Posts: 38
From husband to Cuckold, all in one night, our story.
Suddenly the past comes screaming back to haunt me! My sexy little Hot wife and i have been married for 23 years now. About thirteen years ago she learned about a deep dark secret i had been hiding from everyone, including her. When i was 20 years old i did some really stupid stuff, partied ALOT, AND got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Soon enough i had a run in with the police. I was sentenced to 90 days in jail for possesion of weed ( mostly for having a poor attitude and keeping my mouth shut about my so called friends). Due to the way the system worked back then, and the over crowding, i found myself in a federal primister that was ment for long term guests.
I soon became the "Jail House Bitch"! I did some nasty things for my cell mate every night for 63 days, til i was let out early. I learned my lesmister, thats for sure ! Im never going back. I soon found a job that became a great career, met a great girl, and eventually married her at the age of 25. Ten years went by, life was good, that is until the past came screaming back !
My wife knew i had done a little time when i was young and foolish, but i had never told anyone about the things i had to do when i was inside. I simply wanted to forget about it, and i did, for the most part. That is until about thirteen years ago when guess who moves into our condo building ? Thats right, my cell mate Bob. I was horrified when i first seen him in the hallway. I allways looked the other way, kind of hid my face, so he never did recognised me, that is until my wife and I ran into him at the local pub.
He actually started talking to my wife first, hitting on her. I was trying to hide in the corner playing pool. I really didnt know what to do, or how to get my wife out of there. After about an hour, my wife introduced me to her new friend. A huge smile light up Bobs face. He recognised me for sure. He spent the next couple of hours telling my wife what a good Little Bitch i was for him, sucking him off every night, or taking it in the ass for him. My sweet innocent wife seemed to LOVE it ! She kept asking him all kinds of questions, as he went on and on. I just wanted to crawl under the table and die, i was so embarrased. I finally got my wife out of there and we went home.
At home, i just wanted to cry, but my wife was on fire ! She had a sparkle in her eyes as the questions kept coming. My darling wife was soon playing with her pussy as she interogated me. Eventually it all came out. I had never told a sole, i felt like such a wimp, but she was loving every minute of it. She wanted to know everything, right from the beginning.
On the first day i got transfered, i was put in Bob's cell. He was my age, and had been in for 5 years of and 8 years sentence. He seemed like a nice enough guy. I took the bottom bunk and was looking forward to getting some relax after a few long days that i had had. About five minutes after lights out, Bob jumped down from his bunk, stark naked, with a 7" hard on. He knew i was awake, but i pretended to be relaxing. He started stroking his cock till he shot his load across me, hitting the wall beside me. He then hopped back up to his bunk and went to relax. I on the other hand had another long night, along with the smell of his cum.
The next day, it was like nothing ever happened, that is until lights out. Again, a few minutes after the lights went out, there was Bob, stoking his cock, pointing straight at me. This time, my eyes were open, put i felt paralized, i couldnt move. I think he was aimimg for my face, but only one shot hit my cheek, and the rest hit the pillow beside me. Again, no words, he just hopped up to his bunk and went to relax. I layed there, wiping his cum from my cheek, and flipped my cum soaked pillow over and tried to relax, still trying to figure out what just happened.
You can all guess how this was going to turn out. On the third night, same routine, he stroked himself for a while, but this time he leaned in, grabbed me by the hair and pushed his cock up to my face. With on strong pull, his cock was in my mouth, but just for a few seconds. He pulled out of my mouth and with a few tugs on his cock, he shot his load on my face. He held me by the hair as i tried to turn away, but i got it on the lips, all over my cheek, and one shot in my ear. Again, no words, he hopped up to his bunk and went to relax.
Every night, same thing, it was on the fifth night he grabbed me by the hair and pushed his cock in my mouth as he was cumming. He then held my head with both hands so i couldnt get his cock out of my mouth. His cum was dripping out my mouth as i was trying to spit it out, but he just held me tighter. " Shallow it !" he commanded. I swallowed the best i could, at the same time gagging. He held me there for atleast a minute until i calmed down, the again, he just hopped up yo his bed. It took about two weeks of this before he had me actually sucking him off. He used to call me a "good little bitch" or "his dirty girl".
Looking back, I allways wondered how I let it all happen. There was no threat of violence, he never threatened me or anything like that. I wasnt a Wimp, i could have punched him in the balls that very first night. The only way to describe it is that he is a Real Man and i simply surrendered to him, i dont know why. Soon enough, after 63 days, i was let out early. I put it all behind me, i just wasnted to forget it ever happened, and did for the most part, that is until that fucking day, thirteen years ago, that it all came roaring back. As my wife squeezed every detail out of me, i felf so embarrased and humiliated, but all it did was turn her on. i didnt kmow what to do.
A few weeks later, were out for diner at the local pub, and sure enough Bob comes in. He kind of smiles and laughs as he see's us, as he pulls up a chair at our table. Bob and my wife spent the next few hours takeing and teasing me about what a Sissy i am and what a good little bitch i was. I felt my manhood slipping away as i watched her melting to his powerfull presence. I watched her surrendering to him, just as i did so my years ago. I dont think my wife invited him to come home with us, i dont even think he even asked. I just seemed natural. When it was closing time and we all got up to leave, the there of us just hopped in a taxi and went to our condo.
As we stood in the elevator, Bob and my wife locked in a deep pasionate kiss, i knew this was one of lifes milestones. Our marriage would never be the same. Bob took complete control of my wifes sexuality and my manhood in one night. I was a "Bitch" once again and would be for the rest of our lives.
That was thirteen years ago. I have to say that my wife and i couldnt be happier. I had a horrifying start, but adapted quickly, as did my wife. I'd do it all over again just to make her happy !
Happy 26th Aniversary Cindy I love you so much ! Brian
Posts: 3581
Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 88
I hope there is more of this store
Posts: 702
Never even told us wat she looked like reno
Posts: 274
What a great story!@
Posts: 38
......2 So what does my wife Cindy look like ? Well back 10 years ago she was the average attractive wife next door. We had been together for 3 years plus another 10 years of marriage. I guess all those years can take its toll on a good little wife. I'm not say she wasn't good looking, even at that time she was way out of my league. The BIG change came when she met Bob, my old cell mate. I obviously went from average husband to the Ultimate Cuckold level in a matter of weeks. Cindy quickly turned into a Slutty Hotwife just as fast. The change in her was remarkable. The heels got higher and higher, the shirts and dresses got shorter and shorter. Her tops got more and more revealing. She started dressing the way he wanted her to look. Her confidence grew quickly as my manhood slipped away. She lost about 30 Lbs that she somehow gained since our wedding. The psychological effect it had on her was amassing. She loved our new lifestyle and it showed ! After about a year, Bob wanted her to get a boob job, which I obviously had to pay for. Not that I'm complaining, it was worth it, just to see how her confidence grew. She quickly turned into the hottest Slut Wife that I could imagine. I get to worship my very own Porn Star every single day now ! That very first night, 10 years ago, Bob took my wife and my manhood all at once. When we got back to our condo that night, he just started kissing and making out with my wife like I wasn't even there. It was weird because it seemed so natural. Cindy just surrendered to him and melted in his arms. That was the first time she had been taken by a Real Man. Soon he had her on her knees sucking his huge cock. I was shocked to see her loving it so much. Over the years, she might occasionally suck my tiny little thing for a minute or two, but something was different the way she sucked his. It was like she was worshipping it. I sat there feeling completely useless as Bob finally acknowledged me and kind of laughed and smiled at me as Cindy kept sucking his cock. It was like she couldn't stop. It seemed like an eternity but my final offense came. Bob told me to get over there and hold my Cindy's hair while she worshipped his cock. I took my position kneeling beside my wife knowing full well what he was going to do to me. Yes, soon enough he grabbed me my the hair and shoved his cock in my mouth, right the there next to my wife. This only lasted a few seconds, long enough for my wife to see me sucking a cock. I remember the sparkle in her eye as she stroked my hair and held the base of his cock. They made a few jokes about what a good little cock sucker I was, they laughed and joked about it. I felt so humiliated having to do that in front of my wife. I had sucked that cock so many times when I was locked in that cell with him, but now my wife not only knew about it, she was kneeling beside me, seeing it for herself. Any sense I had of any manhood was now gone and I could see it in her eyes. I was shocked by the change in her. As I sucked Bobs cock, which I was far too familiar with, she aggressively pushed me away, saying that cock was hers. That was the first time she ever called me "bitch". I knew right then and there I was a Bitch all over again. They spent the rest of the night fucking their brains out, it was like I was invisible. Cindy had never been fucked so good in her life. My life as a husband was now over. I went to bed and left them alone, I just wanted to cry, it was such a horrible feeling. I didn't notice the little milestone that just happened either, but as it turned out, I would never get to fuck my wife ever again. I havn't felt the inside of the sexy pussy for ten years. The next morning Bob was gone and I found my wife arelax on the couch, completely ruined, hair a mess, makeup running down her face. She had a wild night. That afternoon and evening Cindy and I had "the talk" that all cuckold couple must have. Now she was explaining how thing are going to be and how she wants to see alot more of Bob. It had that condescending tone ( your not a man anymore) but it was civil, no arguing or anything, it's just how things are going to be now. The change in her, in just one night with Bob, was shocking. As our "talk" went on, we opened a couple of bottles of wine and for some reamister we both felt comfortable just talking about it. It all felt so natural. It was like two girlfriends talking. I felt a warm comforting feeling come over me. I was getting over the initial offense and felt a weird relief that my deep dark secret was out and my wife not only accepted it, she liked it. I was now on my way to being her Sissy Girl. Now when she calls me "bitch" or anything like that, it's in a very nice and loving way. When I was in jail, locked in the cell with Bob, everything thing seemed to happen naturally. Bob was an Alfa Male or Real Man and I simply submitted to him. At times I hated it but for some reamister I just accepted it. Eventually I began to jerk off while Bob used me as he wanted, so I learned to enjoy it somewhat, but still, after I got out, I wanted to forget about it. I still don't feel Gay, or even attracted to men, but there's a comforting feeling submitting to a Real Man. As our "talk" went on, Cindy also told me how she also felt the same feelings come over her, the way Bob just took what he wanted. She too loved being able to surrender to the will of a Man. We talked for hours. I really loved my wife before, but this took us to a whole new level of being in love. I knew, it's sounds corny but its the best way I can put it all into words. Soon we were kissing and caressing, falling deeper in love, it was an incredible night. I was so horny I couldn't wait to fuck her, I wanted her so much. After a few minutes, didn't the phone ring ! Cindy answered it with a short conversation. Yup, ahha, Ok, then she hung up. This huge smile came across her face and she had that new sparkle in her eyes as she told me that was Bob on the phone and he wants her to come up to his place right now........ I was left alone while she went up to Bobs apartment. I waited hours and hours but she never did come home that night. I went to bed alone for the first time jerking off imagining what my wife was doing with Bob. As I laid there with my own pool of cum smeared across myself, I soon fell arelax with a strange new feeling, I felt warm and happy 
Posts: 88
Keep going I love this.
Posts: 1404
amazing story
Posts: 184
Wow...if even 1/4 of this is true, it's a great tale of cuckoldry. All I imagine reading this is being a part of it. Well written!
Posts: 38
I can assure you all, this is all true and it's exactly how Cindy and I got started out in the lifestyle. We hadn't even heard the term "cuckold" or anything like that. We simply found our way along. My wife certainly enjoyed it a lot more than I did, that's for sure.
Looking back, I honestly hated being a Bitch in jail. I was ashamed and totally humiliated. The weird thing is that it happened so naturally. I simply fell into the role. To be honest, I did learn to like the submissiveness of it all. That's the part I did like. Bob needed his cock sucked or a warm ass to fuck, that's all there was to it, there wasn't much I could do about it. I simply surrendered.
A few times I was loaned out or traded with other Bitches. The way lock up worked, they did a head count, but never noticed who was in each cell. There was two other guys in there that had their own bitches, so they would trade us for the night.
After my first couple of weeks in there, the word was out, I was Bobs Bitch. I never had any problems with anyone else in there, there was never any threat of violence or anything. I really wasn't scared of anyone. It was just daily life in there. Once I got over the shame and offense, it just became routine. Everyone in there seemed to look at it the same way. There's Real Men and there's Bitches, that was simply the way it seemed in there. Once Bob had broken me and I submitted, it wasn't a big step to being loaned / traded to other guys.
For those that might ask, that only happened a few times. I think that Bob just wanted to prove, to himself and me, that he was in control and I'd do what ever he wanted. It was a power trip for him. He liked that he "owned me". As for me, the guys I was traded to were just the same as Bob. What can I say, I was locked in another cell with another Alfa male, you know what happened.
Anyway, that was life inside. Funny, after my wife found out about it all, life on the outside quickly became the same. It turned out, she loved every detail. She liked that I was a bitch, it seemed to turn her on. It turned out that she also loves Real Men like Bob too.
That first night she spent upstairs at Bobs place was life changing for both of us. She never did come home that night. I got up alone and had to go to work. I kept calling home about once an hour to see if she was home. I didn't have the balls to call Bobs place. She finally answered about 2 in the afternoon. A short conversation, she was home, tired, and had a great time. She did seem a bit overly confident though, which surprised me. I was expecting a shy apologetic wife, perhaps sorry or regretful, but no, there was no apology. I was surprised at the change in her.
I got home that evening and got the same attitude from her, happy, confident, and even condescending. I also noticed something else new, she had this new sexuality radiating from her too. Something had definitely changed in her !
As it turned out, Bob was away for a week after that first night she spent with him. Looking back, those days while Bob was away sealed my fate. It allowed Cindy and I the chance to have the "big talk" over the coarse of a week. She now knew what she wanted, a Real Man that knows how to take a woman, but she also loved me and really preferred that I take a Sissy Girlfriend role in our relationship. I was basically told that this is the way things are going to be from now on if we want or marriage to last.
I on the other hand was really reluctant, I didn't want to be a bitch again, but I also didn't want my marriage to end. I realized I wasn't going anywhere and that her needs and desires were what were important now. The tables were turning, and I found myself starting to submit to her, and starting to like it.
I had to admit to myself that part of me was turned on knowing Bob fucked her brains out, I liked the thought of her with another man, a Real Man. What surprised me, is that I was starting to enjoy the psychological aspect even more. I had lost any sense of manhood and for some strange reamister, I was liking it ?
Cindy knew it all now, I had sucked her new Lovers cock, swallowed all the cum he wanted to give me. I had bent for him and taking that huge cock in my ass, how i screamed into the pillow as he pumped his load into me. She knew how I just surrendered to him without a fight and that I even liked that part. She now knew what a tiny cock is and what a Real Cock feels like. She now knew a Man doesn't cum in a matter of minutes, a Real Man can fuck her properly. She now knew I wasn't a real man.
Knowing all this, she still loved me, and even loved the fact that my manhood was gone. The psychological part, in a strange way, was comforting. I also knew I wasn't a real man compared to Bob, and Cindy knew it, not only accepting it, but loving me even more.
We had lots of "new sex" that week, lots of oral and toys her her. She also found a new thing, she had me jerking off for her amusement, but I have never had my useless little cock inside that wonderful pussy ever again. It was never discussed but it was just assumed that her pussy was only for real cocks now. Both of us knew it was kinda pointless to try to fuck ever again, it was a new kind of sex from then on.
That week long talk brought everything out into the open, we were both happy, still in love, and ready for what ever the future would hold for us. Ya, life was a lot different when Bob got home the next week !
Posts: 184
Brian, if that is your real name...
This is an exciting tale and deserving of some attention. It's good that you've learned to adapt to and enjoy being bitch to your Wife and Bob.
Submission is admirable, because without it and that ability you'd just be broken.
Thank you for sharing, and allowing the rest of us to get hard at the thoughts.
Posts: 430
Something you don't mention. Did Cindy cross dress you in any way?
Posts: 38
FantMstr, feminization was a natural part of how our lifestyle evolved. I think every Cuck goes through a series of "firsts". We all remember the first time we had to suck a big cock in front of her, the first time you slip on a pair of panties. That first girlie nightie she bought you. The first time you left the house wearing a bra and panties under our clothes.
Some how I became her Girl Friend, all we seemed to talk about was Bob and how we were both starting to worship his overwhelming Manhood. I'd help her get ready everyday, I'd shave her legs, trim her pussy, paint her toe nails. I'd help pick out her lingerie or the perfect panties. It wasn't long before she wanted me to put them on. A couple of days later, my under wear drawer as now my panty drawer.
I was reluctant every step of the way. I resisted the best I could, but it was no use. Both her and Bob guided me along. Looking back, they both knew what they were going to turn me into. I desperately tried to hold onto any shred of masculinity or manhood I had left.
They mostly used praise and encouragement as way to feminize me. I was a "Good Gurl" or " looked so pretty in that". Sucking Bobs cock and worshiping him was always rewarded in some way. They made it feel the not only was it expected, but perfectly acceptable. Eventually I became a full time Sissy Girlfriend at home. It became comfortable and natural. I started to love getting their praise and approval.
They started out, early in our relationship, having me jerk off for their amusement, but it was always with encouragement and praise. That's what bitches do, jerk off, but as we sank deeper into the lifestyle, that wasn't enough for Cindy. That might be what bitches do, wack off, but not what Pretty Gurls do.
Soon my masculine way of master-bating was no longer acceptable. I was given a Hitachi Magic Wand to use to pleasure myself. I remember the overwhelming praise the first time I messed my panties with the vibrator, what a Good Gurl I was ! Again, all their guidance was done with praise, encouragement, and emotional reward. It all seemed so natural, we were all getting so comfortable the way things were evolving.
I was always Bobs Bitch, but I soon became Cindy's Sissy Gurl. She says she has everything she ever wanted, a lifelong girlfriend and all the Real Men to take care of her needs and desires. She got the perfect marriage !
After ten years now, since we started out, we couldn't be happier. Ya, I resisted it a lot in the beginning, but with help and encouragement, I quickly learned to love it. Looking back, if I got to do it all over again, I wouldn't do anything different. I really couldn't be happier the way our marriage turned out. I was almost a typical macho beer takeing, tailgating, average husband with a boring life, with a sad neglected wife. Life turned out so much better when I think about what our old kind of marriage was like.
Our the years, we both learned our way through all this. Bob moved on after a couple of years, new Men and Lovers have come and gone ( sorry for the pun ). We explored just about everything this kind of lifestyle can offer, and we did it together. It's been an incredible ride.
Posts: 179
Brian I was also jailed for a time and remember walking into the cellblock and seeing all those Black Men and that night going to the head and seeing white boys on their knees in front of them  mmmmmmmm and a Black asking me what I was doing well I mean what could I say but I soon found myself in a similar pose  aw well that's another story I guess
Posts: 3581
That's one hell of a story! It sounds like you're both enjoying the lifestyle and know your places. Cuck who loves a creampie.
Posts: 38
Hi whtcuckold
I also got to be a "Prom Queen", as they called it. I was cornered a couple of times in the showers. The first time Bob, my cell mate, pushed me into the group, or "Prom".
I think it was the power trip he enjoyed the most, seeing me suck off a group of four guys over the course of about an hour. When it was over, Bob made me walk in front of him back to our cell. The front on my yellow t shirt was soaked in cum as he proudly paraded me through the main cell block. Everyone cheered, laughed and whistled, shouting cat calls, and praising Bob for a job well done.
The other time I was caught off guard and cornered for an impromptu Prom. It started with three guys, but two more came along and decided they wanted a turn with me too.
That's when you get really really good at sucking Men off. It's not what you would think, I really wasn't enjoying it. After I swallowed a few big loads of cum, I started to get a stomach ache, I just wanted it to be over. I learned really fast to suck hard, tug and stroke all those cock, and get them to blow there loads as fast as I could. No one sucks better cock than a "Jail House Bitch". Sorry to all the HotWives out there, but it's true !
Perhaps we need a separate forum or a new topic started for all the other Bitches that have experienced doing a little time in jail
Posts: 179
Brian I myself didn't really mind being a kept "gurl"  if you know what I mean