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The Hotel

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This is another recount of the same couple (Mary and Dan) that you got to know in my previous post. Feel free to read this and the other in any order you like.

I was travelling in-state a lot at one point. I mentioned to Mary and Dan that I would be working at a distant client's for about 2 weeks and wouldn't be able to visit them. Apparently, they talked it over and decided to take a room in the same hotel I was planning on staying at. Have to give them credit for determination!

They told me they'd meet me by the front lobby at around 5pm. They got there earlier after reserving a room with two queen beds. I met them in a waiting area with my bags. They both had theirs beside their seats. They insisted on having me stay the night and cancel my room. Then the fun started.

First, Mary and I handed Dan our bags and headed toward the front desk. Mary and I were holding hands and making suggestive small talk while Dan signed he and his wife into their room. Once done, we had him follow us toward the elevators. I stopped a few feet away and suggested that Dan buy some condoms. Mary looked at me and said (loud enough for the staff to hear), but you and I never use them". I answered that they weren't for me. "Why him?", she asked. "Don't want him to go hungry" was my unplanned answer.

So while Dan went to the gift shop, Mary and I checked out the room. When we unlocked it, I noticed you could see the bottom few feet of the far bed from the partially open doorway. Once in, there was some space behind the door for an idea that was taking shape in my head. Mary was in love with the ideas.

We discussed and refined how the night would go before Dan got up to the room. We had both keys, so he had to knock... probably thinking that we were already at it. We made him wait some minutes. He seemed disappointed we were both still dressed. We were all hungry, so we called in oriental food to be delivered to our room. About 20 minutes to get things started.

First I had Mary strip and lay on the far bed with her painted toes and bare calfs showing to whoever got a look from the door. Then I had Dan disrobe completely and wait for me to take a 5 minute shower. Once out, I told him to get behind the door and wait on his knees while Mary and I had some fun. With about 5 minutes to go, I got up and walked over to Dan. "Get started on me, Dan. Do a good job". About 7 minutes later, there was a knock on the door. I grabbed the doorknob, opened the door wide enough for the delivery guy to notice Mary's legs on her bed. I leaned back enough to face him and asked what the total was. He read it off. Leaning forward again, I told Dan to grab his wallet next to him and pay the bill. As he did, he stopped using his mouth on my cock. Loud enough to hear, I said, "I didn't say you could stop getting me ready for your wife". I reached around the door with the cash, then told Dan to give him a nice tip. With the door ajar, I told the delivery guy to leave the food outside the room.

With that finished, I had Dan put on one of his condoms and  pay attention to me and Mary. As a side note, she was someone who could orgasm multiple times, and would get wilder and louder as she did. Watching the events of a few minutes back, she had already peaked once, ready for as many rounds as she could get. Her pussy was practically gushing in anticipation of the slow fucking I would give her. I started by licking her gorgeous nipples and teasing her slit with the head of my cock. She was getting frantic. At some point, I couldn't hold back going inside her.

We heard Dan clear his throat a few times. We both said "what?" in unison and laughed. "Wh-what about the food?". "What about it?", I said. He couldn't answer distracted by what was going on in our bed. I said, "why don't you get it?". So he started for his clothes. I told him there's no time for that if he wanted to watch us. That he should go out as is. Dan began a small protest, so I assured him it would be fine. Luckily, no one was in the hallway. He returned blushing and eager keep watching.

We both instructed him to put the food down and play with himself. Mary was on fire as I slowly fucked her. She was writhing and tensing up over and over enjoying the sensations. I was content to keep the it up as long as I could hold out. She was starting to talk dirty to Dan, teasing him about his "tiny man" and encouraging him to stroke his covered cock. He had a short fuse, so we'd intermittently tell him to take his hand away.

Mary hit her third climax and I followed shortly after. She yelled at Dan to cum into his rubber. 10 seconds later, that's what happened. With the sheath still on, we had him lick us both clean and she even had another small convulsion then.

We all caught our breaths. She told Dan to put some food on the plates that came with the order. Naked, we all started eating. Her and I on our bed. Dan in his chair. At one point, she said, "Take that thing off and show us". After partially rolling it down and pulling it carefully off, he walked over to us and displayed it pretty well loaded. Taking my earlier cue in the lobby, she had him empty his semen atop his food and start eating it again. We had him be very descriptive about the texture and taste, and to thank us for the opportunity.

The night wasn't over.

They bought an xxx VHS tape (this was 30 years ago), put it in the deck, and we started watching. The storyline was where a newly married couple on their honeymoon are ******* by a group of 4 men to service them. The 'husband' is made to dress up feminine for them too. It was badly-acted, but it was enough to get us in the mood again.

Mary and I were running our hands over each other. Dan was just watching transfixed as both newlyweds were on all fours, getting it from both ends. The wife appearing to enjoy it a lot more than her spouse.

I was thirsty and asked Dan to bring us some water. Mary had a different idea. "Get dressed", she ordered him. "Go out to a local ****** store and buy some champagne. We should celebrate". Once he was dressed, I told him fix his face up before he goes out. When he asked what I meant, I told him to put some makeup on. At the very least, a lot of lipstick. We told him no one would care. We instructed him that if anyone asks what's the occasion, he was to tell them it was for "me, my wife and her boyfriend".

Mary and I started in again while he was out. It was a slow simmer that got more loud and hot as things went on. We made sure Dan had a key this time. We talked dirty as we fucked. I had to slow down the pace. I wanted to feel her muscles contract on my cock before I came in her.

Dan made it back in record time. She and I continued to screw with him watching, Mary climaxed heavy. That was all I needed.

It took a few minutes to cool down. Dan had opened the bottle, but pointed out that there were only two plastic cups for the champagne. "No problem", I said. "Your wife and I will share one". He poured them and handed one to us. And we toasted to the night. After he took a few sips, I got up and asked him to give me his cup. When he did, I lowered it and pushed my sticky cock into the bubbly, washing as much off of my shaft and balls as I could, then handing it back to him. "***** up", I said. He obeyed.

Going right along with the theme, Mary got up, took his cup, squatted a bit, and began dripping my seed out of her into the mix. There were a few globs of it floating on the top. She handed it back and told him to wait. We poured more into our cup, tapped his and ours and drank away. We reminded him to be open and honest about the taste and texture.

He was starting to get aroused by then. So she had him undress, put on another condom and fuck her. He lasted about a minute. She whispered in his ear, he nodded, pulled off his condom, emptied its contents on her mound, and began licking and cleaning her until she had yet another orgasm. She was kinky, insatiable and driven.

The rest of the night had Dan using his tongue on us (yes, 'in back' too).

Morning came too fast. And we slept too little. But this set the stage for another encounter a week later.


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Great story.


Posts: 202
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Thanks, Jify.

I'm not much of a writer. This was a recount of times with my first couple over 30 years ago.
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The Hotel
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