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My Wife is flirting....need some guidance

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My wife is a massage ********* and she has a client that will routinely send her Facebook messenger texts. Usually they are just, hey checking to see if you are available at such and such time. The past few messages have been sent when he was a little tipsy and my wife engages in "lol's" and smiley faces. The last message my wife got was from saying "I need your hands on me, but in a good way." My wife responded back, "LOL, well my job makes that safe for me to do that".

She showed me the texts thinking they were funny and the entire time, I'm thinking, damn, he's really trying to fish here. She's NOT into the cuckold scene, but I love when guys flirt with her.

I want to make this continue but not turn her off. She said she is not interested in this guy, but that's hard to believe when they have chatted back and forth for so long.

I've considered reaching out to this guy and telling him to turn it up a notch but I not want to scare him off.

Any suggestions?


Posts: 174
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If i was you i would not reach out to the guy, but i would talk a bit about him when you are fucking your wife. Starting slowly and working up to more talk with her about him or just other guys in general. Watch her reaction and see if she is into the talking while having sex with her. This may take some time.


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Thanks for the reply. Taking time is definitely the key phrase. I have told her that she definitely must love the attention that he gives her and she says, I guess but I am not interested and that's followed with a simulated vomit sound. I want to sit next to the dude and coach him on what to say...Hahahaha.


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iliketolisten has a good idea. I would go with that to start. The simulated vomit sound may be because she does not fancy him or for your benefit to show she is faithful.


Posts: 1352
#5 · Edited by: SheDatesHeWaits
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What you've described is not uncommon for couples feeling one another out on this subject. It's actually a technique used in sales. You don't ask directly for the order... instead you throw out a subtle suggestion, as if you're joking around. Then you read the other person to see how they react. That's exactly what your wife has done. She didn't have to show you those texts. She did it for a reason.

You say your wife isn't into cuckolding. That may be true, but her actions suggest that she might have an interest even if she doesn't realize it. She showed you those texts to see how you reacted. You didn't get angry or freak out. She now knows that you're at least intrigued by it all.

She may or may not be interested in this particular guy. It's tough to tell this quickly. She may just be using his texts to see how you would react to her flirting with another man.

If you want to use this opportunity to start down the road, then give her fun, playful, positive feedback. Joke around about it. Smile and have fun with the subject. At some point get a little more serious. Get her to promise not to laugh at you... tell her that you trust her enough to be totally honest... act a little embarrassed and admit to her that the idea of her flirting with that guy was a turn on. Women love when we're vulnerable... so let her see your honesty. Be open.

Feel her out too... tell her that you promise not to judge her. Ask her to be just as honest. Ask her if she found it exciting to flirt with another man. Ask if there is someone else she thinks about flirting with. Ask if she would ever consider doing more than just flirting, with the right guy, and if you didn't object.

Couples grow into this lifestyle through a series of steps. The first step is opening up to each other, and admitting to yourselves and each other that the idea is at least intriguing... if not downright stimulating. "The talk" is something every couple has when they get started.
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 25
#6 · Edited by: texasranger
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SheDatesHeWaits and brainbox, thank you all for the suggestions. I'm going to try those out and see what comes of it. I think you are right, she does love the attention she is getting from him, whether she consciously knows it or not.

This is her, if anyone wants to help me "practice" hearing some good things about her.



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Quick update. So I made contact with the guy. It's a long story however it was not behind her back. I told my wife that we were hiring at my work and she suggested that he might be interested. I told her to reach out and see if he was interested and he messaged her right back. So, he then texted me and we started talking about the job. I told him that my wife thought highly of him and because she mentioned the job to him that she owes him a beer. He responded back, no beer, and that he would just give her a bigger tip when she massaged him next. I told him that her eyes lit up and that maybe he can give me pointers on how I could make her eyes light up like that. He said, LOL, OMG ok.

So, that's where I'm at. My heart is racing right now. He's not going to be interested in the job, as it doesn't pay enough and the commute is way too long, so no worries there.

I'm tempted to tell him to take her out one night as I'm always busy at work and I never get a chance to do those things. At least to ask her....


Posts: 34
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You need to be patient. Additionally, you must encourage your wife flirting. Once your wife feel an interest in another man, you have to let her know that you do not mind against their intimate relationships. But this whole process requires patience and time.


Posts: 1352
#9 · Edited by: SheDatesHeWaits
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You're doing fine. Your sexual innuendo to the guy should provide a good hint to him that this situation has potential to be more.

You can have a role trying to get them together, but don't push or be too obvious. Suggesting that he take her out is a good idea. Let him know that you're too busy. If you can feel her out ahead of time, maybe you can tell him that you've already talked to her about it, and she would like to go out (?).

Be sure to provide encouragement to her, too. Let her know that you would be excited if she went out with him... and you would even be fine if something more happened. In other words don't push her to do anything... let her know that it's completely up to her. But make it very clear that you won't get mad and you would be aroused if something did happen.

Ultimately though, it's out of your hands. You can only do so much hinting and nudging. It will be up to them to decide whether or not they go for it. So be patient, don't push and give it time to happen at their pace.
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 78
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This is so exciting


Posts: 174
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It is exciting. Does your wife know that you posted her face pic on this site texasranger? We all like to see face pics and have fantasys about the wifes,but if she does not know then you have to be more careful. If you want this to happen it is all about trust from both sides and if she does not know then that is a huge chance you are taking. It would take a life time for her to get past this pic posting if she is not into that. Oh ya should have said she is very hot looking.


Posts: 2117
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I think it is a good idea to ask him to take her out - give him time to charm her! I suggest you also refer to him as her boyfriend in a jokey way.

Re: Pics - Be careful about what pics you post! You cannot take them back on the internet and they are out there for all to see.


Posts: 25
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Thank you. I'm excited as well.


Posts: 25
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Thank you all again for the advice. Noted about the pic. I appreciate everything. I'm hoping that he will text her more often and get a little more open each time. She responds well to him, like I was saying before with smiley faces and "lol's".


Posts: 1352
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Keep us updated!
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


Posts: 25
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Oh fo sho!


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Alright, so they eliminated the position that I was trying to get this guy, so I need to reach out to him and tell him the bad news. I told my wife and she seemed upset with me that this happened and why would I lead him on like that. Totally not my fault but I'm digging that she's sort of protecting him. More updates to follow.


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It sounds like a perfect reason to invite him over for d_inks and BBQ. Tell him it is your way of apologizing for your company's decision of eliminating the position. Once everyone is comfortable you may be able to steer them into a more erotic position


Posts: 174
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That just may be a good idea !i22


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Well, what a difference a week, he showed up for his appointment with my wife in Friday. My wife came home and said that they are going for a beer tonight because she felt bad that I didn't follow through on getting him the job. Of course, not enough time to get a babysitter, so it's just her and him. She said that it's only for one and she will be home early. So, I'm feeling kinda left out of course, but maybe that's her idea.


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Any update?


Posts: 1352
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Yeah... I've been wondering about an update, too.

I'm feeling kinda left out of course, but maybe that's her idea.

It's easy to feel sad about being "left out". But eventually you'll look forward to it. You'll begin to focus on the fact that she's enjoying herself when she's away. You'll start imagining what they're doing... when she'll be back, etc. So you'll actually learn to enjoy that time alone, fantasizing, wondering and looking forward to reclaiming her when she gets back home.

As crazy as it sounds, when my wife goes out to see someone, I usually WISH she would be extra late. When that happens she's having really great sex. When she does get home she's all sexed-up and I'm super horny from the long wait. I'd much rather have her come home at 1:00 AM than at 10:00 PM!
cuckold - Pronunciation - kuk-uhld - noun 1) The husband of an unfaithful wife. 2) A husband whose wife has sex with others. NOTE - It does NOT say: Sexually confused, submissive, humiliated, sissified, crossdresser, cocksucker, or piss drinker


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Ok, so my deepest apologies as its been a bit since I gave any updates, however, there were none to give......until yesterday.

So, my wife got home from work and the guy ibja e been talking about had an appointment with her today. My wife came home and said, "hey, he wanted me to tell you that he's tipping me more.

Not sure how to take this but it seems as though he may be trying to slightly become dominant. Especially when he convinced my wife to tell me. I'm thinking of texting him and thank him for being so generous, which would definitely put me in a submissive spot to him. I know that it's a small move on his part but fuck it turns me on.

I will text him and let you all know what happens after that.


Posts: 174
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We are sittng here waitng. You are going through what many of us have gone through. Do not push her just guide her without letting her know you are going that. Just remember once her box is open you may not be able to close it agian.


Posts: 6938
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Just remember once her box is open you may not be able to close it again.

I've yet to meet the person that's successfully closed that particular box once opened!

"her box is open" - I like the analogy!


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I think you should text him and thank him for his kindness towards your wife. It will make him become more alpha, and if you start becoming more submissive (e.g. thanking him for taking care of your wife; asking if he wants you to do anything for him, etc), soon you will be a cuckold!


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Are you sure you want to get a pic like this? It is my wife with a towel between her legs so she doesn't drip his cum on the floor. They though it would be a good way of letting me know they were through



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Ive taken the "how would I feel if" test and I keep coming back to feeling this enormous sense of being turned on. We just got done texting each other. I thanked him and I told him that he's a lucky guy because he gets my wife's hands all to himself once a week. He responded back by saying that she's excellent at what she does.


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And that pic is so hot, not just because of your wife, but the feeling of, hey we are done and this is the only thing I will let you see.


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Yes I do love getting sextext pic's. Sometimes I will be in a meeting and receive one and it can be really embarrassing when I get a boner or someone glances over as I open it.

If this is something you really want then I suggest you find a way to tell this gentleman you don't care if he fucks her. I once told a guy I didn't care if he fucked my wife but if he hurt my dog or messed with my Harley I would kick his a_ss!

He jokingly replied "so your dog and Harley are off limits to me"?

I simply said, yip
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My Wife is flirting....need some guidance
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