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PB Rider - Moving Day Threesome (mfm, slut gf, mild cuck ***********)

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The guy who used to live in the apartment across the hall, Kyle, was a cocksman who made sure everyone knew it. It's a small building, 12 units total, and we all pass each other on the stairs or by the mailboxes, and it seemed like every other day there was a different girl going in or coming out of his place. Blonde, brunette and redhead, Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic and Black. The only thing they had in common was they were hot as fuck and smiling.

I had no doubt the bastard was living the dream.

Now I had a girlfriend, Jess, a pale tight-bodied redhead who liked getting high and did anal on the first date. We'd only been seeing each other a few months, but since I had my own place and she had a roommate she came over to mine once or twice a week, and stayed over most weekends, and it was a great routine – watch movies, get wasted and fuck. Typical 20-somethings in love.

Of course, it didn't take long for Jess to notice the parade of babes coming in and out of Kyle's place, or the guy himself, to be honest, since he was tall, good-looking, and well-built, all that stuff women love and guys like me resent.

"How many girls does he have?"

"I don't know, three or four regulars and a lot of one night stands. Works in hotel or something, picks them up all the time."

I wanted to make her realize she had no chance of a relationship with this guy, that he'd just fuck her and leave, not be the kind of nice, reliable guy that I thought was at the time.

I wanted to convince us both that what we had was special, so we didn't feel we were missing out on all the more casual sex we should've been getting in our 20s, so we wouldn't look back later and wonder what the fuck we'd done with our lives.

I thought maybe it would work on Jess better than on me.

Now as much as I envied, feared and kind of hated Kyle, he did have a lot of cool ****, a regular bachelor pad that I'd seen a few times when he invited me over to watch a game or fight on his big screen. So when he said that he was packing up and moving, selling everything he couldn't fit into his car – well, I wanted to get in there and see if I could get a good deal, make my place more in keeping with my imagined lifestyle.

"Can I take a look at that TV?" I said. "I'll give you a good price."

"Sure, man. I'm having a sale Saturday. Come on over, look around, maybe there's some other stuff you want."

Yeah, I thought, your whole damn life.


That Friday Jess came over and was real tired from work, so we got high and started ********, and decided to chill out and watch movies until the weekend hit for sure, then we'd fuck like rabbits.

"I brought an outfit," she said, pointing to her duffle bag.


"Some shoes and stuff. I think you'll like it."

"Fuck, let's do it now."

"I need to shave, and I don't feel sexy. Come on, let's just watch this movie, then tomorrow I'll get ready. You're going to like it, I promise."

"Cool," I said, hitting a bong, "tomorrow."

We were both really high, and even if Jess didn't want to fuck then maybe she'd give me a blow job, and if not I'd have a bigger load the next day, and this outfit thing sounded like fun.

I hoped there was some fishnet or latex, or maybe she'd dress up like a schoolgirl or whore.

Then I remembered it was Saturday coming up, and there was something I needed to do.

"OK," I said, snapping my fingers, trying to remember, "but I've got to check out... I mean, that guy, the one with all the girls, he's moving out, selling stuff. Said I could have first pick, but got to be there early. I want his TV."

"Sure," Jess said, lighting the bong and taking a hit, "cool."

She coughed a huge cloud of smoke and handed me the glass.

I packed it with a new batch, hit it, and saw stars.

Triple-X Fly, some weed that made you fuck like a teen.

I slumped on the couch and forgot what I was I doing, put a hand on Jess's thigh and moved it up to stroke her clit through her pants. She kissed me and we tongued each other, then she pulled back and put a hand on my crotch, rubbing it over my thick, hard cock, a serious look on her face.

"Wait, can I go too? We need some stuff at our place."

I looked at my girlfriend and tried to read her, because the truth was I got turned on by the idea of Kyle fucking Jess.

It had become my shame and obsession.

Jess had long red hair and pale skin, a slim body and nice, small tits, and whenever I found a set of pictures of a girl like that getting fucked I looked for the ones where her face was obscured, so it looked like her getting railed by another dude, and sometimes two or three.

In all of these I imagined myself watching my girlfriend fucking in real life, or that I'd just found her online, her secret, slutty past uncovered, or – even better – her secret, cheating present, off out fucking whenever I was home alone, and when she came back I'd fuck her with a vengeance and make her my bitch, all while loving her more deeply.

This was what I jerked off to almost every night she wasn't with me, high as a kite and rabid with lust, and this is what I thought of when I fucked her.

"No problem," I said, flirting with myself. "We can go take a look in the morning."

"Yeah," she said, "right after we've fucked. I've got some stockings, a pair of fuck-me heels, and a butt plug."

I grinned until my face hurt.

I was going to nail her from behind, put my foot on her head, and she was going to call me a bastard and I'd stick some fingers up her well-trained butt as she came and call her a whore, and she'd shake like a woman possessed.

Yeah, she was going to get fucked in the morning.


I slept the long, dreamless ***** of the pothead, then lay in bed and felt Jess up before breakfast. We were spooning, so I got one hand on her firm, round ass and the other reaching over to her little tits. We made out like a while, my dick up against her butt and ready for action, until she rolled over and looked at me, grabbed my cock.

"Oh, it's you, " she said, "but come on, I need a shower, and then I'll to dress up and you can fuck my ass, OK?"


"Really. I've got big plans for this weekend."

Yeah – I was falling real hard for Jess.


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Of course I got high before I got in the shower, and I came out with a smile and a hard cock under my towel.

Jess was holding a joint, ******** coffee, picking at a croissant and checking her messages, still in a T-shirt and boxers, bedhead and yawns.

She put a hand out and I held it.

She drew me in and we kissed.

She put a hand under the towel and felt my balls, freshly shaved and ready to pop in her mouth.

I picked up the joint and inhaled, kept it in until there was nothing left to blow out.

I put my hands on Jess's tits to steady myself and she laughed.

"Think you can wait till I'm ready?"

"How long?"

"Hmmm. Shower, dry, make-up, clothes. Forty-five minutes, an hour?"

"That's a long time."

"Trust me – it'll be worth it."

I smiled and put my hands up her T-shirt, felt her slender waist.

Jess was such a tight package, and the way she held me with her cunt never failed to drive me wild, and what had she said in bed that morning, something about fucking her ass again?

"It's OK," I said, "I'll get dressed, go and get some groceries. Be back here when you're ready."

"Fucking-A," she said, and stroked my cock while looking into my eyes. "I want to see what you've got in these balls."


I got dressed and left the apartment, wanting to get some light and air before going back and pounding my girlfriend in the ass, when in the corridor I bumped into Kyle.

"Hey," he said.

Big smile, nice guy.

"Hey," I said, "Just going shopping, can I come over later. I was interested in that TV."

"Sure, want to come in now? Sale doesn't start till noon, I'm still putting prices on things, but to be honest I just want to get rid of this crap and move on."

"Ah, no, not now," I said, high as fuck. "I've got to get some breakfast things, but, yeah, my girlfriend wants to take a look too. How about in 40 minutes, an hour – that cool? Won't take long."

"Sure, man, awesome. Just ring the bell, and bring cash, I want to get this done today. First served, first come, and all that."

He laughed at his own joke, and I wondered who he'd been with the night before.

Now I knew Kyle had seen Jess, just as she'd seen him, and maybe she wasn't up to his usual standard – more a strong 7 than the kind 9s he was used to – but that wasn't the point. All I wanted was to take Jess over there, show her off, get us both hot, then come back to my place and fuck her in the butt while thinking about her taking another cock at the same time.

Then I'd make lasagna or something like that, maybe some tiramisu.

A whole weekend of pleasures.

I went to the store and got some groceries, picked up a few hundred bucks so I could pay cash in the sale, then came back to the apartment and there was Jess, sitting on the couch with a joint and glass of water, looking at her phone and dressed in something wild. From toe to top it went like this: pink vinyl boots, up to the knees, black fishnet stockings mid-way up her thighs, pink and black garter belt, pink push-up bra, black ******, full make-up and teased hair.

"Oh hi, babe. Thought I'd have to start without you."

"Great," I said, anxious to get laid, "but we should go over to that guy's place, Kyle. Met him on the way out. That OK? It's first come, first served, cash only, and I want to get that TV."

Jess pouted and spread her arms, so I got another good look at her outfit.

"Like this? Come on, I thought you wanted to fuck me?"

"I do, babe, but, look, you can put on a coat, I've got the cash, and we can be back here in 10 minutes, I promise."

"Well, OK," she said, standing up and going to the hat stand, picking out a trench coat and trying it on. "I guess it'd be a shame to miss this chance."

"That's the spirit."

Jess put on the coat, buttoned it and tied the belt, checked herself in the mirror. Aside from the pink boots and ****** she looked pretty normal.

"I feel naughty going out like this. I like it. A lot."

I went over and we hugged, my cock hard against her body.

Yeah, she looked good, and I liked it too, the idea that we'd go over to Kyle's place and she'd be wearing my old coat and underneath be dressed like a stag-night's delight.

I mean, he was leaving in a few days, so what was the harm?

It was my idea of a good time.


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PB Rider - Moving Day Threesome (mfm, slut gf, mild cuck ***********)
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