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the club

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Jennifer went and collected her favorite brand of make up and chose a black suitcase with her sizes written on it. She chose a corner with the other Sluts and opened the suitcaze. Inside there was a collar, leash attached to the collar, several pairs of highcollar and only 2 sets of lingerie.
Lady Sasha saw their surprise at the contents and said " Realize you will be naked roaming the ship for anyone to service. As such, you really don't need clothes. Plus if anyone selects you for their needs, and wants you clothed in a certain style, they will give you a token go take to the wardrobe rooms per level for your outfit. So go ahead and put the collar on, the heels you want to wear that matches, and make sure the leash Hans down in front. You are going to be selected by someone taking your leash. We. You are on your personal time, you present the leash to the club quadtermaster and retrieve from them as well. Punishment will be allotted for personal time overages."
Jennifer started undressing and felt the soft faux fur inside of the collar. She attached it and let the leash dangle between her breasts and felt the smooth leather against her body. From the shoes she selected a pair or 3 inch heels with straps around her ankles.
Sasha continued while they were dressing "When you are dressed, go stow your suitcase and normal clothes in a locker in room. 324 on this level, the find and blow the quartermaster to receive your shifts."

Sam stood in a roon with almost 100 other Toys waiting for instructons. The doors closed heavily and a voice of a woman presumably a Lady came over the speakers in the room. As she spoke, Sam smelt an odd odor in the air. The voice blared "Attention, Toys. Please go to the side of the room and select a suitcase with your size on it. Inside are womens lace and satin thong panties, matching bra, collar and leash. Put these items on and connect the leash from the collar to the ring on your chastity device. Someone will grab this leash and lead you to indicate you are in their service until released. When you are not in service, you are to be working on your chore chart as per your bunk or be in your bunk."
Sam collected his suitcase and started donning his collar, panties and bra. He no longer smelt the odd scent as he had grown use to it and its steady growth in strength.
The voice continued as a screen flickered on at one end of the roon showing a cage. "What you see here is a Toy's bunk. There are 7 per room on the bottom guest levels. Each of you is assigned a specific bunk and chores are allotted at specific times."
The 'bunk' was little more than 6 foot by 6 foot cubicle with a padded floor. There was something hanging from the ceiling in each one. The voice highlighted items as it described them.
"Food and water are delivered here." a tray lit up. "Your bed is located here, hanging from the ceiling is your personal wake up alarm. If you are specifically requested or have a chore coming up, this ceiling attached dildo will notify you and wake you up. Make sure it is properly inserted when you are in your bunk."
As Sam listened and watched the video while dressing, he felt an overpowering need to comply with the directions the voice was providing. The longer it took, the more powerful the urge to comply with the rules being set out.
Once the video stopped, the voice started naming people and bunk numbers. Sam collected his normal clothes, suitcase and started to his bunk. Once there he looked up the chore chart, saw he had none and went to hid bed, inserted the dildo and knelt forward, waiting to be called.

Jennifer and the other Sluts stowed their suitcases and each split off to find the quartermaster. In reality there was no quartermaster but the Masters thought it would be a good gag. The Sluts traveled in groups of 5 to 8 looking attempting to get their shifts and as they would pass a Master or Lady, a few would be claimed from the group. Jennifer was the 3rd grabbed from her collection and taken to a room by a Master named Daniel. He was one of the few black men in the club though he was of average build. Daniel gave her one of his tokens and wrote what he wanted her to wear on it and his room number. He took her leash so she couldn't be claimed by anyone else in transit. Jennifer left to go to the costume room and gave the ticket to the Toy stationed there. He left and returned with bag which held several items inside. As she left she looked inside and saw a tube of lubrication and some clothes resembling a harem girls outfit.
Jennifer arrived back in the room and Daniel was already naked with his big cock hanging down. She walked in and stopped short gasping when she saw it.
"Omg! I didn't think they could get that big"
Daniel smiled, "Now you know what the lube is for, get changed and come suck it"
Jennifer put the outfit on and walked over and dropped to her knees. Her hand couldn't fit around his cock as she tried to fit it in her mouth. She could only fit the head in so she focused on using her tongue to lube it up for impending pounding and sucking on his balls. Daniel lifted her up and brought her to the bed and pulled a large needle-less syringe from the bag. He filled it with lube and started to put it in her pussy. She looked down and said 'Is it going to fit in?'
"Yes, you'll take it balls deep and beg me not keepnyou all week bitch." Daniel flipped her on her stomach and slowly pushed his cock in her slippery pussy. She cried out has he slowly pushed in, giving her a minute or two break in between each thrust. She gasped at each thrust, taking his large cock and feeling it push its way in. After several thrusts Jennifer started panicking "That's it, I can't take any moors, its too big !"
"Shah ", Daniel soothed her as he stopped pushing," just relax and let yourself stretch to my cock." Daniel started pushing again after a few minutes and Jennifer calmed down. After a handful of thrusts he said, "feel that? In all in. Gonna start ducking you now if explored the depths of your pussy."
He started pumping her pussy and felt her orgasm as she cried out and her pussy clenched around his cock.
Daniel grabbed a handful of hair and pulled saying "youre a dirty slut aren't ya ?"
"Yes! Make me cum again!"
"Ok bitch", and slapped her ass as he pumped harder.
She squealed as another orgasm shook her body. Daniel felt his balls tightening and drove his cock deep in her pussy while he emptied his balls into her.
They collapsed on the bed and laid there for a while, Jennifer panting with the orgasms he gave her. She got up first and started to suck his cock trying to convince him to fu ck her again.
"No bitch, youre gonna come with me now." he said, attaching his own leash and pulling her out of the room. She stumbled after him on weak legs and her harem outfit wrapping around her legs.
BD Icqicq


Posts: 65
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The introduction of the gas is very interesting. You got an Excellent vote from me.


Posts: 260
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sorry for the short bursts, its easier to ensure it makes it than large posts.


Daniel led Jennifer down the stairs at the end of the hall and towards the activity rooms. As Jennifer walked down the stairs, she could feel his sperm forming at the bottom of her pussy and the beginning of it working its way down her legs. When they walked in, he gave her a tug on the leash to inform her she needed to stay closer to him. The sight that unfolded before her was several other Masters and Ladies each holding Sluts in specialized leashes a step or two behind while they talked with each other. The Masters and Ladies were all fully clothed while the Sluts had an assortment of clothing as their owner felt they needed to be dressed. Jennifer saw some Sluts were fully undressed with just the collar on, others had nipple clamps and pussy clamps on, while still others wore various fetish outfits like Jennifer. It was easy to distinguish the Sluts by their appearance as they all had the collars and custom leashes per their owner's choices.

Daniel walked up to a group and joined in the conversation. As he spoke about the Patriots season chances, he pulled his cock out and dragged her leash down in front of it, almost toppling her over in her heels. He flopped his limp dick on her face and twisted his hips around to smack her in the face with it while he kept the conversation going with his friends on their thoughts for the season. After a few twists, he stopped and she took him in her mouth and started sucking. The other Masters in the circle pulled their cocks out as well. One of the Masters' Sluts started to move to get in place assuming he wanted her there and he motioned for her to stay put. " I will tell you when you are needed" he commanded.

The conversation switched to other topics and Daniel grabbed Jennifer by her hair and pulled her off his cock, and pushed her head to the next in the circle. Jennifer needed his cock again and tried to get back to it but he lightly slapped her face "Dont make me do it harder" he intoned. She sheepishly went to the next cock and started worshipping it in his place.

Jennifer was passed around the group to all the Masters for fluffing duty to get them erect and was passed to the next when they felt sufficiently aroused. The Ladies in the group dutifully lifted their dresses and exposed their clits to be licked when it was their turn in the circle, the difference being, she had to lick the Ladies to orgasm and just arouse the Masters. Between each 'station' she glanced at the spectacle of the rest of the room and saw Toys ferrying food and ***** around to the other groups. She would hear other Sluts moaning as they orgasmed. Toys were also ferrying towels around and once she made one of the Ladies in her group squirt, she understood why the towels were needed.


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Sam felt a gentle buzzing in his ass as he woke up from his nap. The buzzing got more intense as the time went on until he finally removed the dildo alarm from his ass and got up from the mattress in his bunk. He walked over to the chore chart to find where he needed to go and what he was to be doing for that day. He looked at the clock and saw it was 3:45 AM. Next to his name, it listed the following chore list.
"4 AM - 430 AM Personal Hygiene
430 - 6 AM Cleanup station
6AM - 8AM walking cleaning
8 AM - 830 Breakfast
830 -10 Pool duty
10-12 Kitchen/Lunch prep
12-1230 lunch
1230-2PM Kitchen Cleanup and laundry services
2PM - 4 PM Gambling hall
4PM -7 PM Dinner prep
7 PM - 9 PM ******
9PM - 930 PM Dinner
930 PM - 345 AM *****"

He checked the next day and then throughout the week to find that it was the same chore list every day. Sam gathered his hygiene kit and went to the rest room and started his routine. He dressed in a matching bra and thong and left to find the cleanup station in the upper decks.

About 4 floors above the open deck, he found a room named clean up station which consisted of several other Toys kneeling on mats near the wall, and around the room were scattered various cots, chairs, massage tables, other such items and cameras pointed at each one. There was a room off to the side where the Sluts could shower as well. A couple of the beds had Sluts laying down naked with a pile of clothes on the floor and a pair of Toys each appearing to be eating her pussy and licking her tits. Sam found next to the door instructions for Toys and Sluts. Toys were to kneel on the mats until called by a Slut to clean them up, and then promptly return to the mat. As usual, the Sluts were allowed to command the Toys in any fashion. Sluts were only allowed to use the room when commanded by a Master or Lady.

Sam knelt down on an open mat and waited. Soon a Slut named Natalie came in and picked him and another Toy named Harrison to clean her up. "umm... you and how about .... you, come here and clean me up for Master Frederick. " she said.
Sam rose along with the other Toy and approached her. They could see she was covered in cum from her stomach up including her hair and it was dripping from her pussy and ass. Natalie walking to the clean up station had spread cum from her thighs all over her inner legs as well.
She stood and spread her legs. "Get in there boys, its not going to clean itself."
Sam leaned forward and spread her butt cheeks to get his mouth to her ass and lick the cum out. Harrison knelt further under her so he could lick into her pussy and retrieve his reward that way. The two Toys found themselves licking and sucking so fervently they would rub cum covered tongues along her slit. "Oh boys, this is what men can do while you two try and kiss each other under between my legs. No wonder you are wearing cages!" she exclaimed.
After she felt they had cleaned enough, she pushed Sams face away by leaning back and pushing with her ass. Natalie walked over to the couch and sat down. "Come lick the cum off of me while I tell you what happened and try to get your dickletts hard".
Sam and Harrison obeyed and approached starting to lick on each side of her neck. Sam could feel the cum running down his throat and on his chest as he accidentally rubbed her attempting to show he was eager to please. Natalie continued "Master Jack selected me while I was attempting to find the quaratermaster for my schedule. He took me in the hallway over the luggage and then brought me back to his room where he fucked my ass. I had to hold it in until I got here or he wouldnt let me play at all." she pouted.
"Then we went for dinner last night and he took a group of 20 Masters with him and they used me as a target. Their Sluts had to blow them until they almost reached orgasm and then the Master would turn and attempt to hit my open pussy or mouth with his load. As you can see, not many got the prize. If they did get it in, then Master Jack had to pay them $1000 for winning and if they lost, then they would pay him $100, so it was a good enough prize everyone wanted to do it. Once yall clean me up, we are going to go have a nap and then some pool time."
As she was telling the story and being cleaned, her hands reached down to their waists. One hand was playing with her pussy, rubbing her clit, and the other was massaging Harrison's balls. He would whimper when she would caress it in just the right way to make his cock move against the spikes in his chastity device.

After they had finished cleaning her, she got up and headed towards the showers. Sam and an uncomfortable Harrison went to find a mat and wait for the next one. Before she turned the corner, Natalie looked back with an evil grin and said "Why dont..... you (pointing at Toy Arthur) and you (Toy Paul this time) suck each others balls until I get out?" Natalie giggled and went in the shower. The two Toys stood and went to one of the beds to obey their Slut's commands.

Sam looked around and saw an older Toy named Rodger who did not have his chastity device on. Sam gasped! "Pssst. Rodger! Put it back on! " he whispered.
Rodger started to reach for the sack next to his feet. "***, I was one of the ones who started this club, and I have been in these things so long I dont think I can get it up anymore. Plus that weird smell you smelt earlier? That is from my wife's company, Jacqueline is her name by the way. That stuff is what is used as a tranquilizer but as a gas, it is used for ****** obedience or mind control. I doubt any of us could resist even if we wanted to after having that pumped in at 'orientation' and at night. I get it all the time so there is no way I could go against my instruction of not to be erect." By the time he was finished, the device was on his cock but there was no lock.

Some 10 minutes later, Natalie emerged and told the two Toys to stop sucking each others balls and start licking each others asses. She looked over at Rodger and said "Silly Toy, why do you have that on if theres no lock. Plus you know you cant get it up anyway, take it off and put it away." She dried off and put her costume back on. "Ok tata Toys! And Rodger, tell them to stop in another few minutes".

A chime rang in the room as it passed to 8 o'clcok. Sam guessed he must have missed 7 while servicing Natalie and headed to the towel room and begin his walk around cleaning. In the towel room, he read his instructions for what to clean and when to clean. All told, the rest of the morning Sam spend cleaning up cum off the floor that missed the Slut or was squirted from pussys. He was routinely grabbed from his leash and bent over the nearest table, some times a Slut served as the table, and fucked in the ass, as he passed by groups of Masters. He never felt the sensation of them shooting their load in his ass or the pulsing of their cocks though he did have to provide wipe down service for their cocks afterwards. At the next shift change, his duties were primarily focused on applying sunscreen, towel and food or ****** service. His only respite from working in the kitchen either cleaning or cooking was when he had to perform food and ****** service in the gambling hall. He noticed that the ****** were all doubles and he appeared to be used more there than anywhere else in the boat.

After dinner he went back to his bunk at the bottom of the boat and laid down. As he entered the room, he noticed that familiar smell again and thought back to Rodger. He re-inserted his dildo alarm and went to ***** as instructed.


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After dinner, Daniel led Jennifer to another room with several tables. There were groups of Masters and Ladies at the very large tables with the Sluts behind them or under the table giving head to the others. Every so often there was a Slut on the table on top of the poker chips as they played cards.
Daniel walked up to one of the tables with several Masters and told Jennifer to go get him so chips. He sat down and pulled out his cock from his pants and let it flop on his lap. She walked over to the cashier and told the Toy that Master Daniel wanted chips and she was given a handful of chips in a bag, totaling a few thousand dollars. She walked back with bag and sat on Daniel"s lap while she organized the stacks of chips for him. He reached his hand around and started playing with her clit, getting Jennifer visibly aroused. Daniel leaned forward and said, "Get under the table and start sucking their cocks."
She ducked under the table and moved to his left, sucking a Master named Luke. His cock was large but she got it in her mouth and started audibly slurping to please Daniel. Jennifer could hear the game progressing above and the random slap of the table when someone lost a hand.
Over time, Jennifer heard chairs being moved and the Sluts under the table diminished as their Masters got up and left, having lost their chips.
Eventually there were 3 Masters left and she was the only one under the table. The Master whose cock she was worshiping, reached down and grabbed her by the hair. He pulled her off his cock and dragged her out from under the table and threw her towards Daniel.
"If you have such a good hand, bet your Slut. I could use a cock sucker like her for the week!" he taunted.
Jennifer stumbled backwards towards Daniel and gained her balance on his chair. She saw several other Sluts behind Master Nathan in various costumes. There was one dressed as Princess Leia, another as a geisha, and another wearing only a eye mask and with writing on her body. Someone had marked a target in lipstick around her mouth and written 'whore' on her stomach. She had arrows pointing to her pussy with 'insert cock' and 'cum dump' next to the arrows.
Daniel stared at him for a bit and then dragged Jennifer's leash to the table and pushed her onto it. As she was climbing to the center of the table, Nathan pulled a vibrating dildo out of Slut Sarah's pussy (the one dressed as Leia) and shoved into Jennifer's wet cunt as he laid down his hand. Daniel's face dropped as he saw he had lost.
Master Dampen from the Masters Council accompanied Lady Teresa to Master Daniel.
"So you bet your Slut and lost huh? Tough break, but you know what happens now.." she said
Damien stuck his hand out and Daniel handed over his Master room key and other Master items. Damien clicked the mic on his walkie talkie and said "Master Daniel has lost his Slut. For the rest of the trip he is demoted to a Toy." a few minutes later his message was broadcast throughout the ship.
Master Damien continued, "It appears that the Slut in question is a new Slut. Since he won her in a game of chance, Master Luke now has the privilege of dictating her final task before she becomes a full Slut and receives her ink". Again, his voice boomed across the ship when he finished.
Damien walked up to Luke and held the mic to him.
"What is her task?"
Luke spoke into the mic, "She will be taken off of birth control and will be bred by me. For the duration of the trip, she will be available for all in the main lobby cage on display. Use her as a cum dump or cum target at your pleasure."
Damien interjected before releasing the mic, "Take her away."
A very tall Toy grabbed her leash and led her to a cage in the main lobby. The cage was the size of a small room and had a couch, bed and toilet in it with an eye ring in the middle. Her leash was fastened to the eye ring in the center which gave her access to all three pieces of furniture.


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One of the hottest story's I've ever read.
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