Posts: 105
It was all Max Andres fault. Married to Penny Durst, they were one of Hollywood's biggest A List couples. Cheating on such a gorgeous woman as Penny looked insane but Max's stupid decision would have far reaching consequences for most of mankind. Max publicly begged for Penny's forgiveness and after a month of pleading he was finally allowed return to their beautiful mansion but there was a string attached. She couldn't be seen to be the weak and subservient wife in front of the entire world so she turned her attention to the underworld of male chastity to ensure Max would not have any more transgressions.
Max signed up in an instant to her demands but little did he know of the shockwaves of his decision. Penny needed and wanted the world to know who was in charge so she made her decision of enpowerd chastity public. As one could imagine, the gossip columns & entertainment news media went into a frenzy. Suddenly male chastity was front and centre & women the world over were discussing it. Countless TV shows & opinion columns debated the merits of doing it. Penny & Max opened up to the media as well with in depth interviews on the matter & how it saved their relationship. In all interviews & paparazzi shots of Penny, the most important part of the image was her necklace & dangling just above her beautiful bosom was the key to Max's chastity cage. Women the world over wondered could they have a key of their own whilst men the world over fantasised about Penny & how they'd conform to the cage to get near her. Her career skyrocketed from that point and she became the biggest movie star in the world whilst husband Max's career somewhat stagnated & he was left holding her purse. At public functions like award shows, he stood obediently & lovingly beside his wife whilst she stood their radiantly all the time with the key dangling on her necklace.
Another significant cultural change at this time was the rise and rise of women in the workplace. For years outperforming men in education, women were starting to outnumber men in the highest earning jobs & become the breadwinners in the household. It was men that suddenly were keener to marry for some financial security.
The chastity manufactures capitalised on both scenarios & marketed the chastity belt as the must have accessory for the 21st century couple. No longer the preserve of online & sex shops, suddenly the chastity belt could be purchased at your local supermarket. The Chastity Max was the best seller named after that poor unfortunate Hollywood A Lister.
Just like diamonds had been successfully marketed to women 150 years earlier as a prelude to marriage, the belt became the most have item. Women demanded it off the husbands to be & it became the cultural norm that on the night of nuptials men would be chastised be their wives after consummating the marriage. Men, so keen to enter marriage signed up to this leading to no masturbation, no hope of cheating & a real switch to where the wife was elevated to the status of goddess & the superior in the marriage. Male cheating was eliminated & with husbands unable to masterbate, they became better husbands & mans.
Women on the other hand became more demanding & authoritative. Working women became accustomed to a certain lifestyle where men did all the household chores, had cooked dinners waiting for their wives, wine & baths ready for when the arrived home & performed oral sex on their wives at the drop of a hat. Giving their wives earth shattering orgasms with their tongues & hands gave husbands their best chance of gratification & ensured that on Sunday night, their weekly release went ahead as scheduled.
The necklace & key became THE status symbol around the office. Women wanted to show to the world that they had a man under lock & key. Women dressed provocatively not just to tease their husbands but of course to show to each other who was the sexiest and who the bigger goddess. They boasted not of money & gadgets but about how obedient their husbands were and what their men would do to prove their love & worship.
A man giving his wife a peck on the cheek had always been the norm but in today's world a peck on the wife's ass check is just as common. Some wives couldn't leave or enter their homes without their poor imprimistered husbands worshipping the delicious derrière.
Not all men signed up to chastity of course. There were plenty of men who didn't like the commitment of marriage & certainly were not going to sign up to cage their packages. The difference between alpha & beta men suddenly so easy for the world to see. As many men tried to woo a wife, another section became lotharios keen on bedding as many women as possible...many of which were married. These men couldn't be tamed & the sight of the key & necklace turned them on too. They knew these women had men to wine & dine them but didn't have a cock to fuck them with. Womenkind may have won the relationship of marriage once & for all with the commonplace introduction of male chastity to the home but the great irony suddenly transpired. Introduced initially to prevent men cheating on their spouses, it lead the path where women called the shots & loved the control a caged cock gave them but they didn't stop enjoying sex & suddenly many women wanted their cake & eat it. They wanted their husbands inprimistered & obedient but they also wanted a good shag ever now & then too. Enter the uncaged lotharios with larger cocks than the caged husbands & suddenly not only was Male chastity the norm but female cheating was on the rise & many men would soon learn the phrase cuckold.
To be continued
Posts: 5854
longjohnsilver5 please do not post your topic multiple times
Posts: 105
Any feedback appreciated. Dipping my toe into this series if there's any interest
Posts: 378
It is great! Keep up the good work. Can't wait to see how you present the rest of the story. HIT1969
Posts: 7
I love this story, I dream for a future like this, and I hope it happens sooner than later. I have given my woman the power over what we now call her dick, and she is so happy, and that makes me happy 
Posts: 899
Please continue it longJohn..Just getting interested
Posts: 105
Rebecca was radiant the morning after our wedding still prancing around the Honeymoon suite in her white silk lingerie. As my penis stirred, I felt for the first time my penis feel tight in its constraint and unable to get fully erect.
"morning baby...how's your little boy this morning?" She asked as she grabbed and dangled my cock cage and balls in one hand "what's harder to get used to, the cock cage or the ring on your finger?"
"both feel really weird but I love the ring Becs but the cage not so much"
Rebecca suddenly pouted " you're supposed to love your wife unconditionally & want to prove it to the world"
She laid down the guilt trip & suddenly I was blubbering my apologies & proclaiming my undying love for my bride. I started to paw at her as soon as I touched her in her silk panties & bra. My cock strained against the cage but it just further fuelled my hornyness. Soon I was spooning my wife's beautiful ass and showering it with kisses through the silk. Rebecca lay there basking in it and even when I went to move up her body, she put her hand down and powerd my head to resume kissing her ass.
"Ohhhh that's it baby...worship your wife's ass. Does my ass deserve to be be worshipped every day?" I mumred a yes
"Is this ass the boss in this marriage?" Again I gave an affirmative
"Will you always worship this ass no matter what?" "I will always putt this bottom to the top of my life" I replied
I could tell from behind she had a huge smile from her cheekbones but I then resumed kissing her other cheeks.
Rebecca broke it off and told me to run a huge bubble bath. It was fit for two and it was one of the most erotic moments of my life. Once run, she made me undress her slowly. On my my knees again she turned around as she stepped out of her silk panties and rubbed her ass right in my face. As I unhooked her bra she grabbed my hands and pulled them to her nipples. She yanked down my boxers and pulled us into the bubbly bath.
I began soaping up her breasts as she began to murmur her arousal. I played with her nipples for ages and started to combine my efforts with playing with her pussy. All the time, I could not achieve an erection but boy that seemed to make me ever hornier as I ached for relief. Becca achieved her orgasm and seemed to be stuck up on a cloud. That satisfied me more than any orgasm I could get as her cumming was such a rush for me.
Again as she stepped out of the bath, she made me get down on my knees to dry her and again she pushed her beautiful bottom in my face.
" that was great honey, I think if we do that every day of the honeymoon, I'll let you out of your cage at the end of the week"
I stood there dumbly looking shocked
But I didn't utter a single argument. I just took it & accepted it.
"Good boy not arguing with your wife" said Rebecca as she lay down on the bed keen to have a little post orgasm nap. I lay down beside her and breathed in her gorgeous smell as I contemplated my marriage
Posts: 105
Rebecca made the big money and it was her wages that paid for most of the wedding & honeymoon which made me feel so inferior to my wife and also meant I simply complied with all her wishes.
Our honeymoon was to Florida Keys and a luxurious hotel by the beach. I knew very little about the place before arriving and when we got there I allowed Rebecca to do most of the dictating as normal.
Our days were filled with nice food, lazing in the sun & taking in the beautiful sights.
One morning we headed for a beach a little off track that Rebecca had heard was gorgeous and secluded. On arriving my eyes nearly popped out of my head. It was a nude beach.
"There's no way I'm going down there with this blasted contraption on me!" I protested
She giggled and winked at me "Don't be so silly baby..there's loads of married couples down there with husbands all tucked up. It's great. I can get an all over tan & not worry about some creep getting an erection over me"
Needless to say within ten minutes of arguing I was lying on a lounger with my towel with my little guy out in the open for the world to see encased in its primister.
Rebecca lay there so comfortably beside me with only a straw hat & sun glasses on. Sure enough husbands around me were caged too as I looked around I could see attentive husbands attending to their wives needs. I too busied myself making sure my bride was covered in sun cream & fetched her takes from the beach bar.
We relaxed and dipped our naked bodies in the sea and frankly the place was paradise. We returned to our loungers and began to read and relax.
Just then a shadow appeared over Rebecca " Hey Beccs is that you?" I looked up and saw a big strong football type jock with blonde hair and washboard stomach looking down at my bride
"Oh my goodness Patrick, how are you? It's been ages. How are you?"
Rebecca and Patrick exchanged pleasantries and it transpired Patrick worked for another bank in our city. He was on a holiday with his brother and claimed he'd heard about this beach and being the horny devil he is, he had to come check it out"
I could see Rebecca blush when he said that and from my position I could see but Patrick could not that that most of the time talking to him, Rebecca had been staring at his penis behind her sunglasses. I could swear I could see drool forming in the corners of her mouth. Was I paranoid? Or was she coveting the massive eight inch cock that was swinging in front if her. He seemed keen to keep chatting openly flirting with her and barely acknowledging me the whole time.
"It's your honeymoon, wow congrats guys. Let me buy you guys a take."
Eventually I was persuaded to head back up to the bar all three of us still naked. He bought a round of takes and continued his flirting with my wife making innuendo about my caged cock as well
"So tell me man, what's that thing like? Is it comfortable to wear? How can you cope here on the beach with all this talent around?"
I shrugged and said it was painful which drew a sharp gaze from Rebecca " you are looking at the other talent are you?"
"NO, no I didn't say that"
"Hah...you'll pay for that comment"
Patrick started to laugh. The cocktails kept coming and this guy showed no sign of buggering off.
The more the take flowed we all started to loosen up and forget ourselves and that's when the problems started
Rebecca started to prod Patrick about his uncaged massive cock and how he didn't get erect with naked women around. He claimed he had pure control and could get erect like that if he wanted to
Beccs signed and he picked up on it straight away. "Oh it's nothing..it's just hubby hear didn't get erect when I wanted him to on our honeymoon night"
I jumped straight in to defend my honour. I had came 20 minutes before wasn't ready yet. I could get erect as soon as you take this blasted cage off"
"Haha..two things buddy" snorted Patrick " you should be able to get aroused again no problem after twenty minutes and if I had that thing on, my erection would break it open"
Rebecca couldn't help stir the pot. "Who'd get an erection first start to finish?"
We both claimed we'd win & suddenly the seed was sown. With take comes bravado & suddenly in my brain I started thinking there could be a way she'd take this cage off.
We agreed to a contest but needed to get back to our hotel room. We lived in a modern world but erection contests even on a nude beach could get us in trouble.
Once back in the room we had another take so we didn't lose our nerve.
Rebecca came up with the rules. We were both had our arms ties to the chair to prevent us stroking ourselves.
The contest would be best of three. Who could get an erection the fastest, whose penis would be the hardest and who could maintain his erection the longest.
I didn't even cop to ask how she'd just that middle one.
I asked what prize I'd win if I won the contest & Beccs promised to leave my cock cage off for the rest of the honeymoon. I agreed in an instant
Then Patrick asked for his prize "if I win I want a titty wank with those lovely breats"
"Woah man..that's my wife...no way"
Rebecca just smiled and turned to me "baby I haven't let you even have an erection in days. He's been free his whole life. You're bound to win...go on..do it for me"
We were both tied up now and Rebecca straddled me and started waving the key in my face
"Oh god release me baby" I shouted
"Ok boys let the games begin." With that she took the key, put it in the keyhole and turned. She quickly started to take the pieces if the cage off. All the while Patrick say still and smugly. Air hit my penis and I looked down at my squashed package
Right boys. On your marks..get set..GO
She looked down at both our groins for action and I started to try and think sexy thoughts. She'd been naked all day until we came back to hotel when she threw on her bikini and sarong.
I gazed at her but she was looking at Patrick. I looked over and saw a monster start to grow. Eight inches flaccid he seemed to grow to ten or eleven inches. I remained flaccid in shame.
"Oh dear oh dear. We may have a winner on all three fronts hubby if that thing doesn't start to grow"
I was lost now and felt it was actually growing smaller and back inside me with the shame. I was still a bit takes so maybe it was the holy water.
"Yeah baby..winner winner chicken dinner" shouted Patrick. I hung my head in shame.
Rebecca walked over and kissed the top of my head. "It's ok sweety, I know you can satisfy me even if it's not with that little cock"
Patrick chuckled "thats not a cock darling, that's a nub. This is a cock right here that's waiting on those perky boobies"
Rebecca walked over and seemed determined to follow through. I tried to object but both claimed a bet was a bet & I was fairly defeated.
Both Patrick and myself stayed in the chairs tied by our hands, neither could move. This meant Rebecca was in complete control.
She moved between his legs and for the 1st time touched his engorged member. "Oh my that really is huge" "tell me Patrick, when was the last time you came"
"I whacked off this morning"
Rebecca had at this point removed her top again and had started to rub her nipples along his cock
" and tell me, what did you think about when you whacked off"
She started to rub her breasts together squeezing his cock inbetween them like the sausage in a hot dog bun.
"I was thinking about going to that nude beach"
"Yes and what happened on that beach" she started upping the pace and the tip of his cock was rubbing off her chin as her breasts couldn't cover it all
" I was wanking to the thoughts of married women"
"What?? You wank to married women?"
"Yes I was fantasying fucking a married woman in front of her caged hubby" his breathing got louder and something else happened...my penis started to grow
"Oh that's do naughty! Is that why you were chatting me up today? Did you want to fuck me infront of my hubby?" She continued to rub her breasts all over his cock
"Oh Beccs I've always wanted to fuck you! You're the hottest banker in the world. I couldn't believe it when I saw you today"
"But I'm married, my husband is right here. He loves me and I him. I couldn't do that...could I?
"Yes..Rebecca..loads of women do it. Please climb up on my cock. I'll let him watch! Look at him...his little nub has started to grow. He wants this too Rebecca"
"What?" Rebecca jumped up and grabbed my penis. Does this talk arouse you?
"I don't know" I admitted. "I'm sorry Rebecca that my penis is so small. I love you so so much. I wish I had a cock like his to make you drool like you did on the beach"
With that she grabbed both cocks in her hands. Both were rock hard in her hands as she pulled the chairs together.
"Ok boys here's the deal! I've only just got married and don't intend to cheat on my wonderful hubby without his consent so here's what we're going to do. I'm going to make the two of you cum on my breasts. The fastest to cum gets will get to play with me on the bed in twenty minutes whilst the other stays tied up.
With that she began to stroke both of us aiming our cocks at her left and right breasts. I was so horny that I was sure I'd win in no time but Rebecca was pulling me off with her left hand which was weaker whilst she went to town on Patrick. Regardless I could begin to feel it in my loins and prepared myself for ecstasy. As she pumped us both, Patrick without much build up began to spray his fluid all over her breasts. This sight tipped me over the edge and I quickly followed.
We both covered her. It went all over her and we both spunked bucket loads. She revelled in the sperm and looked delighted. She kept yanking us both until we both were spent.
I was beaten again. Now the bastard would get to feel her up.
"Now boys if you'll excuse me, I shall go shower and change"
She spend the guts of 15-20 minutes cleaning and pampering herself in the bathroom whilst we both say tied to our chairs in silence. It was clear neither of us liked each other.
When she returned, she looked even sexier. She had a pretty red silk camisole and black silk panties and stockings on. Her hair was immaculate and she wore her wedding day pearl necklace.
"Ok boys let's resume" she freed Patrick and pulled him by the cock onto the bed like a woman possessed. Quickly they began heavy petting and I sat there in fits of jealousy. He began kissing the freshly washed breasts that only twenty minutes ago we both creamed. He rubbed her body all over and started to whisper in her ear.
"No I can't..I'm married..please don't do this to us......yes I know your cock is much bigger than my husband but that doesn't mean he deserves the cage and you deserve my pussy"
Patrick looked over at me and is knew I was dead. He whispered again and Rebecca threw her head around to face me.
"OH MY GOD!!!, you couldn't get aroused the last day after you came but here you are just twenty minutes later with a stiffy when I'm on the bed with another man?"
"I guess you're right Patrick, I guess I did marry a cuckold"
Patrick began to rub my wife's pussy through her panties as she faced me. "Please hubby lose that erection or he's going to fuck me on this bed!"
He continued to run her and I could see her eyes wilt and give in. I too was giving in as my cock was getting harder not softer.
"Please hubby, tell your little boy to go down"
Patrick was now moving around her and getting in position to take her. He pulled the elastic of her panties to one side and pressed his large cock at her entrance. She was obviously soaking wet as I could see her already make small hip movements
"Hubby your cock is NOT going down. He's going to fuck meeeee. Please help meeee!!!!"
My cock was now at bursting point and everybody knew it.
Patrick began to slide his cock inside her as he whispered loud enough for me to hear " have it all. You're too sexy to not get done big cock on the side. He wants this as much as you do"
She took one more look at my tiny penis more erect that it's ever been before uttering the immortal words
"fuck me you big cocked stud. Fuck me in front of my little husband"
Posts: 105
Thanks for the comment. Made me carry on. Anybody else like the premise of the story?
Posts: 105
When the honeymoon ended, I hoped that Patrick would leave our life but since he lived in the same city and worked in the same industry as Rebecca, it proved impossible to ignore him. Rebecca in truth had no intention of doing so. She quickly made it clear to me that it was the cultural norm for her colleagues and peers to have cock caged husbands and large cocked lovers.
What sort of twisted universe did we live in now since cock cages became the norm. It was true. Women really were bitches. At least when men ruled the world and made most of the money, they played the happy family whilst relaxing with their secretaries on the side. Here women had climbed to the top and they really did want their cake and eat it. They wanted to have that doting dad(whether he ended up the biological dad or not) but they still couldn't resist the alpha male either who were typical dicks who only thought with them.
I wished Rebecca was not like that but in a frank heart to heart she admitted she was and it would actually look bad on her in the workplace if she didnt have both. I was her obedient husband. It was the role I was born to play.
Life was still good for me. In truth I enjoyed satisfying my wife be it in the kitchen, around the house or between her legs. Sex between us was still wonderful even if my imprimistered member begged for release. Once she came home in the evening from a hard days work. We had our little ritual. Candles were lit and her bath was ready. I kneeled on the mat whilst I removed her stockings. She said her feet were always *******ing her so I massaged them as I went. Next I helped her out of her work jacket and skirt. Then I carefully unbuttoned her blouse as we chatted about the day we each had. Next I removed her bra before dropping to me knees and sliding her panties down her legs. Always she faced away from me at this point and always I would kiss her derriere.
As she lay in the bath, the sound system would play her either some tunes or sometimes she liked to watch the news on our all in one entertainment system. I then put the finishing touches to dinner and set the table. I'd return as she was finished and again dropped to me knees and dried her by patting her gently all over with our soft towels. She'd head for the bedroom to throw on her jammies and return to the kitchen where I'd have a daily dish laid out and a glass of wine.
Her choice in television was awful as she indulged in every trashy show known to man. Her favourite was a prime time talk show hosted by this god awful black bitch who loved to empower her fellow women into being "all they can be". Women sat around a table and freely talked about sex, money, power and entertainment of the day. It was a real cheerleader to the ideals that all husbands should love their wives enough to "LOCK THAT COCK"
I hated that bitch but if my cock was free I'd love to stroke myself thinking about her saying really nasty cuckolds brownie to me. If she did talk nasty about sex it normally got Rebecca in a mood and it would normally result in my crawling between her and licking her to an orgasm. Sunday nights were my favourite as it meant I got unlocked. Once a month I got to actually have sex with my wife but she never seemed to enjoy it that much and just lay there whilst I god my treat for being such a good boy. Other times she loved to tease me and wanted to get me to cum without being touched. Often she'd sit on my face with my cock free and shout really nasty stuff about Patrick fucking her with his massive cock to see would my penis explode by itself.
It was her way of testing me, to see how I'd handle if she brought Patrick into our marital home. As she lay on top of me the profanities started.
"God I love controlling your tiny cock baby...I want to lock you up for longer just to see how horny you could get..hmm. What if I locked you up for two weeks next time or a month. How horny would your little boy get if I did that? Would it get as horny as when that big bad man with the big bad cock was fucking your sexy little wife?"
All the while I kept licking her labia whilst by cock bounced free in the air underneath.
"Would your little cock like it if you some a real cock entering this pussy?" I licked faster and faster hoping to bring her off and she could grab my cock which was now aching for her touch.
"Please grab my cock baby" I pleaded
"No no no. I want to cum first. I come first and I cum first...ALWAYS...your little boy is looking very red..Is he about to explode thinking about another man entering his wife? Because if it does I'm gonna have to ring that big bad man with his big cock to come over here next Sunday on your next release date...don't you dare cum just by thinking about it....hhhh"
I licked faster and faster and she reached her crescendo all the while my cock started to feel like a diamond cutter and I did indeed fear I was about to cum again without being touched
"ooooh baby yes I love your tongue so much. It really worships me...ohhh yessss I'm gonna cummm. Cum with me baby..cum all over yourself and I promise I'll ring Patrick for you and get him over here so you can watch him fuck me...I promise...I promise..AAAAAHHHH" she came and started to ride my face like a bucking bronco. I was in nirvana and felt it
Rope after rope of cum spewed from my penis
I had failed her test. She would be calling Patrick
Posts: 81
Posts: 504
Love this story really good work.
mark mark
Posts: 38
I for one love the premise of the story. You are a fine writer, very hot, I wish chastity was normal now.
Posts: 105
The week went as normal with nothing said between myself and Rebecca about the whole cumming all over myself at the mention of Patrick coming over next Sunday to take her in our marital bed. My stomach was in butterflies all week and I tried extra hard to concentrate on my work which was now only five hour working day but this gave me more time to prepare the house for Rebecca in the evening and she didn't even notice the financial hit. I did though and made me more dependent on my beautiful wife.
Sunday came and it was turning out to be a pretty normal day. Too normal in fact and my stomach was never easy, waiting for Rebecca to mention it. Half petrified that she would say he's coming over but half turned on about the thought of watching her scream and moan on that giant stick that dwarfed my own sorry excuse of a limp penis.
At 5pm she dropped the boom!!!
"Honey, go get a shower then run a bath for me, our visitor is coming over at 8pm!"
"wait a minute, you were serious? I thought that was just sex talk? Please Rebecca..Don't invite that asshole over here. He's a dirty creep... I know he's got a massive cock but...."
She lifted her hand to purse my lips "Now now baby..we both knew I'd need to take a lover, if he really is just a big giant dick why are you so bothered. Remember you are my husband. He is just a giant sex toy I can pick up and down when I want....and tonight I want to pick up that sex toy....Do you love me unconditionally" She grabbed my cock cage and she said that
"Yes" I mumred like a beaten man once again living under his wife's thumb.
I showered myself then bathed my wife with all her expensive fragrances and potions. She had me rub her body cream all over her body and her scent was captivating. I could have drowned in a sea of her fragrance. She just dressed on her dressing gown as she applied her makeup and ordered me to make sure the house was in pristine condition. Once I had gave the house the once over, Rebecca called me to the bedroom. She looked beautiful with a little curl at the front of her hazelnut hair and her makeup was immaculate. Laid out for me were my silk boxers and that was it. Then she dropped another boom on me.
"Baby close your eyes, now think of me in my sexiest lingerie....have you got something in mind?"
I had the outfit in my mind, I was a typical male and was a sucker for the lady in red "Ok hubby, now I want you to dress me in that..go to my panty drawer and pull it out"
I was flabbergasted. She wanted me to dress her up in my favourite lingerie for another man to fuck her in. A proper man would have stormed out but I wasn't a proper man. I don't think there are many of them left anymore now that most of us husbands don't have first right to our own penises. I slinked over to the drawer and sure enough I brought back her clothing.
"Good boy" she gave me a peck on my cheek, this actually made me feel good about the whole scenario for some reamister.
"Now darling lets get me dressed" When I stood still her eyes rolling to the silky knickers, bra and suspenders on the bed gave me no doubt.
I dropped to my accustomed position on my knees and allowed her to step into suspenders and knickers. Again she turned away from me pointing that ass that controlled every part of my body..my mind, my penis, my heart and my lips as I proceeded to kiss it and shower it from side to side. Oh why did I have to fall in love with this ass. Don't put false gods in front of our lord religion tries to teach us. Well in pagan society women were treated as goddesses. I wonder did they all crawl on their knees in pre Christianity and kiss the women's asses like I and many husbands do now. The biggest mystery would be why we allowed the time between now and then to take so long to get back to the point of women being rightfully seen as goddesses. All it took was some famous bastard to get caught cheating and a light bulb moment in womankind.
The doorbell rang at 8pm on the dot. Punctual fucker I guess. I went to the door and answered it in only my silk boxers but after the honeymoon I guess what's the point in modesty. He entered like the cock of the walk and strutted into my house like he owned the gaff. Prick.
I poured him a whiskey and my wife a wine and fired a large whiskey of my own into my quickly. Rebecca didn't hang about and was fondling his cock through his pants right from the start. He too was ogling my beautiful wife in her sexy lingerie and complementing her looks. A few more takes were fired in and silly chat was made as she started to get heavier on the petting front.
Patrick broke of her off as he reached into jacket pocket. Out he pulled tickets. "Listen guys I'm so happy you've called me back into your life" the fact he said plural made my head hurt, like I had any choice in the matter, well I suppose if I didnt cum all over myself on the premise of being a cuckold, I might not have been.
"I don't want to rush anything Rebecca but something's come up at work and I need to go to Paris in the next few weeks. I was supposed to go with another women but we're now through and I was hoping I could take you, there will be loads of bankers there at a big conference put on by BNP so it could be good for you career to network at this thing but listen no pressure"
She looked at me and I at her. I had to interject "Listen sweety I know it's a corny cliché but I always wanted to take you to Paris myself and have a romantic weekend vistnig the Eiffel Tower and walking down the Champs-Élysées. Please sweetheart, Paris the first time should be for us"
"Listen" interjected Patrick. "I really think this is a conference not to be missed for your career but I respect your husbands wishes that he wants to take you there first. Hope about this. We have a bet just life on the honeymoon. You can pick the challenge and if your husband wins, you guys get the tickets and I'll book a single myself for the conference. If I win, I get to take you for the conference and get to fuck you in Paris. I won't do any of the romantic stuff and you and your husband can come back to Paris another time and do that?"
"Deal" shouted my wife without any regard for my imput. I started to break out in a sweat. Paris..the bastard was trying to make her fall in love with and sweep her off her feet.
"So either way I'm going to Paris..Yippee" "Ok I've got it...last time hubby had trouble getting erect and Patrick won the cumming first competition so let's flip it on its head and the first permister to cum loses this time. I've already started with Patrick's big cock so it cannot be far away" She continued to stroke Patrick as she ordered him down to his boxers too. Nice to see her boss him too some of the time. I was still in my cage with that key dangling from her neck.
"Oh silly me hubby. You'll never cum in there..hahahhaa...Ok as soon as I unlock this cock it's game on. Hubby..I'll unlock the cage and you can take it out slowly whilst I give Patrick here a headstart" She winked at me
The key turned in the device and straight away Rebecca went to work on his cock. She licked the base all the way to the head and started to pump it with her right hand. I took my time removing the various little pieces but I couldn't help but look at my wife go to town in his cock and my brain quickly became over stimulated. She was solely concentrating on his engorged member trying her best to bring him off. "You big dicked mister of bitch..you wanna cum all over this married wife's face" eehhhh groaned Patrick "hey woman this is a race, give hubby a tug too"
I was now free from my shackles and Rebecca grabbed my little member that seemed to be shrinking every time I was released or maybe it was because I was beside this massive cock for comparimister. She continued to the volley to dirty talk but that only served to get me closer
"You're such a bad boy coming in here trying to cum on this mans wife and take her off to Paris to have your wicked way with...Do you cum on other mens wives in front of them"
I was gone. A week without release and now this chat sent me over the edge and I spewed like a fountain all over the floor just missing my beautiful wife.
Patrick leaned over and kissed her on the forehead "No darling..I just fuck you in front of your husband"
With that he picked her up in his arms and lifted her towards our bedroom. I trailed behind them a beaten man.
He dropped her at the edge of the bed and then fall back himself on my side of the bed. He motioned for her to continue sucking his dick. "Listen no hard feelings fella. I have serious control of my cock and I decide when its time to erupt not her. I could fuck for hours when I want. Its like a trigger inside my brain. Don't be too hard on yourself, you never stood a chance"
Rebecca continued to suck and slurp on his monster and my penis although having just came it yearned to get aroused and cum again. Patrick pulled my bride up spooned her from behind. Without pulling her panties down, her pulled them to the side and began to feed his monster cock inside her bit by bit. She motioned for me to kneel at the side of the bed and hold her hand.
She squeezed my hand and had a little bit of fear in her eyes and she tried to accommodate the length of his cock. Soon though her vagina got used to it and fear was replaced with pleasure.
"OOOH god he has such a great cock and boy does he know how to use it..better than any dildo on the market" cooed Rebecca
He fucked her and fucked her and she panted and screamed and called him every dirty name
"You big cock bastard" "Oh you evil snake" "Stop ,stop, stop pounding my innocent pussy" But he never stopped He continued his assault for an eternity. He flipped her on all fours, he made her straddle him. He did her missionary. All the while I kneeled at the edge of the bed and held her hand when she wanted it "Oh thank you hubby for being there for me..I love you so..so..so OHHH don't stop fucking me"
My cock had grown again and stood proudly all 4 and half inches out as this man impaled me wife
He looked at me and told her to resume sucking him off so he can get to the big finish. She motioned for me to crawl just below her and kiss her ass. If she was going to be a fuck toy to this big bastard, she wanted to gain some control and have somebody below her as well. Thats the pecking order in the corporate world I guess. And peck I did and kissed her all over whilst my erect cock was squashed into the mattress.
Eventually he said he was close but he wanted to cum inside her. Rebecca was all fucked out but he insisted she straddle him again. Like climbing to the top of high rise building staircase. Rebecca exhaustingly tried to pull herself back up on him. She motioned for me to help.
"Baby I can't do any more, please lift me up and down his cock" and thats just what I did. I crouched low and proceeded to put my hands underneath my wifes ass and legs and lifted her up and down, up and down on that big bastards cock.
he sat there all the while not moved like a smug prick as I tried to get him to cum inside me wife.
He put his hands behind his head and shouted "Hear he comes!!!!....AAAAAAAARRRGH" She was spent, I was exhausted but still had my little pecker red hard and he was satisfied, finally. "Ok cucky you can go get your little cage and we'll get your wife to put it back on..no cumming now, you already did that earlier so I think I should try and convince your wife to keep you inside until after Paris...what you think about that"
The Bastard!!
Posts: 105
that's it for now. Have a few places I want to take this story..Paris being one of them. Will next week before I'll get another chapter done if people like it. I'm no professional but its nice to get such great feedback
Posts: 5915
Great fantasy. Congratulations and great jon writing this.
mark mark
Posts: 38
excellent story, got me hooked, thank you
Posts: 39
wow, this is a REALLY good story! any plans on implementing a creampie theme in? 
Posts: 105
Rebecca agreed with Patrick & decided I was not going to cum until she returned from Paris. The anguish that lay ahead of me was near intolerable. I lasted ok at the start of the week but as Sunday loomed with no promise of release my hornyness grew to new heights.
Any contact Rebecca allowed me to have became my focus of pleasure. I threw myself into her pleasure more and more. Oral sex was one thing but I got off just making her happy and seemed to be super submissive to my wife, always obedient and always willing to do whatever she asked. That usually meant unsexual things like all the chores around the house. All unsexual bar the laundry which had caused me my greatest anguish. As I sorted the laundry out every day without fail every day as I sorted out the clothes my mind was really on her panties. I'd seek out her used knickers and put them to my face. There I stood in the back kitchen with her panties to my face trying to breathe in her aroma especially around the crotch area. Then I'd rub the panties against my balls and imprimistered member. It was a charade in truth that did me only harm. It was self inflicted teasing by me on me about my wife. Why did I do this?
Patrick informed us that he and my wife would fly out on Thursday and return Sunday. So without release that would be 14 days without my penis escaping its cage.
The Wednesday night before she left was different. Rebecca decided to cook for me and we enjoyed a lovely romantic meal followed by wine and chat in front of the fire. As we made our way to bed, Rebecca remarked she hadn't given my my desert. She asked me to give her two minutes in the bedroom alone and then I was to knock. Was she going to release me before she left? Excitedly I waited the prescribed time, knocked and entered. Rebecca was lying on her belly stretched out on the bed. Desert was in front of me. She had taken a can of sweet cream and had covered her ass in it and placed some fruit on top.
"Hey honey..look it's your fave desert...strawberries and cream"
Her ass to me was always white, sweet and creamy but tonight something to savour and by Christ I did. I licked her butt for it was worth licking every nook and cranny that had that creamy goodness. She let out the odd murmur but in truth this was her way of saying she loved me and was willing to let her husband have his desert and eat it. With my cock encased in its primister, licking the cream of her ass was electrifying my body and mind. God I loved Rebecca and her ass.
The next morning was tough. I hated to think of that brute not just fucking her in Paris but worse still romancing her. I packed her bags. I packed her business suits for the conference, all her products and accessories. I didn't however pack her any lingerie in the suit case. I couldn't bear to dress her up again for that prick.
He arrived at 11am in his fancy car. On entering the house once again he displayed that arrogant swagger. My wife entered the hall with her bags which I proceeded to take from her and he flicked open the boot from the porch.
Rebecca stood in the hall for me to say our goodbyes. Her face was one of sympathy. She cradled my face and told me she loved me and would miss me. I was welling up.
Patrick butted in. "Why don't you let your hubby say goodbye properly" he was winking.
She nodded sorrowfully "do you want to kiss my other cheek before we go? It's ok Patrick doesn't mind"
With that she turned from me and reached the hems of her skirt and pulled it up revealing her delicious derrière.
I dropped to my knees and clutched it like I would her face before an imminent kiss. I began to peck and worship her as that dick towered over me.
"Yeah " he sneered " kiss it..kiss your wife's ass goodbye"
With that he pulled her away and out the door. Gone. Off to Paris for work or as lovers?
I dropped to the floor, curled up into a ball and began to sob. Why do I deserve the life of a chastised cuckold?
Posts: 105
Technology hasn't really come that far in the last twenty years. Products have evolved rather than have been invented but I suppose the big thing was the level of sophistication of the entertainment unit.
All houses were now equipped with one device that did everything. You had a massive television that acted as TV, Internet, voice calls and then you had your small controller that acted as your mobile phone, money card and security system for your home. These two devices did pretty much everything and became essentials in the home. The quality of picture for video conferencing on your 50inch screen was incredible. It was like watching normal TV, had no delay and could be moved all over the house so you could start a conversation in the living room and easily move the conversation when you entered the kitchen.
Paris would show me just how real the quality of that video conferencing was.
Rebecca and I had exchanged e messages over Thursday and Friday afternoon but it wasn't until Friday evening her time that I could video her.
What happened next changed our lives forever.
I went to our bedroom TV to call her. When she answered she was on her hotel bed. Her hair looked messy and she was wearing a silky purple negligee. I didn't pack that for her.
She was biting her lip and frankly she looked a bit scared.
"What's wrong baby? Has Patrick done something to you?" Just then the dick appeared
"Well hello there LITTLE man! Your wife has been very naughty. You see she didn't come to Paris with many sexy clothes. All I found were cotton panties and cotton bras. I need a lot of red pumping to this big dick to get it hard and that cuckolds brownie just don't cut it. So little Rebecca went over my knee and took a severe spanking. Isn't that right little girl?"
Rebecca nodded
"Not to worry hubby, we took her credit card to some real designer boutiques and bought her about 1000 worth of sexy gear.....isn't that right bitch?" He grabbed her hair and asked her why
She looked away and tried to plead with her hands with him
"Why bitch" he repeated "So I can dress like a whore for my big cocked stud" she screamed under duress
"That's right bitch, now hubby she's all dresses up for some cock now don't you agree?"
"Listen if you hurt her, I'll ...."
"Sit down pecker dick now or she'll pay for any loose talk"
He climbed onto the bed behind her. She lay facing the TV on her side. He was now in the spooning position rubbing her pussy through her panties.
"Tell your husband what you want now"
She closed her eyes. She couldn't look at me as he continued to rub her pussy whilst I sat her thousands a miles away behind a TV screen.
She looked to be fighting it but eventually succumbed " I want you to pull my panties down and fuck me with your big massive cock whilst my little cocked husband watches on the TV"
"Pull your own panties down" when she duly obliged. He started to grab her breasts and nipples extremely hard from behind. I would have tickled and soothingly rubbed them but he was manhandling my wife.
I knew the moment his snakelike cock entered her as her eyes looked to be rolling in her head. Once he did he quickly established a rhythm and began to fuck her brains out.
I could do nothing. I couldn't even masterbate to this type if porn as there on glorious HD picture my wife was getting the shag of her life but not even in the same room. I miss nothing however and at one point I'm at the screen placing my fingers on the glass hoping I could touch her. All the while he is fucking her and belittling me and demanding my wife joins in.
"Tell little dick why you're my whore now? Tell him why I own your ass? Oh little hubby your wife has got a real addiction...it's called my cock. You're going to have to get used to her wanting to keep you caged whilst she fucks real men like me"
He grabbed her hair again just as she was at the point of orgasm
Patrick pulled out but as usual he was still rock hard. " I'm not letting you cum all the time without bringing me off Rebecca. Thankfully I know what to do"
With that he proceeds to lift Rebecca on all fours with her face looking directly at my screen. He grabs the tip of his cock and begins to rub it at the opening of her anus. Immediately she protests " no no no, it's too big, you'll hurt me too much, please Patrick no. I can see genuine fear in her eyes.
"no Patrick " I plead. " her beautiful ass is not for any mans penis. It's a thing of wonder and beauty. She has submitted her vagina willingly to you, don't **** her ass I plead with you!" I was like a small country begging a big bully nation not to invade
" what will you do for me little man if I spare her ass?"
"Anything" I pleaded
He pulled out and could see the instant face on Rebecca
"Fine, a package arrived today, you signed for it for Rebecca...go get it"
How the hell did he know that I wondered. I went down the hall retrieved and returned
"Open it and look inside. If you agree to wear what's inside I'll spare your brides butt for the foreseeable future. You are to be wearing that on our return on Sunday.Do we have a deal or is this bitch going to scream the night away?"
I looked inside the box defeated and nodded. I'd have done anything to save her ass being defiled by this pig including wearing that.
He took that as a sign of victory and proceeded to pump his cock in his hand. Rebecca was instructed to lay down underneath him so he could feed his balls into her mouth. What was he doing to my princess! He quickly started to moan and began to cum all over her.
The TV switched off and I was alone with my thoughts. Was she in danger, was she scared of him and would I really wear that on Sunday?"
Posts: 105
Sunday is fun day
The week went without incident. I never went near my sissy attire or make up and she never commented. She had her period Tuesday through Friday so really sexual contact was out and we lived the life or a normal boring couple. I of course was still going through her panties in the laundry and smelling her aroma and thinking about sex about oh every six seconds but bar that I was fine and really looking forward to Sunday night. Patrick was never talked about and from what I could gather was out of the picture.
Sunday evening came and I was like a kid at Christmas awaiting unwrapping my penis and sticking inside my wife. She came into the bedroom in one of her new Paris bought matching lingerie pieces. I could have stopped and thought about that prick fucking her in it and making her buy if for him to demean her but I was too horny for that. She crawled on the bed to me with that key bounching off her breasts as she moved to my crotch. She placed the key into the slot and turned it so slowly to draw out the suspense.
"Uuuh baby. I bet this little boy has been waiting to get outside to play for so long. How many weeks is it now since I let you out? Three whole weeks. Ohhh thats so cruel. I laid there not waiting to get overexcited and cum all over myself without being touched(again). She went to the drawer and removed some gels and condoms. I looked at her. We never wore condoms. She grabbed my throbbing penis and began to smear the gel all over my member. Soon it transpired what she was doing. It was a numbing cream. She then proceeded to wrap my penis in a condom and then put another condom over the top of that.
"I don't want you cumming too quickly baby. I want to enjoy this too." She then went back to the drawer and pulled out a black dildo. But it wasn't a normal dildo. It was hollow in the bottom . She started to put it on top of my penis and then I figured out what it was. It was a type of penis extension. It fit me well and extended my penis by a few inches. It still couldn't compete with Patrick but it looked a very respectable seven inches. She put another condom on the dildo and grabbed it firmly in her hand. I couldn't feel a thing
"sorry sweety, that bad man is no longer allowed to fuck your gorgeous queen and I really want to have sex with my attentive husband but I'm afraid after he's stretched me out I wouldn't be able to feel your little penis inside me anymore"
She climbed up to impale herself on my plastic penis and quickly I held her by her buttocks. She started to rock the pace up and down but even though I couldn't feel my own penis, the fake penis felt secure and I could fuck her with it and establish a rhythm. I bounced underneath her and started to work my fake penis in and out of her to her great pleasure.
"Fuck me you mister of a bitch...fuck me like the whore I am" I grabbed her and pulled her into me and worked my fake penis for all its worth. Even though I couldn't feel it the sweat began to drip as I pounded in and out of my wife. She was now in heaven and suddenly I felt like a stud myself fucking her for all I was worth. We banged away for as an eternity until she reached a crescendo and came on top of my plastic penis. She lay down on my chest and even though I didn't get myself off I had the widest smile on my face as I felt like a man again even if it was a little aided by the fact I had a penis extension attached. She was glowing on top of me and soon spotted my happiness.
"How as that baby..did you cume?" she asked " no baby but it was great to fuck you like a stud. I feel like a proper man again and it feels wonderful to be able to boss you like that other prick now and again"
Her face turned cold in an instant "Boss..I'm the boss here sunshine, you didn't even have a proper cock to fuck me with and I had had to get that contraption for you...HUH now go run my bath and put that lovely bvlgari fragrance in as well.
I scuffed off and did as I was told and suddenly didn't feel as manly again. She entered the bathroom once I was done and climbed straight in. It was a perfect temperature and the bath fragrance always made her smell so sweet and feminine.
"Ok Mister Man...come here" She motioned for me to climb into out giant bath with her. I thought here we go., she wants me to to bathe her and was happy to grab her luffah and begain to soap up her breasts. She responded and removed my plastic penis and tossed it aside. My normal little penis looked even smaller now but stood to attention. Was she going to make me cum on her in the bath? That would be fantastic. She started to clean me too with her luffah but suddenly I started to smell of the fragrance and knew I'd smell just like her. Why did she want to make me smell like a woman?
We finished the bath and I dried her in our traditional manner on my knees making sure to just blot very gently every area of her body with the soft towel. She wrapped another soft towel around me and proceeded to dry my back. She never did this before and as she dried around my penis region my cock ached to be touched.
Next she had me moisture her with the bvlgari moisturiser carefully before taking it in her hand and doing the same to me. Now I really smelt like a woman.
We walked hand in hand to the bedroom with my cock aching to erupt after three weeks in the cage.
Lying on the bed were two silk negligee nighties and matching panties. Also lying there was my pink wig " You need to remember that I didn't marry a big cocked dickhead who was going to show me whose boss with his big cock. I married you because you will love me, look after me and never question me or my motives. You will always my needs above your own and will take happiness that I can get pleasure from your tongue or hands or toys...or a cock outside the marriage. I have no interest in letting that little boy think he's bigger than he is and he should remember his place. Remember you are not the boss here. Forget that and your little boy won't get to cum every Sunday. Its been three weeks and I think it would be unhealthy at this time to deny you another week so we're going to let you cum but it will be my way.....now put on that wig and put on those panties and silk nightie."
I did as I was told and she got dressed in her matching outfit. If lesbian sex was the way I was going to cum tonight so be it. We embraced on the bed but she really was the dominant and acted more masculine kissing me on my perfumed neck. She asked me to turn around and we lay down in the spoon position
"remember that time I found out you had sensitive nipples?" she began to massage my nipples through the silk top. I started to get even more aroused and shuddered as I got lost in the pleasure. I pushed my bum into her and started to act more feminine. We'd reversed this role before but now it was like she was the man and I the woman and she was teasing my a cup breasts.
"Whose the boss?" "you are" "who likes having their little breasts played with?" "I do" I murmed "that doesn't sound like a manly man does it? ........Are you a little bitch on heat" I said nothing and just enjoyed her playing with my nipples "ARE YOU A LITTLE BITCH ON HEAT" "yes" i moaned "does my little bitch want me to play with her pussy?" "Yes" i cried "Yeah pussy because you don't have a cock do you...say it..say you have a pussy!" " I don't have a cock...i have a pussy" "yeah lets rub that little pussy" she put her hand in between my legs and I expected her to start to rub my hard cock in the panties but she ignored my actual schlong and concentrated on my balls. She massaged my balls through the silk panties. All the time she kissed my neck and told me what a little whore I was with my pussy "Whose your boss??" I replied she was "Who likes having her pussy played with?" Again I told her it was me "Cum for me..cum in your silky panties whilst I play with your pussy" She started to rub hard as my balls flicked all over the place in those panties. I grew closer and closer. I had lost all manliness now as she played me like the bitch I am. Suddenly I began to jerk violently as I reached the boiling point "thats it cum for your wife , cum for your boss...cum like a woman" Three weeks of semen spilled out the top of my penis and into the silk panties. I spilled out the side and onto the bedsheets. I was spent and now felt the shame of what I had subjected myself to just for that pleasure. Rebecca rolled over, turned off the light and fell arelax. I lay in the sticky panties and beside the cum covered bedsheets. Half an hour later when I heard her fast arelax. I pulled my penis out and started to think about all the crazy stuff Rebecca, Patrick and myself had done since we got married.
I came again all over the sheets. In for a penny, in for a pound and who knows when she'll allow me to relax without my cage again. I slept well after that
Posts: 105
Ok that's it for another week....at least. Any feedback greatly appreciated. Would be good to know if its helping any people get off
Posts: 9
Great Story ! Thanks ! s_s_o
Posts: 105
Whats the story with this place. Its removed chapters of this story and has done really weird edits of certain words
Posts: 13
I liked this story a lot. Did you continue it elsewhere?
Posts: 105
Thanks for that PapaBear411.
I was enjoying writing it but this place went all weird changing the words and deleting whole posts making the story not make sense. I started to write it on literotica but the feedback was pretty negative and I was falling foul of their grammar police so I gave up The hyperlink is visible to registered members only!