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"naughty boy"

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Master takes charge


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Think you could put a little more thought into your words?
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 259
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My wife treats me as a little boy when her boyfriend visits and he joins in. Because my pee pee is very small she makes me keep it hair free. At 7.30 she tells me to go to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I go, clean my teeth and put on my little boy pyjamas. I go back down stairs where mummy and her boyfriend are having fun. I give them both a kiss and then she takes me to bed. I just love being treated like this.


Posts: 86
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I also like this kind of ***********. My wife also treats me like a little boy in the presence of her BF. I woulkd like to hear other examples of it.
Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 3581 Pictures: 10 
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My wife treats me as a little boy when her boyfriend visits

Sounds interesting..... tell us more about your wife and her naughty ways.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 259
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When I was younger I wrote about the way my ****** kept me as a little boy. I loved it. Bath time was a particular favourite. Not only did she bath me but we would also chat about the things we had done during the day. After she bathed and dried me, I would lie on my bed while she talc'd me put me into my pjs and tuck me in with my teddy. It was wonderful. Her friend Aunty Joan and her ******** would often help her and baby sit me. I stopped writing about those days as I assumed that people were not interested in the details.
Later Mummy decided that she needed someone else to take over her part. Aunty Joan 's ******** agreed to marry me but on very precise terms. She was happy with me staying as a little boy (indeed she really liked that) but she was not interested in having a sexual relationship with me. This suited Mummy very well! And so we married. And we are still married but only in the way that I have summarised above.
I'd be happy to tell more if you are interested.



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And so we married. And we are still married but only in the way that I have summarised above.

Would love to hear more. A pic or two of your wife would be nice too.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


Posts: 86
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Hi Steven,

first of all, thank you very much for your post and I like it. Sure, I would like to hear more of your adventures.

Some years ago we also were dealing with this kind of play. When our kids were out of our house there was enough space to have separated bed rooms, so one former room of one of our kids was renovated into a little boys room. Our playing was more internally and nobody outside was involved or knew about it. One day we discussed about *********** in presence of other people. Quickly without much thinking I told my wife I would like that and she said maybe she will give it a try.

Some weeks later 2 women (best friends of my wife) visited us. One is a divorcee and the other a widow. Naturally many discussions are related to men and sex and .......... At seven o`clock my wife told me in front of her friends that it was time for my early bedtime. You could see the surprised look in the eyes of her friends and my deep red face from this ***********. I was ashamed and went to bed.

This was my first *********** with this topic and also the first with strange people involved.

The next day I complained and my wife told me that she had the impression that I liked it very much and that I also was turned on. She also said that she took a mild way of doing it because first she planned to show her friends our "secret" room and my boy`s pj but for the first time she decided against it.

Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


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Did she bath you? And did she show you dressed like that to her friends later?


Posts: 924
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This sort of play sounds RIGHT up my street!

Would love to hear more!



Posts: 259
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Well, will you be able to tell us of your experiences?


Posts: 259
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That was addressed to White wolf.
But if there are others with experience of being treated as a little boy please do let us have details.


Posts: 259
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And ffred. I'd love to hear more from you!
Your wife certainly seems to be the same as mine


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Perhaps a little background might help move the matter on. Apologies if you remember me from those earlier notes.
I lived with my ****** (dad died in my teens) and she treated me as a little boy even when I was well past it in real time. Most of it I loved if I am honest. A special favourite time for me was bath time. Each day would end with her bathing me and we chatted about our days. I just loved it! She actually offered to stop bathing me when I started to grow body hair. It did not happen!

She Punished me if I was naughty. Punishment could be early bed. Otherwise spanking followed by corner time. And so on. She had a friend who I called Aunty Joan and she had a ******** who I called Ms Lucy. They also bathed me and when she was 16 MsLucy babysat me alone even though I was already an adult in real time.
Eventually mummy decided I needed somebody to look after me as she was getting a bit older. Ms Lucy agreed to marry me but only on her terms. These included "no sex". That suited mummy very well. As a matter of fact it suited me too though nobody asked my opinion.
So we married.
I'll continue next time.


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What to say next?
You won't be surprised to know that another stipulation was that I remained hairless. Again not an issue! I only had pubes for a very few days. I hated them not least because they were the reason that mummy felt she should stop bathing me. When the bathing started again I asked her if I could get rid of it. She was surprised (most boys long to have them!) but she agreed. And I have been Hairless ever since.
I suppose the biggest change has been bedtime. Mummy was rigid in sticking to the 9 o'clock end of the day. Momma (which is what I now call my wife. Again her rule) decides when I go. And I have no say in it. But it can vary. You already know that when one of her friends come she puts me to bed really early. Sometimes one of them will help her. Maybe bathing me. Maybe actually putting me down. It's all to emphasise that I am a boy who must do as he is told.
But other times she lets me stay up later and even (occasionally) allows me to watch a programme on the TV which Mummy would never allow.
Mummy still baby sits me about once a week and her rules come back into play on those occasions. Aunty Joan (as was, now she likes to be called Nana) also still likes to bathe me and get me ready for bed.
Enough for now.
Glad to answer any queries. But I should also like to hear from others.


Posts: 86
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Did she bath you? And did she show you dressed like that to her friends later?

No, the described event was the only one with other people involved.

But if you are interested in, I would like to tell you some of our role playing. My wife was always the dominant part in our relationship. We roleplayed a lot and tried different things. One day my wife spanked me due to my bad behaviour and even if I am not into pain I was overexcited. That also saw my wife and she played along, ordering me, standing in the corner with my red naked ass. That was the start when she begun treating me like a little boy.

Later she involved some elements of SPH into our roleplaying. She teased me telling that she had the impression that my penis is very small and useless for love making. From that time onwards she keeps me bald down there. She mentioned that little boys should stay hairless without any pubes.

On one hand I would like to involve friends or other people into our role playing but on the other hand I am not sure how friends will react when we play this game with other people present.

Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


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I understand your dilemma about involving others. Aunty Joan and her ******** have known the situation for ever. Other people just think I am an odd sort of person. So the new reality of Momma and so on is that we involve her friends when she chooses.
I must admit I like other people sharing the knowledge that I am just a little boy and even better when they join in.


Posts: 259
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Where did everyone go?


Posts: 86
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Yes, it is a real dilemma.

When you let your feelings a go I would like the girlfriends of my wife to see me with my small and hairless genitals for early bedtime in my little boy`s room. Red faced and humiliated....

But I assume they have a far more conservative thinking so it is impossible to do so.
Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 259
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Well, I think you should take the risk. Yes of course it could end badly. But your wife is there to help. And if it came off (as I suspect it will) the future will be magnificent.
Let us know what you decide and keep us posted


Posts: 86
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I will, I have to talk to my wife hearing her opinion.
Men like women with a past because they hope history will repeat itself!


Posts: 259
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Good luck. It really will be worth it. For both of you.


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BTW I am pleased that you have to keep your pee pee hairless. I can barely remember what the hair round mine looked like. Nor do I ever want to see it again. And, like you, my pee pee is boy sized.


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What sort of time does she generally decide on?


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As I said before Momma does not have a set time but I think that 8.30 would be a good average. It can be much earlier though if she or a boyfriend feel like it..
What time do others get put to bed?


Posts: 259
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How is it going for you, ffred?


Posts: 259
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Any response from anyone? Ffred? Ustwo4fun? Whitewolf? Cuckold4one? Anybody else reading but not (yet) writing?


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OK. Goodbye. Unless someone replies in the next week I'll admit defeat in trying to find someone who is looking for someone like me


Posts: 155
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Love this thread. More please


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Well subserve i'd love it if others gave us more but they haven't responded so far.
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"naughty boy"
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