Posts: 2117
Recently my wife's friend was having some medical troubles that meant that she would need to spend some time in hospital.
She asked my wife if her 2 teenage boys (16 and 17 years old) could stay with us for a while till she was back up on her feet. Her nearest family was some distance away and her 16yo *** was just starting his exams and her 17yo *** was about to start at college, so she was reluctant to send them away and disrupt their education.
WE agreed of course, and this was probably the worst mistake I have ever done. It lead to a roller coaster of excitement but also ***********, embarrassment and my cuckolding!
WE picked them away at their home. They were typical surely teenagers speaking in grunts and monosyllabic replies. I thought nothing of it, but I did get an uneasy feeling as I noted that they looked my wife up and down as if she was some teen bimbo they were going to fuck! I shrugged it off as nothing more than horny teenage boys wanting some pussy but unsure of how it get it; Big mistake!!!
During the bots stay my wife and I made sure they kept up with their school work, activities, sports, etc. They shared our guest room and each had their own bed. Everything was going well; the boys come out of their shell and were communication and talking like normal human beings.
The Pool Incident
My wife and I decided to take the boys away for a night and their preference was the Thorpe theme park which meant that we had to stay overnight in a hotel. Yes, we are English lol! It was expense but we thought, 'what the hell! Let just enjoy ourselves'.
The boys loved the amenities and park rides and seemed so excited. The hotel had an indoor swimming pool and on the last day we decided to use the pool. WE all agreed that it would be fun to go swimming.
I can trace the start of my cuckolding back to this time and me and the boys in the changing room. The boys and I went to the changing rooms and undressed. Being just us guys, there was no need to be bashful or shy, so we changed in front of each other. Me into my swimming trucks and the boys into their speedos. I thought it was weird at the time; speedos show everything and are not the best thing to wear in a family swimming pool. Looking back I now know why they did so!
When we were all naked, I could not but notice that the boys were well hung for ones so young; The 17 y/o had to be close to 6" soft, he already had a big black pubic bush and had a big pair of low hangers to compliment his impressive manhood. His younger brother looked a bit smaller, but only by an inch or so. He too had a big black pubic bush and a big pair of balls! They both out-gunned me and I has to wonder what they were doing nowadays for male teens to be so big!!
There I stood, a grown man a cock and balls half the size of these boys. Of course, they noticed my embarrassment and just smiled at me. The 17yo had to make a snide comment didn't he; "never mind Mark, I am sure you will hit puberty soon". This made the 16yo burst out laughing and all I could do was given a weak smile and put my trunks on as fast as possible.
When we meet up with my wife the boys decided to jump in the water and see how get from one could side of the pool to the other the fastest. My wife and I just swam a little and all in all it was a fun time.
This changed when we went back to the changing rooms. The boys were standing in front of me and talking about my wife and her bikini;
"Did you see Ali***" said the 17yo – "yeah, love those totties of hers" replied the 16yo. "Wish I could see what she looks like out of that bikini" continued the 17yo –"bang on man, love to get some of that" replied the 16yo. This exchanged continued for a couple of minutes and all the time I was dumbfounded and unsure of how to reply. The boys looked at me for my reaction a couple of times, but each time I just lowered my head and continued drying myself. I noted that the boys both had a sly smile on their faces. I know I should have spoke up and said something –but you know what! It kinda of excited me that such horny boys had a crush on my wife. This would make such a great story to tell during our bedroom games.
That night, while in bed my wife and I discussed the day and how the boys had really enjoyed themselves. Cuddled up my wife mentioned how the speedos the boys were wearing were just to revealing. I asked her what she meant and she replied that she could see the outline of their cocks and balls and it just was not decent! She sort of chastised me for letting them wear them (as if I could have done anything about it!). While she was speaking I started to het hard and this was noticed by my wife. WE had previously played the wife looking at men's bulges game and used it to ignite our passions in the bedroom. But, this felt different, for one we were talking about young teen boys who probably had never had any pussy for one.
I wife slowing started to stroke my cock and whispered in my ear about how I seemed to enjoy her looking at the boys big cocks and balls. I groaned and she continued with her teasing. AS she stroked and I got more excited I mentioned how the boys had talked about fucking her. She stopped, let go off my cock and looked at me –"what did you say? I hope you told them off and made it clear that such talk is not right"? I just lowered my eyes and croaked a "no". This led to her become very annoyed and ordering me to have a word with the boys about what is right and what is not right. In a huff she turned off and shouted "goodnight"!
So here I was with a hard on and really needing to come. You guessed it I finished myself off. With her back to me I could hear my wife say –"wanking is for teenage boys"! I came when she said that and got out of bed to clean myself off.
In the morning my wife was still mad at me and over breakfast the boys were talking about football, while my wife ignored me. This did not go unnoticed by the boys. The 17yo leaned over to me and whispered –"is Ali*** alright"? I whispered back –"no". The 17yo then looked at the 16yo and again I could see the wry smiles on their faces!
Posts: 50
Please keep going fantastic so far
Posts: 3581
 Enjoying your story........ Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 819
Is this the beginning of another Brainbox epic? Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 199
great start
Posts: 2117
At Home
After breakfast we returned home and the boys asked if they could go out and meet their friends. Alison told them they could. On our own, I helped with clearing up the breakfast items. My wife looked at me and asked if I was going to talk to the boys about what the said. I sighed and said "OK". I was not looking forward to doing so, but I guess it was the right thing to do? My wife shook her head at me and again had a go at me –"So it is OK for the boys if say they want to fuck me"! I had to reply –"they never said that" –Well it is obvious what they going on about"! "No it wasn't; there just boys and horny" – "OK, so what if they start touching me up; is that what you want"? "Don't be silly of course not; you're blowing things out of proportion"!
This last comment just enflamed my wife and stormed out of the kitchen. I gave her 10 minutes and went to find her. She was in the living room flicking quickly through a magazine. She never acknowledged me when I entered and sat next to her. "Alison; you know I love you and only want the best for you – the boys were just being boys and that is all". My wife threw down the magazine and looked at me with angry eyes –"you need to talk with them; if you don't who knows where it may lead"! I nodded my head –"OK when they return I will tell them off". She gave a half smile and switched on the TV. We sat in silence for a few hours watching the programmes; both in our own worlds.
The Talk
The 17yo arrived home first and he heard him go straight upstairs to his room. An hour later the 16 yo arrived home and did exactly the same. My Wife turned to me with that look; you know the one where they expect you to do something or else! I signed and got up and walked up the stairs.
At their closed bedroom door I heard music and them talking. I could only hear snippets – "fuck her and yeah" were two things I heard. Knocking on their door I asked to come in and they both replied 'yeah'.
Entering the room the boys were lying on the floor looking at their laptop computer. They both looked at me and asked what I wanted. I noticed on the screen was a film and it featured an older woman and a young boy (I found it later on hamster; it is called 'wife fucks teen boy'). I asked them to turn it off and to sit on the bed. They did so with a shrug.
I began by saying that I know they are growing up and are curious but that it is not right for them to talk about my wife the way they did at the pool. There was silence so I asked if they understood?
"Well, we see it this way" The 17yo said looking at his brother who nodded. "There should be some changes around here and the first one is that you let us try and fuck your wife"! I was shocked and angry and stared at them with my rage boiling –"how dare they"!!!! I shouted in my head – "who do they think they are". The 16yo then chimed in –"we are only here for a bit longer and we would really love the chance to have Alison"! They looked at each, nodded, and then back at me.
"I, I, can't believe what you just said", I replied. "Well, you ever give us permission or we try anyway" the 17yo said looking directly at me. I have never been very good at confrontation and the few fights I had when younger I always lost, so I was wary of getting physical with the boys. The boys high fived each other as if they were some sort of heroes!
It was obvious that I was losing this confrontation and I did not know how to proceed. "So what do you say"? The 17yo asked me. I just blurted out that Alison would not go for it and the 16yo replied that he had seen my wife looking at their cock and balls and knew that she was a sure thing!!!
I just got up and left the room. "What the fuck had happened there"! I wondered. Was I really going to let them try and seduce my wife??? What would Alison say? Just then the door opened and the 17yop asked me to come back in.
"Listen he said – I know this may have come as a shock, but I have thought of a way it might work". Now remember this is a 17op boy ordering a grown male adult in his late 30's around as if I was just some sort of slave. "First of all we plan to just now and again touch your wife; then try to kiss her and then fuck her –OK"? I shook my head; I was still in shock. How do I respond? The 17yo continued "you do nothing right because if you do we will get you OK". Was that a threat? A threat in my own house! I started to get mad and I could see that the boys had wondered if they had over-planned their hand. Then it happened and all my credibility was lost –"look, look" said the 16yo; "he has a hard on"! The boys started to laugh and yes it was true. For some reason I had got hard. "Good; remember do not do anything" said the 17yo.
I left their room and realized that I soon could be a cuckold!
Posts: 877
Great story, please continue.
Posts: 103
My hearts is skipping a bit just considering the possibilities of this new plot.
Thanks Brainbox. Please keep it subtle , while at the same time so intense.
it just made want to do somedrawing about some scenes that after reading it so far, just came to my head- Rogger Bbit
( Ludo Mentis )
Posts: 2117
The Beginning
The boys now knew that they could try to seduce my wife. Alison was unaware of this and had asked me if I had spoken to them and all I could say was "yes". She had no idea what was going to happened; nor did I for that matter!
Over the next few days I noted that the boys were extremely helpful to my wife. They also 'accidently' brushed up against her and touched her softly on the arm and hips. On a few occasions, as she was leaving the room they enter the same door way and as she turned they brushed their bulges against her arise. They also from time to time said goodbye as they went out by grabbing her around eth hips and giving her a hug.
My naïve, innocent wife just kept mentioning about how nice they were –"such nice boys; such gentleman". Little did she know they plan!
After a few days, the boys approached me and told me that I had to act a bit more submissive to them ("wimpy" they said!). I tried to argue with that and tell them that they had to stop what they were doing –but for some reason the words would not come out and I just lowered my head and nodded. The tide was turning and lead to my cuckolding.
The day after this conversation, I noticed that my wife was watching the boys in our gardening. They were playing a kind of rugby with lots of play fights and lifting of each other up in the air. I walked over to my wife and put my arms around her waist. "They seem to be having fun" said my wife –"Ummm" I replied while nuzzling her neck. However, my wife was not responding in her usual way and seemed distant. As if he attention had been shifted towards what the boys were doing. I took a glance outside to see what was holding her attention. The 17yo had the 16yo on his shoulders and was carrying him around the garden at a slow jog. They then swapped over and the 16yo did the same with the 17yo.
My wife then shocked me –"there big for their ages aren't they"? How should I respond? I made a joke of course which just made things worse –"yes, in the cock region"! My wife turned to face me –"whatever do you mean"? – "Oh come on you seen them in their speedos!" – "you are just a pervert" my wife laughed and hit me on the arm and walked away and I\ heard her climb the stairs.
I went out into the garden and the boys stooped what they were doing and we spoke. They told me that I was doing good, but now should let them do things around the house to show how much more manly they were than me! I was astounded and wanted to protest but instead just walked away. Looking up I noticed that my wife was looking out of the bedroom window and had seem our exchange. I wondered what she was thinking.
Posts: 6938
This has so much potential - damned excellent! Can't wait for some more of the same.
Posts: 1539
I agree kennyboy82 I hope this cums to a good hard end!
Posts: 819
Posts: 2117
Being Displaced
Later that day, my wife asked me to clear out our garage of rubbish and tidy it up. Over the years it had started to look like a tip to be honest. The boys overheard this and jumped at the opportunity to help.
In the garage I went to move a reasonable heavy box, but struggled lifting to onto the floor. The 17 and 16yo came to my aid and took it off me and lowered it to the floor. They then told me that they should do all the heavy lifting so I did not hurt my back! My wife agreed that it was a good idea and while the boys moved rubbish into the boxes and out into the bin, my wife whisper to me that she was glad that she had such young, big, strong boys to help her"! I started to get hard and she noticed. She give my hard on a quick squeeze and went to the kitchen to make some refreshments. After tidying up the garage, we all sat in the kitchen and my wife tanked the boys for helping. They started to argue about who had lifted the heaviest box and the 17yo mentioned that to find out who could life the most they should lift my wife! I was no-plus by this and started to argue that it was not a good idea as Alison could get hurt! My wife said that the boys would be careful and they agreed. I had lost another argument!
For the next minutes first the 17yo and then the 16yo took turns giving my wife and fireman's lift. They bent down in front of my wife, put their hand at the back of her thigh and stood up with ease with my wife draped over their shoulder.
Both boys then walked around the kitchen to prove that they were not struggling. I didn't say anything. My wife was also very quiet. The 17yo won the bet by performing a few squats with my wife draped over his shoulder. The 16yo struggled with this. I wife had been thrown around as though she was a rag doll right in front of my eyes! When they put my wife down she looked flustered, but also totally turned on! This was not missed by the boys, who no doubt had planned it to be this way!
AS my wife went to sit down after the lifting had finished I noticed her eyes drifted downwards, first the 17yo and then the 16yo, crotches. Her eyes lingered looking there for a while, and I could also see that the boys had grown quite a bit bulge! My wife looked up at their faces, but did not keep eye contact for long.
Just for the record, my wife is very slim, and stands in flats about 5' 5." She has weighed herself in the past when dieting and is around 135-140lbs. She looks a bit like Camille Crimson and like me is in her late 30's. We have no ******** and have been married for 7 years.
At night when we were in bed my wife was frisky. Cuddling into me and stroking my cock while I caressed her back and kissed her. She mentioned how the boys most have got so strong by going down eth gym and lifting weights and how it would not hurt me to do the same! She continued by saying that lifting her is a great form of exercise for the boys and laughed. I just nodded in agreement, saying "ummm". My wife then shocked me by asking fi the boys had girlfriends and how there girlfriend's must be worn out by their strength and stamina –"I bet they are a handful"! She said. I came instantly and my wife mentioned how having 2 strong, young boys in the house and made me a horn-dog"! I just thought that my wife had become something similar – a 'cock hound' judging by how turned on she gets looking at the boys bulges!
Posts: 199
better and better
Posts: 3581
I'm enjoying every segment of your story! Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 819
Please--don't--stop---unghhh---unghhh. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 6938
donna4blackuse: Please--don't--stop---unghhh---unghhh. Donna, I have to ask, where were your fingers when you wrote that? Buried deeply in you I bet! I have a fantastic mental picture of that happening! Christ, you've made me hard!
Posts: 819
kenny, I am typing this with one hand on my phone while rubbing myself with a finger vibrator in my ass while trying to stay quiet a hotel lobby ladies room. Think about that. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 199
im thinking im thinking ;)
Posts: 27
Great story
Posts: 199
sometimes I just want to reach through the Internet and shake Brainbox and yell write Dammit. Then I remember that he is doing this for us for fun and he is the best writer on here and we dont want to piss him off and ..... Write Dammit ;)
Posts: 6938
donna4blackuse: kenny, I am typing this with one hand on my phone while rubbing myself with a finger vibrator in my ass while trying to stay quiet a hotel lobby ladies room. Think about that. I think I've died and gone to Heaven! Now THAT is a mental picture second to none, it's produced a highly dangerous effect in my pants. My f/b says thank you for mentally fluffing me, she's one happy slut thanks to you!
Posts: 2117
The Cuckolding Begins
The boys over the next few days started to get bolder. When they said they were going out instead of doing nothing, they started to give my wife a kiss on the check. Nothing too sexual to start. But, one day the 17yo kissed my wife on the lips. She looked startled and surprised and later asked me if it was right for a boy to kiss her like that. I mentioned that they were just be friendly and that it was nothing. She looked less convinced and later in the bed mentioned how the boys were getting frisky with her. I tried to put that out of her mind, but she was insistent.
She asked why I did not stop them or do something about it, and I just replied that she seemed to enjoy it. She sat up in bed with her arms crossed and asked me if I got horny thinking of her with the boys. I just lay there looking at the ceiling and she asked again. This time there was no escape and I had to find some sort of answer. I said that it was nice that other men found her attractive and she asked if I thought it right that 2 boys should do so. I could not find the right answer for that and instead just shrugged. "I thought so"! I wife said, and cuddling up to me whispered that the boys wanted to fuck her and how did I feel about that!
Of course, I knew they did! They had told me, but could I say that to my wife? No way! She then went on to say that if I did not stop them now they would start to take more liberties and she would not stop them –"man up" she told me.
The next day the boys had gone to school and college and had kissed my wife on the lips. This time she never said anything and I swear there was a little bit of tongue going on!
My wife text me at work and told me that her friend had contacted her and would soon be discharged from hospital. NO time frame was giving but it would probably be in a few days.
We took the boys to see their mom that night and talking with her, the discharge would be in 2 days times.
AS we left the hospital, some strange happened and I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. The 17yo had put his arm around my wife. The 16yo was behind and from time to time would pat and rub her arse on the other side of her and the 17yo.
My wife asked me to get the car because she needed to speak with the boys. As I returned I saw her kissing the 17yo and it was passionate! She then opened eth passenger door and told eth 17yo to get in and asked me to wait little longer. As I looked at her she turned her attention to the 16yo and kissed him passionately as well –"what the fuck"!
People were walking out and in the hospital entrance and looked at the scene in front of the. There was my wife snugging two teen boys in front of her husband! Man, that was a mind-fuck!
As we drove home my wife had insistent on getting in the back seat with the boys. I just seemed to be the chauffeur and nothing else! They were squeezed together rather tightly in the back seat. As I drove, I could hear a lot of rustling. I look in the mirror to see what's happening. My wife and the 17yo are kissing; seriously hot and horny kissing! This goes on for a couple minutes. At eth traffic lights, I decide to turn around and I see that my wife is squirming – the 17yo has one of his hands up her skirt and the 16yo has his hands in her top caressing her tits! I need to stop this now, but the traffic lights change and the horn behind me makes it obvious I can't stop here.
I pull over and again look to the back seat ready to take change and say enough is enough. But, just then, my wife smiles at me and lifting herself up of the seat moves across to the lap of the 17yo. I notice that the 16yo has her panties up to his face sniffing her pussy aroma! I feel defeated. The boys and my wife seem to be taunting me, and I can't do much about it. I hear a sharp gasp from my wife and she looks at me and say - "Oh! He's in me! He is soooo big"!
Just then an elderly couple walk by and looking in the window look surprised. The old lady says something to her husband and he looks again and shakes his head before they move on. I realise that I am now a cuckold as I hear my wife's moans. She is being lifted up and down on the 17yo lap. They are fucking and there is nothing I can do about it.
I start to get lost in the excitement of my cuckolding and encourage my wife to fuck the 16yo after. Through gasps and groans she says "OK". The 16yo starts to take his trousers off and his pants –he obviously wants nothing in the way of his fucking my wife! I noticed he is now naked from the waist down and I see his hard cock –yep, it is a beauty and looks angry and snarling! I would guess it is about 2 inches bigger than mine and I realise that my wife is going too fucked by two big cocks!
A couple of teen boys pass by and looking in the car see what is happening –I am now an outed, public cuckold! The turn and laugh at each other and give the wanker sign to me! I have to drive the car to somewhere more private and so I move the car away and I can hear the shouts of the boy voyeurs as I drive off.
I find a layby and there looks to be no one around,. Just then I hear the moans and groans of my wife and the 17yoe. He has cum in my wife! He has fucked her!
The 16yo now grabs my wife and she moves across to him. I can't help by shout out – "Fuck her. Fuck my wife"! The 17yo and 16yo both smile and soon the 16yo is balls deep in my wife's pussy and stretching her wider and more than I could ever do! It is not long till my wife is screaming in orgasm
The sight in front of me is ********; I can feel the rhythm - She's holding onto his legs, as she pulls up, sits down; lifting her pussy up and won his big boy cock coating it with her pussy juice and his brother's virile sperm! Fuck! There are bare backing and my wife is not on any birth control! I realize it is too late now but hopefully we can get the morning after pill tomorrow.
The 16yo groans loudly as he comes. My wife squeals with delight. Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh, god, I feel it pumping into me! Oh, god! It's hot".
The fucking subsides and the 17yo hands my wife her panties to stop their sperm leaking too much onto the back seats. While I was watching I too had my cock out and has cum.
The boys noticed and the 17yo said to my wife "Mark is such a loser"; the 16yo added – "yeah he's a wanker"! I have to agree I am!
Posts: 3581
With that kind of HOT action...... how could hubby not be a wanker!?!  Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 819
If anyone reading this didn't have to rub one out, they are probably in a cage. Wow. Thank you Brainbox.
More? PLEASE. Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Posts: 83
Posts: 6938
donna4blackuse: If anyone reading this didn't have to rub one out, they are probably in a cage. Wow. Donna, I didn't rub one out, nor am I in a cage, instead I took it out on Sue, my friends wife. She thanks you brainbox for making sure she is one happy slut!
Posts: 755
kennyboy82 Donna, I didn't rub one out, nor am I in a cage, instead I took it out on Sue, my friends wife. She thanks you brainbox for making sure she is one happy slut!
Master Kenny you make every woman and sissy cuck one happy slut!
Posts: 2117
The Marital Bed At home, the boys rush upstairs to their rooms and soon I hear the shower going. My wife drags me into the kitchen and kisses me and asks me if that was what I wanted? "I know that seeing the boys touch me up turned you on" – I could only agree and now I was a cuckold. I decided, no my cock decided, that it should continue. I asked my wife to ***** with the boys too night and I will ***** in their room. She looked at me and asked if I was sure. I replied "yes".
That night my wife slept in our marital bed and boys took turns moving from their bed to ours. I slept in the 16yo bed and felt like some horny teenager watching first the 17yo leaving and fuck my wife and then the 16yo.
The 17yo thought it best to leaving the doors open so I could hear them fucking my wife!
For the rest of the night I could hear my wife's words - "Oh fuck; you're so big; . Oh fuck me you horny bastards. "
I heard both boys say: "I gonna cum in your fucking cunt!!!!" I'm gonna knock you up you slut!!!!"
In the time honored tradition of the cuckold all I did was masturbate listening to the sounds of my wife being fucked and no doubt bred by two young, horny teenage boys!
Both the 16 and 17yo while not fucking my wife and in their room with me commented on what a "wimp" I was and how Alison should fuck them instead of me. I agreed in my sexual excitement and asked both of them to "make me a cuckold so others should know –breed my wife"!
Posts: 6938
suntzuson: Master Kenny you make every woman and sissy cuck one happy slut! I've told you before, slut, get your fucking ass round here and I'll fill it for you - more than once if you beg hard enough.