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Story - When Teasing Goes Too Far

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Becky put her head in her hands and stared at the floor, deep in thought about what she should do.

She was shocked out of her thought when she heard a student asking, "Mrs. Coral...Hey, Mrs. Coral. Are you alright?"

"Oh, uh, yes." she stammered as she looked up. "Yes, I'm fine. Just one of those days I guess."

Rebecca was able to finish her final classes of the day without incident. She focused on teaching and kept her mind going all through them.

It was only after the final class was over that she thought about going home to her husband. Her husband that Davis told her she must lock his penis in the cage thing if she wanted him to fuck her again.

She sat at her desk and felt a tear roll down her face. She quickly wiped it away and held a tissue to her eyes as her mind began to race. How could she lock her husband's penis away in that cage. But could she really give up Davis and his magical cock. A cock that has made her feels things sexually that she has never felt before, that has made her cum more in the past few weeks than her husband has made her in the time they have been together. Davis makes her cum at least once every time he fucks her. Her husband only manages to make her climax with his mouth, and doesn't do that nearly as often as she would truly like.

No, stop thinking about that, she told her brain. It was not fair to Dan to lock him up and deny him while she was getting all that she could handle and more. If it meant giving up sex with Davis than she was willing to give it up. Her marriage and her husband meant more than simple sex, if you could call that cock and how he fucks her simple.

Today when she gets home she will throw the thing away and forget about the whole thing.

That day when she got home she went to her closet and dug down to where she hid the cage. As she held it in her hand her brain, and her pussy began to talk to her again. Her brain told her to throw it away. Her pussy started to heat up, reminding her that if she would only lock the device on her husband's penis she would get the relief that she has grown accustomed to.

She sat on the bed and rolled the cage between her hands. The more she moved it from one hand to the other the hotter her pussy got.

Becky laid back on the bed and snaked her hand up her skirt to her excited sex.

She could feel her wetness as she pushed two fingers in and wiggled them around. She found her clit with her thumb as she fingered away at herself.

She added a third finger to her dripping hole as she felt an orgasm building up deep inside.

Her climax was fast approaching. Just a little more, she thought to herself.

She began to buck her hips up off the bed, grinding her sex onto her hand.

Almost there, she said in her head.

She couldn't hold back a whimper as she neared release.

She squeezed her thighs together, trapping her hand.

"Honey? I'm home." she heard her husband calling out.

"Oh god." she said quietly as she jerked her hand from her pussy.

She looked down and noticed that she was running the tip of the chastity tube along her heaving breasts. "Oh no, the cage!" her brain shouted.

She only had the strength to roll off the bed to the floor and crawl to the closet.

She had just rehidden the tube when her husband entered their bedroom.

"What are you doing?" he asked, seeing her ankles sticking out of the door.

"Nothing." she told him. "Just looking for something."

"Can I help?"

"No, thanks." she panted. "I looking for a pair of shoes to loan to Peggy. Besides, there isn't room down here for both of us."

"You're right about that. How was your day?" he asked.

"Great. You?" she smoothed her skirt down as she heard his voice getting closer.

Dan got to the door and saw her butt sticking back at him. Her skirt was still up just a little and he could see just a hint of the flesh of her ass.

Rebecca could sense him behind her. She had the tube hidden away and was pretending to look through her shoes, which she kept in the boxes.

"Nice butt." Dan commented grinning as he gazed at her behind.

Instinctively, Rebecca ran a hand down her backside, pushing her skirt down the rest of the way.

"Don't do that." Dan told her. "I was getting hard looking at you like that."

Rebecca turned her head around to look at him, "Is that so?" she said, her voice lingering. She had just gotten so close to a release she thought that maybe this time he could get her off. "Why don't you grab a condom and take me right here."

"Are you serious?" he asked. "With you like that?"

She didn't say anything, she just reached back and slid her skirt up and over her ass and wiggled it at him.

He was so excited that he didn't even think about the fact that she wasn't wearing any underwear. "Uh...right...condom." he said and hurried to grab one from the nightstand.

Dan took his pants and underwear off and tossed them on the bed. With condom in hand he moved back behind his wife, who he saw was now rubbing her pussy.

Rebecca was as ready as she had ever been. She wasn't able to finish herself off a few minutes ago and her pussy was screaming for relief.

She heard the condom packet rip open before she felt Dan rub her ass softly. "Don't make me wait baby. Take me."

"Someone's excited." Dan said as he rolled the condom on. As he pushed into her he could hear her wetness. "Wow. You're dripping."

She thrust her ass back against him as he slowly fucked her. "Fuck me baby." she shrieked. "Fuck me hard. Pretend you're Davis and your fucking your white teacher."

Dan wasn't sure how to take that last comment. He knew that she was seeing him, but she had never said something like that before. He shook his head, clearing the thoughts and picked up his pace.

"That's it. Fuck me baby." she cried. "Slap my ass."

Without hesitation Dan spanked her ass. He felt somehow that it was wrong as he heard the sound of his hand on her soft flesh. "Sorry honey. Was that too hard?"

"Nevermind." she said disappointed.

As he continued thrusting into her, Rebecca became less enthusiastic. She could actually feel her orgasm fading away the longer it went on.

The unfulfilling sex, combined with knowing that she wasn't going to climax caused her to turn her head around and ask, "You almost done back there?"

Dan could tell she wasn't enjoying it. Although she had never been that obvious before. "Yes honey. Almost." He felt himself going a little soft as he said it. He tried to put the thoughts from his mind and finish as quick as he could.

Closing his eyes and grabbing her hips he worked himself near orgasm. It was a little harder to get there since she has been with Davis so much. She is looser that she used to be and he wasn't close to Davis in the size department.

Rebecca knew that what she said affected him. She tried to encourage him, "Come on baby. Cum for me. Give it to me."

Her words were like magic. "Almost..." Dan moaned. "Oh god, gonna cum."

He held himself as deep as he small penis would allow as he felt his cum flowing out into the condom.

Rebecca was shocked that she could feel his penis twitching as he came. Normally she didn't feel anything when he finished. "That's good baby. Give me your cum."

"Oh god that was good." Dan said as his orgasm faded. "It's been a while for us."

Rebecca leaned forward, his penis falling out of her as she moved. She turned around in the confined space and saw how much cum there was in the tip of the condom. It was more than she had ever known him to produce. "I guess so. I've never seen you cum so much before."

He was quickly going soft in the rubber. She gently took the condom off his shrinking member and held it up. "Wow!" she said. "That is almost as much as Davis when he cums. How long has it been since you came?"

"When you gave me that hand job." he said panting.

She thought back to that day, "That wasn't that long ago. You don't normally have this much after a few days. What got you so built up?"


"Come on, tell me." she urged.

"Ok, I was walking down the hall today at school, forget it, I don't want to talk about it."

"Honey, you can tell me anything. Whatever it is."

"I was going down the hall and I saw one of the cheerleaders. You know, real pretty blonde, dates the quarterback type. Only she wasn't with the quarterback. She was walking with one of the black basketball players. He had his hand all over her butt as they walked. As I watched them all I could think about was you and Davis. I've felt like it has been building inside me ever since."

"Hold on a sec." she told him.

Rebecca got to her feet and slid by him. Her skirt fell back down as she walked away.

Dan sat on the bed and was putting his clothes back on when he heard the flush of the toilet, telling him that Rebecca had gotten rid of the used condom.

She came back and sat with him on the bed. "Are you saying that you like that I have been with Davis?"

"I don't know. I just...."

"Honey, don't be upset." she consoled him. "It is just sex."

"I know. I know. I don't think I really like that you and him..." he paused before finishing. "have sex, but I like that you get to feel totally satisfied with him. I know that I don't make you feel like he does. I've seen how big he is, I'm not close to him down there."

"Yeah, he does make me feel things sexually that you can't. But that doesn't mean I don't still love you."

"I know that, and I love you just as much as ever. I think it is more that I like the thought of you being free, sexually, and knowing that he just takes you like you don't have any control over what happens. The thought of you getting taken by him like that somehow makes me feel happy."

"You're saying that you wouldn't want me to stop seeing him?"

"Not really, no. That is, if you are happy."

"Honey, he makes me feel really happy in ways that are so different than the ways you do. I could never give up what you do for me. Not even for what he does to and for me."

"I don't want you to give up either. If you are happy with things than so am I."

"You're the best husband in the world you know that." she said as she leaned in and kissed him.

"It's easy when you are my wife."

Dan was on a mental high the rest of the night. He cooked dinner for the two of them, even lighting candles on the table before they ate. He had no way of knowing that his wife didn't get any satisfaction from their earlier sex session, or that she had been thinking of Davis and his far superior cock since they finished.

She went to s1eep that evening with thought of black cock swimming through her head.

When she woke up Wednesday morning she had her hand clamped between her thighs. It took a few seconds in her groggy state to realize that her hand was actually inside her pajama pants and was cupping her pussy.

Upon realizing it, she pulled her hand out of the thin material and saw that she had been leaking during the night. There was a heavy shine to the palm of her hand. She knew that she must have been dreaming about Davis as she s1ept.

Instantly the thought of his cock plowing into her filled her head.

She got up and went to the bathroom to start her day. She could not resist the urge to give her pussy a quick rub before she stood up and flushed. She imagined that it was Davis' cock and not her toothbrush that was in her mouth, and the toothpaste that was running from the corner of her lips was actually his cum.

She caught herself before she swallowed the toothpaste like she would have done if it was really Davis' cum.

When she got to school that morning she had a quick chat with Peggy in the office. She told her how Dan had done her on the floor the previous day. She didn't tell her how unfulfilling it was for her.

"My husband hasn't done me anywhere in far too long." Peggy confided in her.

"Dry spell huh?"

"You have no idea. I mean, he was never the best to begin with, but at least he would give it his best effort. Now I practically have to jump him before he falls as1eep to have a chance at sex."

"Wow." Rebecca was shocked at the her friends confession. "With as good as you look I would never think your husband would turn down the chance to get some."

"Thanks for that." Peggy smiled at the compliment. "I bet you never have to beg Dan to take you."

"No." Rebecca confirmed. "You're right about that." she didn't disclose that she barely has sex with her husband now that she has been fucking her student.

"You know what gets me though? Whenever we go out together I never see him checking out anybody else. Even if a knockout walks by, he never looks. It's like he doesn't think about sex at all anymore. He doesn't even notice all the guys that check me out. Some of them even smile or nod at me and he doesn't see it."

"He probably sees it. He just knows that you would never act on some random guy giving you the once over."

"Not that I haven't thought about it." Peggy said just as the bell sounded signaling there was five minutes before the first class started.

Rebecca was shocked at the admission. "You naughty girl." she said with a grin. "I better get to class. I didn't notice the time. Talk to you later."

Rebecca made it to her classroom just before the first student entered.

As they were both heading for their desks, Rebecca saw a sheet of paper in the middle of her desk. It was folded in half so you could not read it.

She picked it up and opened it. As she read the words the letter started shaking in her hands.

"Did you lock him up yet?" was all it said. Clearly it was left there by Davis.

As calmly as she could, Rebecca folded the paper and put it in her purse, not wanting the students that were now flowing into her first class to be aware of her flustered state.

Each time she had a moment of quiet, her brain would shift away from teacher mode and reread the words on the note left for her.

Did you lock him up yet? Did you lock him up yet? The words kept repeating in her mind.

After struggling through the morning classes it was finally time for her lunch period.

She decided to go have lunch with Peggy in the teachers lounge.

She entered the lounge and saw that Peggy was already seated. She made her way over and took the seat across the small table.

Everyone else must have chosen to take their lunches alone as they had the room to themselves.

They chatted about this and that, mostly girl talk about random things that come up throughout a day.

Just as Rebecca was going to ask Peggy about their earlier conversation she was halted by the sound of an incoming text message on her phone.

"Just one sec." she told Peggy as she brought up her texts.

It was from Davis and read, "Check this out slut." and included a web link.

Being unsure what it was she didn't want to push on it. Try as she might she could not stop her shaking thumb from pushing on the blue text on her phone.

In the blink of an eye a video of a blonde woman being fucked by a massive black cock filled the screen of her phone.

"Oh my god!" Rebecca cried out and nearly dropped her phone. She was thankful that she kept the speaker turned off until she neaded it for something.

"What is it?" Peggy asked

"I can't...You wouldn't believe me."

"I would if you showed me." Peggy replied, curious at what made her friend gasp like that.

Rebecca thought for a moment about what to tell her. She decided on a small fib. "I don't know who sent it. They must have texted the wrong number or something. This was the link that was in the text." She turned the phone around so that Peggy could see what was on the screen.

Peggy's mouth hung open at seeing the video that was playing. "Oh my god is right." she gasped. "Look at the size of that thing. It is huge! How does she even take it?"

Rebecca was a little shocked at the response. She didn't know what to say to her. Should she tell her that she had had a cock bigger than that and it was only difficult at first.

Peggy's hands covered her still open mouth as her eyes looked on in amazement. "I bet something that big could make you feel real good. Who sent it to you?"

She quickly decided to keep up the lie. "I don't know, some random number."

"You should text them back." Peggy suggested.

"And say what? My friend likes the porn you sent me." she giggled.

"It wouldn't be untrue." Peggy confessed. "And it would be a BIG increase if you know what I mean." She held her hands apart to emphasize her point.

Rebecca closed out of the video and turned her phone to rest mode. "You're terrible you know that?"

"Am not." Peggy stuck her tongue out. "I'm just a girl that hasn't gotten laid in far too long."

"No regular girl could handle something that big anyway. We aren't in porn and taking big ones like that everyday." Rebecca lied again.

"But it would sure be fun to try." Peggy said just as the bell rang.

The video was on her mind the rest of the afternoon.

She had a hard time concentrating on any of her lessons. Her brain just kept seeing the black cock pounding away at the blonde in the video.

She thought something would happen when Davis got to class, but he didn't show up. She thought it strange in that she could not remember the last time he missed a day.

Oh well. At least he wasn't able to see her discomfort, or worse yet, cause her anymore as he sometimes did in class.

Once she got home and changed from her work attire all she could think about was the video.

It wouldn't leave her alone.

She reached her breaking point and picked up her phone and clicked on the link once again.

This time as she watched her hand snaked into her pants and she rubbed her excited pussy.

She was working two fingers in and out of her juicy pussy as she kept her eyes glued to her phone and the girl taking the big black cock.

It was pure luck that she happened to see the clock and figured she only had a little bit before her husband got home and caught her like this.

She clicked further along on the video and started rubbing her sensitive clit with her thumb as she fingered herself.

She was nearing the point of no return. Her hips were thrusting up into her hand as she neared her climax.

She risked a look at the clock and a sense of desperation set in. She didn't have much time left.

She added a third finger and ramped up the pressure on her clit.

She was really pressing her pussy up into her invading hand.

She put the phone down on the couch next to her and used her now free hand to play with her tits.

Just as the man on the video pulled out and was covering the young starlet's face with cum she went over the edge.

"Oh FUCK!" she practically yelled out as she came on her fingers.

After laying slumped on the couch for a moment to catch her breath, she saw the clock and rushed to clean herself before her husband saw her.

Running to the bathroom she quickly shed her pants and panties, which she did still wear at home, and wiped herself clean.

Moving to the bedroom she hid the soiled clothing under some other clothes in the basket and grabbed clean items.

She had just pulled the pants up when she heard the door opening.

"Oh no." she said quietly as she remembered that she left the phone on the couch and that she hadn't closed out the video before she ran away.

Sprinting from the bedroom and into the living room she gave Dan a big hug as he entered.

"I'm glad to see you too." he said as he wrapped his arms around her.

Rebecca moved him so that his back was to the couch, "Are you still going out with the guys tonight?"

"Yeah, Tommy cancelled, but the rest of us are still going to the bar. Unless you want me to stay home? You could easily convince me with your many charms."

"I wouldn't want you to miss a guys night." she told him. "Besides, I can convince you an


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"I wouldn't want you to miss a guys night." she told him. "Besides, I can convince you anytime I want."

Dan kissed her gently, "No argument there."

Once he was out of sight she quickly grabbed her phone and closed it out. "That was close." she said to herself. It was weird that she wanted to hide the porn from Dan even though he knew that she was fucking her black student. Somehow she felt like it was a bigger deal that she was getting herself off to black cock porn than it was to get fucked by one.

That night, as Dan was out with his buddies, Rebecca again watched the video and fingered herself. This time however she was naked in bed and also had turned the sound on.

Her orgasm was more intense as she listened to the starlet screaming in pleasure as she got hammered by that big black cock.

As she lay there in post orgasm bliss, her thoughts drifted back to the chastity device.

Scrolling through the internet history on her phone she found the video of the woman locking up the man's penis in a similar device.

Before pushing play on the video, she got the device out of the hiding spot in her closet.

She held the thing in her hands as she re watched the man's penis getting locked up in the tube.

Rebecca was rubbing her pussy with the bent tube of the device. As she heard the click of the lock on the video she pushed the plastic tube into her wet pussy.

It was a small tube and gave her no pleasure, but having something in her pussy was just enough naughty fun while the video finished.

After it was over she pulled the small tube from her pussy and brought it up to her lips. She sucked her own juices off the plastic, savoring her taste as she rubbed her tits with her other hand.

She didn't want to get too crazy and risk getting caught so she decided to end her fun for the evening.

She put the chastity cage away in it's hiding place and got dressed in her bed clothes.

Since she still had some alone time she decided to get her lesson plan ready for the following day.

When Dan got home that evening she could tell that he had more than he should have at the bar. He stumbled into the room and gave her a kiss, his breath reaking from what he consumed at the bar.

"Whew." she exclaimed. "You need to brush your teeth and get ready for bed. You went a little too far for a work night don't you think?"

"Probably." he stammered. "People were buying rounds tonight for the whole place. It got a little crazy."

Thursday morning when they woke up Dan felt horrible from his extended trip to the bar the night before. Rebecca felt refreshed and ready to take on her day.

When she got to school she went to the office as usual. She was hoping to see Peggy but there was no sign of her.

As she was walking towards her class she bumped into her. "Hey Peggy, I was looking for you in the office."

"I had to drop some stuff off for another class." she told Rebecca. "What do you need, did you get any more naughty videos texted to you?"

"You're terrible." she giggled. "And no, I didn't. I was just checking in and wanted to say hi."

"Wanna do lunch again?" Peggy asked.

"Sure, I have a lot to do today though. Can you come to my room?"

"Yeah, no problem. See you then."

Rebecca continued to her classroom.

She got to her room and began pulling papers from her bag. She was setting up for her first class when something caught her eye.

There was something on the desk that Davis sits in.

She made her way to the desk and saw that it was another folded sheet of paper. Having plenty of time before her fist class began she opened it.

She felt her cheeks turn red as she read, 'Did you like the video? What about your husband? Did you lock him up yet?'

She was able to admit to herself that as she was fingering herself the night before she had almost convinced herself that putting the device on him was a good idea. However after she came down from her orgasm she still didn't think that she could do that do him.

Folding the sheet of paper, she stuffed it into her purse and went back to preparing for class.

After her second class she pulled out her phone and checked on any text's that came in. She sent a few responses and put the phone away.

Just as a student walked in she heard the alert that she had another text arrive. She quickly grabbed the phone and turned the it to vibrate and put it back without checking the text. It would have to wait until class was over, just like she told her students.

Class ended and she checked her phone again to see what had come in.

Her pussy came alive as she saw a picture of Davis cock, with the words, How bad do you need my cock? I bet your pussy is screaming for it right now.

He was right. Her pussy was on fire and wanted relief.

Another text arrived. Again from Davis. Maybe this will get you off until you lock up his tiny thing. The words were followed by another web link. She didn't have time to click on it as her next class was about to begin and some students were already coming in.

Pushing the image of Davis' cock from her mind, hopefully from her pussy as well, she tried to get into teacher mode.

It was difficult with the thought of what was on the link that he sent her. Her mind was desperate to know what it was this time. She knew that it would have to wait though.

She struggle through until it was lunch time.

It wasn't long before Peggy entered, closing the door behind her. "Hey Rebecca." she said as she carried her lunch to the desk.

With her mind in termoil she couldn't stop herself from blurting out, "He sent me another video." She regretted saying it as the words were leaving her mouth.

"Oh my god, what is it?" Peggy asked with excitement.

"I don't know, I haven't watched it."

"Well grab your phone. Let's see what it is today."

With concern on her face, "I don't know if we should. Maybe I should just delete it."

"No way." Peggy shrieked. "I wonder who is sending this to you? Maybe they have a thing for you."

Laughing, "And they send me porn!"

"Sure why not. Did you respond to them at all? Tell them they must have the wrong number?"

"No I didn't respond to them." Rebecca gasped. "I thought if I ignored them they would figure it out and stop texting me."

"I guess that didn't work. Come on, we have to at least see what it is. Just a quick look. We can turn it right off if we don't like it."

Rebecca caved to her friend's desire, "Fine, if it makes you happy we will see what it is."

"Great, let me get a chair."

Rebecca hurried to get her phone open and click on the link before Peggy could see what else was in those text's.

"Don't start it without me."

"I haven't clicked to start it yet."

Of course it sent them to a porn tube site. There was no name for the video, only a series of random numbers, giving them no clue as to what they were about to see.

"Are you sure?" Rebecca asked with her finger over the phone.

Peggy scooted her chair closer, "Oh yeah! Start the show."

With a shaking finger, she pushed the screen to start the video.

The video began in a big house. You could hear people, but they were not yet in sight. As the camera moved through the house it found a blonde woman and a black guy on a couch making out.

The woman was probably in her thirties and the black guy was much younger. As they kissed, the young black guy was rubbing her ass only to bring his hand up and begin to maul her big tits.

Moaning as she felt his big hands on her she broke the kiss. "You asked me earlier why I fuck black guys. Do you want to find out?"

"Yeah baby." he said in a deep voice.

The woman turned away and called out, "Husband, come in here."

The camera turned and showed a white man coming into the room. You could only see the upper half of him as he entered.

The camera changed to see the two on the couch and the back on the white man as he stood in front of them completely naked.

The black guy instantly started laughing as his hands continued to knead the blonde's tits. "Damn baby, I see why you need some black dick."

"I told you I needed it." the blonde said as she leaned in to kiss him again.

The camera changed to a shot of the husband, only this time you could see him from the front, seeing that he had a very small penis.

"Oh wow!" Peggy shrieked. "Look at how small he is. It just sits on his balls."

Rebecca paused the video, "That's not nice Peggy, maybe he is a grower and not a shower."

"Not with something that small." Peggy said with sadness. "Trust me I know."

"You know?"

Pausing briefly, "I shouldn't say anything, but, that is just a tiny bit smaller than my husband."

"Oh." Rebecca replied, stunned at what she just learned. She didn't know what else to say.

"We don't have a lot of time. Let's see what happens."

Rebecca pushed the phone to play the video.

"He can't please me with that tiny thing. I need a man's cock to fuck me, not something small like that."

The black man grabbed the dress and pulled it down past her tits. They were big and clearly fake, but that did not matter.

He leaned his head down and licked a nipple as he looked at the husband. Holding her nipple between his teeth he pulled his head away, stretching her nipple as he did.

The blonde was looking at her husband as her hand snaked up the black man's leg. She brought her hand to his crotch and held it there. "He is so much bigger than you." she told her husband. She held the black man's head to her breasts, "Do you want to see what happens to my little husband when I bring a black man home to fuck me?"

"What happens baby?" he asked and gave her nipple a long lick.

"Come closer." she told her husband.

The husband was standing right in front of her now.

The blonde shifted and reached behind her.

"What is that thing?" Peggy asked as she saw the blonde woman holding something.

Rebecca knew what it was but said nothing.

"He has to wear this." she told her black lover. She put the device on her husband and clicked the lock shut. "Now he can't even get a tiny hard on while you fuck me."

The black man laughed hysterically at seeing the husband locked in the chastity cage.

"I've never seen anything like that before." Peggy said of seeing the chastity tube. "That guy is so small he doesn't even fill the little tube part.

"No little erection for you honey." the woman told her husband as she gave a few tugs on the plastic tube. "And for you lover," she turned to the black guy, "since you are going to be fucking me, you get to hold onto the key to his little cage." She put the key in his hand and closed it around the small key.

He put it in his pocket and went back to her tits.

"Let's skip ahead and see what happens." Peggy offered.

"How far?"

"Just a little. I want to see how big this guy is if you know what I mean."

Rebecca pushed on the time bar and the video advanced forward.

The blonde was sucking on the massive black cock. Bigger than the one from the other video. Her head was bobbing on the thick shaft. A dollop of spit was dangling from her chin as she slurped on the head of the cock.

As her head bobbed the spit fell on her tits, streaking her skin.

"That thing is huge. Let's see if she can take it all." Peggy suggested.

"Ok." Rebecca agreed, her pussy leaking onto her skirt. She wondered if Peggy was feeling the same thing.

Advancing the video again,

The blonde was riding on top of the black man, taking his length all the way in her pussy.

Every time she rose up her pussy tried to hold it's grip on the shaft, trying it's best to not let it out. Then she would sink back down, taking the entire length back inside her.

The husband was now on the other side of the couch and as she was riding the black guy she was tugging on the chastity cage that was locked on her husband's penis. "You could never fuck me like this. I have to go out and find black guys with big dicks to fuck me. Your small penis will never be enough for me again. I'm going to be fucking black guys from now on."

The black guy was laughing as he spread her ass apart, adding a spank to each cheek.

"Go sit down." the woman told her husband. "I will tell you when I need you for something."

The man slowly moved out of camera as the couple continued fucking.

"I want to see how it ends." Peggy said.

Rebecca pushed further on the time bar, stopping with almost three minutes left.

The woman was now on the couch with her legs spread wide and the black man thrusting wildly into her pussy. "Oh fuck! Look how he fucks me honey. He makes me cum with his big black cock. You could never make me cum."

"Take my cock baby." the black man grunted. "Where you want it?"

She looked away from her husband and stared into the black man's eyes. "In my pussy baby. Cum deep in my married with pussy. Give me that black cum."

Rebecca had said nearly those exact words before. She knew what it was like to beg a black man to fuck her and cum inside her like that. Not that she could admit that to her friend.

"Here it comes baby. Gonna nut deep in yo pussy." he looked over his shoulder at the husband. "You hear that man. I'm gonna cum all up in yo wife's pussy."

The woman locked her ankles around the black man's waist as he pumped into her a few more times. "Give it to me baby. I want it all."

"Here it comes." he said as he held himself deep in her pussy. "Fuck yeah baby! I'm cumming right up in there."

The camera was showing a closeup of his cock inside her pussy. You could clearly see his cock twitch every time he sent another jet of cum into her.

"Oh god baby. I can feel it. I can feel your hot cum shooting inside me."

After holding his cock deep in her a few more seconds he pulled out, leaving her pussy stretched wide open.

It only took a moment before you could see his cum pooling at the entrance.

"Come on cuckie." she said to her husband. "You know what you have to do now."

The husband was crawling between her spread legs and began licking and sucking the cum out of her gaping pussy.

"No way. He isn't doing that with all that cum in her." Peggy was shocked.

"That's a good little cuckold. Eat all his cum up. You don't want me to get pregnant do you?"

The husband shook his head as he continued.

After another little bit the wife pushed his head away. "Good boy. You cleaned me all out. Let's take that thing off you now."

The husband stood up and held the lock out to her.

The wife looked around the couch, "Uh oh honey. I think he took the key with him when he left. Sorry cuckie, I guess I will have to go and find another black guy to fuck me tomorrow. And I'll just keep going to that club until I see him again and I get your key back."

The video ended at that point.

"That was pretty fucking hot." Peggy said. "Kind of funny how the guy was stuck in that thing too."

"I guess." was all Rebecca said.

"What's wrong. Do you need a man like that in your life too?" Peggy joked.

"Just a strange video I guess."

"I think I would use one of those cage things on my husband if I had a man like that to fuck me."

"No you wouldn't."

"You're probably right. Not like I have someone like that trying to give it to me anyway. I guess I'm stuck with my husband and his poor sex drive."

"I'm sure things will pick up again."

"I hope s.....oh shoot, look at the time." Peggy pointed to the clock. "Lunch is almost over and we haven't eaten yet."

"You are the one that wanted to watch that video."

Peggy was pulling a sandwich from her bag, "You were curious about it too. Be honest."

"Maybe I was a little."

They started to quickly eat their lunches. "Can you belive the size of that guy's dick though? I've never seen anything like that before."

"It was pretty big." Rebecca agreed, not saying that it was only a little bigger that what she has had.

After lunch was over and Rebecca was waiting for her next class to begin her phone buzzed again.

There were a few students already in their seats, but none would be bothered that she was checking her phone in the break time.

Bringing up the text menu on her phone she saw that it was another text from Davis. She took a second to steady herself before clicking on it.

'Did you like the video? Bet ur pussy is begging for my black cock.' It was quickly followed by another text. This one was just a picture of his cock, which was rock hard.

He was right, her pussy was begging for his black cock. His black cock that looked so delicious in the picture. His black cock that gives her much more pleasure than her husbands small penis. 'I don't know if I can hold out much longer.' she thought as tried to focus herself on the class that was beginning to fill up.

The sound of her phone snapped her back to attention. Looking from the class back down to her phone she realized that she had texted a response. She didn't realize she was even doing it.

Her hand started to shake as she read what she sent. 'I loved it. My pussy needs your black cock. Fuck me baby."

The bell sounded to begin class. With a trembling hand she turned her phone off and tried to focus on teaching.

When class was over she hurried to turn her phone back on to see if Davis responded.

He did. 'You no what to do for it.'

She quickly typed back. 'N E other way???'

His response was quick. 'NOPE!'

She put the phone away as her next class was coming in. Davis should be in this class, but she had a feeling he would not show up again. She knew that he was in his other classes, he was just not coming to her class. She figured he was not coming the last few days to mess with her mind. It was working.

Once class was over, with no sign of Davis, she checked her phone. Two text's from Davis were waiting for her.

'Do this.' which was followed by a web link.

And the other read, 'And get this.' followed by another web link.

She knew there was no way to look at the sites now, but she told herself not to forget to check them after school.

Once her last class was over and the last student made their way from her room Rebecca slumped down on her desk.

It wasn't just from a hard day's work, she was exhausted from the back and forth with Davis. Combine that with the fact that she hadn't gotten any relief sexually and it made for a difficult day.

After taking a minute to gather herself, Rebecca started gathering her things to end the day. When she grabbed her purse she took out her phone and turned it on. No new messeges awaited her.

After getting her things together to leave for the day she remembered the last text's from Davis. She wouldn't be able to watch what he sent at home. Sitting back down at her desk she pulled out her phone and brought up his text's.

Going to the first one marked 'Do this.' she clicked on the link that was there.

Not shocking that it took her to a porn site. She started the video that was there. It was a compilation video that kept changing from one scene to the next. The clips kept changing but the theme was the same in all of them.

They were all of small dicked men being locked in chastity. Mixed with a few who were already locked up and the woman was playing with the tube that was sealed tight on their penis.

The video played for about three minutes. Three minutes of seeing men getting their little penis's locked in a chastity cage.

Going back to the text screen she clicked on the link for the other text that said, 'And get this.'

Of course, another porn site was brought up. Again as she clicked on the video she found that it was a compilation.

Only this time it was of white women getting fucked by big cocked black men. The women were yelling as the black cock's filled their pussies and sometimes their asses too.

Some of the clips showed the women clearly shaking and quivering as they orgasmed from the fuckin


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Some of the clips showed the women clearly shaking and quivering as they orgasmed from the fucking. They were not faking like most of the women in porn.

As the video was winding down it began to show the black guy's pulling out of the white women's pussies. Each time a black cock pulled out there was a cum filled and gaping hole left behind.

When the video ended Becky was breathing hard. She could feel how hard her nipples were and knew they were visible through her shirt. It took another few seconds before her mind caught up to the fact that her hand was in her skirt and she was fingering herself.

"What am I doing?" she whispered to herself as she pulled her wet hand out of her skirt.

Reaching for a tissue to wipe her hand she hesitated. Unable to resist the urge, she brought her sticky hand up to her mouth and licked her juices from her fingers.

She did use the tissue to dry her hand off after she had sucked herself clean.

She gave herself a few minutes to cool down before she finished packing her things and leaving for the day.

After checking out with the office she left the building.

When she was approaching her car she saw that there was something under her windshield wiper. The closer she got she was able to see that it was another folded piece of paper.

Grabbing the paper she quickly got into her car and closed the door.

Unfolding the paper she read the note.

'You won't hold out much longer.' was all it said.

Her hands started trembing as she read the words. Not from fear at what the words said, but she was afraid that the note was right. She was desperate for Davis' black cock. She needed to get fucked by him, to feel his cock as it thrust into her. To orgasm as he stretched her once again. And finally to feel him as he unloads his thick cum deep into her.

'I have to do it.' her brain was shouting.

As the thought was filling her head her phone buzzed from her purse.

Reaching with a fumbling hand she found the device and pulled it out.

It was another text from Davis.

'It must be hard to deny yourself. Trying to get any relief you can?' There was a download attatched.

She clicked on it and it began to load onto her phone. When it was finished she saw that it was a video file. Clearly something made and not from the net.

She clicked on it and instantly her jaw dropped.

It was a video of her, from a little while ago. It showed her as she sat at her desk watching the video he had sent before. There was no denying that she had a hand in her skirt and was pleasuring herself in her classroom.

Oh god, that means that he had been outside her room as she was watching them. Which means she hadn't closed the blinds on the door before she sat down.

Now her fear became real. Did anyone else walk by and check on her room? Did somebody see what she was doing? What if it was a student?

All those horrible thoughts were coursing through her head. Her whole body was shaking in fear as she thought about being seen like that.

Her ringing phone brought her back to reality.

Seeing that it was Davis she answered. "You have to stop this."

"You can stop it anytime you want." he told her.

"I might have been caught today. Somebody could have seen me."

"Nobody did."

"How do you know that?" she demanded.

"I was there the whole time. A teacher saw me and I said I was waiting for you to come back so I could have some help."

Her breathing slowed at hearing that nobody else saw her. "You're sure?"

"Yeah, you think I want you in trouble? You get in trouble and I won't get at that fine pussy you got no more."

"I guess you're right. I'm sorry, I'm a little on edge lately. God I need some relief."

"And that relief is just a quick lock away."

"I know, I know. I just........" she trailed off, unable to finish her thought.

"All it takes is a small tube and a little click and relief will come." he said and ended the call.

Becky continued to hold the phone up after she heard the call end. She had to make a decision. Fast.

Driving home, her mind was in constant termoil. Her pussy was begging for her to lock her husband in the device. What was worse was that her brain was starting to tell her the same thing.

The closer she got to home the longer it took for her brain to contradict her pussy.

When she got home and stepped out of the car she still hadn't decided what she should do.

She felt a burning need in her sex as she walked to the door.

Going inside she set her stuff down and found her husband on the couch.

"I'm home."

Looking from the tv, "How was your day?" Dan asked.

"Interesting, your's?"

"Normal day for me. What was so interesting about your day?"

"Girl talk stuff. I can't tell you." she said wagging a finger at him.

"Is that why you're so late getting home?"

"Yup." the lie rolled off her tongue as the guilt for doing it filled her head. "I'm gonna go get changed."

Moving to their bedroom Rebecca took off her work clothes. Donning a sweatshirt and yoga pants she laid on the bed.

As she laid there unwinding after a day of work her mind began to drift. In seconds thoughts of Davis and his big dick filled her head.

Visions of him taking her flashed in her mind. The way he controlled her and made her climax had her squirming on the bed.

She could almost feel his black cock filling her pussy as she remembered how it felt the first time it invaded her.

Her hand slid into her tight pants and rubbed her wet pussy as she visualized his thrusting cock.

She was rapidly approaching climax, but was brought back to the present when she heard, "You should have called me."

Her eyes shot open wide and she saw her husband standing in the doorway. She yanked her hand from her pants and sat up. "Honey.....Sorry...I..." she panted trying to get her breath.

"Nothing to apologize for." he said approaching the bed. "How about I join you?"

Rebecca hesitated before quietly saying, "It wouldn't help."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sorry Dan. It's nothing."

Dan sat on the bed and put an arm around her shoulder. "There has to be something. Talk to me."

"I can't. It's not right." she was almost crying as she said it.

Pulling her tighter to him, "You can tell me anything. Whatever it is."

"I....I need something." she paused. "Something that you can't give me."

"I know that honey. That is why you see Davis. I've made peace with that already."

"I haven't been with him lately. He won't...." she didn't finish her thought.

"It's ok. Tell me. He won't, what?"

Taking a deep breath, "He won't take me again unless I do something. Something I don't know if I can do."

"What does he want you to do? You have already let him have your ass, so it can't be that."

"No, it's nothing like that. It has nothing to do with sex. Well....not really."

Dan kissed the side of her head. "Tell me. Maybe I can help."

"You mean you would help me have sex with him?"

"I know you have needs. Needs that I can't fill. If I can somehow help you get those needs met by someone else then I will."

"You would do that for me?" turning her head to look up at him.

"I would do anything for you." adding, "For us."

"Really?" she asked surprised. "Because it kind of involves you."

"You don't want me to eat you after he cums inside you do you? I really didn't like that."

"Well, I would like that. It felt so good last time, your tongue soothing my sore pussy and cleaning all of his cum out. But that isn't it."

"Just tell me. I can handle it."

Rebecca shifted away from him just a little. She turned her body to face him. "I can't believe I'm saying this." She picked up his hand and held it in both of hers. "Davis told me that he wouldn't....that he won't....he won't fuck me again unless......"

"Unless what?"

"Unless I put you in this." she got up from the bed and walked to the closet.

She came back to him with her hands behind her back.

"Davis said he will not fuck me until I lock you up in this thing." she said and brought her hand around, showing him the chastity tube.

Dan had no idea what it was. "I don't understand. What is that?"

Sitting back down next to him she explained, "It is a chastity tube. It goes on your...your penis and around your balls. It locks in place and keeps you from getting hard."

"You want me to wear that thing?"

"I don't know. I've been going crazy since he gave it to me. I've been nervous and too afraid to say anything."

"How long?" he asked.

"He gave it to me a few days ago."

"No, how long do I have to wear it?"

"Oh, um, I don't know. I guess just until know, has me."

Hesitating for a moment, he said, "I would do that for you."

Her eyes lit up when the words came out. "Are you serious? You would do that?"

"Of course. I love you. I would do anything to make you happy."

"Are you sure? If you don't want to I..."

He cut her off mid sentence. "I'm sure. If this is what I have to do, I will do it.

Rebecca lunged and wrapped her arms around him. "I love you so much." she took another deep breath. "I've been so afraid of what you would say if I ever asked you."

"You never have to be afraid to talk to me. I would never do anything to hurt you."

"I know that, I just didn't want you to feel hurt or ashamed that I need him so much that I would ask this of you."

Wanting to ease her mind even more, he asked, "So, how does this thing even work?"

Releasing her tight hug she held the device in front of him. "This part goes around your penis and balls, then the tube part goes over your penis. It all lines up together and then the lock goes through the little hole right there."

Dan took the device and looked it over. "And you say that if I wear this Davis will take care of you?"


His next words took a giant weight off her shoulders.

"I guess we should put it on then." he said, standing up from the bed. He pushed his pants and boxers down to his knees.

Rebecca got up and grabbed the tube from his hand. "I should do it." she said and lowered herself to her knees in front of him.

With her face right there it was apparent how much a difference in size there was between her husband and Davis.

She took the device apart and held up the ring piece. With a shaking hand she slid it over his penis and slipped his balls through.

The ring highlighted his small size.

As she was about to put the tube on she hesitated. She leaned her head in and gave the tip of his penis a quick, soft kiss. No tongue, she didn't suck on it. Just a gentle kiss.

Then, ever so slowly, she raised the tube and easily slipped it over his penis.

The tube was in place and the pegs were all lined up. There was only one thing left to do.

She picked picked up the small lock and slid it through the hole. Looking up at him with wide eyes she asked, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes." was all he said.

She didn't say anything. Turning the lock, her hands shook as she looked back up at him.

Neither one of them said anything. They were staring into each others eyes. The sound of the lock as Rebecca pushed it shut seemed so loud in the silent room.

That was it. He was now locked in the chastity tube.

Rebecca sprang to her feet and hugged Dan again. "Thank you baby. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I'm so happy."

Dan had a genuine smile on his face. Seeing his wife so happy and delighted brought him joy. Even if it meant locking his penis in a tube so that she would be able to have sex with another man, or in this case an eighteen year old student.

Rebecca gave a final squeeze before backing away from the hug. She reached down and pulled Dan's pants and boxers back up, giving a final tug on the chastity tube a soft tug before covering it with his clothes.

"How about we just relax for a while and then I will make dinner." she offered.

"Sure, that sounds good." Dan replied quietly.

The rest of the evening went by like any other.

The only problem arouse the first time Dan had to take a leak. He tried to release his stream as slow as possible, bending his knees to get the end of the tube as close to the bowl as he could. The problem was that he didn't fill the tube and his stream was running out all around the open tube. He ended up squating so that the tube was right at the rim to keep from making a mess.

When they went to bed that night there was obviously no chance of sex so Dan just put his arm around her as the went to s1eep.

Friday morning when he woke up Dan had an urgent need to relieve himself.

He moved quickly to the bathroom and lowered the front of his pants. He freaked out upon seeing the tube, momentarily forgetting that he was wearing it. After his mind caught up to the situation, and knowing that he really had to go, he decided to sit down to handle his morning business.

Sitting down, he pushed the tube down between his legs and let go a heavy stream that he heard splashing out of the opening of the tube.

Hearing a small giggle, Dan looked up to see Rebecca standing in the doorway.

"Don't laugh, it is weird going with this thing on and I didn't want to make a mess."

"I'm sorry honey. It is just different to see you like that. I know it is weird for you and I really do appreciate you doing it for me."

"I should be building up a bunch of brownie points for doing this for you." Dan said as he stood up and pulled his pants back up and flushed.

"Don't worry baby. You so are." Rebecca kissed him as he passed by her so she could take care of things.

On her drive to school that morning it dawned on her that she had to let Davis know that she had locked Dan up in the chastity cage. How did she tell him? When did she do it?"

She stopped by the office briefly, having a quick chat with Peggy before leaving for her classroom.

All of the questions in her mind were suddenly gone when she saw the folded sheet of paper on her desk.

She opened it and read the words within. 'How about now?"

After seeing the question on the page she grabbed her phone from her purse and brought up her text menu. Clicking on Davis name she quickly typed, 'Yes, I did it!!! I locked him up last night."

Her phone quickly beeped with his response. "That's my bitch. C U in class. Talk after."

His words sent goosebumps up and down her arms. She hadn't even seen him in class for days. She hasn't had to guard herself against his piercing looks or subtle gropes as she moved through the room. As the thoughts went through her she realized that she missed his hands grabbing her butt when there were people around, even though they had no idea it was happening. The risk of having another student turning at just the right time and seeing his hand on her ass or grabbing her breast made it that much more exciting.

She managed to keep her mind from wandering too much at what he might do to her and got prepped for her classes.

The first half of her day went by in a daze. Classes seemed to fly by as she anticipated seeing Davis again.

After her lunch period, the next class seemed to never end. Davis was in the next class and now that it was getting closer it felt like it would never arrive.

The bell sounded to end class and it was now just a matter of minutes before he would walk into the room.

Rebecca had to sit down to calm her nerves. She felt her body trembling, he would be here soon. She had still obeyed his clothing demands even though he had been ignoring her for the past week. If she had been wearing any panties they would have had a small wet patch in them. She could feel it as her juices ran down.

Just before the bell sounded to begin class Davis walked in.

"Welcome back to class Davis. Is everything alright?"

Offering no explanation as to his recent absence, he simply said, "Yeah." as he took his seat.

During class Rebecca made a special effort to stay moving throughout the room as she spoke to the class.

Every time she got near Davis she would stop and hover near him, giving him a perfect chance to get his hands on her.

Each time she became disappointed when she felt nothing, no groping hand on her butt, or sliding up her skirt.

She could only stop there briefly before she had to move on to not cause any suspicion from the other students.

When she finally took a seat at her desk as the students worked on the lesson she looked up and saw Davis eyeing her. She held his gaze, even giving her lips a subtle lick.

She didn't realize that she had been holding her breath until he looked away and she almost gasped for air. Her need for him was that intense. Soon, she kept telling herself.

Once the bell sounded to end class Rebecca took a deep breath.

As the students were leaving the room, Davis was making his way up to her desk. She didn't know whether to stay seated or to stand up.

Making her mind up she started to rise from her chair.

Davis put a hand on her shoulder and kept her seated. There was nothing said in the exchange.

Rebecca watched as the last of the students left the room.

As she turned from the door to Davis she watched as he pulled his sweat pants down and saw his big black cock hanging free.

"You get one quick taste." he told her bluntly.

Not wasting any time, Rebecca leaned forward and took his cock in her mouth. It felt wonderful to have his thick, pulsing shaft in her warm mouth again.

She took him as deep in her mouth as she could without gagging. Holding her head down, savoring his taste for as long as she dared before pulling back. She stopped when his crown was just passed her teeth.

"How good are you? Did you do what else I told you?" Davis asked looking down at her.

Becky nodded her head slowly, keeping his cock in her mouth.

"Show me." Davis demanded.

Becky reached up and began undoing the buttons of her shirt. When she had it open passed her tits she pulled it apart, showing him the small keys hanging from the thin necklace she wore.

"Good girl." he said and patted her head.

As she began to lower her head on him again he took a step away from her, pulling his cock from her wanting mouth. "Just a taste for now." he said as he pulled his sweats back up. "Fix your shirt."

"I need you so bad Davis." Becky whimpered as she buttoned up her shirt.

"I'll be fucking you today Becky." he confirmed. "Give me your keys."

She didn't hesitate to reach into her purse and hand them over to him.

"I'm gonna be waiting in your car after school. Trust me, you don't want to keep me waiting."

"I won't, I promise." she told him as her eyes looked back to the bulge in his pants.

"Ten minutes." he told her.

Ten minutes, she thought to herself. She is usually still in her room for a half hour after classes end. How could she finish her tasks and check out in the office to meet him ten minutes after the last class. "Ten minutes." she agreed, having no idea how she could make the deadline.

Davis put her keys in his bag and left the room just before students in the next class started to enter.

Becky had a hard time concentrating on her final classes. She kept seeing herself being impaled on Davis' cock. Thinking about how his massive size would make her cum and beg for more.

Upon hearing the bell that ended the final class, Rebecca began to quickly pack up her things. When the last student left the room she hurried to finish the last of her tasks before she could leave for the day.

As she finished and looked up at the clock, she saw that it had been five minutes. She still had five minutes to get to her car.

Walking as fast as she dared, she made her way to the office.

Peggy greeted her when she entered.

"Sorry Peggy." she said. "Can't talk. Something came up."

"Everything ok?" Peggy asked her friend.

"Yes, I just have to rush out today."

"See you Monday." Peggy called out to her as she hurried fro


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"See you Monday." Peggy called out to her as she hurried from the office.

She was almost there. She was going to make it. Checking her watch she still had two minutes and her car was just outside the door.

She was a few strides from the door when someone came from a room and stood in front of her.

Stumbling she saw that it was Mr. Holt, the principal.

"Rebecca, I'm glad I caught you. I need to ask a favor."

Panting from her near sprint to the door she asked, "I'm sorry Mr. Holt. I'm really in a hurry today. Can it wait until Monday?"

"I'm afraid it can't. I have to have an answer today. What's the rush?"

Not wanting to argue with him, and it wasn't like she could tell him why she was rushing from school, "Something came up. I guess I can spare a minute though. What's up?"

She heard that he was talking, but was unable to focus on his words. She kept looking from him to the door and then to her watch.

"Rebecca?" his questioning tone brought her back to the present.

"Oh, sorry." she said more as a question.

"So, can we count on you?" he asked.

She had no idea what he was talking about. She should ask him but he would know that she hadn't been paying attention and that would not make her look good. "Yeah, you can count on me." she said having no clue what she had just agreed to.

"Terrific. I know you're in a hurry, I'll email you the details. Have a good weekend."

"You too." she said and hurried past him and out the door.

Knowing that she was late she didn't bother looking at her watch as she hurried to her car.

She was out of breath as she got in the car and closed the door.

Davis was sitting in the passenger seat and simply held out his phone.

She saw that it was on a timer and was counting up. He must have stopped it when she got in the car as it was no longer counting, just flashing the same number.

'17:38.' It kept flashing at her.

Over and over it flashed on the screen. Rebecca could not look away from the phone and the number on it.

"You are going to be punished for that later." he told her. "When I tell you to do something you had better fucking do it. Got it?"

She was now nervous and afraid. What was he going to do to her as punishment? "Y..yes. I got it." she mumbled.

"Good girl. Now drive. We are going to your house today."

"Yes Davis." she said as she started the car.

The drive was silent. He didn't speak to her and she was too afraid to say anything. She kept wondering what kind of punishment she was in for. Could she handle it? How bad would it be?

When she pulled into her driveway she felt her heart start to beat faster. Both from the excitement of finally fucking Davis again and from the fear of what was going to happen.

She saw that Dan was not home yet.

When she put the car in park her hand was shaking as she reached for the gear shifter. She had to keep a hold on it for an extended period of time to try to keep from shaking.

Rebecca took a few deep breaths before turning off the car. She then turned to Davis, "Should we go inside?"

"Unless you want me to fuck you on your front lawn."

Too afraid to say anything that might make him actually follow through on that thought she opened her door and stepped from the car.

Davis was right behind her, closing his door a second after hers slammed shut.

He quickly got right behind her and rubbed her ass as they walked to the front door.

Rebecca hoped that none of her neighbors happened to be looking out their window's where they could see what she was up to. She could not afford to have rumors going around about her cheating on her husband with a young black man. Even though it wasn't technically cheating, he knew all about it and allowed it to happen. Her neighbors would not understand that and the gossip would flow like wildfire.

She walked as quick as Davis would allow her to, fumbling with her keys as she got to the door.

She nearly dropped them as she struggled to get the key into the lock.

When the lock finally turned and she was able to push the door open she hurried into her house.

Davis was still right behind her and closed the door as they entered.

Rebecca felt a tug on her skirt as she tried to move into the house.

"Where the fuck you going?" Davis asked, pulling on her skirt to keep her right in front of him.

"I was going to put my bag and purse away." Rebecca said trembling.

Davis ran his hand up her skirt and rubbed her bare ass. "You don't do anything until you get those fucking clothes off."

"Yes Davis." Rebecca said and reached up to start unbuttoning her shirt.

Not wanting to wait for her to finish, Davis grabbed her shirt and ripped it open, sending buttons flying to the floor.

He released her shirt and roughly squeezed her exposed breasts, eliciting a moan from Becky.

As he fondled her and pinched her nipples, Becky slid the torn shirt off her arms and dropped it to the floor.

To avoid angering him more she quickly unzipped her skirt and let it fall to her feet. She stepped out of it and kicked it against the wall near her shirt.

She now stood before him in nothing but her short heels.

Her nipples were starting to throb from his rough attention. She was glad when he let go of them after giving them a sharp tug.

She brought her hand up to caress her sore breasts as he started to rub her ass again.

She could feel his cock pressing against her cheeks through his sweats. He shifted behind her and caused his thickness to glide right between them.

She stumbled and nearly fell when he pulled her along toward the couch.

He had her stand facing the couch as he pushed his sweats down to his ankles and sat on the cushions. Spreading his legs he pointed to the floor. "Kneel." he barked at her.

Becky quickly complied with his demand and dropped to her knees.

"How long til your husband gets home?" Davis wanted to know.

"It shouldn't be too long." Becky told him.

"Good. It's time for the first part of your punishment." Davis announced. "Get in here and get your mouth on my dick. Don't even think about using your hands. You are not to move. I want you to kneel there and keep my cock in your mouth until your husband gets home. Feel free to use your tongue all you want."

Becky inched forward, getting her knees almost to the couch. When she was able to she brought her mouth down and took a little more than the head in her mouth.

"You can take some time to find a comfortable position and then I don't want you moving. Understood?"

"Mmm hmmm." Becky moaned around his dick. She shifted for a moment until she was able to get somewhat comfortable. When she found the best way to do as he asked she stayed still.

"Are you done?"

"Mmm hmmm." Becky moaned in response as she held her position.

Davis ignored her after she responded. He had his phone out and was sending some texts.

Becky decided to take him up on his suggestion and started flicking her tongue along the tip of his cock. She alternated between focusing on the tip and then swirling her tongue around his thickness.

She almost turned around, but held off from doing so when she heard the tv turn on.

It was clear to her that Davis was not paying her any attention when she heard the channels start to change rapidly.

He stopped when he found an afternoon sport show. He dropped the remote on the couch and showed the first sign that she was even there when he brushed some of her hair behind her ear.

That was it. Nothing more.

Becky held as still as possible. Keeping the end of his cock in her mouth, moving only her tongue every little while.

After almost ten minutes of staying in this position she heard her husband's car pull into the driveway. Soon she would be able to get up and finally get Davis' cock into her pussy.

She heard the door open and her husband entering the house. "I'm home." he called out.

She stayed in the same position, her face in Davis' lap and his cock in her mouth. She didn't even dare to turn her head to look towards where her husband would be coming from.

"Honey, you arou....." his voice caught in his throat as he turned to the living room and saw his wife naked with the young student's cock in her mouth.

"Hey man." Davis said to the shocked husband. "Hope you don't mind me watching tv." he said, not mentioning anything about having his wife naked and on her knees with his cock in her mouth.

"'s fine." Dan stammered. "Are you ok honey?"

"She's fine." Davis told him sternly. "She is being punished for keeping me waiting this afternoon. I figured I would give her a taste but keep her waiting even longer to get fucked. But that's just the first part of her punishment. I was waiting on you to dish out the second part."

"Me?" Dan asked confused.

"Yeah. Don't worry, you don't have to do anything. I just wanted you here to see it."

"Oh, um, I..."

"Just sit over there." Davis pointed to a seat across from the couch. He then gave a sharp tug on Becky's hair, making her look up at him. "Stand up."

Becky gave the tip of his cock a final swirl with her tongue before getting to her feet. She stood between his spread legs with her arms down at her sides and her eyes gazing down at his thick black shaft.

She turned her head part way to look at her husband. She gave him a smile, which changed to a look of shock when she felt her body being pulled down.

She landed on Davis' lap with her ass in the air.

She struggled to stand up but Davis held her firmly. "This is the next part of your punishment." he said and brought his hand down on her ass.

"OOOhh." Becky yelped as she felt the stinging in her ass and tried again to get off him.

"You're not going anywhere bitch. You gonna stay right here until I'm done with you." he brought his hand down even harder on her other cheek.

Davis looked at her husband who had jumped to his feet upon seeing his wife spanked. "You sit your ass back down." he barked.

Dan, afraid of the young student's tone, slumped back into his chair.

Davis kept his eyes on Dan as he repeatedly spanked Becky's ass, alternating cheeks with every swat of his hand.

Becky lost count of how many times she was spanked. She had tears streaking her face, and a pussy that was leaking onto Davis' lap.

Davis gave Dan an evil grin and stopped spanking Becky. Her ass was bright red and Dan could see parts of his hand prints on her tender skin.

Becky was no longer struggling, she was now laying limp across Davis' lap.

While still looking over at Dan, Davis pushed two fingers into Becky's pussy. You could hear how wet she was as his fingers wiggled their way inside her.

He pulled them out and Dan could see that they were covered in her juices.

Davis wiped his fingers on the couch and pushed Becky off his lap onto the floor. She looked up at him as he stood up above her.

"Crawl to the bedroom bitch." Davis barked at her.

Dan was in disbelief as he watched his wife begin to crawl to their bedroom.

"Wait here." Davis told Dan as he followed behind Becky.

Dan could not see them anymore but he did hear the distinctive sound of Davis giving her ass a few more spanks as she crawled.

For a few minutes Dan could hear nothing. As he sat in the living room if dawned on him that he felt his penis straining to get hard in the little tube he was locked in. It didn't hurt, but was uncomfortable to say the least.

He sat trying to listen to what was going on but couldn't hear anything.

After a stretch of silence he heard his wife call out to him. "Dan, could you come to the bedroom?"

He jumped to his feet and hurried back to them.

When he got the the bedroom he saw Davis naked on their bed with his cock hanging over his thigh. His wife was kneeling on the floor next to the bed.

"I need you to do something for me honey." Rebecca said softly to him.

"What is it?"

"Well Davis said he wouldn't fuck me unless I put you in that tube thing. He said he doesn't believe that I actually did it. Will you show him that I did?"

"She really did." he said looking at Davis.

She put her hands together like she was praying. "Please honey. He said he won't fuck me until he sees that you are really locked up. Please show him honey. Pull down your pants and show him that you are locked in the little cage."

"Fine." Dan said dejected. He undid his pants and pushed them down along with his boxers. His shirt was all that was hiding his locked up penis from view.

"That's it baby." Rebecca encouraged. "Now just lift your shirt and show him that your little thing is locked up tight."

Dan felt his face turning red. He looked down to the floor as he lifted his shirt up to his stomach.

He closed his eyes tight as he heard Davis erupt in obnoxious laughter. "Damn, what a loser. He looks even smaller in that little tube."

"I told you I did it." Becky said looking from Dan to Davis.

"You did. Now you can get on the bed and suck my fucking cock. Get it nice and hard for that white pussy."

Becky leaped onto the bed and kneeled next to him. She grabbed the base of his thick cock and lowered her head until she had him in her mouth.

She went right after him like she was possessed, slurping and stroking him. She didn't care about sucking him, she wanted him hard so she could fuck him.

"Lick my nuts baby." he said as he stroked her head.

Becky held his cock up and dove in on his balls. She sucked first one and then the other into her warm mouth, gently licking his sack. She kept stroking him as she loved on his balls.

"Alright bitch, you've earned it. Put your pussy on my black cock. Take it nice and deep in that white pussy."

Becky straddled him, facing him. She raised herself up so she could line his cock up. She rubbed the head along her pussy a few times, getting it nice and wet from her juices.

Not wanting to wait long, she felt his tip slide against her opening and dropped her pussy down on him. "Fuck yes!" she cried out as she finally felt his thickness in her pussy again.

Letting go of his cock, she put her hands on his chest to steady herself as she lowered herself down until his length was buried in her tight pussy. She held still, with his cock all the way in her sex, needing to get used to his size again.

She gave a quick look over to her husband, who was slumped against the wall. "He's so fucking big baby. I need him so bad."

Becky lifted up slightly before sinking back down on him. "So deep. So good." she moaned as she felt him bumping against the depths of her pussy.

"Work that fucking cunt Becky." Davis grunted and slapped the side of her ass.

Already feeling a huge climax building she didn't have the energy to ride him. She had to grind her pussy against him. She wanted to feel his thick black cock going in and out of her but she couldn't do it. She was too far gone. "Gonna cum baby. Make me cum on your big black fucking dick."

"My bitch wants to cum huh?" he grabbed her tits roughly as he asked. "I'll make you cum. Make you scream for my black dick as your husband watches."

"Do it baby." Becky moaned. "Let him see you make me cum."

Davis grabbed her ass with both hands and held her firm. He then began to hammer his cock up into her pussy. You could hear the sounds of their skin slapping together as he pounded into her.

"Ooohhhh, fuck......yeah." Becky cried. "UUUUGGGGHHHHH......FUCK!"

Davis was only backing about half way out before thundering back to her depths.

As they fucked, they shifted on the bed, now giving Dan a clear view of her pussy stretching around Davis's big cock. He wanted to close his eyes, but he couldn't look away. The way her lips extended with every thrust of his cock, the sight of his thick shaft stretching her once tight pussy. If he wasn't locked in the chastity tube he would be hard himself watching them.

Becky looked half over her shoulder to Dan. "I'm gonna cum baby. Watch him make me cum so hard. His big black cock is so much bigger than you. OH Fuck, you've never made me feel like this."

Dan felt ashamed from what she said, but knew that she was right. He has never made her yell like that. He couldn't make her cum like Davis could. His cock was less than half the size of what was now being fucked into her, he had no chance of competing with that.

"That's it Becky. Cum for me. Cum on my big black cock."

"GOD Damn fuck." Becky grunted. "Don't stop!"

"Get a load of this loser." Davis said to Dan. "Your wife is about to explode on my fucking cock."

Becky was feeling things she had never felt before, even the other times she had fucked Davis. This was something new for her. "Oh god! OOhhh......ooohhh...FU.....uuuuuhhhhhh!"

As his wife was screaming, Dan was staring. Staring at her pussy that was coating Davis' cock in a thick white cream. Wait, was that Davis? Had he cum already and it was leaking out?

Davis slowed down, easing her up and down his shaft. Each time he lowered her back down, more and more of the white cream was gathering at the base of his shaft.

When his lifted her up there was about an inch thick ring of the cream around his cock. He pulled her back down, bringing even more to gather on his cock.

Becky was panting for breath, barely noticing that Davis had pulled her off his cock and rolled her onto the bed.

Dan watched as his wife was laid down, her chest rising and falling as she gasped for air. He couldn't stop himself from looking at Davis and seeing his massive cock with the ring of white cream on it.

"Look what your wife did do my cock." Davis said. "Bitch creamed all over it."

Davis got off the bed and walked around until he was near Becky's head.

He slapped his cock down on her forehead, bringing her back to the moment. "Look at my dick Becky. See what you did to it?"

Becky couldn't help but see what he was talking about. She had no idea what it was though. "I...I did that?" she said unsure.

"Yeah bitch. You creamed like a fucking slut. Now I want you to lick it off. Clean my fucking cock and then I'm gonna fuck you again."

Becky rolled over and sucked the end of his cock. She was very gentle as she sucked him. She licked all over what she had in her mouth, making sure to clean him fully.

When she cleaned all that she could fit in her mouth it was too difficult to do the rest of it in the position she was in.

She rolled off the bed, getting to her knees on the floor once again. She held the clean end of his cock and held it still. She moved her head in and began licking the rest of her cream from his cock.

She focused on the once side, carefully cleaning it before switching to the other side and repeating the process.

When his cock was glistening only from her saliva she got on the bed on all fours and wiggled her ass back at him. "Fuck me master." she said.

'WHAT?' Dan shouted in his head. Did he hear right? Did she just call him that?

Davis stepped up the the bed and pushed his cock back into the warm folds of her pussy.

"Fuck yeah. Fuck my fucking pussy." Becky shouted over her shoulder.

"Get your fucking face down." Davis ordered and pushed her face down to the mattress.

"MMm hhmmm." Becky moaned as she bit down on the blanket.

Dan moved a little and could see tears streaking his wife's face. Davis was actually fucking her so good it was making her cry. He would never have that kind of ability.

The sound of air being fucked from her pussy brought his eyes back to the union of his cock and her pussy.

He had seen it before, but the sight of his wife's pussy tightly gripping onto Davis's shaft as he fucked her was amazing to him. She never looked like that when they had sex together.

He could not keep from staring at Davis' cock pumping into his wife. Feeling his own penis trying to harden in it's tight little tube as he witnessed his wife's hole stretching to take the much larger co


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He could not keep from staring at Davis' cock pumping into his wife. Feeling his own penis trying to harden in it's tight little tube as he witnessed his wife's hole stretching to take the much larger cock.

"Take my fucking black cock bitch." Davis grunted, adding a loud spank to her ass. "You love my black cock in that white pussy don't you?"

"Yes Davis!" she cried into the blanket. "I love your big black cock. Fuck me like my husband can't."

Her words nearly made Dan cry from embarrassment. They all knew that he could never satisfy her like Davis could, but to hear her shout it out like that made it that much more real.

Davis looked over at Dan, "Hear that loser? She knows that you could never do this to her. You will never be able to satisfy her with your little white penis again. She will need big black cock from now on." He spanked her on each cheek to drive the point home. "Ain't that right bitch?"

"Yes master." Becky panted. "I need your cock. Your big black fucking cock."

Davis pulled his cock from her pussy, leaving it gaping open. He slapped his cock down on her ass, slowly dragging it down her crack. Letting it slip back down between her legs, he slapped it up against her pussy, making direct contact with her engorged clit.

"Oh yeah baby. Slap my pussy. Slap me with your cock."

Davis grabbed her by the hips and flipped her onto her back, keeping her legs wide apart.

Grabbing the base of his cock he continued to slap her pussy. Dan could hear how wet she was when Davis's slapped down.

"You ready to take my dick Becky?" Davis asked, knowing the answer. "You want this black dick in your white pussy? Your married white pussy?"

"God yes." she moaned. "Fuck me baby. Fuck my married white pussy. Fuck me with your big black cock."

Davis lined his head to her open hole. He looked back at Dan as he pushed his cock back into her.

Dan winced as he heard the air f0rcing it's way out of her pussy around his thick cock. He had never made her make those noises before. How he wished he could have at least a few times made her feel as good as her young black student.

"Hhhhooooohhhhhh ffuuuucckkk." Becky gasped as his cock filled her once more.

Davis kept pushing, not stopping until he was completely inside her and his balls were resting on her puckered asshole. He held her legs down to the mattress as he slowly withdrew, only to thrust his length back to her depths.

Dan had a great view with her legs wide open as they were. He could see her pussy stretching to take his massive size with every thrust he made. His own penis was starting to hurt at not being able to get hard in the small tube. Why had he ever agreed to wear the damn thing? Why couldn't he have just said no, and if Davis wouldn't have her again they could find someone else to....Wait....No....nobody else. Just they two of them, like they had vowed when they got married.

"Oh god, oh god, oh god." Becky mumbled as she felt herself about to fall off the edge again.

Dan's mind cleared at that moment, no longer thinking about anything except the vision before him. The sight of his wife writhing on the bed with a black student fucking her like nobody else ever had, except for the times he had fucked her before that is.

Davis wrapped his arms around her body and pulled her tight to him.

Becky followed suit by wrapping her legs around his ass and crossing her ankles, as if to trap him inside her.

Davis started taking shorter, harder strokes into her soaked pussy. Becky was leaking so much there was a large wet spot beneath her on the bed.

Dan could not look away from her pussy as he heard her grunting and moaning beneath Davis. He watched as the young man's cock once again had that ring of thick cream near it's base. He knew this time that it was his wife that was doing that do him.

She was mumbling incoherently into Davis' shoulder as her orgasm ripped through her. Her legs were shaking as she climaxed hard from the pounding she was taking.

"I feel you cumming bitch. Feel that pussy cumming all over my cock. Trying to milk my fucking nut." Davis thrust just a little harder, holding himself deeper for a little longer with each thrust.

Dan watched as the young black man's balls tightened up and knew what was going to happen.

Becky wrapped her arms around Davis' back, holding on for dear life.

"Here it comes Becky. I'm bout to nut deep in your married white pussy."

Dan didn't blink as he watched Davis hold himself deep and saw his cock twitch with every rope of cum that he sent deep into his wife.

"Give it to me baby. I can feel you cumming. I want all your cum in my pussy." Becky panted.

Dan stared wide eyed as the young man kept pumping, his root at balls pulsing steadily as he continued to seed his wife.

He had no idea how many times Davis' cock twitched, he was unable to count in the state he was in. His penis was desperate to get hard, aching to be out of the tube that confined it.

Dan slid down the wall until he was seated on the floor, his eyes at an even better angle to see their union.

Just as he reached the floor Dan saw that some of Davis' cum had seeped out and was leaking down her ass. He had no control of his brain as he wished he could lick it up. Why would he think that. He hadn't liked it when his wife had him do it before, he had only done it because she had wanted him to. Right?

Davis's cock had finally stopped twitching, and he just held his cock buried to the hilt in her dripping pussy. "Fuck baby. Your pussy milked me dry." he told her.

She was panting beneath him. "I felt it all. I felt you shooting it inside me, filling me with your cum. I love when you cum inside me. Your cock swells even thicker when you are cumming. It makes me feel even fuller." She couldn't keep her legs like that any longer and uncrossed her ankles and let her legs fall to either side of him, she kept her arms around him to keep him joined with her for as long as she could.

Davis felt himself going softer inside her. He eased back and forth a few times, making sure that he hadn't left any cum behind that he could give her.

Dan watched amazed, at how, ever so slowly, inch by inch, he pulled his still huge cock from his wife's battered pussy. He could see that his wife's labia were red and swollen from the ***** it had taken. What amazed him further is that he didn't see any cum trying to escape from her wide open hold.

He was unsure why Davis grabbed some pillows and stuffed them under his wife's ass. He kept looking back and forth between his wife on the bed and Davis, who had opened some drawers and found his wife's panties.

Davis pulled out a pair and started wiping Becky's cream off his shaft.

When he had gotten himself clean and dry he handed the balled up panties to Dan. "Here, you should have these. Now you can say you have something covered in your wife's cream, since we know your little penis will never be."

Dan looked at the balled up panties and could not stop himself from bringing them to his face and licking some of the thick cream. It had a different taste that her usual juices, but then again he had never seen anything like this come from her before.

As Davis gathered his clothes and got dressed, Dan heard his wife breathing steadily on the bed. He got up and moved closer and saw that she was in fact sound as1eep.

He didn't say anything to her, not wanting to disturb her *******. She had to be tired after the marathon she just finished.

Dan could sense the presence behind him before he heard the voice.

"I think you can pull up your pants now. Nobody wants to see you like that. I need a ride home too. Let's go.

Dan lowered his head as he pulled his pants back up, hiding his shame. "Yeah uh, I...., I guess I can drive you home.

Dan drove quickly, dropped Davis off at his street and went home as fast as he could.

When he got home he was sure to be quiet.

He slowly snuck back to their bedroom and found that his wife was still s1eeping.

He took a close look at her and saw that she hadn't leaked any of Davis' cum out. Her pussy looked the same as the last time he saw it, a lone streak of cum that had seeped out before and the mess that she had made herself. He must have cum so deep that it was trapped. He had the brief thought that he hoped she was safe at the moment, but really had no idea where she was in her cycle.

Leaving her to her ******* he went out and watched tv. He tried but couldn't concentrate on anything and ended up napping on the couch. The same couch where Davis had sat while his wife held his dick in her mouth earlier.

He woke up and found that he had been as1eep for almost three hours.

Getting up he felt the need to pee. Not trying any other option, he sat down and let nature handle things.

He made his way to their bedroom and found his wife awake but still groggy, like she had just woken up too.

"Dan is that you?" she asked, sounding as if she was still half as1eep. "Davis?"

"Yes honey, it's me. Davis isn't here, I drove him home."

"Thanks honey." she said wiping the s1eep from her eyes. She figeted and realized that she had two pillows under her butt. "What are these doing here?" she asked and pulled them out.

"Davis put them there before he left."


"I have no idea. He put them under you and then grabbed a pair of your panties and wiped his....his thing clean. You creamed on him a second time."

"I did. It was all so intense, it was wonderful." she saw his face as she said it. "I'm sorry Dan. It's with him. Something so raw and fierce."

He knew what she was dancing around. "It's fine. I know sex with him is better that with me. I can never make you feel what he can. I don't like it, but I know it's true."

"Sorry honey." she said, acknowledging that he was right, but unable to say it. "Would you mind helping me up?" she asked holding out her hand.

Dan moved next to her and took her hand. "Sure." he said and helped her first to sit up and then to the edge of the bed and to her feet.

She was unsteady when she first stood up. Dan had her sit back down and gathered some clothes for her to put on.

Helping her to her feet, he steadied her as she stepped into the pants. She sat down again and pulled on the sweat shirt he brought.

Slowly, they walked together to the living room. He eased her to the couch and sat next to her.

Later that night as they were in bed getting ready for s1eep, Dan rolled over to spoon her.

Rebecca could feel the plastic tube poking her back.

"Do you think we can take this thing off now?" Dan asked softly.

Rebeca was nearly as1eep, "Sorry honey, I can't."

"Why not?" Dan asked dejected. "I thought I only had to wear it until Davis had you again?"

"Me too honey. But Davis said he likes the thought of you wearing it. He wants you to stay in there longer."

"Longer?" Dan was shocked. "How long is longer."

"I don't know honey. Just forget about it and go to s1eep." she was yawning as she whispered.

"No way. I'm not staying in this thing. Go get the key, this is ending right now."

She sounded like she was half as1eep, "I can't honey."

"What do you mean? Why not?"

"Davis said you might say that. He said it was better this way with you wearing the tube."

"I don't care what he says. Go get the key."

"I really can't honey." she paused to yawn loudly. "Davis took it with him."

"WHAT!?" Dan could not believe what she had just told him. Davis took the key to the chastity tube he was wearing. How would they get it back? When would they get it back? How could things go so far?

All those questions and more were running through his mind.

He wanted to get more details from Rebecca, but she was now fully as1eep and snoring softly.

Any more info would have to wait.

End of Part Fifteen


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Wow, that one was an adventure. I hope there are not too many grammar and spelling issues. I was rushing to finish proofreading to be able to post today instead of having to wait any longer.

I hope you all enjoyed this long chapter in the story.

I don't expect to have anything new to post until after the new year.



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Wow. Worth the wait and now we all have something exciting to anticipate in 2017.

We certainly do appreciate the effort. I was late for a meeting to finish this, and it was worth it!

Heading to the ladies room now to rub one out so I can focus on work.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 968
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Amazing work!!!! Well worth the wait!!!
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 877
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Wow, so worth the wait but it has left us wanting more. Excellent work as always Jbozz


Posts: 77
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i like the strong affection between rebecca and dan. please let rebecca always love her dan. if so, she can play a little with his feelings ;)


Posts: 2117
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Loving where this is going - will Davis black breed Rebeca? Added *********** could be that Davis fucks Rebeca in her wedding dress or in public where they could be caught by people Dan knows


Posts: 506
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Becky bred
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 313
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Thanks everyone.

It is readers like you that make me regret that it took so long to finish the last part.

Have no fear antaris, they are in love and will stay that way.

Brain, I like where your head is at on one of your suggestions, it is already in the works for the next update, stay tuned to find out which one.

Thanks again for posting, it is always appreciated.



I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday, whichever one you celebrate.


Posts: 877
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Jbozz as always cannot wait to see where its going, I'm wondering where Peggy and her husband will fit in? will they both belong to Davis and his friends like Becky and Dan? will Dan and Peggys husband become' close' friends?? cannot wait!!
Geronimo Samson


Posts: 1133
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Oh wow.... Sooooo long a chapter .. With the festival break n all couldn't sit down n finish it in one but the anticipation kept me work all throughout... Cheers mate...... Cant wait for the next one.


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Just posting an update to keep you all informed.

The latest chapter is coming along nicely. I have finished the first of three scenes that make up the chapter and know where the rest is going.

Thanks for reading.



Posts: 506
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2017 is bound to find new arrival for Becky and Dan.
Am I right?
Win some...
Lose some...
Few are rained out


Posts: 256
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hey jbozz - anything?


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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We are all waiting with fingers poised over clits. Some of them maybe man-clits in this forum however.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 6938
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We are all waiting with fingers poised over clits.

Donna, I personally would fuckin' love to be poised with my tongue over your hot little clit, ready to pay it the attention it so deserves!

Jbozz, this story is reaching boiling point, it's mega hot. Like alcabin said, 'Becky bred' for sure! This is surely one of the all-time classic cuckold tales on here, you deserve some kind of award for all your hard work, and all our hard cocks! (not forgetting Donna's hard and distended clit too!) Thank you.


Posts: 313
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Hi all, sorry to keep you waiting on the next update. Work has been crazy the last 2 weeks, haven't had time to work on story in that time. I have time in the next week to work on it and hope to have it posted by the end of next week.

I should really stop giving status updates...every time I do, it seems like something comes up and prevents me from finishing the chapter. Just bad luck I guess.

Donna, feel free to give your clit a little attention in the time it takes to get the story posted....I won't be offended.

Kenny, thank you for the compliment, it is cool to here such a nice thing about my work.

Thanks to all of you readers for your patience.......hopefully very soon you will have the new chapter to entertain you.


PS - Isn't funny how things work out....this story was intended to be a single part, non continuing story, it sat unread and with no comments for months, then there started being demand for more and more updates, it is now my most viewed story with the most comments. Thanks to all the readers and feedback posters for that.


Posts: 877
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Jbozz thanks for the update, I think its so popular as there are so many options open for you to take. As previously I cannot wait to see where its going.


Posts: 6938
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I agree with Cuckslut, there's so many options open to you to keep the story alive. Whichever way you choose to go, I'm quite sure none of us will be disappointed with it. The constant demand for more of this must tell you that an awful lot of people out there enjoy your work. Very satisfactory for you I'm sure.


Posts: 52
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I read stories for around 10 years and I think this one is the best I ever read.
Congratulations for your job.
I can also say that translate all this story in french made me better !!
Thank you 2 times !


Posts: 27
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War and peace didn't take this long to write make chapters shorter and post more regular


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Ignore the impatient ones I am sure it will be very good when it arrives!


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Any updates? Hope the one negative post didn't put you off.


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Any update?


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Sorry fans....there is still nothing new to post. I've been putting in 60 plus hour work weeks and haven't had free time to work on it.

Sorry to keep you all waiting, I truly hope that when it is finally finished it will be worth the wait.



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I know it'll be worth the wait when it arrives - all good things are worth waiting for! One of the best and most carefully put together cuckold stories I've ever read.
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Story - When Teasing Goes Too Far
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