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New adventures
This story, unlike most sexually explicit or erotic writings start with a death, I won't cheapen a dear friend's life by mulling it over here, but suffice to say that news of her passing affected me, affected us. The much-recited sentiment that "life is too short" suddenly felt very real.
Who we are; I'm 47 my wife is 45, 25 years married kids grown up and moved on and we are surprisingly still very much still in love. At this point the stories usually say that their sex life was waning, getting tired and repetitive, but ours is far from that, we have more sex, great sex at that, than any other couple I know. We're both in good shape, showing our age yes but, my wife still has a nice figure that turns heads and a great pair of tits and a fantastic arse. I'm a little thicker in the middle than I was but, good arms and deep chest as well as a nice 8" cock that is always ready for fun. We are the life and soul of any party, the first to the dance floor on any occasion and first to volunteer for naughty games at the end of the evening, but, when the party over and the lights come back on we're leaving together often in the face of great temptation. In fact, at the time of me writing this, my wife has never been with another man and my own sexual experience outside of our marriage is very much limited to a few ******* gropes. I think this situation of mutual exclusivity may soon change!
It was with a few tears that she made her confession, a tame one by many people's standards but one that shock me greatly, and in ways that took me by surprise. We lay there in our four-poster bed, mulling over the news of the loss of our friend and how that we should grab any moment of happiness that fell our way. She told me then, about him. We're great ones for flirting and fun and my wife does get a lot of attention from both men and women, but this was different. She told me from the moment she saw him she felt a tight ball of excitement in her chest and a wet warmth between her legs, the usual harmless flirts in passing, soon got more sexual in their content and each "happenstance" encounter grew slightly longer in duration. He was an infrequent visitor to her busy office, once maybe twice a month, she admitted that she would glance over the expanse of the open office with every new arrival hoping to make eye contact and thinking of an excuse to leave her desk and have a new "accidental" encounter with him.
She doesn't even know his name, but gave a painfully detailed description of him when I asked what he was like and why she thought he had that effect on her when so few had before, his broad strong shoulders, thick, dark, curly hair (I've been bald with a shaven head for at least the last ten years), strong arms and tight waist and of course that deep dark Southern Irish accent that melted like chocolate with each word. She had been feeling this way for the four or five months since he'd first visited her office and had not or could not tell me. I felt bad that she did not feel that she could share the way she felt, even as she alternated between expressing these deep passions for the man and then dismissing them a foolish mid-life crush. You see, my wife is not very free with her feelings, in the near thirty years together, I could name fewer than a dozen people, including the usual assortments of movie stars, who she has had any real sexual attraction for, no this was different, this despite that fact that nothing physical had happened, was very real.
I'm often accused of reading too deep into a situation, but I think I read this right, after all, after 25 years married to me she deserves to explore her wants and needs, I also knew that I had the power then and there to put an end to it, she invited me to do so, but I had my own ball of excitement growing in my chest and my cock growing between my legs. I kissed away the tears settled my damp lips to hers and kissed her deeply "life is way too short" I said and worked my mouth down her body to her chest, round belly then her tight wet pussy. She came twice in my greedy mouth before I raised myself to enter her, pulling her to the side of the bed so I was standing, I pushed her legs up to expose her and fucked her then. I kissed her with each thrust telling her in-between times how beautiful and sexy she was. When she was near the point of cumming for the third time I whispered close to her ear that she should close her eyes and imagine that her "Irish man" was with us, she started to protest but my next deep thrust closed her eyes again with a very audible moan from her. "He is with us now, watching ... very turned on, can you hear him tell you how hot you look" I whispered again, "he can't believe his luck that you invited him back ... and he wants to show you how grateful he is... would you like that?" Her eye were lightly closed and her head rolled slightly back and I could tell she was losing herself in the fantasy even before she quietly said " yes ... yes please" between sharp gasps. I was losing it too, for the first time ever, in hundred difference role-plays my wife was thinking of a different man as I was fucking her, not some made up faceless creation of either my own or her imagination but a real living and breathing bloke, someone she could literally bump into at work in the morning. This idea both terrified me and turned me on in equal measure. " I think he's been watching us long enough now ... I think it must be his turn .. I'll be close by if that's ok with you". I pulled myself free and let her legs fall to a more comfortable position for her, before gently touching the tops of her thighs, tentatively as if I was somebody else doing it for the first time.
"are you ready for him, do you need him to fuck you now?" a silly question, as her legs were already spreading and her very wet and hungry pussy opened for "his" cock. I altered my own stance and slowly pushed my rock-hard member inside. I looked at her face as I did so her eyes shut tightly now against reality and locking her herself deep in the fantasy of having her "Irish stud's" cock fill her.
"Can I hold your hand whilst I watch?" I asked likely taking her fingers in my own "I'm right here next to you, you look so fucking amazing's so hot watching you fuck he good?"
"yessssss !" came the reply as her sex squeezed the cock inside her, "he's great he's beautiful ...thank you" She bit her lip and brought her other hand to her mouth as she came the hardest yet two short jets of her juices leaped up on to her belly. I slowed down my pace, not only to stretch out her orgasm but also to prevent my own from shooting my load deep into her unprotected womb. She has been on the pill in the past but, took a break from it and found it uncomfortable and unreliable returning to its use, so birth control is usually down to my own self-control and numerous flavoured condoms. She recovered herself enough to ask if I'd enjoyed watching her be fucked;
"very much so ... you looked fantastic", I was so glad that in the sobering moments after her climax she was still holding on to that fantasy.
"would you like to cum in your slut wife's mouth?" she breathed, too right I would I thought but, I still believed that our role play had a bit of playtime yet.
"sorry darling, I was so excited watching you and your stud that I've spent myself own my hand whilst I watched ... perhaps it would only be polite if your new friend got to fuck your mouth as well?"
Her eyes were closed again as she squirmed up the bed to free the cock from her cunt's grip, I watched her face, knowing that in her mind's eye she was holding the strong waist of her Irish lover, steering his cock, not mine, towards her mouth, which even with a foot or more to go was already open, the tip of her tongue probing the air between us in anticipation of the taste of his cock. It was a cruel wonderful *******. I could not help but think what would have been going through his mind if the scenario was real, the wonton wife begging for another man's seed, pulling his cock towards a wet willing mouth whilst the husband watch helplessly, already having shot his load all over his own thigh, what would he have thought of me in that case, or would he have only been thinking of the thick jet of hot sticky cum that he was about to pump onto that willing face.
I stroked my cock half an inch shy of that wet, pink tongue, I could see what see couldn't, lost in her own little world as she was, a pure while pearl of precum forming on the tip of my cock, I wanted her to taste that first, and I did want her mouth full yet, not before she had told me what I wanted to hear?.
"are you going to suck another man's cock here in front of me, your loving husband?" her answer was wordless, her tongue found my gland and that pearl, it disappeared in a gentle swirl.
"do you want your stud's cum now?", the answer was instantaneous
"yes" she said, eye still shut, her mouth working the very tip of my piece
"tell him then darling, tell your lover what you want from his wonderful cock", I thought I may have gone too far that this would break the spell and she would tell me that it's just a game, not real that it was my cock after all that her hands now pumped but, my beautiful wife did not disappoint me. She pulled her head back stretched her neck and spoke ... no pleaded, to the thin air between us to her imagined lover:
"please I want you to cum in my mouth, I want your cum on my face...I want your fat cock in my mouth ... your beautiful cock is..." that's far as she got before I lost all control and a powerful jet of found it's mark and filled her mouth. It was just as well that her eyes were shut, even if in her mind's eye she was looking longingly at another man and begging for his cum, as a second stream spread across her up-turned face. This proved to be a minor irritation however, as it only solicited her sexist little smile, she casually scooped it with two fingers and this juicy dollop joined that already being savoured by her. She kept pumping the cock in her hand causing a dozen or so "aftershocks" to my orgasm, my mind raced, god I wanted to see what she was seeing , what she was imagining the dreamy look on her face was sublime she was far away at that moment and not with me.
I didn't want to say anything at that point, did not want to break the moment, or disrupt the look of absolute contented lust on her face as she sank back into the cushions smiling, I simply lent forward and deeply kissed her, taking care first to lick the cum from her chin and lips first. It was then she returned to the real world, her arms around my shoulders and returning my kiss with a big "I love you"
I have a history of pushing things to far too fast, so I decided to write this account for her to read, it bends the truth only where identifying us or particular very personal circumstances are concerned, I hope it will go some way to explaining this strange obsession that I have to her. She said I could post it on line and within limits up-dates if there was an interest. Things have moved on in unexpected and exciting ways and I intend to document these and perhaps add them here. Further background may well add depth to my, our story and I hope you enjoyed the read and may the start of our sexual jorney... positive feed-back always welcome.

The end?
Marc williams


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Great read! You want him to fuck her, she wants him to fuck her, now you need to get him on board! She needs to flirt with him and give him her number next time she sees him at work! She should ask him if he wants to party with her one night! It might need to be just her and him the first time and then the second bringing you in. It all depends on him if he's comfortable with being a third. I hope for your sake that he wants to join the party! It will never go nowhere if she doesn't assert herself to him! Good luck and keep us posted!


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Thank you Marc, I take agree with what you are saying, but, I have to respect her limits ... I am writing another post and intend to document "our" journey where ever that takes us, it may seem very tame compared to others here but, hey it is what is ... I hope my next post goes on to flesh this out a bit more ...and of course I hope it entertains


Posts: 6938
#4 · Edited by: kennyboy82
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What a superb posting, I enjoyed every word of it. The seed has been sown (pun not intended!) and is surely must grow to fruition. Sharing fantasies to the point where they become so vivid and so real can be truly exciting, and motivating. Your wife is obviously on the brink of fulfilling your joint fantasy for real, and why not, it's only sex, and you both desperately want it, so let her fuck him, she needs it to happen.
Your story entertains a huge amount. I'm looking forward to your next sub_mission, and I'm sure it will be as good if not better than this one.


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New Adventures 2
It has been a couple of weeks since my wonderful wife had told me about the Irish guy that had her head in a spin (and had her libido working overtime), and the fantastic sex that that followed her confession. Over the next day we discussed at length the ramifications if she did follow through and act on her sexual attraction for the man and that I decided to write of the experience from my own point of view as when talking with her I could seem to keep the words straight in my head only later did I think of posting it on line.
It was with no small disappointment then, on my part at least, that the conversation had largely gone in the direction that I thought it may follow, with her underlining that it was pure fantasy. That apart from the flirting, she could not see anything getting physical between them, or anyone else for that matter. There was a certain amount of relief in that news as well obviously, but I couldn't convince myself that it wasn't something that I really wanted to play out for real. However, I knew better than to push it and upset her and risk that something like that may well never happen again. I may well have worried too much on that score.
That evening, she retired to bed slightly before myself, I had to square-up some oddities on my work rota for the week and I said I would follow shortly, she made it clear that I should not wait too long before joining her. The whole day had been full of teasing remarks and in-jokes between the two of us. She had really enjoyed her fantasy sex with her "Irish stud" and the more prolonged fucking she had from myself that followed afterwards. She particularly loved the copious amounts of cum that I had produced on both occasions and the uncontrolled orgasm that her sex with her imagined lover had solicited from me, I am normally very controlled, so this really excited her. As such, she laid down a couple of rules to try and ensure that I would have as much cum for her as possible when she wanted it. We are both very sexual creatures, but my own sex drive is very much higher than hers, in fact greater than any other guy I know well enough to discuss such things with. She insisted that from now on I was only allowed to cum with her permission, I could still masturbate but not cum! I protested strongly, for one thing, I work at least one night away a week and a good, long wank session, often on the phone to my wife, had become habitual before crashing for the night in the staff quarters as had satisfying myself if she wasn't in the mood or couldn't carry on after we'd had sex.
After some thought she jokingly offered the following, generous concession, that I could also have sex with other woman and make them cum as many times as I could, but again her permission would be required if I was to enjoy a climax of my own. We both had one particular friend of mine in mind and I played the imagined scene out for wife as this particular very sexual lady, drenched in her own sweat and cum phoned my wife at work to ask only to be told "no ... that's all mine", my friend would not like that at all. So, the whole day had a fun, sexually charged feel to it when I finally finished with work stuff, showered and headed up stairs to bed.
I was greeted with a wonderful scene, she lay naked, a slight flush to her skin her left hand held to her breast and her right planting her favourite dildo between her legs
"you kept "us" waiting so, "we" started without you" she purred, and continued to gently push the 9" dildo in and out of her obviously wet pussy. I was instantly turned on, but also a little confused. The whole day long, any discussion of the previous night's events however light hearted, had been underscored with the very definite assertion on her part at least, that fantasy was fantasy and yet here she was seemly starting a hot sexy session from where we'd seemingly left it the night previously.
My cock hardened and I let the towel fall from my waist. "well I don't let me stop you ...carry on and I'll catch up ...if that's ok with you two" I said carefully, in case I had misread her meaning. I hung on one of the posts at the bottom of the bed, "it's ok if I watch again for a little while". She stopped for a moment lift her head from the pillow, and shot me a naughty look.
"Of course you can watch ... so long as you can control yourself this time, I want you both this time", the smile was back. She settled back to fuck. Well that cleared any doubt from my mind, she wanted this game again, she was already deep in her own thoughts and I was more than willing to play.
There was that sublime look again, this time it had taken no persuasion or teasing on my part to draw her in, no, she was there way before me. I had the sudden realisation this was not a show just put on solely for my arousal, that she had been up here 10 minutes or more already pretending that the giant silicone cock currently filling her cunt was her "Irishman" fucking her, and how he was fucking her. Her legs were not wildly spread in some frantic wank. No, her shapely legs were held together to tighten her sex around "his" tool. The fucking was slow and rhythmic, each thrust of that cock was met which her hips pushing back to meet it, to meet "his" thrust. I couldn't help but to come to the conclusion that she was with "him" again, and had been since the moment she'd left me to come to bed. Her left hand was leaving visible white imprints on first one breast then the other as "he" squeezed each to the point of pain. Her shoulders arched with each squeeze and a I witnessed a sensuous wave role through her body right down to her ankles, this was immediately followed by another in time with the cock being worked in and out of her pussy. There it was, jealousy, I had never ever felt that about one of her toys, how could I have, but then none of her toys had ever been imbued with such power, representing a "real man", a potential lover, Christ! ... a potential rival?. My cock was rock hard now, but I was transfixed with that thought, and for once could not think of anything clever or correct to say. I stood there presumably looking rather foolish, had there been any one to see, still watching as those amazing undulations pass through her.
"Put that cock in my mouth" she ordered, for a moment I was lost as to whether she was addressing me or her "imagined lover", I wasn't quite sure that I existed in the world she was creating at that moment in time, but, I soon snapped out of my small paranoid, delusion, found my feet and joined her on the bed. I was careful not to disturb that wonderful rhythm she had going on, by clumsily kneeing on her hair or falling across her in my haste, you know all those things that happen in reality that are somehow absent in the classier porn films. So carefully straddling her head I let my erection touch her lips trying to keep time with the cock working her cunt. She licked its length and gave an admiring little noise to let me know that it met with her approval. I watched that shiny black plastic disappear and reappear a few times from her slightly stretched lips before reaching down to play with the hard little button that was her clit. I was quite perturbed when she stopped massaging her boobs for a moment to brush my fingers quickly away!
"How would you be able to do that, with him lying there. you would be able to reach through him like that would you?" she chastised, before returning to pinching and pulling her nipples in turn.
"now fuck my mouth". My wife is not always the most vocal of partners when we're making love, mostly because she loves being lost in the moment but also as a hangover from raising two kids in a relatively small Victorian town house where every sound seems to travel. So, when she talkative, especially as here, when she was most definitely taking the lead, I am immensely turned on.
"wouldn't I be in the way?" I asked with a cheeky grin across my face. "after all, I would want to spoil his view" I moved my cock away and left her tongue searching blindly for it.
"Just fuck my mouth, ... this has nothing to do with him , this is for my benefit, this is for me", she found my cock again and the first couple of inches were lost between those lips, those lips, I noticed for the first time that she had reapplied her makeup at some point during the evening whilst I tinkered on the laptop. Had she been planning this all evening, all day?, were the denials and protests of "his" effect on her just a naughty, sexy ruse just to build up the tension and surprise just for this instant. There I go again, the curse of over thinking everything, I deliberately let that thought go and lent completely over her and began to fuck those red painted lips just as her other lips were releasing, then receiving that beautiful cock in her pussy.
Her first orgasm was very much slower in arriving tonight as we kept up the same gentle pace that she had settled on before I'd come into the bedroom to discover "them". The only indication that she was about to peak was that the black shaft in her hand was all but lost to my view with each stroke now as it she enjoyed those pleasures that its extra size allowed, as it explored every depth of her sex and bottomed out at the entrance to her womb again and again. This slow build up paid great dividends for her, as her orgasm was amazing, in intensity, length and considerable wetness. My cock was lost from her moist mouth in her sexual convulsions, but, she found it with her free hand and squeezed it, a little too hard for comfort if the truth be told, with each new pulse of pleasure. These eventually subsided enough for her to start speaking sense once more.
"Did you enjoy the ride? ... did you like watching me being fucked like that?", I certainly did I replied and began move her hand, still wrapped around my cock, in mine in order to bring on my own and cum all over her sweet face.
"What are you doing?" she asked resisting my attempts to masturbate. "I would have thought you'd have had the chance to regain a little control over yourself since last night", she put on an overly stern face, as she spoke. Ok this was new I thought, no dreamy look, eyes shut against the realities of the world, No, this was her very much lucidly imposing this fantasy, her fantasy on reality.

"I think you best "suit" up if you can't control things, don't you?" she motioned to the pretty box on the side table where we kept the condoms and relinquished her strangle hold on my member. I tried not to look too sheepish as I stepped down from the bed, circled it to fetch a condom as instructed.

"any particular flavour" I tried to sound casual and nonchalant. I glanced over my shoulder at her lack of response. She was now spread wide, the wetness literately pooled in places on the sheets between her thigh and formed a dence dew across her lower belly and the tops of her legs. Her pussy was now empty, pink and invitingly soaked. The long dildo was held vertically, hand over hand, by her as she sucked the remaining few inches into her mouth. Her juices had run down its length and a trickle had begun to find the path of least resistance from the corner of her mouth into the hollow of her cheek as it drew in to form a good suction on that silicon phallus, sorry, I mentally corrected the image I was witnessing, as she sucked on that huge Irish cock that had just caused her to have a mind-blowing climax. She removed it with a wet popping sound.

"Ok ... I think you've watched long enough ... it's your turn now, he can watch for a while I get it hard again". "His" cock was returned to its seemingly rightful place between those red lips.
I deliberately chose a strawberry flavour condom, in this particular brand, it's nearer Caucasian, flesh-tone in colour. If I'd have picked either the chocolate or the cola flavour the sight and thought of one nut-brown cock in her white pussy and a black one pumping her mouth, would have surely pushed me over the edge a little too quickly for her liking. No, on this occasion I was meant to keep up, she wanted endurance tonight, I felt like I was in competition, and that blew my mind!

Stood to the side of the four poster I planted my lips around the raised mound-de-Venus, my tongue lapping the wetness that was her clit even as I wrapped my cock. Her second orgasm of the evening followed quickly, a sharp set of small convulsions, very different to her first. I had my erection inside her before they fully subsided, adopting a much quicker pace than her previous fuck. I was in a high missionary position her lower legs locking underneath my buttocks which she likes, but even as she gratefully received me, she still sucked hard on her other cock. I kept up the speed and was pleased to see that she was now biting on the dildo as another climax was building inside her, now for one of our favourite tricks.

"Put your legs behind my back" I said, and her grip tightened not only across the small of my back but also around my penis imbedded deep inside her. In one well practiced movement I then lent backwards lifting her buttocks off the bed and sliding my now folded legs underneath to support her. This position, whilst taking a degree of flexibility on my part, allows me not only to stimulate the "roof" of her pussy with my shaft deep inside, whilst at the right moment I can rub her exposed clit. Leaning right back onto one elbow I kept up the pace, scratching her thigh roughly as her shaking began to build up. It was then that I traced my nails towards her hard, little button and lightly rubbed in sync with each new fuck. Her third climax was truly awesome, my cock was ****** from its warm wet home, spring back against my flat belly with a slap, this was accompanied by a great gush of her clear juices that arched from her belly-button right up to the top of my chest. The small of her back lifted high off the bed and her hands clawed at the sheets at her sides. I was happy to notice that the dildo, "his" cock, had been spilled too, and now lay rather impotently just off her left shoulder forgotten, for the moment at least. Life is made up of small victories they say, I'd take this one as a win.

I prolonged her orgasm as long as I could before she finally was able to ***** my hand aside and said that she needed to put her legs together for a moment to recover. She curled over onto her left-hand side, her knees drawn up toward her chest, her face coming to rest against the other cock in the bed.

"just a moment ... need breathe", she gasped between great uncontrolled sighs. I slid down behind her to spoon her whilst she recovered her composure, quite happy with myself, my left arm cradling her head the other resting on her leg, my cock pressed hard into the small of her back. She reached back round behind her with her right hand and found my member, gripping it again, quite firmly, pulling the condom free in the process, half turning to first kiss me then said

"I don't think he has quite done yet do you?". My rather smug smile was somewhat wiped away as she let go just as quickly and picked up the dildo once more. Still on her side she parted her knees just enough so that "his" cock could find her pussy once more, turning away from me as she did so but, taking care to stretch back and find room to accommodate "him" at the expense of my comfort. The soft buzzing of its motors died and rose as it was driven home once more and this continued as she switched hands reaching back again with her right to painfully squeeze my butt cheek.

"It's his turn again" she said. Fuck, I was dying inside, just couldn't believe the mad rush that filled my mind at that moment as I found myself set aside once more, to make room for her "imagined" fuck buddy. For the second time that evening I was lost, not just for words but simply lost, lying there helplessly, pointlessly as she was quickly brought to the point of another wet orgasm. God, she was enjoying this new power she had over me. Her hand drifted lazily back towards my crotch, at the same time her amazing bum was pressed so hard against me I could feel the vibrations from the toy buried inside her. Then she saved me from my morose, wordlessly she arched again to find the space needed between us, once more she took hold of me, gently this time, and in one seamless manoeuvre guided my cock to where she wanted it, its tip was press hard against her other opening. Already super slick with the wash of her multiple orgasms, it found little resistance and my engorged cock head founds its way inside that tight, and infrequently visited place. The buzzing of her other cock was really intense as we shared the spaces inside her as she rocked back and forth, working its base with her hand at the same time again in perfect keeping with everything else that was going on.

I was aware that I had been silent now for some time, and my male ego was seeking some sort of redemption, grabbing her hips, still in our tight spoon, I upped the pace and pushing that bit harder found that wonderful ideal of debth and tightness that only anal sex can give.

"Are we both going to fill you at the same time" I whispered, "is that something that you'd want from us". I don't really know if it was my fucking or "his", or the combination of the two, but she had another sharp, hard climax that this time ejecting the toy. This sudden release of pressure and the loss of "his" hardness again my gland was the trigger for a very powerful orgasm of my own, hot jets of cum shooting inside her caused their own tremors for us both.

When I recovered enough to do so, I buried my face to her neck and kissed it repeatedly, being repaid with a slow gyration of her hips and the softest of purrs'

"that was so hot" I asked.
"you didn't mind sharing then?" she half replied
"did he?"
There was the usual I love you's and we drifted to ***** like that just like that, with my penis returning to its usual state still inside her, and the bed a tangled mess of sheets pillows and wet sex.

The following morning, we had another, nice little twist to the game but, for the moment I found myself very contented with my lot in life. I am playing catch-up here with events and will have to simply miss out huge chunks of our story, but, I will endeavour to include stuff relevant in future posts if people are enjoying it. I also hope to include some pictures, heavily amended I'm afraid for anonymity, if my fantastic wife agrees ... all the best I hope you enjoyed the read.


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Wonderful story. Would love to read more of your adventures.


Posts: 6938
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I love the way that she made you 'suit up' with a condom because of your lack of control. Plenty of control being exercised by her though. This whole scenario desperately needs to be turned into reality.


Posts: 636
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Thank you whitefox469 and kennyboy82, for taking the time to post a reply, I must admit would love to hear more feed back, esp knowing that people are enjoying our story. I should say, that is not the sole reason for writing hear, I'm finding the whole process very cathartic and a massive turn-on, if that ain't a contradiction My wife is also getting a massive buzz out of this and has even explored a bit of this site, so who knows she may pick-up some more ideas!
Working on the next post, really hope it doesn't disappoint and hopefully you'll get a little buzz too ... all the best


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New Adventures 3

As previously stated, I'm playing catch up here with events, but just to cover a bit of ground quickly I'll just say that it has been more than two weeks since my wife's little confession. It had a very exciting impact on our already brilliant sex lives, all guilt of her feelings has been all but wiped out and she has become more vocal about what turns both her and myself on, something that I've been wanting for quite a while. Unfortunately, her gorgeous Irishman has not visited her office since, my wife has seen his colleagues there on occasion but not him. However, this has not stopped him from featuring in no small way in our sex life, and he hasn't been the only one to feature in our new games.
A typical morning in our house consists of myself waking-up just before the alarm, I don't know why, that but, hey it is what is, tidying myself up, and making a cup of tea for when she finally wakes up herself. I work very odd hours, so no 9-5 for me, but as I've previously stated my wife works in a busy, male dominated, office, in a male dominated industry. So, she has the routine of shower, make-up, business suit and off to work. She has always taken a great pride in how she looks, but had largely veered on the formal, corporate style of dress in the past. I love watching her get ready, always held great fascination, on her first day back at work after our, (even by our standards), steamy weekend, I asked if I could pick what she wore that day.
"Ok, why? ... what's wrong with what I've picked out?", not an atypical question from a lady of a certain age.
"Nothing, you look great ... you always look great, just think you've nothing to prove there, perhaps you may just want to, I don't know, loosen it up a bit" I lay at the end of the bed as she sat in front of the full-length mirror "putting on her face". She gave me a quizzical but not unpleasant glance.
"Nothing major, but, you have lovely clothes that don't get much of an airing except at weekends, perhaps a bit of colour" I said, measuring her response.
"Ok, you choose" she, turned back to the mirror, "but don't make me look silly or too desperate"
"Well let's start with some sexy, matching underwear", I grinned like the preverbal cat with the cream and passed her a set of some of her sexiest lacy, matching bra and panties that I had already selected. That's how this particular game started, and boy it's been fun.
I watched with growing admiration and, of course, a growing dick, as she got ready that morning, not for the first time admittedly. It's seems counterintuitive, but, watching a classy woman getting dressed, getting ready for something, can be every bit a turn-on as watching her undress again. Today she looked really good, red pencil skirt, with kick pleats and a bow, matching jacket, a black and, perhaps a little revealing, top and the red matching underwear. She chose, the shoes and bag and topped it with a cute bowler hat, she's quite famous for her shoes and their killer heals. My reasoning was simple, I wanted her to feel as sexy and hot as I believe her to be, it didn't matter if "her" fantasy man wasn't there, or if she didn't go through with it if he was, I just wanted her to feel good. Of course, if he was there, I wanted ...sorry we wanted him to really notice her and for her to have the confidence to act on it if she wanted too. If the enthusiasm with which she entered into this "game" was anything to go by, she was every bit as keen to see where this could lead as I was.
She was still setting the limits to our little shenanigans, but, our messages throughout that day and those that followed really didn't have any limits at all. I've already thrown in the spoiler that at the time of writing he hasn't been back there, but, it hasn't stopped us exploring all the possibilities that our imaginations and circumstances allow. Almost every day has been punctuated with that happy little "bing" on a dozen occasions signifying another naughty communication or risky picture taken at work. We'd done all this before of course, but now they followed a similar sexy narrative.
"Would he like this view?", accompanied by a selfie taken at her desk, showing blouse well undone and that tantalising glimpse of cleavage.
"I'm sure everyone is enjoying that view!" I answered. The next message was along the lines of "then they're sure to like the next one!". There was an uncomfortable wait until the next pic came through. This one, the blouse and her tight jacket were pull as wide as possible without actually being removed, the full round of each breast exposed, the dark edges of each nipple visible behind the skimpy lace of the underwear that I had chosen for her that morning. If I explain a little of the geography of her work place to set a little context. Her office, which she shares with her boss and another director, is separated from a forty something-desked, open plan office by a clear glass partition, separating her from this was a small laptop screen and raw-nerve. More pics followed, the tops of her stockings and that lovely bit of leg above, all at her desk. Then abruptly, the message that she was taking a long lunch and she'd text me later.
Ok that wasn't planned, I thought, after about an hour there was the "bing" again, by then I was on my way to work so had to wait until I got there before looking when I did it was another naked picture showing from just below her belly button to just below her chin. That's risky I thought, trying to get away with that kind of thing in the loos at her place. I began to type a reply along those lines, when it slowly dawned on me that she was definitely laying down when this picture was taken, and I didn't either recognise or could guess where in her office that could have been. My reply changed half way,
"Where was this taken? ...who by? You look so sexy!" It went unanswered and after twenty minutes more I texted again,
"Going nuts here!". Ten minutes later,
"You seem to be laying down, when was this taken" this was followed by two more in a similar vein with more spelling errors.
Eventually, two hours later her reply a series of Ha Ha's and an explanation that she'd taken it at home earlier that morning and expressing concerned that the wait had not caused me to have an "accident" in my pants.
"very nearly...if the next one was you with someone else, I certainly would have ... love you hope you're having fun xxx now at work xxx". I still didn't know what she'd been doing and an explanation wasn't forth coming, so I let my mind fill the blanks.
"My imagination had you round at his hotel room ... lots of pics etc but you feeling too guilty (or too flushed and naughty) to send ... (Smiley face)" I didn't have to explain just who "he was. "perhaps he sent that one to ***** your hand ... see even my imagination loves you"
She asked what would she possibly be doing in someone's hotel for two hours in the middle of the day, my answer was a naughty pic of our own from the secret gallery on my phone, a "pov" shot of her sucking my cock! More Ha Ha's and a winking-face emoji. More desk bound pics followed and again I asked what she'd been up to for two hours of her lunch. I told her that I knew that there would be a mundane explanation, (which there was in the end), but I so enjoyed the idea that she'd allowed herself to be swept-up in the moment one day and disappeared out with someone like that.
"Maybe ... one day perhaps" was her reply.
I was working until ten thirty that night and a dozen or so more messages meant that I just couldn't get home quick enough. When I got home there was a message on the back door that I should shower first before heading up, promising. I was sort of expecting a repeat of the episode where I walk in on her and her dildo, but, she was fully dressed in one of her sexiest out fits, suspenders stockings, full make-up and all.
"Sorry, but my period started, so no fucking for you tonight" she said with a mock sorrow look, "but you can admire". She doesn't usually like me to play with her too much when she's on her period, but is very happy to give long slow blow job and it doesn't stop her from being affectionate in every other way. I stress this is her not me, she uses a moon-cup, so everything is clean etc but usually it's strictly no touch down there.
"Oh well what do you have in mind?" I asked.
"well ... I had a long lunch, would you like me to tell you about that" she purred back, "I'm afraid that it an interview for work, so wasn't quite what as naughty as you'd have liked but I can make something up"
Ok it wasn't real but, I wasn't moaning, if you've followed my previous accounts you'll appreciate that having deep fantasises let alone her vocalizing them is something very new.
"Here, next to me ", she patted the bed next her sweetly. I moved toward her and made to mount the bed beside her. "hey ...not so fast, strip for me first"
No problem, I smiled back and began to move a little to the CD that she had playing. Again, I stress, if you have read what I have written before, you will understand that we're not the stereotyped couple that populate most of the stories like this. I'm not tall, but I'm broad and square in the shoulders, 46" chest, back down to a 32" waist (more work needed there), good legs and have a decent sized and shaped cock. Not shy either, and have been naked on stage and other places, so, I like to think I put on a good show, and I gave it my best for my sexy wife. I was rewarded with an admiring little smile, from her and I turned from her to put on a silly little gun show whilst I kicked off my trousers and socks, with no small panache I'd like to think. I turned, completely naked now, expecting her wanton gaze eyeing me, her attentions were elsewhere however.
Her position had changed from laying across the bed to along its length, her tight skirt was raised and she was gently rubbing the gusset of the tiny pants she was wearing, her knees parted, the minimal distance need to allow her to do so, so certainly not for my voyeuristic enjoyment. Her eyes closed and for that moment she was lost to me, shaking herself back to reality, she patted the bed again.
"let me tell you a little story", the prettiest of smiles appeared, "now get comfortable ... well, imagine I walked out into the corridor and who did I walk slap bank into, sending everything I'd been working on that morning flying", she looked at me and made a little more space for me to lay next to her before closing her eyes and continuing both with the story and her fingers playing along the crease of material outlining her pussy.
"apologises, all round and an embarrassed smile form him as I dipped down, in my most lady like fashion, to scoop up the papers that had been spilled, in doing so I had "accidentally" given him a perfect glimpse over the top of my stocking tops and between my legs".
I was watching her as she spoke, "really he saw that your panties matched the red lace that you were showing off under your half-undone blouse! ... did he like it do you think?" I asked.
"I think he liked it a lot, because if you remember the pictures I sent you? you remember what the last one was of?" she was now looking at me her the finger of her free hand now tracing a sharp nail alone the length of my stiffening member. I didn't have to work my memory too hard to recall'
"Your panties in the top of your bag under your desk at work", I liked this, she was very skilfully weaving her fantasy in with the reality of are messaging over the course of the day.

"Exactly! ... I was on my haunches, balancing folders between my knee and my arm as he helped pick up the rest, I couldn't really move and he got a rather long "glimpse" before everything was gathered up safely"
"Accidents happen ... wasn't your fault" my cock that little bit harder now as she began to stroke it, she stopped abruptly and turned onto her elbow.
"do you want to see what he must have seen" she asked, all wide eyed "after all, wouldn't be fair otherwise, would it", she very gracefully removed her panties and draped them lightly on my cock adopting the position that she'd just described next to me. "did he see everything do you think? ... what do you think, did he like it?"

I was stroking my cock myself now, enjoying the view of her lips, the wetness very visible.
"I think he enjoyed it very much, what happened next ... did he say anything, touch you?" I proffered a course of action which I thought I'd most enjoy.

"sorry, who's telling this, me or you?"...she looked sternly at me, and smiled at the site of my masturbating, rocking back on her heal to allow her legs to spread wide now. "No, nothing of the sort and what kind of woman do you take me for? ... I was so embarrassed for him that I thought I'd best make it up to him, didn't want him to think it was deliberate ... so, I asked him out for a ***** to make up for it!"

She stroked her naked clit for me," it's all hard ... lick it" she commanded, possibly not the first time I've done so when she was on, but certainly a great rarity in letting there at her time of month. At that moment I would have cared less and got between her legs sucking and licking.
"Keep playing with yourself" she said, grabbed my head in both hands and fucked my mouth with her cunt to her own nice little orgasm. Before lying next to me cradling my head.

"Is that it ...what happened next, some like that or did you find a nice bar with a quiet corner where you really have fun may a nice-hand job under..." I asked still playing with myself as instructed. In my excitement I'd pushed the fantasy a little too far.

"No there are limits, I'm with you now ... fantasy is just that ... I'd have a *****, with someone, a dance perhaps, may be a slow dance and a little kissing but this is between you and me", I was a little gob smacked at this sudden change, wondered if I had indeed pushed too far but, got the idea that this was just a product of that post orgasmic reality check that happens sometimes.
"Sorry" she said beating me to the punch "but, I don't want to really ***** with anyone else and I don't want you to be disappointed in me when what you want simply doesn't happen the way you want"
"I want what you want ...but, I just don't have the limits that you have" I explained. "I'd like you to have the same buzz thinking about me with other another woman that I do when I think of you with another man, with him. She told me to keep playing with myself and think about that, eventually I came on her thigh, as we kissed.

A couple of days later, I was working one of my *****-overs, so I wasn't going to see her from 6:30 that morning until I'd finished the following night at 11. It's become a joke between us, on these occasions that I'd leave a glass and a bottle of wine, or a tumbler and her favourite whisky. That afternoon, I arranged two trays, on with a bottle of whisky and two tumblers, her sexist nightie, a choice of condoms and a note saying "if you have company xxx" and a second with a mini bottle of prosecco, a giant glass, her comfy PJ's, chocolate and her previously, mentioned dildo, the note reading "...and if your own your own xxx"
So, I settled that evening in the staff quarters and sent a message asking what she'd done that day, knowing already that she'd worked late, well into the evening.
"It's pretty mundane, but, if you use your imagination a little" was the reply.
"Well, my "friend" is responsible for the maintenance contract for the whole complex and he was around this afternoon checking on the fire control systems in the public areas and the elevators, which is where I found him when I took him a friendly cup of tea", all very innocent, setting the scene nicely too, I know the building well.
"Following him into the lift with the tea, the sudden start as it moved, jolted the tea, noticing this, and in that lush Irish accent he said "I can stop the lift so nothing gets spilt, if that's ok with you", reaching across me to the control panel where lights flashed as he pressed buttons, turned a key and brought the elevator smoothly to a dead stop" she continued in the next message.
"His face, was very close to mine, and I could smell his sweet breath and the scent that he was wearing that day, his breath was warm on my neck, enough to make my own shorten and catch in my chest", I loved that this woman I have known and loved for the best part of 30 years was showing me a completely new and exciting side to her sexuality, I really needed to hear more. The next text was a long time coming.
"His lips brushed mine very briefly before settling on my neck", I know how much this that gets to her. "In one swift movement he spun me round, tea-cups in freefall, my chest was pressed hard against the iced-cold, mirrored wall of the lift, his hands now on my sides as finding the bottom of my blouse before finding their way inside to my breast, the nipples already rock hard from the cold touch of the glass". Oh my God this was awesome, my cock was in my hand before I even realised it. The next few minutes wait were filled with the images that she was painting for me.
"Are you enjoying my tale? ... don't get over excited now,,, you're under strict orders remember, now where was I...". Torturing my cock and balls that's "where", I thought. I began to type a reply, but the curser on the messenger was telling me that my wife was already letting me know that she was already working on the next instalment of her "story".
"He found my tits and whispered his complements into my ear before, biting my neck again ... I was riding this wave of excitement and before I realised it I was aware that my skirt was being skilfully pulled up and was now up on my waist, remember, the pic I sent you ... my panties in the top of my bag xxx". Another pause, and more strokes to my aching cock before I remembered her instructions.
"The first I felt of his hard cock, on this occasion (winking emoji) was as it slipped effortlessly into my dripping, willing cunt ... it felt big, sealed a perfect fit inside me. He roughly fucked me hard against the wall, lifting me with his knee the find his rhythm. I came almost straight away ... the first time!"
"what no condom? ... this is a very hot fantasy?". It was a question, didn't really want to know the answer, probably not for the reason I would find most comfortable, I wanted it to be real.
"There would always be a condom, it's one of my rules xxx" was her reply. Not quite sure how that would have worked out in this situation but, I was thinking how, just a few days ago her "rules" comprised of "flirting, perhaps a slow dance or a quick kiss and that's it", things had changed. Now she was always going to use a condom! I was still musing on that when her story continued.
"He kept up the pace all the time his mouth to my ear and neck, taking turns from biting my neck or whispering sweet sexy things"
"what was he saying", in my haste I'd made four typing mistakes in four short words, I hoped that they'd be taking as signs of my excitement but, in truth they owed their existence as much to having to thumb my response in one hand whilst I stroked my cock hard with the other.
"Nice things, about the shape of my boobs, about my bum ... about how tight and wet my pussy was around his cock", oh those kind of things, I had to stop playing with myself as I could feel my balls tightening, and I didn't want to have to lie to her. Another long pause.
"Then I was turned about again, I had no choice as he took me in those strong arms, it would have been pointless to resist any way! ... his tongue finding my open mouth the same moment that that perfect prick found my open pussy again... a few deep pushes and we came together, our cum running down my thigh". So much for the condom! I thought about how she would look in that moment, still locked in a kiss even as their orgasms subsided, that picture was painted large in my head right now, and how I liked it ... I didn't understand why it turned me


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continued ...

I didn't understand why it turned me on, I should be seething in anger, but, less and less did that concern me.
"Did you like my story?"
"Yes ... yes, I loved your story ... am I allowed to cum, I really need too!" I pleaded.
"But, I'll need it tomorrow" was her very quick reply. "Oh well, just this once I'll let you ... after all, I have a couple of times wouldn't be fair now if I didn't let you too", that thought sent me over the top and a heavy load of very liquid cum shot onto my belly, a hot sticky trail ...I had barely touched myself, I hadn't needed too!
"What was your favourite bit" she asked, "think of that whilst you wank and make yourself cum". Too late, I didn't tell her.
"You were playing with yourself too?", I was very curious as she rarely masturbates without me there, "she rarely" was rapidly becoming a very redundant phrase in our love life. I have to admit, in the post climatic come-down I was finally feeling shadows of those "normal" emotions that any man should be experiencing having heard a story like that from his wife.
Her next message was one of the hottest of the night, a slightly blurry selfie of two fingers buried to the second knuckle in her very, very wet pussy ... my cock pulsed again in my sticky fingers and a second, very much smaller, wad spilt onto the back of my hand. There was the usual chat and I love you and the promise of a great welcome home the following night.
The next day dragged, and dragged, nothing really getting done at home on my own and nothing worthwhile getting done at work. Luckily the streets were empty as I tore my way through them to get back home that night. The dogs were in the conservatory asleep, the downstairs lights off and I could hear music from upstairs, I knew to shower first and freshen-up before I joined her. This was done in record time and I was at our bedroom door when I done something very strange, which I still can't explain, I knocked first, and waited for my puzzled wife to ask me in before I opened the door ... was I really expecting her to have him there? Was I really hoping for that?
She, looked great, blue dress finishing just above her knees sat up in on the bed. I took her by her hand and wordlessly led her from the bed and into my arms. We kissed for a long time, her finally breaking the embrace with breathless smile.
"Why don't you show me your favourite bits" I commanded and met very little resistance as I steered her to mirrored wardrobe doors. We were kissing again, as I lifted the hem of the dress past her hips to her waist, being very pleased to find that she was very much keeping to the "script".
"all of it" she broke the kiss long enough to purr into my chest. She made a loud gasp as I turned her and pressed her to the mirrored door. I ran my hands down her side to her hips, gripping them firmly and steering her fantastic arse back against me, ******* her onto her tip toes, my rigid penis finding it's warm home with wet ease. She came immediately, a wash of her juices, soaked us both. Her face pressed against the glass, I upped my thrusts again and fucked her to second, noisy climax in that same position before withdrawing to turn her to me to enter her again.
"was it like this?" I demanded, "was it this good? ... was he better than this?", her answer was another orgasm which ****** her free from my cock and back onto the balls of her feet.
Kissing me again, trailing off with a sharp bit of my lower lip
"are you claiming your wife back?" she smiled her naughtiest smile at me. "You have to claim me back every time, you know that don't you?", she was sliding down my body until her red painted mouth was just inches away from the gland of my cock. My mind never, one to revel in and just enjoy the moment, was already working, "every time"! I liked that.
"You have to claim your wife back; do you know why?"
"Why is that?" I asked.
"Because that is my favourite bit" she kept her gorgeous eyes on mine as she pumped my cock in both hands as she gently lapped at its bulbous end. I had, until recently, quite prided myself on my staying power, but this was one of the best "quickies" of my life. My cum first pooled on her tongue before spilling down her lips and another string across her cheek and chin. She didn't let up on the rhythmic massage until my legs began to weaken and I could take no more. As she stood up, still with her hands wrapped firmly round me, I once more pushed her back to the glass one hand on her hip the other grabbing a hand full of her hair, arching her neck back and opening her mouth for me to share a creamy kiss.
Claiming her back! That was the hottest theme of all our fantasies so far and neatly tied the many strands together nicely, what a fantastically clever and sexy woman I shared my life with. Couldn't wait to see where this could lead ... loving it all.
Peter C


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I'm absolutely loving this thread oldrope. It quite takes me back 20 years to when I first started to broach the subject with my wife with fantasy and role-play in the bedroom. This is an excellent read, so thank you for posting.
Peter C


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Simply fantastic!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


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Having a go at posting a couple of pics ... please bare with me
A couple of pics my wife sent me
A couple of pics my wife sent me


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I'm well impressed with her awesome rack, I just love big tits, and she's sporting a cracking pair! They're way too good for the likes of you! Were they her knickers in her handbag by any chance? I love a girl that goes commando now and then, gives her Bull easy access to the treasure trove!


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Yes they're very nice tits, and yep her panties in her hand bag ... these were some of the pics sent from her work, on here with her permission ... her boundaries and rules appear to be changing


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Dear All

Hope you can tolerate the delays between posts, I'm afraid real life does get in the way sometimes and fitting in writing does take time. Doesn't mean that we haven't had fun, both in keeping with the above themes and other stuff, including a three hour long unexpected B.D.S.M and an impromptu photo season, which I am trying to convince her to allow me to share right here, so far with no luck ... but I am making progress, I'd love to let other people see just how sexy she is!

Would love to know if what I have written rings bells with other people on this site, and just how their "journeys" down this path worked themselves out ... please feel free to add it here.


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Hope you enjoy the pic ... my wife would love to read your comments. ... prehaps having convinced her to let me post some pics, I can get her to write a reply



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A couple more



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Last one without someone getting back to us ...



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Lovely. Thankyou.


Posts: 806
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Peek a boo, we see you............lovely, thanks!!


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Just found this, but love this thread.


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#23 · Edited by: kennyboy82
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Last one without someone getting back to us ...

I adore her position, ready to receive a very hard cock! I'm volunteering, give me a shout. I enjoyed these pics and more on ero.
Do you want to pm me, we should talk.


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Hi Kennyboy82

glad you're getting a buzz from this, I know I am ... hope you enjoy the next instalment, as ever your comments and compliments are very welcome

Our New Adventures? 4(the bar fantasy and a plan)

We had a fantastic weekend, I was working until 10:30 the Friday night but, was full of life when I finally arrived home. The previous week, (when I was home at least) was so sexually charged and full of fun at every opportunity. The weekend continued in a similar fashion. Not that every sexual encounter between us had followed the same theme, of her and her imagined, Irish lover. In fact, we may have to concede that having not seen him for over a month, he may not be contracted to her building any more, and she is not in a position to make discrete enquires. Friday night however, did have a seriously long session into the early hours where initially it was her with him having a steamy after hours "play" in her office. This fantasy morphed into her at a crowded bar waiting for me, we have one in mind but more on that latter, being chatted up by a couple of nice younger guys, eventually settling on the one she liked the most and her dancing with him whilst the friend got the ****** in. I spent an hour laying alongside her biting, kissing, licking and sucking her pussy and thighs as she explained that because of my tardiness, I only had myself to blame for what was happening between them when I arrived. Panties were removed early during the proceedings as all three had sat on the high stools at the tables in the bar's courtyard garden, and both of her young men's wondering fingers had found that soft warm, wetness which that silk had guarded. Each had gallantly acted as a human shield to save her dignity, whilst the other had brought her to soft little orgasms under the cover of the table. She had of course kept me informed as much as possible by text, her last before my arrival would have been along the lines of no need to hurry as she was being looked after nicely, and as it was busy that I ought to get a ***** at the bar before I tried to find her in the crush.

I asked her what scene would I be greeted with once I spotted her. She said that the lighting is very discreet but I would be able to make out that she is standing next to one of the guys, who is seated, the second is standing very close to her, both facing away from me, her towards me. She spots me, smiles but, motions me to keep my distance for a while. My view is lost momentarily and when I spot her again she is in a deep passionate kiss with the seated dark-haired guy, who she has called Harry, the standing blond guy has casually flared his jacket obscuring much of my view.

"can you guess what I was doing?" she asked "don't stop ..." she instructed me with some urgency as she pushed my mouth back on to her hungry cunt, before continuing.

"did you realise that you can't see my hands, do you know what I can be doing? Out of sight as I swap from first kissing one of them and then the other?", in reality one hand was on the back of my head, quite roughly causing me to tongue fuck her very wet pussy, the other snaked down my body, reverse gripping my cock in a similar manner to the way she must have been holding the blonds cock inside his trousers in my imaginings. She started to give me a luscious "back-handed" wank, my bellend rubbing up her palm and onto the soft inside of her wrist.

"I can feel both of their cocks swelling in my hands, I can't close my fingers round Harry's, his cock is that fat, and even though he is seated and some of its length is lost to the folds of his clothes, I am able to see a good couple of inches of hard flesh protruding from my pumping fist, this is rewarded by my returning to kiss him again" she's building to another orgasm and her hips begin to buck a little.

"Blondie forgets himself for a moment and not to be left out from my affections, he snuggles in to bite and kiss my neck even as I am sucking his friend's tongue so their mouths are mere inches apart", her orgasm is very close now, and I suddenly realise that I am about to lose any vestige of control over my own as I think of not only the vivid scene she is painting, but, also the hot jets of cum about she is about to shot into my very eager mouth. She continues, between quickening breaths.

"I open my eyes to look straight at you but, I don't break either the gorgeous deep kiss I am receiving or the loose, open handed massages my *****ing buddies' stiff cocks are receiving. Seeing you there I notice what nobody else does, that hard bulge straining the material of your jeans! You seem as oblivious as the crowd around you, to the fact that you hand is deep in your pocket and you have been rubbing it, almost since the moment first you saw us! I tighten my grip, up both the pace and length of my strokes and I am almost immediately rewarded with quivering man flesh and two handfuls of hot, sticky fluid. Both my friends lean heavily into me and their collective moan can surely be heard by the whole bar as their cocks throb in unison! ... drawing a few puzzled glances from those customers close by!".

Her orgasm is almost there and my mouth starts to fill with her love juices, my own is building nicely as she exactly mirrors the motions she just described.

"In one movement I casually wipe my hands on the inside of their trousers and bellies of the shirts, leaving a long, wet snail-trail of spunk on their best clothes ... their mess, their problem! And I effortlessly step from my three-way clinch towards you through the crowd. I take your face in both hands and plant a deep kiss on your bewildered, open mouth ... you would be able to taste young Harry's kiss, and smell their combined cum on my still sticky fingers"

At this point we both lose it, her back arches wildly and what seems like half a glass of her cum finds the back of my mouth in three or four long bursts. My own cum, even after ricocheting off her wrist and arm, reaches high up my belly and my climax carries on for perhaps 30 seconds or more with her expert assistance. As we both recover she props herself up on one elbow to survey her work and lazily trails a long, red finger nail through the white puddles on my belly.

"just like back at the bar" she says, pausing to take note of the questioning look on my face, "you simply have no self-control just lately, just a wet stain!". We laugh and kiss at the same time before tumbling back together for another hard fuck.

She has read everything that I've written here, and my writings have had their first desired effect in explaining to her how I feel about the whole situation. I have also come to understand and admire her so much more for the sexual creature that she is. We are a rare couple in that even though we have been together for so long, things have not become stale between us. Her opening-up, inventing and sharing her fantasies with me has created a whole new world of sexual possibilities which I can't wait to explore ... to that end we're putting on our best "bib'n'tucker" and heading into town to "Harry's Bar" tonight, where I shall drop her off whilst I find a place to park the motor, in our town who knows how long that could take me!
The end or the beginning?


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What a hot pose and beautiful ass


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Peter C


Posts: 6921 Pictures: 9 
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A great latest episode! It's great that your wife is reading all this too, something I sadly was never confident enough to do with my wife. Although my own experiences are now some 8-18 years old I still derive much pleasure from the memories, hence my continued visits to this site.

Whilst I never would have wanted my first wife to indulge (though I think she would have been up for it!), nor have any plans to introduce my current lady to the scene (pretty sure she'd freak out!), with my second wife Debbie it was an immense turn-on, such was the trust and strength of our marriage at the time. Not just the extra-marital encounters she had in 2 seperate periods, but also the two years or so of thinking about it, discussing it and acting out various scenarios in the bedroom, plus of course the re-claiming of my wife as she recounted the details of an afternoon or evening spent in the company of some eager, lucky young man.

I look forward to reading more soon. Thank you oldrope!
Peter C


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Thanks for your comments, a little something for you to think on before my next scribblings



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Thanks for your comments, a little something for you to think on before my next scribblings



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a little something for you to think on

I do little else when confronted by an ass as good as this one is!
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