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Story - When Teasing Goes Too Far

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Hey Jbozz.... any updates on when the next chapter is coming out? thanks!


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Almost finished with it. I'm just about to the last scene of the chapter. I look forward to posting it and seeing how everyone likes it.



Posts: 93
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Thats great ! I cant wait to read it !!


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Pant pant pant


Posts: 877
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Jbozz, like everyone cannot wait to see where you have taken Becky to next!


Posts: 260
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Any update jbozz?


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Hi Jbozz

I just found this story a couple of days ago and have been binge reading it.
I just read the last part and wanted to tell you I think it is one of the best stories I have read.

I truly hope you are well and eagerly await your next part (21 I believe)

How many more parts do you think you will write until you complete the story?


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Had a tough time working on the story the last month. Work and other factors has prevented spending much time on it. I finally had some time over the weekend working on the latest chapter.

drappoc, thank you for your compliment. I'm glad you found and like my story. There will be at least two more chapters, possibly a third depending on how the ending of the story goes. Could just be the two chapters and an epilogue. I will have to figure that out as the rest of the story comes together.

I do hope that I am able to finish the next chapter soon and have it posted for you all to read. I look forward to hearing what you think of it. Your feedback is always greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone



Posts: 1510
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can't wait jbozz!


Posts: 5
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Awesome story! Cannot wait for the next chapter!!


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Just a quick note to let you know we haven't forgotten about you.
I am checking here every day for the next installment.


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any updates?


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Posts: 313
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Happy to report that I have finished the next chapter. It isn't ready to post yet, but will be by the end of the week. I just have to go over it again to check for any editing issues.

I look forward to sharing it all with you and hearing what you think of it.



Posts: 877
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Jbozz, thanks for the update, cannot wait to see where it goes!


Posts: 313
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Hi everyone. Sorry it took a year to finish the latest chapter. I hate to have kept you all waiting for so long. I hope that this update makes up for it and that the next update will be a lot, a whole lot sooner.

Thank you all for your patience and for continuing to read my story.



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Part Twenty One

Rebecca spent the next week on edge.

Each time she saw Davis she kept waiting for him to tell her how she would have to make it up to him for not being able to have sex.

Throughout the week, he never brought it up. They got together a few times, with Rebecca giving him a blowjob each time. He never pressed the issue with her. Never tried to have sex with her while she was on her cycle.

Rebecca tried to be good for him, feeling sad and a little upset even that she had to turn him away. She asked him each time she was on her knees how she could make it up to him.

"Don't worry about that right now." he would tell her each time. "You'll find out. Just worry about what is in front of you." implying that she should just keep going with the blowjob she was giving him.

Friday came and Rebecca went to work with a smile on her face. She was supposed to meet Davis after school at her car and take him home. What had her the most happy was she was ready for sex again. Not only was she ready, she was aching for it. Desperate to feel him inside her again. As she was driving in, she would randomly squeeze her thighs together from the excitement of what was to come later.

Rebecca made it through her first classes. She felt a deep longing inside her and that desire made it hard to truly focus on teaching her students.

A smile crept onto her face as the bell sounded to end class. Finally it was time for her class with Davis. Just knowing that soon he would be in her classroom was turning her mood and her day around. She got out of her seat almost as if she was floating.

When Davis came in and took his seat, giving a little nod to her, Rebecca felt her body start to burn. Her face reddened, her nipples pressed against her top, and she squeezed her thighs together hard. Her body ached for him. Her mind was shouting for joy just at seeing him at his desk. She couldn't wait for school to be over and to take him home, where she would finally be able to be with him once more.

Davis kept his head down most of the class. Not giving her much attention even when he did look up and see her eyeing him. By the time class was nearing its end, he could see the frustration and desire in her eyes.

As she was telling them about what they would need to review over the weekend for their end of year exam the following week Davis flashed her a smile. Rebecca lost her words for a moment and had to refocus herself so she could finish.

When the bell went off, Davis was the first to leave the room. Rebecca sat down at her desk as the students were leaving. She found herself with an out of breath feeling. Her body was so on edge. So wanton for him.

Rebecca struggled the rest of the day. Her thoughts kept turning to what would happen after school. At one point one of her better students had to ask her if she was ok as she stood in front of the class without saying.

The final bell went off, ending the last class of the day. Rebecca wished her students a good day as they left the room.

Not wanting to waste any time, and wanting to get to Davis as quick as she could, she gathered her things, cleaned off the board and made her way to the office.

Peggy saw her friend come into the office with all her things. "Hot date?" she asked with a little giggle.

Rebecca smiled and giggled too. "No, I just have an appointment today. Sorry to rush out so early."

Peggy could tell that Rebecca was antsy She came around the counter and gave her a friendly hug, whispering in her ear. "You look like you could use a date. Maybe you should call your special friend."

Rebecca froze in the hug, her eyes darting around the office, thankful at seeing they were alone. "It feels like it has been forever. I'm off to see him now" she whispered even quieter.

"Go, go, go." Peggy said, playfully pushing her away from their hug.

They both giggled together as Rebecca hurried from the office.

Rebecca hurried as quick as she dared. She didn't want to draw attention to herself, but she was desperate to reach her car, to reach Davis.

Leaving the school, she got to the teacher's parking lot. She held her breath as she didn't see Davis anywhere.

Her eyes roamed the lot as she made her way toward her car.

Turning around the back of her car, she froze and nearly jumped when she saw him sitting on the parking block waiting for her. She breathed a sigh of relief at finding him there.

"Ready to go Becky?" he asked with a cocky smile.

Smiling, Rebecca nodded as she opened the door and slid into the car.

Davis got into the car and they drove away from the school.

The closer they got to Davis' house, the more excited Rebecca became. The fire kept growing, building with each passing block. That itch deep inside her was going to be scratched very very soon.

She turned the car down his street, the smile growing on her face. She pulled to a stop in front of his house, visibly shivering in her seat in anticipation.

Davis popped his door opened and turned a little to face her. "Thanks for the ride." he said as she turned off the car and reached to open her door. "Oh, you can't come in today. My moms is home."

"But, but I thought," her voice caught in her throat.

"Sorry teach. As much as I want some of that fine white pussy you got, there's no way to get away with it today."

"We, we could go somewhere else." she offered with hope.

Davis leaned over toward her, his hand going between her legs and rubbing her. "Damn you got a hot pussy baby."

"Please Davis." she begged, pushing against his hand. "I need it. I need you."

Davis pulled his hand away, but left it on her thigh. "Tell you what teach, you wait until Wednesday, and all your waiting will be over."

"Wednesday????" she cried out, "But that's....."

Davis cut her off with a pinch of her leg. "Yes. Wednesday. I'll meet you in your classroom before the graduation ceremony begins. Be there with enough time. I'll take care of your pussy and I'll tell you how you can make it up to me for not being available to me before too."

She slumped in her seat a little bit, wanting to, but knowing there was no point in arguing with him. She would have agreed to almost anything at this point. Blinking back some tears, she nodded her head.

"Good girl." he gave her leg a little rub and got out of the car.

She wiped away a tear running down her cheek as the door closed and she watched Davis walk toward the house.

Rebecca got home and just slumped onto the couch. She cried off and on as she sat there hugging a pillow.

When Dan got home and found her like that he sat down and held her tight, asking what was wrong but not pushing when she wasn't ready to tell him about it.

After about an hour she told him what happened.

Dan kept holding her and kissed the side of her head. "Honey, I'm sure that he would have taken you inside if he could have. But just think of what would happen if somebody found out about what was going on with you two. Both of you have to be very careful about it."

"But, but," she said still sobbing, "You don't think he doesn't want me anymore do you?"

"Sweetheart, if he doesn't want you, he is the craziest man that ever lived." He stroked her head and kissed her above her ear again. "You are beautiful and smart." he paused and added, "And lets not forget that you are a little demon in bed too. Any man would be the luckiest man in the world to have you. I know I am."

She couldn't help but smile and even giggle a little when he added that last bit. "You have to say that, you're my husband." wiping at the streaks on her face.

"I am. And I am the luckiest man in the world to be your husband. I love you so much and nothing is ever going to change that."

"I love you too honey. And I am so lucky to have you as my husband. You are the best." she turned herself and gave him a kiss."

"So, how about this. Since we know it is going to be just us for the weekend, lets make it an entire date weekend. Just you and me, we can do anything we want."

That beautiful smile was returning to her face. Even if there were some tear streaks on her cheeks. "That sounds like a great idea. It's been a while since we spent a weekend alone just the two of us." She kissed him again.

During their weekend together, Rebecca found that she thought less and less about Davis as the time passed. She was having a great time with her husband. The were once again like any other "normal" couple. The went out for lunch and went for a walk in the park. At night they would make dinner together and laugh while doing the dishes and getting water or soap on each other.

The only thing different was the fact that at night when they went to bed, they were unable to have sex since Dan was still stuck in the chastity cage, and Davis had the keys to it.

However it didn't become and issue. They kissed each other goodnight and would cuddle together until they woke up in the morning.

On Monday morning Rebecca woke up with a smile at the thought of the weekend that had passed. It was great to spend that time with her husband, with no issues or problems. And without sex even becoming an issue. She truly felt lucky to be married to him. Though in the back of her mind she also felt some shame for her relationship with Davis and how much she really enjoyed the time with him.

There wasn't much for the classes as it was the final days of school for the year. There were the final exams and the last reviews for them.

She was pretty shocked that Davis was there in class and even seemed to be paying attention and focusing on what she was going over. Though at times when their eyes would meet he would give her a knowing grin.

The last couple days of school are a busy time for the teachers, having to give the final exams and also make sure to grade them quickly to be able to turn grades in especially for the seniors before graduation. Just in case some of them didn't meet the requirements.

It left little time for Dan and Rebecca on Monday or Tuesday. They were both busy with grading exams.

On Wednesday, they both still had to get up early and go into their respective schools. It was just a half day for the students, though very few of the seniors ever showed up of course.

As soon as she got into her classroom on Wednesday morning, she felt the anticipation building. That urge and need deep inside her body that Davis would finally take care of in just a few more hours. She began to wonder how it would be. How would her take her? Where? Bent over her desk? On one of the student's desks? Maybe with her back against the board? Or from behind and her chest pressed to it?

She couldn't shake the thoughts. Or were they fantasies?

Before she knew it, classes were over for the day. For the year too. There was a sense of relief at the conclusion of another school year. Though for Rebecca, all she was feeling was the growing, and urgent need for satisfaction. The kind that only Davis could give her.

There were a few hours in between classes ending and the graduation ceremony starting. To pass the time, Rebecca and Peggy went out to lunch.

After lunch, Rebecca went home to relax a little bit, and to change into a dress for the ceremony.

When she got back, she stopped by the office to pick up the customary graduation gown that the staff would wear during the ceremony. Not all of her fellow teachers chose to dress up, but Rebecca felt it was worth putting on a nicer dress to show the significance of the event.

She felt good as she carried the gown down the halls of the school. Graduation was always a nice day at the school. The students were happy and excited to be finished with school. She got to visit with their parents, some of whom she had met at conferences, others it was her first time meeting.

Rebecca hung the graduation gown up when she got to her classroom. It was still about an hour and a half before the graduation ceremony began. She didn't know when Davis would show up, so she straightened up her desk of the things she left there before going to lunch with Peggy.

Lost in what she was doing, she didn't notice when Davis entered the room.

"You look hot in that dress Becky."

Her head shot up when she heard the voice, the shock quickly replaced by a big smile. "Hi Davis."

Davis pulled the door shut and moved into the room.

Rebecca stood up from her seat and instinctively smoothed her dress.

"Oh yeah. That dress is perfect on you. Shows how sexy you are." his eyes were locked on the bit of cleavage that the dress showed when she moved in the right way.

"Thank you Davis." the smile fixed on her face. "I'm glad you like it."

Davis stood next to her, running his hand up her body, squeezing her breast through her dress. "You better take this off Becky. Wouldn't want it to get wrinkled."

She nodded "Yes. You're right." Gathering her dress up, she pulled it over her head and carefully draped it over her arm. She took it over to one of the desks and layed it across it, making sure it was balanced so it wouldn't fall to the floor.

Davis stared at her naked body as she smoothed the dress one more time and turned back toward him. "that's a good girl. You should always be naked in class like this."

"Only for you Davis." looking down at her nakedness, proud of how she looked. "This is all just for you."

"That's right baby. Now come here and give it to me."

"Yes Davis." crossing the distance between them in a few short steps. She wrapped her arms around him, leaning up she kissed him deeply. She put all of herself into the kiss, offering all of her to him with that simple act.

Davis broke their kiss. "Such a good teacher. I think I got something else you want to kiss too."

His hands were on her arms, guiding her lower and lower.

Becky quickly found herself on her knees in front of him. She knew what he wanted. She wanted the same thing. Her mouth watered instantly and she licked her lips, eager to taste him again.

"Go on Becky. You know what to do."

She smiled, staring at his crotch. Her head nodded a little bit and her hands went to his pants. She quickly unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper down. "I've missed you so much Davis." her breathing already accelerated.

"Go on, take it out Becky." he said, looking down at her with a grin.

Her smile only grew as she reached her hands into his pants, grabbing and squeezing his already thick cock. She slowly pulled on it until it flopped out of his pants, angling down at her. Becky leaned in and kissed the tip of it while still looking up at him. She then tock just the head into her mouth and swirled her tongue all over it as she stroked him, feeling him growing longer and harder in her hand.

Becky was panting already. Her excitement clearly showing to Davis. She pulled away and let go of him long enough to pull his pants down to the floor. Holding them as he stepped out of them, she held them up so he could take them and put them over another desk.

He wasn't fully hard yet, and still at the point that it dangled down. Becky grabbed it and held it up to his chest, burying her face at the base of his shaft. She kissed him lovingly, letting go of his cock and letting it fall over her face. The weight of it only turning her on even more.

Her mouth moved down and she gently kissed and licked his heavy balls. She even took them one at a time into her mouth, sucking them softly.

"Such a good little white teacher." Davis commented. "You know just what to do with that mouth."

Becky smiled and mumbled "Uh huh." and started kissing her way along the underside of his cock. She didn't stop with the little kisses until her lips were wrapped around his head once more.

This time she didn't stop there though. She was now moving her head back and forth on him. Taking him more and more each time. When she got back to the tip, she would run her tongue all around the head once or twice before moving back down him again.

"Is that all you want Becky?" he asked, knowing the answer. "Just want to suck my big black dick?"

She looked up at him in a panic. "No!" she cried. "No, please Davis. I need you inside me. I need you to fuck me. I've missed it so much." She was breathing rapidly, fearful that he would say no. "Please fuck me Davis. Fuck me with your big black cock."

He looked down on her with a cocky grin and pulled her up to her feet. "Lay back on your desk Becky."

Quickly pushing this from one side to the other, she sat on the edge of her desk and laid down on it with her legs angled down. She wiggled back until her thighs were about half way on the desk and the angle was better on her legs.

Davis stepped up between her legs and pushed them up and open. He looked down at her clearly wet pussy and smiled. "You miss this cock don't you Becky?"

"Yes Davis. I miss it so much." she panted. "Oh god I love your big black cock."

Davis pulled her closer to the edge once more and pressed himself against her, feeling the warmth and wetness right away.

Letting go of her left leg, he grabbed his cock and slowly pulled it up along her pussy, letting her excitement leave a shine on his dark cock.

"Are you ready?" he teased and dropped his cock on top of her.

Her head nodded on the desk. "YES!" she shrieked. "Yes. Give it to me Davis. Please fuck me."

Davis pulled away, letting his cock slide back along her, not far enough that it dropped down though.

"Is this what my white teacher wants?" he asked as he grabbed his cock and lined it up to her warm lips. He pushed into her, quickly giving her the first few inches.

"YES!!!!" she screamed much louder than she should have. "Yes. Yes. Oh fuck Davis. Please."

Davis pulled away from her, leaving her whimpering as he just left the tip inside her. He liked teasing her. Liked how she was clearly desperate for him. He pushed back into her, further than the first thrust.

"MMmmmm, so good Davis." she purred.

"You're pussy is so good teach. Love this tight white pussy." he said strongly and started to really thrust into her now.

Becky whimpered and moaned as she felt that full, complete feeling flowing through her body for the first time in far too long. He knew just how to use her. Just how to give her what she and her body both needed terribly.

He didn't just give it to her as hard as he could. He would slow down and just barely move it inside her at times too. She loved how good he was. How skilled he was. Her body reacted to his every move.

When he let go of her legs, she quickly wrapped them around his waist. Wanting to trap him there forever. His hands went to her waist and held her tight as he fucked her on her desk.

Her cries of pleasure only drove him on further. He started pulling her back to meet his thrusts. Each time he reached her depths, he could hear the sharp grunt as her breath left her.

Becky slid her hand down her body and between his hands. Her fingers finding her clit and she started to rub it as he kept his pace up.

He could tell that she was getting close. From the look in her eyes, the sounds coming from her, the way she gripped him inside her. He laughed a little and pulled her hand away from her body and set in on the desk.

She was panting and reached for it again. Again, he took it away and set in on the desk. "No touching Becky." he told her and quickly slowed down.

"Don't stop. Please don't stop Davis." she cried.

He pulled almost out of her again. "Your hands don't leave this desk. Understand?" he emphasized the question by pushing about halfway into her and holding there.

"Yes Davis. Yes. I promise." she quickly answered him and put her palms down on the desk at her sides.

"Good girl." he pushed all the way back into her.

As he quickly built up his pace Becky felt her body sliding on the desk.


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"Yes Davis. Yes. I promise." she quickly answered him and put her palms down on the desk at her sides.

"Good girl." he pushed all the way back into her.

As he quickly built up his pace Becky felt her body sliding on the desk. Back and forth from each thrust. Back and forth. One time, she felt her fingers slide off the end of the desk. Not long later, she felt it again. The second time, she wrapped them over the side of the desk, which helped hold her in position.

Davis went faster and faster now. Bottoming out with each thrust. Her moans got louder and more frequent.

As the pitch of her moans got higher and higher, he brought one hand up and used his thumb to rub her very excited clit. He knew before she wanted it, but he wanted to make her wait before giving it to her.

She gave a satisfied whimper when she felt his thumb on her nub. The firm pressure brought her instantly to the brink of climax. She was so excited in the days leading up to today she knew it wouldn't take long to get there.

Becky held tight to the edge of the desk as he fucked her hard and fast now. He kept pressure on her clit, rubbing randomly. She was close. He knew it.

He somehow was able to speed up even more, his thick black cock shining with her wetness. He felt the way that her body tightened around him and knew it was just about to happen.

He rubbed his thumb faster on her clit. "Do it Becky. Cum for me. Cum on my black cock." Thrusting harder and faster, over and over.

"Oh, oh ohhhhhh." Becky was falling over the edge. Somehow just as she was at the height of her orgasm, she was able to bring both of her hands up and cover her mouth so her uncontrollable screams were muffled as she came hard.

Davis smiled and kept slowly rubbing her clit, holding himself about halfway inside her as she came. "That's a good girl Becky. Cum for me."

She kept her hands tight over her mouth, covering up her cries of pleasure. Her head that had risen off the desk was now back down on it, slowly moving side to side.

Slowly, Davis started to move inside her again, giving her a clear reminder that it wasn't over yet.

Her screams and cries had lowered back down to whimpers and moans. Her hands fell away from her mouth and landed at her sides on the desk. "So good Davis. Oh my god that felt so good. So strong."

"It ain't over yet. I still gotta get my nut too." he was moving faster again.

"Yes Davis. Give it to me."

Davis pulled out of her and backed away, leaving her feeling empty. Grabbing a marker from the ledge of the board, he set it on her stomach. "Go to your board teach. I want you to write five times 'I love black cock' in nice bold letters.

She wanted to protest. Wanted to say no. But before she knew it, she was getting up and moving on shaky legs to stand in front of the board.

She half turned and looked at him standing there staring at her. Her eyes lowered and she saw his hard black cock, very wet from her orgasm standing at full attention too. She licked her lips and turned back to the board.

She had just finished the fourth line of text when she felt his hands on her waist. "You love black cock huh?" he teased.

Her head nodded. "Yes."

"So you love this huh?" he asked again and pushed it into her from behind slowly.

"Yesssssss." she whimpered, feeling that full feeling that she needed once more.

"Keep writing. You got one more line to go." he held himself still inside her.

Becky brought the marker under the last line and wrote it again in the bold red ink of the marker.

He started to move inside her once she was finished.

Becky, set the marker back on the ledge and put her hands against the board to support herself. In this position, her face was now staring at the board. The words 'I LOVE BLACK COCK' staring right back at her. She knew it was true. Well, it was true enough that she loved Davis' black cock anyway.

His hands held tightly to her waist as he fucked her with his black cock. Her breath leaving her each time he drove all the way into her.

The longer they were there, the weaker her arms got. They supported her less and less seemingly with each thrust of his cock.

As her cries got louder, her hands slipped further and further down.

Davis didn't stop, or even slow down. It didn't take long for her hands to fall to her sides and she fell against the board. With her weight now supported by the board, Davis was able to adjust himself and really start to have his way with her.

Becky was sliding up and down the board with his thrusting. Her breasts being pressed firmly to it. Her nipples dragging up and down the board from his actions.

She wasn't alert to his movement until she felt her hair being pulled, which pulled her head back toward him.

"You love black cock don't you Becky."

"YES." she cried out.

"Tell me." he demanded as he thrust deeply into her.

"I love black cock." she whimpered.

"Who's black cock?"

"Yours Davis."

"Tell me." he commanded once more, pulling back slowly and then driving it right back home where it belongs

"I love your black cock."

"Don't stop."

"I love your black cock. I love your black cock." she cried over and over.

Davis let go of her hair and she rested her head against the board. Her body kept sliding up and down the board with his thrusts. Her voice still whimpering and professing her love of his black cock.

His thrust became shorter, barely pulling back at all before pushing back in.

"I love your black cock." the cry sounding like a happy confession. "I love your black cock, I love your black cock."

"Here it comes. Gonna nut in you deep" he grunted and gave one final thrust, burying himself as deep as he could.

She felt it clearly as he came in her. She could feel it each time his cock twitched and the resulting jet of his cum went inside her. It seemed to last a really long time. But she kept feeling the pulse going through his cock time and time again.

He held himself deep inside her until he was totally spent. Even stayed there until he felt his cock begin to soften.

When he finally pulled out, he took the couple small steps and sat on the edge of her desk.

Becky, felt that empty feeling once more. But also a happy and warm feeling too. She staggered back and he helped her sit down in her chair.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. Becky regaining her breath and her strength.

Davis broke the silence. He made a very content sigh and said "Been saving that up for you since that hummer you gave me last time."

Becky smiled, pleased that he had stayed away from sex like she had to for so long. "You just kept cumming and cumming. I didn't think someone could cum so much at once."

"Me either." he agreed.

The both took some deep breaths, then Davis turned a little towards her. "So, you ready to find out how you gonna make it up to me?"

In the heat of the moment, Rebecca had totally forgotten about that. "Oh. Um, yes. Yes, tell me."

"Its two fold." he began. "First, I don't want you wearing that dress under the graduation gown. You gonna be naked under there."

Her eyes opened wide. She couldn't do that. There were going to be so many people there. "Davis, I can't. There's...."

He put his hand up, silencing her. "That gown you got is lots longer than that dress you was wearing. Nobody will even notice."

"But Davis."

"No buts. You'll be fine Becky."

She turned the chair and looked at the gown. Looked at how long it was as it was hanging up. She knew he was right. Even while sitting down, it would be well below her knees. She nodded an agreement. "And, and the second thing?"

"Second, I'm gonna be," he turned toward where she was looking at the gown and saw the clock on the wall near it. "Oh snap. Look what time it is."

She looked at the clock and was shocked to see the time. She hadn't realized they had been at it for so long. "A lot of the people will already be here gathering waiting for the ceremony to start."

He nodded and stood up. He grabbed a few tissues from her desk and wiped himself off, then grabbed his pants and put them back on. Then he went and grabbed her gown and brought it over to her. "Stand up."

She stood up at his command.

He held the gown open so she could slip her arms into it and as she poked her head through the hole and stood up, he lowered it down her body. "There. Perfect."

It was very big and baggy. She felt very strange wearing it while naked. He had been right though. It was very long and covered her a lot more than the dress had. Even while sitting down it would hide her nakedness as long as she was careful.

She smoothed it over her body a little and jolted to a freeze. "Davis, what about um, I mean um. You know. You came a lot just now. What about um.....?"

Another realization struck her and she turned and looked at her chair. She was amazed to not see any of his cum on it. With as much as he came there should have been a mess of it already.

"Oh. Right." he smiled and chuckled even.

"What is it?" she asked.

He laughed again and reached into one of his pockets.

She watched as he pulled his hand out and was amazed to see him holding a pair of her panties. One of the pair that he had taken from her in their time together.

She was speechless and he didn't offer any explanation at having them on him. He handed them over to her and she leaned against her desk and stepped into them quickly. Davis watched and smiled as she pulled them up, the gown rising up as she did it.

She pulled them up snuggly to her body and let the gown fall back down.

"I better go find my moms. She gonna be wondering where I'm at."

"I'll give it a few minutes and make my way too."

Rebecca sat on her desk once he left and took a few long, slow breaths to calm her nerves.

She planned on waiting five minutes after he left, but it was ten before she felt like she was able to make the trip.

The ceremony went off without any issues. Rebecca made sure to be careful when she sat or stood so she didn't make a show of being practically naked beneath the gown.

Rebecca talked with some of her students and their parents after the ceremony was over. The more she talked, the less she thought about being naked and just put the focus on the graduating students. She smiled and wished everyone well in their future, some of the female students even gave her a big hug which made her very happy that she could have that type of influence on them as a teacher.

After a while she decided that it was time to go. She said goodbyes to the people she was speaking with and started to walk away toward her classroom.

As she walked she could hear from a ways behind her "Mrs. Coral. Mrs. Coral." a female voice was calling her name.

She turned and saw Davis there with a woman with a huge smile on her face. It had to be his ******.

They closed the gap, each moving toward the other. "I just had to meet you before leaving. My Davis has had such good things to say about you. Says you helped him a lot this year."

"Davis is a terrific young man. You should be very proud of him Ma'am."

"Oh I'm so proud." she pulled Davis' arm and kissed him on the cheek. "I was worried he wasn't gonna graduate but then he started getting help from you and now look. He even has some college options now. All thanks to you sugar."

Rebecca couldn't help but beam with pride at her words. "Davis did the work Ma'am. I just helped him along the way."

"Well I'm forever grateful for all that you did for him."

Rebecca was frozen in shock at the big hug that Davis' mom wrapped him in just then. She returned the hug, smiling. "I'm glad I could help him."

Davis' mom broke the hug, the big smile still plastered all over her face though. "You helped him so much." she then turned to Davis. "We better get going. We got to meet everyone at the restaurant. Thanks again Mrs. Coral."

"It is my pleasure Ma'am. Have a great time. Congratulations Davis. I hope you get into a great college and keep up the good work."

"Thanks for everything Mrs. Coral."

"You're welcome Davis."

Davis and his mom turned and headed the other direction and Rebecca turned back the way she had been heading before.

She was about halfway down the hall when suddenly Davis ran in front of her. "Moms is talking to one of my friends moms so I got a minute."

She was so shocked at his sudden appearance that she didn't say anything.

He told her the rest of his plan for her to make everything up to him.

Her eyes went wide, then her jaw dropped open.

She was too stunned to say anything. Not that she would have known what to say even if she was able to speak.

When he finished he didn't even wait for her to respond. He left here there alone in the hallway and met back up with his ******.

She stood there in shock for at least a few minutes, then slowly made her way back to her classroom.

She was in a bit of a daze. Everything looked the same as before but she felt a strange feeling inside too.

She stood in front of her desk putting everything back in its place. She stood up and was about to go grab her back from under it when she realized what was wrong.

The words on the board weren't there anymore. Well, some of it was still there. But most of it was gone. You could see letters here and there. But there was no way to tell what the true message had been. Had someone been there? Did another teacher see those words on her board? The Janitor?

Her head was spinning. She didn't know what to do. She couldn't really go and ask anybody about it.

She decided to get ready and go home. There wasn't anything she could do about it anyway. If anyone asked her about it she would say that it must have been some student playing a graduation prank. Seniors tended to do crazy things around graduation all the time.

She pulled the gown over her head and dropped in on a desk. She bent over to pick her dress up when she saw it. She stood up and looked down and saw the red marker streaked all over her chest. She had the red streaks on her breasts, her nipples, up toward her neck.

Realization sunk it that she had been sliding up and down the board as Davis fucked her and that she had wiped it off herself.

She couldn't help but smile. As daring as he was, Davis always seemed to have a plan so they wouldn't get in trouble.

Rebecca grabbed some tissues and wiped the marker from her body as best she could. It was at least enough that she would be able to wear her dress and not have anybody notice it on her. That was all that mattered.

She turned in the gown at the office and quickly left for home.

Dan greeted her with a hug and kiss. "How did it go?" he asked.

She returned the kiss and was now smiling again after the shock of everything wore off. "Great. Very great." she told him.

"Graduation too?" he asked with a laugh.

"Yes. That too." she laughed along with him.

Rebecca told Dan what happened before the ceremony began. Told him all about their encounter in the classroom.

The more she told him, the more excited she got at reliving it again.

They made their way to the bedroom and onto the bed. "Um, honey?" she asked. "Would you um, you know. I'm kind of sore."

"Of course hon."

"It's um, I mean, I think it might be pretty messy."

"It's ok Rebecca. I love doing that for you."

They quickly got out of their clothes and Dan laid down on the bed.

Rebecca was amazed to not find a big mess in her panties. There was some in there but very little compared to how much it felt like he had left in her.

She climbed over him and straddled his face, slowly lowering herself down onto him.

He could see that she was red and knew that she would be tender so he was very gentle with her.

Rebecca relaxed as her husband used his tongue on her. As her arousal grew, she could feel more and more of Davis' cum finally flowing from her.

She stayed over him for close to half an hour. Letting him soothe her with his tongue. And he did a great job. He had become so good at doing this for her. Especially after Davis has had his way with her first. He knew what she liked and didn't like. What would make her feel good and just how to use his tongue to sooth her, as well as draw out all that Davis had left inside her too. He had even gotten used to the taste.

After taking a break for dinner, they sat on the couch talking more.

Dan could tell she was holding something back. He could see it in her eyes. "What is it Rebecca?"

She took a moment, pausing and just looking at him.

"Honey, there is one other thing. He wants me to do something else to make up to him for before. When we couldn't, well you know."

"What does he want?" Dan asked

She couldn't say it.

"Honey?" he asked again

"He," she began slowly. "He, he wants me to, to.........."

End of Part Twenty One


Posts: 24
#499 · Edited by: jand
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Oh come on Jbozz.

Thats not fair.

Brilliant as always


Posts: 368
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What a cliffhanger!
Dare we hope for a mulatto b4by?


Posts: 24
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Hoping for a gangbang and a new BBC for our Becky to be addicted too for next school semister.


Posts: 313
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Thanks jand and idcpgfan.

I didn't really want to leave it on a cliffhanger like that, but I also didn't want to give away the next chapter yet either. So I decided to be mean and leave you all waiting and anticipating what will happen next.



Posts: 1
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I think he's told her he wants to breed her.


Posts: 943
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More please ..Fantastic !


Posts: 260
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Great chapter! Can't wait to find out. Is he gonna breed her? Pass her on to the next bbc in the new senior class? Have her make a room for him so he can go to the community college and live with Becky and Dan?


Posts: 313
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Thanks cuckold_2 and subman.

All good ideas and thoughts. What will happen? That of course has to wait until the next chapter. All I will say about it is that I have had the plan in my head for a long time now for the upcoming chapter.



Posts: 25
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very nice


Posts: 125 Pictures: 1 
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Thanks. Great story~


Posts: 313
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Thank you sailor and mike. I'm glad you like it.



Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Whew! All of a sudden I am both relaxed and exhausted.
Thank you JBozz for that wonderful O!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
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