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Our New Adventures 5
"Harry's Bar"

As I left it from my last account, we were then getting ready late into the evening to head into town, visit a place, what I shall call on here, "Harry's Bar". The idea was to have my fantastic wife go in before me and just explore the possibilities that may or may not presents themselves. The most exciting part of this for myself was that, this was her plan which she decided we would carry out immediately after her having checked my previous account, "Our New Adventures 5", just prior to my submitting here it for your good selves.

Now hers's a spoiler, this being reality, my account is not going to end with her inviting a dozen, horse-hung black guys back to ours for a gangbang, so stop reading now if you are only going to be disappointed. But, our little game was great fun in other ways, If quite tame by many people's standards. However, it also in no small way, illustrates the strange duality and contradictions to my own sexual turn-ons, so please continue dear reader if still interested.

A bit of background, if I may. Our town, like many ex-industrial, English towns and cities, is struggling to find an identity in this modern world. The once vibrant, working class communities and cultures (which we were both born into), have largely morphed into bizarre tribalism and this in turn, into gang problems and **** cultures. Many parts of our town have a menacing, even violent atmosphere to them; however, it still has one or two streets which are great and some fantastic places to eat and d.r.i.n.k (why is that word obscured on some posting sites?). "Harry's Bar", and its neighbouring pub are two of these places, and quite new additions to the towns night life, which is a glimmer of hope in any event, but, we'd never been to either as of yet.

So, with butterflies in my own stomach I was driving through the narrow streets to drop her off outside the pub and bar. My wife was convinced that nothing much would happen and I would be disappointed, and as with many things in life she was largely right. But, she looked fantastically sexy as she stepped from the car and was immediately smiled and warmly greeted at by a couple of young guys who made space for her on the path. I swung the vehicle back onto the carriageway and headed for a nearby car park, the "ting, ting" of my phone told me that I had two messages from her even before I found a space!

"had a d.r.i.n.k bought me already, best hurry", was the first, ****** hell I thought that was quick work but, then it was closely followed by the spoiler, "best laid plans etc ... d.r.i.n.k bought me by A & C, they're out with friends and bumped into them as soon as I got of the car... ha ha!". Ok, that wasn't a total disaster, A & C are good friends of ours, and many a cracking evening, night and early morning had started in their company. So, I parked up and walked round to catch-up with them after initially missing them in the crowded pub and wound through the crown to their table. Instantly A grabbed me and I was embraced in an exaggerated hug from my very "much-worse-for-wear" friend. As he did so he turned to the neighbouring table where three women and a man sat, and introduced me as his boyfriend! too giggles and disbelieving exclamations from these ladies who were strangers to me and also to my mate who is a bigger flirt than even I am. To prove him right I sat on his lap in the campest manner I could affect and started to engage the most attractive lady of the group in ridiculous banter until she was laughing, before introducing myself properly and suggesting that hers may be a more appropriate lap on which to perch, given the lack of seating. I was very pleased to be invited on board with a playful pat on her thigh. All this was within four feet or so of my wife, who as yet was unacknowledged by me and sat smiling and shaking her head in disbelief. The girls at the table were very friendly and the guy, who I initially took to be a work-friend took it in good humour and after vacating that very nice lap, where I was secured with her arm around my waist, I squeezed a seat on the bench between my friend and the youngest of the women. Introductions by name were made and I carried on in a similar manner, very pleased to find that my young bench-buddie and the older attractive woman were very much vying for my attention and nothing strokes and man's ego more than that. I also noticed that quick looks were being exchanged between the guy and this older woman which seemed at odds of my initial assessments of the relations between the four of them so, being very much sober, I thought I'd best find out before I put my foot in it.

"so, what is the dynamic here between you lot?" I asked of the lady with the comfy lap. I was giving a quick potted history of the girls and how they met, then as a bit of an after-thought, was told the guy was her husband. This did not go un-noticed by my own wife, who smiled into her over-sized glass as I glanced toward her quickly. I paid compliments all round, saving my best for his wife and within a few short minutes of further chat was nicely sandwiched with her young friend's arm around my waist whilst I played footsie with the older one, our legs nearly entwined under the table and very visible distance growing between herself and hubby who for the time being, was largely ignored behind her.

I have previously stated that I don't believe us to be the atypical couple writing these stories, and here was a great example how some seemingly diverse feelings were at play. I was loving being the alpha male here, quite revelling in the husband's obvious discomfort and the attention that his very attractive wife was giving me. My very vivid imagination was painting pictures of conversations between the two of them when they got home, would I be the "bull" in their fantasy the same way as the Irishman was in ours? Would he pretend to be me, fucking her? watching her face as she imagined being impaled on the cock of a man that she had only just met. Perhaps he wouldn't feature at all and he would just be witness to his wife, her young friend and this cocky stranger, fuck and suck each other on his bed to a dozen wet climaxes, both scenarios would have suited me nicely. As you can see dear reader, I was well away, having a great time of it, and it was only getting better as the younger girls other hand rested on the top of my leg.

Oddly then it was this overtly sexual act that snapped me from my rather selfish, little daydream and I remembered that this evening was meant to be about my gorgeous wife being centre of attention, with a little reluctance I finally drew her into the conversation and introduced my wife of 25 years to my new friends to laughs, mock exclamations of what and absolute cad I was and how does she put up with me. It was nice then, that despite this, my younger friend's hand remained at the top of my thigh, gently squeezing for a good while longer, something my wife will only know of when she reads this over.

Eventually then, good byes were said and half a dozen air kisses giving and we made are way over to "Harry's bar" next door. At the door I suggested that she in ahead and find a place at the bar whilst I walked off some stiffness in my legs. She did so, with barely a backward glance, I deserved that I thought.

My wife, was largely proved right I'm afraid about "pulling" anyone that night, she engaged in banter and friendly chat with some guys but, nothing special and those most keen had, I'm afraid had over-indulged, (a very unattractive British trait). I was served by the same barman that served her, he'd remember us later as she was all smiles and very chatty, and I had politely refused the offer of a ***** from two pretty girls, probably half my age, who I let get to the bar before me having previously held and opened a door for, manners count you see. This had raised an incredulous eyebrow from him at the time.

We avoided each other for a while as we circled the place, and ended up on the dance floor. It was a really good atmosphere and we both danced with several other people. However, on each occasion, it was a fleeting encounter as people simply "coupled" up for a song or two as partners or friends absented themselves from the dance floor temporarily, for a call of nature or a top-up at the bar. The best of the bunch I saw her with was a good-looking, dread-locked, black guy, he stood more than a foot taller than her and introduced himself with a good hand shake, (she likes that), before dancing and chatting easily until his girlfriend came back from the bar with two full glasses. I know they'll be plenty reading this who'll get a real kick out of that nugget of information and probably read too much into it too!

We "bumped" into each other mid song, made out like strangers and carved out a little space in the crowd, having a couple of very sexy little dances before heading off to discuss our next move just away from the noise of the dance floor.

"I have got to see if I can do something first, after talking about it last night and everything!" she said leaning in close and planting a deep-long kiss on my mouth, at the same time her right hand found its way up and under my shirt and inside the waistband of my jeans.

"You may have to loosen the belt a bit first" I managed to say out of the corner of my mouth through the kiss. This she achieved with surprising ease and her hand found itself sliding down onto my cock. There was a brief awkward moment where because, of her being a little on the short side, she was unable to find any room to achieve any motion once she had a hold. However, with a slight sideways shuffle and her tongue momentarily poking out the side of her mouth in concentration, this was sorted and in the bustle of the crowded bar she begins to stroke my member to a respectable stiffness.

"Is that nice?" she purred the question "... thought I should have a little practice, a rehearsal, I wouldn't want to fumble about like that ... should I ever need to do it for real ... I need a sit down" she laughed teasingly before turning abruptly away and strutting towards a quiet alcove by the bar we had spotted earlier, leaving me standing there my belt flapping and trying to hide my erection from the other customers.

She was laughing when I sat down next to her and put her feet onto my lap, her knees wide enough apart as she crossed her legs so I was graphically reminded that she had been pantyless since leaving the house. She changed her position a couple of times, dropping her chin to one side and smiling seductively, repeatedly flashing me her pretty pussy in the process each time. I leaned for another kiss and put my hand high on her thigh inside her tight skirt. Glancing over her shoulder at the bar as I did so, I caught the eye of the barman who served us both earlier, he gave me a quick wink, motioned towards the woman squeezing my crotch and smiled approvingly.

Walking back, we decided that it had been a really good night, she was worried that I was a little disappointed that it hadn't quite panned out the way I might have hoped, nothing of the sort I assured her, at the very least we've had a good dance and a play and found two really decent places to hang out.

"If I wasn't about you could have had either of those women tonight" she said.
"yeah right ... wouldn't have even been out tonight if you wasn't adventurous enough to try this out" I replied.
"what about you give me a little taste of what they would have got if I wasn't here to spoil it for you"
We'd wondered past a brightly lit Victorian church, she motioned to the narrow lane which was hidden in the shadows. In moments her skirt was pulled up and a leg wrapped tightly the small of my back, she took my hand, broke our kiss long enough to wet my finger-tips before placing them in the opening of her cunt. My two middle fingers found their way deep inside to the roof of her pussy, her reaction caused her to bite hard on my lower lip.
"I would do something like this ..." I began to say, but as I let one finger drift leisurely out and up over her very hard clit she had an almost instantaneously orgasm, taking us both by surprise with both its rapidity and its intensity. Her loud gasp only muffled slightly as she buried her face into my shoulder. I physically had to stop her from falling in that moment, after a breathless kiss we both expressed our amazement about just how worked-up she must have been by our little game. She walked the rest of the way with her juices cooling rapidly in the night air as they dripped down the inside of her legs.

In the car on the way home now, I said that she should show me, just what she'd be prepared to do for her date if he was kind enough to drive her home. She suggested that we drive on past our house and find somewhere a bit less public. A few minutes later we were parked up in a layby by the river just out of town. A thick Autumn mist gave us a little more privacy from the cars still out and about. Kneeling on the seat she lent across the central console, freed my cock and worked it to stiffness once again.

"well, he would have to have been an especially good date to get this, well-muscled, tall, good-looking, not pushy, confident though and polite" she paused to admire the sudden pulse of hardness that shot through my cock as it got fully hard with her expert attention.

"By polite, do you mean he would have to introduce himself properly and give a nice hand shake before you would consider sucking him off?" I replied with a smile.

She balanced herself on both hands and began to mouth my cock hungerly for the next ten minutes or so. As any gentleman would, I tried to reach around her fantastic arse to play with that tight pussy, but she said that was for her husband and brushed my hand away. I had wound down my driver's side window so, we didn't steam up and I was dimly aware that those cars that were still on the road, already driving slowly because of the fog, were now crawling to a virtual halt next us to see the action curb-side. The shiny, yellow scooter-jacket she wore would have shone like a beacon in their car head-lights. My left hand on the top of her head would have confirmed their suspicions as to what we were up too, if they had any. I came hard in her mouth and could feel the urgent movements in her throat as she swallowed as fast as she could.

After a couple of minutes, she was satisfied that I was finished and sat back on her haunches smiling sweetly.

"Now take me home to my husband, I need his cock in me now".

Once home, I wasted no time, pulling her skirt to her hips and pushing her down into one of our high-backed chairs. spreading her legs, I knelt between them to repay her in kind for tipping the driver, she reached back over her head the hold the back of the chair to stop herself from slipping forward. I gave her a long lap of my tongue, starting at the rosebud of her arse, up between the lips of her cunt and to her clit, which was already as hard as a bullet. Two more followed in quick succession and suddenly she was bucking out another wild orgasm.
"wow, you are highly strung tonight, aren't you? ...kind of on a "hair-trigger", anyone would think that something was seriously turning you on" I smirked up at her.

We charged a couple of tumblers with single-malt and headed to bed. I held her face as we lay down and trying to look stern, said;

"You were late home, have I got to reclaim my wife now?"
"actually, I think it's my turn to reclaim you! I saw how buzzing you were with those ladies tonight, honestly you a such a natural flirt! ... when you got up in the pub to have a look round, the married lady disappeared as well, for all I know whilst I was chatting away, you could have been having a little fun of your own", with that she pushed me on to my back and impaled herself on my rigid member. A few deep strokes and she was already cumming, and twice more in quick secession there-after. At that point she exclaimed that the muscles in her belly were hurting now and she couldn't take any more and she lifted herself off me.

"I think I should show you how I thanked my date for a lovely evening and driving me home to you".
She adopted the same position as she had in the car, ringed the root of my ball-sack with her thumb and two fingers, the heal of her hand pressing hard against my anis and the sensitive flesh between. She engulfed my cock in one go, from my vantage point I could see that the slick formed by her pussy juices, was being pushed down the length of my penis by the action of her lips, leaving a "tidal-ring" round my cock, accurately recording the depth of penetration I was achieving inside her mouth. She was easily accommodating six or seven inches of my prick without trouble with each movement, a good example of practice making perfect. She carried on like this, using only her lips, tongue and mouth until I came, once more in her mouth, the third time that day! squeezing my balls slightly with each pulse. She did not let up however, keeping this up for a full five minutes until it was me who could take no more and pried myself free.

So, you see as I said that the start, I certainly had a very good weekend, really can't wait to try my wife's little plan out again, and look forward to showing my sexy wife your comments. Enjoy X


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She's a natural at teasing, at sucking, and at fucking. You are one extremely lucky man. This has left me as hard as fuck just contemplating the possibilities she presents. I want to fuck her more than ever now!


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I am at work all night tonight but, my wife has informed me by text, that we are going back to "Harry's Bar" tomorrow night to have another play
Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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A great account oldrope! I look forward to reading about your next night out. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Peter C


Posts: 6938
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we are going back to "Harry's Bar" tomorrow night to have another play

You're obliged to report back in as full a detailed account as possible what happens.


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With your report I hope you can also post a pic or 2 of her used cunt. There is nothing as pretty as a freshly fucked woman


Posts: 636
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Sorry but trip into town was a complete bust. ... my town is a shaddow to what it waa back in the day ... however, we did play a bit ... check out a couple of pic in the "amateur post" section. ... enjoy
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