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Pirate Play Part 1 - re-post from Married Dom

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Pirate Play

The wife and I go to the infamous resort H2 in Negril Jamaica about every six months and have done so since the mid 1980's. One would have to work hard to avoid having at least some kind of sexual adventure there. This is a long story about one of those times. Originally I posted this adventure on another website in bits and pieces as I had time to write it but I have put it all together here for one big posting. Warning, there will be some cock sucking done by both of the lovely creatures that make up the couple who shared this wonderful adventure with me.

So here goes...

One time, at band camp... (sorry, could not pass up that silly joke).

In the summer 2012 trip we were joined at breakfast by a new friend named Billy. Billy works in Atlanta at a large well known business/IT consulting firm. He looks the part, young, trim, eye glasses, very neatly trimmed, no tattoos or piercing, short well-trimmed hair, he was kind of smallish, maybe 5'8", very polite, spoke with a very slight Georgia accent and believe it or not, black. I am much larger than him in every way, my skin is olive and, at the time I was about 50 to his 32 years of age. He and I liked each other immediately and found one thousand things to discuss from our business knowledge to our women.

Now stay with me because this story is NOT going where you think it is going. True stories never do.

My wife is a natural blond who still, at around 45 at the time, does not need or wear makeup. What she does wear are long, clinging form fitting light weight VERY colorful dresses with no underwear of any kind. She has a big wide smile, high cheekbones and blond like giggling personality. She likes everyone and everyone likes her.

So of course with the three of us talking at the table we tell our sexual jokes and stories but remember, this is breakfast so it really was not provocative. It was more like informative. He tells us that he is at the resort with his long term girlfriend. Now get this, he lives in Atlanta and she lives in Canada! His long term girlfriend is Canadian and they live a thousand mile apart and see each other only rarely, YET, they plan to marry one day. Naturally, I listen closer.

So we come to find out that they love each other, want to marry one day and DO NOT ASK each other about what they do when they are apart. But, Billy confides to us, he HOPES that she is seeing guys back in Canada. Well, by now I have my bookish small black friend figured for a want-to-be cuckold, my favorite type of friend!

So then Billy's girlfriend joins us at breakfast. She is drop dead gorgeous. About 27 years of age, about 5' 2", very long straight black hair, soft and round and very nicely shaped and Chinese! Holy shi t but this was a beautiful couple. Her name is May, she too is an educated business professional and as polite and demure as any Chinese you have ever met. I am dealing with a sub-sub couple! WOW!
So Billy and May and my wife become best friends and hang out all day. No one is the least bit uncomfortable with nudity so we end up dri nking ***** and swimming in the lagoon all morning. We played a few little games that included a little bit of catch. Billy was no athlete. He could not catch, nor throw, but he smiled a lot and had a real good nature. May bounced and jiggled through the games the way young naked girls do, but like Billy could not throw or catch. In the conversation I learned that neither of them had ever been sailing before. Since I have been many times I offered to take them round the bay on the Hobie-Cat. My wife, who's very white skin tends to burn when out on the water, decided to stay ashore.

They LOVED sailing. I showed them how to read the wind, adjust the sail, and use the tiller. We went round the small island that I've heard called Rum Island, though I don't know its real name. It is called Rum Island because sometime the various resorts ferry their guests out to the island for an afternoon of games and rum dri nks. There was no one there when we circled.

Soon we were back ashore at the resort and the two couples each went their own way to freshen up and take afternoon naps to rest up for the party nights. That night my wife and I separated when she went back to the room to pass out about midnight and I decided to head the hot tub to see what I could see. You only get one guess who I found there.

Because the sand is softer than the sidewalk and because I wore only a bathing suit and a tank top shirt without sandals I had decided to take the longer and darker beach route to the large community hot tub. I walked right up behind Billy and May making their way to the hot tub too. I was careful not to push myself on them as one never knows what the other people are thinking so you can imagine how happy I was to be warmly greeted, hugged and, after inquiry about Blondie (my wife) asked to come along. We found an unoccupied corner of the tub where we could talk and talk is what they really wanted to do.

Now anyone who has been to H2 knows that it is very common around midnight for people to be having all manner of sex. Most often it is blowjobs and pussy eating but also every kind of actual intercourse position including double penetration and more. You would be surprised at how uncomfortable and scary that sort of thing going on right next to you can be. You don't know if it is okay to look, or even stare or to reach out and touch. One part of you wants to be invited to the party and another part says I don't want to be touched by a perfect stranger. So believe me when I tell you that I was very happy to have some people that I knew and trusted to hang out with in that hot tub. Well, as I said, they wanted to talk and I should add, the pool side bar remained open even at that late hour and we were all quite dr unk. So talk we did.

As it turns out they had not been napping that afternoon but instead had been fucking their brains out. Each one would tell a story to the other and then they would act it out. It also turns out that their favorite fantasy that came up a few times had to do with the sailing and that empty island. May had shyly admitted that she had the fantasy that we (Billy and me) were a couple of pirates and that we had captured the fair maiden (herself) and were taking her to the island to ravish her.

Billy said that he loved that fantasy and it made him cum before he could even get his dick inside of her. He said that in his fantasy I was the captain pirate and he was just a junior buccaneer who did not get to fuck the maiden himself till I was done with her. His fantasy went on to say that his job was to assist the captain pirate in any way. He revealed his fantasy that he was told to help prepare both captain and maiden for the ravishing.

So on we talk in the corner of the large hot tub. Now remember this is a beautiful young couple. Him being a small but very sharp looking young black man and her a young and quite ripe looking young Chinese girl. So it was more than once that we were approached in that hot tub by men, women and couples wondering if we were game to play. It was funny how both Billy and May left it to me to say "no thank you" to these people and send them on their way. Even as I politely did so my two friends shut up and looked away as would chi ldren talking to strangers. So even though the three of us were naked in a large outdoor hot tub, with strangers having all kinds of sex all around us, and talking about outrageous sexual three way fantasies, this was a private conversation.

And again I felt very good, very special. This was not a situation where any "bull" would do. This was for me and me alone. I think that anyone else's presence would have shut down this crazy open conversation. I think that even the presence of my wife would have shut down these two as her chemistry with them was different than mine. To them my wife was more the kindly schoolmate to share good times with but I was more like the village priest or perhaps trusted marriage counselor to whom all inner truth's must be told to cleanse the soul and lay bare the heart. I am good at playing such roles. I listen and repeat back what I have just heard. I keep eye contact and do not jump at obvious opportunities to cut off the talk and start up the sex. By this time I knew that I was in love with both Billy and May and intended to take love from both of them.

The more they talked the more they smiled and it became more and more frequent for each of them to touch me as they spoke. I began to call Billy by the name of Mate (as in ship mate) and ordered him back to the pool side bar for d rinks. This was a job that he jumped to calling out "Aye, aye Captain". May, who I began to call SG had backed off and kept her distance the first time that I sent Mate back to the bar. She asked me "what does SG stand for"? I answered "Slave Girl". She said with voice trailing as her eyes sort of looked away, "I thought so...".

When the Mate returned with the first round of d rinks he had a HUGE grin on his face and he fell completely out of character as he asked if anything had gone on in his absence. I told him the quick story of how we had established a new name for SG as she looked embarrassed when I made her confirm her new name. Now up to this point the sex had been all mental with almost no actual touching going on but here is where things changed. Now that it had been established that he was my subordinate ship mate and she was slave girl I got much bolder. In front of his hard staring eyes I ordered SG to step forward in that boiling hot tub even though doing so put her wonderful young breast into my waiting open hand.

I had been eyeing her young brown breasts for most of the day. But I had thought that perhaps she had no interest in me when Blondie and I did not see our new friends come to the main dining room at dinner. So, barely fifteen minutes ago I went from wondering if they even liked me to openly holding SG's naked breast in front of her husband and a tub full of people.

Immediately she started apologizing for how small her breasts were! First of all, for her small body these breasts were not small but perfectly shaped. They had that wonderful little curve to them and they jiggled when she moved. In addition, I LOVE small natural breasts. From the excitement of the situation and the heat of the tub I am began to breath pretty heavy. But where I am breathing heavy, guess who had a raging 5 1/2 " hard on to match his giant s hit eating eating grin.

So I lean in with my heavy breathing and croak out a loud whisper to SG and I call her by her real name, "May" I said, "I love your beautiful breasts" Naturally I continued to hold each one then lightly pinch each nipple as I speak. "I not only love your breasts but I love you too". She smiled. "But there is more..." and calling my Mate by his proper name I said "I want you to know that I love Billy too".

Finally SG spoke back and said "That's good because I think he feels the same way about you". And with that she looked at him, and looked at me and hugged my hands close to her chest with her own and smiled. Some of the others in the tub were circulating too close for our comfort again so I sent Mate back up to the bar for a double round of dr inks while SG and I went to dry off and put on our limited clothing. It was time to go back to the room.

"I love you Slave Girl" I said as I pulled my tank top on.

"I love you too John" she replied.

"For the next hour Slave Girl, my name is Captain".

"Yes Sir"! came her sharp answer followed by a salute that made those wonderful boobs jiggle again under her loose wet t-shirt.

"So, do you want to tell me anything before my Mate comes back with the dri nks"?

Sheepishly she looked down and then straight into my eyes. "This is what he wanted but if I say stop then we stop".

"I absolutely promise that if either one of you says stop we will".

Seeing Billy struggling up the stairs with three double drin ks I took a few steps past the pool to help him carry. SG and I reviewed with him our conversation as we sipped the double neat vodka's.

"Well then" I said, "I guess the games afoot". "Yes sir captain" came the reply from each of them.

"For starters", I said, "I don't like carrying dr inks around the resort so right now each of you will follow me in chugging this dri nk to the bottom".

He obeyed, she hesitated, but was made to finish before we got walking.

He asked me along the path "So do you like having a black man to bring your dri nks and deliver his girl? Do you think that is how it was for the slaves"?

Black Man! I had completely forgotten that he is black. I noticed how small he was. I noticed how trim he was. I noticed he wore eyeglasses all the time. I noticed how hard he got when I was feeling up his girl. BUT! I understood what he was really saying.

"So, Matie" I mocked a Caribbean pirate accent, "what matters is that you obey and you obey fast when your captain speaks. And so you talk about sharing your girl? Well why don't you reach into my shorts, and feel about, and tell Slave Girl what you found".

We had been taking the dark beach route back toward their hotel room. We stopped and he looked at me with an expression that I could not see in the dark. With one hand I pulled open the front of my baggy bathing suit. With the other hand I pushed his arm down into the hole. SG at this point was starting to make little cooing sounds as she watched her boyfriend obey. She was getting into this.

He already knew my dick was large but what he found was a semi-hard on. His hand could not fit around it and he kept lifting it and feeling its weight. He was making all kinds of exclamations about its size and weight and girth. Now that he was under his own power feeling my cock I started to react to being handled.

With growing hard on I reached around the back of Slave Girl's neck, pulled her in close and ordered her to kiss me on the mouth. There was no hesitation.

While locked in a deep kiss with SG I felt my baggy suit get tugged down to my ankles followed immediately by the Billie's warm, wet mouth sliding on my pole. My cock at this point was approaching full erectness and there was danger of my losing a load into his mouth. Just May playing Slave Girl and kissing me the way she was would have been enough but the two combined would surely make me cum too early.

It was with a lot of second guessing that I made the decision to break the moment and move. Billy's hands were now holding my hips as he was getting lost in his submissive cock sucking. I felt myself sorry moving with him as my knees started to feel week. All this while my left hand was feeling up May through her braless wet t-shirt and our lips only inches apart as she awaited the resumption of our long wet kiss.

"Come on Matey, we are moving back to the room where we can take this wench in privacy". I patted one of his hands, grabbed the waist of my swimsuit, and stood up straight moving me away from that lovely soft Chinese mouth.

A lot of ice was broken now. It was clear what role each of us was to play. There was no more dancing around the usual issues when in a three way situation. I am a large strong dominant middle aged man. That is what May wanted. That is what Billy wanted. And, they are both the type to give pleasure and I like to be pleased. It was unsaid but understood now that I was not about giving either of them orgasms but instead was about letting them take cum from me. When I cum, they win.

The arm in arm in arm walk back to their room took us behind the booming loud disco and a bright light shining from the now closed beach bar, which is about half way to the other side of the resort from the hot-tub bar we just came from. Under that bright light and in full sight of the disco I told Slave Girl to practice sucking cock on my Mate. She immediately fell to her knees and obeyed, pulling down his shorts in one fast motion. His hard on was gone but his little dick quickly grew under her familiar mouthing. I squatted behind Slave Girl and played with her tits. But then told them "that was enough" and "let's get to the room". I should have thought about it in advance but May was now full of sand.

Finally we finally arrived at their room on the ground floor, garden view, only 15 feet from the main dining room. The midnight buffet was in full swing and the place had dozens of girls and couples danced in their most revealing dance slut wear that could only be worn at Hedo. Before heading into the room we made a little side trip as Billy and I went to the bar and got two full glasses of vodka to bring back to the room. May went to the dessert table and took a hand full of cookies and started munching right away. Finally, we went to their room.

Please see part 2 MD


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This is a very sexy story. Thank you!


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Very nice. Plz continue!
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Pirate Play Part 1 - re-post from Married Dom
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