He just smiled, started kissing me, I like it when you're angry, it turns me on. His penis got big again.
I didn't know that from you, words like that. He was still wanting to, started pushing me again. And I enjoyed it, enjoyed every minute of that night, even though in the morning I had hickeys all over my body and my breasts were marked by his handles. Thank God you didn't notice.

The night was very short, we had to hurry, Toni brought our things to the car before breakfast. When he came for breakfast he didn't look happy. The car, the electronics, he had already taken care of it, but nothing could be done before Monday. We were lucky to keep the room.
I will probably never forget this day, we fucked for breakfast, fucked for lunch, fucked for dinner, and fucked for the night. Toni fucked with the strength of his 23 years. He did things with me. It's still embarrassing. In the hotel lobby he found a blouse for me, almost transparent. He wouldn't let me deal with it, I wore it, every sunbeam made it transparent. I felt like a whore, the looks alone. Luckily Toni was always there. I was grateful to him for protecting me.

After dinner, we went out again. The streets became darker and darker. This is where we're going? We were standing in front of a tattoo parlor. He pushed me in, negotiated with the owner. I was led to a buck, so everyone would see you were mine. I didn't want to, Toni suddenly became dangerously quiet, I let it happen. It was embarrassing, I was free downstairs, Toni quietly drank his beer and watched me being shaved. I have to admit I became sharp, it got bad when he shaved around the labia. He saw it clearly and grinned. Then he pulled up the car with the tattoo paraphernalia. You know what it says here now, Tonis Slut.

Rosi had to take a break. Shall we stop for today, Marko asked. No, let's clear the air today. You know, I didn't care that Toni didn't use a condom, I honestly didn't even think about it. Then on Wednesday I felt sick. I knew immediately what had happened. A woman feels these things. I had to go and talk to Toni. So on Wednesday I went to see Toni. He was playing cards with his buddies. I hated the way he treated me, but I had to talk to him. He pulled me on his lap, played with my breasts, I didn't want that, he laughed, pulled my top and bra up, showed me off, I closed my eyes, didn't want to see anything. Then we went into his bedroom, he fucked me like a berserker. I was screaming and moaning. He didn't care that I was pregnant. Then at least the fucking was worth his comment. And he called me in on Monday.

I was punctual on Monday, Toni had determined that I was not allowed to wear a bra. He was not alone again, only this time his black buddy was there.
You can imagine, when Toni pulled me into his bedroom, his buddy came with me. I was ashamed to take my clothes off in front of him. Toni told me to. I sat on his lap and looked at this brown body. He lifted me up, put me on his penis. White skin on a black background. I looked into his eyes while I was slowly impaled. Just the thought of having sex with a negro, I came already where I was just sitting on it. I was fucked by both of them, both injecting their sperm into my abdomen. Toni has made a photo album especially for me, you can see how it comes out afterwards.

You didn't even notice how sick I am every morning. The pregnancy test definitely kicked in. Toni takes pictures of me now to document progress. Yes, you can imagine that I don't want to give up his penis now and in the future.

"Yes, I know I'll have to do without you in the future," Marko seemed a bit depressed after Rosis' last words. No, you don't have to. I love you. What changes is that Toni will be a member of our family. We will make up the guest room for you. That is my condition.

I fought with tears, "It's all my fault, please forgive me Rosi, this time Rosi took me in her arms, "You are and will always be my husband" But the truth is more evil than our imaginations were.
I don't even know how to start, maybe like this: I had a dream.... and I told you the parts that Rosi didn't know yet. When I had finished, he looked at Rosi guiltily. Rosi hadn't known it all like that. "I don't know whether to cry or laugh," she was a bit upset by what she'd heard and after a while she said "Let's laugh now, Marko, it's the only thing that will get us ahead."
After a while of reflection for both of us, I took heart. "Then can I fuck you later?" Rosi thought "No, Marko, Toni said no, but you can kiss my ass."

Will be continued, if desired


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Please continue ! Entertaining tale, I especially like how Toni sets the tone early. Feels realistic as the husband starts to have his doubts and Tony says "First you want someone to fuck your wife, but then when it gets serious. But they were all like that. "
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