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How rare is cuckolding?

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Cheating is apparently the second most searched for theme in porn, only behind youth. But how rare is willing cuckolding in real life?

Of cheating porn, not all is willing cuckolding. But still, there seems to be a huge percentage of cuckold porn out there. Are the people watching this porn bulls, cuckolds, hotwives, or just people that find the situation arousing but don't associated themselves with one of the roles? And if they want one of the defined roles, is it just a fantasy, or do they try this in real life?

I ask because I thought, based on amount of porn, that it was relatively common. But in real life my experience has been different. I have told more than a dozen long term gfs about having this fantasy. I have also told ~30 casual hook ups about it. If you count online chat with girls from dating sites, who might not even be girls or honest about their reactions, maybe add another 100-200 more. Of all these girls I've told this fantasy to, its always the first time a guy has ever told them about having this fantasy. Now if you assume these girls have all been with 10-20 guys before me, that's 100-1,000 guys that these girls have been intimate with before me, and not one of those guys had confessed to having a cuckold fetish?

What is your experience? Have you dated girls who have had cuckold bfs before you?


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Similar experience frankly; and I suspect most cuckolds don't know that they are in fact, cuckolds


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Yes, my experience is similar. I would guess that almost no women are interested in being a cuckoldress.

When I discovered my wife was having an affair and suggested cuckolding she was grossed out by the idea. We ended up getting divorced later (not because I brought up cuckolding)


Posts: 1848
#4 · Edited by: kevinthecuckold
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It's not rare it's just rare to be in a relationship where it is openly and honestly expressed. I mean let's face it people have affairs, it's part of who we are. Very few ******* on this planet have a single mate for life and humans are not one of those.


Posts: 31
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Thanks for your responses guys! It seems the broader use of the word is not so rare, where the cheating is secret. And then much more rare is the husband who enjoys it. And more rare again is the husband who enjoys it, communicates it with his partner, and they follow through.

I wonder if any of those girls ever met another cuckold, and if she told him she'd dated a cuckold once before.

I also remembered I had met a couple others in this lifestyle in real life, but it was people I'd met online first for group sex which I wouldn't count as a random sample.


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At least in part of your statement (OP) you clarified between being a cuckold and being a willing cuckold. More people need to make that distinction. The word is grossly misused; nowadays I'd say MOST people misuse/misunderstand the basic word.
Look it up in the dictionary- it's an OLD word. Cuckold is merely someone whose spouse is cheating. Now WILLING CUCKOLD is very different and has many forms/variations. We need new words to describe. For example, I've ha many assume when I say I was cucked that I was humiliated, or had to service/clean up the guy, etc. etc. All of that is simply NOT a part of what "cuckold" by itself means.


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I Love being cuckold,Have set it up and encouraged it from early on,and yes there have been a few where I didn't directly set it up,but had created for it.Dont care about technicality label. Cuckold good enough for me.
I Love it when I say to her,Will you Fuckim Mama,and she says, Wy shore I will
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#9 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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Originally it was reserved for someone who's wife cheated on him and as a result there was an illegitimate offspring,,,and the only willing part was when the husband agreed to raise the ch-old. Joseph (as in Jesus, Mary, and Joseph), is probably the most famous (and hardest to compete with), I mean how do you get back at God? LOL. But I personally always considered to be cuckolded there had to at least the possibility,,,so in my mind condoms, pulling out, anal and BJ's is just cheating, not cuckoldry. You can't imagine how many times I've been asked to cuckold someone,,,it doesn't work that way. You can only be cucked by someone you're in a relationship with, your moth-er or dau-ghter-ter can't cuck you, neither can a stranger. Originally what a lot of cuckolds consider "willing" cuckold was actually simple voyuerism,,,all the other stuff comes once the cuck is willing, you have to step it up to keep it exciting, so we get husband's eating pies and fluffing. Some chose the humi-atiion, cage, and deprivation scenario,,,that's also part of it now (I'm not into that), but as long as there's a relationship it qualifies.


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Raising the baby is a very specific requirement, but is on target for the word origin, the cuckoo bird egg switch.

As a kink, I reserve the term cuckolding to mean specifically willing submissive cuckolding, and I include any activities that bring excitement that should normally bring jealousy, even if no impregnating or even intercourse is involved. Hearing about a wife's hung xbf, watching your wife dance/kiss another man, letting her flirt on a dating site, or making cuckold captions with your wife's pics and showing your wife... I consider even those small experiments very much part of the cuckolding dynamic.

Although technically a husband who's wife secretly cheats is a cuckold, I personally wouldn't use the word cuckold to describe the situation. I'd just call that cheating.

Also, a man who wants his wife to cheat, or wants to hear about the hung xbf, but never communicates that to her, I'd say he has cuckold desires but isn't yet a cuckold. Just for me personally, to be a cuckold requires confessing the desires to the wife.

Also, it requires the bf/husband himself is loyal and not seeing other women. I meet swingers, and the guys sometimes agree they like watching their gfs/wives with other men and think that might make them cuckold, but they are receiving in trade permission to have sex with other women. I consider this swinging, casual dating open relationships. Yes the wife is cheating, but the husband is not what I consider a cuckold. The unfairness creates the jealousy which creates the excitement.

Cuckolding is very different in my mind than voyeurism. There is no voyeurism involved hearing about your wife's hung xbf, writing captions on your wife's pics, letting your wife flirt online, or letting your wife go ***** with someone and hear about it later. There is definitely some overlap, most cuckolds would probably watch live sex through a window if they walked by it, but would not get the intense excitement of it being their wife/gf through that window, not even close.

Then there are dominate cuckolds. I don't think they get off on the jealous stuff, they just want to treat their wife like a slut. They more often join in the gang bang, are more hung, call their wife names, treat her rough, are in more control of the guys selected, don't care as much about the wife enjoying it. They seem to get off on the power to ***** her to do what he wants and who he wants. This feels more like a pimp then a cuckold to me.

Then there's stag husbands. They enjoy their wife's pleasure, but are not the jealousy loving subs, or control loving doms. They don't desire a tall strong hung bull because they don't like to feel inferior, they just want equal mmf threesomes, or allow wife sex on the side without any *********** about it. Although stag has its own word, I'd consider it more of a cuckold dynamic than the dominate cuckold.

Tldr. Imo the kink cuckolding requires the man to be loyal, and to communicate with his wife that jealousy inducing sexual behavior turns him on, but does not require she has intercourse with another man. Technically I'm wrong I know, we might need better words.


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Mary I agree that a stranger asking you to cuck them is more like voyeurism. They would have to really believe the role play that you were their wife/gf for that to be much more. Unless they meant build a real emotional relationship with you first, and stay loyal to you, before the cucking.

That said i met a stag couple, had sex with the gf, really thought she was beautiful, had intense looking-in-each-others-eyes sex, and felt like I was falling for her. Then we switched and she gave her bf the exact same treatment, but with more moaning, and I had a big jealousy turn on that felt cuckoldish. Much more then if I had come over and just watched them first. So maybe you could build enough intimacy with a stranger, and take it away, all in one night. Just not as intense.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary


Posts: 2340
#12 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
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I agree with a lot of what you're saying,,,while at the same time disagree with a lot,,,this is not due to what you said, simply because there are billions of people, and although many share segments of a particular proclivity, many if not almost all, put their own twist on it based on what floats their boat. Although my hub started out as an Alpha, and cheated many times, when it was his turn to be cheated on the thing that drove him the most was not knowing things he wanted to know (I'm sure many men go through this cause it's human nature),,,for instance, what the did he do or say that got you to this point? How big was he? What did he do that I didn't do? All these are things they obsess over while laying in bed at night. My hub's ex had a unique manner about her personality,,,she would describe everything step by step, even to the point of claiming she left the curtains open to the sliding glass door in hopes he'd see her defiling what was considered his, she even went so far as to tell him he took her in my hub's favorite position, mainly cause she asked him to. Now this sounds like some of these mean women trying humiliate their hub, but in her case it was just her personality,,,he wanted to know everything, and she thought she was just being honest, totally oblivious to the angst that ran through his body as she expressed how she felt during the encounter. But even after all that, he still wanted to see it for himself. Needless to say you can't prove you're mate isn't cheating, so when you think they are (even though it's the last thing you want to hear), the only time you can prove anything is when you catch them cheating,,,until then you're mind never rests,,,this also quite often becomes fodder for masturbation,,,creating a personal sexual context of the whole thing. Fast forward to three years after he divorced her and I came along, cheated after a year. At this point he came to the decision all women had it in their heart, they may not act on it, but it's there,,,they're human, and under the right circumstances even the most faithful can give in to those desires, even if it's a one shot deal and then goes back to her normal life. Once he arrived at that decision, to allow it to take place, AND be that "fly on the wall", it represented the optimum strategy for going forward with what he had discovered. Although he had already been officially cuckolded, he assumed the role of the modern definition of "willing cuckold" at that point and it wasn't like a big decision not to have sex with other women, he simply changed to where it turned him on more to have sex with me after I was full of my lovers cum. For years we entertained other men just for that purpose, but my enjoying bigger dicks led us to playing the numbers and gradually becoming black only,,,cause that's where the averages proved to me the bigger dicks where most likely to be found. So for us my husband has to see my lover treat me like I was his, and see me act and give him everything I would normally give to my husband, hence no condoms or pulling out,,,real cuckolding with real possibilities,,,anything less to us is just fuck'n around, a dick with a condom is just a dildo, taking another man's seed into me willingly is cucking,,,all the other stuff we added (pie eating, fluffing), was all just to take it up a notch. If it feels good we do it, what we don't do is *********** and ab-use, nobody calls me names like bitch, slut, whore, least of all my husband. If my husband wasn't my best friend we'd probably have split up years ago, but he is, and he's has introduced me to this lifestyle, and because of him I've had my cake and ate it too for my entire adult life, we're coming up on 35 years, so we must've done something right.


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I've found there are a host of reasons for cuckolding, my case he cheated on me with a man..I just couldn't take it but I couldn't leave him as my kids needed his support and a ****** figure..Over time I grew to understand him more and forgave him but I liked dating and the control I had..


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Mary, you are way beyond me and my wife! I guess you could always take it further, not use birth control, fuck at your most fertile times of the month. Only cuckold from 18-35 when pregnancy is most likely. You are 35 years old or been together 35 years?

I also started as alpha. Was into mff threesomes, adding many notches to my belt. Switching to submissive was gradually. A gf cheated at 17 and I forgave her and we stayed together. Later at 21 I was a bull for a couple. Eventually I stole that girl and dated her for years. She cheated on me and when I forgave that girl is when I started having cuckold desires, she would retell the details of the cheating to make me finish faster. But didn't seek out bulls for gfs for another year or two. I was ~25 at that time. Gradually becoming more cuckold the last decade. Funny, I agree 100% on the black dick size. I actually would prefer white guys, and all my gfs preferred whites guys, but it's just so rare that they are hung. If size is a turn on black is really the only choice. Now just walking by a black guy in a dance club with my wife send shivers to my dick, don't find them attractive, just so much sexual energy with my wife knowing that he is probably hung, and him seeing us stare at him.


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I believe it is fairly common these days. I believe as couples age and become comfortable with each other the jealousy factor diminishes and boredom sets in. When this happens some will look outside their bedroom for excitement. One possible reason men let their wives fuck others is two fold. First the thought that someone wants what you have is strong and the excitement of the kinkiness of letting her fuck someone else is also a turn on. Second if any of you have had a Hotwife you know how much confidence and desire to be sexy brings with them taking on a fuck buddy. The home sex greatly improves.

However I also believe most couples cheat on each other in secret. What a shame and waste of a good time.


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Could not agree more.
Love watching my wife spread her legs and take another guy's bare cock inside her pussy:-)
Ronald Curry


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Given the divorce rate along with being wired to stray as a species, it is kind of a taboo thing to talk about, but believe it's more common than you think.

With that said, the kind of relationship required to pull this off, is very rare.
Ronald Curry


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I think it's more common now. Married men are changing....wanting to see their wives fucked. I do.


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I think you are correct bamamoon. In the past, couples would get bored (usually one party or the other) and then one would cheat either secretly or not so secretly resulting in the destruction of the marriage. With the internet, more men and couples are envisioning this lifestyle as a viable option because they can read about couples that are actually living it. And why not make an attempt at keeping the honesty in your marriage? If the alternative is deception and divorce then it seems like an obvious choice. Unfortunately, I don't believe most couples have the communication and courage to make it a reality. It really does require an open mind. I think more and more married women are at the very least hearing about this type of arrangement (thanks again to the internet) which gives them time to digest and consider the benefits over time. I believe this type of marriage or relationship will only continue to become more popular especially with women. Like I told my wife, from a wife's perspective, I don't see the negative unless of course there are trust issues to begin with.


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I believe there are several key points here:
Trust and full comunication is very important. Talk to your wife/husband and tell them honestly how you feel.
Learn to differentiate between making love (which you would do in a marriage) and fucking (pure, raw sex at its best) Cuckolding involves fucking, not making love. No matter how you look at it, it's fucking at the end of the day, not love making. It's just sex, not a marriage proposal.


Posts: 1040
#22 · Edited by: I_A_S_P
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Cuckolding is "reaso nably" common. Is, was and always will be. As long as there are intelligent women, cuckolding ain't going anywhere.

Cuckolding is an exercise a wife has no problems enjoying secretly between her and her lover. Most do. Cuckolding is an exercise some wives can enjoy in front of hubby and others. Some do.

Cuckolding is an extramarital feature many a husband must accept in his wife's behavior. Most cuckolds feel emasculated and inadequate and for pers onal reas ons quietly tolerate the shame and privation she rewards him with. Plenty of cucks receive their pleasures from the deep, masochistic thrills that only a real cuckold knows how to appreciate from a cheating wife!

Cuckolds that I know generally feel "happiest" when the wife is sexually satisfied by other men while the cuck himself isn't allowed any real sexual pleasures at all.

What seems to be the rare aspect of cuckolding are those cucks that become so sexually excited by the wife's cheat they masturbate incessantly!

Seems to me that a properly trained cuckold celebrates his wife's sex freedoms with various displays of chaste living. Not talking about cages or other devices. Talking about men that reach maximum enjoyment the more impotent cuckolding affects him!
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary

Great and wise advice! (As always!)
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!


Posts: 6938
#24 · Edited by: kennyboy82
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What seems to be the rare aspect of cuckolding are those cucks that become so sexually excited by the wife's cheat they masturbate incessantly!

I've encountered this aspect of a cucks behaviour so many times. Sometimes the only way of stopping it is by placing the cuck in enf0rced chastity, a cage or the like. They seem to have little or no self control. It also gives the Hotwife the chance to fully control her cuck and allow him release when it suits her, not him.


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Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Beautiful and exciting statement. You two are AWESOME! Thanks for sharing.


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That's crazy. I have been married for 60 years to my first and only wife. I'm 82 and she is 77 years old. You are just trying to justify your own cuckholding. Moat wives have to be talked into cuckolding. It destroys their since of security and personal respect. If they try this lifestyle, it will be because the cuck hounded them. Then when they find someone who is a gentleman and only caring of her, this will fit their personal longing of what they want their relationship to be, fall in love, and ditch the husband living happily ever after.

I personally rather have sex with one person having a lasting relationship than a bunch of strangers. Tallbucks2


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Tallbuck2 LOL it seems like your definition of cuckolding is limited and not really based in the realities of life. I'm surprised that someone who believes the way you do would even be on a site like this one. What are you even doing out here anyhow?


Posts: 93
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I think cheating is a lot more common than cuckolding, because a lot of women who are cheating have no idea how easily they could rub it in their husband's face.


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I feel like the lack of acknowledgement of this fetish the OP has gotten from girlfriends and online acquaintances might have more to do with the high barriers most people have to sharing intimate fantasies rather than that the interest in cuckolding is rare. Everyone has their own experiences of relationships, friendships online pen pals, but mine is that a very deep level of trust and incremental expansion of sharing needs to happen before people will talk honestly about embarrassing sexual desires and experiences. Even when presented with someone else who is doing so.
Rating: 18, 6 votes.
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How rare is cuckolding?
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