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Excerpt from new novel Cuckold Summer

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Chapter 1 — A *****

Anne and I had been married for a bit more than a year when we happened to run into Dave and Celeste. Anne's client, a defence lawyer, had won a big coke case that day — all charges dismissed — so she went for a ***** with him. I drove downtown to pick her up, and after he left, we decided to pop into a bar off Castro Street for a celebratory *****. When we walked in, Dave and Celeste were sitting in a nice table at the window, people watching and sharing a bottle of red wine. I hadn't seen Dave and Celeste since I had split up with my ex, Lisa, who had introduced me to them.
"Simon!" said Celeste, and jumped up to give me a hug and a kiss. Dave stood and shook my hand. I introduced them to Anne, and told them that we were out to celebrate the victory. Dave, who owns a security company, knew the defendant and had been following the case in the paper, and insisted that we join them. I agreed with mixed feelings.
I used to really enjoy spending time with Dave and Celeste when Lisa and I were going out, and when we split up I had resolved to avoid them, since they would remind me of Lisa, and seeing them again gave me a pang. But now that I was newly and very happily married it might be nice to renew our old acquaintance. And it would be nice for Anne to describe her public relations victory to us all.
So we sat and had a few glasses of wine, and had a lovely time. Anne really enjoyed explaining how she had managed to help win a not guilty verdict by ensuring that the client — a prominent businessman — gave every appearance of innocence in his media appearances.
Dave and Celeste were an appreciative audience, and Anne allowed herself to be charmed by them, as I had been back when Lisa and I were dating.
They are a charming pair. Dave is a former wide receiver, a black guy from a tough neighborhood in Oakland who took advantage of his football talent to get a scholarship to Princeton, where he studied business. When the NFL killed his left knee, he used his contacts in the sports world to build a successful security firm, providing personal protection services to athletes and other celebrities, employing other former athletes.
At first glance he looks like a typical football player – tall, well-muscled and kind of cocky — but he is curious and friendly and warm, and has many funny stories to tell about the strange business of looking after celebrity oddballs.
I felt a pang of jealousy as Anne laughed at his jokes, which reminded me of how I used to feel when Lisa and I used to go for dinner with them.
Celeste, as always, had a subtle sense of group dynamics, though, and repeatedly turned the conversation to me, touching me on the shoulder and leg, even tousling my hair at one point when she told a story about how I had shut down a ******* oaf making a scene at a restaurant.
I got to know Celeste years ago, when we were both working in the restaurant business. I was then a sommelier, and she was a dancer moonlighting as a waitress. Now I am a wine writer and Celeste is a dancer and choreographer. Like Dave, she is confident and charismatic, a tall, slim blonde with an athletic, sexy presence.
She and Anne were sitting side by side, looking gorgeous on high-backed stools. Celeste was wearing tight jeans and a sheer white cotton top that showed off her tanned breasts whenever she leaned over. I struggled to avoid hurting Anne's feelings by stealing peeks.
We had finished off two bottles of wine when Anne told her how much she liked the blouse and asked her where she got it.
A little shop in Negril, she said.
"Oh, Negril," said Anne. "We were thinking of going there this winter. Where did you stay?"
Celeste gave a coy look and Dave laughed.
"Here we go," he said.
"Taboo," said Celeste.
Anne, warmed by four glasses of wine, didn't hide her interest. "Oh gosh," she said. "How was it? Simon and I were talking about going there but I was afraid it might be ... icky."
"It was fun," said Celeste. "Really fun. The place is tacky, but we had fun. It's like a vacation from reality."
Taboo is an adults' only resort for swingers. I had been quietly trying to convince Anne to go there with me for a decadent break but had not yet succeeded.
"Simon showed me the web site," Anne told Dave and Celeste, which was a little more information that I was comfortable with her sharing.
"I kind of like the idea of it, but when I checked the online reviews, I got kind of grossed out. Seems like you might see a lot of people naked that you would rather not see naked. A lot of lumpy people with bad sunburns."
She wrinkled her gorgeous nose.
"I think it is usually like that," said Dave. "No thank you."
Celeste leaned in conspiratorially, which made her adorable top droop, revealing her tanned breasts to us. I tried not to look at them.
"This stays between us, OK?" she said, and waited until Anne and I nodded.
"Usually that place is a horror show. But we belong to a group that takes the place for a week every year. Everyone is really cool."
"By cool, she means hot," said Dave.
Celeste laughed.
"I guess that's what I mean," she said. "Everyone is attractive. It's invitation-only, and they only invite people who look good naked on the beach."
I found myself getting aroused by her talk, and by her bare breasts, which were still on display. I think Anne was, too, because she suddenly took my hand in hers under the table.
"So what's it like?" she asked. "Is everyone trading partners?"
"Some people do and some people don't," said Celeste. "Most do, I suppose, but some just observe, get all hot and bothered and make out with each other."
"How about you two?" said Anne.
Dave laughed. "That's kind of a personal question."
Celeste smiled and leaned back and took a sip of wine and looked back and forth from Anne and I.
"Dave's a big hit down there," she said. "The ladies come running down the beach, especially the Europeans. Dutch. Germans."
Dave laughed and touched her arm. "Don't brag, now, honey."
Celeste shrugged.
"I screen them," she said.
She gave Anne what seemed to me a lascivious look. "I enjoy that part."
Something seemed to pass between them and Anne's hand gripped mine more tightly.
When their gaze broke, Anne turned to me.
"Well that sounds like more fun than going down there with a bunch of gross old people," she said. "Maybe we should try to get an invitation to the group."
I laughed.
"I don't know if we would meet their standards."
Dave took me by the arm.
"Are you kidding?" he said, squeezing my bicep. "Anne is stunning. They'd love to see her bare ass on the beach."
His comment sent a jolt of excitement through me and I suddenly had a raging erection at the thought. Anne's hand was suddenly moist in mine and I turned to see she was blushing and her eyes had a hazy look.
She looked suddenly shy, and so beautiful. Anne is tall and willowy, with long fine, light brown hair that turns golden in the summer, and a delicate but sensual face. She has high Nordic cheekbones but a Mediterranean mouth. She often moves with an *********** sensual languor, taking pleasure in her own beauty, but not in a showy way.
We seem mismatched. I'm sort of just regular, fit and good-looking but lightly built and not tall or athletic. I have nice eyes, people say, but I am nobody's idea of a love god.
But Anne fell for me, and we had developed a confidence in each other's love and affection, so I was excited rather than threatened by her sudden chemistry with Dave. I knew who was taking her home, and I was anxious to do so immediately.
"It sounds like it could be a lot of fun."
I waved for the bill.
"Do you still have my email?" said Celeste.
"I do," I said.
"Why don't I email you and we can all get together for a chat about it."
When we stood to go, Anne gave first Celeste and then Dave warm embraces. When Celeste kissed me goodbye, she rubbed the back of her hand against my erection, and she giggled in my ear as she kissed me.
"Whoops," she said.

* * *

Anne noticed my erection tenting the front of my khakis when we got in the car, and as I drove, she let her hand rest in my lap.
"That got you excited," she said. "You like the idea of my bare ass on the beach?"
I smiled at her.
"I guess I can't hide it," I said.
She squeezed me through my pants.
"I guess you can't."
"How about you?" I said. "Do you like the idea?"
She looked at me, and shook her head.
"No," she said. "Not at all."
Then she pulled up front of her skirt up above her waist, so I could see the demure V of her little white thong.
"Why don't you check?"
She took her hand off my penis and took my right hand off the gearshift. She pulled away the cotton from her sex. She was glistening. She pulled my fingertips to her clitoris, and I slid my hand down the wet line between her legs. She closed her eyes and I lightly touched her while trying to keep my attention on the road.
At the end of our short drive, we basically raced into the condo, and tore off our clothes.
Once she was naked — a glorious sight — I plunked her down onto the couch and got on my knees in front of her and licked at her lightly.
I am in love with my wife's vagina. It is somehow demure, a bit puffy, with a light dusting of pale hair and a tiny pink clitoris, which I love to tease.
I tried to tease her, as I was accustomed to doing, but she grabbed my hair and pulled my face into her, and I pushed my tongue inside her, and she ground her face against me with a series of kittenish little rhythmic sighs. I held her ass in my hands, lifting her to my mouth. My penis throbbed with desire as she orgasmed on my face, gasping.
I pulled myself up, lifted her legs over my shoulders, and rubbed my penis against her clitoris.
She reached down and held me in her hand, preventing me from entering her, her eyes searching my face.
"Would you like to see me naked on the beach?"
I nodded. "I would."
My voice was hoarse.
She arched her back and pulled me into her tight wetness. I sucked in my breath.
"You want other men to see me naked?" she said as I started to move inside her.
I had a picture in my mind's eye of her naked on the beach, and other men looking at her, and I suddenly felt myself lose control. I realized it was too late to stop and cursed and gasped as I orgasmed.
When I stopped shivering, I collapsed on top her and she held me tightly and kissed me.
"Mm," she whispered in my ear. "I think you do."


On the second day of our honeymoon, lounging in a beautiful Venice hotel room after making love all morning, I told Anne that I fantasized about seeing her with another man.
I remember that I felt absurdly self conscious as I made my confession, as if she would laugh at me, but she was understanding and treated it as if it were normal to tell one's beautiful new bride such a thing.
Someday, I said. Maybe. Maybe someday I would like to make the fantasy a reality. I don't know. You don't have to make fantasies reality. But I find it super arousing. Seems weird and perverted to me but there it is.
Since then we had occasionally discussed it in bed. She liked the way she could get me excited so quickly by teasingly suggesting it. It was always light, and never as graphic as the images in my head.
In my imagination, when we made love, I often thought of her being taken by a man — someone bigger than me — while I watched. I fantasized about helping her prepare for a lover. I often read stories online, although I found it a mystifying compulsion.
I had never shared my fantasies in detail, or shared the stories I read. Anne, knew, though, that my fixation was strong.
A few months before we ran into Dave and Celeste, we started talking about making my fantasy a reality. Anne made it clear that she would consider doing it to please me, but neither of us were sure we should go through with it.
I had suggested that we go to a sex club and just observe, see how it made us feel about taking a next step. She was reluctant, though, to go to a club in the city, for fear of being seen. She worked in public relations, and was often on television. It would have been easy for someone to recognize her.
I suggested Taboo. She was interested, until she read the online reviews.
We discussed it again, though, the next evening, when we were having dinner on our condo's balcony, looking out at the sparkling bay. The sun brought out the gold in Anne's hair.
"So what did you think of Dave and Celeste?" I asked her.
"They were fun!" she said. "I was thinking about them today at work. There's something intriguing about them. They aren't, I don't know, predictable."
"They're adventurers."
"It sounds like it," she said. "When they're at Taboo, anyway."
"I used to see a lot of them when I was going out with Lisa," I said. "But they were her friends, so I thought it was best not to have much contact with them after we split up."
"But now she's got a new boyfriend, and you've got me," said Anne. She smiled at me and the sun glimmered in her hair.
"Yes," I said. "I've got you."
I lifted her hand and kissed her fingertips.
"I'll email Celeste tomorrow," I said. "It would be fun to see them again."


Celeste emailed back as soon as I messaged her, and invited us to come for a ***** on Saturday. I showed Anne the invitation when she came home from work. I was cutting onions in the kitchen. She came in, looking gorgeous in a blue business skirt suit and a scoop-necked blouse, and kissed me.
I put down the knife, pulled out my phone, showed her the invitation, picked up the knife and resumed cutting onions.
"So?" she said. "You want to go? Yes. So we go."
"Yes," I said, and threw the onions into a hot frying pan. "I want to go."
I turned to look at her and put the knife down. She stepped into my arms and we kissed. Then we kissed again and she leaned herself against me. She could feel my hardness against her leg. She reached out and held it and kissed me again.
"Do you think they want to, um, play?" she asked. "That's what they call it right? Play?"
She took a step back and stuck the pointy little tip of her tongue out at me. She still had her hand on my penis.
"I don't know," I said.
"But likely," she said. "Or maybe."
"Yeah," I said.
Her hand dropped.
"It's your big fantasy, right?" she said. "How would it be, after? I wonder if it would change the way you see me."
I stepped forward and took her in my arms.
"Nothing could do that," I said, and kissed her.
"I know," she said, and kissed me back. Her tongue was fluid in my mouth and she pushed her breasts against my chest. "But I wanted to hear you say it."
She looked over my shoulder at the onions, sizzling, took up a spoon, stepped to the stove and stirred them.
"So, how far would we go?" she said. "Do we have rules?"
"I have thought about that," I said. "I have three rules in mind. For me, the most important thing is that nothing happens that threatens our relationship. This is just a game, right?"
She turned to me and nodded.
"So, the first rule is neither of us does anything that both of us are not comfortable with. Like, both of us have to feel safe and comfortable, make an effort to communicate, look after each other."
"That's a good rule," she said. "You've thought about this. What else?"
"The second rule is we can stop whenever we want, whenever either of us wants, and just walk away. Just 'Time to go!' and we go. We are a unit, indivisible."
"Good," she said. "Either of us can pull the chute, at any time. And the third rule?"
"We only do things together. We will always be together."
"I like that one, also," she said.
Abruptly, she turned off the burner and turned to face me.
"You know I am only going to do this because you want to, right?" she said.
"I do," I said. "It's my idea."
"OkOK," she said, and she reached out and undid my belt and tugged on the snap on my jeans.
She brushed her hand against my erection and smiled up at me, gave me a little kiss.
"I wouldn't want you to think that I find Dave, you know, sexually interesting."
She undid the snap and yanked down my zipper. She had a funny little smile.
I couldn't speak. She spread my jeans apart and fished for my penis.
"He is cute though. Do you think he's big? I mean, he likely is, right?"
She wrapped her cool fingers around the shaft of my penis.
I stuttered.
She kissed me, squeezing my penis gently.
"I'm just kidding," she said. "I'm sure he is. And I do find him sexually interesting."
I squirmed and inhaled sharply. She grinned.
"You get so turned on," she said. "That's why I think we should do it. I have kind of mixed feelings about it, but you respond so intensely, I feel like it's something you need to do."
"Thank you," I said.
She kissed me again and started to rub my penis in her hand. She licked my neck and then whispered in my ear, very quietly.
"And I kind of want to see Dave's dick."
I grasped her arm to stop her stroking me because I was going to cum. She laughed at her power over me. She pulled me by the hand to the bedroom. She pulled off her jacket in the hallway and stripped off everything else immediately.
I did the same.
She threw herself onto the bed and looked up at me. I stood there, holding my penis in my hand. I knelt, kissed her, rubbing myself against her soaking sex.
"You love the dirty talk," she said.
"This turns you on, too," I said.
She groaned and pushed against me.
"You want to do more than see his dick, don't you?" I said.
"I do," she said. "I think so."
"What do you want to do?" I asked, lowering myself to lick her.
She spread her legs for me, one hand in my hair.
"Um, suck it," she said. "Maybe."
I started to lap at her clitoris and she writhed and yelped. I slid two fingers inside her and stroked her G spot.
"Yes. Yes. Yes. Like that. Don't stop."
I stopped.
"Do you want him to put it inside you?"
"I don't know," she said. "Don't stop."
I licked her again for a minute then stopped, teasing her. My tongue toyed with her adorable pink clitoris.
"Tell me what else you want to do," I said. "You want to fuck him?"
I put my tongue back on her and she moaned.
"I do," she said. "Maybe."
I started to lick her rhythmically. She started to twitch, turned her head, gasped and came. I could feel her sex contracting on my fingers.
She inhaled deeply and collapsed with a sigh. She pulled me up and kissed me.
"God, you're so hot," I said.
She breathed deeply, staring at the ceiling, huffing and puffing.
"I hope we know what we're doing," she said.
"Intense," I said.
She drew me to her and I kissed her and rubbed myself against her.
"So what do you want me to do with Dave?"
I exhaled deeply and flipped onto my back.
"Oh, I don't know," I said. "I want you to do what you want to do."
She took my penis in her hand and squeezed it. I moaned.
"But if I, um, sucked him in front of you, that would be OK?" she asked. "Right?"
She climbed on top of me, straddling me at the waist and rubbed my penis against her ass.
"Right?" I said.
"Would you like that?" she asked.
"Yes," I said.
She held my penis at the entrance of her sex. I could feel her wetness.
"And if, after I suck him, if he fucks me? How about that?"
She slid down on my penis and started bouncing lightly and I started to orgasm immediately. She grinned and leaned down to kiss me and I finished, shuddering.


On Thursday night, I was sitting in my office working on an article about this year's wine-growing season when she peeked around the corner, holding two glasses of red wine.
"You busy?"
"Not too busy for you, my love."
She came in and gave me a kiss and a glass of wine and sat on the arm of the little couch.
"So, I was wondering," she said. She looked kind of shy.
"Yes," I said.



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Hot excerpt - looks like a fucking good read!
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