Posts: 6938
hss, i can read the pain you're enduring into the story you're recounting, it's all there, The hate, the love, the angst and the jealousy. Like you, or was it Annie said, you started this, now live with it. On a more positive note, I can relate to how exciting this all is at the same time, your little dicklet straining against its confines. The minute you're released you'll blow won't you? I'm still enjoying this immensely, even though you perhaps are not. The quality of the writing remains as always, very high. Don't stop. I owe you a pm, it'll follow soon.
Posts: 5915
There is so much to tell, I don't know where to begin, or when to find the time. They are having an afternoon session right now, and it's loud. LOUD! We spent the late morning and early afternoon at the beach. Damn, Annie looked fine. The two of them took a walk down the beach, arm in arm, and people were watching. When there is electricity between a handsome couple, people just notice. They were gone for an hour. I hoped they didn't run into anyone we know. I don't think Annie cares about that one way or another, but it bothers me. When they returned to our spot, they jumped into the ocean and frolicked for 20 minutes or so. Waist deep, they embraced and kissed and held each other for at least 5 minutes. Like I said, everyone was watching. Including me. For me, that kind of intimacy, the holding hands, walking arm in arm, the kissing, it makes me more jealous in many ways than the fucking.
I know I can't compete in the fucking area. But I want to be that guy walking arm and arm with that pretty woman on the beach. I want to be that close to my wife. But I'm not.
I am purposely trying not to watch them having sex right now, this very instant. Not because it's not hot - it is, it is amazing. It's just that it's been almost 2 months since she locked me up. I haven't cum once the entire time. At this stage, you're about as horny as you're gonna get. It just stays like that all the time, always on edge, leaky, easily aroused. It's hard to concentrate on anything unless you get your mind off if things that might make you horny. Things like all last weekend and now all this weekend.
I am as submissive as I can be right now, and she is at her boldest. I don't have anymore time. I know in a short time I'm going to be called into the bedroom. So much has happened, I want to tell as much as possible. I'll try later.
Posts: 5915
They are swimming in the pool now, skinny dipping. I can see them from my office, which has a window looking into the patio and out to the pool. It's been a fun weekend, more open than last weekend, with more periods when we felt like three friends, instead of a Man, his Woman, and a slave. Last weekend was that way. I will try to write about last weekend while it is fresh in my mind.
When Aaron arrived, last week, he walked in and gave me a big hug. Said he missed me. Went right over to Annie and they embraced in a long deep kiss. Annie broke to tell me to fetch Aaron's bags. He said they were in the bed of his truck. They were there, alright. Two very large suitcases, 2 zippered travel bags containing about 10 hanging items; and two duffle bags, one large, one small. It took three trips to Annie's room to get them all in. "What's he staying for a month?" I thought.
When I emerged from the bedroom, they were on the couch in the living room, making out. His hand was rubbing her breast under her tee shirt; her right hand was rubbing his cock - which was obviously very erect; its outline was clearly visible through his shorts. Annie broke the kiss and looked at me.
"Did you put his clothes away?" she asked.
"I sat the bags on the floor and the hanging stuff on the bed," I responded.
"I want you to take his clothing out of the suitcases and place it in his dresser. I want you to hang the other clothing in his closet."
She paused and looked at Aaron. "What else did you bring?"
"A couple of duffle bags. The little one has my bathroom stuff. The big one is for me to open," he responded.
"You know what to do," she told me. She was rubbing that big cock the whole time.
He smiled at me.
I went back to the bedroom. "His dresser?" I thought. "His closet?" Now I knew why she made me clear my belongings from her room. He had a lot of clothing for a weekend trip. Five tee shirts. Five golf shirts. Seven pair of underwear, (boxers). 3 khaki shorts; 2 pair of gym shorts. A bathing suit. 5 pair white sox' 5 pair colored. An assortment of hanging items, various types of long pants and shirts, belts, several ties. 2 pair running shoes; 2 pair casual leather shoes; one pair of dress shoes. And more.
Toiletries: Toothbrush, floss, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, razors and shaving cream, after shave and cologne; mouthwash, combs, brushes, vitamins, and a three pack of Astroglide. It took about 15 minutes for me to put everything away. When I returned to the living room she was on her knees in front of him. He was still on the couch. I'd forgotten how big that thing was. I forgot how he loved to have his cock worshipped this way, with her on her knees in front of him.
That's all I can write for now. I have to cook dinner.
Posts: 5915
NINETEEN The First Weekend, The Return
It's been almost two weeks since I saw Aaron again for the first time in 5 years. As I said, he'd barely entered the house before he and my wife began going at it on the couch. After I unpacked his bags and put away his clothing and toiletries, I emerged from the bedroom to witness Annie kneeling before him sucking his cock. After while, she climbed on top of him and rode. Then she stood behind the couch, facing me, her forearms resting on the top of the couch back. He stood behind her and plowed away. Her breasts swung violently with each thrust. Her face was bliss. It looked younger and younger with each passing minute. They switched to the couch again, missionary position.
I am not gay. But I would be lying if I didn't say that I am in amazed by his cock. It is so imposing and proud and majestic. It wins every battle and I am in awe of it, as if in bittersweet defeat, whenever I see him take my wife.
It ended where it began; on the couch with her on top, riding him, cumming and cumming and cumming. The couch was so wet, it looked like someone threw a bucket of water on it. And he came. And came. And came. She kept riding. Cum escaped down his shaft, and pooled on his balls and lower stomach. It rolled onto the couch. Finally they stopped. They kissed. He remained inside of her, hard. Finally she dismounted, and lay beside him.
"You have a job to do, D," he said.
I walked over and knelt in front of Annie.
"Him first," she said.
I couldn't believe my ears. I looked at her, and I could tell she was serious. My head flushed, and throbbed. But I did it. I cleaned him first, I cleaned all of it, everywhere it was, on his cock, his balls, his body, the couch. They watched me closely, which made it even more embarrassing. I cleaned Annie until she had several more orgasms, which one would think impossible given the number she'd just experienced fucking him. It was the most humiliating and exciting and erotic thing I've ever done.
This isn't how I thought it would start out. This was the reunion where the three of us were supposed to talk. We would sort things out about the past, and I'd find out why he'd done some of those horrible things to me when Annie was breaking up with both of us. This was going to be our face-to-face; we'd see if any of this could really happen again. At least that's what I envisioned happening.
Well, we didn't have that face to face. We didn't talk. There were no apologies. But obviously, it really can happen again.
Posts: 5915
TWENTY The First Weekend, the Return
What was peculiar about that weekend - which seems like months ago now, but was not even two weeks ago - is how serious and intense it was. Back in the old days, we had periods like that. They lasted hours. But they were surrounded by much larger periods of time where we were just - normal. Well as normal as a wife, her boyfriend, and her husband can be. We were friends. We did what people do. Watched tv, talked, normal stuff. But that weekend was not normal. It was highly intense surrounded by lesser degrees of intensity. There was nothing normal about it. It never let up. Annie was constantly finding someting for me to do; something for me to serve; some way for me to demonstrate my position in the relationship. She had never really done this before. It was Aaron who had to exert his dominance. There was no humor, no tenderness, no normal whatsoever. I thought it was all planned at first, but increasingly, I thought it was driven not by him, but by Annie.
And while I always thought she just went along with the cuckold thing in the past, I really wonder now. Four times I was told to clean them. It's no longer her, it is both. It is 'him first.'" The last time, as I was doing just that - him first - I glanced over at her. She was watching. And she was squirting. She wasn't even touching herself.
I am not sure I could sustain that level of - what can I call it - I don't have a word - intensity - for the long term. Or even the medium. But it did work that weekend.
I never felt more subservient. My balls felt like they were going to explode, and I needed hot baths in the middle of the night to relieve my pain, the pain of the CB.
After he went back to Miami, a week ago Monday, I asked Annie why she made me do it. (Cleaning them both). Why she made me cross the line.
She said, "I didn't make you do anything. If I asked you to stick a fork in your eye would you do it?"
The answer was obvious. So was her point. I knew better than to ask any more questions.
Posts: 5915
TWENTY ONE Last weekend, Next Weekend
Last weekend was more of the same, except nicer. More normal. Intensity surrounded by much larger amounts of - "normal" - whatever that is. It was a more familiar place.
Annie told me we are going to Miami next weekend.
I won't have a lot to say until then, because much of it would just be redundant. Unless something comes to mind.
Posts: 6938
hss, I can't begin to tell you how much I'm enjoying this. You've really settled into your life as a cuck, despite the use you've willingly accepted from Aaron, you've happily accepted your role in this marriage, you know you're there purely to serve, and clean of course, that goes without saying. Still owe you that pm, I really will send it!
Posts: 6938
houseslvsissy: it's been almost 2 months since she locked me up. I haven't cum once the entire time. At this stage, you're about as horny as you're gonna get. It just stays like that all the time, always on edge, leaky, easily aroused. This is exactly like my slut's husband is experiencing. When he does eventually get allowed out of his chastity, he cums within seconds of being given permission to do so, he has no self control it seems. No wonder Sue looked elsewhere for her satisfaction. She does occasionally milk him via his prostate, but with his cage still on.
Posts: 5915
kennyboy82: This is exactly like my slut's husband is experiencing. When he does eventually get allowed out of his chastity, he cums within seconds of being given permission to do so, he has no self control it seems. No wonder Sue looked elsewhere for her satisfaction. She does occasionally milk him via his prostate, but with his cage still on. You are a very kind Master to allow your cuckold such pleasure, Sir.
Posts: 5915
TWENTY TWO Drive to Miami
Just before we left on Friday, Annie called me into the bathroom, where she was doing some last minute primping. "Honey, here's the key to your chastity. Why don't you take it off and clean yourself." I was surprised and pleased. I removed the device and my sore balls were happy. And quite smelly. The shower felt good and I spent extra time scrubbing myself clean. When I emerged from the shower, Annie inspected me. She looked at the underside of my cock and ball sack.
"Not bad. You have some nasty marks behind your balls. Other than that, no sores or abrasions," she said.
I looked for the device so I could clean it and put it back on. When Annie realized what I was doing, she said, "Never mind. It's soaking in cleaning solution. Leave it here. Just go into my room and put my bags in the car. We have to leave."
She packed a lot of stuff for four days. I can only assume she's leaving a stash of clothing there like he did at our house.
The drive down was pleasant and we had nice, warm conversations filled with humor. It felt like the old days, when we took weekend jaunts to distant hotels to meet with Aaron for a Friday and Saturday night. I felt alive in a way I hadn't felt in years. When I tried to press her about her big plans for the three of us, she simply said I would understand as time went on.
"D," she said, "You have been happier the past few months than you've been in years. It is going to get even better. Just go with it. Don't fight what you are. Embrace it. I love you, and I am with you all the way."
"I love you too, Annie. I love you more than anything."
"Then you will remember this: Obedience. You always wanted me to take control. I am doing just that. I wouldn't do it if I didn't love you. You will be happy and fulfilled. I promise. You have to believe it. Just obey me. Do you promise, honey?"
"I promise."
I was fine with it on this Friday evening on the drive to Miami. I was hanging free; feeling oddly secure, and looking forward to the weekend. Right now, I'd do just about anything she wanted. I would promise her anything.
About halfway there she received a call on her cell phone from Aaron. Her side of the conversation sounded something like this:
"Yes, I have made a decision. Let's go out. No, not that place. The other place. How late do they stay open? Good. And the other place? Midnight? Excellent. Oh they are? Great! We'll see you soon."
"What's that about?" I enquired.
"We're going out to dinner. Some of Aaron's friends are joining us," she replied.
Posts: 5915
Aaron's house is clean and modest, a smallish three bedroom in an older neighborhood with tree lined streets and lots of old tropical foliage. I brought in all four of Annie's bags. In his bedroom was the same picture of the two of them kissing on the beach that Annie has in her bedroom at home. I noticed several other pictures of her as well, in the living room on the mantle of the fireplace; in the kitchen. She is prominently displayed.
I saw a picture of Aaron's late wife - it must have been taken 25 years ago. She was attractive, standing with her two misters in front of a high hedge.
I didn't have time to unpack our bags because Aaron said we had to get to the restaurant. We arrived at the place in about 15 minutes. It was a quaint little seafood place in a trendy section of town. Aaron's friends were apparently waiting for us, and already had been seated at a table. His friend's names were John and Renee, and it was obvious they had already met Annie.
"It's great to see you again," Renee said as she hugged my wife. "What'd Aaron win the lottery or something?" John joked. "How'd he ever luck into a classy gal like you!"
They all laughed. It was uncomfortable for me, but I laughed too. My smile was plastic. What did they know about us? Anything? Everything? What or who did they think I was?
As dinner progressed, it didn't seem to matter. Anytime either of them got close to asking about me, the conversation was miraculously steered elsewhere by either Annie or Aaron. And they were very nice, down to earth, respectful people. I found myself liking them. It turns out, John is Aaron's best friend. And both he and his wife knew exactly who I was. I found this out later in the weekend.
As nice as they were, I was relieved when dinner ended and we parted ways. Before they said goodbye, Renee said they were having a cookout on Labor Day, and invited us over. Aaron looked at Annie and said, "Sure. Sounds great. What do you want us to bring?"
"Beer and bathing suits."
It was a date.
Posts: 5915
TWENTY FOUR After Dinner
Aaron and Annie entered the back seat of my car, and I drove. "Which way?" I asked.
"Go left," Aaron replied. "We have one more stop."
I drove about a half a mile, and Aaron directed me to park in a public lot. We got out and walked several blocks. The three of us were chatting, and my comfort was increasing again. Even though they walked arm in arm, I did not feel excluded from them. Somehow, I felt closer than I had since the whole thing started again. For one thing, we'd been together for a few hours now, and they hadn't had sex, and there was no talk of sex. That was unique.
Anyway, I thought we were going out for a take.
We were just doing what normal people do. Going out to dinner. Meetings friends. Partying.
That's what I thought.
Instead, we stopped in front of "Alternate Body Creations"; a busy tattoo and body piercing "salon." I felt a knot in my stomach. "Christ, this is why she took the CB 2000 off"? I thought. Everything is happening all over again.
I turned to Annie.
"You can't do this. The holes have completely healed!"
She laughed, in a nice way.
"D, you're a lousy liar. I've seen you piss. Two streams. You piss everywhere. There's another hole on the end of your dick somewhere."
I don't know why, but I almost started laughing.
Maybe because what she said was true.
They walked in the store. I didn't follow. I had to make a decision now. If I did this I'd be crossing a very big line. If I didn't - well, I remember what happened last time and it didn't turn out so well. A few hours ago, I told her I would obey her no matter what.
My mood changed.
It had been such a good night till now. I lit a cigarette and debated in my head what to do. My head just wasn't there. I put the cigarette out. I lit another one. I don't know how much time went by. All I know is that Annie opened the door to the store and said, "Put that thing out and follow me."
Posts: 5915
TWENTY FIVE Steel Trap 2
I followed Annie inside the store. The moment I set foot inside, I knew my decision had been made. I was being walked into every fantasy and submissive desire I'd ever expressed, week by week. No words of consent were asked for, and none were given. Actions, affirmative, were consent, not words.
This place had no upstairs. It had a back room. After signing the customary forms, I was escorted to the back room by a young gentleman who identified himself as Freddy. Aaron and Annie followed. No hanging around waiting this time. The two of them were going to watch. Inside the room another guy who appeared to be the technician, greeted us. Freddy told me to take off my pants and underwear and lay on the bed.
The other guy walked over to Annie and said, "I'm Dan. I'll be conducting the procedure. And you are?"
"I'm his wife," she said pointing to me. "This is my boyfriend Aaron."
"Damn. Awesome," said Dan. "Awesome."
I don't know why, but I was totally relaxed. Dan poked around down there and tried to slide something through the hole of my old PA. It hurt like hell. "Ouch!" I said.
"We'll try a smaller gauge," he said. It hurt a little, but this time, he was successful.
Next I felt my cock being placed in a hard, cool cage. The steel trap, no doubt. I was purposely not looking. My eyes stared at the ceiling.
" Who did you piss off, big boy?" said Dan.
"You talking to me?" I said.
Everybody laughed, including me.
After several minutes of maneuvering, Dan successfully managed to insert something through the head of my cock and presumably around the bars on the end of the cock cage.
"Bingo," he said. Then he said, "Who's in charge here? Should I be speaking to one of you two, or should I speak to the victim?"
Again, everyone laughed. Including me.
"Speak to us," Annie said.
He went over care and cleaning. With all of us. The tool to unlock it. Everything.
I got dressed and we were out of there. Nobody was smirking at us in this place. We must have been the last customers of the night.
Posts: 6938
Oh Fuck, hss, you really are owned aren't you! This is exceptional!
Posts: 5915
kennyboy82: Oh Fuck, hss, you really are owned aren't you! This is exceptional! Yes, Sir. I am completely subservient to powerful men and women.
Posts: 5915
I am very busy with work right now. We are going back to Miami Friday morning, and returning Monday. I will probably not be posting anything. I am so far behind.
I am finding it more difficult to talk about current events than to write about the past. Annie would call it shame. She says I should get over it and embrace who I am.
Maybe she is right. But I am never sure about who I am.
I have made a commitment to tell my story, but I am now running into real time. I'm not always sure what I want to reveal. In all honesty, I don't want to be called a fool, even though sometimes that is exactly what I think I am. Other times, I think I am the luckiest guy on earth to be in my situation. I am an intelligent permister, but I am not sure how smart I am.
Ann is extremely bright, organized and analytical. She is way smarter than me. We are close in intelligence. There is a difference between the two. Smart and intelligent.
I think we are both more intelligent than Aaron, and I pray he doesn't somehow, some way ever read this and know who said it. That is why I have been vague about certain things. I am a bit afraid of him. He may be smarter than both of us, though. In some ways, he's way smarter.
I am afraid to use his computer. No wireless there. And I am not really comfortable reporting current events anyway. I am more of a storyteller.
So I will probably be gone for 4 days. Miami again. If I have time tomorrow I will try to post. But I am in a period where I don't know what to say because - well, no matter how submissive someone is, they don't want to be a fool.
At least I don't. And it is way too early, I think, to draw any conclusions about this. I already feel guilty about what I have done. I feel guilty about starting all of this, and about where it is going. I wonder if it would be possible for someone like me to get excited about this without guilt.
I also feel like it is the most natural thing that could ever happen to me. Sometimes I feel like it is the most natural thing for me since being born. A gift. That I was born to be exactly this. I am serious too. I wake up with my dick throbbing in pain against whatever is locked around it and think I'm a really lucky guy. You gotta wonder about a guy who thinks he's lucky to be me. I think about that all the time.
Maybe my conflicting thoughts are natural, given the fact that I really have lost control. Or given it away. Or surrendered it. You decide.
Anyway, the weekend was amazing and I haven't even written about the whole thing yet. And another is about to start.
Posts: 6938
Write cuck, I'm waiting.
Posts: 5915
Annie revealed her plan to me this weekend. Actually, she and Aaron explained it to me. They didn't ask me, they told me. It is very simple, really.
They plan to be married. Legally married. She plans to divorce me. Very soon. He plans to move into our home at that time. He is quitting his job and moving here. They plan to keep me as their slave. They didn't use that word, but that is precisely what it is.
Annie said she has no intention of hiding her relationship with Aaron. She figured it would be easier to explain me remaining in my own house after they marry than to explain him moving in with us while we were still married.
My public role? The magnanimous ex-husband who remains great friends with his ex-wife; whose bonds remain so strong, he's ok remaining with her and her new husband for a few months until he decides what to do. Of course, the real plan is that I remain forever, and that's almost the same role I play now, minus the audience.
They will play it cool when family and youngren visit. The D/S element of our relationship will remain mostly private.
I will remain chaste; their housemaid; their cook; a mouth to lick them clean, or to get them off, etc; a source of income; someone to be owned, like an object, (this is straight out of one of the crazy letters I used to write to her way back when).
That's it in a nutshell. There was a lot of emotion from them, and I don't want to recount it now. There is certainly plenty of emotion within me.
Since no consent was sought (Annie says I consented dozens of times already in past letters and emails), I wasn't asked for a yes or no. So it's a take it or leave it situation. Again, there's so much yet so little to say. I'm shocked, but not surprised at this point. On with the tale.
Posts: 5915
TWENTY EIGHT Up the Rollercoaster
During Christmas vacation of 2003, Annie had breast augmentation surgery. At the time, I wondered why she wanted to do this; her breasts were quite nice the way they were. I remember driving her to the clinic and waiting there. The whole procedure took the better part of a day. When she was released to me, the nurse gave us instructions for post surgery. She explained that her breasts would need to be massaged regularly, especially for the first several months. This would prevent the implants from hardening.
"So you're gonna have a lot of fun for awhile," the nurse joked.
Of course, I never did. Annie massaged them herself. And Aaron massaged them. The finished product certainly looked spectacular. They were noticeably larger but still within the normal range. They retained their perfect shape, and seemed to be as soft and natural as can be. My God, they were beautiful.
But they were off limits to me. I know because they both told me so.
"I did this for Aaron," Annie told me at the time. "And because I always wanted bigger breasts."
When the three of us were together, Aaron always made a point of feeling her naked breasts, kissing them, licking them, sucking them. He would stand behind her, cupping both breasts in his hands, kissing her neck.
"These are MINE," he would say.
And they were. Annie told me that it was the one part of her body he could truly feel was "virgin" other than to him. No man had ever touched them in their new form, other than him. No man would. In the years since, including the time Annie and I were alone, I have never touched them. If she is walking from the shower or getting ready to go out, and happens to be topless, she covers them up so I cannot see them. I understood this when we were with Aaron the first time, and I understand it now. I never quite understood why she did this during our 4 years alone.
Anyway, the fact is, the only time she has ever freely shown them to me - her new breasts - is when she was/is with Aaron.
So I was surprised when she walked into my bedroom a few days ago completely nude, breasts uncovered. They looked delicious. She climbed on the bed, and lifted her pussy over my face.
"We're going to have a serious talk," she said. "But first, I am going to make love to you."
Posts: 5915
TWENTY NINE Up the Rollercoaster
Annie climbed on the bed and sat on my face. Not exactly "making love," I thought. But I'll take it. She spent 20 or 30 minutes riding my mouth, alternately placing her pussy and ass over it. I eagerly licked both. It wasn't too long before she came. My cock was as hard as it can get in a small steel cage. The entire time, she said not a word.
When she removed herself from my face, she left the room for a few moments. When she returned, she was wearing a harness and a strap on dildo. It looked like the setup I had purchased some 9 years ago, when we first started experimenting with chastity. I would wear it to fuck her while remaining locked in my CB. The dildo's I used on her were a lot bigger than the one she walked in with. Thank God.
"I am going to fuck you, D," she said, stating the obvious. "No matter what I do, you are NOT to touch my breasts. Do you understand?"
She mounted me and slowly inserted the rubber dong. It hurt. It hurt even worse when she started fucking me. It really, really hurt. It hurt bad. But the bad hurt gave way to a good hurt. The good hurt gave way to just plain good. She went harder and harder and it felt incredible, like nothing I have ever experienced. I felt constantly on the verge of having an orgasm, but I could never quite get there. I began fucking her back, moving my ass to meet her "cock." I screamed, like a girl. I begged her to fuck me harder, as if that would make me cum. It didn't, but the harder she went the closer I got. She leaned over, her breasts swinging fore and aft with each thrust. I wanted to kiss them, to suck them. But I didn't want to chance disobeying her. Not now. Not when I was feeling the closest, the most electric connection to her that I have ever felt.
Annie came several times. My bed was flooded with her juices. When she finally pulled out of me, I realized I had "cum" too - there was semen leaking from my cock, quite a lot of it, all things considered. I hadn't experienced an orgasm, but something similar. I did not feel ashamed or humiliated. I felt grateful for the best sexual experience of my life. I felt totally in love. Completely, absolutely, totally in love.
She kissed me. Then she withdrew from me. She removed the harness and threw the whole works on the bed.
"Clean that thing up," she said, smiling. "And then we'll talk."
Posts: 5915
THIRTY Yes Ma'am
Annie says I always end up doing the right thing - after I've tried everything else. I think she stole the line from Winston Churchill's quote about Americans. Anyway, after Annie made love to me the other night - ok, she fucked me, but she also made love to me - we had a long conversation on my bed. There were several very strong themes. I don't have time (nor do you, probably) to recount everything that was said. But the messages were clear:
1. She truly loves me 2. She really knows me 3. She will never leave me 4. She is going to divorce me and marry Aaron
I know that numbers one through three are true, beyond a shadow of a doubt. Now I know that number four is too. She will never leave me. If I don't accept #4, I can leave. She didn't say that. She didn't have to.
She does know me. She knows everything about me. Even things I hide, or try to make secret she knows. She seems to know every place I've ever visited on the internet, or at least enough of them to form a clear picture. Hell, she probably knows I'm here on this site.
"I should have been a detective," she often says.
Apparently, she already is. This ability of hers to seemingly know everything I do is one of the reamister I deleted this narrative after starting to post it here a few years ago. I didn't want her to know I was telling our story. At the time, I thought the story was over. Far from it, I now know.
"D, you must stop running away from your needs, from who you are. You have to come out of hiding. There can be no secrets. You've spent too much of your life on that computer instead of living. You look at the same things over and over and over again. For years now. Chastity, slavery, cuckolds and sissies. I think that about sums it up, doesn't it?"
I nodded yes.
"Month after month. Year after year. Looking at other people living their lives, or performing at life. Looking at pictures, reading stories. And they all boil down to one thing: Submission to power. That's your interest, that is your passion. That is your need. Do you know what you don't look at? You don't visit "man and wife" sites. You aren't interested in stories or themes about normal sex between married people, except in the context of cuckolding, or being dominated."
"I'm sorry, Annie," I said. And I really meant it.
"Quit being sorry," she replied. "We're way past that. You've been struggling all these years to be something you are not. A husband. And I've struggled with what to do about you. There are so many of you up there," she said, rapping on my noggin.
"Now listen closely. I am going to marry Aaron. I want him to be my husband, my lover, my man. He's GOOD at it. You are not. It just isn't in your DNA."
She paused and said, "Are you ok?"
I nodded yes, and she continued.
"The way I see it is that you will be more like my wife. And our slave. Since we won't be married anymore, I don't want to hear the word 'cuckold'. I've never liked the word."
It is true. She hates the sound of it, but not the concept.
"You may struggle with your role sometimes, but at least you'll be struggling in the direction of who you are, instead of who you aren't."
Annie is a very smart woman. She really thinks things out, and she always tells me the truth. She looked so freaking sexy that night, I just wanted her - I wanted her like a man wants a woman. I'd have done anything to touch her breasts right then and there, to make love to her like Aaron makes love to her. Even a complete sub has "normal" urges. She's just so beautiful. But I knew I wanted to follow her into this new phase of our lives even more. If I wasn't mesmerized by her, I wouldn't have an ounce of testosterone left in my body.
"Do you have any questions, D?" she asked.
"Not right now," I said. I was a bit fetishd up, but very happy in a way I haven't really experienced before. I decided to lighten things up a bit.
"I can't believe you actually came while fucking me," I said.
"You really liked that, didn't you, you little bitch," she laughed.
"I did. A lot."
"Honey, just remember one thing: If I couldn't cum, I wouldn't do it. I didn't fuck you for my health. I'm glad you enjoyed it, but the only thing that should matter to you is my pleasure, and Aaron's. This is not about you. Not anymore. You are a part of our relationship now, we aren't props in your fantasy. If you start thinking this is about you, you'll be very unhappy. Focus on our pleasure and happiness will find it's way back to you. Remember that."
I said "Yes, Ma'am." I have never called her "Ma'am" before. She looked at me with a serene, somewhat triumphant expression on her face. She must have liked it.
Posts: 6938
hss, this is such powerful stuff! I'm loving it!
Posts: 6121
#53 · Edited by: kenneth998
kennyboy82: hss, this is such powerful stuff! I'm loving it! Agreed
Posts: 3391
Whoa. I've been intimately familiar with your life story for years HSS and have followed it with jealousy and joy. I know that you live with a mixture of pain and satisfaction. There are many details in here that I did not know and it's good to see them, I have a more rounded understanding. But, I was aware of the underlying story line.
You write beautifully, clean up the timeline and you've got an ebook to sell, that I would buy.
Keep going you beautiful creature!
Posts: 5915
#55 · Edited by: houseslvsissy
You know I love you like a brother.
I remember being stunned by those words and all they conveyed. Aaron & I were sitting in a hotel bar in Miami.
About a 45 minutes later he said:
Suck my dick.
We were upstairs in my room, 368.
It was during a trip to Miami for business - a trip I'd taken alone because Annie was at work. Aaron suggested we meet to "bond" since I was in the area, and I told him to meet me at the hotel bar. That was my first mistake. We looked like the best of friends. He told me he'd never met a couple he liked more than us.
Never met a husband he could even pretend to tolerate after the first few meetings.
Never met a wife he wanted to see again. And again. And again. And again.......until he met Annie. He said he never met a woman he fell completely in love with. Not his wife. Nobody elses wife. Not even a girlfriend - until he met Annie.
"I like you so much, D," he said over a Budweiser. "I feel like we're brothers in a way. But you're a fool, D. I am going to take your wife. Hell, I've already taken her. Sometimes I wish you were one of the closet fags I usually meet when I fuck somebody's wife. This would all be easier."
The conversation was making me uncomfortable. "I'm not a fag. And you aren't taking Annie," I said. "We're all just friends." I know this statement sounds ridiculous, given the circumstance. But I didn't know what else to say.
"D, when is the last time you fucked Anniie?" he asked.
I blushed, I know. "You already know the answer to that," I said nervously.
"No, tell me, D - the last time you two had real sex. Like I have with her. I've been with her two and a half years. How long has it been D?"
"Four years," I responded, looking way.
"I knew it was longer than 3, D, because I wouldn't be with her right now if she ever cheated on me. When's the last time you came? Ya know, last time you jerked off?"
I looked around, worried that someone was close enough to hear him. We were secluded. "About 6 months ago. When she unlocked me and let me clean up in the shower."
He gave me a weird smile, not a kind one - and said, "Does she know you cheated on us?"
"Cheated on you?" I replied. " have to cum! It had been 6 months! You cum all the time!" The last statement seemed crazy, in a way. Yes, he came all the time. In my wife. In her pussy. In her ass. In her mouth.
"I haven't masturbated in 25 years, D. I wait until I have a woman to cum. God frowns on masturbation, D. I don't believe in it. I believe in sex. If I can refrain from masturbation, so can you. You obviously have no self control."
I was speechless. We had never had a conversation like this before. It started out so normal. At first I thought it was going to be a wink and a nod conversation.
We've just been fuckin' with your head. Here's the key to your cage. Go home and fuck your wife. I'll see you next weekend.
But I knew he was serious. I knew he was teling the truth. He had said more than once that he believed solo masturbation was a "sin". It's one of the many freaky things about him. He didn'tt jerk off. Women wanted him. Hell, men wanted him. He didn't have to jerk off.
"Let's talk about something else," I said, hoping to change the subject.
"Let's see the room you're staying in. I have something to show you. In private."
Moments later we were in my room.
"I don't have any beers up here," I said.
"That' ok. I just wanted to see your room. And to see if I'm right about something."
"Right about what?" I asked.
Aaron unzipped his pants and unbuckled his belt. He let them drop to his ankles. His huge, iron hard cock flipped up and down for a few seconds as it gained freedom from his underwear. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. The cock that had fucked my wife hundreds if not thousands of times. The cock she sucked as if it were the fountain of life itself. The cock belonging to the man who I knew wasn't lying when he said he was taking my wife from me. That I was a fool. And, ironically, that he felt like "a brother" to me.
He simply said:
Get on your knees and suck me off, D.
Without hesitation, I did exactly that.
Posts: 3391
I would have too. I'm 100% certain.
Posts: 6938
Annie and Aaron so utterly own you D, you're a sexual chattel to them. I was interested to read of your 'cumming' while Annie fucked your ass with the strap-on, without your being aware of it. This is a situation my slut has been in several times with her husband. He's permanently caged, rarely gets the chance to 'relieve' himself, but cums quite freely as she's fucking his ass with her strap-on. He states he doesn't get any feeling of having cum, just the physical sign of his cumming by all the leakage. Sue and I are both of the opinion that what she does to him is similar to when she 'milks' him via a prostate massage, he cums then in a dribble without getting any pleasure from cumming. Im very close to finding out if he reacts the same way when I fuck his sissy ass. Hasn't happened yet, but I'm considering it. I'm still enjoying every word of your story, one of the best I've read, almost constantly hard as I read it, thanks!
Posts: 5915
#58 · Edited by: houseslvsissy
We kept the secret, I think, for awhile, but he broke the secret within year, I am sure. I think he told her about it during the breakup. I'm sure he did, although I cannot prove it. When she finally broke with him and came to me, I wanted to ******* him. I am not exaggerating. He was so hurt, he wanted to destroy us - and almost did.
But with the passage of a few years, I learned many things. First, I learned I could not satisfy her. Second, I learned she wasn't over him.
I learned that fact when I was scrounging around an old cedar chest looking for some gloves - something I rarely need in Florida.
Nobody would keep pictures like that of someone they didn't love. Most of them were vacation pics. Smoky Mountains. Charleston. The Keys. The Caribbean Islands.
There were several sex pics. Very hot sex pics. There were some romantic ones.
Things she presented to me openly in the past that were now hidden in the folds of an old wool sweater in a cedar chest.
In a room I rarely slept in. In a life turned upside down.
Posts: 5915
draclif69: Whoa. I've been intimately familiar with your life story for years HSS and have followed it with jealousy and joy. I know that you live with a mixture of pain and satisfaction. There are many details in here that I did not know and it's good to see them, I have a more rounded understanding. But, I was aware of the underlying story line. You write beautifully, clean up the timeline and you've got an ebook to sell, that I would buy. Keep going you beautiful creature! You are my favorite CP permister in the world, Drac.
Posts: 6938
Without doubt, the most compelling reading on here. I'm constantly hard.