Seriously, this makes more sense than anything I have ever read.
I stumbled across this article that claims that the length of your middle finger is directly related to cock size. I will link to the article so you can read it for yourself, but essentially during the 2nd trimester of a woman's pregnancy her male baby is exposed to varying amounts of testosterone. The more testosterone he is exposed to, the bigger his dick will be AND the longer his ring finger will be. The less testosterone he is exposed to, the smaller his dick will be and the shorter his ring finger will be. This evidence is supported not only be research, but by the fact that nearly all women have a longer index finger than ring finger because they are exposed to minimal amounts of testosterone.
So essentially it works like this. If your ring finger is longer than your index finger, your dick should be at least average size and I assume the longer your ring finger is over your index, the bigger your dick should be. In contrast, if your index finger is longer than your ring finger then you should have a below average dick size with your dick getting smaller the more difference there is between the two fingers.
I tested this theory and for me it holds up. My index finger is about .25 of an inch longer than my ring finger. My dick is 3.25 inches long.
Anyone else want to share if this holds up for them?
The article
The hyperlink is visible to registered members only! My finger length comparison
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40's MWC In Need Of Hung Bulls - Any Race
I love to be humilated over my little 3 inch dick.
I watch you bareback her then I clean up.