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The Dark Haired Goddess

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This story is 100% real and true. I know, not as hot as the rest but it all happened.

This all started 10 years ago when I was almost 30... that last year in my 20s. A friend told me to come over and hang out at her friend's house. It ended up being me and the two girls and kids. It was pretty late so the kids were winding down and headed to bed while we were starting to *****. The night went well and I end up in bed with the girl that lives in the place, her name is Julie. I woke up with a great night of sex.

So Julie was a stunner. Super long dark black hair with that dark goddess look. She is thin, nice body and probably around 5'8" or a little taller. She was very outgoing and was not shy that she loved sex. She alluded to the fact that when she was single she liked the bar hook up. I was never good at that. For me I want to win the fight so I have to chase and get to know a woman, the bar hook up was not good for me.

We had great chemistry and really got along well. We were running around in a pretty big group bar hopping most weekends. After a month or so my demons started to creep up. I was raised in a very small town that was very conservative. I was afraid that someone might learn of my desire for kink and they would surely tell everyone. This was not the first time I initiated a break up because I didn't want to reveal my true self. She was pissed and didn't talk to me for a while.

Over the years we managed to stay in touch and even hook up a few times. She later moved to another state and most of our conversation was via computer or text but we did stay in touch. The sex was always great until the last time we hooked up... what had changed. It was no her, it was me. I had a relationship where I had been turned into a sub cuckold. I was no longer the dominate lover I had been years before. She didn't know that, but knew it was not good.

..... so many years go by and now I am getting close to 40 and I start talking to Julie more often. She complains about the guy she is with because, he wants to own her. She feels ********** in a normal relationship.... I just listen and learn while she talks.

So far I have told you in brief what happened between 2003 and 2014. I have come a long ways and while I don't flaunt my kink lifestyle but I have become far more comfortable. So when we are texting back and forth I let her know I like woman a little wild and kinky. I was supposed to be heading to her town on business and we were going to meet up. Last time I was there years ago on business we had really hot night of ******** and sex. Yummy.

In July of 2014 we were texting and thinking about meeting up soon. She was still dating a guy but it was on and off for over three years. On Thursday I get the text telling me she was done with him. If it was going to happen it would have happened by now. After a little ranting about him and things going on we got back to some hot sex talk. I have told her a little about the fact that I like the girls that get a little crazy, maybe even a little slutty. I don't know how serious she is taking me but its all in fun.

Then Friday comes around and this is the real start to this story. We are text that afternoon and she is headed out to with her friends. They are headed into town for the night of ******** and partying. I am at home, states away. I was not her boyfriend at the time but I felt a little bit like a cuckold. She was texting me on and off through out the night telling me what was going on. Having some cocktails and dancing a little. As always she is teasing me. Sending me pictures of how she is dressed and the boys are liking her. This went on until I was in bed and then she went pretty quite but I fell a*****.

The next morning she was not very talkative. I asked her what was wrong and after prying a while I get that she was on the rebound.

"Julie what does that Mean" I asked.

"It means that I got a nice buzz last night and ended up fucking some guy in his hotel room. I don't feel very good about it."

I started to inquire about why she didn't feel good about it. My cuck desires were going off the charts at this point. I was treading lightly but wanted to be there for her. I asked why upset she was single and she could do what she likes.

"Julie, was the sex good?" I asked.

"It was really good, I enjoyed it a lot."

"then what is wrong. Don't worry about what society thinks you should feel bad about. You are a beautiful person and your sexual appetite makes it even better. I know from when you were single before that you enjoy the sex with a new guy, the hunt, chase, and ****. You know you enjoy strange cock"... I said.

"I don't know, just feels wrong. I feel a little empty afterwards."

"What if you had a man that loves and encourages you to do that and was at home when you got home from your sex nights?"

"So your saying I should accept who I am and find someone that will love me for the slut I am?"

"Yes" I replied.

"Is that you?" She asked.

I had been so good at hiding my true desires.

"Yes Maam"

"Nice, but Maam makes me feel old. How about Goddess. "

"Yes Goddess"

This went on for a little while about how things work and what happens to her and I. I could tell she was excited by her text.

After about an hour of texting so she could see I was cool with it. I asked the all mighty question.
"Would you tell me the details of last night?"

Here is what I was told:
"Sure Ill tell you about my night. We were out with a couple girls at the bar having some ******. That was when I was texting you. Not much happened at the bar, but when it was time to leave that is when things got fun. I was headed out of the bar when I guy looked at me and asked where are we going now? He had been looking at me all night but had not said anything. I said lets hit the strip club and we left together. We started down the street and he was being very nice. When we got caught behind a group of people he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. While kissing me deep and hard he also put his hand down my pants and slipped a finger into me. It was so hot. So much for the strip club, we headed to his hotel. I had to wait while he got another room. He was staying with some friends on so we could not go to his 1st room. As we went through the door I was all over him. The clothes were off by the time we hit the bed and we went at it. He had a nice cock, over 7 inches and nice and thick. He plunged inside me and it was only a minute before I came all over his cock. I came a few times before that hard cock erupted deep in me. After we came down he tucked me in and we went to *****. He ended up fucking me 4 more times before I left in the morning. The first is always the best but they were all good."
"So you took five loads out of some stranger last night?"

"Yes it was hot," she replied.

I think that was when the switch was flipped. This goddess figured out that she could get all the cock she wanted and have a guy at home...... the story is just starting if you want me to go on.


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I loved your account of this new Goddess and her lust of strange cock. It sounds like she would make for a good Hot Wife.

I look forward to hearing more about her.........

Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Julie then went on to say how she felt so much better after talking to me about it. "I always liked the darker side of sex. I have dabbled in the BDSM world in my goth days. I just love sex and get bored with the same old guy in the same old bed."

I will spare you some of the details that we talked about of the next few weeks letting her explore the life style some and telling her about my desires. It was a couple weeks of sharing and learning for both of us. This is were we ended up. We are going to start dating again, me in a monogamous relationship and she was free to see anyone she wanted. This would also be a female led relationship so she was in charge.

Since we have not had a chance to relocate so we are living together much of the teasing is done via text.

"Hey toy, I need to get laid. You know I am not a huge fan of doing it myself. I prefer a nice hard cock in me to make me cum," she text.

What would you like me to do Goddess.

Find me a hard cock bitch. Let me motivate you, you can cant cum until I have cum on a hard cock, a big cock.

Yes Goddess.

I put up a ad on a local site in her area and started to weed through all the responses. It always takes forever because there are so many flakes, liars etc. I found about 20 that seemed real and forwarded all their emails to her asking her to let me which ones she liked. I told her to pick 5-7 because some will flake or not work out.

Her texting slowed way down for while. I would get the occasional, "Dam he is hot, or that is a huge cock, or this one for sure." Then it got quite for a long time. Then I finally heard from her.

I sent you six that I am intrested in fucking. Looking at all that cock sure turned me on, I had to take care of myself. You know how long it has been since I did it to myself. You need to make sure I have cock to fuck my pet.

With in about 3-4 hours she was talking to several on either text or messenger. It was pretty hot to get the little messages of what these guys were saying to her. She was loving is and finally picked out a couple she wanted to meet.

This catches you up to about 5 days before I wrote this. She had some fun this week and will share that if you guys want.


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very nice. I met a very nice lady just this way. the cuck searched me out and she and I became good friends.
tell us more cause I know the cucky that introduced me to his girlfriend surfs this site
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The Dark Haired Goddess
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