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Best Cuckold Castration Stories

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This one is from Nancy Friday's book Men in Love, which reproduces many men's fantasies. In this one, Dr. Lewis Brown tells about his cuckold and castration fantasy. I have always found it exciting.


For me masochism is a real turn-on, especially *********** – as long as it stays a fantasy. I have had a "dominant massage" and found it to be only painful. The only turn-on was in my fantasies about it. I have never had any homosexual experiences.

This fantasy really gets me on, either for masturbation, or, even more, when my wife and I playact it out.
Fact: My wife has a friend named Frank, whom I have never met, but who is totally in love with her. He would probably do anything to get rid of me because he thinks my existence is the reason Sharon won't go to bed with him (that's probably true).

Fantasy: Sharon and Frank become lovers, but after a while he becomes very angry at having to meet surreptitiously. At each of their very frequent meetings, he gets progressively more angry at me for making it difficult for him to have her as much as he wants. Finally he says to her that he has made up his mind to ****** me. Sharon is upset – although she prefers him sexually, she still likes me; so she tells him no, that she has a better idea – and whispers it to him. He smiles, is delighted and agrees.

Sometime later Sharon and I are at home quietly reading when the doorbell rings. I answer it and Frank is at the door. He is dark, stocky, has cruel eyes and is wearing an ironical grin. He says, "Hello, Lewis, I'm Frank." I am first surprised, then rather amused. I confidently ask him to come in.

As soon as he is in he says, "Sharon and I are lovers and we want you to clear out now!" I laugh and look at Sharon who is watching us both very closely – she has a shy smile. I say to him, "No way, buddy – now get out!" He says, "Fuck you!" and starts throwing punches. The ensuing fight is very vicious. Although I am quite a bit smaller than he, I am much more agile and am giving him quite a beating. Just as I am enjoying it the most, I make an error and he lands a solid blow that staggers me. Now he is on top and beats me unmercifully.

Sharon is watching and is totally fascinated by the raw ****** sensuality of the beating. As he beats me he starts to undress me – tearing the clothes off me – this really turns Sharon on as she sees her lover first physically destroy, and then totally humiliate her man.

Finally, when it is obvious that there is no more fight in me, the beating stops. Frank looks me up and down and sneeringly says to Sharon, "How could you have ever let that impotent asshole have you?" He picks me up like a dead chicken, drags me off to the bedroom and throws me on the bed. He and Sharon then undress and make love with tremendous passion right next to me. Their passion is heightened, knowing I am there watching and hearing them and totally powerless to do anything – although their lovemaking is ******* me with rage and passion.

After fucking her multiple times, he seems even more sexually vigorous than before starting. His penis is immense. He notices that I am moving about a bit more, so he stops fucking her and he stands me up and punches me a few more times, until I go limp and helpless again. Then he turns me over, mounts me and fucks my asshole. Even though I'm thoroughly beaten, I still have to scream in agony – but both Frank and Sharon notice that while he is in me, I, in turn, develop my own huge erection.

When he's finished with me, he throws me off his cock and looks at me lying on the bed ******** from my ass. He laughs roughly at my helplessness and says, "Don't get tired yet, Lewis, the fun is just beginning."

He then flips me over onto my back and he and Sharon begin to tie me up, such that they pass a rope behind each knee and pull my knees up over my head, knees apart, and tie the ropes down so that I am spread-eagled, but with my knees drawn up. My wrists are then tied down so my arms are spread straight out. Finally, a rope is passed across my waist, so I can't move or squirm.

Frank grins like a little boy and admits to me that he had wanted to **** me, but Sharon had a better idea. What they are going to do is castrate me and amputate my scrotum! He explains that due to the *********** I would never report them, and being a eunuch, I couldn't compete for Sharon's attention. As a final ironical blow, they would keep my scrotum and testicles in a bottle and blackmail me by threatening to disclose my condition – unless I paid them all of my income.

I start to swear – say they can't get away with it, but Frank only laughs. I look to Sharon but she just smiles and says: "Why don't you just be quiet, Lewis?"

Frank gets sterile towels and instruments (we are both physicians) and starts washing my scrotum and penis with *******. For some reason, my courage seems to have returned, and I tell him his plan is fantastic; that he'll never get away with it; that I shall report him and they'll toss him in prison.

Now he is silent as I continue to berate him ... he just keeps washing and preparing me. He puts gloves on, but no mask. He then seats himself in front of my balls and instructs Sharon to hold my penis up so it won't get in his way.

For the first time the full impact of what is really about to happen comes crashing down on me – and I totally panic I plead; I cry; I scream; I threaten; I try to squirm and thrash, but am tied too securely.
Frank just smiles and, holding a scalpel and *******, says: "I'm going to castrate you without any anaesthesia, Lewis, because I want you to feel everything – especially that moment when you lose your last ball." Throughout the operation I continue to scream, cry and beg pitifully, but to no avail.

The surgery begins with Frank grasping the left side of the base of my scrotum with a toothed ******* – I feel white pain! He then slices in with his scalpel – I'm nauseated. He directs Sharon to hold my penis up just a bit more. She is watching the surgery with intent fascination. When the incision is large enough, he reaches in and pulls out my left testicle. He loops two sutures across its stalk and cuts between them, freeing the ball. He shows it to me – I babble incoherently. Sharon, however, notices that I am becoming erect. Frank drops my ball in a bottle of formaldehyde – with a loud plunk! Smiling, he next slices the front and continues around to the right side of the base of my scrotum, letting it fall back in front of my asshole. Working slowly, he throws two sutures over the stalk of my right testicle. Then he holds it up and, placing the scalpel where I can see, he says, "Okay, Lewis, this is it!" and with me watching he completes my emasculation. That ball also gets dropped in a jar as well as the scrotum.

The moment of emasculation is very powerful and very primitive. The inevitable and ultimate result of the struggle of two savage males competing for one female. The finale is total, as one savage completely defeats the other and takes his strength – his maleness – the ultimate in domination – the ultimate in defeat and ***********.

The entire operation is *********, but when he cuts me loose, he has me hold a large pack over the scrotal area, presumably to stop ********. With me so occupied with my loss and postoperative care, he and Sharon proceed to fuck next to me again, and both notice that their fucking gives me a monstrously large erection.

As the fantasy closes, Frank is inside of Sharon and she is amazed at the size of my erection. Frank, beaming with self-satisfaction, says: "Yes, but it's his last!"


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