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Trying something new...

Rating: 3
cuckold pantyslave


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#1 · Edited by: cuckold pantyslave
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cuckold pantyslave


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His hands trembled, his heart raced. Peter Taylor looked around the room neverously, silently scolding himself for actually thinking someone would see him. He was, after all, in her bathroom. His eyes were drawn back to her clothes hamper, where, lying on top, was a pair of her white nylon, recently worn, freshly scented panties. With trembling hands he picked them up and pressed the soiled crotch to his nose...

Misty Walker was 34, a raven-haired beauty with a stunning figure. Her 39D-24-39 proportions were tuned to perfection thanks to six hours a week spent in the gym. She wasn't muscular, just very feminine. Over the past six years she had worked her way up through the ranks at Silent Electronics, a firm specializing in hi-tech surveillance equipment. As the Director of Marketing she enjoyed the benefits of a secure, rewarding career. She owned a two bedroom condo on the 22nd floor at Sea Dreams, an exclusive complex on the beach, with supurb views of the ocean from both her living room and her bedroom balconies. She drove a black Lexus SC400 and had a 22' Sea Ray docked at the complex marina. She was doing well for herself.

She had divorced at 29, regretting the four miserable years she had spent with a lazy, inconsiderate slob of an ex-husband. During those years he had floated through job after job, ******** and gambling most of her earnings. After three years of misery she decided to take matters into her opwn hands... she hired on as a sales rep with SE, moved in with her girlfriend, filed for divorce, and started putting every penny she could spare into savings. Two years later, when SE offered her the position on the west coast, she accepted immediately and moved to L.A.

Once there, she found life a bit different. As the Dir. of Marketing she had 17 sales reps to oversee, 13 men and four women. The women treated her with respect, which she returned in excess. The men, however, had nothing but contempt for her. They seemed to be insulted having to answer to a woman. It soon became apparant that they were pleasant to her for only one reason... to bed her. One day, thanks to one of the female reps, she caught wind of a bet the men had going amongst themselves. Each had contributed $100.00 to a pool, and the first one to score with Misty would win the money.

Big mistake on their part. Misty played right along with their male chauvinistic pig game... wearing shorter skirts, higher heels, leading them on then cutting them off cold... Each and every one of them, over a period of time, made a complete asshole of himself, and one by one she humiliated them until they resigned. Her staff was now all women... aggressive, competent women who worked hard for her, supported her, and never failed to produce impressive sales figures month after month.

Four months ago Misty's personal secretary, Denise, had informed her that because of a well deserved promotion offered to her husband, they were moving to Dallas. Misty was sad to see her go, and faced the arduous task of interviewing applicants. The ad was published, and from the 50 plus replies that were produced, she selected eight for interviews. One of those was Peter Taylor.

Misty hired him on the spot. His credentials and references were impressive, but his manner... his soft and quiet demeanor and extraordinary politeness were what got him the job. Every sentence ended with "Ma'am," and although he looked directly at her as he answered her questions, he mostly stared at the floor (or at her feet).

"Peter, do you have any problems working for a woman?"

His answer concluded the interview.

"No, ma'am... I would consider it an honor."

He began his new job three days later.

Misty was immediately impressed with his skills. His typing and computer knowledge was extensive, he kept her coffee cup filled without being asked, her daily appointments confirmed and materials and/or presentations needed were laid out and ready. He made her office a relaxing, comfortable place to be in.

One day, after he had been there a couple of months, he knocked on her door.

"The CEO just showed up with a couple of shakers... meeting in the Boardroom in 15 minutes."

Of all days! She had overslept that morning, and in her rush had simply thrown on the same skirt, blouse, and jacket she had worn the previous day.

******" she snapped, "I look like hell!"

His soothing voice both surprised... and calmed her.

"Ma'am... if I may help... I would be happy to iron your outfit and polish your shoes while you freshen up."

She looked at him, puzzled.

"I have an iron and black polish, Ma'am. I figured that someday you might be rushed, and... well... if you would just hand me your outfit... and don't worry. Hurry now!"

She closed her office door and undressed, then opened the door enough to hand him her clothes and shoes. As she stood in her private bathroom she smiled as she thought of his attentiveness and the lengths he was going to for her. As she washed her face she wondered about him... a tall, handsome 37 year old, who, she had earlier discovered, had never been married. Remembering that her lipstick was in her purse, which was on her desk, she walked into her office to retreive it. The office door was slightly ajar, and through the narrow opening she saw him sitting at heis desk... with her high heel pressed to his face. She stopped cold, watching him smell her shoes. She was rivited as she saw his tongue slowly lick the insoles of her pumps. "That's so strange," she thought, as she felt an unknown tingle run through her body... and she suddenly realized how wet her panties had become in the past 60 seconds. She ****** herself to turn away and hurry to apply her make-up.

when she returned to her office her suit was hanging on the back of the door, beautifully pressed, and her shoes were on the floor next to the door, impeccably polished. As she stepped into her shoe she thought about his tongue recently being there... and felt that strange tingling again... When she stepped out into the reception area he stood immediately.

"You look ravishing, Ma'am!"

She closed the distance between them, hugged him, and kissed him lightly on the cheek.

"Thank you so much, Peter. How can I ever thank you enough?"

With his eyes to the floor... and on her feet, he answered,

"You already have, Ma'am. Now hurry..."

As she stepped into the elevator, the true meaning of his answer struck her. Again she experienced the electrifying tingle as she thought about him smelling and licking her shoes. She glanced down to make sure her wet panties hadn't soaked through to her skirt.

That night, as she lay in bed, Misty yhought about the way men had treated her over the years. They were so crude... so demanding. Peter was so different... he was so quiet, so polite, and responded anxiously to her authority. She realized that she liked him, not only because of his work and manners, but because of his appearance. She admitted to herself that she was attracted to this man, but that if anything was to happen it would definately have to be her to make the initial gestures. Her mind kept returning to the image of him idolizing her high heels... and that was what he was doing... not simply kissing or smelling them, but idolizing them... adoring them... worshipping them. Her mind conjured up images of him at her feet, scurrying to obey her commands. He was naked as he served her in these images, and his penis was constantly erect as she demanded he grovel before her. Her body was screaming for release as she explored this new area of possibility, and her fingers slipped into the steaming wetness of her pussy. Within moments she exploded, her orgasm fueled by the thoughts of him serving her.

The next day Misty had SE's tiniest surveillance cameras installed in her bathroom and wired into the VCR and TV. Her next move was to invite him for dinner Saturday night. Misty was an excellent cook, and dinner was supurb. Afterwards he had excused himself to go to the bathroom. She was sitting on the couch, the TV filled with the scene in the bathroom, the VCR recording every moment. She smiled... she had purposely left her panties in plain view, hoping, that like her shoes, her intinate clothing would draw him into her web. She watched him inhale deeply, savoring the scents she had left in the panties. She eyed the swelling in his pants... wondering what his penis looked like... and felt the dampness in her own panties. His hands trembled as he held the panties out and looked at them in absolute adoration. He seemed reluctant to return them, but he finally did and joined her on the couch. They talked endlessly and it was well after midnight when they said good-bye. He had used the bathroom once more, and although his actions were being recorded, she didn't watch. She didn't have to. She knew what she would find, and she was right. When she walked into her bathroom and opened the hamper, her panties were gone.

Misty began inviting Peter over one or two nights a week. It turned out that he too was an excellent cook... would his talents ever cease to amaze her? He would cook, clean the kitchen, even clean her condo if she acted "tired." He also gave excellent manicures, and she smiled to herself, knowing that one day he would be giving pedicures as well! For three months she teased him. Some night he would find panties in the hamper... some nights stockings... and others, nothing. She would even leave her shoes in the bathroom on occassion... she had to laugh to herself as she watched tha tapes later as she realized he must be thinking of a way to get her shoes out of her condo without her noticing. She now had one and a half video tapes filled with his excursions to her bathroom. Although he didn't take every pair of panties or stockings she left, he had amassed quite a collection. He had started replacing ones he took with panties or stockings he had taken earlier.

He was bolder, too. He would drop his pants and play with himself as he sniffer her panties of shoes, stuffing his erection back into his pants... with difficulty... before returning to her. He would sit on the floor at her feet while she sat on the couch, casually rubbing her feet or legs. Finally she couldn't wait any longer. She wanted his shoe licking tongue on other parts of her body, and she felt three months of preparation was enough.

After an exquisite meal he excused himself, as usual. She had carefully prepared the bathroom for him, leaving the white nylon panties she had worn the previous day, and the stockings, on the top of pile of clothes, in plain sight. She had masturbated in those panties, and knew they were strongly scented with her most intimate smells and tastes. Her shoes were 'carelessly' tossed on the floor beside the hamper. As soon as he closed the door she switched on the TV and watched him go straight to her hamper. He dropped his pants and knelt in front of it, picking up one of her pumps and pressing it to his nose before sticking his penis into it. With his other hand he picked up both her panties and stockings and pressed them to his face. He moved her pump back and forth under his penis, rubbing the insole over the underside of his erection... he was fucking her shoe! Misty knew it was time... this was the moment. She quickly ran to the bathroom and threw open the door.

The look on his face was priceless. He quickly dropped everything and his face was redder than a traffic light. He started to mumble some sort of explanation, but she stopped him.

"Don't you think it's time you stopped sniffing my panties and shoes behind my back, Peter? Is this what you've been doing with all my panties and stockings that you've stolen and taken home? Didn't you think I'd notice?"

He was totally embarrassed... completely ashamed. He moved to get up, but she put a hand on his shoulder and pushed him back to his knees.

"You stay on your knees until I get some answers."

He looked up at her with tears in her eyes.

"How... how long have you known?"

She told him about the first day at the office, with her shoes, three months ago. Then she pointed out the tiny camera, and explained the tapes of his "visits" to her bathroom.

"I know you took my white nylon panties the first night you were here, Peter."

He broke down, sobbing.

"Please, Miss Walker, Ma'am... I can't afford to lose this job! I'll do anything! Please, Ma'am... I didn't nean to hurt you in any way... please!"

She looked down at him, her smile one of antipation rather than anger.

"Oh Peter... quite the contrary. Now that I know about your little secret perversion, there are many, many more things I will be using you for... around the office, and here... Get undressed, Peter. Now!"

He quickly undressed and stood before her.

"Don't stand, Peter... kneel. ALWAYS kneel when you are before me, when we are alone."

As he knelt Misty picked up her panties from the floor, where he dropped them. She pulled them over his head and adjusted them so the moist, scented crotch covered his nose.

"Smelling my panties and stockings really makes your penis hard, doesn't it, Peter."

It was really more of a statement than a question, but he answered 'yes' anyway. She took one of her stockings and fastened his hands behind his back.

"I don't want you touching yourself... not yet, anyway. You wait right here, Peter.. I'll be right back."

As a final, humiliating act, she took one of her high heel pumps and hung it on his penis. She giggled as they watched it sway slightly to the rhythm of his throbbing penis. She closed the door behind her, leaving him alone to savor his ***********.

From her closet she brought out the new outfit she had purchased just for this occassion. A black leather micro miniskirt, leather garter belt, thigh high black patent leather boots with 5" spike heels, a tiny (actually useless) leather shelf bra that could, in no way, even begin to contain her enormous breasts, and the sheerest pair of black panties she could find. She kept on the stockings she had worn to work that day. By the time she finished lacing her boots, her panties were soaked. Slipping into a floor length black satin robe, she returned to the bathroom.

"Follow me, Peter... on your knees, and don't drop my shoe!"

She watched, amused, as his knees made the tiniest of 'steps' so as not to drop her pump from his penis. Once in her living room she stood in front of the recliner and let the robe slip from her shoulders and fall to the floor. His gasp was very loud.

"OHHHHHHH.... Miss Walker..."

She sensuously ran her hands over her stomach and ribs, cupping her huge, jutting breasts in her palms, fingering her nipples with her long nails. His penis throbbed painfully, her shoe swinging wildly.

"I hope you aren't going to cum in my shoe, Peter... at least, not yet. Now, I have some specific questions and I want some very specific answers. VERY specific... do you understand, Peter? Don't lie to me, Peter... it would be very detremental to you, in your position."

She sat down and crossed her legs, her boot tip bouncing only inches from his face. His gaze was intense. Sipping her *****, she seemed very casual about her questioning.

"Now, Peter, how many pairs of my panties have you stolen from me?"

His face reddened, again. He knew it would be futile to try to lie at this point... she had caught him, and obviously knew everything anyway... she was just 'checking' his honesty.

"Nine, Ma'am. I have nine pairs of your panties."

She smiled.

"Nine... very good, Peter. You keep them, and tomorrow I expect you to be here to present me with nine new pair of panties. And, starting Monday morning, you will begin wearing my old panties to work... unwashed. Do you understand, Peter?"

Again he acknowledged that he understood.

"Now tell me, Peter... what have you been doing with my nasty, dirty panties... do you masturbate with them? Do you sniff one pair and ejaculate in another?"

He broke down again, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Please, Miss Walker... please don't do this to me. I am so sorry."

Her voice changed, taking on a stricter tone.

"Answer me, Peter! Your job and your reputation are sofe as long as you are honest with me... but, lie to me and I will humiliate you beyond your worst nightmare."

He was ******* on his words as he spoke.

"I... do smell them, Miss Walker... and sometimes I... I rub my... my cock in them, but I would never cum in them. I would never defile them like that."

Misty could not believe how turned on she was, seeing him kneeling before her, totally humiliated. Her panties were absolutely soaked, and that tingling sensation... that feeling of... of power... was surging through her body.

"You look so silly with my panties on your head, Peter. Lick them. I want to see your tongue licking my panty crotch. Have you licked my other panties, Peter? Have you tried to taste my pussy on my panties that you stole?"

He admitted that he had. She watched his tongue anxiously lick her panty crotch, trying to taste any juices her oozing pussy had left there. She was excited by his fetish, not repulsed by it.

"And my stockings, Peter... how many?"

"Four, Ma'am."

She prompted him for an admission that he also used them to masturbate with. She pulled her panties from his head and tossed them aside.

"Peter, I need to find out just how good your tongue really is. Kiss my boots... start at the toes and work your way back to the heels, then up the calves. I want to see your tongue cleaning and polishing them, Peter. If you show promise with your tongue, perhaps I could find other uses for it as well."

Back and forth he went, from one boot to the other... from the one swaying in front of his face to the one on the floor. It was difficult, with his hands tied behind him, but he managed, his penis remaining erect the entire time. When he reached her knees she had to uncross her legs and part them to allow him access to the upper parts of her boots. His eyes were drawn to the tiny, saturated strip of nylon that covered, but didn't hide, her oozing pussy. She tapped him on the shoulder.

"My boots, Peter. Pay attention to my boots."

Soon he reached the tops, and she had to push him away as he started to kiss her stocking tops and creamy inner thighs.

"Down, boy... not so fast. You have alot of work to do yet..."

She unzipped her boots and slipped them off, directing him to her stocking clad feet, rich with the scent of sweat and fresh leather. Again he worshipped his way up her feet and legs, to the very tops of her stockings and garter snaps. Again she pushed him away, a difficult decision for her, bacause his mouth was producing exquisite sensations in her body as he worshipped her legs, making her pussy cream. She raised her legs and draped them over the arms of the recliner. She slid forward until her ass was resting on the very edge of the seat, Her tiny wet panties were stretched obscenely tight over her pussy, the narrow strip of transparant nylon not completely covering her swollen lips. Her swollen clit was plainly visible, its tiny hood pulled back, and throbbed with her every heartbeat.

"Would you like to use your tongue some more, Peter?"

He was begging in an instant. Hearing a man, on his knees, naked, bound and helpless, begging for permission to lick her wet panties, turned her on more than she could ever imagine. Her pussy was oozing so much nectar she felt as though she was pissing her panties. She managed to stand, turn around, and thrust her panty clad bottom in his face.

"Kiss, Peter."

His mouth was on her panties in less than a second. Misty couldn't believe the sensations... the exquisite pleasure he was giving her. His tongue traced the outline of her panties where they hugged her lush cheeks, and his lips left kisses on her burning flesh. They were both consumed with desire. She wanted more.

"Take my panties off, Peter... with your mouth. Be careful... no teeth..."

It took some effort, since they were so tight, but he finally ma
cuckold pantyslave


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It took some effort, since they were so tight, but he finally managed to work them down to her ankles. When he knelt upright again she thrust her ass back in his face.

"I hope you truly appreciate what I am about to allow you to do, Peter. No man has ever put his tongue in my asshole before... you are the first... it should be such an honor for you..."

He didn't even reply. He simply pressed his lips to her quivering cheeks and passionately kissed them all over, slowly zeroing in on her forbidden passage. Misty bent over and grabbed both arms of the recliner with her hands, and spread her legs, allowing him easy access... her cheeks parted, exposing her asshole.

"Inside, Peter. Put your tongue inside my asshole. Worship me in the lowest, most humiliating manner possible, by kneeling behind me and licking my asshole! Hurry..."

His lips closed around her puckered asshole as his tongue tentetively licked. Her legs went weak when he pushed his tongue inside and she felt the tip probing her depths, massaging her rectum walls.

"Oh God, Peter... yes... deeper... please... oh yes, that's it... this is so good, Peter... deeper... ummmm..."

In less than a couple of minutes she exploded, her orgasm overtaking her like a runaway freight train, bowling her over and not stopping... dragging her along... She felt her tiny schincter contract around his tongue as its tip continued to probe inside her bowels... When the spasms finally subsided she fell into the chair, exhausted. When she regained her composure she looked at him, pleased to see him still displaying an erec penis. Her pump had long ago fallen off, when he has bent over cleaning her boots.

"I am pleased, Peter... very pleased."

She again draped her legs over the arms of the recliner. This time she wore no panties, and her dripping, swollen lips were plainly visible. As her legs parted, so did her lips, the sticky cum between them stretching into thread-like strands that criss-crossed the opening into the depths of her pussy like a spider web. Her lips, hair, and thighs glistened with her moisture, which was still oozing from her gaping pussy.

"Lick me, Peter... lick me, clean me, and make me cum again."

He didn't need to be told twice. Like a newborn puppy he nursed at her leaking pussy, devouring every drop her body offered him. He kissed, he licked, he sucked, he lapped... he made her cum again, violently. She grabbed his head in her hands, and squeezed it between her strong thighs as she rode his mouth through another delicious climax.

When she regained her strength she picked up her panties and pulled them over his head. She sat back in the chair and extended her legs, her toes tracing light, teasing lines up the underside of his throbbing penis. She knew he was close.

"Sniff my panties, Peter... and ejaculate on my feet... just like you have always dreamed of doing, right? I know you have fantasized about cumming on my feet or in my shoes... now do it! Sniff and lick my panties and squirt on my feet!"

She took his penis between her two feet and he lost it. His cum spewed forth like a geyser, covering her legs and feet. His white cum showed up beautifully on her black stockings, and Misty was amazed at the amount Peter squirted from his penis. The last drop had landed on her toes, and was still connected to his penis by a fine, glistening thread. They both watched silently as the weight slowly stretched the thread downwards until it finally broke, seperating them.

"Look at the mess, Peter! Now clean it up..."

She raised her foot to his mouth and pressed her toes to his lips. Without objecting, he opened his mouth and his tongue began licking his sperm from her foot, and continued until it was spotless. Then she offered him the other foot. As he licked her clean she excited him with promises of things to come...

"The next time... you will cum in my shoe, Peter... I mean, you can put your penis right inside of my sweath high heel and hump it until you squirt off into it... you can rub your penis on the soft, smelly insole until you pump all your cum into my pump... then eat it and clean my shoe..."

His penis was already swelling...

Later, as they shared a *****, she put him on the floor at her feet...

"Now that I know your little secret, Peter, anytime you want to smell my panties, or shoes, just ask me. Of course, be naked first... just kneel, and ask me. There's SO much we haven't done yet, but we will... here, and at work. Now, I want you to spend the night... my asshole is aching for your tongue again..."



Posts: 1289
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Great work. Thanks for sharing


Posts: 943
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Oh WOW !!!!! Pls. continue. This is the start of a great thread !!! Thank you !!


Posts: 1830 Pictures: 4 
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Excellent and well written! Please continue.


Posts: 6938
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Oh WOW! This is simply incredible. Please continue, it's fucking Red Hot!
cuckold pantyslave


Posts: 1051 Pictures: 3 
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We met at my favorite bar. i had seen Her there a few times prior, but She always seemed aloof and definitely NOT interested in me. That night, however, was very different.

She came onto me like I was the last man alive. We joked, laughed, and exchanged trivial stories of our lives. Our discussion touched on wants, needs, desires, fantasies, and dreams. At closing she asked if I would like to come to Her place for a few more 'private' ******. Who was i to refuse?! i was having visions of fucking this chick into next week!

Let me try to describe this Woman. About 5'4" tall... nearly five ten in Her strappy 'fuck Me' heels. Soft, flowing brunette hair cut shoulder length with the slightest hint of curl. Huge tits that jiggled with Her every movement... and an ass to die for! She was a bit heavy... pump, if you will... just how i like them. All wrapped up in a package that oozed sex. And more sex. i followed her to her apartment, rubbing my cock all the way there. Damn, She was HOT!

She poured me a Johnnie Black, and I nearly gulped it down. Then another. Suddenly feeling very faint. I tried to stand... and the lights went out.

When I awoke I was naked, on the floor in front of the couch, and my hands were cuffed behind my back. Her toes were toying with my cock, and I was hard as a rock.

"WTF!", I mumbled, I would have done you without you having to **** me and tie me up! I mean, if you want my cock so bad... just ask!"

She giggled and shifted on the couch.

"Silly boy... I don't want your 'cock', as you call it... to Me it is nothing but a penis. A tiny appendage I can use to control you... tease you... humiliate you... torment and frustrate you... and punish you. No, little man, your penis is of
NO sexual use to Me."

I must have looked at Her with a 'deer in the headlights' look.

"your tongue, however is a very different story. I want you to love Me with your mouth and tongue. Nothing says I adore you and worship you more than a tongue anxiously burrowing into My asshole. Nothing says I am so devoted to you like a tongue lapping My cunt ooze from My dripping pussy. Nothing says 'Mistress, I adore you' like a pathetic little male quickly licking his disgusting sperm off of My floor after I have allowed him to masturbate for Me."

I had heard enough of this ****.

"No fucking way. You are one twisted bitch! Unlock these cuffs and let me the fuck outta' here you sick cunt!"

I managed to get up on my knees when suddenly her foot shot out and kicked me in the balls, dropping me to the floor again.

"Don't you EVER talk to Me like that again. You want to go? Fine... but you don't have to start the nasty ****... just understand... NEVER speak to Me again. And you probably won't want to show your face in that bar again... I am going to tell everyone how you can't get it up... that you think eating pussy is disgusting... and that you begged Me to watch you jerk off so you could show Me how you eat it. Loser!"

This woman was a bitch! I wanted to call her every name in the book... but in my position that wasn't too smart. Without warning She stood, turned around, and slipped Her tiny black panties off and pulled them over my head. They were dripping! And the overpowering scents were going straight t my brain... my cock was throbbing in seconds. And it started leaking on Her hardwood floor. She sat again.

"I am going to give you one more chance... I have been watching you for a couple of months... you are interesting... so... one last time... do you want to be My mouth whore... My tongue slut... My ass licker?"

As She spoke the final three words She reached out with Her foot and ever so lightly dragged Her toes up the underside of my cock... causing it to, for lack of a better word, explode. Five or six powerful spurts... all over Her foot and leg. I was gasping for air, deeply inhaling the stench of Her pussy and Her piss... and I sucked the saturated crotch into my mouth to taste every bit of Her. Her eyes drank in the sight of me, totally lost in Her being. She spoke... Her tone stern and demanding..

"One last time... are you going to pay My game and be My tongue slave?"

I was completely humbled by Her. And I wanted Her so badly...


Her smile was evil.. yet sensuous. She pulled Her panties from my head.

"Good boy... lick up this mess... NOW!"

Again I starred at Her... but Her eyes warned Me again of impending pain... I slowly leaned forward and very tentatively tasted myself.

"you are such a good boy... you'll get used to it as time goes on. Now, while you are licking every trace of your sperm from My leg and foot, I'll explain the rules of our little game. First, I am going to lock your silly little penis in a chastity cage. This will keep ALL of your attention focused on ME and Me alone. I will have the only key. I may, occasionally, and at My discretion, give the key to one of My girlfriends for short periods of time. Your training will last about two months... and you will not ejaculate until you pass the final test. I think always wanting to spew your male filth is more exciting than ejaculating whenever you want. Don't you?"

I stopped licking and looked up at Her.

"I did not tell you to stop!"

She kicked me away and started raising Her foot again.

"NO! Please! I'm sorry..."

I immediately bent forward and began earnestly licking up my sperm. She simply continued.

"Here is an outline of your training. You will be given one week to prepare for each test. You will come here every day at 7:00pm to prepare for the weeks test. Miss an appointment and you are finished. Done. Here's the key... get out and you will never see Me again. When you enter My house you will immediately strip and kneel to await Me. I may... or may not... be alone. None of your concern. Proceed with your training and ignore any guests. For nearly two months you will be blindfolded. Your focus is on My scents and tastes. For the first week you will be blindfolded and gagged... and you will be sniffing the panties I wore the previous day. Six days to learn My smell. On the 7th day I will invite 3 or 4 of My girlfriends over... you will again be blindfolded and gagged... and allowed to sniff all of our panties... pick out Mine and you get to return for another week. Choose wrong... and goodbye."

I had finished licking up my mess, and my penis was swelling again. What was happening to me? This seemed so wrong! She continued...

"The following week you will be blindfolded and gagged... and sniffing My asshole. I suggest you sniff enthusiastically... I really want you to pass the test.. it may be clean... it may be dirty.. but you need to learn My every smell and be able to identify Me with just your nose in My ass. It doesn't get any more pathetic than that, does it? I am SO fucking horny right now..."

She got up, retrieved a blindfold, and put it on me.

"There... now I can get off... anyway, then... same test... a number of My friends... you sniff every asshole and try to identify Me... pick correctly... you move on to sniffing My pussy... wrong... and bye bye."

I could hear Her fingers in Her wetness... I wanted to see... to be allowed to watch...

"Then... the following week the gag comes out.. and your tongue goes in My asshole... every day for six days... you know the test by now..."

She was beginning to moan loudly...

"And the last week... My pussy.. you will finally be allowed to taste Me... I really want you to make it that far... I DO want you to pass every test, pantysniffer... just think... the night of the final test you will be making 4 or 5 Women cum with your mouth and tongue... AND...

"If you pass... if you prove that you are totally devoted to, and focused on, Me... I will unlock you and we will watch you masturbate... and of course, lick up your filthy mess..."

She cried out in Ecstasy... She was cumming repeatedly... I felt something on my cock... it was Her toes again... I was squirting... for a second time... I could hear Her moaning,

"Yes... that's it... yes... spew your filth again... show Me how desperately you want Me..."

Her legs and foot were again covered in my sperm. She didn't even need to speak. I blindly leaned forward and began licking up my mess. After I did I felt her fitting what I later fund out was a CB-6000 on my penis. When She removed the blindfold I saw the key hanging around Her neck.

"your training has begun..."
cuckold pantyslave


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Thanks BumNote, cuckold_2, lilmikey, and kennyboy82... Thanks to all! I've got a bunch of stories i've done over the years... hope i can keep you all satisfied!!


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Wonderful..cp--Would love to read more... Pls. continue
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