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A date with the college boys.

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Jennifer Allen


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OK, here is my first attempt at a story, be kind.

Part 1.

I woke with a gasp, Doug had 2 fingers in my pussy and the thumb of his other hand on my clit and I was about to cum. But that couldn’t be true; he was standing in the bedroom doorway with a tray of breakfast.
Whose hands had those been and where had they gone? I wanted them back, I was so near an orgasm I needed to finish. Doug didn’t know, that was suddenly obvious, he would never deny me an orgasm. I swear mine were far more important to him than even his own. That wasn’t a situation I had particularly cultivated, it’s just the way it has always been, even right from the very first time we were together.

Doug brought the tray to me. Pancakes, my lover had brought me pancakes in bed. Doug sat the tray on the bed and began fluffing the pillows for behind my back. The breakfast looked delicious, pancakes with lots of maple syrup, coffee and orange juice. What a thoughtful and wonderful lover, how could anyone be so lucky. Left to my own devices, breakfast would have been at best a toaster waffle, but more than likely skipped entirely. On a normal weekday that’s the way it was. My husband would fix the coffee pot the night before and I would usually manage to turn it on all by myself and with coffee in hand off we would go off to face the day. I worked at a small college as an administrative assistant, and my husband was a farmer.

I shouldn’t have been here, not getting breakfast served to me by my lover. Instead I should have been taking care of my husband, treating him to anything and everything his heart could desire. Harvest had just ended; my husband had been putting in long long days. A few times he had worked 24 hours straight, maybe catching a short nap in the cab of a truck when he just couldn’t stay awake any longer. I felt guilty, him doing all that for us, and me laying here in bed naked, my lover bringing me breakfast, and knowing that shortly after breakfast my lover would take me in his arms and fuck me until I was exhausted and needed a nap myself. The only sunny spot in my poor husbands’ life was that his name was Doug and he was also my lover. And, that I fully intended to fuck him to just shy of needing to call him an ambulance.

Breakfast lasted only a few bites when syrup dripped onto my bare breast as I was taking a bite. My lover, with all his wonderful qualities, had forgotten to bring a napkin, but not to be fazed my husband spotted the small drop of syrup that had landed on my breast and was slowly sliding toward my nipple.

An hour and a half later, there wasn’t the smallest trace of syrup anywhere on my body. His tongue had covered every square centimeter of it just to be sure. Neither was there any trace of semen. The first load had been deposited in the back of my mouth and was a better breakfast in bed than ever the pancakes could have been. The second I had begged him to pump as deeply into my womb as he could possibly drive it. Fortunately he had denied me that, pulling out at the last fraction of a second and splashing what couldn’t have been any less than a half pint of his guy gravy from my clit to the nape of my neck. Of course that left as huge mess, and diligently, with loving erotic kindness, he cleaned that mess too, giving me countless orgasms in the process. Now, lying in the afterglow, no ambulance had been required and I had been both thoroughly fucked by my lover and tenderly loved by my husband. They were one in the same and I was indeed a very lucky woman.

“So we are still on with Dianne, Marcia and the guys tonight?” Doug ask.

“Yes, if you feel up to it,” I assured him “but if you are too tired we can postpone.”

“Not on your life” he said “I’ve been looking forward to it for over a week now. What would you like for supper?”

I thought. I knew he was still running on adrenalin, he had to be worn down. Doug is young, strong and virile. He is 28, now a hard working farmer who had just finished a busy harvest seamister. When I met him he was 22 and a collegiate wrestler. Before that day, I don’t think I knew there was such a thing as the organized sport of wrestling, let alone that a guy could go to college on a scholarship for such a thing. I thought wrestling was just something that took place between teenaged couples, most often in the back seat of a Toyota. But not so, here was a very handsome young man, 5’7”, 190 pounds, brown hair and eyes, and he was a scholastic wrestler. And yes, he had shown me both gymnasium moves as well as back seat moves. I usually let him win our matches, though he still thinks he won them outright. Since we’ve been married I think he’s starting to figure out that I might have been holding back early on in our relationship.

“Rib eyes and baked potatoes will do.” I told him. “I’ll make up the Jose Cuervo margarita ball full of takes; we’ll keep it really simple.”

“You’ll make up…” He teased.

“Hey I’ve got s*******s!” I remind him.

“Of course you do my sexy little slut darling, you are the most talented woman I know. But leave the food and beverages to me, and you concentrate on the entertainment. We all really appreciate your talents… but we also know you have limitations.” His teasing wasn’t undeserved.

“I have to make a run to town; do you want me to pick up things for you?” I ask him.

“That would be fantastic.” He thought and then gave me a list. Before he got through I realized I needed to write it down or I’d forget half. So I made him repeat while I made the list.

8 rib eye steaks, good baking potatoes, real butter, sour cream, 6 bottles of our favorite margarita mixer, 2 bottles of tequila, 2 six packs of beer, 2 bottles of good red wine, and finally a cheese cake from the Manhattan restaurant.

Doug ask if I was going to see Dianne and Marcia before they got to our house this afternoon. I told him yes, I was picking them up when I got to town and we were going to hit a couple stores together. He knew that meant that we were going shopping to supplement our wardrobe for the evening.

“I’ll be back before 3:00” I assured him “and the girls won’t be far behind me.” “Will that be enough time for everything; the guys are to arrive at 6:30?”

“That should be perfect.” He kissed my cheek and patted my butt as I left.

I went by and picked up Dianne and Marcia. I have always thought Dianne looked a lot like Lara Spencer from the Today show, a deliciously tall blonde who has just turned 40. Dianne and her husband divorced about 6 years ago and she has a teenage flower who lives with her. Marcia has beautiful shiny black hair, cut short it frames her beautiful face and dark eyes. She is 35 and teaches in the art department. Two years ago after a whirlwind romance Dianne and Marcia got married, to each other.

It was a very short engagement, about 3 weeks, followed by a weekend road trip to a neighboring state that allows same sex marriage. A bachelorette party, slash wedding night, slash honeymoon, attended by both Douglas and I ensued, and a more delicious couple you could not dream of meeting. Doug was best man, actually the only man, but had there been 99 others he would still have been best. I was maid of honor. The wedding night was a complicated series of carnal consummations, well deserving of review in another story, at another time.

Tonight Marcia and Dianne were coming to our house for a party. Doug would be acting as chef and butler and the other attendees would be two college boys from Doug’s’ former fraternity; Matt and Lewis, as well Matt’s little brother Mark, who is considering attending our university and is visiting his brother this weekend. Doug is an active alumni member of the fraternity and so being local, gets invited to attend almost all their functions (parties), and helps with projects etc. around the place.

It seems that in his alumni capacity, he has been very much encouraged to let his wife and any other female friends tag along to their parties. I’m not sure just who has taken fullest advantage of that, it seems everyone is has been very well satisfied with the arrangement however and I almost always accompany him. Since Marcia and Dianne have become such good friends of ours they have accompanied us several times as well. It sure seems the young frat boys miss their ladys while away at college, because we older ladies are always very very well received at the frat house. I’m sure if I knew how to bake cookies even more proposals would ensue. Boys love their ladys and lust after lady like figures it seems.

I ran by Dianne’s house, the one she and Marcia now shared, and picked them up. The girls were excited about the dinner and the party to follow. Marcia was talking about when she had been with Matt before. He had made her head spin, and most everything else tingle. She was looking forward to a repeat performance; we all were looking forward to the evening. This wasn’t the first time Matt and Lewis had been to our house with Dianne and Marcia. The previous times another fraternity brother named Dalton had been there as my date. Tonight that position belonged to Matt’s brother Mark, whom I have yet to meet.

I told the girls I had to run by the grocery store and pick up things for Doug to fix for supper and the party tonight. Dianne giggled like a college coed and ask if it was going to be a black tie affair.

“No,” I told her. “I think it be more black garter, than black tie.” We all had a good laugh.

“So what are you wearing?” She ask.

“You know I always have Doug pick my outfit for dates.” I reminded her, “We will have to see what he comes up with when he gets us ready. You still want him to help both of you, right?” I ask.

“Of course.” Dianne chimed in, “I am so looking forward to one of his warm oil massages. They just make my muscles melt.”

“They make all your inhibitions melt too.” Marcia added. “They turn my wife into a wanton sexual natural.”

“And you love that, you know you do.” Dianne replied.

Both Marcia and I agreed, when Dianne was in that mood, everyone around had fun.
I told the girls that I had promised Doug that I’d be home by 3:00 to leave him enough time to prep the steaks as well as take care of all our needs before the boys arrived. That didn’t leave us an over abundance of time to dawdle. We decided to drive through Burger King, for Whoppers, not because it was the best choice perhaps, but because collectively we had whoppers on the brain.

Marcia wanted to stop by Penney’s for panties. Not special ones for this evening, but just because she wanted some new ones, and let’s face it, shopping is fun. So we did that and her wardrobe is now much enhanced after the visit.

“Do you think we should call Doug and see if he has a theme in mind for tonight?” Dianne ask.

“Sure, it couldn’t hurt,” I replied, “and see if there is anything else he needs that he hasn’t called about.”

Dianne called and put him on the speaker so we could all hear. “Hi Baby”, she cooed.

“Oh, hi gorgeous” he replied.

“Hey, listen, 3 quick questions for you.”

“OK, fire away.”

“First, when are you going to divorce that slut of a wife you are married to, and marry ME?”

“Thursday, if I can still relax with her anytime I want.”

“Good answer, I’ll check my calendar. Second question, do you need anything that isn’t on the list you gave Cheri?”


“What kind of salt?”

“Salt to heal the wounds of my broken heart, after you stole Marcia right out of my bed. Also to rim margarita glasses with.”

“Check. Third question, what are we wearing tonight?”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.” Doug replied, and then added, “that’s a total lie, maybe barely covered would be more like it, but if you and Marcia pack a typical overnight bag for when you are coming out, you will be good.” “No that’s a lie too, there’s no way you will be good! Hell, just throw some fucking lingerie in a bag and get out here.”

“OK, fucking lingerie it is. Bye Studman.”

“Bye Cuckboy.” I added.

“Bye Dougie, see you soon.” Marcia chimed in.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


Posts: 199
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Love it!


Posts: 4050
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A wonderful start, I'm looking forward to more. It sounds like this is going to be a fun party.

Thank you

Al Bailey


Posts: 34
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This is pretty hot, a dinner party for six with a husband serving as the chef and butler. I love it.

I can't wait for more.



Posts: 1418
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An excellent start and cast of characters.


Jennifer Allen


Posts: 106
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I woke with a gasp, part 2

Dianne hung up the phone.

“You are such a lucky girl,” Dianne said. “Do you even know just how fucking lucky you are?”

“I am aware.” I told her.

Dianne went on to tell us about the nightmare of when she was married, and when her husband learned she was fooling around with a boy that was a senior in high school.

“Thank god I had learned a few of his secrets over the years; my attorney was able to dig up a whole bucketful of dirt on him. That not only made him keep what he knew about me quiet, but also got me a reamisterable settlement.”

It was 1:30 in the afternoon when I pulled into the parking lot of my favorite thrift store. At first the girls had made a lot of fun of me for loving to shop at the thrift store. Dianne had pointed at the car I drove, a Cadillac CTS-V. She’d seen what they cost. She had seen the farm equipment Doug used. She didn’t understand my obsession with $5.00 jeans and $3.00 skirts. I had tried to get by with explaining that I really rocked a pair of $5.00 jeans, but it didn’t seem to track with her when we obviously weren’t on welfare. Finally I’d been frank.

“If I go home and Doug rips the crotch out of a pair of $5.00 jeans, and fucks me till I can’t see straight, that’s a good thing wouldn’t you agree?”

“Of course!”

“Well what do you think would encourage that sort of behavior more, knowing he can do it anytime he wants and it only costs $5.00, or knowing he’s ruining a pair of $150.00 jeans every time?”

She became a thrift store fan on the spot, and on more than one occasion since has been known to point out to my loving, always got a hard on husband, that her ass looks great in $5.00 jeans. And, oh yes, he has! We both have!

So the thrift store hunt was on. Marcia scored first, three pair of ridiculously high heeled “stripper” shoes.

“Do you like these, Dianne?” she ask.

“You know I do, I can already imagine how great they will look on you. And how utterly fantastic they will feel when you dig them into my back!”

“Now if I could only learn to walk in them.”

In addition to the shoes, Marcia also got 2 skirts and a couple belts. Dianne found several pair of jeans, but after trying them all on only one pair made the cut. I also got a pair of jeans, both a denim skirt and a leather skirt and 6 pair of leggings that were new in the packages. All told we spent less than 40 bucks, I felt Dianne up in the dressing room while she was trying on the jeans and Marcia never has to touch those shoes to the floor to enjoy them. Not a bad way to ******* an hour.

We headed for the grocery store and together the 3 of us make quick work of Doug’s shopping list. Marcia ask why Doug had said 8 steaks, by her count there were only going to be seven of us tonight. I paused for a moment, wiggled my finger for her to come closer. She was certainly a close enough friend to know the truth.

“I’m sure the extra one is for a late night snack,” I whispered “pussy isn’t the only thing Doug likes leftovers of.”

She giggled.

It was time I got my happy fanny home. I dropped Marcia and Dianne back off at their place and headed home, they wouldn’t be more than a few minutes behind me. Doug was waiting when I pulled into the garage and together we carried things in. The beer went in the fridge in the garage, the wine in the cooler in the family room, we went ahead dumped the tequila and margarita mix in the serving ball, Doug had it already iced up. I washed up the potatoes for him while he seamistered the steaks and put them in the refrigerator.

“Shit, Doug, I forgot the cheese cake.” I told him.

I was already dialing Dianne to have her pick it up.

“Hey baby, where are you?” I ask as soon as she answered.

“We are pulling up at your garage door, why?”

“Because I’m and idiot, that’s why. I forgot the cheese cake.”

Both she and Marcia walked into the kitchen. Doorbells are for strangers, friends just walk in in the country. If you leave your door unlocked, it’s best to keep your pants on. Another country rule; lock your car during zucchini seamister. We hung up our phones.

“Do you want me to run back to town for a cheese cake?” she ask.

“Do you really think these guys are going to care?” Marcia interjected.

It was a good point. Doug probably loved cheese cake more than all the rest of us put together, but I seriously doubted even he would miss it tonight. Tomorrow we would get him 2 fricking cheese cakes if he wanted.

“Hey baby,” I said to Doug, “we all want a little massage after we have a bath, will you do that for us baby?” Six eyes fluttered in his direction.

“You know I will, I’ve been aching to my hands on Marcia’s gorgeous tits and Dianne’s wonderful ass ever since you left me horny and frustrated this morning.”

“Oh the poor baby,” Marcia played along, “I’ll bet he hasn’t gotten any pussy or even a blow job since his birthday. That was 6 months ago, and if I recall correctly Dianne and I had to come to his rescue back then too.”

“Cheri you really do have to take better care of him.” Dianne added to the situation.

Doug jumped on the opportunity to get on my case as well. “Yes Cheri, listen to your friends, I hate to have to call them every time I need a little loving.”

I had to call bull cuckolds brownie. “You don’t hate to ask either of my slutty friends for pussy or a blow job, you relish asking as much as they relish giving. And that’s a whole lot of fucking relish! More than can go on your wiener.”
“I have towels fresh out of the dryer waiting for you girls in the bathroom, If you all want to run on up. I’ll be right there to take care of those hard to reach spots.” Doug headed us toward the bath room.

Then, “like trying to herd a bunch of cats,” he commented.

Our shower will handle 2 very comfortably, 3 if everyone is friendly, 4 is a really tight fit but we made it work for a little while. More than anything, Doug’s cock got washed. It was undoubtedly as clean as 6 hands could get it. I’ll give the man his do, he got one hell of a combined hand job, and he didn’t spill a drop. He jumped out first, most likely in order to keep of cumming, dried off and had a nice warm towel waiting to wrap each of us in as we stepped out.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


Posts: 182
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Wonderful!! Story, beautifully written and a joy to read, please keep this up Jennifer.

I love it!!!

five inches


Posts: 64
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Great story!! I love it also!!


Posts: 819 Pictures: 11 
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Very nice. Sounds like a FUN party!
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Jennifer Allen


Posts: 106
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Thank you everyone for all the encouragement!
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


Posts: 4050
#11 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I'm enjoying this very much.


Jennifer Allen


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Part 3

Marcia was at our dresser smelling all the different oils and lotions.

“Doug, can I have a massage with this?” she asks, holding up a bottle. “It smells sinfully delicious.”

“Of course you may,” Doug replied, “it’s actually my favorite as well. I love the way it makes Cheri’s skin glow, it also works great with her own natural scent.”

“So is this the secret to why she is so delicious to go down on?”

“No silly,” I interject, “I was born delicious.”

“Time is slipping away.” Doug reminds us. “I’ve got to go get the potatoes in the oven and set the steaks out before I put them on the grill. Then I’ll be back and give you all a rub down.”

As he stepped out of the bedroom, I called after him. “Doug please pour us takes and I’ll come down and get them while you are working.”

I had an ulterior motive. I knew Doug was undoubtedly hoping for a group blowjob before our guests arrived. That sometimes happens as it allows his cock to go soft and makes it very easy to lock him in his cock cage, a wood grained CB 6000. That was not going to be the case tonight; Dianne, Marcia and I had already discussed it. A blowjob even this early in the evening, probably meant he would have one less erection and orgasm available to us later in the evening, and that just wasn’t going to be acceptable. I gave him a couple minutes to get his work started and then quickly cornered him in the kitchen. He knew instantly when he saw me walk into the kitchen in a robe.

“Oh cuckolds brownie,” he said, “hurry so we don’t have to ice it down to get it to go on.”

I quickly slipped the head cover on. That would do it, now his cock head couldn’t swell a great deal and getting the ring on behind his balls and locking the two pieces together would be much easier. Dianne and Marcia were giggling, watching from the door way.

“Dougie, you know how much we love you and Mr. Johnmister too, don’t you?” Dianne asks him.

Of course he knew that. He also knew that for some reamister this little temporary offense was a huge turn on to him. Enjoying something and being able to explain why you enjoy it doesn’t always follow, and we had all agreed a long time ago that explanations weren’t necessary. Accepting people, for who they are, with all their kinks, quirks, bumps and burses has been very important to Doug and I since we first met. Very thankfully all our friends seem to agree.

Doug got done what he needed to do, we all got our takes, and we went back upstairs to the bedroom to finish getting ready for the evening ahead. I suggested that Doug go ahead and get dressed just in case the rest of our guests were a few minutes early. That way he could go ahead and greet them while we finished getting ready.

Doug’s outfit/costume/uniform for these events is something we put together some time ago. It might seem a little unusual to some, but hey it works for us. It is a leather Roman gladiator skirt and leather strap chest harness. If he is going to cook outside it also includes sandals that lace up his calves, but tonight he was grilling in the kitchen so barefoot would be fine. The outfit started out as something suitable for a toga party at the fraternity, but has evolved into something not too appropriate for public wearing. The first skirt was a fake leather thing, a full circle coverage skirt of multiple panels. Liking it as well as we did, we upgraded to a much more realistic thing. It is real leather, multiple flaps of leather front and rear but open on the sides. It’s about mid calf length and hides his cock harness pretty well. The chest portion is just some leather straps and metal rings that form a vest of no particular purpose. The final touch is leather wrist gauntlets. The whole thing is wonderfully sexy in my opinion, it is really neither too submissive or dominate. That issue is left mostly to the viewers mind, although I believe in ancient times gladiators were mostly slaves.

When Doug was fully dressed, he got busy with our massages. We didn’t have much time so they were just quick rubdowns with the massage oil. They were nice, though so abbreviated as to hardly be stimulating at all. Damn it, sometimes things just don’t work out as you plan them in your head.

Doug still hadn’t told us how he was planning on dressing us for the evening and we were extremely anxious to learn. Doug went to the closet and pulled out two oversized football practice shirts. They were the nylon mesh type jerseys in our college colors.

“Try these on.” He said, handing one to Dianne and one to Marcia.

“Hey, what about me, Coach?” I ask, “I want to get into the game.”

“A great team needs a cheerleader.” Doug said, and handed me a cheerleader uniform that we had put together for a similar occasion several months earlier.

The skirt was inappropriately short, and the top was a color coordinated half bra. We had found pom poms at the Dollar store, but they were really cheesy. Dianne slipped on her jersey first; it was just about the perfect length, just barely covering her bottom. Well actually not covering anything because it was mesh, but it did hang to a perfect length. Without shoulder pads, which obviously she wasn’t wearing the neck was very large and therefore on her it hung off one or the other shoulder. Looking at herself in the full length mirror that is our closet doors, she said she liked it a lot, and thought so with the guys.

“My thought was a white thong to sort of simulate a jock strap, and some black mascara under your eyes,” Doug said.

“Also, Marcia, I thought you might want to try on my old letter jacket.” “Someplace we have some wonderful pictures of Cheri in nothing but it and some heels.”

Marcia wasn’t as tall as Dianne and the football jersey dress would be longer on her, about mid thigh probably. White thongs would be cute under the blue jerseys.

At that moment the doorbell rang.

“Madams, it would seem your guests have arrived a few minutes early. I cannot imagine why, but if I may beg your leave I will go and make them welcome,” Doug said, as he fell into his role.

“One moment Dougie.”

“Of course Ms Cheri."

I checked his cock cage, kissed his cheek and patting his ass, sent him on his way.

Though we were hurrying, it would take several minutes for Dianne, Marcia and I to finish dressing, get our makeup finished and make final preparations to receive our guests for the evening. Doug would have some time to ******* with the guys. That went unsaid as he left, but I was certain that he recognized the situation and would deal with it as best he could.

The doorbell rang again before he could get there. Doug opened the door, bowed to the 3 guys and said, “Good evening gentlemen, welcome to Ms Cheri’s, would you please come inside.” Once they were inside he closed the door behind them and continued in his role as butler.

“Gentlemen, your ladies will receive you shortly. Please, while you wait may I have an opportunity to welcome you more permisterally. Follow me, if you please.”

Doug led the boys inside and through the kitchen into the garage. Once there he spoke casually with them. He greeted Matt and Lewis and introduced himself to Mark. He told Mark that he was sure his brother and Lewis had filled him in pretty well on the type of games we liked to play, but if he had any questions, that now would be an excellent time to ask them. Mark didn’t at the time, and so Doug told him that if at any time he did have, he could simply call a “time out” and ask them. That it would be better to ask that to assume. Since this wasn’t Matt and Lewis’ first visit, I think we all felt pretty certain that Mark had been pretty well informed as to what he might expect.

Lewis took the lead to kind of sum things up.
“Doug is an Alpha chapter brother of ours. He is still very active with our chapter. But way beyond that, he is a friend. His wife is a friend, and frankly his friends are our friends. He is a great guy to say the very least. However, I think I can safely say, if any one of us were to get out of line, tonight or at any other time, he would take you down, break your leg, pick you up, carry you to the hospital, bring you flowers while you are there recovering, and then kick your ass once more for good measure when you get out. Isn’t that about right Doug?” He asks.

“No worries guys” Doug told them. “Remember what I’ve always told you when we’ve had any sort of a mixer. Make it an evening the ladies will never forget, and even more importantly, one they will never regret!”

Doug opened the garage refrigerator door, “There is some beer in here, there wasn’t room in the kitchen, and help yourself.”

After doing so, he led the 3 guys back into the living room and begged their pardon while he went back to the kitchen to work on dinner.

Well you know when 3 girls are getting ready for a date it takes them longer than most anyone could predict for them to finish, but finally we were ready. I picked up my cell phone and called the home phone. Dougie answered in the kitchen and I told him we were ready to make an entrance, to come to the bottom of the stairs and introduce us. Dianne came out first.

“Gentlemen.” Dougie called out, to get everyone’s attention when he saw her at the top of the stairs.

Dianne descended the stairs while 4 pair of eyes watched her every move.

“Gentlemen, my I present to you the beautiful Ms Dianne.” As she descended the stairs he continued, “Mr Mathew, I believe you will be accompanying Ms Dianne to dinner this evening.”

Marcia followed and now there were 5 pair of eyes…

“Gentlemen, the lovely Ms Marcia. Mr Lewis I believe that Ms Marcia is your date this evening.”
Finally, 7 sets of eyes watched me descend the stairs.

“Gentlemen, the wonderful and ever sexy Ms Cheri. Mr Mark my I present to you your hostess and date for the evening, Ms Cheri.

From there I took control of the situation. “Dougie, please return to the kitchen and prepare a delicious dinner for us while we all get acquainted. I will call you when we require you again.”

Doug bowed, replied “Of course Ms Cheri, as you wish”, and left the room.

Dianne had already directed Matt to a leather loveseat along the side of the living room. Matt was kissing her neck and his hands were roaming over her body. I looked at Marcia and nodded toward the large leather sofa. She smile and pulled Lewis in that direction.

My attention had been mostly on Mark since I had descended the stairs. He was a very handsome young man: dark wavy black hair in an old fashioned, almost pompadour style, seriously dark piercing eyes, he reminded me a bit of James Franco when he played James Dean in the movie. I took Marks hand in mine as he had yet to touch me, and directed him to a large leather chair opposite the love seat and beside the sofa. He sat down and I gently crawled onto his lap.

“Mark honey,” I whispered, “if anything happens this evening that you are uncomfortable with, will you please promise to tell me immediately? All of us are here for fun and if it isn’t fun for someone, we don’t want to go that way.”

He stammered a bit for an answer. “I promise I will…”

It was obvious he was still searching for a word or words.

“Cheri” I said, attempting to close his sentence. “I promise I will Cheri.”

“Or: Darling, Sweetheart, Sexy… I’ll answer to most any name you care to use. Later I might even answer to somewhat more adult terms, if you care to try them out.” I giggled.

He smiled, “nothing could be more appropriate at the moment than Sexy.”

“And obviously you’ve already learned that girls love flattery, may I ask if you’ve learned that they love kissing as well.”

I bent over and placed my lips on his. He responded and kissed me back. It was quite gentle and tender at first, but as my kiss became more physical, he followed right along. Soon both our tongues were involved and we explored each other’s mouths for several moments. His hands had also roamed; one was aggressively exploring my breast. I broke our kiss, but not his grasp on me. I held up my index finger to him, signaling him I needed just a moment, and I called “Dougie” in a loud voice. Then I went back to kissing Mark.

I heard Doug approach almost immediately, I know Mark did too as he tried to stop kissing. I wouldn’t let him, we continued to kiss. After a while I stopped and turned to Doug.

“Dougie, have you been standing there watching us?” I demanded.

“Oh no Ms Cheri, I would never.” He replied.

“Don’t you dare lie to me, you were standing there watching Mr. Mark and I kiss. You apologize immediately,” I demanded.

“I am so sorry Ms Cheri, I meant no disrespect. Please forgive me for my arrogance, “he begged.

“I will deal with you later Dougie. Now see if anyone needs a take and be quick about it.”

Doug went around and asks each and every permister about a fresh take. Some played along and were rather demanding with him. Marks eyes were wide during the whole exchange, which of course had been put on mostly for his benefit.

Doug returned shortly with a tray of takes and served them. As he was about to return to the kitchen, I stopped him.

“Dougie, when will you be serving our dinner?” I asked him. “Mark is getting a very nice hard on and I am really anxious to pull his cock out of his pants and give his a nice long blow job.”

“Ms Cheri, dinner will be ready to serve in 10 minutes, but if you wish I could delay it.” Doug said.

“No Dougie I do not wish to be rushed while I am enjoying a nice big cock. We will take our dinner in 10 minutes, and following that I will have Mark as my desert, since I understand you did not prepare us anything in that regard.”

“As you wish Ms Cheri,” Doug replied.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


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I am enjoying this story very much. Too often in cuckold stories the wife and her lover are cruel and heartless, while the cuckold husband is a pathetic wimp who spends his days hopelessly groveling at his aloof and uncaring mistresses feet. It's fun to read a story about people who actually love and care about each other and understand that they're just having fun playing kinky games.

Thank you



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Jennifer, you're doing a nice job!

It sounds like a story GH would have created.
Cuck who loves a creampie.


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Wow Jennifer

You have a HIT on your hands. I second the comments of GH and the flavor of your story is delicious!! Keep up the fantasic work and Thank You from us kinky couples

Jennifer Allen


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Minutes later Doug stepped into the living room.

“Dinner is served.” He said.

The round dining room table was set beautifully though he hadn’t used our best china or silver. We sat and Doug served us, the steaks he had cooked to a perfect medium because I didn’t want to waist a moment of the evening waiting while he grilled to individual tastes. We ate, laughed, and played under the table and a bit above it. As soon as he had served us all, he poured us each a glass of wine and then returned to the kitchen. I knew he had prepared himself a steak and would enjoy it along as we had ours. Dinner conversation was light; mostly about the boys’ classes, activities and things related to the university. Also, no one wanted to waist a lot of time talking, there were much more fun activities to get to when dinner was done.

When we were finish I called for Dougie and told him he could clear the table as soon as we were settled back in the living room and he had served us takes there. He did that and while he was serving us Dianne suggested they we watch a little bit of porn on the TV to get the party started on the right foot. I made Dougie load a couple porn sights on the computer and plug it into the television and then Marcia went over and chose a video and started it. She chose well, the video playing was about a cougar hotwife playing with her cub while her husband sat beside her on the sofa and watched.

On our own sofa, Dianne had Matts’ pants unzipped and had pulled his cock out. I directed Marks’ attention to them. Dianne loved to give blowjobs and I knew she would put on a show that he would enjoy. She knelt down on the floor between Matts’ legs, took his cock in her hands and gently began kissing the head. While she was doing that, I unzipped Marks pants. I pulled his cock through the opening and pulled my hand away for a moment leaving his cock bobbing in the air. I could tell that he was tense and nervous and so I whispered in his ear, asking what was wrong.

His eyes dropped toward the floor.

“What is it, tell me,” I asked him.

His eyes still cast downward, he whispered his answer. “I’m afraid I won’t be very good… and that I’ll cum very quickly.”

“Oh sweetie, I’d be very disappointed if you didn’t cum very quickly,” I told him. “I might get the idea you didn’t find me sexy.”

“That would be so not true; you are incredibly hot and sexy. This whole evening so far is unbelievable, and I am assuming it’s going to get even wilder.”

“Mark, almost every guy in your situation will cum quickly… they will cum quickly the first time. Then they will regain some composure, regain and erection and much more control over that erection.” I whispered this to him.
I knew that everyone else there was already aware that this was quite normal but I didn’t want to call any attention to Marks concern.

“Just watch with me for a while,” I told him, “if you feel near orgasm let me know.”

I didn’t touch his cock while we watched Dianne suck Matt off. It didn’t take her long at all; Matt stiffened and grabbed the back of her head. He was obviously cumming in her mouth. She held his cock in her mouth until he had finished, then she looked up at us, smiled and opened her mouth to show Matts’ cum. After she showed us she turned toward Lewis and Marcia. Marcia got up, stepped to Dianne and they kissed long and deep.

“She’s sharing Matts’ cum,” I told Mark.

“Holy crap,” was his comment, “are you kidding me?”

“Would you like it if I shared your cum in a kiss?” I ask him.

“You would do that?”

“If you would like it I would.”

“Would you like me to suck you off, and after you cum, watch me kiss Dougie?” “Do you want to see me kiss my husband and share a mouthful of your cum with him?”

“What!” “You would make your husband kiss you, and you’d spit my cum into his mouth when you did?”

I sensed that Mark wasn’t asking a question.

“This is way too freaky.” He said.

Mark got up. It happened so quickly I didn’t have time to respond, he just pushed passed me heading for the door. He was zipping up as he passed. In a couple seconds he was out the door.

“What just happened?” Dianne asked.

“I’m not sure, Mark got cold feet I guess.” I told her.

Doug came in from the kitchen. We all just looked around at each other and then all eyes settled on Matt. He felt the pressure of our looks, I know he did.

“Guess I should go talk to him.” He said, pulling up his pants.

Matt went out the door. No one moved, I know we all wanted to go look out the window but we didn’t. We sat tight. Time certainly passes slowly at times like these. It was about 5 minutes, but seemed like 20 or more when Matt stepped back in the door.

“Lewis,” he said, “you want to step out here for a minute.”

“Can we…” Doug started to ask.

“Matt just held up his hand pausing the rest of Dougs’ sentence, and then stepped back out the door. Lewis followed a few steps behind. Again the rest of us stayed put and waited.

It was a couple minutes later when Lewis stepped back through the door.

“I’m sorry,” he said, “we are going to have to go.” “This isn’t going to resolve its self tonight I don’t think.”

Lewis was just stuck in the middle we realized, and so we didn’t overwhelm him with questions, though we would have like to.

“We will talk to you all tomorrow, or as soon as we can.” He said as he started to close the door.

“Wait.” Doug called, “you’ve been takeing you shouldn’t drive.” “I’ll call the house and find some people to come get you.”

“I appreciate the concern Doug,” he said, “but I’ve had only 3 takes over the last couple hours, I’m fine to drive. Besides, I doubt you’d find anyone more sober at the frat house. I’ll be fine.”

Everyone looked at each and nodded in agreement. It was less than five miles over mostly country roads and no one had yet drank very much.

“OK, but either you or Matt text me after you get parked back at the house,” Doug told him.

“Will do, thanks, and sorry,” Lewis said as he turned and closed the door.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


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An interesting twist


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I agree, a nice twist.

Thank you



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So what will poor Doug do with all these horny women? I can't wait to find out.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut
Jennifer Allen


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It was a long 10 minutes before Doug got the text. The boys were back at the fraternity. It had been a tension filled few minutes.

There was at that point a community sigh of relief. Not that we were really that fearful that they weren’t in any shape to drive, but there was also the matter of the reamister for them leaving.

Dianne I think summed up all our feelings when she said, “Life, is a box of chocolates.” She instantly had to duck two pillows toss her direction.

Doug stepped into the kitchen and returned with 4 wine glasses woven between the fingers of his one hand and a wine bottle in the other.

“Ladies,” he said, speaking to Marcia and Dianne, “I intend to take my beautiful wife up the bedroom and attempt to fuck her silly, care to join us?”

Marcia and Dianne looked at each other.

“That sounds like a marvelous idea,” Dianne said, “but if you don’t mind us dirtying the sheets on a second bed, I’m going to do that exact same thing to my wife.”

“And I to mine.” Marcia added with a laugh.

Doug handed Marcia two glasses and the bottle of wine as Dianne was leading her to the stairs.
I grabbed the other two glasses from Dougs’ hand, set them on the coffee table and followed Dianne and Marcia up the stairs.

Goodnights were said in the hallway.

“Our door is always unlocked.” I stated, “just in case you relax walk or get up looking for a snack in the middle of the night.”

The lights were off but the room was lit by a combination of moon light and dusk to dawn light streaming in the window.

“My darling, we should have gotten you out of that cock harness some time ago, I’m so sorry about that,” I told Doug.

He laughed a little and said, “it really hadn’t been much of an issue since the incident occurred.”

I got the key and freed him from his plastic jail cell.

“I’m sorry for whatever part I played in what happened tonight.”

“I feel the same way, don’t think there is anything at all we can do about it tonight though,” Doug said. “My god you are beautiful and sexy, I can’t say I am at all sorry we are here alone right now.”

“I’m not sorry at all either, I love you so much. We really should spend more together time, just the two of us. I love my live, make that our lives I wouldn’t trade a moment of it for anything in the world”

I got the impression Doug thought I was talking too much. He covered my mouth with his; our tongues explored each other’s mouths. He pulled me closer, but there was no closer only tighter. His hands and arms held me and I wanted him to never release me. There was however a wedge growing between us. OK, it really wasn’t a wedge; it was just my husband’s cock. Don’t misunderstand when I say it was JUST his cock, I only mean it was what I expected and most certainly what I wanted. He released his grip on me and in world record time I was naked and laying in the middle of our bed. It took him forever to get naked, 5 maybe 10 seconds.

I needed him to climb on top of me and do just what he promised to do before we came up stairs; fuck me silly. He didn’t do that. Instead it took his time. His hands roamed my body, teasing my nipples, teasing my clitty. His mouth and tongue followed suit. I begged him to fuck me; maybe not out loud, I don’t know, my brain was certainly screaming it but I couldn’t hear what my mouth was saying. His mouth wasn’t saying anything, it couldn’t. He was trying to lick my belly button from the inside. He slipped two fingers into me and opened a pathway. The thumb of his other hand rubbed my clit as the rest of his hand pushed on my bare mound.

I heard the screams; they weren’t just in my head anymore, they had made their way out of my mouth. Doug had worked his magic, the magic he was well know among my closest friends for. I came and I came and I came more. I think he started to stop what he was doing at one point, but I grabbed the back of his head and made sure he didn’t. I hope I didn’t give him a concussion. I guess I could take him to the hospital later; when we are done.

I became aware of a noise other than my own screaming.

“What the fuck.”

It as someone pounding on the wall.

“Hey, could you hold the screaming down in there, we’re trying to fuck in here,” it was Dianne.

“Fuck you!”


I let Doug stop.

“My darling, there are not words to express how you make me feel.”

“If there were, I couldn’t hear them for the ringing in my ears. Next time I’m wearing a football helmet.”

“That’s fine as long as it doesn’t have a face mask.”

We both laughed and laughed.

Doug moved from between my legs to beside me and I laid my head on his shoulder. I rested a moment, but I was honestly afraid I might fall arelax. Doug deserved to get as good as he gave. My fingers found his cock. He was hard of course. I slowly have a fingernail from under his balls, up his shaft, to the tip of his head; again, and again. His body shivered each time I started and each time I finished. Maybe I wasn’t quite as tired as I had thought a few moments ago. Maybe I was just getting energy from his cock. Whichever; sometimes it’s best to just accept things and not try and figure them out.

The tip of his cock parted my lips, my tongue swirled around its head. It was hard, as hard as it got. At this point any spasms would indicate he was cuming. I took it slow, I wasn’t ready for his orgasm you. I sucked him, I deep throated him until my tongue could lick his balls. He needed to cum, I could sense that. I loved when he came in my mouth, but my pussy was demanding. Sometimes I just couldn’t deny it.

“Doug, please fuck me,” I begged. Out loud for sure this time.

“I’ll promise you a million blowjobs, but not now. Now PLEASE fuck me.”

He did. He started slowly. I knew he would. As bad as he wanted to cum, he wanted to delay it even more. It seems there comes a point where most men know they have control, at least for a while. He reached that point and then I got fucked, hard. Doug is a strong man. He used his strength. I knew when it was about to happen. It’s kind of funny, but his rhythm goes all to hell just before it happens. Doug isn’t usually a huge cummer, he doesn’t get a lot of time to rebuild his supply, but I swear I felt his cum splash against something deep inside me. OK, maybe that was all in my head. He came hard.

The next thing I knew the sun was streaming in our window. I was spooning with Doug; him in front, me in back. Dianne was spooning behind me and Marcia behind her. I have no idea when they arrived. I seem to remember Doug and I moving to the edge of the bed to get away from the wet spot. Who cares, it was a wonderful sunny morning.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!
Jennifer Allen


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After showers and breakfast Marcia and Dianne went home. Doug and I talked and decided to call Matt and see if there was something we could do to repair whatever damage may have occurred the previous evening. Matt said that he and Mark were planning a walk around the campus and then have lunch, and that maybe we could join them. The conversations they had had indicate that things had just moved too fast for Mark last night and he had become frightened of how fast they might continue to progress. We made arrangements to meet them at 10:30 and walk around the campus.

“I guess the cheerleader outfit might not be appropriate for this morning,” I teased Doug.

“Apparently not, I think it’s about 65 degrees, maybe with a jacket. I think I noticed a new pair of boots in your closet however that I would love to see more of.”

“The ivory ones you mean?”

“Indeed, are they new?”

“Not exactly.”

“Well get figure it out while I get the dishwasher loaded and we’ll be on our way.”

I ran upstairs and threw together an outfit. Doug, of course was done and waiting when I came down.

“Jesus Christ Cheri, we are going to be late again.”

“Why do you say that, we’ve got plenty of time,” I told Doug.

“No, not by the time I jack off and then go change my shorts.”

“So I take it you approve of the outfit.”

“You are apt to get tackled by the football team.”

“You’ve promised that before, but it hasn’t happened, yet.”

Matt and Mark were waiting outside the fraternity house when we arrived. So were a half dozen other guys who were tossing a football around on the front lawn. The football game came to a halt.

“Good morning Mark, Matt, thanks for letting us join you on a tour of campus.”

“Thanks Mr. and Mrs. New, I’m sorry about last night,” Mark said.

“Mark, it’s Doug and Cheri, not Mr. and Mrs. New, and last night is past and forgotten as far as we are concerned. Now which direction should go first?”

“Well I’ve shown Mark most of the athletic facilities already,” Matt said. “You work here Cheri, won’t you please lead the way.”

“Great idea,” Doug said, “Matt and I will just hang back a couple steps and enjoy the tour.”

“Putting yourselves in my hands are you gentlemen?”

We moved around campus; visited the sciences building, the library and the arts center, we were starting back on a second sweep across campus when we ran into Dr. McGregor, the college president.

“Well if it isn’t the News’, my favorite alums. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“Dr. McGregor, you know Matt, and this is his brother Mark who is thinking about joining us next year.”

“Of course, Matt. Nice to meet you Mark. I hope you like our little slice of heaven,” Dr. McGregor said, shaking both boys’ hands. “And Douglas, always a pleasure my friend.”

“I’m enjoying it very much Dr. McGregor,” Mark replied.

“Well I’m quite confident that if Cheri and Douglas are my recruitment team, we will be seeing you here as a student next fall. Would you all care to join me for lunch at the Student Union? Mrs. McGregor, Amanda, took our girls to a birthday party for one of their friends, and I’m left to fend for myself for lunch.”

Dr. McGregor didn’t really wait for an answer; he just assumed that since he had asked, we would join him. Of course he assumed correctly. He headed off toward the Student Union with the rest of us in tow. I quickly realized I couldn’t keep up; I took a couple of quick steps and grabbed his hand.

“Tony,” I realized my mistake immediately but thought correcting myself would call even more attention to it, “I can’t keep up, these boots weren’t make for jogging.”

“No I suppose they aren’t,” he said, “they are certainly lovely though, I believe Amanda has some similar.”

“No sir, actually, they are the same boots. She wanted to try them, and it turns out we wear the same size.”

“Dr. McGregor,” Doug came to my rescue
He paused, let Mark and I pass and joined Doug and Matt, allowing me to set the pace.

“The campus certainly is lovely this fall, Dr. McGregor,” Doug continued.

“I am afraid sometimes I don’t always take time to enjoy it’s beauty, thank you for calling it to my attention."

I thought I felt 3 pair of eyes feeling up my butt. Maybe I was mistaken, maybe it was wishful thinking.

Of course we ended up setting in the Presidents dining room. A room typically reserved for administrative meetings. Dr. McGregor spoke to the server before we sat and she came back to the table momentarily with the news that they could prepare a shrimp pasta dish or a Bimister steak sandwich. It wasn’t quite the same pizza and burger menu as in the regular dining room. The conversation was light; sports news, popular courses, etc.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


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That first segment make me sooo wet that I had to grab some tissue. Thank you.
Loving Wife, Mother, and Bryan's Slut


Posts: 4050
#23 · Edited by: goodhusband
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I agree with Donna. That first segment you posted was outstanding. Sex scenes are difficult to write. That's hard for people who have never tried to write a sex scene to comprehend, but it is true. They are difficult and you did an outstanding job.

I'm very curious about where you're going with the college president. This has the potential for some serious fun.

I'm sorry that it took me so long to respond. I haven't done much reading or writing during the past week. I lost a close canine friend. My thoughts were elsewhere.

Thank you for writing. Please give us more.



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for a first attempt at a story this is outstanding! Even GoodHusband agrees, and that's praise indeed! I love where this is heading, and I'm already assured that it will get even better. I'm looking forward to that I can assure you. Please don't be long before you post the next chapters. xxx


Posts: 1418
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Very interesting Jennifer. I am enjoying your story.


Posts: 152
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I am bumping this up so I will see it again when I have time to read it. Seems both hot and interesting.
Jennifer Allen


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I'm sorry I have let this go so long without returning to it. I promise to get more posted before too long. I'd welcome some general thoughts on future adventures of Cheri, Doug and their friends.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!
Jennifer Allen


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During lunch Tony did suggest that he and Amanda, and Doug and I look into spending a little time in the Bahamas in the late winter. We quickly agreed and in her absence appointed Amanda to schedule and plan the event.

Amanda and I had first met a few years ago when we were both enjoying a few days of fun at a spring break hotspot. We shared a couple of adventures and it turned out that only weeks later the college presidenency position came open, and Tony was not only interested but soon became a finalist for the position. At his interviews he showed a remarkable knowledge and understanding of the direction the board of governors were interested in taking the university. After accepting the position he and Amanda had become some of our closest, and most intimate friends.

During lunch Matt told us that he had afternoon plans and wouldn't be able to continue the tour with us. With that Doug suggested that he drop out also.

With a wink and a nod, Doug suggested, "You and Mark take all the time you need. We'll meet up later, maybe for a take."

"How about both you come by for a take later this evening, when Amanda is home?" Tony ask. "We can do a little vacation planning."

Doug and I agreed to do that, to meet back at the presidents residence later in the day. Upon leaving the dining room everyone went there own way.

"What else would you like to see around campus?" I ask Mark.

"I'd like to see some dorms," he said, "are they all coed?"

"Almost all are," I said with a laugh. "Except for a couple of places just for athletes."

"I guess you think it's funny that I ask about living in the same dorm or wing or floor with girls," he said.

"No, certainly not, college is a huge step of freedom, learning, and experimentation."

We walked through a couple of the larger dorms and I pointed out some of the common areas and we found a couple of residents willing to take a minute and show Mark their rooms. After that we were back near the fraternity house where Matt lived.

"Mark," I ask, "I know that won't be going home for a while, would you like to drive me home?"

"Yes I'd like that very much," he said, "if you are sure Doug won't mind."

"No," I said, "Doug and I understand eachother much better than you imagine. He will be expecting me to ask you that, and further more I'm quite certain he will be expecting you to take full advantage of the circumstances"

"You are sure of that?"

"Yes, I am absolutely certain of that."

"Here is my truck," he said.

It was one of those jacked up pickup trucks with big tires.

"Care to give me a boost," I ask him as he opened the passenger door for me.

He did that and I loved the feeling of his touch as he helped me in. When he got back around to his side and climbed in he found that I had slid over well into the middle of the seat. Way too many vehicles have bucket seats these days and don't allow for the seating, and yes laying options of bench seats. As soon as he was seated my hand went to the inside of his right thigh.

"Mark, are you comfortable with this?" I ask him.

"Hell yes, very comfortable for the moment," he said.

"For the moment?"

"Yes, until my cock gets so hard I need to straighten it out," he said.

I rubbed my hand across his cock. It was already very nice and hard.
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!
Jennifer Allen


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The drive took only a few minutes, there wasn't any conversation but there were some moans of pleasure during the trip. He put his arm around my shoulder and then I slipped down in the seat and put my head in his lap. I was anxious for his sensual touches. I can't explain the excitement I get from a first experience with a new playmate, particularly a young one. It is magic... it is electric... it's electric magic with sparks and fireworks... and orgasms. Lots and lots of orgasms! I was unzipping him when he pulled to a stop in front of our garage.

"Here or in the house?" I ask.

"In the house," he said, "it's difficult in the truck."

"Put it away and zip up," I told him. "I love getting it out of your pants and want to do that again."

He did as I told him, then he got out and held his hands up to help me out of his door. I slid out into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me back a couple steps that way and started toward the door.

"Wait," I said as I unwrapped my legs from his waist. "You don't have to carry me across and a threshold, that's already been done."

Once inside I closed the door behind us. "Bedroom," I said, taking his hand and leading the way.

The bed wasn't made, Doug and I had fucked in it earlier and it was as we had left it. Well, except for the wet spot, which had dried by now? I threw off the spread and top sheet and pushed Mark back onto the mattress. I quickly grabbed his shoes and removed them then climbed astraddle of him. Through both our jeans I could feel is cock with my pussy lips. The electricity was there. Setting on his lap as he lay on the bed I made small movements sliding my pussy up and down his cock. I peeled off my top, giving him free access to my boobs. His hands reached for them quickly. There were more sparks. No, it wasn't static electricity it was sexual electricity.

"Let me suck you off," I told him. "That way when we fuck you'll last much longer!"

"Jesus Christ, I hope so," he said. "I'm not a virgin, but I'm not exactly an expert at this."

"I've got an expert," I said, "now I just want a hard and eager young man."

I unzipped him again, crawled off his lap and pulled of his jeans and boxers. He pulled his shirt off over his head. Socks were all that remained and since I didn't think his feet would be getting cold this time, I removed those too. He sat up, reached for me and as soon as I was in his grasp he pulled me down on top of him. His hands started fumbling, trying to undo my jeans.

"Don't worry baby, my pussy will be yours soon enough, let me take the lead."


"Nothing at all to be sorry about just let me, so you how I like to fuck."

"Oh yes, please do."

I wrapped my hand around his cock and started kissing the head. He was nicely hung, not huge but average. His cock had a very pronounced mushroom head. I knew it was going to feel great inside my pussy. I sucked on the tip of his cock, then licked my lips. Mark was watching intently.

"Has a girl sucked your cock before?"

"Yes a couple times."

"You liked it?"

"Hell yes, but I came too soon."

"It's a beautiful cock, college girls are going to love your cock," I told him.

I sucked his head into my mouth a couple of times then paused to let him relax just a little. He would have certainly cum if I had sucked him just a couple more times before pausing. We went on like that for a few minutes, then I told him I was going to keep going and make him cum in my mouth. I told him to either lay back and enjoy or to set up and watch, whichever he wanted, but to let me have control of the situation.

"OK," he said.

I got a nice tight two handed grip on his cock and started sucking its head. In a couple moments I felt him stiffen, I didn't stop. I gripped him tighter and sucked him harder. He stiffened more and I continued. I squeezed his shaft tight enough that I knew he couldn't squirt until I let him. I didn't do that instantly.

"Jesus fucking christ!" he screamed.

I loosened my grip and sucked his entire shaft into my mouth. His head hit the back of my throat and I swallowed.

"Oh fuck," he screamed, "you fucking bitch!"

"Was that good for you?" I ask with a laugh when I finally backed his cock out of my mouth.

"Oh yes," he said out of breath. "But I'm sorry I called you a fucking bitch." "It was just so amazing I lost my head."

I laughed. "Mark," I said, "at the moment you screamed, I was your fucking bitch and it was far from an insult for you to point that out."
If you aren't having fun, you aren't doing it right!


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Jennifer, this is so fucking Hot! Don't leave it so long till the next chapter, please!
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A date with the college boys.
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