Posts: 5857
Posts: 86
last week we spent some time outside, let us say on mini vacation. There we had enough time to discuss interesting topics. As you maybe can imagine also this topic was part of the agenda. I initiated to think about involving friends into our playgame. I was surprised, Nadine my wife was eager to know more about my ideas.
I openly told her that I feel very excited to think about involving her friends. I also mentioned the one adventure we had and I admitted that I regularly repeat this event in my mind. Nadine answered that she was not aware that this was this exciting for me, she thought she did it more for her fun.
The next round was opened and she proposed I should open up and tell all of my secret fantasies and afterwards we will check if we will find a possibility to bring it in reality. I told her that my top fantasy always involves *********** and in this segment I like the "little boy" game very much. She asked some questions and after she understood we went back to our agenda and tried to find a way to implement it. I was negative minded because I could not imagine a way to do it. But the wicked smile on Nadine`s face made me more curious. She told me that she had an idea to bring it up. Her 2 girlfriends know that we are into kinky games from time to time and she was sure that this will work.
She told me that before starting any action I should think about some ground rules. But she will have some freedom to implement her own ideas but within my or our limits. I am on business trip this week but next weekend we will discuss about my ideas.
I will keep you informed.
Ciao fred Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!
Posts: 86
Yesterday evening my wife informed me, that she invited her 2 girlfriends for next Friday. In the middle of next week we will discuss some ideas. I wanted to know more but she refused. She said: "My little boy should be more patient otherwise a spanking on the bare bottom would be appropriate.
Are you interested to hear more?
Ciao fred Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!
Posts: 259
Absolutely!! More,more, and more please
Posts: 259
Hello fred. Are you ready to tell us more yet? I hope so! steven
Posts: 86
Sure, please be patient. In the middle of this week we will have a talk about our ground rules for Friday. I will keep you informed. Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!
Posts: 259
Thanks. Now that you set a time I will be patient! But I am really looking forward to seeing the report. steven
Posts: 86
yesterday evening, after my wife arrived from work,she was in a very good mood. She ordered me to sit down and opened a bottle of red wine. After some small talk my wife opened the discussion and said: "oh, my little boy wants to play and he wants to do his outing and bring everything in the open."
I was surprised and was not able to answer. My wife smiled and wanted to know how far we should go. Also I was unable to answer this question so my wife mentioned: "It seems that my little boy is unable to answer simple questions I have to take everything in my own hands. I will decide by myself and you have to follow my orders - as you always do." You could see her wicked smile on her face and she explained: "You have to take care that little boys with small penises are not allowed to have any pubes so mommy (refering to herself) will prepare you Friday morning."
I was speechless and I do not have any idea how far we will go. But due to my lack in ability to answer the questions I lost the right to make some proposals. I am sure that you can imagine how excited I was. Later on when we went to bed I tried to get more information about her plans but I got big smiles that was all.
Looking forward to Friday.
Ciao fred Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!
Posts: 259
looking forward to what happened tonight (Friday) . Maybe is still happening as i write.
For myself, I am sitting alone as my wife is out . I shall shortly have to go to bed as she said that I could not stay up later than 10.30. Even that was a massive improvement on her earliest pronouncement. I was to be in bed at 8, she said. I begged her to let me stay up later but she said that she didn't't trust me to obey . B
but I promised and begged and eventually she said I could stay until 10.30. I was SO relieved but I know better that to try to stay later. I'll find myself with 7 o'clock bedtimes again. steven
Posts: 195
does mummy ever allow you any relief steven? your balls must ache.
Posts: 259
She DOES allow me to play with my pee pee but she controls how often and when. She only lets me do it in bed (I always ***** in what used to be the guest room but is now called. "the little boy 's room). On the evenings she gives me permission, she gives me half an hour after she has tucked me in with Teddy. I then frantically rub until I spurt out the white stuff. Sometimes I manage a second one to really empty my balls (my marbles as she calls them). But the danger is that I stimulate myself and don't have enough time to achieve the second blast. That is very frustrating! She never allows me to play with myself more than once a week. It can be a much longer period of abstinence. steven
Posts: 195
wonderful, and does she find her satisfaction from real men whilst you are wanking your little cock? does she ever let you nurse on mummy's udders?
Posts: 259
Yes she does. That is the way she has her needs met. I have had the joy of sucking her breast. But only very occasionally. And only when she thinks she will get pleasure from it. Her needs are what matter, not mine. Though I love it if given the opportunity.
Posts: 195
you are a very lucky boy, i had a mummy who let me nurse and occasionally touch her cunt. do you think mummy would let you get together with other fellow cucks for some mutual wanking/sucking?
Posts: 259
I doubt it. She has to be in control and, if I went with other cuckold, she would not be in a position to decide my behaviour. Of course, if any of her boyfriends want to use me, that's a different matter.
Posts: 195
a truly wonderful mummy. would love to see a picture of her 
Posts: 259
Dear ffred
Any developments yet?
Posts: 259
ffred As you might well imagine, I am desperate to have an update. I am sure others will be too steven
Posts: 86
Sorry for my delay in telling my story but after our adventure we decided to take a short vacation and did some sight seeing.
So back to the mentioned Friday. At six p.m. the mentioned 2 girlfriends from my wife came and we started with small talk. During the talk I asked the question, why the meeting was scheduled for this unusual early time. Before one of the ladies answered, my wife informed me that she decided to start at 6 p.m. because due to my early bedtime I should also be able to take part at the beginning. My face turned beet red and my wife continued that we start with chit chat and after my bedtime they would change to themes for adults. Naughty little boys should not hear everything adults are talking about.
I was ashamed and took my head down even if I recognised that the ladies had an amused look in their faces. I sat on the table but did not activly take part on the conversation. My wife opened a bottle of red winw. I did not expect her preparing only three glases, for her and her 2 girlfriends. I got a glas of orange juice with the comment that this is the right ***** for a little boy. This ***** I got in a safety glas for small kids we normally use for our grand kids. The talk was spiced with comments of my wife about what to do with little boys with bad behaviour.
At sharp seven my wife announced in a loud voice that it is bedtime for me and I should go in my room. She prepared my night clothes and I should change. After that I should brush my teeth after washing my body and I was remembered not to forget to wash my little pee pee but not play with it. I was highly aroused and did everything she asked for. When I was finished I thought about ignoring her last order to come down once again for inspection. I did and there was some laughing on my account when the ladies saw me in my ******** pj. Then I said my good night and went to bed. In bed I could hear the talking of the ladies because my wife installed a baby monitor but in the oposite direction, so I could her their talking.
The ladies asked some questions but my wife told something about role play and that it is one of my fetishes to be treated like a little boy from time to time.
The next morning my wife came in my room and we discussed about the previous evening and she asked me if I liked the show she prepared for me. Honestly I answered that I was very aroused and I liked it very much but I have some doubts if her girlfriends would keep it as a little secret. She answered that she is sure this will be the case but even if they will talk about it outside, nothing will happen. I was surprised that my wife took it that easy but I will believe her.
At the end my wife asked me how we should continue because she said that she also had a lot of fun demonstrating her dominance she has over me. I could not answer this question immediately so we decided to give us some thoughts and later we will discuss if it was a one time thing or if we will repeat a similar event.
When you read this lines you have to take into consideration that this was a first time thing and a first trial. So don`t be disappointed when the actions were less than you expected. For me as a first timer it was outstanding!
Ciao fred Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!
Posts: 259
I think it was a great start! And now that you have begun it will get better and better. As I have made clear, I love it. And we have the extra bonus that she is free to have her "friends". I don't suppose you are ready for that but it will probably come. For us, it's a win win. I am the little boy I love to be and she is fulfilled in the way she needs and wants.
Posts: 259
Anything new ffred?
Posts: 259
Fredd! Any chance of an update? Maybe somebody else will write too.
Posts: 259
And here we are. A month later and no further reports. Please ffred where are you up to? I am sure there have been developments and I certainly would love to hear from you. steven
Posts: 259
I have almost given up on expecting ffred to add to his previous notes which makes me sad as it got off to such a great start. Here's my next plea. Please ffred tell us what you went on to do with your amazing wife steven
Posts: 6947
stevenjam12 Well, for what it's worth, I'm reading and enjoying this with a hard-on and dripping sweet precum. Thanks D
Posts: 259
Dear bobbye That's great. Why not add details of your experiences? I hope that ffred and others will join in again.
Posts: 259
But sadly they have not. Perhaps, now they know that we would love to read about their experiences, they'll write again. Fingers crossed
Posts: 6947
stevenjam12 Just found this. I love to find hairless peepers at the adult theater. They taste so good. Easy to get all the cumin my mouth also. Thanks for writing. I'm hairless too, but about 8 inches.n D