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Wife At Thier Mercy

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I haven't posted in a while, but tonight is special and I am so aroused that I can hardly take it.

My wife travels and stays the night at hotels for her job. This almost always leads to her fucking other men, usually either someone she works with or a guy she meets in the hotel bar that night. However this is different. She is out of town for 2 nights starting tonight. It has been about 1.5 years since she was last where she is and I knew she had fucked several guys who were friends the last time that she was there, so I assumed they would be spending time with her again. My assumptions were correct, but I had no idea what the plan was.

She called me at 6:30 because she wanted to talk to me before she goes with them. When I asked what "Go with them" means and who "them" is she quickly explained that they are four friends and they had given her directions to a parking lot in town and that they would meet her there. As we talked they pulled in and she quickly explained that she is getting in their car with them and they are taking her somewhere and she is leaving her car behind. Then she told me she loved me and hung up. Five minutes later I got a short text from her "I had to leave my purse, ID, money and clothes in the car. It is cold! By the time you read this my phone will be turned off and I am giving it and my car keys to them. Love ya!"

Part of me is a bit worried, but for the most part I am going nuts with excitement. This is a rare side of her. She likes to be submissive and is into light bondge, discipline and some tit toture, but this is a rarity. She has never put herself in such a helpless position before. She obviously had an idea of what to expect, because she wasn't the least bit worried when we talked. The idea of my wife in a car with 4 men who I do not know in a town of 130,000 that is 5 hours away, naked, with no ID, no money, no phone, no idea where her car is (she is horrible with directions) and totally at their mercy until they are finished with her is amazingly erotic! What could they be doing to her? Massive gangbang? Extreme bondage? Forced prostitution? The imagination is the limit! Whatever they want to do to her she will have to submit to. She has no escape. I love it! I don't expect to hear from her before tomorrow. I don't think I will relax much tonight LOL
40's MWC In Need Of Hung Bulls - Any Race
I love to be humilated over my little 3 inch dick.
I watch you bareback her then I clean up.


Posts: 184
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Holy risky. I really hope she has fun and it's not the worst scene for her. If they're actual friends then hopefully she has a great time!


Posts: 968
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Very risky a little bit unbelivable if I'm being honest
Droopy and Miss


Posts: 6938
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Stubhub, if what you say is true, and she does know them, then it's ok, if not she could be in real trouble! I agree with you, the not knowing part is the most exciting and the most scary. You have to tell me what takes place, without doubt she will be fucked to within an inch of her life, lucky slut! Real, no holds barred fucking! Mmm.......I'm hard at the thought. Pity we're so far apart, I could fuck her for you.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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You wife and I are very like minded! I love the stability of home life, being in charge at work, and the excitement of being the helpless submissive.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 202 Pictures: 2 
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Dear stubbyhubby36, cuckold!, it would be nice to know directly from your wife what happened that evening. post some picture, thanks. Stefano [email protected] +39 3351228003 PS: If in case you come to Italy I'd be happy that you were my guests.


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It would make me feel better if she at least took her cell phone. Not only for safety reamisters but also in case she or they wanted to send back sexy pic's of her being used


Posts: 32
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More needed please


Posts: 116
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This is such an incredibly exciting scenario. .. you have to write more... what happened?


Posts: 6938
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You wife and I are very like minded! I love the stability of home life, being in charge at work, and the excitement of being the helpless submissive.Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut

Donna, I like those qualities in you as well, you're a Hot girl! xxx


Posts: 292 Pictures: 2 
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Very risky a little bit unbelivable if I'm being honest

I understand and sympathize with your scepticism. It is a far-fetched sounding story and I would probably be skeptical too if it didn't happen to my wife. I will add that this isn't some commonplace thing. She has never done anything like this (at least not quite this risky). With that said, when she is somewhere that she doesn't know people she tends to really let loose because she doesn't have to worry about being seen by people who will recognize her.

Stubhub, if what you say is true, and she does know them, then it's ok, if not she could be in real trouble! I agree with you, the not knowing part is the most exciting and the most scary. You have to tell me what takes place, without doubt she will be fucked to within an inch of her life, lucky slut! Real, no holds barred fucking! Mmm.......I'm hard at the thought. Pity we're so far apart, I could fuck her for you.

Would love for you to visit us or to meet up if we are ever in your area. She is always wanting new experiences with new guys.

You wife and I are very like minded! I love the stability of home life, being in charge at work, and the excitement of being the helpless submissive.

Donna I think you hit the nail on the head. My wife works an EXTREMELY stressful job. She is responsible for about $15 million in spending per year and she has to make sure it is spent correctly, the spending is properly documented, who gets how much, etc. I think that opportunities like these allow her to just forget it all for a while, let someone else be in charge and just enjoy herself. Bondage and being dominated is her sexual profile every time. By day she is strong, powerful, dominant, demanding and in charge, by night she is submissive, willing, takes orders, does whatever is asked of her and generally just gives herself to the man she is with.

It would make me feel better if she at least took her cell phone. Not only for safety reamisters but also in case she or they wanted to send back sexy pic's of her being used

I agree, but I didn't have that call to make. She totally gave herself to them with the promise to do anything they said. Their demand was that she be totally vulnerable and bring nothing. To be honest I am not sure she didn't have a little bit of a role in the planing, at least to the degree that she may have volunteered to do the totally naked and vulnerable thing.

---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------

The rest of the story....

A lot of this is sketchy. She typically doesn't give me deep details, but I will share what I know. She never knew where they took her because she was in the backseat with two of the guys and they kept her bent over sucking their dicks the whole drive. When they got to their destination one of them put a leash around her neck and they led her into a small house which she later learned belonged to one of the guys. They took her to the basement where the guy had a small BDSM playroom set up.

Once in the playroom she said they spent several hours tying her in various positions, taking pictures and fucking her. She didn't go into a lot of detail except to tell me thatthey were very rough. I assume they must have been VERY rough because she likes it rough to begin with, so for her to say they were rough means they went beyond what she normally experiences. I also noticed some bruises on her upper arms and tits and bite marks on her ass and thighs, so that tells me a lot. However, her two favorite things are rough tit and ass play, and she assured me that she loved every second of the experience except when they tied her on a bench on her back and took turn throatfucking her. She has a major gag reflex, so I can imagine how that went.

Some time in the middle of the night they were all finished with her and they took her to a small room and locked her in it. She said she dropped on the bed and crashed immediately. When they woke her up she could see the sun was just coming up so she knew it was early morning. A couple of them said they had to go to work but they wanted one more turn before they left, so they took her upstairs and tied her spread eagle on a bed and gangbanged her. After they were done three of them left. The fourth one told her that he had the day off and the house was his, so he planned on playing with her all day. She didn't give me a lot of details about the day except general stuff. He kept her hands tied behind her back and led her around the house on a leash. A couple of times he called or texted friends and invited them over to use her. A couple came and got a blowjob and one guy fucked her.

That afternoon he led her out to the car, still tied and on the leash, and put her in the front seat and drove her back to her car. She said the whole drive back was about exposing her. With her hands still tied behind her back she had no way to cover up and he took advantage of it by driving through busy parts of town and stopping at intersections or stop lights with people standing there. When they got to her car he didn't let up. He got her out and made her stand there naked with people walking and driving through the parking lot while he took his time removing the leash and untying her hands. When he gave her back her keys and phone he gave her a pice of paper with his name and number and told her to call him when she was back in town.

Fast forward to this week. She is in town where they live. She went there yesterday morning and won't be home until Friday night. Orur contact has been minimal. She texted yesterday morning to tell me she was there and called me around 9:30 last night to say goodnight. This morning she texted around 10:30 and quickly told me that they came to her room last night, no details but it is obvious why they were there. Her only other comment was that they "guy with the playroom" is picking her up after her last meeting this evening and she will be unreachable after that.

So it is looking like this is going to be a pretty regular thing. She altered her schedule so she could be in town with them two nights a week, every week. She told me that her schedule from now on will be to drive up on Wednesday morning and stay there two nights and then drive home Friday evening. Gotta admit, it really turns me on knowing she will be their sex slave/toy for two nights a week from now on. She seems to be pretty excited about it too as all she talked about all weekend was her two night trip.
40's MWC In Need Of Hung Bulls - Any Race
I love to be humilated over my little 3 inch dick.
I watch you bareback her then I clean up.


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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OMG, that sounds so close to my situation, other than I can't let hubby in on it.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 6938
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that sounds so close to my situation, other than I can't let hubby in on it.

Donna, one day that'll bite you in the ass, then what you gonna do? You're going to have to break it to him sometime that you're Bryan's whore. If he's like the rest of us, he'll love it! Be brave! Let me know how you get on.


Posts: 430 Pictures: 11 
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From your posts I get the feeling you travel and visit not host. But for all or our information, what state are you in, or more important what states do you travel to?


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hot story


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Has your wife given you any more details?


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Bumped for update.
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Wife At Thier Mercy
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