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Background ------------- I met my soon to be wife, Lauren, while we were living in an apartment complex on the east side of town. We had both just moved to the area to take up new positions at respective companies, me a software engineer and her an accountant. She would come to the exercise room in yoga pants and a sports bra and walk the stair stepper machines while I spent my time on the bicycle. After a few weeks of seeing her, I got up the courage to ask her out. Our time dating was fairly routine until one night we had a discussion on exclusivity in our relationship. I, being somewhat socially awkward, couldnt manage to get another date, while she was routinely fending off guys while we are out together. Eventually we moved in together.
In discussion, she admited to having another boyfriend from the gym, Pete. She is usually there a couple of times, usually in the morning and again at night. At first i was shocked and hurt by her relevations, but as I thought about it, the more intrigued about what they did together I became. I kept pestering her for details while we were together until she relented and told me about their time together. She told me about their dates and stopped short of detailing them being intimate. As she told me about their dates, she could see I was becoming aroused and decided to tell me about when Pete would fuck her. My little cock grew hard and confirmed to her that I was excited about hearing despite my protests and hurt feelings.
Several weeks after these relevations, she broached the idea of her keeping up with her boyfriend as he was able to fuck her like I could not with my little dick. Reluctantly I agreed because I wanted her happy and I had experienced what she was like without a regular orgasm. Not pretty.
Eventually we decided to settle down and I proposed. We decided we wanted a quick wedding in Vegas.
Lauren looked at me and said, "Hey, you like our life together as it is?.... you know, with me still fucking Pete?"
"Well", I began, "I understand why you need to see him, but once we were married, I thought you would stop and only be with me."
"With your little pecker?" she laughed "Gawd! It is so small I can barely feel it. Tell you what, have you heard of the toilet paper roll challenge?"
I had to admit I had not and was not sure how that related.
"It is where you measure your cock against a toilet paper roll. You pass if you cannot fit in or if you extend past the edge of the tube. If you pass, I will stop seeing Pete and stop fucking other guys, however, if you fail, I get to plan the wedding and you have to go along with it. Deal?"
I thought to myself, "Ha, I'm gonna pass this in a cinch, those things are small"
Lauren went to the recycle and pulled out an old toilet paper roll and tossed it to me. She kissed my cheek and said "Good luck!"
Then she kneeled and started to pull my pants down to suck my dick hard. That is something else, I stopped exercising and have put on several pounds, so with my ***** pressure and weight, it is harder for me to get an erection now.
Anyway, she started to suck my cock to get it hard. After a few head pumps she pulls her head back and says "Alright, moment of truth!".
I hesitate and slowly slide the tube over my cock all the way down. "Its beyond the top", I exclaim, "The width doesnt matter but I am past the lip." "No, " she counters, "I dont think so but lets check to be sure."
She runs to the kitchen and comes back with a butches knife and lowers the sharp edge to the tube. She slowly slides the sharp edge across the tube and says, "Nope, plenty of clearance. I will get started on the wedding plans!"
------------- Fast forward a few months to a week before our wedding day and we are on a plane arriving in Las Vegas on a Saturday. Our wedding is the following Thursday but we wanted to get there and enjoy ourselves a bit before family and friends came.
As we stpped of the plane, I notice there was a big black guy and average white chick walking with each other but they both were staring at us. When I saw them, they would look away quickly. For some reason I thought I recognized the girl, but could not place her.
We got our taxi and went to check in at the hotel in the wedding/honeymoon suite. It had a large common area and large bedroom with a smaller bedroom of to the side where the bride can get ready before the ceremony. The wedding was to take place in the chapel downstairs but we had the suite to ourselves for a few days.
Sunday we toured the sights of vegas and took in some shows together. We did some lingerie shopping for the honey moon throughout the day and she had it delivered to our hotel room. As we entered the hotel, Lauren went to the front desk and retreived a suitcase she had shipped to the hotel before we left. "Cheaper than paying the airlines" she smirked.
The next morning she woke me up to go and meet our officiator for the wedding. "Now Tom, remember your bet with the toilet paper tube challenge. You need to go along with everything I planned out, ok?" she asked. "Ok" I replied. I We walked in and the black guy and white girl from the airport were there along with the wedding official. They introduced themselves as Pete, Marissa and Kyle, respectively. I remembered Marissa was one of Lauren's friends that I met before we moved in together.
Lauren started "So, Kyle...... As I mentioned on the phone, we want to do things a bit differently than normal. Pete here is Tom's best man and Marissa is my maid of honor. Obviously that is Tom", I waved still shocked at what she was saying. She continued, "We want two ceremonies, one tonight for just the four of us, and one on Thursday with the family. The Thursday one will be traditional, but the Tuesday will be a bit different. Did you get the proposed ceremony I sent you via email?" "Yes, it was a bit odd but we are in Vegas" Kyle said. "Great! We will see you in our room at 4:30 tonight then!" she exclaimed. "Sounds good. Pleasure to meet you all" Kyle said as he waved bye.
While we were in the hall on the way back to the room, I asked "What was that? Whats going on tonight? You didnt tell me your boyfriend was going to show up, much less be the best man!" "Oh, honey, he IS the best man. Not only didnt he fail the toilet paper test, but he didnt fail the paper towel test! I am sorry you are surprised but we did say you would let me do it all and you would go along with it, correct?" "Yea, I know. I just dont like it." "Dont worry, I think you will like it tonight.", she smiled.
As 4:30 drew near, Pete and Marissa came to the room with a bag. Lauren showed Pete into the master room to change and Marissa into the side room to change while we waited in the middle room. Marissa knocked on the door to let us know she was done and left through the side door to come into the main room via the hallway again.
Lauren took me into the side room and locked the door. I heard Pete come out and let Marissa in while we were in there. Lauren took a bag from the close and handed it to me. "Put this on, while I get my outfit on" she said.
I opened the bag and there was only a collar, tighty whitey underwear and a leash in the bag. "I cant wear this" I protested. "Remember your deal, you better wear it or I will leave you and you can try and find another woman as hot as I am" she threatened. "Besides", she brought the carrot back, "Dont you want to see your wife happy?" "Yeah" I mumbled as I started stripping down.
I sat there watching TV while Lauren went and changed in the side room bathroom. She came out wearing a white lace shelf bra, stockings and garter belt. It appeared she had a very see through lace set of panties on top of the garter belt that were too large and tucked into the gater belt. In her hand she had a small bag she carried with her while she walked to me and said "Now, I am going put something in your underwear to help once we start the ceremony". I thought it was some kind of topical erection creme, but would be disappointed.
As I stared at her, I could feel my cock becoming erect. Then Kyle knocked on the door "We are ready if you are." "Out in a second" replied Lauren. She reached in the bag and pulled out an ice pack and dropped in the front of my underwear, she pulled out a hand heater pack and wrapped it in a small cloth and put it next to my balls. "This ought to help with later. No on all fours" she commanded. I could never resist when she became dominate and dropped to all fours with a flutter in my stomach. She grabbed the leash and led to the door where Marissa waited. "Be on your best behavior for Marissa, as if she were me" Lauren commanded. Marissa put a hood over my head and took me into the master room. I couldnt see anything but heard Kyle and Pete talking. Every so often I heard a buzz, Marissa would gasp and Kyle and Pete would laugh. Marissa removed the hood when we reached the other room and she began with "You need to hold still. Any movement will ruin the effect Lauren wants to achieve." She then pulled out her makeup kit and started applying makeup to my face. After she had applied my heavy red lipstick, mascara, eye shadow and the rest, she put the hood back on and led me back to the other room. Pete and Kyle were still talking and laughing except the buzzing continued the whole time we walked between rooms, with Marissa stuggling to walk.
In the center was Kyle with Pete on his right, wearing only a speedo. At feet was Marissa, strocking his massive cock through his silk underwear. She was wearing something similar to Lauren but there was something poking up between her knees. As we approached, she stood up and a strap on bobbed up and down in front of her. Marissa's panties fit correctly and there was a small box attached to the back of one of her stockings with a wire that led up into her pussy. Pete was holding the remote which caused something to vibrate and her knees to wobble.
The cold and hot packs were beginning to hurt against my cock and balls.
"Oh stop it" Lauren giggled and swatted at Pete. Kyle said "We ready to start? Ok" as Pete and Lauren nodded.
Kyle began looking at Pete. "Pete, In this relationship you have been designated to represent all possible bulls. Is that correct?" "Yes" "Lauren, you have made your intention clear that you want to retain Pete's services while still being in a relationship with Tom?" "Yes" "Tom, you are Lauren's husband and will fullfil her emotional needs, correct?" "I ... .guess.... yea" "Marissa, you are here to witness this ceremony?" "Yep"
"Great, lets begin then. Laruen, Do you declare your rights and freedoms as a cuckolding Wife here today? Do you take as your cuckold husband to cherish and control? To tease, frustrate, humiliate, dress, command and deny him as a cuckold sissy wimp should be? Do you promise to pursue and use other men as buls and to enjoy yourself with anyone you desire? Do you promise to let your cuckold watch you with your bulls or tell him every detail of how they please you? Do you promise to be a good to your bulls? Do you promise to keep your cuckold sissy husband in womens underwear and chaste, performing as your bulls or you desire? Do you promise to ride your bulls bareback and carry any ******** they wish to breed you with?" "I do" Lauren smiled.
Kyle continued, "Tom, do you promise to accept being faithful cuckold in body, mind and spirit freely and without hesitation? Do you accept the position of cuckold husband with the understanding that Lauren has complete freedom to have sex with whoever She wants while you must remain completely faithful to Her? Do you promise to love and support extra-marital affairs be they long-term, short-term or one-night stands? Do you acknowledge the fact that sexually you cannot provide with all of the sexual pleasure She deserves? Do you promise to help find competent bulls for your Wife that will provide Her with the sexual pleasure you cannot. Do yu acknowledge your sissy penis can provide no pleasure and is only good as an ornament? Do you promise to obey both your wife and her bulls in any request or command they have of you?" "I... ". As I faltered, Lauren tugged on the leash and Marissa swatted my ass hard. "Ow! Yes! I do!"
"Great", Kyle turned to Pete, "Pete, do you as 's stud promise please Her sexually? Do you understand that you are used for the sexual pleasure and can make no claims to this Woman as your own? Do you promise to assist Lauren in subjugation of her husband and participate in breeding activities should you and Lauren choose?" "I do."
"Excellent" Kyle said. "Now then, the exchanging of articles. Tom, remove your underwear and ice pack, Lauren you may then proceed"
I moved to stand up but Lauren held my shoulders down. "You need to know your place when we are together. Do it on while kneeling" she commanded. I quickly pushed the underwear down to remove the heat and cold sources they flopped to the ground. My cock had shriveled up quite small but my balls still hung normally. I awkwardly tried to manuver to remove my underwear.
At the same time, Lauren had reached into her handbag and pulled out a small contraption. When I was completed, she reached down and, with Marissa's help, put my cock and balls into the chastity cage. Marissa, produced a small lock and key on a necklace and locked the chastity device. She put the necklace with the key on her neck and said "You will need to earn your key back" with a grin.
Lauren then removed her oversized underwear and handed it to me. I looked perplexed as she said "You think i would wear something that didnt fit right on purpose? Ha! No put these on." With that I put the see through panties on over my cock cage and faced the ground ashamed.
Marissa had moved behind Pete and removed his speedos. His cock was massive even half erect. Kyle continued "Now that Tom has been taken care of, it is time for Lauren. Tom, you will need to get Pete ready and then insert him into your wife." "What???" I said as I looked up surprised and my mouth agape. Pete moved in and Lauren grabbed my head and led it toward his cock. My mouth instinctively opened vs being hit in the face with such a massive cock.
Pete annd Lauren moved my head back and forth with only the head Pete's massive cock in my mouth. My mouth relaxed and I was able to get more in after a second or two and I soon found I was enjoying giving this massive black cock pleasure. So much so, that they stopped their movement and I continued "Yes, you arent that great of a cock sucker but you will get better with time" Pete taunted.
He grabbed my hair and pulled out of my mouth and said "Now grab it and stick it in your wife!" I reached up and held his cock while my wife backed herself onto it. I wanted to reach up with my other hand and spread her pussy lips for her to help as I was mesmerized by the sight. She gasped as he penetrated her pussy. "Oh yeah! You feel so much better bare back!" They rhythmically rocked back and forth a few times while everyone watched. Kyle said, "Pete, do you have something for your slut?" "Yeah" He removed his cock from her pussy and pushed her to her knees. "Get together you two" he said to me and Lauren. He stroked his cock a few more times and shot a load of cum on our faces. I heard the familar click of as Marissa took pictures. Lauren turned to me and said "Now lick it off." I tasted the salty seed left on her face by Pete and everyone started laughing.
When I had finished, Lauren stood and kissed Pete. Marissa turned to me and said, "Now thank Pete for pleasuring your wife and providing his potent black seed!". My face turned red under the cum and I managed "Thank you Mr Pete for pleasuring my wife and providing us your cum."
Kyle finished, "Pete, you may now take the bride to consummate the marriage. Marissa, as witness to the event, you will need to stay and sign some items and then as previously arrainged, take Tom for further training." Lauren handed my leash to Marissa and jumped in Petes arms as he carried her to the master bedroom.
Marissa held me leash and signed the few items and told Kyle they would see him on Thursday. She then said "Come on! I am going to train that mouth and ass of yours!" as she quickly walked tugging painfully on my leash to the spare bedroom.
We got there and she turned on the speakers which piped in sound from the master bedroom. We could easily hear Pete fucking Lauren and her crying out how large his cock was and how she wanted him to fuck her hard.
Marissa turned the volume so it was audible but not interrupting. "Now pay attention! Miss Lauren and Master Pete want you as a sissy slave in their presence. This means that you will need to learn to put your own make up on and priss around like a woman. Also, your services are to be provided as if you were a woman, so you will be learning to suck and fuck this cock I have on while being prim and proper."
She rasied the volume a bit and proceeded to train me in how to apply make up, dress and act as woman. When we completed that assignment, she led me to the closet to pick out clothes a woman would wear if she were on a booty call to her lover. After thinking about what she had told me, I selected a dress with a low neckline and a billow bottom. "Good" she said, "this shows off the clevage and allows easy access to your man pussy. Now the remainder of the night we are going to work on learning to take a cock"
I spent the rest of my wedding night taking the strap on she was wearing either in my ass or mouth as she taught me how to properly suck cock or take it in my man pussy. Every so often, I was given a break to go to the other room and clean up Lauren by eating her pussy and removing Pete's cum.