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In the Lawyer's Office

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"OK. Terri Dale I have all the documents ready that you wanted drawn up. All I need is Dale's signature to make everything legal. Dale are you ready to sign.
"Yes Mame"
"Understand that once these documents are signed,witnessed and notarized they become legal documents, and cannot be changed except through the courts. Do you understand that Dale?
"Terri do you understand that?"
"Of course I do. That's why I hired you to be my lawyer." Terri answered. "Mary Townshend said you were the best at drawing up legal documents of this, shall we say, unique variety."
'Mrs. Townshend is just one of my many clients that I've helped. MS Worder explained. "I talked with Mary just last week. She told me about your intentions and I told her that I would be happy to draw up the legalities. Mary's quite and "strong" willed lady."
"I have great respect for her opinion." Terri anwwered
"How did you meet her or come to know her."
"I met her at a swingers party that my boyfriend and I attended. Imagine my surprise when she arrived at the party, with her husband locked in that chastity device. We talked and became friends. She was my inspiration. I found out that, like me, I had a little dick husband of over twenty-five years whom I had fallen out of love with. She was the one who told me that I should either divorce him or turn him into a cuckold slave."
"Well she sure turned him into her slave. I know, I drew up the paper work." So I guess that's why you two are here." MS Worder answered.

"Well we best get down to business. Dale I have here two documents. One a very small document, the other a bit thicker. Today I will need signatures are either one of these. You need to make the choice.
First. This is a document of divorce. Terri has made it clear to me that if you refuse to sign the second document that she will file for divorce. There is no other option. Is that right Terri?

"Dale. You either enter into a slave contract and agreement, or I will file for divorce." she said sternly to her husband.

"Dale. This second document will in fact, and I won't kid you, make you Terri's permanent slave. You will turn your entire life over to her. And when I say permanent, only the courts can reverse it. Do you understand?"

"Yes." he lowered his head in agreement.

"Which document will it be?" she said sliding the two documents across the table to him.

"Dale pointed to the second document."

"OK. Once signed no turning back.

"I understand"

OK This first document is a financial document. This document gives Terri full control of checking, savings, and any investments you have. It also places all property in her name, the car, your house, etc. I have all the attached documents that turns everything over to her. You will sign and date at all the Xs. There are several so take you time.
As he signedTerr looked over at MS Worder, and smiled. "In just a few minutes, you will become a rich woman. I applaud you."

"This next document turns over all your future retirement benefits to Terri. I know you are retired, but now your retirement checks will be transfered to Terri's account. Any money you will receive will be alloted by her.
Sign here and here and here.

"Next this document, states that you are Terri's husband in name only. You have no say in any of her personal affairs. In short you will be her slave and cuckold. This document states that she has the freedom to date and romance whom ever she chooses. You will show total respect to all guest.

"This document clearly states that as a slave you no longer have sexual rights in reference to Terri. You will not ***** in the marrage bed and you will be relocated a room other than your wife's

"This documents clearly states that all domestic housework, or duties are your responibility." Sign here.

"This document states that you will obey all rules that Terri establishes for you or you will be subject to punishment and discipline." Sign here

"This is the punishmen document. "Listen to this one closely Dale, because this is the one document that makes all the others work. This documents claims that Terri has the responsibility and right to initiate disciple and punishment. That includes, paddle, whip, clamps, etc. If you try to bring charges against her for any type of *****, by signing this, you are saying she has permission to discipline you. . Any charges brought against her, well I will bring out this document. Good luck in court.

Dale I know you have already had your Prince Albert piecing "This next document claims that you agree, to being placed in a "permanent" chastity device. This document gives Terri full control of your penis and your orgasms. You'll need to sign here.

"Terri." MS Worder said to her smiling client "Mary doesn't let her husband cum but every 3 or 4 months. You probable need to talk to her after this is all legal and all. Mary told me that this was the one document that gave her the most trouble emotionally. She claimed that at the beginning it was hard for her to listen to him cry and beg for sexual release. You will too. Mary's strong and stuck to her guns. You'll have to be strong too.

This next documents states that you will agree to wear any attire that is demanded of you and that you will attend and service all Terri's guests in any fashion she desires. That include female or male.

After signing many addition documents MS Worder explained "Dale understand that this document does not include everything. Once home, you have, by signing this document, agreed to any and all rules that Terri sets out. By signing this, it is the elastic clause of female authority, giving Terri the right to make, change and en***** any rule or future rule. Do you understand?"

Dale shook his head and turned the last document over to MS Worder.

Lastly a final document was presented and all three signed. MS Wordly called in her partner and they watched as she notorized each document.

Terri I will have copies mailed to you, but I will keep the original in my safe.

Then she turned to Dale. The smile and pleasantness were now gone. She was deadly serious."Dale You Are Now A Slave." I make this very clear. As Terri's legal representative, I expect you to act like one. Now what I didn't tell you was, that if you fail to honor this agreement, I have already prepared the divorce papers.
If you ***** her to divorce you, understand, you will be penniless. No savings, no house, no retirement. You've signed them all away. Dale, you are now at Terri's disposal"

As they left her office. MS Wordly looked at Terri. "Terri it was a pleasure working with you. I envy and honor you. You have a great life..........Oh. One more thing. As soon as that chastity device gets in. Get it on him immediately. Chastity, long term chastity, always makes men more anxious to serve."
"I promise. I'll keep you updated."
"By the way. Do you already have a boyfriend?" she asked Terri
"Oh yes." she laughed
"Good for you."
mark mark


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good story,I liked it


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- H


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Loved this!


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Keep going, please!!!


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Great story
Rating: 9, 3 votes.
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In the Lawyer's Office
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