Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#1 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
My hub and I have lived the IR Cuck scene for 22 years, needless to say we've accrued a few stories along the way. We collaborated on these, just to make sure our facts were straight,,,granted we took a little poetic license in so much as some of the events were relatively short and wouldn't add up to more than paragraph, so we incorporated them into other stories. In some cases the timelines were altered in order for them to work, so don't consider these stories to run in any type of order,,,but everything in them actually took place,,,enjoy.
M-O Mary
Having read a lot of stories online about cuckolding, I thought it was time to share my own. I married my wife Mary when I was 36 and she was 23, she's a bit of an imp and likes to tease and flirt, but then she laughs it off. When she goes out she rarely wears a bra or panties, she likes the way it feels knowing that others have no idea, after an evening of being out like this she's always wet and very frisky. At home she usually wears one of my large T-shirts and nothing else, she calls it "Porky Pig'n" it. I think it's sexier than lingerie, especially when one side hangs off one of her shoulders. Her favorite shirt is a big light blue shirt that says "I'd rather be watching General Hospital",,,it was mine and she commandeered it, she cut the sleeves off of it but cut them all the way down the sides, so it offers up some really blatant views of side boob. She's 5' 3" and a 123 lbs, curves in all the right places and a pretty face with an impish smile, that and her large B to small C 36 in tits make her a very desirable package. I'm just your average 6 foot 180 pounder, but I'm trim and have a well developed upper half. She likes to put her hands on my pecks, and my shoulders taking in their size, and she also likes to back into me and wrap my arms around her, she says she one of those girls that appreciates the feeling of safety being held in the arms of a big man,,,that's cool, I like my ego stroked as much as the next guy. So that's basically us,,,but this story is about three people not just two. Enter my friend Carlton, who goes by the name of Sonny,,,when he was little his Granny called him "Sonny Boy" and it stuck. Sonny is like 6' 4" and 220lbs, good looking with a bright smile, and black as coal. We were buds since the 8th grade, then college, then he went into the military, I hadn't seen him in years, but we stayed in touch,,,and my wife heard all the stories of our youth together, to the point where she felt she knew him, just hadn't met him. When he called to tell me he was mustering out and coming home, and was wondering if he could crash with us till he got a place. My wife started jumping up and down in her T-shirt, happy that she was finally gonna get to meet this guy she heard so much about. Almost as soon as I hung up the phone she started teasing me about whether or not I'd get jealous if he stared at her when he saw her Porky Pig'n it in the living room. The more she teased me, the more I thought about it, picturing scenarios in my mind of under what circumstances would I really find myself worrying about him and her, after all, I hadn't seen him in over ten years (about four years before I met and married Mary), and I didn't know what type of friend he'd actually grown into. A week went by and he called again, he said he'd swing by Friday night,,,Mary jumped up and down and cried woo woo as she lifted her T-shirt,,,yeah,,,no! That ain't happening I told her, she said she was just teasing, she'd put on some shorts when he came over. When I got home from work on Friday Mary was in one of her T-shirts, I jumped in the shower, came out and put on some shorts and a shirt, I was coming out of the bedroom when I heard the door bell, got to the living room to see Sonny standing in the doorway, and Mary on her tip toes greeting him with a kiss on the cheek, the T-shirt was still covering her ass, but since she was stretching only barely, her hands were on his shoulders, and she kept them there when she lowered herself back to being flat footed on the floor, she gave his shoulders a squeeze and remarked how safe a girl would feel around him,,,then she noticed me and backed off saying "look who's here"! I said "I see that", as I gave her a glare that made it perfectly clear I aware that she hadn't put her shorts on, she in turn gave me a look as if to say "well,,,he's early". Oh,,,so it's his fault, I see (I didn't say that out loud), but my facial expression was screaming it at the top of my lungs. Anyway,,,we all sat around shootin the (sheet) and catching up, Mary didn't talk much, mostly she watched him as we rehashed some of our old escapades,,,some of the things we had done bordered on unbelievable, so it was nice to see him take the lead on a lot of things and validate some of what I told her about us. Mostly wild things, like parties in college when we got high and played strip poker, which led to wild orgies where we even shared the same girls a few times. He was tired so I showed him the spare room and we all retired. I woke up the next day and my bed was noticeably void of Mary, I went into the kitchen and saw Sonny sitting at the table, going through the real estate section of the paper sipping his coffee, Mary said breakfast is almost ready, I looked at her and was blown away by the fact that she was wearing her General Hospital shirt,,,of all the shirts to wear. She was standing at the stove, her arms were mostly by her side, if she watched the way she moved it wouldn't necessarily be a problem,,,but Mary's a bit of a free spirit and she doesn't watch any of her movements. Sonny's face was mostly stuck in the ads so he only occasionally got glimpses of side boob, which one could often see anywhere. After breakfast he grabbed his paper, asked to borrow my car, then left to check out some possible apartments. I immediately took this opportunity to ask Mary what she was thinking wearing that shirt. She said it was the next one in the drawer,,,besides, she wore nothing but a T-shirt all day yesterday and the world didn't come to an end. She said I was being paranoid, considering all the things us guys had done in the past, her attire was barely worth mentioning,,,I got the feeling I should just let it go while I was still in her good graces, no point in giving her a reason to act out just to spite me, I know my wife. Sonny came home and we had some lunch, I asked him what he wanted to do and he told me he really missed getting high, he had to stop because he couldn't risk failing his piss test, since I didn't (consume *****), I always had pot in the house, so we all went into the living room and put on some music and fired one up. We have a big L shaped couch that faces the TV with the main section, and the other part is perfect for laying down watching TV, to the left of all that is my movie theater chair, sitting catty corner from the couch, with cup and remote holders, and my end table where I keep my pot tray, papers, and all my paraphernalia. Sonny sat next to me on the couch, and Mary sat on the other end, with enough space between them for another person, so everything seemed cool so far. I had an end table, but the couch didn't, so guests put their beverages on coasters on the coffee table in front of the of them. Looking past Sonny I noticed whenever Mary went for her beer, she had to almost get up and lean over to reach it,,,forget about side boob, her shirt drooped downward every time she did it and you saw her whole tit,,,Sonny looking at her couldn't see that I was looking at him, but each time she sat back down he'd look at me, but he made it seem like it was in the course of conversation,,,I was beginning to remember just how slick he was back in the day. We smoked up a storm, like he was trying to make up for all that he missed. Mary said "who wants another beer" to which Sonny motioned he did, and I said "me too",,,now I know I said I don't (consume *****), and I don't generally, but from time to time I like to chug half a cold one in one gulp, and then the other half in another. It usually hits me all warm and nice in a few seconds and my lips get numb,,,after two beers I've got a good buzz on but it only lasts about 45 minutes, then I'm straight again,,,of course it lasts a little longer when I'm mixing it with weed, but not much. Mary came back with the beers and laid Sonny's right down in front of him, she was about two feet away from him and bent over completely to lay it on the table, he could've just reached out and cupped her left tit without even leaning forward, that's how close he was. I also couldn't help but notice he was totally locked onto her tit like he was expecting it to jump in the air and he was ready to catch it, like some fowl ball at an MLB game,,,something along the lines of a keepsake trophy. Mary reached across him to hand me my beer, which almost put that tit right in his face, then she sat back down and laid hers on the table after taking a swig. After a second or two she glanced in his direction as if to gage his reaction, her eyes met his, then they met mine, then she got red and turned her head forward. We just lit another joint when Mary poked Sonny's arm and said "so tell me more about those wild times you and my hubby used to have, and don't leave out any details. As Sonny regaled her with the details of some of our more sordid doings, she was constantly squirming around, always moving, flashing her tit with total abandon. When there was a lull in the conversation a song came on and Mary announced how much she loved it and asked Sonny if he danced? Sonny looked at me as if he was looking for permission, what am I supposed to say to my good friend? No,,,you can't dance with my wife! So I just nodded and said be my guest. They stood up and walked around the coffee table, she reached up and put her hands on his big round shoulders, he put his left hand behind he waist while leaving his right hanging down besides him. Like he was trying to keep it as vanilla as he could,,,Mary however closed the gap leaving no daylight between them, her movements dictated that eventually he had to use his right hand to stabilize their movements, which meant he was touching the skin on her side just under her boob, and that's the way they continued. The song ended and I asked for another beer,,,when she came back I suggested we put a movie on. Between the beers and the weed, I was pretty cross eyed, we were almost done with the movie when I nodded off, I woke up to the sound of the stereo again and them dancing. I decided to stay (conscious) for the time being and just watched them dancing through the slits in my eyelashes. His hands were on her waist again, only this time inside the open area of her shirt, as they moved around I could see his left hand was considerably lower than his right, and probably on her ass,,,which was bare. Her hands were around his neck, and he held her bottom half close to him, he pulled his head back and looked her in the eye and ask if I'd be okay with this, she said "you guys are buds,,,besides, he hardly ever (consumes *****), so he's out like a light,,,relax. I couldn't believe it, they went back to dancing and soon they looked at each other again, then she stood up on her tip toes and kissed him softly on the lips, he kissed her back, his right hand moved up and caressed her left tit while their lips continued to stay locked together, then she started gyrating against his crotch and opened her mouth so she could take in his tongue. I cleared my throat and shuffled around in my chair a bit, then opened my eyes,,,they had already separated and she said "oh, you're finally awake, you missed the end of the movie", I said it was probably the beer, we should crash, so we shut off the stereo, Mary got him some blankets and pillows for the couch, we said goodnight and headed for our bedroom. I (spend the night) nude, Mary (spends the night) just the way she was, we got into bed, I kissed her goodnight and turned over on my left side, she turned to her right and I felt her bare butt against mine like so many other nights. I was rerunning the evening's events in my head, which naturally took me back to imagining various scenarios where my friend and my wife would jointly decide to betray my trust, the more I thought about it the more my heart pounded, I could feel my pulse in my face. Then all of a sudden I felt a slight shift in the way my body laid on the bed, like I had to make an effort to keep from rolling towards my wife, then she leaned over me for what I can only assume was to see if I was (out). She went back to facing the other way when I heard her murmur "it's so big",,,my ears felt like they were on fire, I had no idea what to expect, what was going on behind my back, I noticed she raised her left leg, then some movement, then a moan,,,then the bed started to move causing my body to rock slightly, I turned over on my back and bent my right leg, letting it fall on her inner thigh and rest there. Everything was still, except for the pounding in my chest, then I started to feel movement again, and the undeniable feel of the hair on his balls occasionally rubbing on my leg. The speed of their moving increased and included several jerks and moans, then still,,,till I heard Sonny take a deep breath (in hindsight it must've been really hard to stay quite as he unloaded his nut into my wife), same for her, a couple of squeaks came out that she couldn't control, and then it went still again and I could hear them both taking large gasps of air, trying to fill their lungs as quietly as possibly. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him give her a kiss and then slip out of the bedroom, a few seconds later she got up and went to the bathroom, when she came back she laid on her side facing me, threw her right arm and leg over me, put her head on my shoulder and went to (sl33p). I laid there frozen hoping her hand wouldn't brush across my hard as steel and throbbing dick.
The next morning almost made me feel like the whole thing was a dream, Sonny had his face in the Sunday paper still looking at apartments, and Mary was shuffling back and forth with laundry baskets and putting away clothes that had already been dried. She was wearing a different shirt, one that dipped below one shoulder, still nothing on underneath, but at least there was no side boob action. I sat at the kitchen table watching the two of them while I drank my coffee. It was almost as if neither one of them were aware the other was even in the room. This was really confusing me, was it all a dream? As I tried to recollect everything that took place the night before, I realized I wasn't (dreaming) or high when I saw her all bubbly and jumping around, hanging on every word he said, he was the center of attention, she had heard about him and was all excited to finally be meeting him. None of that jived with the way she was acting today. Was it remorse, guilt, perhaps over compensating, so as to make me feel there was nothing going on? Sonny said he had to go shopping for some street clothes since he didn't really have any to speak of and headed out to the mall with my car again. Mary poured herself some coffee and sat down at the table, not saying a word,,,I said "well,,,last night eh,,,do you think we oughta discuss it before Sonny gets back"? She just stared at me, like a deer caught in headlights,,,I stared back and said "seriously"!!! She started twirling her hair in her fingers, just like she did the day I asked her about the dent in the underside of my car from when she drove over a concrete barrier in a parking lot. She sat there for a minute, then she said with her voice breaking up "I thought you'd be okay with it, after all the stories I heard I thought you guys had some kind of bond, it didn't mean anything,,,I'm sorry". Bull(doodoo) I said, if that was the case there would've been no reason to be sneaky about it,,,but you didn't really feel it would be alright otherwise you would've been open about it,,,perhaps you were afraid I'd intervene and put a stop to your shenanigans,,,like you always say "better to ask forgiveness than permission", right? Okay,,,I thought there was a chance you'd put a stop to it, but it really didn't mean anything, it was just sex, I love you. I told her I'd rather she involved me in things like that in the future because if I had to share her I'd rather do that than lose my trust in her, after all she's supposed to be my life partner, if I can't trust her in one area, how can I trust her in any? She was startled at first, then she understood it was the loss of trust rather than her infidelity that disturbed me the most,,,then she lifted her head and said "when you said future, were you saying you'd be okay with it as long as it was out in the open"? Well,,,I was awake and aware of your entire tryst last night and I'm just sitting here sipping my coffee, I'm not killing anyone am I? She jumped up and grabbed my face in her hands, kissed me and said "I love you, I love you, I love you", kissing me in between each declaration of love, then returned to her regular bouncy self and skipped over to the drier to empty the next load. When Sonny came back he walked in the door held his arms out with shopping bags in each, Mary said "he knows",,,Sonny just stood there, frozen with his arms still sticking out, till she told him "it's okay though, he's cool with it", then he dropped his arms and sighed in relief, sorry man, a little too high, got carried away,,,you know how it is, didn't mean nothing, won't never happen again,,,Mary instantly interject "it's okay, he just doesn't want us to be sneaky,,,I'm gonna go take a shower, why don't one of you roll a few doobs"?
We sat on either end of the couch and I put myself to rolling, and as soon as one was done I lit it and handed it to Sonny, I told him between the two of us we should be able to rock her world. He was totally at ease now and even looking forward to another one of our wild adventures, laughing and smoking up a storm. Just then Mary came into the room buck ass naked, went right to the drier and pulled out her General Hospital shirt and slipped it over her head, came over to the couch, and sat between us and I handed her the joint. We smoked a few of them and after one of her hits she got up and came back with a couple of beers for her and Sonny (I declined one). She took a big swig of hers and then gave me a kiss, once again declaring her love for me, then she asked me if she could kiss Sonny. Well, considering the conversation we had previously, I certainly couldn't say no,,,besides, all that stuff that went through my head the night before, and as hard as I got just thinking about it, I was more than ready to witness this with my own two eyes, so I said "sure". She leaned towards him, propping herself up and sitting on her legs, and gave him a long long wet kiss, meanwhile her shirt rose up and I could see most of her ass and all over her pussy,,,which was now shaved smooth as a baby's ass. Her lips we open like a butterfly's wings and in the center was a glistening wet spot, all she was lacking was a welcome sign. They're kissing grew more intense and she was writhing her butt and letting out little moans, suddenly his hands came into view on either side of her ass, I pushed the coffee table out of the way and got on my knees, then gave her snatch a long lick from her clit to the end of her opening, gathering up all her juice on the tip of my tongue and then retracted it into my mouth, it was like sweet cream butter. Her breathing got real heavy and she had to break the kiss, she was rubbing his big shoulders like they were about to make her cum instead of me eating her. When she came she just dug her nails into them while she ground into my face. I wiped my chin and sat back on the couch, she slid to the floor between his legs and began tugging at the button on his cargo shorts, then the zipper, she reached up and grabbed his waistband and began to pull them downward, he raised his butt to help her and off they came. Sonny's got a big dick,,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#2 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
And Mary had never seen an uncut cock in person, and now she had one in her hands, she didn't even see this one last night, all she knew was it was bigger than anything she ever had before. Her hand couldn't wrap itself completely around it, so she kinda sandwiched it between both her hands and slowly stroked it up and down, fascinated by the way the foreskin covered the head on each up stroke, even when she let go of it his foreskin covered half the head with just the tip sticking out. She also never got to suck him last night, so it was no surprise as she lowered her face towards it and took him into her mouth, clamping her lips on his foreskin and tugging it with them, she was really enthralled with it. She was licking the precum that would gather at the tip each time the foreskin covered it, till she decide he was hard enough, she climbed up on his lap straddling him cowgirl style, reached behind her and took his cock in her hand, rubbing it on her wet crack until she just lowered herself onto it with a long sigh and then a moan. She shoved her tongue down his throat as she gyrated on top of him till she worked his whole cock into her down to the hilt. Then she broke the kiss, pulled off her T-shirt, put her hands on the back of his head and pulled it to her left breast, then fucked him like a wild woman till she came all over his cock, then he flipped her over and pounded her for just a couple of minutes till he unloaded into her. He stayed inside her kissing and grinding till he went soft, then gradually withdrew followed by a thick load of cum, he got up and said "your turn". I got between her legs and rubbed the head of my dick in her slit, saturating it with his cum, then slowly slid it into her, it was the greatest thing I ever felt, slipperier than any store bought lube, I came in minutes. Then we all sat around nude and smoked another joint,,,I said "wow,,,that was pretty wild", she said "what do you mean WAS"?,,,I'm just getting started, then she laid across the couch and took his cock in her hand and began to kiss it and lick it, and pretty much make love to it till it was hard enough to suck. She paused for a minute to request I eat her pussy again, then went back to sucking him without even considering I might say no, in her mind she was running this show and she had just given a command. It was all frothy from me whipping up his cum, so I wiped it and dove in, don't know who's cum I was tasting, his or mine, but either way it had to be a combination of both. She came from my eating her and then threw herself backwards onto the couch, spread her legs really wide and told him to fuck her. He was really giving her a pounding and she was squirming all over the place, she began telling him to treat her pussy like it was his, and that's what sent him over the top, again grinding deep into her as he shot stream after stream of hot cum into her womb, she pulled his face to hers and shoved her tongue down his throat and held him there with her hand on the back of his head till they both collapsed. I was hard as a rock again and turned her over to do her doggy style, I came almost immediately. After that I was pretty much petered out, she just laid on the floor with her head on his chest playing with his cock, back to enjoying his foreskin again. I was starting to mellow out and I could see so was Sonny, so I suggested we call it a night, she moved up and gave him a long kiss goodnight, then we went up stairs together and left him to the couch. I was laying there still with my eyes closed, reflecting on the course things had taken since Sonny's arrival when I felt her hovering over me to see if I was asleep. Once she was convinced I was, she slid out of the bed and down the stairs. I couldn't fucking believe it,,,I got out of bed and peeked around the corner and down stairs to the couch where I assumed they were, she was naked on top of him sucking him hard,then she moved up and began fucking him again, kissing him passionately and telling him she wanted his cum deep inside her, now that this was his pussy too, he deserved to be able treat it like it was. They came together and fell into each other arms and drifted off with him still in her. I quietly sneaked back into bed and laid there for hours trying to figure out what all this meant to my marriage, somewhere along the line I fell asleep and when I woke she was laying next to me.
I got up and made coffee, she came down a little while later. She could tell almost right away something was wrong and she asked me about it, I said "are you fucking kidding me, I thought we had an understanding",,,she said "What"? "You mean about Sonny"?,,,"We do"! So I asked her why she found it necessary to sneak back down stairs last night for another screw? She said "I thought you wanted me to be open about it, once I was I figured it was okay. I didn't believe that was the case, but I realized I had left a loophole for her, so I decided to be a little more emphatic with the rules. I made it clear that this was supposed to be for fun, not an affair on the side, and that we should both be included in any future fun or it shouldn't be taking place. Ooooh, she said, now I see, you want to be there every time to make sure it's just "fun" and nothing more,,,you don't trust me. I did up until the night before last, then I was under the impression we were on the same page,,,now I'm not sure about anything,,,do you think you could clarify it for me? Cause I'm not really feeling it if you get my drift. She said "Okay,,,yes, I did want to be alone with him, it's like the beginning of a relationship and we have to be able to express ourselves freely, without worrying that you might misunderstand something and take offense, that's all". So,,,I'm hearing an excuse for everything I bring up, and only after I confront her about it,,,not feeling very secure. I told her "the missuderstanding ship sailed last night,,,and we were all gonna have to sit down and work out the kinks". She said "fine, we can do it tonight when you get home from work",,,I've already called in, we can do it when Sonny comes back from checking out apartments". Oh yeah,,,about that, we discussed it last night and I suggested we just buy a king size bed and he can just move in,,,would you like that? I told him I'd have to check with you, so this is me checking,,,is that better? Either I married an idiot, she thinks I'm an idiot, or she's as slick as Sonny is,,,I haven't a fuck'n clue at this point. Sonny cam back and she jumped up and ran to the door, up on her tip toes and planted a big hello kiss on his lips, then took him by the hand and led him to the couch of shame. She told him we had to discuss everything that I was feeling a bit insecure,,,what the fuck??? I never said I was insecure, merely exercising my marital rights, and besides, what the hell was she telling him for? She was already divulging stuff that went on between us, stuff that's supposed to stay between us. He said "that's cool man, I get it,,,besides, you know me, there's only one thing better than taking married white pussy, and that's taking it while her man watches me make her cum more than he ever did, and watching him see her beg for me to own that pussy with my cum. Hey, we've been friends forever and I don't want to screw that up, it's all part of the game, you know that, after it's over than everything goes back to normal,,,I'm not looking to be tied down by one single woman anyhow, especially if it costs me a friendship. Mary looked at me like she was a race horse at the starting gate, I said "okay,,,fine",,,and she abruptly got up and went over and sat on his lap and began kissing him,,,I stood up and got a beer from the fridge (apparently I was about to become an afterthought). When I came back he was already inside her and she was just grinding away, she motioned for me to come over, when I did she grabbed my neck and pulled me towards her, (driving) her tongue into my mouth, then she sucked my tongue as far into her mouth as she could get it, and kept it there sucking it like it was a dick till both she and Sonny came together. She let my tongue go and rested her head on his chest,,,after a while she climbed off him, dripping cum, and informed me it was my turn. She immediately mounted my already hard dick and started grinding away on me like she did to him, and sucked on his tongue like she did to me,,,all of this was new, she never did any of this stuff before,,,at the very least my pussy was now part his,,,his whenever he wanted it.
The End
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#3 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
My wife Mary is kinda unique, she has the ability to put things in perspective, at least in her mind, anything that happens in life she can rationalize, consequently not many things in her eyes need to be,,,nor do they need to be apologized for. I guess you'd expect a person like this to write their own rules, and you'd be right,,,at least to the point where she feels no lasting damage would be done, none that she couldn't back peddle out of if she had to. Just a bit of insight on her psyche, but I imagine you'd like a physical description, something you can wrap your head around. Okay, she's five foot three, 123 pounds, an athletic shape with a slim waist, a dancers belly, and nice hips, and she varies between a large B cup and a small C cup, depending on her weight fluctuation. She has brown hair and is very attractive, a good looking soccer mom type that her own friends wouldn't recognize when she gets done up. Yes there's two sides to her,,,one that wears mom shorts and pastel blouses, but gets a wicked look in her eye when she puts on a revealing blouse, short tight skirt, and fuck me heels,,,add makeup, hair, and contacts and she could walk past life long friends and they wouldn't even know her. She actually enjoys that whole concept, it allows her to fantasize about being a hot wife. She keeps her pussy shaved smooth, and claims that panties make her itch, so she avoids them as often as she can, except when mandatory. So on the surface she appears the timid housewife, while underneath she's a cauldron dying to boil over. She doesn't flirt openly, she's actually more like a guy, she watches, sneaks peeks, always looking, nothing gets past her. She takes notice of a guy's package and evaluates him as he's approaching her, by the time they've passed each other she's already fantasized what he'd be like in bed, good, bad, or indifferent. No one knows any of this, no one except me, while she's doing all her watching and sizing up, I'm watching her. Sometimes she catches me and tries to act like I caught her just as she was looking in that direction. Later on she would openly discuss it with me, it was something she had no problem doing, just not overtly letting anyone else be aware of it. When we met she had just turned 23, I was a few months short of 36, we married a little more than a year later, that was 10 years ago. Now she's 34 and has grown into the woman I've described above,,,and this is where the story begins,,,
I've worked construction all my life, when I met my wife I was already a foreman, but I maintained staying in shape, 6 foot, 180 pounds, pronounced pecks, biceps and forearms (no ass though), and an average sized 6 inch circumcised dick. One of my go to mechanics (Winston), is 6 foot 4, 220 pounds, and black as coal, with sharp features, gleaming white teeth, and a very gregarious personality, very easy to be around. Consequently we'd wind up eating lunch together and talking (doo doo) about the other workers on my crew, we became fast friends. We both liked boxing and NASCAR, as did Mary, so he used to come over to watch them on my widescreen TV. He was totally blown away by the fact that Mary not only knew everything both of us knew about NASCAR, but she could call the moves in a boxing match five seconds before the announcer would. He was in awe of her, and he told me constantly how lucky I was to have such a combination of a cool wife that looked so hot. I thought to myself "he thinks this is hot, he oughta see her when her split personality kicks in".
After about three months of races every Sunday, Saturday night boxing, "Boxing After Dark", "Sho-Box" and ESPN, it seemed like he was a regular fixture around our house, and she had plenty of opportunity to size him up, which she did,,,constantly. When he would cheer at a punch or a knock down, I'd look out the side of my eyes in her direction, she'd be staring at him. So this one Sunday we're waiting for the race, smoking weed and shooting the ****,,,Mary gets really horny when she smokes and she usually screws me for an hour, then smokes more and wants to do it all over again, so I'm looking forward to tonight being epic. The announcer comes on and says the race has been called due to rain,,,after all the sighs of disappointment, Mary says "well,,,I'm gonna hit the pool, who's with me?". The race was in Charlotte, and we were in Orlando,,,Winston pointed out he had no trunks, Mary left the room and came back with a pair of my yellow nylon trunks, threw them at him and said here, use one of John's. She and I went off to the bedroom to get in our suits, and he just went into the bathroom to change. Mary wore a very conservative white bikini, not even a thong, the bottom cupped her ass cheeks just right, and the front dipped down below that marvelous belly dancers stomach, it showed all her curves without really showing anything it shouldn't. When 6' 4" 220 lb. Winston came out wearing trunks made for little old me,,,well, the first thing that came to mind was "sausage". We all know nobody wants to see how the sausage is made, but in this case I was worried about Mary seeing the sausage period. She was already outside having laid a towel on the chaise, she turned to look in our direction as we exited the patio door,,,the last thing I wanted, I was hoping we'd be in our chairs before she saw him in my tight yellow suit. We had about 30 feet to walk to the chairs and I saw her adjust her sunglasses as we approached,,,(damn)! We sat down and Mary reached into her cigarette case and pulled out another joint,,,might as well get baked she said. What would normally be music to my ears, was now the object of pure apprehension. We finished the joint and she stood and said "phew, it's hot", and then jumped in. We just sat there watching her, then she began the climb up the steps out of the pool, and suddenly I'm seeing Phoebe Cates from Fast Times at Ridgemont High,,,she's climbing out of the pool, pushing her hair back, dripping wet, and in what appeared to be slow motion (at least in my minds eye),,,with one very important difference, that plain conservative white bikini was now almost totally see thru, her nipples were hard and her aureolas were as visible as if she was wearing a shear negligee,,,and her perfectly shaved and pink cameltoe was right at eye height. I turned away as if I saw nothing (didn't really want to bring any attention to it), and then reached for my cigarettes, sneaking a peek at Winston,,,he was transfixed and I saw a noticeable difference in the tightness of his suit,,,hell, I could see it growing in pulses. I think he was a little self conscious because as soon as she sat down he got up and jumped in the pool,,,Mary looked over at me with a wicked smile. That's when I realized housewife Mary had left the building, this was hot wife wannabe Mary. That's when Winston began climbing out of the pool,,,aw, c'mon,,,my yellow nylon suit was almost invisible, and his dark complexion didn't help none, I could clearly see what had to be at least 8 inches of flaccid really thick cock, ending about two inches above the bottom of his trunks. He laid down on his chaise and I looked passed him through my sunglasses to see Mary using her laser vision on his crotch. We talked for a while then I suggested that we should go back in to the comfort of the air conditioning because I didn't want to get burnt, so we gathered up all the towels and stuff and went back in. Mary said "I've gotta get outta this suit and went to the bedroom",,,I thought to myself "thank God". Winston's suit, being nylon was dry already so he just sat there on the couch next to me. Mary came out, still wearing the bikini top, but now she had on a jean mini skirt that had snappers up the front, again just below that sexy belly, with one snapper on the top undone, and two on the bottom,,,she sat down in the recliner across from us that was on a slight angle facing the end of the couch,,,the end he was sitting on. I turned on the TV and she lit another joint, took a hit, and stretched to pass it to him, as she did her legs opened just a bit, I could only see her upper thigh, but I know from his angle he could see straight up her skirt to her panties,,,except Mary doesn't wear panties. He took a hit and passed it to me, and immediately went back to staring between her legs, I took a hit and passed it to her, and she really spread her legs to reach for it from me. I feigned looking at the TV but looked to his crotch instead, and there in all its glory was the partially exposed tip of his cock, peeking out of its foreskin like some lustful turtle. This pattern repeated itself till the joint was gone and Mary proclaimed "woohoo, I am so stoned",,,and then everything changed, Winston said "those are some really sexy panties you're wearing",,,at first I was slightly relieved, then she spread her legs so somebody driving down I-4 couldn't help but see she had none on and said "oh these, just something I wear on special occasions", then giggled and said, "exactly what do you feed that thing",,,nodding her head towards the cock that was now almost two inches out of his shorts, and still only peeking out of his foreskin. We all laughed,,,mine was more of a nervous cackle. Then she said "I've never seen an uncircumcised dick in real life, and I've certainly never touched one,,,can I touch it"? With that she looked at me, and so did he,,,bam!!! Instantly the dynamic in the room had changed, I felt my face get hot, everything went into slo-mo again while I thought "WTF is wrong with you",,,"he's my friend, how awkward is this gonna be if I show my displeasure", then the fear if I said no she'd rebel and I'd lose any amount of false control I had,,,so I just shrugged my shoulders. It seemed like before my shoulders stopped moving she was out of the chair, around the coffee table, and on her knees in front of him. His trunks were too tight to allow anything but the head out so she said "I want to see the whole thing", he raised his butt, slid them down his thighs, over his knees, and let them drop around his ankles, then let his legs fall apart. Exposing him, and it, in all its ebony majesty,,,she reached out with her index finger and touched the top of it, then put her hand under it and lifted,,,"whoa,,,that's hefty" she said, then wrapped her fingers around it and stroked the foreskin back, then stroked some more, and then some more, each time pulling on it till the head disappeared, and then back again exposing it, in some form of pre "I want this inside me" game of peekaboo. His cock was getting hard, beginning to form an upward arc, somewhere over 9 inches, but really fat, her fingers no longer could touch each other. While stroking him she looked him in the eyes and asked if she could kiss it, then immediately shot me a look as if to say, "can I"? And "don't you dare ruin this for me",,,in one definitive glare. My lack of response (it's not like she really waited for it), in her mind was an approval,,,she kissed it three times,then licked it a couple of times, then opened her mouth and took him in. Suddenly I'm watching the "Mary & Winston" show,,,my wife is sucking my friends cock like her life depended on it, by now he's rock hard and she climbs onto his lap, takes his face in both her hands and begins to kiss him, her tongue slides into his mouth and she begins to gyrate on his lap, she breaks the kiss and looks in my direction, while she's staring at me she reaches down and grabs his cock, raises up a little, then down,,,letting out a moan. She shoves her tongue back down his throat and begins to rock to and fro on his cock,,,he unties her bikini top and her tits fall out,,,my wife is fucking my big cocked friend, another cock is in my wife,,,suddenly the voices in my head are interrupted by the screams of her orgasm,,,and then the grunt of his, she collapses on his chest and just lays there keeping his nut inside her. I sit there staring at them for about two minutes, then light a cigarette,,,"phew" she said,,," that was much more intense than I ever expected it would be,,,completely different from anything I've every experienced". Then she started to gyrate again, in a couple of minutes they were going at it like bunnies, after awhile he picked her up and laid her on her back, unsnapped the rest of the buttons on her skirt and threw it on the floor. For the first time I could see the total length of his cock sawing in and out of my wife,,,that's when I became aware that I had the stiffest hardon I've ever had in my life. She came again,,,then again, and finally she got to a point of constant orgasm, every stroke had her thrashing around like some bird in the road that a car just passed over, then he arched his back and buried himself deep in her, she sunk her fingernails into his butt and they came together one more time, then collapsed. After a few minutes he caught his breath and pulled out of her, her pussy was agape and covered in a white froth from his first nut, and his second one was running out of her. She jumped up and ran to the bathroom,,,he looked at me and said "thanx man, I've wanted to do that since you first introduced me to her",,,then she came galloping into the living room, sat next to him and lit another joint,,,I knew what that meant. Once we finished smoking, she said she wanted to suck me off while he fucked her doggie, and that's exactly what we did, and again he came inside my wife's unprotected pussy and remained inside her till he was soft. She was totally fucked out, and more satisfied than I'd ever seen her, she said "honey,,,you know going back to the way things were would be like a cut in pay right"? Long story short, we're a threesome now, Winston moved in the following weekend, once we're in the house nobody wears any clothes, we live a life of pure hedonism,,,and yes, I've sucked his cock, she likes me to suck him hard for her, so she sucks me while I'm doing it, kinda like a motivation, I let her think that, but not only would I suck his cock without her doing that, but I suck it on a regular basis when she's not around,,,we're just one big happy family now.
The End
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#4 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Sorry people,,,the censorship setting's are way off the chart, if you could see the words it was censoring you'd be scratching your head,,,just like me. Trying to go back and make adjustments, putting the replacement words in parenthesis,,,this is taking almost as long as it took to write the damn stories,,,LOL
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#5 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Tim & Thomas
My name is John, I'm a confirmed and addicted hedonist, I'll do anything that I think may feel good, and if it turns out I'm right, I'll do it over and over again,,,which is not to say that I need to try something in order to know whether or not I'll like it, there a few thing (granted not that many), that I know I wouldn't like so I don't even bother to try them,,,S&M, bondage, anything with food, etc.
When we met I was 36, my wife Mary is twelve years younger than me, highly sexed, and open to just about anything I suggested. She's 5' 3" tall, between 117 and 123 pounds, she measures 36-24-35 with large B to small C tits, depending on her weight, she's slim but still very shapely, with the legs of a dancer and a small but prominent belly,,,think belly dancer only without the extra weight. She also has a nice tight round ass, the kind with the dimples at the top. She keeps her pussy shaved smooth, sometimes sporting a landing strip, but usually totally smooth, she has large lips like a butterfly and a clit as big as the tip of a man's pinky. She hardly ever wears panties cause they irritate her, especially after she's shaved. She's very pale and is a total joy to be on top of, everywhere you squeeze her body it feels like tit flesh, super soft and feminine. My experience in relationships and marriages has taught me that one of the rarest things to find is a woman who doesn't cheat,,,kinda like a man who doesn't cheat. To some that may sound a tad pessimistic, but if you think about it, it's really just realistic. Surprise, surprise,,,women are people too, and although they may not act on them as easily as a man would, they have fantasies all the time, and more often than not, eventually they do fall prey to them, even if it's only a one shot deal to see what some strange is like, throw a little secret thrill into their lives. Having accepted that scenario, and how small the odds were that my wife was one of the few, I decided to initiate a swinging lifestyle. I'd rather have her open and honest than have her sneaking around behind my back, poisoning the trust in every facet of our relationship. We swung for the first four years of our marriage, then decided to start a family, so she went off the pill. She doesn't like condoms, she says it feels like a dildo, plus she has her strongest orgasms when she feels warm cum enter her, this almost always results in coming together, which is a nice bonus. No longer being able to get our groove on, we turned to porn based on amateur swingers to initiate a little spark. One day we were watching some when the door bell rang, it was Tim, one of our friends and a co-worker of hers, who often stopped by to smoke a little of our weed, or bring some of his for us to sample. He came in and settle down, lit a joint and passed it to Mary, when there was a lull in the conversation he noticed the video we had on. As the joint made its way around the room, I noticed the conversation never really started up again, he was totally engrossed in what was happening on the screen. Mary gave me a nudge with her elbow indicating she wanted me to look in his direction, he was sporting quite a tent in his shorts, and occasionally would press down on it with his hand. I got up to go to the bathroom, when I came out she was on the floor in front of him sucking his dick,,,"whoa,,,what have we here" I said, as I unzipped my shorts and let them drop to the floor,,,I pulled her shorts down and shoved my dick in her while she sucked him. As I was kissing her neck and nibbling on her ear, she guided his dick to my face (he was about and inch longer than me, and the same thickness as me at the base, but widened in the middle like a cobra, I'm only average, around six inches and my shaft is consistent in its girth), I took him in my mouth and sucked him for just a bit when I exploded inside her, shortly after that he blew his load in her mouth and she swallowed every bit of it. I pulled out and went to the bathroom, I had to pee again and also clean up. When I came out the living room was empty, I looked to the right towards my bedroom door (which was open), only to see his ass humping up and down as he drove his young cock deep into her, it didn't take long for this 20'year old to fill her up with his cum, I immediately took his place and relished in the joy that comes with sliding into her pussy filled with another man's hot cum. It took me awhile to cum, this resulted in Mary screaming with orgasms and me working up a big sweat. When I was done I jumped in the shower, upon coming out I found them laying side by side in the bed, him fondling her breast, her stroking his large cock, then he just rolled on top of her and began fucking her again till he dumped another load in her. I had already come twice so even though this scene made me hard again, I knew it would take me so long to cum that I'd become numb before I managed to bust another nut,,,besides, she had just been fucked four times and was breathing really heavy, not to mention she looked like she was rode hard and put up wet. When he left I asked her how did all that happened, she told me when I went to the bathroom she blatantly told him she'd really like to suck his cock,,,I asked her how did she know she wouldn't get pregnant, she said it was too soon after her period so she felt safe. I remarked how she probably enjoyed it since we hadn't played around for a while, and that it been a long time since she got fucked four times,,,five she said,,,five times,,,he fucked me while you were taking your shower. I know I opened the door when I let him fuck her the first time, although it wasn't really my decision (they were already fucking when I discovered them), it was Mary's decision. But I admit to feeling a little annoyed that he did her again while I was in the shower, as if he could just fuck her whenever he felt like it. Thinking about it later I put myself in his shoes and realized if I was gonna get a crack at a hot married women whose husband just let me fuck her, I'd want to get as much as I could before it was all over. She told me she really like the shape of his cock, once it got inside her, she closed around it and it felt locked into her because of its extra width in the middle, she also said that each time he came she could feel it shooting out of him cause he was hitting bottom with each stroke, but when he came he pressed it firmly against her cervix (I've only brushed against it slightly on rare occasions).
Weeks went by and we still weren't pregnant, Mary insisted she get checked out by the doctor, who also suggested I get tested. Turned out I had a low sperm count, not that I couldn't get her pregnant, just that all the stars had to be lined up so to speak. I got married young, and Mary was my fifth wife,,,what the doctor told me made sense because it took me awhile to get wive's two and three pregnant. Then one day Mary was about two hours late, I called her work and they said she left after her shift was over. The phone rang and it was her, she said she was at Tim's place, his room mate Thomas (another twenty something black kid who also worked at the same place her and Tim did), had some really good weed and she stopped by to pick up a bag and surprise me, but then came the rains. Now we lived in Orlando, and in the summer the rains come down every day between 2:30 and 3:30 pm, usually they'd end in a half hour, but today it was torrential, even the middle of the road had about an inch of water. She said she'd be home as soon as it let up,,,before I could suggest I come get her she hung up. I didn't have Tim's number, nor his address, so I just had to sit the and wait, while my mind wandered. About an hour later she called back and complained about how it was still coming down,,,it was, in fact it was worse than before,,,but this time I managed to get his address out of her after telling her I had no problem coming to get her. I pulled up and honked the horn, even with the wipers on high there was a constant film of water blurring my vision, so much so that she was at my door before I even saw it was her coming at me, especially since she wasn't wearing her uniform. She jumped in the van and I noticed her hair was all stringy as if she just took a shower, she was wearing an over sized mans T-shirt and absolutely nothing else. "What the fuck is all this" I asked her, she told me she was soaked and showed me a pile of damp clothes, and that Thomas had loaned her one of his shirts. It took about twenty minutes to get home, all the while me squinting through the windshield trying to see the road, with my mind racing and heart pounding so hard I could feel the pulse in my neck, I didn't say a word the whole trip, and she was quite as a mouse. We got home and she went and changed, then we smoked some of Thomas's weed. Six weeks later the doctor gave us the good news, Mary was indeed pregnant. I imagine they conversed at work, but we didn't see Tim for a few more weeks, in fact, all the usual tales of work antics that she would tell me every day ceased entirely. I didn't bring Tim up, and neither did she, then one day she came home and told me Tim and Thomas had some new weed and they told her to ask me if I wanted some. The idea of some new weed always got my attention, and besides, it would be nice to look Tim in the face and feel him out, not to mention I was curious about his room mate Thomas, so I told her to give them a call. When they arrived I got my first look at Thomas, about 6' 1", around 150lbs, kinda lanky,,,Tim was around 5' 8" and 145lbs,,,they were both waiters in my wife's restaurant,,,I'm 6 foot even 180lbs and a construction worker,,,I could crush them both at the same time without spilling my coffee. We had a big sectional couch, with two love seat on either end, making for a squared off "U" shaped conversation pit. Mary and I were on one love seat Tim sat on the couch, and Thomas sat across from us on the other love seat section.
As the weed made the rounds, it required us to reach across the coffee table to get it to Thomas, we had several joints going so the passing situation changed constantly. Being Florida everybody was wearing cargo shorts, except for Mary, she was wearing a jean mini skirt that snapped up the front and a blue tube top that left her midsection exposed. Like so many blacks are, Thomas was overly concerned that someone was gonna steal his dick, cause he was constantly grabbing it, which of course having been brought to my attention, I couldn't help but notice the head of it visible at the end of his shorts, it was huge, and almost completely covered with foreskin, except for a small bit of its head peeking out like some lustful turtle. This didn't go unnoticed by Mary, I caught her checking him out and when she saw me watching her, her ears got red and her eyes jutted back and forth looking for somewhere to land that wasn't directly in front of her,,,she failed over and over. All our eyelids were heavy and we were all toasted when she leaned into me and whispered in my ear "I'm feeling frisky,,,why don't you put a video in"? I said "what about Thomas"? She said "I want them both"!!! Schwang!!! Instant hardon,,,how am I supposed to get up and put a video in with my dick sticking out like a freak'n flag pole? I managed to get control of it and felt it gradually subsiding enough to be able to stand, as I did I said "we were just getting ready to watch a movie, you guys need to be somewhere"? They looked at each other, Tim winked at Thomas and they both smiled at each other, no,,,we got nothing going on, let's light another doob. I put in an early copy of Blacks on Blondes and when it came on they both were grinning at each other like the cat who ate the canary,,,as if Tim was saying "I told ya". Which makes sense, if I had gotten a BJ by some guy's wife and then fucked her three times in front of her husband, there's no way I wouldn't of told my room mate. Mary was on my right, between me and the TV, like I said Tim was on the couch to my left and Thomas was across from Mary and me,,,I kept seeing Mary looking over at Thomas's crotch, where his dick was now about three inches out of his shorts and he had his hand on it up by the base, Tim was also rubbing his crotch and from time to time Mary looked in his direction to check on his status. Meanwhile Thomas's eyes were fixated in between Mary's legs, which were opening in nonchalant stages a little at a time. Considering her disdain for panties, there was no doubt in my mind he was getting the view of a lifetime. No one really seemed to be paying any attention to the movie, even when they actually looked at it. I got up to pee, while in the bathroom I laughed to myself about this is how it started last time,,,when I came out Tim had taken my spot and was slouched all the way down in the love seat, and Mary was sucking his dick. I just shook my head and grinned at what I was thinking in the bathroom,,,I sat in his place. When I glanced over at Thomas he had his dick completely out of his shorts and was stroking it, it had to be somewhere between 9 & 10 inches, and the foreskin still covered half the head. As I paused to take in the majesty of this absolutely perfect specimen in all it's black velvet glory, he took notice to me staring and said "they're a little busy right now, but I'm not". Apparently Tim told Thomas everything that happened last time,,,in for a penny, in for a pound, so I got down on my knees in between his legs and took hold of him, stroking his cock was so different than when I did my own, his glided in my hand, allowing me to take notice of every single bump in the shaft since his extra skin offered no resistance as I stroked up and down, mesmerized at watching the head of his cock play peekaboo with his foreskin. Then I bent down and kissed it several times, finally engulfing the head in my mouth while I continued to stroke, causing his foreskin to bunch up around my lips each time. As he hardened I realized he was bigger than I thought. And my fingers couldn't even touch each other he was so thick. Right about then I heard Mary moaning and then Tim grunted, I turned my head and looked over my shoulder and saw Tim had Mary's legs in the air, was grinding his pubes into her clit, and flexing his ass cheeks till he collapsed on top of her, she just squirmed under him as he went through nutting my wife. Thomas tapped me on my cheek twice with his cock and said "looks like I'm up at bat" then laughed saying the "bat's up at bat",,,and walked around the coffee table headed for Mary, who now just laid there with her legs spread oozing Tim's cum. Thomas took his cock in hand and rubbed it up and down Mary's gaping soaking wet slit, and then slid it half way in, backing out leaving just the head in, then sliding it in all the way minus about and inch. I had no idea Mary was that deep inside. Turns out on the few occasions I lightly managed to touched bottom, was due to her pushing it out towards me, constantly trying to make contact but always just getting teased, Tim's was hitting bottom with no problem, Thomas was obviously owning my pussy at this point. As he began to rock into her she responded in kind meeting his thrusts, it became hard to tell who was fucking who, once they were in sync, he said "that's it baby girl, you're getting it now,,,you missed this didn't ya"? "Oh,,,you have no idea" was all she said, then shuddered from an intense orgasm,,,they went at it for a little while till she started bucking against him, and he arched his back and buried everything she could take inside her, as he filled my wife with his seed he froze and just stayed as deep as he could, she in turn rocked up and down till they both collapsed. Thomas eventually got off of her and said "phew,,,I just love that pussy",,,Mary just laid there breathing heavy with her right leg hanging off the side of the love seat,,,my once tight pussy looked like a tunnel, it was all agape, but nothing was oozing out, I wondered if the whole load went through her cervix and into her womb, I drew closer to see if it was gonna come out when she coughed and her pussy gulped like a reverse swallow and I saw some of it begin to appear. Thomas said "go for it man",,,so while holding those beautiful butterfly lips open with my thumbs, I stared deep into the abyss that laid splayed out before me. I told Mary to squeeze, when she did the innermost parts of her pussy closed and opened several times as she tried to (push) his cum out of her, then she coughed again,,,that was it, it came oozing out slowly filling the open folds of her womanhood,,,I dove right in and shoved my tongue into her and drew the cum out and spread it all over her lips, there was a big clump that reminded me of when you try to clear your throat and you can feel the thickness of the phlegm,,,almost like you could chew it,,,I went wild and ate her feverishly till she came in my mouth. I sat up and wiped off my chin, Mary laid there huffing and puffing with her arm across her forehead, then Tim said "my turn",,,and stepped right up to me and with his dick in hand shook it in front of my face,,,I sucked him till he was hard, then he climbed on top of her and slid right in. Mary had a couple more orgasms and then received her third hot load of the day, when Tim pulled out I shoved my head between her legs, no time to think I just dove in to get it before it ran down her ass cheeks and onto the couch. I brought her to another orgasm then I grabbed my wife like I had never fucked her before and pulled her on top of me reverse cowgirl style. I was in the corner where the love seat met the couch, all slouched down so she could squat over my dick as she lowered herself onto it. She bounced up and down on me for a bit, but then began to tire, plus she needed more friction since she could hardly feel me inside her. So she laid back on my chest which bent my dick a little, allowing for more contact in some areas. I moved my head to the side and saw Thomas standing in front of us between my legs, stroking his cock and beginning to squat. As he adjusted his position I felt the head of his cock touch the base of my dick, then he was pushing into Mary's pussy. At this point I stopped moving, I had about five of my six inches in her, I felt him against me gradually working his way in, as he did his cock decided to side step mine and slid in a little more, enough to where he could start pumping real slow into her. As he maneuvered himself into my wife he was all over the place, one stroke would go to the right, the next would go to the left, each time he tried to balance it in the center. Mary was still and so was I, Thomas was basically fucking us both, his cock sliding across mine stimulating me at my most sensitive parts, Mary began to moan and breathe heavy, his pace quickened and I could see the froth of all the combined cum on his cock as it did. Mary could no longer contain herself and started to writhe on his cock in a somewhat circular motion, causing his cock and mine to enter a duel inside her,,,then suddenly he pushed in real hard, I felt him rub against the bottom of my dick head, then slid past it, once his whole cock head was past mine it just continued,,,then I actually felt the pulses of his ejaculate with my dick, then the heat of his cum as it surrounded the end of my dick,,,that's when I pushed all I had into her and shot the strongest load of my life,,,it came out so hard I actually felt a sharp pain for the first three spurts. To this day that remains the single most memorable sexual thing I've ever experienced. We both flopped out of her together and our combined loads poured out all over my couch. We all got cleaned up, Mary came out of the bathroom and sat in the corner of the couches and spread her legs, her pussy was swollen and red, and her pussy lips seemed like their default position was puffed up and splayed open,,,she kept blowing on it and waving her hand at it like she was cooling it off with the fanning. Tim bent over and gave her a short kiss on the mouth and said "always a pleasure",,,
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#6 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
then Thomas came over to her and gave her a long tongue kiss and said "that was the best". They left and we crashed,,,the next night after work we were sitting there and I looked at her and said "so,,,last night, eh"? She said "I know, right,,,never expected the night to go that way. I told her I couldn't help but notice when Thomas asked if you miss this? And you responded "he had no idea". It seems to me you have to have had something in order to miss it, so don't give me no bullshit and just tell me what's going on. She broke down and started crying, she asked me if I remembered the day of the storm? They we all over at Tim's, she was soaking wet and Tim gave her his shirt to wear, that part was true, but as they sat there chatting and smoking weed, Tim brought up the last time he and her saw each other away from work,,,Thomas was intrigued and wanted to hear the whole story, as they smoked and Mary regaled him in the events of the evening, the guy's understandably became aroused, Tim took her hand and placed it on his cock telling her "see what you've done now",,,Mary gave him a squeeze and the next thing she knew Thomas was standing in front of her dropping his shorts,,,long story short, they screwed her three times each during the next few hours. Shortly after that she had a miscarriage, turns out it was a tubular pregnancy,,,and in my heart I couldn't help but feel it probably wasn't mine. We moved on and put the incident behind us, she promised nothing like that would ever happen again,,,it wasn't until six years and three thousand miles later that it would, two weeks before our tenth anniversary. But that's another story,,,about another co-worker, appropriately titled "Black Shawn".
The End
Posts: 943
Just wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!! The best !! PLS....... Continue
Posts: 6938
Great stories, the woman's a fucking legend! I know exactly what you mean by the censorship issues ! There seems no real reasoning behind some of the words that are affected. Just box clever, and use figures or symbols or spaces, to get round certain problem areas.
Posts: 3581
John & Mary, first of all, I want to thank you for taking the time to tell us about your adventures from the start. Yes the censorship on here really sucks and I'm sure it was frustrating for you to make all the little corrections that kept the flow going smoothly for us to read. I've always loved your videos, but this adds a new light to the real person and the thrill of your journey into cuckolding. I for one, look forward to hearing more........ Thanks again!  C4One Cuck who loves a creampie.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#10 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Thanx Cuckold_2, Kennyboy82, and Cuckold4one. I always enjoy sharing as many facets of our lifestyle with others who appreciate it. Back around '06 I posted descriptions step by step of everything that took place in each and everyone of my videos (complete wit an array of vidcaps to go with them), it took a real long time to do that for 26 videos. Much to my chagrin most of them are completely gone for some reason. Aaanyway,,,I'm not the kind of person to tease you and then not deliver, so without any further ado, here's "Black Shawn".
This happened a while back, I was a few weeks away from me and my husband John's 10th anniversary, when we got a new employee where I worked, his name was Shawn. At the time I worked for a major restaurant chain, and Shawn was our new cook. Shawn was really tall, had a super tight body, very handsome, and black as coal,,,I mean he was almost blue-black, he had very sharp features, well defined lips and teeth that could blind you if he smiled and you looked straight at them, and he was always smiling. I'm no prude, in fact I'm quite fond of dirty jokes and double entendres, so most people think I'm a flirt, but I'm really just having a good time. Shawn's personality is a lot like mine, so we constantly found ourselves laughing it up over all sorts of sexual jokes and situations,,,phrases like "that's what she said" and "size doesn't matter" were always bandied about. This went on all day, every day, for a couple of weeks, by then it felt like we knew each other forever and I was not only very comfortable around him, I found myself looking forward to going to work just knowing I would see him and we'd laugh and joke about something fun. Little by little things would come up and we'd share our thoughts on the subject. That's how I found out he only likes sex with white women, in particular, married white women. He said he enjoyed how they responded to the difference between his size and their husbands,,,at which point my response was the standard "it's not what ya got, but how you use it",,,he laughed and said, that's the typical response of a married white women whose husband has a small dick. Now my husband's got an average size dick, about 6 inches give or take, and feels exactly like an Italian sausage in my hand, it's circumcised and gets the job done rather nicely. For the rest of the day all I could think about was how much bigger than 6 inches would he have to be to warrant such a strong response. The next couple of days things continued as usual, then one day we were talking and he rested his big hand on my shoulder and kept it there, when he removed it he brushed the side of my cheek with the back of his fingers and then took the towel he had across his shoulder and snapped it at my butt. My personality dictated that I had to get him back,,,when the opportunity arose, I smacked him on his butt, not having a towel, and thinking nothing of it, I used my hand. He turned and looked at me with wide opened eyes that were so white against his blackness that they almost looked lit up, and then came that bright smile, which suddenly looked a little evil and mischievous. He leaned in my direction and said "I see the gloves are off, of course you realize this means war", in a slight Island accent. For the next few hours I was anticipating his payback, but we were busy and it never happened, as soon as I forgot about it I passed behind him and he reached out and cupped my butt, gave it two small squeezes and a pat. I looked over my shoulder at him, gave a little smile, stuck my butt out and wiggled it back and forth a couple of times, he just laughed and went back to work. This being the spring I was wearing my uniform dress as opposed to the pants I wear in the winter, and a pair of "Barely There" panties, so I figured he got a pretty good feel, and my payback had to be more in order for me to feel like I was winning. He was wearing a T-shirt, an apron, and some gray sweatpants. When my chance arrived, I got behind him and cupped both his cheeks and lifted them up as if measuring their heft. That's when I realized he was (as my husband would say), going commando. Again he glared at me, but this time with an inquisitive look as if to ask if I liked what I felt,,,I did,,,I liked it a lot. For the next few days this "grab ass" had become the new norm, and our conversations became much racier. Finally one day he inquired as to how big my husband was, so I told him,,,looking around I spotted a package of sausage and took one in my hand and said "see",,,just about enough of the sausage stuck out of the top of my hand to represent the head of hubbies dick. At first he giggled, and then he stifled it making believe he was trying to spare my feelings. Not one for being outdone, I stepped up along side him and whispered "that seemed like nervous laughter,,,you're not trying to make up for short comings, are you"? He reached across with his left hand and lifted the right corner of his apron, grabbed my left hand with his right and placed it at the base of his dick and pressed it against him. I felt this huge spongy mass and squeezed, then moved my hand down and squeezed again, then moved it down again and squeezed and finally felt the head,,,and he was getting harder. For the rest of the day, and all that night, all I could think about was the length and thickness of his dick, did I actually move my hand three times? Could a dick actually be as thick as four of those sausages? Now I know you think most women are very confusing, a man could make a gesture and all he'll get for his trouble is a slap on the face, but if the right man makes the same gesture, it can be her greatest turn on. For me, when the right man takes my hand and puts it on his dick, or shoves his dick in my face, it's game on. The next day I could feel him staring at me, looking to see if he'd gone too far and if we were gonna have problems. When it came time for lunch we were both in the break room, just sitting there eating and chatting, when all of a sudden he blurted out "wanna see it"? At first I just stared at him blankly, then he opened his eyes wide and smiled, and it hit me what he meant. I didn't know how to respond, and while I was thinking of what to say, he took my lack of negative response as a green light and just whipped it out. It was an imposing sight, by far the biggest dick I'd seen in my life, easily twice the length of my hub, and more than that in thickness, and it was blacker than he was (I didn't think that was possible), and the head was just peeking out of his foreskin. I was like a deer caught in headlights, I couldn't stop staring at it, imagining how it felt, how much bigger it got when it was fully erect. I snapped out of my daze when he took my hand and put it on his shaft,,,it was warm and pulsating, it felt like velvet, my fingers couldn't even fit around it,,,it started to grow in my hand so I began to stroke it, it continued getting bigger and harder. My face was flushed and I could feel my own heartbeat in my chest, I knew I was doing wrong but watching his head disappear and re-appear as I stroked his dick had me mesmerized (I had never held an uncircumcised dick before). Stroking him freely now, as if I had a specific task I was working towards, I looked up at him and he looked back, then he moved in and kissed me, first very softly, then running his tongue on my lips, then inserting it into my mouth. I sighed and swooned a bit, this went on for awhile till we were both panting heavily,,,I could feel the occasional throb and when we broke our kiss I looked down and saw a glistening drop of precum sitting at the top of his head. I couldn't help myself, I lowered my head and took him into my mouth. His cum tasted like sweet and salty, but just slightly, I went wild and started bobbing my head on that beautiful cock (I finally realized the difference between a dick and a cock). I couldn't get much more than the head in my mouth so I kept stroking him while I swirled my tongue around it, I loved feeling his foreskin gathering up around my lips. Suddenly he got really hard, and with both my hands engulfing his cock I felt it begin to throb with consistency, then the tell tale bitter taste of cum, then came the spurts, and they came and came, I swallowed as fast as I could and what I couldn't I stored in my mouth till my throat was clear enough to swallow again. I continued sucking him as it started to withdraw back into it's foreskin (I love that thing) like a Ninja Turtle,,,lunch was over. For the rest of the afternoon we just kept glancing over at each other, that night I masturbated three times thinking about what had happened. The next day after the lunch rush was over, he looked at me and said "are you ready for break",,,I said "yeah", and he said "I bet you're not",,,I thought to myself, oh yeah, I'll show you who's ready. I went to the ladies room and removed my panties, then joined him upstairs in the break room. We ate fast and then were just sitting there when I looked at him and said "wanna see it",,,then swung my right leg out and slouched in my chair, grabbing the hem of my skirt I started raising it slowly, he was transfixed on the curtain raising between my legs, then suddenly it appeared in all it's shaven glory, my lips (which are sizable), were swollen and parted, and visibly wet. God damn,,,girl that's smooth as silk as he slid a finger into the puddle that awaited him. In a flash he was on his knees and had his tongue farther inside me than anyone before him, my mind was reeling in all the excitement, the anticipation, the naughtiness, the taboo of the black white thing, the fact that I was cheating on my husband, everything was flashing through my mind when the flood gates broke and I had one of the biggest orgasm of my life. With my head thrown back on the chair and catching my breath, I felt something slide on my wet clit, all the way up my stomach, and then rest on my belly button, I looked down and saw that beautiful cock, head glistening moist as he drew it back down my stomach till it was resting at the opening of my pussy,,,resting at the opening of my HUSBAND's pussy. I angled my butt up a little so it was basically sitting with the head sticking in me, waiting for him to do the inevitable. I had already cheated, there wasn't any coming back from that, giving in to my lust was all that mattered at this point, I felt him begin to enter me, slowly at first, then gradually working more and more of that man meat into me. By the time he was in me equal to my hub's 6 inches, I was fuller than I had ever been, that's when I realized it was the thickness more than the length that I had been lacking in my life. He pressed further into me and I felt him hit my cervix, then slip right under it and continued deeper (I had no idea there was "deeper",,,but he did). Once he established his maximum penetration level he began a steady rhythmic stroking, at the end of each stroke I could feel him touching my bellybutton on the inside,,,I had never had sex like this before, I was 34 years old and it all felt new. He picked up his pace and I felt him beginning to stiffen up, his head swelled as he buried himself in me and the throbbing began, then came the cum, it was so hot I could feel it deep in me, and it kept on coming, and coming, I began to recall how much he came when I sucked him off, then I remembered I wasn't using any protection,,,I exploded.
This went on for two weeks, every chance we got we were at it, sometimes I'd drop below the counter and grab his sweat pants and pull them down, then swallow his cock for a few minutes just to drive him crazy. We screwed every way imaginable, everywhere imaginable, the break room, the walk-in, the ladies room, the parking lot in his van, and each time I let him cum inside me,,,we couldn't keep our hands off each other. By now he was my full fledged lover, we had discussed dozens of topics, had tons of conversations, and shared many secrets,,,not the least of which was that around our fourth year of marriage we had swung, about a dozen different times over a two year period, that when we were doing that it became a totally hedonistic affair, nothing was taboo, absolutely nothing, we did it all at least once, more if we enjoyed it, it was all about the pleasure. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so I told Shawn that my tenth anniversary was coming up. and that I was beginning to feel so guilty I felt we had to stop. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to stop, what we have I've never had with anyone, probably never will again, but I can't destroy my marriage over it. He said he understood, that a similar thing had happened to him when he was back east, but that I shouldn't worry, from what I told him, and his previous experience, he said he knew a way for me to have my cake and eat it too.
After a couple of days off from work I found myself missing him, when lunch rolled around we just ate and talked. He asked me if during our previous escapades my husband ever stopped participating and just sat back and watched. I said yes, but only when the guy had a bigger dick than him,,,he responded with an "Uh Huh",,,then he asked if my husband ever did anything with another man during these hedonistic romps. I said yes,,,how did you know? The first time my hub and I were doing 69 when the guy came up behind me and told my hub to guide his dick into my pussy,,,my hub just took his dick in hand and did like instructed, then slid out from underneath me to make room for him to do his thing. The next time my hub was eating me and my lover was laying along side me while we kissed and he felt up my tits, he broke our kiss and laid his dick across my pussy, right in my hub's face, then told my him to "suck me hard so I can fuck your wife and make this pussy mine",,,I never saw my hub so excited, he sucked that guy like he wanted him to cum, then as my lover positioned himself, hub guided him into me. Later that night we laid in bed,,,finally I said "that happened",,,he said "yeah,,,that was wild, but pretty cool too". Although he'd never initiate it, if my lover did I could see he would get more excited, like he knew it was gonna be a special night. Shawn was quite, as if in contemplation, just when I thought I might have put him off with the details of our exploits, he decided to speak,,,"I figured as much from what you told me before, I just needed a little more info to be sure, your husband's a cuckold waiting for the right bull to come along". Huh??? What the fuck is a cuckold??? "Lunch is over, we'll talk more at lunch tomorrow" he said, and that was it. I went home that night and tried to find out everything I could about this newfangled thing that I never heard of. At first I was amazed at the idea that there were men out there that would rather watch than be with another woman (all our encounters were with couples), but the more I read, the more I saw similarities between what they we describing, and some of my husband's actions, especially those encounters where he was involved in serving my lovers. Thinking back, once when we were in the mood and couldn't find another couple, I remember him suggesting we just go out to a club and pick up a guy for me,,,OMG,,,Shawn is right, he IS a budding cuckold,,,that's exactly what he is.
The next day in the break room I told Shawn what I had discovered by reading up on cuckoldry, and that upon further reflection of previous escapades I can't believe I didn't see the signs, that I was now looking at it all in a totally different light, and that I thought he was completely on target. Shawn said from what I told him he figured that was the case, it was the same way with the couple back east. He said he'd come over on Friday night and that I should just follow his lead, and if everything worked out I could have my cake and eat it too. That was Tuesday, that night I went home and screwed my husband's brains out, and we discussed how long it's been since we had one of our little adventures. My hub was all for it, but he pointed out we didn't know any couples we could call on in such short notice. I asked him "what about that thing you brought up a little while ago,,,you know, where we just go out and find another guy to spice things up? That's when I saw the pup tent he was pitching under the blanket,,,WOW,,,that idea really fired you up, we just had sex and you're hard as a rock,,,then we fucked like bunnies. For the rest of the week all we did was tease each other about our pending night out, what might happen, what would I do if,,,stuff like that,,,just keeping the whole thing alive in our heads. We planned on going out on Saturday,,,but I knew better, cause Shawn was coming over on Friday.
It was around 7:00pm and we were sitting on the futon watching TV, we've got this big 60 incher and a queen size futon that my hub and I share while watching it, we also have a love seat to the left of the futon. Suddenly there was a knock at the door, I got up to open it, it was Shawn, in a dark blue tank top and khaki cargo shorts, with one of those black canvass shoulder bags men carry their stuff around in. He said he just picked up some killer weed and remembered I lived in this area so he figured he'd stop by and see what I thought, I introduced him to my hub as a co-worker, he sat in the love seat and pulled out a joint, lit it, took a hit, and passed it to my hub who was closest to him, then my hub passed it to me. Each time he had to pass the joint back to us he had to get up, and when my hub passed it to him he had to get up again,,,a few rounds of this and he just sat down on the end of the futon in between us. He said the guy he got the weed from does video editing, and that he just had him transfer an amateur porn video he made from VHS to DVD. My hub's eyes got wide and he suddenly was paying attention to every word that came out of Shawn's mouth (I should point out that we have an extensive collection of porn, about 300 titles on VHS, another 100 on DVD, and over 800 gigs on our PC), that's when my hub lit a joint, "might as well do this right" he said, Shawn asked if we had a DVD player, if so we could pop it in, he wanted to see how it came out anyway. Before he finished the sentence my hub grabbed the remote and switch from TV to DVD, Shawn popped it in and sat back down. When it came on Shawn was blocking the screen sitting at the end of the futon, so he just slid back, right between my hub and me. Here we go I thought to myself,,,
The video opened with Shawn and a nice looking Milf standing in a motel room, they stepped towards each other and embraced, followed by some kissing. The woman was wearing a summer dress like you'd see on any housewife,,,as they're kissing and beginning to fondle each other the husband comes into camera view up behind his wife, takes hold of the straps to her dress, pulls them to the side and lowers the whole dress to the floor,,,she was totally naked, Shawn pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on a chair and they went back to hugging and kissing. Then the husband went over to Shawn and unbuckled his pants and lowered them for him, placed them on the chair and came back, got down on his knees and took hold of the sides of his boxers and slid them down, exposing Shawn's massive uncut beauty, tossed them towards the chair and then moved in and began sucking Shawn's cock, while his wife and Shawn didn't miss a beat in their kissing. My hub was sitting there with the joint in his hand and his eyes transfixed on the screen,,,Shawn said,,,"you gonna pass that man",,,then he snapped back and passed the joint. We were all getting fidgety, and there was the occasional sigh and heavy breathing,,,that's when I glanced down and saw about 4 inches of Shawn's cock sticking out of the leg of his shorts, my hub picked up on it too, I knew what it looked like so I merely had to see it was there to get excited, but my hub had never seen it,,,his gaze lingered somewhat. This didn't go unnoticed by Shawn,,,he looked down and then looked back up, making sure it was clear he
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
knew what my hub was looking at. For awhile we stared at the screen, but everyone kept taking turns glancing down, then out of the corner of my eye I saw Shawn take my husband's right hand and place it on his cock,,,my husband kept it there. Soon I felt Shawn's hand on my thigh,,,I too was wearing a summer dress,,,with nothing on underneath. Shawn's shorts were restricting how much of his cock was available to my hub, so in one swift move he arched his back and slid them off. Seeing his cock in all it's glory my hub sighed, Shawn's fingers found my sopping wet pussy and he began to swirl them around my clit,,,he put his arm behind my hub and pushed him downward, John took his cock in his mouth and began sucking,,,Shawn looked at me, showed me that killer smile, and then drove his tongue down my throat. After a while of heavy petting, Shawn broke our kiss and looked down at John and asked what he thought of his cock. My hub said it was very impressive. Shawn said "would you like to see it in your wife"? I stepped in and said "Yes,,,yes he would". They both chuckled at my take charge demeanor,,,Shawn said "why don't you take off your wifes dress"? John took off my dress and I laid flat on my back,,,"spread her legs for me John",,,Shawn moved up between my thighs which my hub was splaying open for him,,,"now take my cock and line it up for me",,,and that's exactly what John did, rubbing the head in the juices of my opening. Shawn told him "if I fuck your wife I'm not pulling out till I cum in her,,,what do you want me to do,,,I need you to say it so there's no miscommunication". John was kneeling alongside me, his dick was sticking straight out, when Shawn said that, I saw it throb several times in an upward motion,,,oh my gawd,,,please fuck my wife and cum in her. And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Eventually he was promoted to head cook at another location, too far to commute so he had to move, ending that particular situation, but it left us transformed into a full fledged extreme cuckold relationship.
The End
Posts: 943
Fantastic !!!! WOW, I hope there more ??????
Posts: 3581
Multi_Orgasmic Mary: And that's exactly what Shawn did,,,and continued to do several times a month for almost a year. Mmmmmm..... That's hot! How many gallons of cum do you think John drank that year? Cuck who loves a creampie.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
cuckold4one Good question,,,since there's 3785 cc's in a gallon, and the average ejaculate is 10 cc's,,,and there's 365 days in a year, and he came by 3 to 4 days a week,,,and I got over half those loads, I'm guessing a little under a quart,,,can you imagine getting them all at once? LOL
Posts: 3581
Multi_Orgasmic Mary: can you imagine getting them all at once? Yes I can and it makes my taste buds water. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#16 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Pooch and the Man Cave
I had this black coworker named Mooky, he was a short little black guy around five foot six inches tall, we were on a construction site and broke for lunch, we went to the end of the parking lot in the shade of the trees to eat lunch. There was no one else around and he whipped out a joint, he said down in the hood they have the best weed, along with anything else you wanted. It didn't take long for our lunches away from the rest of the workers to become a regular thing and our friendship grew, even outside of work, before long he became my exclusive supplier of all things contraband. After about six months he asked me if I wanted to meet the man? The "Man" he referred to was his connection, he told me he was a bit of a character (that was to turn out to be the understatement of the year). Starting with his name "Pooch",,,I mean, how do you walk up to a big black guy and say "hi Pooch, how's it goin" and keep a straight face? Well,,,if you know what's good for you you'll figure a way,,,Pooch is about six four and weighs around 240, and none of it is fat. He's black as charcoal with a big white smile,and when I say white, I'm talking refrigerator white, which looks all the whiter in comparison to his complexion. We drove up to his house (my first time ever), and it was surrounded by a six foot cedar privacy fence, the kind you buy in sections and install yourself, entering the gate into his back yard I was taken aback by a sight I had never seen, there was a line of five or six guys leading to a small window. Turns out it was a bathroom window, listening to the guy's in front of me I became aware that one only needed to knock on the window, it would open, you'd state what you wanted, pay the money, the window would open again in a few seconds and you'd be handed a styrofoam cup with a lid on it, inside it would be full of however much weed you paid for,,,I told you he was a character. When we were back in the car I couldn't help but remark to Mooky how that was the weirdest buy I ever made, it was like a cross between picking my weed up at the ATM and a 7/11. Mooky laughed and said that's nothing, he has this whole other hobby that would blow my mind. Apparently if you were his friend you had a standing invite inside his place on certain weekends. People would enter through the back door which opened to his man cave, the man cave originally had a pass-thru into the living room, but Pooch covered it with a 2way mirror, a camera on the far end of the mirror was pointed at the living room, as were others inside it, the door to the living rook was locked, but could be opened by a buzzer located on the other side of the mirror. He went on to tell me as you enter the man cave one of his boys will greet you, you can either hang in the room and get your buzz on, or pay fifty bucks and take a number (the money also covered a copy of the tape). By now I imagine you're as curious as I was, to be honest I was on the edge of my seat, so I asked what was the deal. He said Pooch used to be a pimp in the city, but he tired of having to deal with being hassled by the cops all the time, and he liked the D-rug lifestyle better, and he didn't have to rely on the fickleness of the women to make his money, constantly having to stay on their case, and always worried they were trying to rip him off. But he was a bit of a perv, and he loved each and every female conquest that he made. Using his pimp skills to read women, applying his charm, and whatever D-rugs it took, he'd seduce them in his living room, video the whole thing, once he got his, he'd allow those who paid to gradually spill into the room and partake to their heart's desire,,,and the tape ran continuously. It all started with the sisters in the hood, but eventually he moved onto white women, till finally he found his forte,,,married white women. Not only did he enjoy the raised level of difficulty, but it was much more rewarding when he succeeded (and he always succeeded, one way or another), his customers got more of a thrill out of it too, cause these weren't crack whores, these were waitresses, nurses, soccer moms, etc. Needless to say I was totally enthralled by this scenario, I had often envisioned a scenario where my own wife would be seduced (ideally by a well endowed black man), of course it was only a fantasy, but this guy was describing it way beyond my wildest dreams. My own wife (Mary), was 27 at the time, we had been married almost five years, 5' 3", 123lbs, nice shape, large B to small C cup tits, and a belly dancers stomach. Our sex life couldn't be better, she's a little shy, and submissive, but once her clothes are off all that goes out the window, she'd get wet if she was on a date and a guy took her hand and put it on his dick, she loved to suck cock, in fact if I came home from work and said I was beat, she'd ask if she could just give me a BJ. She always swallows, she feels it's an insult to the guy to spit it out, same thing with her pussy, especially since she usually has her strongest orgasm when she feels her lover cum inside her (she'd rather not screw at all if she had to use a condom),,,she describes it as "holding up her end", and feeling the guy cum inside her validates a job well done. For the most part she appears quite and withdrawn, when we first got together she did whatever I asked her to, whatever position I wanted her in she complied, later she became more confident and started requesting and voicing her own desires, but even that took years.
Okay,,,back to Mooky,,,he obviously could see my jaw was hanging and asked me if I'd like to see it with my own eyes? He barely finished the sentence before I was asking him when, how? He told me tomorrow we could pop over to Pooch's place and see if anything was jumping. We got off work at 3:30, we could be there by five,,,my wife worked at one of the national chains of family restaurants as a waitress and wouldn't be home till around 11:00pm, so I was good to go. Not like I was planning on being one of the partakers, I've got bills to pay and can't afford $50 out of my budget, but if what he told me was true, I'd have fuel for my fantasies to last me years. We made our way over to Pooch's and knocked on the door, a big black dude opened it and we went in, there was 2 others sitting on the couch, he invited us in and asked us if we were here for the "show,,,or the go",,,we both replied "the show", he handed us a joint and we settled in, soon several guys showed up and paid their entrance fee and stepped up to the mirror in anticipation. When the front door opened a soft electronic "ding dong" went off and one of the door men got up and turned off the lights, while another started the camera,,,my heart was pounding. Suddenly the lights came on in the living room and Pooch had a woman with him, he told her to take a seat on the couch. She was pretty hot, about 32" with long auburn colored hair, wearing a jean skirt and a red and white plaid shirt, she took a seat (his couch was one of those 3 sided things with the extra square inserts that can be moved, turning it into a huge adult playpen), and he went over to a cupboard and came back with an inlaid stash box,,,"what you needing today Momma" he said, she responded just a bag, my old man will be home in a few hours and he's pissed I smoked the last of the weed yesterday. They exchanged money for weed, she put it in her purse, then he put his arm around her and the show began,,,Mooky started giving me an elbow and smiled at me,,,all I was thinking was there should be bar stools or something here, I didn't see how he could've missed something like that, but oh well. They were on the couch kissing when Pooch untied the strings to his sweat pants, lifted his butt, and slid them down to his ankles, placing his hand on the back of her head she instinctively knew what he wanted. She reached for his semi erect cock with her hand and stood it upright, that's when I got a glimpse of it, it was still soft cause she shook it and it wiggled it from side to side, then she began to stroke it, on the down stroke his cock head would become exposed, on the up stroke it disappeared like a turtle into its shell. As he got hard I estimated it somewhere between 9 and 10 inches, but it was as thick as my wrist, now I can just about touch my fingers together when I wrap them around my dick, but her fingers still had about an inch to go. She lowered her head and took him in her mouth,,,while he reached into her blouse, first massaging her tits, then taking it off altogether, this was fucking fantastic. After awhile she stood up and unbuttoned her skirt, she had no panties on, she faced the mirror and straddled him, then taking him in her hand guided him into her. She slowly fucked him till she managed to get used to his girth, then she turned around and mounted him cowgirl,,,she rocked back and forth on him till she was grinding that monster against her clit. Eventually he picked her up and laid her on her back, then glanced at the mirror,,,the doorman said "number one, get ready",,,he moved over to the door,,,Pooch was pounding away for all he was worth, she was swinging her head from side to side in a constant state of orgasm,,,Pooch reached over to the coffee table for the remote and pressed it. The buzzer went off, the doorman opened the door, and number one went through it, then it was closed and it automatically locked again. He walked across the room towards the head of the couch, dropped his pants and stroked his black cock,,,then he put it in her face and she just engulfed him. Pooch slammed himself to the hilt and busted his nut in her soccer mom pussy, then got up and sat in his recliner with his legs spread and his huge cock just hanging there with all the pride it deserved. Number one quickly took his place, she barely missed a beat and went right back to moaning. Pooch looked over at the mirror and the doorman said "number two",,,the buzzer went off and the scene repeated itself,,,then "number three",,,then Pooch was ready for round two, and on and on it went for about two hours. My underwear was soaked and I was getting a serious case of blue balls. On the way home I asked Mooky if it was always like this, he said yeah, every weekend,,,but this wasn't a first time for her, so it went down faster than most, trust me, once Pooch nuts them they're his, they come over looking for D-rugs but they'd be just as happy if he told them he was out but take off your clothes. He asked me if I enjoyed it and if I wanted to check it out again next weekend, hell yeah I said. My wife came home and I made a play for her (had to get me some for sure), but the best laid plans and all that crap, she informed me just started her period, had bad cramps, and just wanted to crash. I waited till she fell asleep and then beat my meat like it owed me money. I did that all week, fantasizing my wife in that scenario while I pulled my pud,,,finally by Thursday I was able to fuck her, and again envisioned her in that room. Meanwhile it was all I could talk about to Mooky all week long,,,I was literally counting the days till I was back in the man cave.
Chapter 2
As fate would have it, Friday arrived and Mooky told me Pooch had been working on a new one and he'd be going for it on Saturday,,,damn,,,now I had to check schedules and stuff, Mary's company had been having problems with too much labor and aside from sending people home early, they were moving her shifts around,,,when they gave her Thursday off I was happy cause I was looking forward to getting laid. So I asked her how they were they doing with all their scheduling, she said although she was worried about losing her Thursday, they gave her Saturday,,,YES!!!
I had such a hard time falling asleep Friday night, I don't even remember when I finally did, but waking up on Saturday morning felt like I should be opening presents, like any other Christmas when I was a kid. Mary was schedule from 2:00pm to 9:00pm,,,as soon as she left I called Mooky, told him I'd come over to his place cause I needed to take my car to make sure I was home before her. We spent a few hours at his place getting high and talking S-hit about tonight's upcoming event, when it was time we headed over, got there at 4:00pm,,,the door man let us in and I went to take a piss before the festivities began. When I came out, the same three guys from last week were there having already paid their dues. I stood at the mirror looking into the living room when the door bell went off, the lights went out and the camera went on,,,in came Pooch, followed by,,,what? My fuck'n wife? Instinctively I reached for the door knob,,,of course it was locked, the big guy looked at me and said you musta smoked a lot more before you came here, cause you're fuck'n outta your mind if you think you're gonna go through me and that door,,,then looked at Mooky and said get your boy in line! Mooky looked at me and whispered WTF man, ya knows these guy are strapped right? Calm the fuck down man, you'll get us both iced,,,I returned to the mirror. Mary was sitting on the couch, she had already changed from her uniform at work like she usually did, being summer she was wearing casual shorts and a tank top, sans bra (she always complain about it and usually took it off the minute she could), everybody was lined up at the mirror, the three other guys were rubbing their hands and licking their lips, they knew they had to keep it quite. Pooch asked what she was D-rinking, she said anything that's gonna give her a buzz, it was a frustrating day, she went on to tell him how they cut her hours short today, and if it wasn't for him she be stuck riding the bus. He handed her a Tequila Sunrise and she said how did you know I liked them? He said remember when I came into your restaurant the other day and we chatted, you told me then. I also have some of that killer Purple Passion weed I told you I was getting,,,I was just getting ready to fire one up, you want to try it? Hell yeah,,,she said,,,so he lit it, took a hit and passed it to her. He asked her if she ever tried Qualudes,,,she said she heard of them but never tried them, but was always up for new experiences. He told her they were good party D-rugs, if you were too shy to sing, take one and a half Ludes and your inhibitions would be lowered and you'd be the queen of karaoke,,,he asked if she wanted to try them, she said "might as well, I'm off work early and don't really have to be anywhere, my hubs not expecting me till after 9:00pm". Meanwhile the gawkers in the man cave were getting all riled up. He came back with three Ludes, broke them in half, gave her one and a half, and he took one and a half. He told her they take about twenty minutes to hit, she said "that's cool, that joint is starting to creep", and he said "let me light another one". He took a hit, then turn the joint around, put the lit end in his mouth, and moved his face to within and inch of hers, and blew the smoke out the other end, she opened her mouth and inhaled it, then he said "you do me",,,she had done this with me so it wasn't a problem, it certainly looked different when I saw her do it to him though, they almost touched lips, she didn't bat an eyelash, just handed it to him so he could return the favor, which he promptly did, this time touching her lips,,,no reaction from her except to take the joint from him and blow a lung in his face,,,this went on till the joint was gone, them touching lips now on a regular basis. He took the roach and place it in the ashtray, Mary mentioned that she was really feeling the weed now, her lips were getting numb, he told her that was the Ludes kicking in. In another minute she sighed and leaned back in the couch, he asked how she was doing, she said I'm fine, more than fine, in a slightly breathy murmur. He took his hand and using the back of his fingers he stroked her cheek tenderly, she let out a low hmmm. Then he did the same thing to her neck, she let her head drop to the back of the couch and sighed. He took his left hand and placed in on the right side of her face and with the tips of his fingers pulled her face towards him till they were face to face, she offered no resistance, then her kissed her softly, and then he kissed her again, on the third kiss he offered his tongue, she opened her mouth and accepted it with a moan. He held her face in his hands while they shared long passionate kisses, sliding their lips back and forth in a slight figure eight motion till he stuck his tongue out straight and began fucking her mouth with it, she in turn sucked on his tongue like it was a dick. She had totally given in to him, and he knew it, he placed his left hand on her tit and squeezed a few times, then slid his hand under her tank top, again she sighed. The heavy petting continued and she began to squirm ever so slightly. He took her hand and placed it on his cock,,,that brought about a complete change, she began squeezing it, sighing and moaning, for lack of a better term I'd have to say she almost became the aggressor,,,she was now driving her tongue into him and literally yanking on his cock, he slid his hand softly up her thigh till it met her mound, then paused,,,then finally cupped it and pressed on it, she wrapped her arms around him like a face hugger from Alien and just started gyrating into the palm of his hand. She had abandoned any sense of who or where she was, they were both shifting their hands all over each other, exploring every nook and cranny. He pushed her shorts to the side and touched he smoothly shaved pussy, she responded by pulling her tank top off exposing hers tits to him, and the group in the man cave. He had already untied the strings on his sweats so she just reached in and grabbed hold of him, the feel of him cause her to become more frantic with her kisses and groping, and he responded in kind. Then he nudged her and she took it to mean he wanted her to stand, so she did, he put his hands on either side of her shorts and slowly slid them down. She kicked off her sneakers and stepped out of her shorts, my wife was now standing totally naked in front of Pooch, and the three guys who paid their $50 bucks, the three security guys, Mooky and me. Pooch stood up and let his sweats drop, she was in awe of his length and girth, and his foreskin (I have an average skinny circumcised 6 incher). She was fascinated with how different stroking an uncut cock felt in comparison to mine, she even said so, telling him her hand glided while stroking him, unlike her husband who felt like she was pulling taffy. He laughed and asked her if her husband had a small dick, she said I didn't think so,,,until now. Everyone in the man cave had to muffle their chuckles too. She dropped to her knees and kissed the head of his cock, then rubbed it on her face, she even hugged it like a Teddy Bear for a bit,,,then laughing she asked him what he fed this thing, he said "white pussy",,,they both laughed and she said well,,,he certainly looks hungry, with that she took him into her mouth and sucked while she stroked him hard. He laid her on the couch, push her tit together shoved his face into them, then worked his was down her belly, and finally to her mound, she just about came when his tongue finally touched her clit, but he wasn't about to stop till she came on his face, which she did almost immediately. He climbed up to her face and kissed her a few more times, then told her to guide him into her husband's pussy,,,let's see what I can do about making it mine,,,she looked at him and said "yeah, let's see". She reached down between her legs, grasped him firmly and lined him up with her wet inflamed labia, she rubbed him up and down and only stopped when she knew it was lodged in her sopping wet opening,,,he began to enter her slowly,,,she threw her head back as he ventured deeper into her, every couple of strokes going further and further into my wife, within a couple of minutes he was feeling parts of my wife I've never felt, for all intents and purposes he was in virgin territory. Soon he was pumping in her like a precision p
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#17 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
and just like the week before, the woman beneath him was at his mercy, and a slave to her own orgasms. She was meeting his thrusts with a fervor that matched his, that's when he looked at the mirror,,,"number one, get ready",,,
One of the paying admirers stood by the door, the buzzer went off and through the door he went, I watched intently as my wife seemed to be in another world, a world where she was a wanton slut for big black cock. After disrobing he stepped up to her from behind, she saw his cock looming over her face, she jerked for a second, whaaa? Then just voiced her approval with a long drawn out oooh,,,reached up and took him in hand, and went back to getting fucked senseless by Pooch. This new guy was around 8 inches, and more in proportion to its length with its thickness,,,in other words, a normal looking big fuck'n cock, with a full foreskin that never really exposed the whole head unless it was pulled back, as soon as she let go it would recover half the head,,,she seem to enjoy that, as she gave it kisses, pulling the skin completely over the head and kissing the tiny "lips" that were created by doing so. My dick was so hard I tried to adjust it and couldn't, I had to reach into my waistband, and for my efforts received a palm full of pre-cum. Pooch had really picked up the pace and it wasn't long before he arched his back, thrust forward, and just buried himself into Mary as deep as he could get it in, then let out a huge grunt and began to buck,,,Mary wrapped her legs around him and pulled him into her as she also arched her back, except for her she was locking all the muscles in her body so she could withstand the full attack of her assailant. Pooch pulled out slowly and Mary relaxed her tensed body, let out a sigh and just laid there, all splayed out oozing cum like a waterfall. As the new guy climbed up between her legs she raised her head and looked at him, then said "oh boy,,,here we go", and laid back down. He rubbed the head of his cock in Pooch's oozing nut and slid into her,,,they were at full speed in seconds and Mary was once again thrashing around in the throws of continuous orgasm. Pooch went to his lounge chair with his remote and fired up another doob. Halfway through the joint he hit the buzzer, number two came through the door, walked to the side of the room and stripped, when he introduced his cock to Mary she just took one look at it and stated "oh my God, this is the best day of my life"!!! Really??? Fuck'n really, "the best"? Guess who's getting a card for her fifth anniversary!!! Number one was wrapping things up, much in the same way that Pooch had done, except being a little shorter, and thinner, he was able to bring his pubes onto her clit, buried to the hilt. Mary in turn raised her ass and started grinding back as he filled her with his cream, she told him his cum was so hot she could feel the warmth in her belly. Number two was small in comparison, under eight inches and normal in thickness, but uncut, which I could tell she really enjoyed when she made it a point to say "do all you black guys have this extra bit on the end, I just can't get enough of it"? He flipped her over into doggie position and aimed his cock at the white foamy target that presented itself, slid his cock into her, and began hammering away immediately. These secondary guys didn't make love to her like Pooch did, they might just as well have been using her to masturbate into, just raw fucking till you bust ya nut kinda thing. The buzzer went off and number three entered the room, having been watching along with the rest of us nobody had to tell him what to do, once he removed his pants he walked right up to her and stuck his 9 inch cock in her face, she reached for it and immediately stroked it back and forth enjoying his foreskin, then took him into her mouth and they "seesawed" her in perfect rhythm. Mary started cumming real hard and for the first time ever she began to get real vocal, telling him to "give it to her,,,cum in my husband's pussy,,,plant it deep",,,which he proceeded to do without any hesitation,,,dumped his load, pulled out and walked away, only to be instantly replaced by Mr. Number Three. Mooky and I were the only ones left (if you don't count the three security dudes), and Mooky looked at me and said "I had no idea your wife was so hot, not only in looks, but how much she likes sex". I told him neither did I, but then again I never gave her Qualudes, weed and Tequila all at once. He laughed a bit then one of the security guys said "number four"!!! WTF? Mooky,,,what the hell man, he said "sorry man,,,I got so hot from last weeks show I put aside some bread for this week, I had no idea your wife was gonna be up at bat, but hey, she's really hot, and $50 bucks is $50 bucks,,,besides, whatever damage has been done (if any), me getting my money's worth isn't gonna make it any worse,,,the buzzer went off and I was left standing there alone with my thoughts, and of course, security. I watched Mooky go to the corner and strip,,,and to my amazement, although his cock was only as thick as the other guy's, I didn't need a ruler to see it was easily over 10 inches long, and of course uncut. He approached Mary and she took one look at him and exclaimed "holy S-hit, are you building these guys in a back room somewhere, some kinda cock factory? They all laughed, then went back to the business at hand. Number three busted his nut in her and pulled out so fast it made a "suction sound ending with a plop",,,followed by the thickest wad of cum I ever saw, there was no dribble, it kept its viscosity and laid there like a pile of pudding, it looked as though she'd have to chew it if it was in her mouth. Mooky sat on the couch and told he wanted her cowgirl, she climbed onto his lap, lined him up, and lowered herself onto him,,,all the way to his nut sack, meanwhile Mooky was burying his face in her tits. It didn't take him long to cum at all (which made sense, considering I myself had been on the verge of cumming for almost an hour, and I wasn't doing anything). She bent over and shoved her tongue in his mouth and ground his load out of him, then climbed off to one side and his nut ran out of her swollen pussy. Mooky picked up his belongings and left, Pooch handed her a towel and sat next her on the couch. She wiped herself off and said "phew,,,that happened", then laughed a bit. Pooch said "how ya feeling,,,what d'ya think"? Well,,,I wasn't exaggerating when I said it was the best day of my life, you've certainly opened my eyes to a whole ton of S-hit,,,he put his arm around her and she laid her head on his chest,,,first off, them Qualudes are remarkable, secondly,,,I never knew you could have more than three orgasms in one sitting, certainly never knew anything like a dozen would be possible. I feel like anything less would be humdrum at this point, like getting my nails done,,,they both laughed. I also had no idea that a big cock would be a completely different experience, I thought it was like big boobs and small boobs, take it or leave it, but it's a whole other level isn't it? He smiled and kissed her, she kissed him back,,,he pulled away and asked her if she was ready for round two with the "Man" of the house,,,she looked him in the eye and said "yes please",,,they embraced once again co-mingling their tongues, he reached for her tit, she grabbed his cock,,,and the security guy said "that's it folks, time to leave, Pooch needs some alone time with his lady",,,and we were shown the door.
Chapter 3
We all piled out the door, my car was parked in a different location than Mooky's so we just went our separate ways. When I got home it was about 7:00pm,,,I pretty much just sat there for awhile running it all through my head. All the pornos we watched and all the fantasies we had were just that, fantasies. This was a game changer, this could have major effects on our relationship if I didn't handle it just right,,,I mean she had crossed a line and saw how the sausage was made, and she liked it. There was no way she'd be satisfied getting 2 or 3 orgasms now that she knows what's possible,,,I had to find a way to make myself relevant or I'd lose her, like a crack addict. Around 9:20 she walked through the door, her hair was slightly damp, I asked her what happened, she said some kid knock over his milk and while she was cleaning it he knocked his plate off the table spilling food onto her hair, she had to rinse it in the ladies room. Oh,,,I replied, while inside my head I was screaming at how easily she looked me in the face and lied right to me. I asked her how was work, and the new schedule, she said better than she thought, and that might be her permanent schedule in the future,,,she was already laying down the groundwork for a return engagement,,,I had to think of something fast, the clock was ticking. Monday came around and I saw Mooky at work, and I told him of my dilemma, he apologized again and I told him that was the least of my problems. He said he went to Pooch's place yesterday and picked up his copy of the video, and Pooch through in a copy of the action from the week before, he handed me the video of Mary and said it's the least I could do, and you can borrow this one if you want to watch it. When I got home I had plenty of time before Mary would walk in the door so I pop the disc copy in the machine, fast forwarded to the point where they we sitting on the couch discussing all that had transpired, up to the point where she was kissing him and stroking his cock, she gradually went further down his chest till it was in reach of her face, she kissed it several times like she did before, then hugged it, then he fell back on the couch and she laid across his body, together they were reminiscent of a Greek statue of a giant warrior with his adoring mate succumbing to his will. She climbed further up his body and then took him inside her once again,,,this time she fucked him, her sole intent was to return the favor by giving him as much pleasure as she could, he just laid there and let her have her way with him till finally he grabbed her hips and started F-orcing her down on his cock with more and more intensity, then stiffened and roared as he filled his woman with his seed. She collapsed on his chest and just laid there kissing his cheek and neck. Suddenly I saw the 3 security dudes, buck ass naked, walk into the camera view, she saw them and said "oh, c'mon,,,how much can one girl take"? Apparently a whole lot more,,,they all fucked her and made their deposits and then left. She and Pooch then just cuddled and laid in each other's arms, a few minutes later the screen went blank. I had a serious problem on my hands, much worse than I thought. The next day at work I told Mooky what I saw, and also that I had a plan and to just go along, if it all works out I'll be able to confront her and maybe save my marriage, while at the same time enter a new stage in our relationship, if I can establish that she can have her cake and eat it too, without her thinking I've lost respect for her, it could even work out well for all of us,,,he gave me a nod and said "whatever you need". That night when she came home I told her a guy I worked with gave me a video of this gang bang, a bunch of black guys and a white wife that recently took place at this guy's house. I glanced at her out of the corner of my eye as I was loading the disc and reaching for the remote, she seemed like all the B-lood drained out of her face, I told her to come sit on the couch and watch it with me, then hit play. She was real fidgety and her foot was on its toes and bouncing up and down, I told she seemed as anxious as I was to watch it. As the video came on I new she'd recognize the decor in the room, and that infamous large couch. She said "honey",,,that's when she saw the woman, she sighed and sat back in the couch, I asked what was wrong, did she recognize that woman? No,,,of course not, just settling in to watch this, looks like one of your fantasies that I'm always teasing you about to spice things up, I said "I know, right,,,this will make those fantasies so much more plausible,,,maybe even give us some ideas. She sat there and watched all her orgy buddies go to town on this woman. I noticed how she paid extra attention to how Pooch treated her, she said they all acted like it was just sex, no connection or passion. I told her my friend said that's how these things usually go, it's all about the sex, nothing else. But she knew different, Pooch treated her special by comparison from what she could see,,,that was the part I had to downplay. By the middle of the movie we had our hands all over each other, when it was done we went into the bedroom and fucked like bunnies. The next day I described the evening to Mooky, half the time he was laughing, and half the time he was squeezing his dick. That's when I told him of my plan, I wanted him to come over on Friday, she was gonna be off work at 6:00pm, I told him to pick up 10 Ludes and gave him $40 to cover it. Friday came along and I told Mary my friend from work (the one who gave me the video), was stopping by tonight, his name was Mooky,,,he's bringing me some weed and something special. She said then she better jump in the shower, cause her hair was dirty and she had the grime of the day on her, and didn't want to wait till he left to do it. Around 8:00pm there was a knock at the door, I opened it and invited him in,,,Mooky,,,this is my wife Mary, honey, this is my friend Mooky,,,did you bring the Ludes? She recognized him right off the bat and she was like a deer caught in headlights,,,what's wrong hon? She said "nothing,,,what's a Lude"? Wow,,,just wow, the sheer amount of her deviousness amazed me, I might have just accepted her explanation under different circumstances. We all sat down, me in my recliner, her and Mooky took the couch. He whipped out the weed and the Ludes and placed them on the coffee table, I told him how much we enjoyed that video, he said he had another one, I could put it on and we could watch it while we smoked a couple of doobs,,,Mary seemed nervous again, I knew he didn't have her video cause I had it, but I kept checking her out whenever I could, looking for her to try and communicate somehow with Mooky. Not like I had to tell him, he knew not to make it common knowledge what took place between them, but I told him anyway,,,but she didn't know that. Whenever I did catch them looking at each other they both looked like two people trying to keep a secret, but she was the only one who wasn't aware I knew what it was. Trying to bolster her innocence she asked me what are these Lude thingies you mentioned, I said you're gonna love these and reached into the bag and took out enough so we could each do one and a half, I passed them around and everyone downed them with whatever they were D-rinking, then Mooky lit the first joint, we sat back and hit play on the DVD player. This video featured a little perky blonde with a short pixie hairdo, almost no tits, wearing a halter top and cutoff jeans covering a fantastic bottom half, and an obviously big engagement ring joined by a wedding band, they approached the big couch and the scenario was very familiar. Mary kept looking over at Mooky who was watching the screen, every now and then she look past him at me, then back to the movie. Mary said "this is really good weed, my lips are getting numb (yeah, right,,,it's the weed, sure), Mooky told her that's the Ludes kicking in, and then he lit the second joint and passed it to her. Mary got up and brought me the joint, she was a little off balance so Mooky said I can pass it to him, you just relax and enjoy that buzz,,,first time doing Ludes he asked,,,yeah she said, they seem to relax your inhibitions a bit don't they? Hmmm,,,I wonder where I've heard that before? Mary eased back into the couch and began to appear much more relaxed, she was wearing loose fitting shorts that she likes to wear around the house for comfort, topped of by a simple button down blouse of which she had the end of tied above her belly button, and a few buttons from the top on down undone, nothing racy, just casual. As the movie played we all started to get effected, there was adjustments that continuously needed to be made, squirming, followed by more adjustments,,,I was already rock hard and had barely paid any attention to the movie, but I would've been hard if we didn't even have a movie. Then out of nowhere Mooky put his hand high on Mary's thigh and said you have really pale skin just like her, Mary froze momentarily and darted her eyes in my direction, I stared straight at the TV. Mooky kept his hand on her leg and gently massaged it with soft squeezing, occasionally I'd hear a little cooing sound coming from that direction, I looked over and Mary had her eyes closed, Mooky looked at me and raised his eyebrows and cracked a smile as if to say "it working". At this point I was no longer watching the movie, nobody was,,,Mooky started to explore further as I watched his hand intently,,,he was already high on her thigh, so he just slid his fingers further to the inside, Mary opened her legs slightly, he moved further inward and then slid his finger in the leg of her shorts and found the soft flesh of her labia,,,he looked back at me and mouthed the words "no panties",,,continuing on he looked back at me and indicated she was wet, Mary let out a low moan. I had to lean forward just a bit in order to see exactly what was happening, I could tell by the way his arm was moving that he was making circular motions on her clit, Mary gradually began to gyrate her mound against his handy work. She was actually working towards an orgasm, I was wondering if she knew I was aware, thought she could sneak it all past me, or really didn't give a S-hit. His hand began moving much faster as did her gyrations, so I'm pretty sure she didn't think this was all being done covertly, yet I still didn't know if she realized I was letting it continue, or didn't care one way or the other, the Ludes were obviously doing their job on her inhibitions. Then he took his left hand and slid it across her chest and right into the opening of her blouse, cupping her right tit and squeezing it, she moaned, started bucking, and then came without uttering a word. He leaned his face in and kissed her on the lips, she kissed him back and then opened her mouth, he shoved his tongue in and again she let out a soft quite moan,,,was she really trying to pull this off thinking I was unaware? He let go of her clit (still massaging her tit with his left hand), and pulled his baggy shorts down in the front enough to where he could pull out his semi hard 10 incher, then took her left hand and placed it on his cock,,,I could hear her moans even though her mouth was full of his tongue. I got up and went over to her, past Mooky, and kneeled on the floor in front of her, pulled her shorts to the side and slipped my tongue between her pussy lips, where I found a welcoming puddle of her cum, it tasted like creamy unsalted butter, she immediately responded and slid further down allowing her to indicate she wanted more pressure, which I was happy to give her. Meanwhile she was vigorously stroking Mooky's cock with her thumb placed over the tip so she could feel his foreskin, which she flicked from side to side on every upstroke. Mooky untied the ends of her blouse, undid the three buttons that were keeping her tits from him, and spread her shirt open exposing her tits completely, while she continued to buck against my face. He gradually raised himself till he was kneeling beside her, broke their kiss and replaced his lips with the head of his cock, she sighed and took him into her mouth and began bobbing her head and swirling her tongue in sloppy slurps almost frantically,,,then she tensed up and came so much, I actually was able to get enough of her cum in my mouth where I found it necessary to swallow. Once she calmed down a bit, I reached for the sides of her shorts and as I began to tug on them she lifted her butt off the couch, down they came.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#18 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
I took a moment to sit back and take in the scene, I've never seen anything like this so close up before, she was almost totally naked, her legs splayed wide open offering herself to anyone who wanted to fill her, and she was sucking a 10 inch uncut black cock like it was the most important thing she ever did. I tapped Mooky on the shoulder and motioned for us to change places, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, as he did I turned her head towards mine and she just sucked it into her mouth, Mooky got off the couch and kneeled between her open legs, took his cock in hand and rubbed it up and down her slit, then entered her,,,I felt the vibrations of her long moan on my dick and she buried her nose in my pubes and just stayed like that as he pushed in further,,,I shot my wad down her throat so hard my legs began to quiver. I stepped away and for the first time she opened her eyes and looked at Mooky, he was picking up the pace and she was meeting his thrusts,,,then he jammed himself in as far as he could and let loose a growl, she began lifting her butt up and down trying to grind him into her as far as she could, which to my surprise was all the way. Mooky's orgasm finally subsided and he let out a "woo,,,that was fuck'n hot",,,Mary said your telling me, those Ludes will make you do anything, then looked at me as if to see if I was letting her blame it on the Ludes. I just looked at her and said "it's okay Babe",,,then climbed off the couch and took Mooky's place. I had never entered my wife's pussy after it had been filled with another guy's cum,,,it was way better than any of my fantasies, it was warm, and slipperier than I ever felt it before. I looked at Mary and she was motioning for Mooky to bring his cock to her so she could suck it while her husband fucked her. This was the single most kinkiest thing I'd ever done, and I was instantly addicted,,,a few strokes later and I came so hard the first two shots came out of me with such F-orce they actually stung a bit, and my orgasm must've lasted at least 30 seconds. I pulled out and Mooky took my place right away,,,when Mary realized what was happening she actually said "yeah,,,here we go,,,we're rock and rollin now". Who was this woman, and what had she done with my wife? He dumped another load in her,,,then without even taking a break turned her over doggie style and reinserted his semi hard cock into her, in a few strokes he was rigid again and I slid under Mary so she could suck me off while he fucked her. Eventually we both came, Mary was just about dancing from orgasm to orgasm throughout the whole ordeal. I got up and went back to my recliner and lit a cigarette, they sat on the couch side by side,,,by the time I was putting out my cigarette I looked away from the ashtray and they were on the couch with him on top of her, just entering her again for the fourth time, I doubt they were even aware of my presence any more, they were locked and intertwined in their own world,,,what a slut, totally driven by her carnal desires,,,and I loved her more than ever, I was determined to make this lifestyle the norm, as far as I was concerned, anything less would be like taking a cut in pay.
The End
Posts: 3581
Loved your whole story!  So..... when and how did you guys eventually end up making your own video's? Cuck who loves a creampie.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#20 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
That's a great question,,,back in the mid '80's we decided to start snapping pictures so we could look back on them, we used a simple 110 camera and had them developed in a local Publix Supermarket in Orlando. We were surprised at first cause most places wouldn't develope nudes, these were hardcore porn, then one day we picked them up and there was a piece of paper in the package that said "return to Sarah",,,apparently Sarah was making a little money on the side and someone was making copies. I had been going to the Glory Holes since '84, and we tried to take some pix there, but the flash made it difficult. Then my hub got a job in an adult video store where he had to learn all about computers (he wasn't a good typer, so he originally planned on waiting till they perfected voice command). But at his job he had to learn, so we decided to buy a desktop, then got online and everything changed, that was in '95. One day while surfing he was on the old "Usenet",,,you had to download stuff, then run it through a decoder app, then you'd be able to view the file. That's when he came across a video for sale, it was 30 minutes long, grainy, and the woman was an overweight middle aged blond,,,they wanted $60.00 for it, then he found a much better one of a nice looking milf that ran 45minutes and they wanted $80.00 for it. He showed them to me and we both decided we could do a much better job for a lot less. We had just bought a $900.00 Sony DigiCam so we headed out to our local adult video store, I snuck the camera in my big purse and we were off to the races. We filmed all our videos in working stores, most men will accept a bj from any warm mouth as long as they don't have to look him in the eye, but when they know it's a decent looking woman on the other side of the hole, they begin to wait on line. Consequently this didn't go over to well with the gays that were hunting for their daily dose of man meat,,,they ratted us out and we had to flee the store, but we laughed our asses off all the way home, and began hitting all the stores we could in order to get enough footage to make an entire video. Our first video ran 1:10 and we sold it for $50.00. I started a Yahoo group where I advertised the video with caps that I took from it, then spread them to other sites, Carol Cox (remember Wild Rose?),,,suddenly she had one,,,then Glory Hole Girlz and Glory Hole City showed up, then Ron Jeremy made one, then I heard them refer to Glory Holes on TV on the program "The Shield" (it was going mainstream). Then HBO contacted me and wanted to do a segment about me on America Undercover, but I had to pass, my F-ather was still alive and he watched all those HBO shows like that, including Taxicab Confessions. But truth be told, we basically single handedly jump started the entire glory hole genre on the web. During all this we bought two more Sony's and started making our Interracial Cuckold videos. The first one we did was at the Econo Lodge,,,so that's what we title it, the next was at the Valu-Inn,,,followed by the Capital Inn,,,then all the others were back at the Econo. After Econo Lodge 9, people started writing me interested in the "Econo Lodge" videos,,,and I began to see reference to them in forums. Suddenly it hit me that the good folks at Econo Lodge might not think this was very good PR, and some copyright issues might ensue, so I changed the names to "Multi-Orgasmic Mary's Interracial Cuckold". At that point Capital Hill and Valu-Inn became volumes 10 and 11. My hub wanted two cams on tripods and one handheld, this way he could change from camera to camera when editing, which worked out great, cause when a shot was bad from one angle he still had two others to choose from. These were originally just for us, cause there were some things (especially for a construction worker like my hub), that he didn't really want out there. Most people can't differentiate between gay and hedonism, and he didn't want the stigma that came with him sucking dick. Throughout our entire life we were always looking for vids that showed people doing the same as us (makes sense), no condoms, and cream pies (nobody was showing pie eating or fluffing),,,the best we could find was some Jan B. And that one with the Southern Redhead. My hub didn't want to play the role of fluffer whenever I had a gang bang because it might make him seem weak, and to do that in a room with several guys didn't seem like the best way to keep me safe. Don't get me wrong, my hub's been a badass all his life, but he's also smart, and three against one isn't smart. Eventually we got comfortable with several guys that I maintained a six year relationship with so we got past that,,,and my hub also got past his shyness and when I asked him about it (since we started selling them), he just said "fuck it, it's our life", let's live it the way we want. So there you have it,,,I know, I could've just said 1995 and that would've answered your question, but you put me in front of a keyboard and this is what happens, LOL.
married couple
Posts: 254
Hi Mary welcome back. Hope you are doing well. I've been an admirer of yours for many years. married couple
Posts: 3581
Multi_Orgasmic Mary: I could've just said 1995 and that would've answered your question, but you put me in front of a keyboard and this is what happens, LOL. Our paths in life are not too far apart. I too have been in the lifestyle since around the same time, have done hundreds of photo's, some videos, just never went main stream with stuff. My 2nd wife made the cover of a swing mag called PA Connection. She had a river of cum running from her well used pussy for that cover spread. I've done a few video's with other couples, (back when I more enjoyed being the bull), and always left a creampie for hubby to enjoy. I so much enjoyed your insight to the amazing couple who have been responsible four countless men making a mess on the floor as they view your hot-n-sexy vid's. Thanks! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#23 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
That's funny, my hub started out as a bull, he used to pick up couples (or rather allow them to pick him up), in adult movie theaters, then he started using a magazine called "Connexion",,,we also used to swing, but eventually it was easier to find single men than couples, and for us action (any action now), was better than waiting months for a maybe. Eventually we found we enjoyed this lifestyle better than swinging.
Posts: 1020
Hi Mary, Fantastic stories or accounts of your sexy life!
Luv the piece about taking the films with the nudes in to be developed and printed, reminds me of the eighties when my wife used to pose nude for an artist who persuaded her to do some "Continental" poses which he would then get developed at the local chemists!
Like many other I have enjoyed all the films & photos you have both produced over the years!
Thank you!
Posts: 3581
Multi_Orgasmic Mary: Eventually we found we enjoyed this lifestyle better than swinging. Yep...... same boat here, just went to a different port of call. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 1207
Multi_Orgasmic Mary I love your videos and so does my wife and I love your stories. They are just way too hot and and they make me wish my wife was exactly like you.
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
#27 · Edited by: Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Tease and Confess,,,rinse and repeat,,,
I met my wife in February '84, it seemed like we had a good thing going so I pretty much settled in to having a steady girlfriend,,,she used to thank me after sex (I never had anyone do that before). From time to time she would stay at my house for a week or two, till she needed to check in at her place. It was nice, like playing house with no real long term commitment. One day in November she told me this guy at work (Brian), kept hitting on her, that he was a real asshole and a pain,,,he was really good looking and that made him think he could have any woman he wanted, for the most part he was right. I had pretty much taken her for granted at this time and this was the first threat to my bliss. I asked her if she wanted me to have a talk with him, she said no, she could handled it,,,it's not like anything can happen at work, so she felt it was a non starter. She would regale me with his attempts over the next few weeks, and of course how she shot him down each time. Then right after Christmas I had to go out of town on a job that would last thru the week after New Years. When the job was done I returned home, I called her and she came over. She sat down and mouth the words no guy wants to hear, "I've got to tell you something, and I don't want you to get mad",,,I could feel my face had a pulse and my ears felt like they were on fire anticipating her next sentence. She worked in a restaurant, and in the plaza where it was located was a pub that some of the employees went to after work. While I was out of town she was feeling lonely, so on New Years Eve when her co-workers asked her to join them for some celebratory cheer to ring in the new year,,,she figured what the hell, ain't got nothing else to do but sit alone at home, so she got all done up and kicked out the door. When she arrived everyone was surprised because they only saw her with her hair up, a company uniform, no makeup, your typical waitress. Tonight she had on a slinky tight black backless dress, her hair was all fluffed out, full on evening makeup, no stockings (her legs are so smooth she didn't need them), being tight and backless she couldn't wear a bra, and panties left lines that dug into her super soft body, so she left them home too. Everyone was complimenting her and buying her D-rinks, she said her lips started getting numb when Brian came up to her with another one, and he was being really nice and she relaxed around him for a while, partly because she was half wasted, and partly because, well,,,he was really good looking, and he was being charming for a change, instead of a jerk. She remembers dancing with him, and him grinding into her,,,the next thing she remembers was him giving her a tour of his apartment. She was wondering how she got there when she heard a squawking coming from one of the rooms, that's my parrot he said, wanna see him? The parrot was in his bedroom,,,when we got in there I sat on the bed and he started talking to the bird,,,I asked him if he talked and he looked at the bird and said "what do you want? The bird responded,,,"wanna fuck, wanna fuck, awk". How cliche,,,an egomaniac that taught his pet parrot to say that,,,why was she surprised? The next thing you know he was sitting next to her on his bed, he put his arm around her and said "well,,,do you wanna"? Before she could object he kissed her and had his hand cupping her braless boob through that thin material (like no material at all really), then they laid back on the bed and almost immediately his hand was on her pussy (having already realized when they were dancing she was naked under her dress). He was kissing her and feeling her up and she couldn't help herself, she began to respond. She told me the next thing she knew she was naked and in my favorite position (doggie,,,for some reason she found it necessary to point that out), he fucked her bareback like that, came inside her, then turned her over and fucked her missionary till he dumped another load in her, then they spent the night together. The next morning he tried to do her again but she was clear headed and said no, besides, she had to get home and change so she could go to work. She said she hated him for putting her in this position, and she wished I'd kick the crap out of him. I told her the story of the "Scorpion and the Frog", and that he was just being who he is, and if anyone had an ass whoopin coming it was her, but I don't hit women. Having been cheated on before, and each time the most lasting disturbance of it all was my imagination, wondering what took place, how it took place, how people acted, how big was he, what were her orgasms like with him compared to me. Pretty much every question any guy would wonder about, and I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever I was told, (either to hide her shame, or spare my feelings), it would never be the whole truth. At this time in my mind (when it came to women), the only thing you could be 100% sure about, was that you could never be 100% sure. In the past my imagination had already given me fodder for masturbation, and now I was rapidly building up a new stockpile of raw material. So I came to a conclusion, any woman on the planet (given the right set of circumstances), is capable of giving it up, and certainly capable of fantasizing and masturbating over the idea. With that in mind I suggested we swing in our relationship,,,which she rapidly agreed to, first out of guilt just to be more agreeable considering how she had B-trayed my trust, and once she saw I could control my jealousy and not think of her as a backstabbing slut, she embraced it wholeheartedly,,,we were married in April '85. Everything was fine for the first few months, she'd come to me out of the blue and say "lets go out tonight,,,I feel like anything could happen",,,the sparkle in her eye told me exactly what she meant. Then June rolled around, she was working in a new restaurant, one day after work I picked her up and she asked me if I could give her co-worker Carlos a ride home. The next day when I picked her up she was extra quite, when we got home I asked her what was up? She said Carlos had been coming on to her all day, and she wanted to know if I wanted to party with him this weekend? That she found herself in the back storeroom with him and he came right up to her, grabbed her hand and put it on his dick,,,she said he was wearing a rubber apron so she couldn't actually feel it, but it felt pretty big. I told her people we knew, especially people she worked with should be off limits, or did she forget the problems that ensued last time (which was why she had to leave that job). She said okay,,,but I felt something in the air. A week later it all came to a head when I showed up to pick her up and they were outback by the dumpsters on a smoke break,,,I didn't actually catch them doing anything, but both of them bumped into each other trying to retreat back into the restaurant before giving up and saying "hi,,,you're here early". Needless to say the ride home was silent, but later it all poured out. Apparently that first time wasn't just him grabbing her hand, and he had already taken his apron off, in fact he approached her with dick in hand and when he handed it to her she took it, admired it, remarked about it's girth and foreskin, and then he put his hands on her shoulders and down she went. He asked her if she liked his cock, and she told him yes,,,then he asked if it was bigger than mine, again she said yes,,,about half a hand and much thicker. that's when he stood her up and turned her around, bent her over a 25 lb. bag of freeze dried mashed potatoes, lifted her skirt and pulled down her panties, she stepped out of them and spread her legs, he fucked right there and came inside her. All the while I was driving his ass home, his cum was dripping out of her,,,the next day she brought it up in hopes of being able to do him openly on the up and up with my permission. So she had already cheated when she first told me about him. I was furious, I took her to work the next day and made a bit of a scene, the manager brought us into his office, gave him a bunch of crap, and that's when he said she came on to him,,,I don't know whether it was the second or the third time I hit him in the face that knocked him cold, didn't care, all I know is when we left he was still out like a light on the floor.
Her next job was going fine and we decided we'd like to try and start a family, so she went off the pill. During this time she met a girl that was cute as a button, really liked her, but didn't want me around,,,fine. They went to the movies one day and both dressed with easy access in mind, they diddled each other off and that was it. Then one day her co-worker Tim swung by,,,this is a whole story in it's own right, titled :Tim and Thomas,,,
We moved after that, clean across the country, and her new boss was named Al, she said he was alright,,,Al was tall, slender, balding, and had a mustache,,,I met him many times,,,one day Al offered to take her home, on the way he said he needed to swing by his house for a minute,,,come on in, this won't take long. She entered his house and sat on the couch, he brought her a beer and left the room. When he came back he had a beer too and sat down next to her, he began to stroke her shoulder and then he took her hand and put it on his dick. She pulled away and reminded him she was married, they finished their beers and he took her home. A few days later she was all mad at him, complaining he was busting her chops, that's when she decided to tell me this story,,,and she added "I wish you could beat the crap out of him, but I need this job" (hmmm,,,that sounds awfully familiar). Two months later she was transferred to another store, apparently some woman customer complained Mary was hitting on her husband Bill (when was the last time you heard of that without there being something to it)? Bill installed air conditioning and drove a big step van that he'd park out back, he came in every day for lunch. Mary said she treated him like any other customer, and that her transfer was all Al's doing, and then explained what happened and why he had it in for her. Since this was a major chain family restaurant I told her I was gonna sue them for all sorts of compensation,,,once she saw I was serious, she said "hold on a minute,,,I gotta tell you something,,,don't get mad"!!! Apparently there was a good deal more to the story,,,everything she told me up to him placing her hand on his dick was true, but that's where it changed,,,it seems when he put her hand on his dick it was out of his shorts, she stroked it and then he pushed her head down on it, she sucked him while he groped her tits, it progressed until he had her on her back on the couch, when he reached under her skirt and took hold of the waistband of her panties, she was already wet and committed, she raised her butt and off they came, he shoved his dick in her and five minutes later he came, pulled his shorts up and told her "we better get going, my wife will be home soon". So basically he just used her as a cum dump, now I know why she was mad enough at him to want me to kick his ass,,,but hey, she was sorry. Three months later Al got caught with another employee, lost his job, lost his wife, and moved away,,,fuck him. Mary's friend Shannon became manager and had Mary transferred back to her store. Everything was fine again, Shannon smoked weed and we'd take turns scoring for each other, depending on who's connection was holding. Both Shannon's boyfriend Troy and I were the two guy's with connections. Six months later Shannon became a general manager and moved to another restaurant two hundred miles away, leaving Troy behind. One day Troy was supposed to stop by the restaurant to drop off some weed,,,meanwhile I'm sitting at home waiting to get high,,,no Mary. Four hours after she was supposed to be home the phone rings,,,some guy named Ross is on the other end telling me he's a friend of Troys, and Mary and Troy are at his house, not to worry. She asked him to call cause "she couldn't come to the phone right now,,,but she didn't want you to get mad,,,Troy's got the weed and he'll be bringing it and her over in a little bit", then he hung up. I was livid,,,I heard the car but it was driving away, Mary came into the apartment,,,"I'm sorry, I'm sorry,,,I know you're mad, I told him not to call". I get a call from a guy I don't know, telling me my wife's at his house but can't come to the phone? Why should I be mad??? Mary was slurring her words, that'll happen when you mix wine and ludes and a ton of weed. I noticed her hair was wet and asked her about it. She told me she got sick and threw up, it got all over her hair so she had to rinse it. I told her this would go a lot better if she just told me everything without leaving anything out, cause if another version of the story comes out in the future that'll be it. She said "you just want me to tell you what happened, and it'll be alright, like when we go party together"? Yes,,,just tell me what went down. Troy picked her up and took her to Ross's house, they got the weed and Ross offered up some ludes, they washed them down with beer and wine, then smoked a couple of joints. She was on the couch between them and they started stroking her arms, then messing with her ears, her head was spinning and she just laid her head on the back of the couch, someone was feeling her tit, then she felt a hand go under her shirt onto bare boob. She didn't remember what happened then but she remembers thinking she fucked up again when she felt a really big dick fucking her, as she turned her head another big dick was in her face, she remembers sucking it when the other guy came in her,,,then she was getting fucked again. They each fucked her again and somewhere along the line she got a bunch of cum in her hair (she never threw up). By now we were weeks away from our tenth anniversary,,,you'll find out all about that in a story titled :'Black Shawn".
Meanwhile,,,let's get back to Bill the air conditioning guy with the complaining wife. Mary said as long as we were clearing the air, she didn't want anything else to come out from the past, she told me Bill (remember Bill?), had been coming by for lunch several days a week for a few months, they talked about a lot of stuff, he complained about his wife and how she only gave him sex a few times a month. He said most women would be glad to have a husband with a nine inch dick come home to them each night, Mary told him how attentive I was, but unfortunately I had nowhere near nine inches, and they both shared a laugh at their circumstances and admitted they both had something to commiserate over. He asked her when she got off work, she told him a half hour, he said he had some weed and they could get toasted in his van and no one would know. When her shift ended she went out the back door as usual, and there was Bill and his van waiting for her. They went inside and he had a bunch of boxes from A/C units flattened out and on the floor, they squatted on them and smoked the joint. When they were done he stood up in front of her, unbuckled his pants and let them drop, then whipped out this incredibly thick uncut cock and shoved it in her face. She paused and stared at my face for some sign of anger,,,I had to remain totally emotionless, otherwise she'd tell me something like "that's when I jumped out of the van". I couldn't have that, so I just smiled and said "then what"? She went on about how she reached out for it and gave it a squeeze, she felt it respond with a pulse and begin to get hard instantly. Suddenly she couldn't close her fingers around it because it was so thick, so she stroked it with two hands while watching the head disappear and reappear from out of it's foreskin. She said when she saw the drop of precum form at the tip she knew she was gonna have to get that dick in her mouth, and had already decided if he wanted to fuck her she was all his. She described his dick as one of her favorite types, The head was a little bigger than mine, but the shaft flared out on both sides and stayed fat like that for about five inches, then tapered off to around the same thickness as me, but his foreskin still covered most of the head. She told him how impressive his dick was, and he said he thought she'd appreciate a dick like his, whether it was married or not. She said that felt like the perfect opening, so she followed his lead and asked him if such an impressive married dick would appreciate a wet married pussy? Cause I just happen to have one of those right here,,,he took a step back and in a flash she was shaking her panties off her ankles, laying back on the boxes, and spreading her legs beckoning him to enter her. At first the head felt nice, then as he pushed in further she felt the wide part stretching the sides of her pussy to it's limits, there was very little give,,,inside she could accommodate him, but at the entrance it was a little uncomfortable,,,then suddenly it felt great all over as he was in her about five inches and no longer putting a strain on her opening. He continued till she felt him slide past her cervix and go under it and keep going a bit, then she felt his pubic bone hit her clit. As he began to withdraw she felt the pressure on her opening again so she grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled him back in. She kept her hands there applying ***** each time he attempted to withdraw until he got the message and kept most of his dick inside her while he made short little four inch strokes, eventually cumming inside her while buried to the hilt. This happened several times over a period of a couple of weeks until one day his wife told him she had seen me exiting his van, that's when the **** hit the fan. Then she reached out and grabbed my rock hard dick and said "you're right,,,as far as junior's concerned, it's all the same to him, whether he see's it or whether he hears about it".
So we settled into our newly revised ground rules, I was kinda trapped between a hard dick and a wet pussy,,,I knew the next situation was always right around the corner, and no matter how many guys I set up for her to screw while I was present, she was either gonna come across one she couldn't resist because she was high or D-runk and they made a move on her, or she was gonna go after them. So I had to sit there like an idiot with a smile on my face in order to get the story, or risk her clamming up and let my imagination run wild. Then she got transferred again, about twenty miles away, an old girlfriend named Stacy who used to work with her just had a baby and took off from work, so they moved her over to her store to cover that shift. Stacy's husband Robert was half black and half Hispanic, and he was a dealer, and rather than drive thirty miles to his house, about six months ago Mary started meeting him halfway in a bowling alley parking lot to get the weed and drive the remaining twenty five miles home. Sometimes we went to their house for BBQ's or the Fourth of July, but most of the time Mary would pick up the weed. This went on for about two years, then one day she came home later than usually, dropped the bag of weed on the futon and jumped in the shower. This sent up red flags cause she usually wanted to get high before doing anything. I waited till I heard the shower running then slipped out the door, I had a Chrysler Fifth Avenue with a dark red velour interior, on the passenger side was a triangle of of semi clear dried fluid,,,I wet my finger and slid it all around it till it was re-hydrated,,,it was slipperier than WD-40, so I put my finger to the tip of my tongue. Somebody's been fucking in my car, and I'm guessing it was Mary and Robert,,,cause it sure as hell wasn't me. She came downstairs all ready to get high, I stuck my finger in her mouth and asked her what does that taste like,,,she smiled at me and said "it kinda tastes like cum, have you been masturbating"? No,,,no I haven't, I found that on the front seat, and it wasn't there yesterday,,,does it taste anything like Robert's cum?
Multi_Orgasmic Mary
Posts: 2340
Okay,,,let me explain,,,yes,,,okay? The only reason I didn't say anything was because he's your friend and I thought you might get upset, but I'm glad the cat's out of the bag, every time I go over there he asks me if I think you know anything. She said about six months ago Stacy was inside with the kids and we were in the back yard talking, when he told me ever since she had the baby she's lost interested in sex,,,he said she was driving him up the walls. The next week when she called he told her to meet him at the bowling alley, park in the back so no cops can see the transaction. She arrived and his Blazer was already there, parked under a light, she parked next to him, got out and went over to the passenger side of his ride, she got in and he greeted her, handed her the weed and she gave him his money. He told her he put a little extra in there for her, she told him that was sweet,,,then he took her by the left wrist and put it on his already released ten inch uncut black cock, while simultaneously saying "I have a little something extra for you over here too". Did she yank her hand away? Of course not, in fact she said "well,,,a girl can always use a little something extra,,,and this feels like twice as much extra to me". I told her she knew I had six inches, and ten inches is only two thirds bigger,,,she said "I know silly, but guys like to hear how big us girls think their cocks are, and it WAS a lot bigger than yours, so I figured I'd give him a compliment. That's when he pulled my head down onto it and I started to suck him off. He stopped me and said he didn't want to cum yet, he wasn't comfortable, lets go in the back where the seats were down and he had a thin mat covering it. When we got in the back he pulled my panties off and started to eat my pussy, he made me cum three times, then climbed on top of me and fucked me like a wild man, he had so much cum built up he just flooded my pussy. After that we did it every week, except if I was on my period, then he let me suck him off,,,he was so surprised and happy to find out I was a swallower. Tonight was actually the first time we did it in your car,,,as soon as I pulled up he jumped in, asked me how his favorite pussy was feeling, I told him it would probalby feel fine in a little bit, and he said he wanted do it in your car, when I asked him why he said "don't get me wrong, it doesn't get much better than bustin a nut in a married white chick,,,unless maybe doing it in the guys bed, since I can't do that, I figured his car would have to do. To be honest, when we first started it was exciting, the thrill of a new cock, a black cock, your friends black cock, that we might get caught doing it in public,,,all that was electric. But eventually it did become routine,,,go to work, pick up some groceries, get the weed, screw Robert, come home and get high, take a shower, then screw you,,,again,,,LOL. She thought that last bit was clever, and my not exploding told her she could continue without fear of repercussion. She reached out and pressed on my dick, then took it out and engulfed it in her mouth, looking up at me while she sucked me off till I exploded, she swallowed and kept sucking till she got every last bit of my cum. Noticing I never got soft, she said "junior really loves his little pussy getting fucked by big cocks, doesn't he? Then she mounted me,,,as I entered her she was super slippery, and as she slammed her pussy up and down on my shaft it got all frothy, then I felt it sucking my nut out of my dick and I just moaned as my balls emptied,,,she giggled and climbed off me and onto my face, claiming she still needed to get off. As we lay naked side by side, her head on my shoulder, her right arm across my chest, and her right leg bent and across my thighs, she played with the hair on my chest and asked me, "when you were eating me could you tell the difference between your cum and Roberts"? No, I said. Good,,,cause I really like being eaten afterwards, from now on lets make it a thing,,,no matter who fucks me you always have to eat me long enough to make me cum one last time. Hmmmph,,,sure Babe,,,whatever you need!
Posts: 3581
Multi_Orgasmic Mary: no matter who fucks me you always have to eat me long enough to make me cum one last time. mmmmmmm........... Love those words! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 943
More please ! Wonderful