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Loved being cuckolded but also loved to fuck other women

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Back at the end of the seventies our next door but two neighbours were Wendy and Kevin. We were in our mid-twenties, they were two or three years younger. Like us they had a couple of kids under five so any socialising meant babysitters. We were lucky in that my wife's youngest sister was living with us so babysat often. My wife and I eventually divorced but had fun while we lasted.

We'd not socialised much with Wendy and Kevin up till then but had arranged to have a few ****** at the local pub. Half way through our first ***** a fight broke out at the bar so we decided to decamp to their house. While they were paying the babysitter I nipped to ours to get some cider and a few cans of lager.

Somewhere during the evening sex entered the conversion and the upshot was that I went back to our place to get some magazines for them to borrow and pack of pornographic playing cards. It was all laughs and giggles and at no time was any partner swapping even hinted at. By the end of the night the lights were off and Kevin and Wendy were indulging in some heavy petting on the floor, my wife and I were doing the same on the sofa. I glanced over my shoulder and saw, in the only sliver of light there was, Kevin's hand slipping up Wendy's skirt. This was too much for me, lust filled I had to fuck my wife. She was wearing all in one knickers and suspender belt, I pulled her gusset to one side and slid in to shoot very quickly deep in her well used cunt. Sense came back to us all very quickly and, as we were all embarassed, we said goodnight and went home where of course the sap rose again once we got into bed. I loved the times we would fuck a second time, I would go down on her as she told me that someone else had just had her. I knew it was my creampie but imagination is a powerful thing. She was telling me it was Kevin's spunk I was lapping up and then she was telling me it was him that had made her cunt loose and gooey for me to screw.

A bit about my wife. We were in the same class in school, she had already been fucked by at least two other guys, maybe more but she admitted to two. To the surprise of both of us I got off on her telling me about them. From there she made up stories of her and others to excite me. Right from early on I tried to get her to actually have other guys but she said no. We married, had kids, still she said no to fucking others, at least she told me she wasn't. I'm fairly certain though that our second ***** was as the result of her cheating. She had permission, nay, encouragement but still she cheated. Then one night she told me a 'story' which went along the lines of her putting on the red silky bra and knicker set we had bought for the bedroom, they weren't really practical as everyday underwear. She's gone to work at the bingo hall. Her boss had been flirting with her. She'd asked if he wanted to see what she was wearing under her dress. He took her upstairs and fucked her like the little slut she was against the wall. She'd come home full of his cum but hadn't told me. While we were laying there after her story, she told me that the story was true and had happened about six week beforehand. I thought she was kidding but got hard straight away and we fucked again. I suspect she still cheated ie not told me about someone fucking her but from then on she did fuck others that she told me about. I cheated too, most notably with one of her sisters, though not with the one who lived with us.

A few days after the evening with Wendy and Kevin my wife got talking to Wendy at the playgroup they both attended with the kids. Wendy confided that Kevin had a problem getting hard sometimes due to his diabetes and that he had a lower than average sex drive anyway. Wendy said they had both enjoyed the evening and that Kevin had been more ardent since it. They wanted to do it again but they were worried we might want them to swap with us. At that point they needn't have worried because my loose-legged slut wife didn't want me enjoying another woman, though that was soon to change. She would have spread her legs for Kevin before that first night had he made a pass.

By about the fifth evening of sexually charged fun with our neighbours Wendy and Kevin were comfortable enough with us to, first watch my wife and I get naked and make love while they watched by the light of their muted tv, and second for them to let us watch them though they didn't quite get fully naked as Wendy kept a full length slip on. He breasts were pert, her nipples were pushing at the silky fabric and when Kevin rolled off of her I got a brief view of her dark bush and her glistening parted pussy lips. Wendy quickly covered herself.

Ever since we got together at school my wife had been a slave to the green-eyed monster though it had slackened its grip in the previous year or two. It was still a surprise when she asked if I wanted us to swap with Wendy and Kevin. I sensed a trap but my wife was serious. It had seemed to both of us that our fun with Wendy and Kevin was heading that way.

A couple of weeks later we suggested to them that we make the next evening with them a pyjama/nightie affair.

My wife wore pale blue satin pyjamas, the top of which was sleeveless and which laced up at the front. Wendy wore black knee length silky nightdress. Wendy's long dark hair flowed across her breasts, my wife's flaming locks were tied back in a pony-tail. Though all action had been strictly each with their own spouse up till then we had been playing little games, strip pontoon, even strip snap and other things. That night a suggestion came up for the girls to see who could get their husband to cum first and for the guys to see who could last the longest. The girls each bent over the ends of the sofa. Kevin and I each entered our respective wives. I reached round and undid the ties on my wife's top so her tits were on view to Kevin. He responded by baring Wendy's tits. After a short time he moaned as he emptied his balls into her and I followed suit by filling my wife.

In the afterglow Wendy asked my wife if she could ask her something. She wanted to know if it was true that Jeff, another neighbour, had fucked her in his bathroom at New Year. He had been boasting about it and trying to persuade Wendy to drop her knickers for him. My wife, ever candid, said yes and no. Jeff had slipped into her, thrust once and pulled out without coming. My wife added that she had also given one of Jeff's friends a short wank that night, also in the bathroom. Wendy asked if I knew. I told her that when she came downstairs she told me and I took her into the dining room, I sat on a chair and she sat on my cock, her long skirt hiding what we were doing.

We, in turn, asked if they had been each others' only lovers. Wendy said she lost her cherry to her first boyfriend and that she was Kevin's first. I couldn't admit to having nailed my wife's sister (it would have been suicide) so I said only my wife. In what was a really big surprise, even to her husband, Wendy said she thought the winners should have a kiss, her for making Kevin come first and me for lasting longest. Neither Wendy nor Kevin objected when my hand caressed her tits during a long lingering, tongued kiss. The evening more or less ended there.

The girls sorted of our next evening one day while Kevin and I were at work. Our neighbours wanted to swap but not actually see the other having sex. Neither of the girls wanted the other to have their husband in their marriage bed so they decided that it would be us guys that went to each other's house. At the stroke of seven Kevin sheepishly knocked on our door. My wife answered it in a kimono type wrap which covered her sheer red babydoll nightie - chosen by me. He was very nervous. I asked my wife for the final time if she was sure about me having Wendy, Kevin went red.

Wendy was fully clothed when she answered the door and like Kevin she was nervous. I had a stiff cock, no room for nerves. I was there expecting a piece of Wendy's pussy. We talked for a good while before we kissed. Our kiss was electric. As soon as our lips touched our hands were all over each other. At the end of the kiss her blouse was unbuttoned, her left breast was out of her sheer bra and her matching cheap sexy knickers torn in my rush to slide my fingers into her wet pussy. Wendy grabbed my hand and led me upstairs to their bed, We stripped each other hurriedly, though I had her keep the bra and torn knickers on. Wendy climbed into bed. I climbed in after her and for a moment lay side by side. We kissed as she rolled onto her back and I climbed between her open legs. Wendy's cunt was so wet I slipped straight in and fucked her hard until I felt I was close to coming. I rolled off her and asked her to straddle me, I could always last much longer that way. Instead she slid down the bed and took me into her mouth. Wendy wasn't very expert at sucking, it was her first time with a cock in her mouth, but just having her giving me a blowjob was enough to make me come, I didn't quite pull out in time, Wendy got the first spurt on her tongue and the rest on her lips, chin and tits. Wendy jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. I thought I had blown the evening but she just wanted to spit my cum out and wash her face, she was back in seconds.

I went down on Wendy after a few kisses. Oral sex just wasn't something her and Kevin had done. Her bra and knickers now discarded I took my time over the journey to her cunt, kissing her neck, kissing her breasts, caressing her breasts and teasing her nipples, licking across her stretch marks, running my fingers through her pubic hair before tasting the juices flowing fom her slit. So that I could use my thumb to poke her cunt and use my other hand to caress her thigh I told Wendy to hold her pussy lips open for me. Her clit was like an organ stop and very, very sensitive. Like many of her generation Wendy thought it her role to please her man, which is why I got the blowjob, she had read it was the done thing when swinging. It was soon apparent Wendy liked being told what to do in bed. The ministrations of my tongue on her cunt set off her orgasm, she pushed me away. The look on her face was half ecstasy, half horror.

Between Kevin's wham bam and Wendy's desire to please, Wendy had never been stimulated to orgasm before and it had come as a shock to her. By the end of the evening we had made love twice more. One a very long slow fuck interrupted by me asking questions about what she liked and disliked romantically. She'd never played with herself because her devout ****** had put the fear of God into her. At my insistance she played with her clit while I fucked her both hard and slowly, whispering in her ear that she was my slut. It worked, she had another orgasm. This time she knew what was happening and gave into it.

The second fuck was for me. Wendy wanted me to just use her. I obliged. Being in Wendy's bed and between her legs was enough to get me hard but I fibbed and told her I needed her to talk dirty to me. I had to coax her a bit, asking her what she wanted and where she wanted it. It took a few nudges but by the time my spunk was creaming her pussy she was telling me she wanted fucking hard by my cock deep in her cunt.


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That was me 70s,now I just love being cucked,have been by friends ,family ultimate cucked by family member
Rating: 6, 2 votes.
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Loved being cuckolded but also loved to fuck other women
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