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My wife is cheating on me.

Rating: 9


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I found out. And I got mad. I threw things. I cursed. I called her a slut. She cried. She slept on the couch that night. It all seems like a blur now. I just remember being so angry and hurt. My beautiful wife was cheating on me. My partner in crime let another man put his dick inside of her.

We talked about it in the morning over coffee. She has been fucking John, one of my best friends and a groomsman at my wedding. She said that he has a nice dick and it makes her feel good. I couldn't understand why she was doing this to me, or why she wouldn't spare me from the details. She said the first time they fucked was a month before our wedding. And then off and on for the past three years. One of those nights was the night after she and I vowed to god to stay with another for the rest of our lives.

She described his dick to me. She told me it was large. Probably 4 inches bigger than me. And much ticker. She said his dick was pretty too. Cut. She told me how heavy it felt in her hand as she would stroke him. She showed me with her hands about how big he is, and how round. She sometimes would just lay her head in his lap and kiss his dick.

I don't know what to do. We have a nine month old together. I can't let my ******** grow up in a broken home. And face the judgment from all of my friends. Even if they don't judge me they will pity me. It will be humiliating to have every one know that my wife has been fucking my best friend for three years behind my back.

Come to think of it most of friends like her more than me. Even my guy friends I had before we met. She even hangs out with them without me. They invite her to watch football with them and "forget" to invite me. They said it's because I don't like sports. The might even take her side in the divorce. She would get all of my friends and I would loose all of the people I like to hang out with. They would have git togethers and talk about me and laugh. They would smerk at me if they ever saw me in public. Or pretend to be nice and say we should hang out, but never call.

She is staring at me waiting for an answer. "What do you want to do?"

I don't fucking know. I need to make a decision. I just mummer. Fuck. This is the ****** of my *****. I tell her I don't know. She gets angry. She tells me that's why she fucking cheated on me. Because I am not a man. I never stand up for her or myself. Because a real man wouldn't say 'I don't know.'

She stands up and leaves. What the fuck. I'm supposed to be the mad one here. I hope she doesn't go tell anyone about this. Where did she go. Did she go see him!

It's dark now. I have been ******** as much as I could all day. ******** helps me forget what agony I'm in. I don't know where my wife is or who is with her. Did I lose her forever? Will I be on my own? I haven't been single in 10 years. Not since college. My entire life is going to change. I will lose my friends. My family will think I'm a joke. Fuck. I wish I never found out.

She finally comes home. It's late. I rush to the door. I didn't mean to seem so eager. I'm just so glad she is back. I try to hide my excitement of her return. She giggles. She wraps her arm around my neck. She grabs my hair and pulls my head close to hers.

I can smell her breathe. She has been ********. I can smell her perfume also. It smells like vanilla. And then there is another scent. More masculine. It reminds me of John's favorite cologne.

Her mouth is inches from mine. She breathes on me. She smiles. I part my lips. I let my cheating wife kiss me. She tightens her grip on my hair. She puts her tongue in my mouth.

I can't help but think about where she is coming from. That John's dick was in the same mouth that I'm kissing now. With this thought I try to pull away but she ****** me. I close my mouth and then she licks my face and spits on me. She giggles.

That tongue that just licked my face probably also licked John's cock. The tongue I had in my mouth licked John's sweaty balls. I have never seen her so aggressive. I should be pissed she just spit in my face, but my dick got hard when she did.

I break free. She laughs at me. She throws me her purse and coat. She stumbles a little while trying to take off her shoes. She tells me to take them off.

I obey. I don't know why. I should kick this dirty whore out of my house. Then I remember I can't lose her because that would mean losing the entire life I have built for myself.

I take her heels off. She pats me on the head and tells me I did good. She goes into our bedroom and gets in our bed.

I should make her ***** on the couch. This dirty slut has been cheating on me for three years! But I don't make her leave.

I get in bed with her. We don't talk. We kiss. She is a little dominate with me. She grabs my hair and slaps me. Then she giggles and rubs my face. Then she tells me to pull down my pants and get on my stomach. After I take my belt off she takes it. My ass is exposed. I feel the coolness of the air as the hairs on my butt stand up.

I feel a sharp pain from my wife spanking me with my belt. I flinch a little. That kind of hurt.

"Did that hurt you little boy?" She asked. There was no laughter in her voice. She had a stern look on her face. She smacked my ass again with the belt. She asked me again. "Does it hurt little boy?"

Little boy? What the fuck!? Why am I even being intimate with her. She was fucking John just a few hours ago! I don't care right now. I want to fuck her. Show her that I am a real man. That I can give her what she needs. "I'm not a little boy" I grunt.

Three more smacks. My ass is turning red. "What's that little boy? Did you say something?" Another smack.

"I'm not a little boy!" I say louder and more convincingly.

She starts to laugh. A real laugh, not a pretend role play laugh. I can tell because she makes a specific snort sound when she laughs for real.

Five more smacks. Then she said turn around. My dick is half hard at this point. I kind of liked the spankings. She continues to laugh and slightly tap my dick with the belt.

This has been the first time in a few months (I think) since we last had sex. I start to get excited.

Then she says "you sure your not a little boy?"

I get angry. I tell her "I'm a real man who is going to fuck your brains out." She laughs even harder.

"Okay big boy show me" she says as she parts her legs and begins to hover her vagina over my stiff cock. She takes it in one hand and rubs it against her pussy.

I try to push it up into her. But she backs away and puts her other arm on my hip pushing me away. "Not yet. Good boys wait their turn."

She rubs my dick up and down her pussy. I can feel that she is wet. Then I remember that she is a cheating whore and that it's probably left over from when she was fucking my best friend a few hours ago. I don't care right now. I just want to feel her warm cunt around me.

I wait patiently. She lowers herself on to me. Slowly. When I try to hump she pulls out and starts over.

Once she is all the way on my dick she whispers in my ear. "Show me your a real man." And then she licks my ear.

I take charge. I roll her over. I start to hump. Slowly at first. Her pussy feels loser than I remember. I try to think back to the last time I've gotten to fuck my wife. I honestly can't remember. How did I let it go this long? This feels amazing. My wife's warm loose pussy. I wondered if she feels so loose because she just got done fucking John.

I look into my wife's face as I continue to hump. I've picked up the pace. She doesn't seem to notice. She has an indifferent look on her face. So I start to fuck faster. Still nothing.

Why isn't she moaning? I try even harder. She starts to giggle. "Don't hurt yourself little boy." I come almost immediately after she said that. She laughs while I cum. Her real laugh. She pats me on the head and rubs my back. I hide my face from here. I bury it into her shoulder. I can't look at her right now. I don't know if I hate her or love her.

I'm glad my cheating wife is back in my bed. We don't talk.. We just fall a***** holding each other without ever looking each other in the face.

Life goes on for a while. We never really talk about it again. And we haven't had sex since then either. It's been two months. We both just pretend everything is the same as before I found out. I don't know if they are still fucking each other, or if she has ended their relationship.

She has been staying out late recently. She goes out with her friends on the weekends without me. Or at least that's what she tells me she is doing. She starts to stay out even later. Last night she didn't even come home until the morning. I don't confront her because I don't want to know the truth. I want to live in this fantasy world where I have a loving faithful wife. She doesn't offer any explanation and I don't ask for one.

It became a regular occurrence. Her going out Friday night and not coming home until noon on Saturday. She not saying where she was or why she didn't come home the night before. Me staying home all night wondering what she is doing or who with. Sometimes I jerk off and sometimes I cry. I curl up on my bed and feel helpless to stop what's happening. Because I know she is still fucking John. And I am not a man enough to say anything. Because last time I said something I almost lost her.

She starts coming home later and later on Saturday. And then she starts to not come home at all until Sunday. She spends her entire weekend with him. Our weekend is the only time we get to choose what to do with ourselves, and she chooses to spend it with him. I don't know, maybe she is just hanging out with her friends?

I try to make plans with her. We talk about a new restaurant that just opened and if she wanted me to make dinner reservations for Saturday night. She laughs and caresses my face.

"Oh honey, I already have reservations there that night!"

I say "oh that's great! I am really excited about it"

Then she crushes me. She says "Oh silly little boy, it's not with you, it's with John."

I don't know what to say. Up until now I just pretended she was still faithful to me. Now she is taking away my fantasy. She is ******* me to live in the real world where she is fucking John. I don't say anything. I let the conversation change topics. She doesn't bring John up again. I can keep pretending.


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Time to get real. She either needs to get a grip on reality or you need to take your ******** and move on. Why do I take this stand?

"I don't know what to do. We have a nine month old together. I can't let my ******** grow up in a broken home."

Yes you can. It would be far better on the ***** to have one responsible loving caring respectful parent alone than the lack of respect and responsibility your wife is showing.

I get the cuckold lifestyle and while I don't agree with some of facets of it presented here i still get that some people like it and it is their life to do with what they want. However... it is not just your life anymore. For you wife to just disappear weekend after weekend for her jolly's and do what she is doing to your ******** is ***********. She needs a reality check and the marriage and parenthood need to be a partnership. Period. She needs to have enough love and respect for her ******** to realize that her little one should be the most important thing in her life to her... not her selfish sexual life.


Posts: 21
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Kick the bitch out......

She fucked you over


Posts: 899 Pictures: 80 
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accept it or move on with your life,be a man ..Are you sure its your *****? Maybe a paternity test is in order..


Posts: 899 Pictures: 80 
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I asked if it was your c h i l d


Posts: 6938
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I asked if it was your c h i l d

The censorship on here is a fucking pain sometimes!


Posts: 6938
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littlebrimy, she owns you now, it's limited to the belt at the moment, soon it will be denial, followed by chastity. Like Linda38DD said, accept it or move on. She's not going to give up a cock that size is she?


Posts: 267
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This whole situation really angers me. You can make new friends. I've been there before and seen it with friends of mine. You'll never be happy or at peace until you get out of the situation, She obviously hasn't got an ounce of respect for you or your relationship. Who knows how she really feels about your *****. You are the one who cares. That's obvious just by the way you've presented your story.
Just your leaving will in time make her learn to respect you. As long as you stay in a relationship as disfunctional as this your life will be hell.
There are much better women out there go find one who respects you and the importance of an honest loving relationship.


Posts: 55
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littlebrimy, your wife is enjoying her relationship with John, just accept it and do what you can to please her, Jabal is wrong, even if you leave her, she will not respect you, you cannot satisfy her needs other guys like John can!


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Lillbrimy,its allways wise to what your dealing with,might be important you and the wife need to sit down discuss this whole thing,just so you know what your up against.Not all women need a big dick,if your supportive maybe your enough,I kinda doubt it but who knows..You must be getting some sort of jollies or you wouldnt be here..Little man get your ducks in a row either move on or accept it.


Posts: 57 Pictures: 2 
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Monogamy is an absurd concept. Our entire genetic code tells men to spread their seed widely, and women to mate with the strongest best man, they can. Your screen name is littlebrimey, I reckon that says something. Linda is right, on some level you must be enjoying this. So don't just covertly enjoy it, embrace it! Take a lover yourself, or join them as the Beta male. In my area of Ontario, The Scottish settled area, no one much cares who the real biological fat*her is, its always the one that does the parenting that counts. Oh, practice using your tongue, it can be a great sex organ, sounds like you might need it, either to get another woman, or to take up the Beta role, or even better do both.

I believe that a religious imposed monogamy is rapidly becoming a socially acceptable polyamory, seems much more sensible to me.

Good wishes with whatever you decide to do.

love amy


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AMEN Amy..


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Great answer Linda!

The lady knows exactly what she desires in a lover. She gets a lover suitable for her needs. Her decision has been made.

Hubby can accept her choice or take a hike. He often defers to her unfaithfulness and settles for that behavior from her.

If he does stay, he will become a lightning rod for his wife's "Full Bitch". We have all seen husbands thrive on the derision of a bitchy wife.
..............PSEUDO PERSON...YMMV!
Rating: 9, 3 votes.
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My wife is cheating on me.
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